Navigating To: The Tyler Student System. 9 ... Internet Explorer Favorites: Easy
Navigation To The Tyler System. 10 ...... Print Manual Entry Roster. 5. Grid View.
Tyler Student Information System
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Navigating To: The Tyler Student System Tyler Student System: Training Tyler Student System: Sample Tyler Student System: Live Internet Explorer Favorites: Easy Navigation To The Tyler System Internet Explorer Favorites: Add A Shortcut To The Favorite Bar Creating A Desktop Shortcut
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Logging In Internet Explorer: Compatibility Mode Password Retrieval Accounts Logging Out Logging In: Teachers With Multiple School Sites Change School / Log In Site Change Default Login Site/School
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COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS FOR HOME & WORK System Requirements & Troubleshooting
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PRINTING Printing Grades & Attendance
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TYLER FAVORITES Add a Tyler Favorite Remove Tyler Favorites Sort Tyler Favorites EXERCISE: ADD A TYLER FAVORITE
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ATTENDANCE Attendance Recommendations Who Will Take Attendance? Who Will NOT Take Attendance? Elementary Schools Secondary Schools Front Office (Attendance Changes/Edits)
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SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Incorrectly Enrolled OR Marked Students Absences And Tardies Class Roster Issues School Attendance: After The First Day Of School School Attendance: Elementary School First Period Attendance How To Mark Elementary Attendance Perfect Attendance School Attendance: Secondary School Every Period Attendance How To Mark Secondary Attendance Perfect Attendance Attendance: Additional Features
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THE STUDENT DATA GRID Work With Multiple Schools Work With One School Working With The Student Data Grid Student Data Grid Creation Process Student Lists: Active Enrolled Data Grid: Record Counts Data Grid: Additional Columns/Customization Sort Order & Page Breaks TEMPLATES (Re-usable Data Grid With Pre-Selected Preferences) Pre-Loaded Templates Templates: Using Pre-Loaded Create a Template (Re-usable Data Grid With Pre-Selected Preferences) Data Grid: Change The Default Grid
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from the Windows Start Menu (Windows XP)
(Windows 7)
OR a Desktop Shortcut
2. There are three versions of the Tyler SIS (Student Information System) IMPORTANT NOTE: In Internet Explorer open separate windows, not separate tabs to work in more than one version at the same time. Working in multiple tabs can cause information bleed between the versions
• Training site is to learn and practice. Data is not live • Training data is brought over from the Live system every Sunday • Use your User Name and Password to log in to Training
• Sample site is where you go to see example student data provided by Tyler • Log In As Administrator: Use User Name: SDMADMIN and Password: SISK12 • Log In As Teacher: User Name: JIMMAT and Password: (no password needed, leave blank)
• Live is where you go to make real changes to the Student System • Use your User Name and Password to log in to Live Kansas City Public Schools
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Example: Tyler SIS Log In Screen
INTERNET EXPLORER FAVORITES: EASY NAVIGATION TO THE TYLER SYSTEM Access The Tyler System Through The Internet Explorer Favorites Menu 1. Open Internet Explorer 2. Navigate To: Favorites Menu or Click
> KCPS Links > SIS Links > SIS or SIS Training
3. Click on SIS to choose the Live System or SIS Training to select the practice system
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INTERNET EXPLORER FAVORITES: ADD A SHORTCUT TO THE FAVORITE BAR 1. Open Internet Explorer 2. Navigate to the Tyler SIS Live, SIS Training or SIS Sample site 3. Select the Favorites Menu 4. Click Add To Favorites Bar (The Web Address is added to the Favorites Bar) 5. Right Click on Favorite to rename the link
6. Click OK
The link is renamed and permanently added to the Favorites Bar
CREATING A DESKTOP SHORTCUT You can create a desktop shortcut to the SIS 4. From the desktop, go to the web browser and type in the URL address to connect 5. Right-click on the Login screen 6. On the menu that pops up right or left click on Create Shortcut 7. Click YES on the pop up box to create the shortcut
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EXERCISE: CREATE A FAVORITE ON THE FAVORITE BAR & A DESKTOP SHORTCUT 1. Create a desktop shortcut to the Tyler SIS 2. Create a favorite to the Tyler SIS on the Internet Explorer Favorites Bar
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LOGGING IN • User Names = First initial of your first name + your last name (these are the same as your KCMSD Computer/Network login) Example: First Name – Lori
Last Name – Garnos
User Name: lgarnos
• Passwords – are the first initial of your first name + first initial of your last name + the last 4 digits of your social security number Example: First Name – Lori
Last Name – Garnos
Password: lg####
• Once you type the user name and password in the appropriate boxes click the Login Button • Note Case Sensitivity: User Names and Passwords are NOT case sensitive
INTERNET EXPLORER: COMPATIBILITY MODE Depending on the version of Internet Explorer that you are using, you might receive a compatibility error when you attempt to log in to the Tyler Student Information System. Sometimes the website you’re visiting doesn't look right. It shows up as a jumble of out-of-place menus, images, and text boxes. The site might have been designed for an earlier version of Internet Explorer. If Internet Explorer recognizes that the webpage isn't compatible, you'll see the Compatibility View button on the Address bar. Try clicking it. In Compatibility View, websites will be displayed as if you were viewing them in a previous version of Internet Explorer, which will often correct display problems. To enable Compatibility View for Tyler SIS: 1. Access the program by where XX is your district’s two-character SIS code 2. The Compatibility View icon will appear to the right of the Address Bar as a torn sheet of paper 3. Click on the Compatibility View icon
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PASSWORD RETRIEVAL If you forget your password the SIS system can e-mail it to your district account
ACCOUNTS Each customer account is generated based on their title in the Human Resources system. Each title is given access to specific areas and features of the SIS system Note: All positions share the same security access based on title. All teachers have the exact same security access to the Tyler Student System.
LOGGING OUT 1. For security purposes after 20 minutes of inactivity the system will log you off 2. Before logging you off a pop up box will notify and allow you to stay logged in if you click ok
3. Please Note: If the system logs you off, any unsaved work will be lost. This pop up screen will appear until you attempt to log back in to the system to work. If it was more than 20 minutes when you click OK you will have to log back in to the system
4. To log off of the system, select the Logout button at the top right hand corner of the screen 5. WARNING: Never walk away from your computer while logged in to the system. Either logout or lock your desktop by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del and selecting Lock Computer
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Logging In: Teachers With Multiple School Sites
1. Teachers that travel between school locations will need to select which school they wish to work with upon logging in 2. One school will be set as the default login school To access attendance and grades for each school, the teacher will need to change school sites in the student information system. 1. Once logged in to the student information system the teacher’s default school will appear on the home screen
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CHANGE SCHOOL / LOG IN SITE To change from the default school to another school: 1. From the Home Screen navigate to: Actions Menu > My Log In Site Year 2. The Change Login Site- Year screen will appear displaying all of the school that a teacher is assigned to 3. To choose a different school / login site to work with double click on the school code in the 1213 (School Year) column
Click on the school code and year to change locations 4. This will bring you back to the home screen where the school bar will have changed to reflect your selection
CHANGE DEFAULT LOGIN SITE/SCHOOL To change the default school so that each time a teacher logs in they see the school of their choosing: 1. Click the check box beside Make selected Site-Year the default for My Log In 2. Click the school code in the school year column that you wish to set as the default
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EXERCISE: LOG IN 1. Log in to the Tyler System TEST 2. Teachers use your own User ID and Password 3. If You Are Unable To Log In a. Generic Account: There will be generic teacher accounts available, please request one from the instructor b. At The End Of Class: Please complete and turn in the Tyler Account Form on the following page so that your account may be setup or reset as needed
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PERSONAL INFORMATION First Name Last Name Employee # E-mail Address Work Phone # Title Location (School, Building and or Dept)
I could not log on The User ID I typed in was The Password I typed in was My account permissions are incorrect
Additional Notes TYLER LIVE I could not log on The User ID I typed in was The Password I typed in was My account permissions are incorrect
Additional Notes Favorites Menu
I did not have SIS listed in Favorites
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SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS & TROUBLESHOOTING Requirements for PCs (Helpful Information For Logging In At Home) Tyler SIS in general is compatible with the following browsers • PC with IE7, IE8, or IE9. Use Compatibility View with IE8 and IE9 • PC and Mac with Firefox versions 3-11 • Mac with Safari 5.0 If you use the Tyler Special Education Solution with a Mac, then you must use Safari 5.0. Safari 5.1 is not compatible with Adobe Reader New SpEd also requires either the free Adobe Reader or full Acrobat version 9 (9.3.2 or later) or version X 10.1.2 or later. 10.1 and 10.1.1 introduce an issue that affects performance on the New Special Education module, so users of 10.1 should be sure to have at least 10.1.2 Screen Resolution For PC and Mac, we recommend 1280 x 768 wide screen resolution, especially for new SpEd. Resolution below 1024 x 768 is not supported. To check your resolution setting, go to: Start > Control Panel > Display > Settings tab Enabling Compatibility View In IE8 And IE9 Compatibility View is handled on a per-domain basis. When it has been enabled for Tyler SIS on the home screen, it will be enabled throughout the application To Enable Compatibility View For Tyler Sis: 1. Access the Tyler SIS web site 2. Turn on Compatibility View via one of the following: 3. The Compatibility View icon will appear to the right of the Address Bar as a torn sheet of paper
From the menu, select Tools → Compatibility View. The menu item should have a checkmark to indicate it is enabled. The left picture below shows the IE8 menu, the right shows the IE9 menu
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HELP The Help Icon is always found on the left side of the screen 1. To use the system Help, click on the Help Icon 2. The Help Screen Appears 3. To search for a specific item: a. Click in the search for box b. Type the name of the subject area that you are interested in learning more about i. Example: Grades c. Click Submit d. Your search results will display 4. Topics may also be selected directly from the displayed folder list 5. Once a link has been click on the information will display on the right side of the screen
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1. Open Help 2. Search for Attendance > Attendance Marking By Student
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Instructions For Windows 7 Computers If your computer has this Start Button icon in the lower left hand side of the screen, you are on Windows 7 To Install A Networked Copier/Printer: 1) Click the Start button > Devices and Printers 2) If the printer you wish to use is not listed, click Add a Printer to launch the Add Printer Wizard 3) Click Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer 4) Click The printer that I want wasn’t listed 5) Select Find a printer in the directory, based on location or feature 6)
Click Next
7) Type the first few letters of the school or department name that you are searching for in the Printer Name field and /or click Find Now 8) If a large list of results appears in the Search Results field, click on the column title Name to alphabetize the printer objects listed Look for these attributes: a. Locate the school/department name where the device is located b. Locate the room or physical location where the device is located c. Notice the characteristic of the device such as printer, MFP (multi-function printer), scanner or fax 9) Click on the desired printer name to select it 10) Click OK a. If you have authorization to print to this printer, the device will install the drivers automatically and place the printer in the Printer Page b. If you are not authorized to print to this device, you will receive a message that access is denied. Contact the Principal or manager to get permission to use the device. Have the Principal or manager e-mail the Help Desk authorizing your access and submit a work order form. IT then add the printer/copier for you 11) If the device was successfully installed, click Next 12) Leave the box checked to add this device as the default printer 13) Click Print a test page to ensure that printing to the newly installed device is successful a. If successful a message that the page was sent to the printer will appear and a bubble message in the SysTray will indicates that the job is in the output tray 14) Click Finish
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Instructions for Windows XP Computers
If your computer has the Start Button icon in the lower left hand side of the screen, you are on Windows XP:
To Install A Networked Copier/Printer: •
Click the Start button > Printers and Faxes
Click Add a Printer
Click Next > Add a network printer , or a printer attached to another computer
Click Next > Find a printer in the Directory
Click Next
In the Printer Name field, type the first few letters of the school or department and click Find now o
If a large list of results appears in the Search Results field, click on the column title Name to alphabetize the printer objects listed
Click the desired printer name to select it o
If you have authorization to print to this printer, the device will install the drivers automatically and place the printer in the Printer Page
If you are not authorized to print to this device, you will receive a message that access is denied. Contact the Principal or manager to get permission to use the device. Have the Principal or manager e-mail the Help Desk authorizing your access and submit a work order form. IT then add the printer/copier for you
Click OK
If you want to make it your default printer (recommended), confirm that option is checked then click Next
Click Finish.
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THE BULLETIN SCREEN Once you have successfully logged in to the Tyler SIS, the first screen that appears is the Bulletin screen Here you will receive both district and school news regarding the SIS
1. Click the Done button to continue past the Bulletin screen to the Home Screen
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THE HOME SCREEN Home Button Brings you back to this screen from anywhere in the program
Print Screen
School, Year, Date, Semester, Term & Period
Tells you which version of the Tyler SIS you are working in
Sort By Subject, Title & Period
Show = View Today, Semester, Terms Student Roster ALL classes Classes
If Show or Sort are changed, click Update Display to update the screen
Student Roster Single Class Homework
Class Attendance
Grade Book Attendance Taken or Not Taken
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THE HOME SCREEN: BUTTONS & NAVIGATION Returns the page to the Home Screen
Test Scores
Print Current Screen
Profile Discipline, Activities, Honors and Awards, A+
Help Menu Display information for the screen you are currently on, but you can navigate to any section of help once in. Help documents are frequently updated and display a date beside them when information has been updated.
Displays the Student Medical Data Maintenance screen for a selected student.
Contact Summary Information
Displays lunch account information for a selected student
Family Data Screens
Fines and Fees
Student User-Defined Data
Special Services Documents
Parent / Student Contact Log
View: Click this icon to access the data listed in the particular row.
Send Email to a student and/or parents, teachers, counselors, and advisors associated with the student.
Expand or condense all areas of the screen.
Enrollment To Sites
Expand view.
Course Assignments (Schedules)
Collapse view.
Displays Current Day Attendance for a selected class or student.
Search-Click to start a new search.
Displays Attendance History, including current day, for a selected student.
Edit the data listed in the particular row (if you have appropriate permissions).
Displays a student’s current term grades or progress report grades for all classes or all grades for a selected class.
Delete a row/record.
Displays a student’s current locker information.
Add a data row under the selected area.
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(Use With Caution!)
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Displays the report card grades and progress report grades for a student.
Provides a calendar from which you can pick a particular date.
Displays the transcript grades for all high school courses or non high school courses.
Family or Faculty/Staff maintenance
Click this button to save data and return to the previous screen.
Allows you to edit information on a screen (if you have appropriate permissions).
Allows you to save changes and continue working on the current screen. Apply, Apply, Apply: An important piece of information about using the Tyler SIS application. You must save information often as you type. Click the Apply button to save as you work on any screen. Also click the Apply button to save information before moving to another screen.
Cancels current changes and remains on the current screen or returns to the previous screen.
Search: Find by searching all students in the district-wide master database.
Search: Find by searching students enrolled in the selected site year.
Search: Find a student by using the data grid function.
Search: After highlighting one or more database entries in a returned search list, this button provides details on selected entries.
This button is used to add additional information. For example, a student/employee record or to add additional codes, etc.
Lists functions specific to your current screen area.
Search & Navigation
Search & Navigation
Go to the next person in the selection.
Search & Navigation
Go to the previous person in the selection.
Search & Navigation
Go to the last person in the selection.
Search & Navigation
Go to the first person in the selection.
Press F11 to enlarge your screen. Press it again to undo. DO NOT use the Back button in your browser in the SIS
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Red asterisk indicates a required field. Refreshes the screen
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Favorites may be created to obtain quick access to various SISK12 functions or additional web pages
Favorites display in two areas: in the Favorites section on the Staff Home screen and in the Favorites drop-down list on any screen
To use Favorites, click the favorite hyperlink to jump to a SISK12 function or website: From the Staff Home screen
From the Favorites drop-down list
ADD A TYLER FAVORITE 1. Go to the Action Menu > Favorites
2. The editing screen appears
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3. On the left-hand side of the screen is the list of Selected Favorites. a. (These favorites will display in both of your Favorites areas) 4. On the right-hand side of the screen is the Available Favorites that you may choose from 5. Under the Available Favorites, select the item you wish to add by left clicking on it one time. The item will highlight to show it is selected 6. Left click the Selected Favorites.
button one time. The selection will now display on the left side of the screen under
7. Left click one time on the
Left click
to add all existing favorites to your Selected Favorites list
Left click
to remove all existing favorites to your Selected Favorites list
Remember to click
when you are finished making your selections to save your work
REMOVE TYLER FAVORITES a. Under the Selected Favorites, select the one that you wish to remove by left clicking on it one time. The item will highlight to show that it is selected b. Left click the
c. Left click one time on the
button one time. The selection will return to the Available Favorites
SORT TYLER FAVORITES d. Left click on a favorite in your Selected Favorites list to select it e. Left click on the
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buttons to change the display order
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EXERCISE: ADD A TYLER FAVORITE 1. From the Home Screen 2. Actions Menu > Favorites 3. Add the Custom URL:
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We strongly recommend that teachers take attendance in the first 30 minutes of class. An official district wide attendance policy is forthcoming
WHO WILL TAKE ATTENDANCE? 1. Teachers 2. The Front Office
WHO WILL NOT TAKE ATTENDANCE? Elementary Support Teachers (Art, PE, Music, Computers, Library)
Attendance is only taken for the home room The office will make any changes to attendance after the teacher has taken their initial morning attendance
Attendance is taken every period of the day
Changes to attendance that has been marked and submitted must be made by the front office Attendance marks made by the front office are not editable
THE PARENT PORTAL Tyler SIS is equipped with both a student and parent portal. The portals allow parents and students to access school, class, and student information. • • •
Assignments, Attendance and Discipline will appear on the parent portal Any parent may apply for a portal account. Teachers need to be aware that data is live and happens in real time. Active parents will want to know why attendance isn’t being marked, grades are missing etc. The more detailed you are in your information: Assignments, Attendance, Comments, Discipline and Grades, the better
Posting attendance to the portal will be activated after the first quarter Posting of grades to the portal will be activated after the first semester
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The PRESENT Mark is unique to the first time a student attends class Students will not be marked Present again during the year The Present mark is the last step in the enrollment process and fully enrolls a student in to the school
1. VERIFY THE ATTENDANCE DATE in the screen heading
2. SELECT your preferred way of viewing the classes in the MY CLASSES area:
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• •
SHOW: Change the class view by clicking on the down arrow next to show View By: Semester 1, Semester 2, Trm (quarter) 1, 2, 3, or 4
SORT: You can change your class view by clicking on the down arrow next to show
Once the selections are made click the Update Display button to update the view
3. NAVIGATE TO THE ATTENDANCE SCREEN • Click the Blue Chair next to the class and period you wish to take attendance for
4. VIEW STUDENT PICTURES The teacher can opt to see student photos beside the student name when taking attendance • Click the check box next to: Show Student Photos to turn this feature on Screen Without Student Photos
Screen With Student Photos
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5. On the class screen, note that the line beside each student is marked in green • The color green is associated with the projected status, meaning that the student is projected (admitted) to the school but not yet enrolled
6. Click in the correct period column for the class (P1 – P7), this column heading will be orange/gold 7. Click the drop down box that appears and select the number 1 (1st day to attend ) to mark the student present 8. Click Apply
9. The student line turns gray once they are marked present and the student is now officially enrolled at the school
10. Review your attendance 11. Click Done when complete
INCORRECTLY ENROLLED OR MARKED STUDENTS Must be reported to the front office for repair
ABSENCES AND TARDIES Are not recorded the first attendance day in the Elementary classes. In the Secondary classes, once a student has been enrolled (gray), the rest of the teachers proceed with the regular attendance mark of A or T
CLASS ROSTER ISSUES Report issues with rosters to the school’s Master Scheduler Examples: • Students that present for class but do not appear on roster • Students in incorrect classes
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1. Present a. Whenever a student comes to class for the very first time they are marked Present (1) if their record is the color green b. The first day of class for a student is the only time the Present mark is used
2. Absence & Tardy a. Absence and Tardy are the attendance marks that are used by teachers the rest of the year
3. Student’s Coming & Going During The School Day a. The office staff verifies absences and deals with students signing in and out during the day.
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SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL First Period Attendance Elementary schools only take attendance in the first period of the day in the homeroom class section How To Mark Elementary Attendance 1. Log in to Tyler
2. From the Home Screen select the Attendance Icon (the blue chair attendance for
) next to the class that you wish to mark
3. The Attendance screen loads
4. Locate the student in the list that you wish to mark attendance for 5. On the student line, click in the Period 1 Column 6. Click the drop down box at the top of the screen to select the attendance mark you wish to give 7. Select 1, A, or T as is appropriate 8. Click the Mark All Day button The student is marked for all periods of the day Kansas City Public Schools
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9. Click in the Comment field and type any comments about the attendance mark if they are needed
10. Repeat this process and mark attendance for all necessary students 11. Click the Apply Button 12. Click the Done or the Home Button to return to the Home Screen
Perfect Attendance Use the Perfect Attendance Button if ALL students are present and accounted for, this will demonstrate that attendance was taken for the day even though no students were marked present, absent or tardy 1. Click The Perfect Attendance Today Button 2. A warning will appear stating: This Will Mark The Class As Perfect For Today. Continue? 3. Click OK Selecting OK will close the roster and save the data
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EVERY PERIOD ATTENDANCE Secondary schools take attendance every period of the day
2) From the Home Screen select the Attendance Icon (the blue chair attendance for
) next to the class that you wish to mark
3) The Attendance screen loads
4) Locate the student in the list that you wish to mark attendance for 5) On the student line, click in the correct Class Period 6) Select 1, A, or T as is appropriate
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7) The student’s attendance is marked
8) Click in the Comment field and type any comments about the attendance mark if they are needed
9) Repeat this process and mark attendance for all necessary students 10) Click the Apply Button 11) Click the Done or the Home Button to return to the Home Screen
PERFECT ATTENDANCE Use the Perfect Attendance Button if ALL students are present and accounted for, this will demonstrate that attendance was taken for the day even though no students were marked present, absent or tardy 4. Click The Perfect Attendance Today Button 5. A warning will appear stating: This Will Mark The Class As Perfect For Today. Continue? 6. Click OK Selecting OK will close the roster and save the data
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ATTENDANCE: ADDITIONAL FEATURES 1. View student pictures beside their names by clicking the Show Student Photos Check Box
Jump to the grade book for this class by clicking the Grade Book Icon (See the Grade Book section of this handout for further information)
2. Create A Photo Seating Chart for this class by clicking the seating chart icon (See the Seating Chart section of this handout for further information) 3. Create A Discipline Referral for a student in this class by clicking the student’s name on the line to select the student and then clicking the discipline referral icon or by going to the Actions Menu and selecting Create New Discipline Referral for Highlighted Student 4. Printing To print a paper attendance roster: a. Click the Actions Menu Select Print Photo Roster OR b. Print Manual Entry Roster
5. Grid View When there are more students than can be viewed on a single page, page numbers appear at the bottom right hand corner of the screen and you must click on them to continue to the next page. The Grid View gives you the choice of adding a scroll bar to the browser and viewing the students on one continuous page. a. Click the Actions Menu b. Navigate to Grid View > Select Scroll In Grid or Print Friendly (when in print friendly view attendance can not be taken) c. If printing, click the Print icon at the top of the screen. 6. View Student Information a. View the attendance screen without the student photo option marked b. Click the student contact summary icon next to the student’s name to display address, parent, phone
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EXERCISE: TAKE ATTENDANCE ON A CLASS 1. From the Home Screen 2. Select the Attendance icon beside the class that you wish to mark 3. Mark each child with one of the following options: a. 1 = First Day b. A = Absent c. T = Tardy 4. Click Done
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1. From the Attendance Screen click on the Seating Chart button
2. The Seating Chart Screen Appears
3. Click the Actions Menu 4. Click Clear Seating Chart 5. Students appear on the left side of the screen 6. Select how many rows and columns of seats are in your room Kansas City Public Schools
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7. Click the Reset Seating Chart Button 8. The Seating Grid appears
9. Click in the first cell 10. Click on student you want in Row 1, Seat A 11. Click the Place student in cell button 12. The student is moved to the grid 13. Repeat until all students are placed
14. Click Apply when complete 15. From The Actions Menu: Print The Chart or Unseat A Single Student Kansas City Public Schools
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EXERCISE: CREATE A SEATING CHART 1. Click the Seating Chart Button 2. Set the chart to be 5 rows with 5 seats 3. Create a row of all girl students 4. Create a row of all male students 5. Click the Done Button to save and exit
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1. Navigate to the Discipline Referral Screen • View Maintain > Discipline Referral OR • Click on Discipline Referral on The Favorites List 2. Click the New Referral Button
3. Search for the student that you wish to enter a Discipline Referral for • Search by: Last Name, First Name, Student ID # or SSN# • Click the Search Selected Site Button to search
4. The Student List Appears
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5. Click the blue arrow next to the student’s name to select the student 6. The Discipline Referral Form Appears, complete the form
7. Date: Enter the date of the incident 8. Time: Enter the time of the incident 9. Indicent Description: Describe the incident 10. Spell Check: Spell check the description 11. Code: Select the Disicipline code from the drop down list 12. Incident Sub Code: Select the incident sub code from the drop down list 13. Funcitional Motivation: Select the functional motivation code from the drop down list 14. Room/Bus#: Enter the room or bus number where the incident occurred
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15. Teacher: Teacher’s names will automatically load in to this field, if it is the teacher logged in and entering the referral. Administrators may select the teacher from a list by using the select button. 16. Any Corrective Action Prior To The Referral: Check this box if action had been taken before this referral 17. Next: Click the next button when the form is complete 18. The Note is added 19. The Referral can remain with the teacher only as a record or be submitted to the Discipline Office 20. To Send To The Disicipline Office: • Select Course • Check the I desire to be present box if desired • Complete the My Avaliable Periods field • Click the Send to Discipline Office Button
21. Once the note is sent the following screen will display • Select New Note – to add notes • Select Return to Teacher • Select Done when complete
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Select a student
Create the following Discipline Referral
Date Occurred: 8/23/2012
Time: 12:00 PM
Incident Description: Student started betting pool in the cafeteria. $300.00 was confiscated
Code: GAMB – Gambling
Click Next
Click Sent To Discipline Office
Click Done
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THE STUDENT DATA GRID The Data Gird is a flexible spreadsheet tool that allows you to gather student information into rows and columns. You have full control of design, layout, and content sequence. With the Data Grid, an endless number of student data reports can be created. Note: A maximum of 60 fields can be displayed on the Student Data Grid.
Work With Multiple Schools In order to work with multiple schools or a group of schools you must have the appropriate security allocated to your account. If you need additional security for this purpose please contact the Help Desk by e-mail
[email protected] or by phone at 418-7888.
Work With One School Employees assigned to a particular school automatically log in to their school site when they log in to the student system. By default they will work with the school they are assigned to.
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WORKING WITH THE STUDENT DATA GRID Student Data Grid Creation Process 1. Navigate to View / Maintain > Student Data Grid
Favorites > Student Data Grid
OR From the Home Screen
2. The Student Data Grid Appears
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3. The Student Data Grid Toolbar includes the following buttons:
Get All Active Enrollments
Get All By Homeroom Teacher
Add 1+ Students by Name/ID Select
Select Columns To Display
Sort Order & Page Breaks
Grid Options
Student Selection Criteria Rows
Programs & Services Criteria
1. Click the Active Enrollment button to get a list of all active students at a school; this produces a list of names by grade level Example – Simple Student List
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DATA GRID: RECORD COUNTS When the list of all Active Students displays a count of the total number of students in your list. One of the print options within the Data Grid allows you to include record counts in your printed reports.
DATA GRID: ADDITIONAL COLUMNS/CUSTOMIZATION 2. Add Additional Columns of information that you would liked to see listed with each student by clicking the Select Columns to Display button. 3. The following screen displays:
4. Click on any field in the right column to select it 5. Click the left arrow in the middle of the screen to move the selection to the left column (up to 60 fields can be selected at one time) 6. The columns can be organized to display in a specific order by using the up and down arrows a. Select a field and use the up or down arrow to change the order it will appear in 7. Once your selections are completed click the Done button
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The screen appears with your new column selections
9. The screen appears with your new column selections
SORT ORDER & PAGE BREAKS The order of the columns in the data grid and the way they break on the page during printing are customizable features. To Change the Sort Order or add Page Breaks:
Click the Sort Order and Page Breaks Button
To Sort the columns: o Decide which columns you want to appear and add those to the left column by clicking the left arrow button o
Organize the chosen columns by clicking on the line description and moving it up and down with the arrow keys at the bottom of the window
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Add Line or Page Breaks o
Use the scroll bar to scroll to the right until the Page Break column is available
Double click on the line where you want to add the break, select Line or Page
o Click Done o Click Print Note: The Student Data Grid and Groupings screen displays with the sort order, but will not produce the line or page breaks until the list is printed.
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TEMPLATES (RE-USABLE DATA GRID WITH PRE-SELECTED PREFERENCES) What Is A Template? A template is a custom data grid that you save for later use. A template maintains the columns, sort order, line and page breaks you have established. Reoccurring reports, not already set up under the SISK12 Reports menu, may be saved as templates. Templates do not save student filters/lists. Thus when you load the template, it allows to you apply it to any student filter/list you choose. Each time the template is loaded, it applies to the student list you currently have in the Data Grid. Examples: 1. Reoccurring custom report – Your district requires for student contact info (parents’ names, work and cell phone numbers, home phone number, cell phone, etc.) To be provided to each coach, teacher and activity/event sponsor when a group of students are taken off campus. 2. Create your Contact Info template ahead of time and save it. 3. Today, FBLA and Swim Team have off-campus activities. Load the template, then load the student group, FBLA, and print their Contact Info report. Next, load the Swim Team to the Template and print their Contact Info report. 4. Create a template to check student data fields commonly used for district, state and federal reporting. 5. Elementary staff members create a monthly student birthday list. 6. District staff creates a district template for student data fields used for state reporting cycles. Prior to the reporting cycle, the sites load the template and check the student information in the Data Grid.
Pre-Loaded Templates Note: The IT department has pre-built several useful templates including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Rosters 0-12th grade Fitness Tests Gifted Graduation Plan LEP/ELL Program Other Programs
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TEMPLATES: USING PRE-LOADED 1. To use pre-built templates/data grids: a. Navigate to: Actions > Load or Save Grid Templates > Load b. Select the template/saved data grid that you wish to use by clicking on the blue arrow beside it
Pre-Loaded Templates/Data Grids Examples & Useage: 1. You can use a pre-loaded template/data grid to run a report 2. You can modify the template for your own use, then save it if it is a report that can be run as often as needed 3. Modify the report then go to to Actions > Load or Save Grid Templates > Save or Save As 4. Name it and click Done 5. Templates can be used to create a report that you can Edit 6. After you create the report/template and display the data in the grid you can click the Edit Button and update information that is displayed
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CREATE A TEMPLATE (RE-USABLE DATA GRID WITH PRE-SELECTED PREFERENCES) Templates allow you to create and run customized data grids/reports without having to re-select all the options every time you want to run one.
Get a list of students, the
Get All Active Enrollments button is the most commonly used
a. We must load a group of students so we can see the grid
Customize the list as desired by sorting and filtering
3. Save Once a grid is created it can be saved for future use or set as the default grid a. Actions Menu > Save AS
b. In the Description field give the grid a name c. Select whether you want the grid to be private or available to your school d. Click Done
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4. Open The Saved Grid/Template 1) From The Student Data Grid 2) Click Actions Menu > Load of Save Grid Templates > Load 3) Select the blue arrow beside the file name to view it or the pencil to edit your grid selections Select the
DATA GRID: CHANGE THE DEFAULT GRID By default the Data Grid displays with minimal columns, student name, grade and or teacher. You can change the default settings and save any customized grid to appear as the default each time you load the data grid.
To Set A Customized Grid As The Default Data Grid 1. Once the grid has been customized to your specifications 2. From the Student Data Grid click the Student Data Grid options button 3. Check the box beside Save These Options 4. Click Done
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EXERCISE: RUN A SAVED REPORT 1. From the Home Screen navigate to The Student Data Grid 2. Navigate to the Actions Menu > Load Or Save Grid Templates 3. Select the District Template (created by sdmadmin) for a 9th grade roster 4. A 9th grade student roster for the entire 9th grade and the school appears
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