UCL1894 LSF Festival Guide V4_Layout 1 [PDF]

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Saturday 2 July 2016. Share your festival photos and videos with #LancSciFest ... website throughout the day for real time availability for all ... early to get the best spot. More information ..... and build your own electronic reaction timer to put ...
30 June -16 2 July 20


E D I U G 6 1 0 2 y l u J 2 y a d Satur ciFest videos with #LancS d an os ot ph al iv st Share your fe

cSciFest n a L t s e iF c @LancS festival.co.uk ce n ie sc e ir sh ca n a .l www

Festival at a glance

Shows/workshops are listed by start time shows You don't require tickets to get into utes just turn up at the venue at least 10 min cated before the start time. Places will be allo ck the on a first come first served basis. Che time website throughout the day for real availability for all shows. n have Workshops marked with a ticket ico the pre-bookable tickets. Head over to g) to Helpdesk (located in Foster Buildin a first collect – tickets will be allocated on come first served basis. Outdoor shows have large capacities – just turn up early to get the best spot. More information, including the length of each show/ workshop, can be found in the pages following featured in A-Z order by show/workshop title.


efestival.co.uk www.lancashirescienc

9.30am 3D Futures Darwin Building, UCLan and RI Young Scientist Centre (ground floor) Capacity: 30 U

10.00am The Human Guinea Pig Darwin Building, Darwin Lecture Theatre (ground floor) Capacity: 470 U

10.00am Space, Time and Other Illusions

Foster Building, Foster Lecture Theatre 2 (lower ground floor) Capacity: 125 U

10.00am Amazing Acrobalance Foster Car Park Capacity: Outdoors U

10.00am Chinese Paper Making Workshop Darwin Building, Room DB254 (second floor) Capacity: 30 U

10.00am littleBits Workshop Media Factory, Media Innovation Studio, Room ME414 (fourth floor) Capacity: 20 U

10.00am Felicity Fly Storyteller Foster Building, Mitchell and Kenyon Corridor (ground floor) Capacity: Just turn up U

11.15am The Psychology of Space Travel

Darwin Building, Darwin Lecture Theatre (ground floor) Capacity: 470 PG

11.15am Maths, Disney, Pixar: 2 Foster Building, Mitchell and Kenyon Cinema (ground floor) Capacity: 125 U

11.15am Space, Time and Other Illusions

Foster Building, Foster Lecture Theatre 2 (lower ground floor) Capacity: 125 U

11.15am Death, Disease and Disney Magic Foster Building, Foster Lecture Theatre 3 (lower ground floor) Capacity: 125 PG

11.15am One in a Minion? Despicable CSI

Foster Building, Foster Lecture Theatre 4 (lower ground floor) Capacity: 125 U

11.15am The Sound of Science Harrington Building, Harrington Lecture Theatre (ground floor) Capacity: 479 U

11.15am Space Adventures

Greenbank Building, Greenbank Lecture Theatre (ground floor) Capacity: 220 PG

11.15am The Experimentrics

53 Degrees Capacity: 400 U

11.15am Extreme Sports Battle

Foster Car Park Capacity: Outdoors U

11.15am Going Beyond the Tablet Workshop

Maudland Building, Room MB247 (second floor) Capacity: 30 U

11.15am Going Beyond the Human Eye Workshop

Maudland Building, Room MB317 (third floor) Capacity: 30 U

11.15am Minecraft Workshop

Computing and Technology Building, Room CM019 Capacity: 30 U

11.15am Speed Engineering Workshop

Computing and Technology Building, Room CM033 (ground floor) Capacity: 30 U

11.15am Introduction to Sports Analysis Workshop

Greenbank Building, Room GR274 (second floor) Capacity: 15 PG

11.20am Felicity Fly Storytelling

Foster Building, Mitchell and Kenyon Corridor (ground floor) Capacity: Just turn up U

11.30am 3D Futures Workshop

Darwin Building, UCLan and RI Young Scientist Centre (ground floor) Capacity: 30 U

12noon Road Traffic Collision Demo Harrington Car Park Capacity: Outdoors U

12.30pm The Psychology of Space Travel

Darwin Building, Darwin Lecture Theatre (ground floor) Capacity: 470 PG

12.30pm Robots, Games and Maths Foster Building, Mitchell and Kenyon Cinema (ground floor) Capacity: 125 U

12.30pm Why Do We Do That?

Harrington Building, Harrington Lecture Theatre (ground floor) Capacity: 479 U

12.30pm Amazing Acrobalance

Foster Car Park Capacity: Outdoors U

12.30pm the Going Beyond p o Tablet Worksh , Maudland Building nd floor) co (se 47 B2 M Room Capacity: 30 U

12.30pm rkshop littleBits Wo ia Innovation

Media Factory, Med 14 (fourth floor) Studio, Room ME4 U Capacity: 20

12.30pm Sports Introduction to op Analysis Worksh , Room Greenbank Building or) flo nd GR274 (seco PG Capacity: 15

12.30pm et Puppet Forbidden Plan Show ture Theatre 3 ster lec Foster Building, Fo or) flo d un (lower gro Capacity: 30 U

12.40pm oryteller rridor Felicity Fly St hell and Kenyon Co itc Foster Building, M or) flo nd (grou rn up U Capacity: Just tu

1.30pm p s Worksho 3D Future, UC g un Yo RI d Lan an Darwin Building ound floor) Scientist Centre (gr U Capacity: 30

1.45pm try! This is Chemis in rw Darwin Building, Da nd floor) ou (gr tre ea Th re Lectu U Capacity: 470

1.45pm 2 ney, Pixar: Cin Maths, Dis ema on ny Ke d Mitchell an Foster Building, (ground floor) U Capacity: 125

1.45pm d Other Space, Time an Illusions ster Lecture Foster Building, Fo und floor) gro r we Theatre 2 (lo U 5 12 Capacity:

1.45pm g Fish Judging Climbin tre Foster Lecture Thea or) flo d un gro 3 (lower PG 5 12 y: Capacit

1.45pm n? One in a Minio Despicable Cr SI Lecture Theatre 4 ste Foster Building, Fo or) flo d un gro r (lowe U Capacity: 125

1.45pm of Science The Sound ing, Harrington Harrington Build ound floor) Lecture Theatre (gr U Capacity: 479

1.45pm res Space Adventu k , Greenban Greenbank Building nd floor) ou (gr tre Lecture Thea PG 0 22 Capacity:

1.45pm Battle Extreme Sports Foster Car Park oors U Capacity: Outd

1.45pm the Going Beyond Human Eye Workshop , Maudland Building floor) ird (th 17 B3 M Room Capacity: 30 U

1.45pm Chinese Brush op orksh Painting W , Darwin Building nd floor) Room DB254 (seco U Capacity: 30

1.45pm ring Speed Enginee p Worksho hnology Computing and Tec 033 CM om Building, Ro or) flo nd ou (gr Capacity: 30 U

1.45pm Introduction to Sports Analysis Workshop

, Greenbank Building nd floor) Room GR274 (seco PG Capacity: 15

1.50pm teller Felicity Fly Story d Kenyon itchell an Foster Building, M or) flo nd ou Corridor (gr rn up U tu st Ju y: Capacit

2.30pm llision Road Traffic Co Demo gton Car Park SkillZone, Harrin oors U Capacity: Outd

3.00pm inea Pig The Human GinuLecture Theatre rw Darwin Building, Da or) flo nd (grou U Capacity: 470

3.00pm ney Pixar: 2 Maths, Dis on Mitchell and Keny Foster Building, or) Cinema (ground flo U Capacity: 125

3.00pm and Death, Disease ic ag Disney M Theatre 3 ster Lecture Foster Building, Fo or) flo d (lower groun PG Capacity: 125

3.00pm n? One in a Minio Despicable CSIcture Theatre 4 ster Le Foster Building, Fo or) flo d un (lower gro U Capacity: 125

3.00pm o That? Why Do We Drrin gton , Ha Harrington Building nd floor) ou (gr tre ea Th re Lectu U Capacity: 479

3.00pm trics The Experimen 53 Degrees U Capacity: 400

3.00pm Amazing Acrobalance

Foster Car Park Capacity: Outdoors U

3.00pm Going Beyond the Tablet Workshop

Maudland Building, Room MB247 (second floor) Capacity: 30 U

3.00pm Going Beyond the Human Eye Workshop

Maudland Building, Room MB317 (third floor) Capacity: 30 U

3.00pm Minecraft Workshop

Computing and Technology Building, Room CM019 (ground floor) Capacity: 30 U

3.00pm littleBits Workshop

Media Factory, Media Innovation Studio, Room ME414 (fourth floor) Capacity: 20 U

3.10pm Felicity Fly Storytelling

Foster Building, Mitchell and Kenyon Corridor (ground floor) Capacity: Just turn up U

4.00pm Felicity Fly Storytelling

Foster Building, Mitchell and Kenyon Corridor (ground floor) Capacity: Just turn up U

4.15pm Extreme Sports Battle

Foster Car Park Capacity: Outdoors U


co.uk l. a iv st fe ce n ie sc e ir sh www.lanca

R O T I S I V INFORMATION Opening times The festival is open from 9.00am – 5.00pm, the registration desk will be open from 8.30am for early birds

How to see a showarrive at

w, simply • You don't need tickets to see a sho ore the start time bef tes the venue at least 10 minu uing at the show • There will be no unnecessary que ue you will be venues - when you arrive at the ven your entry issued a number guaranteeing available throughout the day on our be • Real time availability for shows will festival.co.uk website www.lancashirescience

es are left. This information will s are coming up and how many plac The website will display what show wearing yellow t-shirts and University, from festival ambassadors also available on screens around the from the Helpdesk in Foster Building

How to attend a worksh op

• Head to the Helpdesk in Foster Building on arrival to get tickets • If there are no tickets left we recommend still going alon g to the venue 10 minutes bef ore the start time as some plac es are likely to become available via the stand-by queue

Free Wi-Fi To log on select ‘UCLan-Open’ and sign in using your email address. Share your conversations, photos and videos with #LancSciFest and check out real time show availability throughout the day via our website

Free parking Parking is available on all the University’s car parks for the duration of the festival. You can safely ignore any University pay and display machines or permit holder only signs. However, please keep disabled bays free for blue badge holders

Food and drink Great value food and drink will be available in our large restaurants located in Foster and Harrington buildings. In Foster Building you will also find the Coffee Cube and Foster Shop

Toilets and baby changing

Male, female and disabled toilet facilities are located in every University building. We also have baby changing facilities in Darwin Building and in Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre (ground floor – just past the reception desk)

Finding venues There’s a map section within this guide, plus there are lots of festival ambassadors on campus to help you. They are wearing yellow t-shirts – so you shouldn’t struggle finding them. Room numbers for each building starting with a: ‘0’ are on the ground floor, ‘1’ are on the first floor, ‘2’ are on the second floor and so on…

Fully accessible venues

All University buildings and rooms are fully accessible and have reserved areas for visitors with mobility issues. If you require assistance please speak to a festival ambassador wearing a yellow t-shirt on entry to a show/workshop. We also have reserved areas for the outdoor shows

BSL interpreters BSL interpreters are available, please go to the Helpdesk for more information

First aid and lost children

If you are near Foster Building, go to the Check-in Point or Helpdesk. If you are near the Science Showfloors, go to the Festival Shop at the entrance to the Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre. If you are near 53 Degrees, go to the Check-in Point. For all other locations, alert the issue with any of our festival ambassadors wearing yellow t-shirts

Age group guidance


Family friendly, suitable for school age children and upwards PG Parental guidance, suitable for ages 11+

Quiet rooms For groups or individuals with special requirements we have designated quiet rooms away from the noise and crowds. Quiet rooms are located in Harrington Building room HA138a and Harris Building room HB015b

Photography and filming

Please be aware that throughout the duration of the festival there will be official photography and filming taking place for marketing and promotion of the Lancashire Science Festival, the University, partner institutions and the festival sponsors. Images/footage may be used in both on and offline publications, public relations and advertising (including: social media, brochures, information leaflets, adverts and posters). If for whatever reason you or a member of your group does not wish to be photographed please make yourself known to the person filming or photographing in the area you are in

Build your futur

Ever wondered what your perfect job would b in construction or engineering? Will you be th fastest to build a bridge across the River Ribb


Come and find us in the Science Showfloor, based in the Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre, where you can do this and more…

be e ble?

City Deal is an investment of £430m in Preston and South Ribble which means three new roads, 17,000 new houses and 20,000 new jobs. 3,000 of those new jobs are construction and engineering. From scaffolders, plumbers and labourers to project managers, civil engineers and surveyors there is something for you to build your future.

t how Find ou ction nstru the Co be y could industr e thanks tur your fu Deal. to City


Extreme S

HEADLINE ACTS ts Battle r po


SHOW TIMES 11.15am / 1.45pm / 4.15pm Foster Car Park

Be amazed by world-cla ss BMX trial riders and free-runners and find out about the physiology and physics involved in their daredevil stunts. Professional free-runne rs and world-class BMX trials riders will perform an adrenalinefuelled stunt show wit h vaults, rolls, wheelies and bunny hops, as TV presenter Greg Foot deconstruct s the physiology and physics behind these extreme sports

The Exper i

trics n e m


SHOW TIMES 11.15am / 3.00pm 53 Degrees

This exhilarating theatre show combines a mischievous mix of ho memade inventions, physical drama , live science demonstrations and pra ctical jokes. The Experimentrics love to pu t on a show. They love to use the objec ts they find in unexpected ways, but the y are frequently distracted by their own ho memade inventions and their mischi evous desire to play practical jokes on eac h other. Discover exciting scientific concep ts all without the use of words. The Experim entrics is an award-winning theatre sho w that has been featured at the Edinburg h Fringe amongst others and we are deligh ted to be welcoming them to the Lancashire Science Festival for these very spe cial shows



3D Futures Workshop

m-1.00pm / 9.30am-11.00am / 11.30a 1.30pm-3.00pm RI Young Darwin Building, UCLan and r) floo und Scientist Centre (gro this Have a go at 3D printing in the amazing workshop. Follow r own design to process from creating you printed object 3D al son per r you producing Capacity: 30 people U

Amazing Acrobalance.00pm /

30pm-1 10.00am-10.30am / 12. 0pm 3.00pm-3.3 Foster car park stunts performed by the Watch awesome acrobatic ers orm Perf gh bur remarkable Edin turn up U t jus – ors tdo Capacity: Ou

g Chinese Brush Paintin Workshop 1.45pm-2.30pm 54 (second floor) Darwin Building, Room DB2 al Chinese Learn how to use a tradition own r you te brush and ink to crea tings pain e styl e nes Chi ul utif bea Capacity: 30 people U

Chinese Paper Making Workshop

10.00am-10.45am 54 (second floor) Darwin Building, Room DB2 nese rice paper Learn about traditional Chi tive and crea ting and have a go at get own r you ing mak Capacity: 30 people U

Death, Disease and Disney Magic

0pm-3.45pm 11.15am-12noon / 3.0 Theatre 3 (lower ture Lec ter Fos , Foster Building ground floor) tion has saved thousands Find out how data visualisa t exactly does it do? wha and it is of lives, but what PG Capacity: 125 people


0pm-3.45pm 11.15am-12noon / 3.0 53 Degrees w combines This exhilarating theatre sho de inventions, ema hom of mix a mischievous onstrations and dem nce physical drama, live scie s joke practical Capacity: 400 people U

Extreme Sports Battle

Going Beyond the Tablet Workshop

11.15am-11.45am / 1.45pm-2.15pm / 4.15pm-4.45pm Foster car park Be amazed by world-class BMX trial riders and free-runners and find out about the physiology and physics involved in their daredevil stunts Capacity: Outdoors – just turn up U

Felicity Fly Storyteller 10.00am-10.30am / 11.20am-11.50am / 12.40pm-1.10pm / 1.50pm-2.20pm / 3.10pm-3.30pm / 4.00pm-4.30pm Foster Building, Mitchell and Kenyon Corridor (ground floor)

Forbidden Planet Puppet Show

10.00am-10.45am / 3.00pm-3.45pm Darwin Building, Darwin Lecture Theatre (ground floor) Discover how amazing our bodies are and see what the Human Guinea Pig, Tom Warrender, has put his body through all in the name of science Capacity: 470 people U

Introduction to Sports Analysis Workshop

12.30pm-12.50pm Foster Building, Foster Lecture Theatre 3 (lower ground floor) Discover the 1956 sci-fi classic, Forbidden Planet, as you’ve never seen it before in this hilarious puppet show. So strap in for puppets, monsters, robots and a few Shakespearian puns Capacity: 125 U

11.15am-12noon / 1.45pm-2.30pm / 3.00pm-3.45pm Maudland Building, Room MB317 (third floor) Discover the things you cannot see with the naked eye. The world through a microscope is a very different place Capacity: 30 people U

Find out what your pharmacist does all day in this fun workshop. Make colourful creams, get messy and try out practice inhalers Capacity: 30 people U

Human Guinea Pig

Award-winning author Christina Gabbitas will be capturing children’s imagination, storytelling with sixteen different character accents Capacity: Just turn up U

Going Beyond the Human Eye Workshop

11.15am-12noon / 12.30pm-1.15pm / 3.00pm-3.45pm Maudland Building, Room MB247 (second floor)

11.15am-12noon / 12.30pm-1.15pm / 1.45pm-2.30pm Greenbank Building, Room GR274 (second floor) Find out just what is involved in sports analysis and have a go yourself under the watchful eye of the former analyst to Blackburn Rovers Capacity: 15 people PG

Judging Climbing Fish 1.45pm-2.30pm Foster Building, Foster Lecture Theatre 3 (lower ground floor) See what it is really like to be dyslexic and learn about famous dyslexic scientists, such as Albert Einstein Capacity: 125 people PG

#LancSciFest www.lancashiresciencefestival.co.uk

littleBits Workshop

10.00am-11.30am / pm 12.30pm-2.00pm / 3.00pm-4.30 io, Room Media Factory, Media Innovation Stud ) floor th ME414 (four Let us introduce you to littleBits, a playful learning technology of electronic building blocks that allows you to create amazing inventions from everyday rubbish Capacity: 20 people U

Maths, Disney, Pixar: 2

pm / 11.15am-12noon / 1.45pm-2.30 3.00pm-3.45pm on Foster Building, Mitchell and Keny Cinema (ground floor) Disney Pixar Find out how some of your favourite s math out with exist n’t movies simply could U ple Capacity: 125 peo

Minecraft Workshop

pm 11.15am-12noon / 3.00pm-3.45 ing, Build gy nolo Tech Computing and Room CM019 (ground floor) Do you want to know how to control your Minecraft world? This session will teach you how actually to write computer programs that will interact with the world of Minecraft Capacity: 30 people U

One in a Minion? Despicable CSI

pm / 11.15am-12noon / 1.45pm-2.30 3.00pm-3.45pm tre 4 (lower Foster Building, Foster Lecture Thea ground floor) ce and crime Come and find out how forensic scien ick track Tenn Cat Dr help can ion scene investigat down a despicable thief Capacity: 125 people U

Psychology of Space Travel

5pm 11.15am-12noon / 12.30pm-1.1 tre Thea re Lectu in Darw ing, Build in Darw (ground floor) Peake’s space Find out the psychology behind Tim naut astro an be to s take it t wha mission and PG ple peo 470 Capacity:

Robots, Games and Maths 12.30pm-1.15pm on Foster Building, Mitchell and Keny Cinema (ground floor) ts What does the future hold for robo with do to got all this and what has in all maths? Dr Kevin Bowman will expla U Capacity: 125 people

The Sound of Science

pm 11.15am-12noon / 1.45pm-2.30 re Harrington Building, Harrington Lectu Theatre (ground floor) style, with a Whizz through science Being 747 our favourite from s song selection of the very best band rock ce scien Capacity: 479 people U

Space Adventures

pm 11.15am-12noon / 1.45pm-2.30 re Greenbank Building, Greenbank Lectu ) floor nd Theatre (grou system with Explore the vast and incredible solar and find out s Jame Huw er nom astro nture adve ntures to in where we will be having space adve the future Capacity: 220 people PG

Space, Time and Other Illusions

-12noon / 10.00am-10.45am / 11.15am 1.45pm-2.30pm tre 2 Foster Building, Foster Lecture Thea (lower ground floor) hard as he blows Join festival favourite Dr Matt Pritc teleportation and l trave time s, your mind with trick U ple Capacity: 125 peo

Speed Engineering Workshop

pm 11.15am-12noon / 1.45pm-2.30 Computing and Technology Building, Room CM033 (ground floor) Get hands on with circuit boards and build your own electronic to the test reaction timer to put your reactions U ple peo 30 y: Capacit

This Is Chemistry! 1.45pm-2.30pm Darwin Building, Darwin Lecture Theatre (ground floor) ging fizzing Expect atoms, molecules, colour chan in this mind ions react yst catal crazy and fountains Will with istry chem of n blowing demonstratio Stockburn and Dr Anna Kirkham Capacity: 470 people U

Why Do We Do That?

pm 12.30pm-1.15pm / 3.00pm-3.45 re Theatre Harrington Building, Harrington Lectu ) floor (ground and skull to Jon Wood is going beyond our skin what makes discover how our brains function and us tick Capacity: 479 people U

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Don’t m iss See how the award-winn in sh storytellin e captures you g author Christ in r children g in sixte ’s imagin a Gabbitas. en differe The Felic ation thro nt chara ity Fly se ugh cter acce ries teach world aro nts. es u healthy fo nd them with fu children about the n od and p ollination topics including .

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Just turn up - show s lasts 30 min utes an d start at the follow ing times : 10.00am / 12.40pm 11.20am / 1.50pm 3.10pm /4 Foster Bu .00pm ilding, M itc and Ken yon Cine hell ma Corrid (ground or floor)



Become a Paramedic

How Healthy Am I?


SkillZone, Greenbank Building, or) Room GR115 (first flo what is in your body Get involved and discover also learning how to ilst and what it all does, wh keep it healthy

SkillZone, Greenbank Building, or) Room GR109 (first flo a paramedic. Find out what it takes to be ambulance and Investigate what is inside an to become a ls skil discover if you have the life-saver

Construction Zone



Foster Building, Foster Learning Zone (ground floor) ld a sky scraper and Find out what it takes to bui ilar to the human sim explore how buildings are body

Get Mummified



SkillZone, Greenbank Building, or) Room GR111 (first flo out if you’ve got Don your scrubs and find life-saving surgeon what it takes to become a

When is a Star a Star?


Victoria Building, or) PR1 Gallery (ground flo sics topic Discover this amazing phy t involved Ge . through art and pattern amazing one g atin cre to and contribute artistic installation


SkillZone, Room GR102B Greenbank Building, (first floor) es and get hands Wrap yourself up in bandag es that you would on with lots of other activiti find in a hospital T FORGET




Science Showfloors

Indoors in the Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre, outdoors in the marquee on Darwin car park and in Maudland Foyer.


Get hands on with lots of awesome, interactive activities covering the full spectrum of science, technology, engineering, maths, health and much more. Open all day on a drop-in basis


City Deal

Find out if you can build the best Lego brid ge and all about City Deal’s exciting plans

BAE Systems Take part in exciting STEM activitie s with BAE Systems

National Nuclear Laboratory Find out all about the nuclear indu stry with the National Nuclear Laboratory

Futures in Science Take the STEM challenge and see how you could have a future in science with the Nuclear Decommissioning Agency

IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology) Get hands on with engineering activities and have a go at making your own LED torch

Institute of Physics Get hands on with physics and find out how physics is involved in simple ever yday phenomena as well as sophisticat ed technology

Comic Book Science Try on image processing Ironman helmets and a robotic Ironman arm and find out all about comic boo k science with UCLan Engineering

NSG Environmental Ltd Learn about the evolution of the nuclear industry and developments in science and engineering

Food of the Future Have a look at what we may be eating in the future, including seaweed and insects, and try them out for yourself


Looking After Your Lymphatics

Discover the revolutionary new technology of 3D printing and create your own 3D designs

Learn all about the lymphatic system and how to take care of it

Pharmacists: Beyond Dispensing

UCLan Learning and Information Services

Get health checks from qualified pharmacists, including blood pressure, height, weight and BMI

Find out all the fun uses of technology from virtual travel to the stars to virtual reality

Mission Starlight Investigate how chemistry can provide protection from starlight, make your own comet and explore our interactive tent

#SkillZone Dress-up Station Let UCLan Health introduce you to the SkillZone and get a taster of some of the fantastic activities you can do

NIHR (National Institute of Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research)

Play games, take part in a quiz and draw on the graffiti wall with the NIHR and Care North West Coast

Lancashire Wildlife Trust Find out about the work of the Wild Life Trust and take part in a nature quiz

Beyond Planet Earth Take a journey in astrophysics with the Jeremiah Horrocks Institute to learn about the Juno mission to Jupiter, the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Centre

UCLan Physics Discover the world of the very small with nanoparticles, have a go with a laser and see if you can master our crystal packing challenge

British Army Test your agility, reaction speeds and take part in a virtual parachute jump

Data Visualisation

RSPB Give nature a home, make a bird feeder and find out all about the work of the RSPB

Use Lego to learn about the different approaches to data visualisation

Nature’s Engineers

Computing Challenge Treasure Hunt Join our computing challenge and take part in the treasure hunt to get your team to the top of the leaderboard

Preston’s College Working together with the Royal Aeronautical Society and Preston’s College you will design and build your own glider and see how well it flies

See how good nature is at engineering, look through microscopes and watch chemical reactions taking place

How to Throw Your Rubbish Away Put your throwing skills to the test and check out your recycling knowledge to win prizes

Plant Doctors Get up close and personal with different plant diseases and the plant doctors who study them

Virtual Reality Fashion Discover the future of shopping, all in 3D virtual reality

Science Grrl

British Red Cross Would you know what to do in an emergency? Learn essential first aid skills with the British Red Cross and get advice on everything from seizures and stab wounds to burns and heart attacks

‘Talk to a Scientist’ and find out about studying science and careers in lots of different areas of STEM


al.co.uk iv st fe ce n ie sc e ir sh ca n www.la

OUTDOOR SCIENCE SHOWFLOOR Polydron Use your imagination and discover what exciting things you can build with Polydron shapes

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Discover the exciting mysteries of the brain with the UCLan School of Psychology

Archaeology: Beyond Mud Test your prehistoric engineering skills and watch our Ribchester archaeology dig live to find out about the Romans in Lancashire

VEX Robotics Try out the Hook Shot, Robotic Arm and Hexcalator educational robotics

The ECO team


Find out how you can help the environment by putting your memory to the test and have a go at making your own paper gift bags

Find out about the science behind the crime scenes with UCLan Forensic and Investigative Sciences experts

Paul’s Real Deal

Sugar Swaps Learn all about what sugar can do to you and your teeth with UCLan School of Dentistry

School of Dentistry

Training 2000 Find out what it’s like to be a dentist and try out a variety of dentistry activities

Training 2000 Try out 3D writing, printing and laser cutting with Training 2000

Maths Explore the many exciting uses for maths with UCLan Mathematics

What’s Inside? The human body is fantastic! Learn about what’s inside us, identify parts of the body from an X-ray and build a body

Explore the evolution of science fiction toys from Buck Rogers and Dan Dare to Doctor Who and Star Wars

THESE STANDS ARE LOCATED JUST OUTSIDE OF THE MARQUEE WhiteSpace Visit our dome to discover the similarities between manned spaceflight and living in Antarctica

Preston and District Astronomical Society Learn how to observe the night sky and see what it takes to become an astronomer

MAUDLAND FOYER Institution of Mechanical Engineers Discover the exciting world of mechanical engineering with hands on activities and demonstrations including a wind tunnel, engines and Lego trucks


Located at the e ntrance of Sir To m Finney Sports lots of cool thing Centre with s for children to buy with their p ocket money You can also bu y our festival che ese ‘ExBERRYmen t’ which has be en made by Leagra ms Organic Dair EX y or your very ow n Future Scientist BERRY t-shirt ment Cr eamy Lancashire wit



ur We want yo

st e F i c S c n a #L os e d i v d n a photos Share on Twitter or est for a F i c S c n a L with # d mini. a P i n a in w chance to

est F i c S c n a L #

SKILLZONE on Harrington Car in Greenbank Building and Visit our fantastic SkillZone e of the p-in sessions and discover som Park. Get hands-on in the dro the drop-in session p us healthy and safe. See amazing machines that kee pages for more information

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service U

Become a Paramedic Drop-in U

Harrington Car Park engine Get up close and personal with a fire work zing ama the t abou e mor and find out rs ighte Firef of

Greenbank Building, Room GR109 (first floor)

Get Mummified Drop-in U

North West Ambulance Service

Greenbank Building, Room GR102B (first floor)

Harrington Car Park Take a look inside a real ambulance and learn all about the work of paramedics

How Healthy Am I? Drop-in U Greenbank Building, Room GR115 (first floor)

Operation! Drop-in


Greenbank Building, Room GR111 (first floor)

Wasted Lives


Preston City Trampoline Club


Near to Greenbank Building nce Get your heart beating whilst you bou Club e polin around with Preston City Tram


Harrington Car Park with Find out the risks of reckless driving ation educ r drive g youn Lives ted the Was programme

Road Traffic Collision Demo U Harrington Car Park 0pm 12noon-12.30pm / 2.30pm-3.0 ed from See how injured passengers are rescu n actio in Life of Jaws the see – crashed cars o dem e som awe in this


SPONSORS We are only able to run the Lancashire Scien ce Festival and keep our main family and schools programme free of char ge and accessible to all due to the amazing support of our sponsors.

If you are interested in being part of the festival next year please contact the team on 01772 894288 or EngageUCLan@ uclan.ac.uk The University is proud to produce and host the Lancashire Science Festival to encourage the sharing of ideas, knowledge, creativity and the spark of learning

City Deal creates new communities and opportunities for local people and they join us as an ignite sponsor, find out more at their stand on the indoor Science Showfloor

We are delighted that BAE Systems has joined us once again as a spark sponsor; get engineering with them on the indoor Science Showfloor

National Nuclear Laboratory join us again as a spark sponsor. You can find them bringing energy and enthusiasm to our indoor Science Showfloor

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority will be inspiring young scientists of the future as a spark sponsor on our indoor Science Showfloor

The Institute of Engineering and Technology is a festival stalwart, consistently inspiring young minds on the indoor Science Showfloor as a catalyse sponsor

Fort Vale encourage young people into science and are supporting this year’s festival as a catalyse sponsor

We are delighted to welcome back NSG as a catalyse sponsor, visit their stand on the indoor Science Showfloor to find out more

The Institute of Physics will be generating excitement with their range of hands-on activities on the indoor Science Showfloor

A huge thank you to South Ribble Borough Council and City Deal for sponsoring and creating the Truck Trail. Hope you all enjoy taking part in the Truck Trail competition

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) is a non-departmental public body. We aim to deliver safe, sustainable solutions to the challenge of nuclear clean-up and waste management. This means we work with various people and organisations to ensure that the right skills and resources are available for our 120 year mission.

Find out more: www.nda.gov.uk

Children’s University Learning Destination

ghted to be The Lancashire Science Festival is deli tination. a Children’s University Learning Des attending You will receive up to two stamps for port. ct your stamps in your learning pass the festival. Visit the Helpdesk to colle ch encourages all ional critically-acclaimed charity whi The Children’s University is an internat and acquire new s experiences, develop new interest children aged 5 to 14 years to try new ide of the school outs ve and creative learning activities skills through participation in innovati rensuniversity.co.uk day. Find out more at www.child



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Fylde Road PR1 2TY Kirkham Street PR1 2XQ Leighton Street PR1 8RU Pedder Street PR2 2QQ Victoria Street PR1 7QS

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Check-in Points

H Helpdesk Please note: Areas marked in yellow are festival locations.

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Baby Changing Food and Drink




Leighton Street

53˚ 53 Degrees CM Computing and Technology Building CP Car Parks DB Darwin Building FB Foster Building GR Greenbank Building HA Harrington Building HB Harris Building HR Hanover Building MB Maudland Building ME Media Factory STF Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre VB Victoria Building

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Follow the Truck Trail

and see how many trucks you can spot across the University’s Campus


ur Don’t miss out on yo close opportunity to get up l of and personal with al s ar W your favourite Star characters.

r We want you

st #LancSciFe eos d vid photos an

rrison will be The amazing 99th Ga e, collecting sit al tiv roaming the fes donations for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Charity number (England and Wales): 1079049.

Share on Twitter or ciFest for a with #LancS iPad mini. n a in w to e chanc

st #LancSciFe

ival.co.uk st fe ce en ci es ir sh ca n .la w ww The National Nuclear Laboratory y plays a key role in the UK and global industry. nuclear in dustry. They provide independent advice to the UK Government and work with other national laboratories around the world and deliver a full range of research and technology to support the nuclear fuel cycle.

Find Find out more at www w..nnl.co.uk www.nnl.co.uk



follow the City Deal Truck Starting on Foster Car Park, cks you can spot across Trail and see how many tru p a log of which year the University’s Campus. Kee t manufactured). Once each truck was born (aka firs e to the Festival Shop (at completed hand in this pag Finney Sports Centre) or the entrance of the Sir Tom lding or 53 Degrees) a Check-in Point (at Foster Bui Waterstones gift card. for your chance to win a £20

Truck number

1 2 3 4 5 6

Year born

Truck number

8 9 10 11 12 13

7 .... ...................................................... Name .......................................... . ...................................................... Age ................................................ .... ...................................................... Email address ..............................

Year born

The oldest truck is truck number

The youngest truck is truck number

...................................................... Daytime telephone.......................... receive a £20 on Saturday 2 July. The winner will after the festival closes at 5.00pm . 2016 A winner will be drawn at random before 15 July er will be notified via email on or Waterstones gift card. The winn

LET US KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS YEAR’S LANCASHIRE SCIENCE FESTIVAL Once completed hand in this page at the Festival Shop (at the entrance of the Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre) or a Check-in Point (at Foster Building or 53 Degrees)

tle and What did you think about Extreme Sports Bat Amazing Acrobalance? Please circle the appropriate Lanbot face

What did you think about the Scienc e

Please circle the appropriate Lanbo t face


What did you think about the festival as a whole? Please circle the appropriate Lanbot face