UK Student Recruitment & Outreach - Bournemouth University
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perform college-level math and English, was created by the CSU not only to help
provide ... A comprehensive study of the CSU and its campuses found that CSU-
.... 2009-2010 Student Academic Outreach Programs Summary. Am ....
cooperation with the R
To fuse education, research and professional practice in a synergistic manner and ... to curriculum innovation and use e
Abstract: Latin American and Caribbean Perspectives on the Development of Public ... The language is Spanish and the heritage arises from Spain. ... development of public relations such as military regimes, long periods of state ... In terms of histo
Dec 13, 2006 - show that host John Hockenberry revealed the story ... Chegwin would be hosting. And. I said not ... When
comparative perioperative professions: the potential contribution to ODP ... within health care is mainly centred upon .... organisations (Resuscitation Council UK,.
To demonstrate established evidence of educational management, delivery and good ... contribution to curriculum innovati
Jun 8, 2016 - considerable implications for our faculty. We are busy preparing our marketing and recruitment campaigns,
However, considering the illustration presented in the paper, we include this paper in the localized ...... Coordination
A global software development is defined as software development project ...... Therefore, we include this paper in the
13 Dec 2006 - of grisly murders across the north of England received two letters ... Most impressive, though, was the co
Dec 13, 2006 - switchboard was jammed, taking more than 2,600 complaints and its website ..... takes the virtual biscuit
Will we see conflicts between security and safety usability? As a typical plant operator earns less than $40,000, the 'Homer. Simpson' problem is a real one.
Oct 26, 2017 - SA Secondary Schools State Constitutional Conventions have been held ... expectation that students will w
Jul 20, 2004 - The strong development of China online game industry brings about many ... Chinese Government and its domestic online games companies.
conducted in an addiction rehab centre in the UK, followed by 2-month study in an online peer group system. The study adopted qualitative methods to under-.
advocate the potential of crowdsourcing for software evaluation. ... logo from a set of candidate logos, or could require certain .... software development.
Excellent communication and presentation skills, written, verbal and interpersonal at all levels. E. A,B,C. Excellent fr
C Chapleo. Email: [email protected] ... Identifying stakeholders is a key issue, particularly in a marketing context. (Polonsky ... through a particular strategy, the needs of groups may be conflicting (Oliver, 1991). .... The issue of who to
Online peer group approach is inherently a persuasive technique as it ... new features which necessitate a revision of the known principles and models for tra-.
UK Student Recruitment & Outreach - Bournemouth University
Following the success of her 2017 workshop, Caroline Foster will be returning to provide ... Lunch followed by networkin
UK Student Recruitment & Outreach AspireBU programme for schools and colleges
9:15am 9:45am
Registration and refreshments Welcome to Bournemouth University Delivered by Matthew Usher, UK Marketing & Student Recruitment Manager. Matt will provide an overview of recent changes to Higher Education, and an update on the BU course portfolio and our changing estate. Workshop A – select from the following:
10:30am Workshop A
The impact of recent and future changes to 14-19 education Following the success of her 2017 workshop, Caroline Foster will be returning to provide further insight into change in the 14-19 education landscape. Caroline is Bournemouth and Poole’s 14-19 strategic leader so will be reflecting on these changes from both a local and national perspective. Global education – the ‘B’ word and beyond Our Pro-Vice Chancellor for Global Education, Dr Sonal Minocha, and colleagues will lead a discussion around the future for global education, with just a mention of Brexit and what we know so far. We’ll consider the value of international experience as an integrated part of UK education and the current and future picture of UK student mobility to study, work and live in the EU & globally. Together we’ll consider ways to motivate your students to consider their global education and career.
Coffee and refreshments Workshop B – select from the following:
11:45pm Workshop B
Writing the UCAS Reference Charlie Smith will be joining us from UCAS to provide reference writing advice and guidance for both new and experienced teachers and careers advisers who are tasked with writing references. Understanding Widening Participation and Fair Access to Higher Education Increasing social mobility and attracting a higher proportion of students from under-represented groups have been priorities in education for a number of years. Join us to shape the way BU engages with you and the broader education agenda moving forward, to ensure our programme meets your needs and our interventions make a real difference to the prospects of disadvantaged learners. This session is just the start of the conversation and we’d like to engage with you further as a forum, with recognition for your time and input as partners in our programme design and delivery.
Lunch followed by networking and Education & Employability forum Join your colleagues, workshop leaders and staff from across our faculty, admissions and student services for a networking lunch and open interactive exhibition of the latest higher education insights from our four academic faculties – Health & Social Sciences, Management, Media & Communication and Science & Technology. Discuss and takeaway information on teaching and learning and careers & employability prospects.. UCAS and Student Finance England will also join us.