A node represents a physical machine that can host software (i.e. a server or. workstation). A node also can be used to
Unit 2 “UML Diagrams” Quiz 1. In your own words, what is a model? Answers will vary, but should grasp the concept of: A model is a complete specification of a problem or solution domain from a particular perspective and there is not need for additional information in order to understand the system from that perspective. 2. Match the type of diagram to its description. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.
Use-Case diagram D Class diagram A Composite Structure diagram Component diagramH Deployment diagram G Activity diagram C State Machine diagram I Communication diagram B Sequence diagram E
A. B. C. D. E.
Illustrates logical structure Illustrates behavior in terms of how objects interact Illustrates flows of events Illustrates user interactions with the system Illustrates behavior in terms of the sequence of interactions between objects Shows the internal structure of a class or component at runtime Shows the mapping of software to hardware configurations Illustrates the organization and dependencies among modular parts of the system Illustrates the series of states an object can have
F. G. H. I.
3. Name a diagram contained in a use-case model. -
Use case Activity Sequence
4. True/False – Actors are used to represent someone/something outside the system interacting with the system. In a use-case diagram, actors are used to represent someone or something inside the system that interacts with something outside the system.
5. In an activity diagram, a step in the flow of events is called a(n): a. b. c. d.
Join Form Decision Action
6. Which symbol identifies a decision in an activity diagram? a. b. c. d. 7. What is the purpose of a design model? A design model describes realization of use cases in terms of design elements. A design model describes the design of the application. 8. Label the components of the following class diagram. A B C A. Name of class B. Attribute – Named property of a class C. Operation – Class behavior 9. True/False – Generalization shows an inheritance relationship. Aggregation represents a part-whole relationship. Generalization represents a part-whole relationship. 10. True/False In a sequence diagram, a Loop is executed as long as the first guard condition evaluated to true.
11. In a diagram, how do objects show the name of an object and its class? a. b. c. d.
12. In a deployment diagram, what does a node represent? A node represents a physical machine that can host software (i.e. a server or workstation). A node also can be used to model deployment to a virtual machine (i.e. test environment). 13. What is the purpose of browse diagrams? -
Shows the elements related to the selected element Shows the dependencies to the selected element Gain a detailed understanding of the element in focus
14. True/False – Model elements can appear in one or more diagrams. Model elements will only appear in one diagram. 15. In an analysis model, the boundary class: a. b. c. d.
Provides the coordinating behavior in the system Mediates between the system and something outside the system Shows how a use case is implemented There is no such thing as a boundary class in an analysis model