UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response ... - Global Ebola Response

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Apr 1, 2015 - Financial Tracking Service (http://fts.unocha.org) of their contributions via the e-mail address: [email protected]
UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) External Situation Report 1 April 2015


NERCs in Sierra Leone and Guinea stress compliance to response efforts UNMEER continues support to community-centered EVD social mobilization efforts in affected countries

Key Political and Economic Developments 1. On 31 March in Guinea, UNMEER SRSG Mr. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed and Special Envoy Dr. David Nabarro participated in the forum ‘La Basse Guinee dit Ebola ca suffit’, (Ebola is Enough) which took place in Kindia. The objective of the forum was to engage the Basse Guinee leaders in the sensitization and mobilization of local communities for the Ebola response. Participating were religious leaders, media, civil society and private sector representatives and members of the NERC, as well as UN agencies, NGOs and representatives of the diplomatic community. Response Efforts and Health 2. In total, 25,178 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of EVD have been reported in the three most affected countries. There have been 10,445 reported deaths. 3. In a bid to get to zero EVD transmission in Sierra Leone, the NERC has decided to take additional actions, including requiring the Surveillance Pillar to identify possible causes of deaths in quarantine homes and to develop plans to address it. In view of the fact that the same chiefdoms in Port Loko have been affected by EVD for over a month, the Surveillance Pillar is also to conduct investigations that will identify causes for continued transmission in those areas. In addition, the NERC has requested UNMEER to organize a donor and partners meeting, at a later date, to discuss how to sustain response efforts in the districts. 4. At its 30 March meeting in Guinea, the NERC reported the closure of the private clinic in Matoto and a medical unit at the Ignace Deen hospital, where several EVD infections were reported last week. Medical staff from the facility have also been quarantined. The NERC highlighted that all health facilities, particularly private clinics, that do not conform to health regulations will be closed hence forth. The NERC further elaborated on the emergency sanitary measures announced by President Condé, on 28 March, noting that all bodies must be buried in a safe and dignified manner and called on families with ill members to seek medical treatment immediately. The NERC noted that it is the responsibility of Chef de Quartier (neighbourhood Chiefs) to ensure that all public gatherings in their areas are conducted in an EVD-risk-free manner. It was reported that two corpses being transported from Dubreka were seized in Conakry. The NERC Coordinator reiterated the regulation against the transfer of corpses between regions in the country. 5. Following the sudden death of a health care worker in Government Camp, Sinoe County, Liberia, the county’s psychosocial team visited the area to provide assistance to the relatives and colleagues of the individual. Samples were sent to Tappita lab in Nimba County to test for EVD and the results are pending. Logistics 6. The two German C160 Transall aircraft, tasked with supporting UNMEER’s response, completed their Accra-based operations on 31 March, returning to Germany after a six month operation. Since the end of October, the two aircraft transported a total of 736 metric tonnes of cargo from Dakar and Accra, to and between the capitals of the three most-affected countries, moving urgent cargo for UNMEER, WHO, WFP, the Red Cross, and several other partners. Established to ensure timely and coordinated shipments of supplies, particularly from the UN Humanitarian Response Depot in Accra, the German Armed Forces performed over 150 flights, totaling over 1,000 flight hours, carrying cargo such as

UNMEER│[email protected]

Personal Protection Equipment (PPEs), motorbikes for partners involved in contact tracing and blood sampling, urgently needed ambulances and hospital beds for the Western Area in Sierra Leone, medical and lab supplies, food and ICT equipment. A significant load of cargo was donated by the German Government through the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), whose efforts in cooperation with UNMEER and its partners continue in Sierra Leone and Ghana. 7. For regular logistics operational information please visit http://www.logcluster.org/ops/ebola14. Resource Mobilisation 8. The OCHA Ebola Virus Outbreak Overview of Needs and Requirements, now totaling USD 2.27 billion, has been funded for USD 1.42 billion, which is around 63% of the total ask. 9. The Ebola Response Multi-Partner Trust Fund currently has USD 138.9 million in commitments. In total nearly USD 142 million has been pledged. 10. All humanitarian partners, including donors and recipient agencies, are encouraged to inform OCHA's Financial Tracking Service (http://fts.unocha.org) of their contributions via the e-mail address: [email protected]. Outreach and Education 11. UNMEER and DEN-L continued its EVD outreach activity for social change in Baila town, Bong County, located at the border of Bong and Nimba Counties. The town covers 11 villages and is one of the busiest border towns between Bong and Guinea. Sokopa check point in Nimba County is responsible for screening travelers from either side of the border. The outreach activity capitalized on the market day in Baila town to convey EVD prevention messages. Essential Services 12. In Liberia, WHO and UNMEER met with the County Officer-in-Charge, Count Health Team (CHT) and District Health Officer to analyze surveillance of EVD and other diseases prevalent in Sinoe County. WHO will provide training in active case finding and social mobilization as well as provide incentives to all the general community health volunteers in the county (other than those who already receive support from other partners). 13. WHO infection prevention and control (IPC) experts are currently working with the CHT and Project Concern International to assess and support IPC and triage in high priority healthcare facilities along the border in Nimba County. This week mentorship activities are being implemented in five clinics in Ganta district, following an assessment according to IPC minimum standards. This includes observing and coaching healthcare workers on effective triage and ensuring IPC infrastructure is in place. 14. In Guinea, the African Union Support to Ebola in West Africa (ASEOWA) visited the Health Education Center (Ecole Nationale De La Sante) and other area schools in Tindo locality, in Faranah Prefecture, where health workers are trained to assess student awareness on Ebola and to sensitize them on preventive measures. They also used their visit to disseminate the Presidential messages on EVD response efforts. ASEOWA is working under the auspices of the Prefectural Coordination (DERC) and in close coordination with the Prefectural Directorate of Education. 15. In Guinée Forrestière, WHO followed up with the N’zérékoré Direction Préfectoral de la Santé (DPS, or, Prefecture Department of Health) on the measles samples sent to Conakry for analysis. Reportedly, four out of the five samples taken in N’zérékoré tested positive for measles. The EVD Prefectural Coordinator and the DPS have asked for support to treat measles patients. The International NGO Terre des Hommes said they could provide some medical support to children. Upcoming Events 16. NSTR Attachments and resources 17. Reliefweb: Maps on the EVD response.

UNMEER│[email protected]