Sep 26, 2011 - In order to shed light on this topic, we integrate: a) the viable system approach (Beer, 1972 and 1984;. Golinelli, 2010); with b) the streams of ...
ACADEMIC SPIN-OFFS AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION DIFFUSION IN LESS SUCCECCFUL AREAS: A VIABLE SYSTEM APPROACH Gabriella Levanti University of Palermo Federica Palumbo University of Palermo Carlo Amenta University of Palermo
WCSA - World Complexity Science Academy II Conference September 26th – 27th, 2011
what are the context conditions and institutions that support academic spin off emergence and development? In order to shed light on this topic, we integrate: a) the viable system approach (Beer, 1972 and 1984; Golinelli, 2010); with b) the streams of managerial research that focus on the social and systemic nature of innovation process - the national innovation system theory (Freeman, 1987; Lundvall, 1992; Soete, 2007) - the triple helix model of innovation (Etzkowitz and Leyersdoff, 1999 and 2000)
• Section 1: Introduction
• Section 2: Theoretical background • Section 3: Representing academic spin offs through the integration of the viable system approach with some innovation theories • Section 4: Research methods and data • Section 5: The Case of “Consorzio Arca” and the academic spin offs it supports • Section 6: Discussion and conclusion
Suprasystems (L + 1 Level)
Academic Spin Off System (L Level)
Decision Making Area
Action Area
Subsystems (L – 1 Level)
General (meta) guidance principle Viable System’s Survival and Development
Creation of economic value
generation and renewal of competitive and innovative advantages
Following of consonance and resonance conditions with • the suprasystems • the subsystems
Business idea generation
Business plan definition
Start up
Strengthening: • value creation • consonance conditions
The academic spin off becomes a viable system
universities organizations
State and government institutions business incubators
financial institutions (i.e., business angels, venture capitalist, private equity, stock market, and so on) customers other companies labor market
Business Incubator Academic Labs
Academic Spin off
University of Palermo
Easy Integrazione di Sistemi
SINTESI Association
Sviluppo Italia Sicilia
• • • •
Business incubation Spaces and logistic services Venture management Relational capital
- Ministry of Economic Development - SINTESI Association - Sviluppo Italia Sicilia - Ministry of Instruction, University and Research (MIUR) -Ministry of the Environment
- Easy Integrazione di sistemi - Mediavoice - Biodagene s.r.l.
Academic Spin –offs
Academic Lab
Start Cup Palermo, PNI
Research Organizations: - CNR Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology - National Institute of Astrophysics - Sicilian Electronic Research Centre
Financial System: - Vertis SGR - Life Science Capital SGR - Quantica SGR
Labour Market: More than 100 new workplaces from 2005 to 2010
turnoverit = C0 + β1dincubatio nit + β2incubation period it + β3 dresearcherit + β4 patents it + β5 pubfin it + β6 membersit + + β7 capital it + β8 startcuprankingit + β9 life it + εit Random Effects estimator
turnoverit = ui + β1dincubatio nit + β2incubation period it + β3 dresearcherit + β4 patents it + β5 pubfin it + β6 membersit + + β7 capital it + β8 startcuprankingit + β9 life it + εit
Hypothesis of the models Variable
Expected relation with performance
Observation time interval Use of the social is too short. network analysis to Competitiveness is a measure relationships multidimensional aspect of spin-offs with the that should be context. investigated from several A viable system view point of views in addition of the Consorzio to turnover. ARCA business Consonance is a incubator. qualitative aspect difficult to measure.