Unbiased estimates and convex loss functions | SpringerLink

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3. N. A. Lebedev, Yu. V. Linnik, and A. L. Rukhin, “Monotonie convex matrix loss ... R. R. Bahadur, “On unbiased estimates of uniformly minimum variance,” ...
Finally let us note that (as shown in [6]) under fairly general conditions an exact (not asymptotic) coincidence of the Pitman estimator takes place only for a normal

~(~). In this case,


with the polynomial estimator




LITERATURE CITED i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A . M . Kagan, "On the estimation theory of location parameter," Sankhya, A 2 8 , 4 (1966). A . M . Kagan, Yu. V. Linnik, and C. R. Rao, Characterization Problems of Mathematical Statistics [in Russian], Moscow (1972). E . J . G . Pitman, "The estimation of location and scale parameters of a continuous population of any given form," Biometrika, 30, III-IV (1938). H. Cramer, Mathematical Methods of Statistics, Princeton (1957). I . A . Ibragimov and R. Z. Khas'minskii, "Asymptotic behavior of certain statistical estimates in the smooth case," Teor. Veroyatn. Ee Primen., 17, 3 (1972); 18, 1 (1973). L . B . Klebanov, "Inadmissibility of polynomial estimates of location parameter," Mat. Zametki, 14, 6 (1973).


UDC 519.281

Under fairly general assumptions it is proved that unbiased variance are optimal in the class of unbiased estimates and convex loss function. The analysis is extended to the case tions. A class of loss functions is introduced and studied for a given family of distributions.


estimates of minimal with respect to any of matrix loss functhat are universal

Introduction and Principal Definitions On a measurable space


( ~ , 0 ~ 1 let us consider a family

We shall assume that on the basis of an observation

{P6 . @ ~ G } ~ ~,

of probability

that has a distribu-



with unknown @ , it is necessary to estimate the value of a given parametric func-



: 8



where ~

is the set of all square matrices of dimension

nl •

with real elements. We shall assume that the losses due to the use of the statistic the quality of estimation of ~ ~--*-~m" function w


: ~

are specified by a matrix-valued function

We shall also assume that the set ~

' ~m


has an order relation ~

:~ .*

in x

The loss

is assumed to be convex in the first argument for any fixed value of the second

argument (the term of loss function will be applied to such functions only). If t

is the estimate of ~ ,

then its risk corresponding to the loss function w


be defined by the matrix

*It is assumed that ~ m

is an ordered vector space over the field of real numbers.

Translated from Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov Leningradskogo Otdeleniya Matematicheskogo Instituta im. V. A. Steklova AN SSSR, Vol. 34, pp. 40-52, 1974. 870


9 1978 Plenum Publishing Corporation

We shall say that an estimate T if for any

@ 6~9


~e(~] - R ~ ( ~ )

~ (or that

F is worse than


is nonnegative (with an order relation 9 )


~ if this matrix is nonzero for at least one @ ~ ~

~{ be a class of estimates.

class ~ A


the matrix

and strictly better than

is better than an estimate

A statistic

~ @~{


is said to be optimal in the

(or admissible in the class ~{ ) if it is better (or not worse) than any estimate



As a rule we shall consider the case that the class ~

class of unbiased estimates (u.e.)

~ of a parametric function

is a subclass of the

~ with finite covariance

matrices, i~e., of estimates of T such that =


for any O ~ l ~ 9


and there exists an



(here T denotes transposition).

An estimate ~

that is optimal in the class ~

covariance matrix (for a given order relation ~

of unbiased estimates with a finite

and loss function w )

estimate of minimum risk (u.e.m.r.) in th& class ~

is called an unbiased


The principal object of study in this paper is the relationship between the u.e.m.r. for various loss functions v

and order relations

!~ in the set ~ m "

Similar investiga-

tions for the case of real-valued parametric functions, estimates, and loss functions were carried out in [i, 2].

Matrix loss functions were studied in [3-5].

Here we present re-

sults that extend the corresponding theorems of [5, 6]. w

Optimal Estimates of Minimum Variance Now let us consider the scalar case, when

al ordered field of real numbers.

~ " ~--~-~, W "

~'---'~ ~,

and ~

is the usu-

The u.e.m.r, corresponding to a loss function

is called an unbiased estimate of minimum variance (u.e.m.v.). Let


be a class of u.e. with finite variance for the parametric function ][ , and let

21e ={~(~) : Eo% =0, Eel/.la§ < ~ ,

e ~ @}, e>0

tics I that satisfy the following condition: of a statistic I ~ ~ ' for any O ~ ~ THEOREM i. @ ~ e iance.


L~ ( ~ ~(z,0))

. Let ~

~ J~

be a u.e.m.v., and let the set ~ o =~0 ~ e in the set ~

be dense for any

of all u.e. of zero (u.e.z.) with finite var-

will be a u.e.m.r, for any loss function w .

It is well known [7] that ~

is a u.e.m.v, if and only if

Eo for any @ ~ a n d

If ~ ( Z ~0) is the distribution function (d.f.)

then the polynomials of Z will be dense in the space

, i n the metric Lz(Pc), Then ~

By J~, we shall denote a set: of statis-

all u.e.z.



~(~) with finite variance.


By virtue of the conditions of the

theorem this is equivalent to


E~(~) for any 8 ~ e


the conditions

E 9 (~)=



~ ~ ~o"


If, however,

= 0

% ~,

0 , ~ 8 1 ~ i 2~s < o ~



~ ~E, for E,
0 9

From Lemma 2 it follows that

This signifies that

is bounded, it follows in the same way as in Theorem 1 that

Url' is continuous and strictly monotonic; hence

Eo{ J } :0. According to the assumption of the theorem, holds for any ~ e ~ .


is dense in ~ ,

and therefore this equation

Thus the statistic ~ will be partially sufficient in the class ~

Now it follows from the proof of Theorem i that ~


is a u.e.m.r, for any loss function w~ .

This completes the proof of the theorem. Let us note that among the loss functions


, w(~)~o, w(o)=o,

a representation (10) is admissible only for the functions


where A ,




are constants,



w~ can be o b t a i n e d from

W 2 by a l i m i t



such that B + 2A/c 2. 877

It is clear that not every loss function is universal.






be a convex piecewise continuously differentiable

(with only finitely many points at which there is no derivative) strictly convex.

Then there exists a family {Qe~ 8 6 E) 1 for which W

i.e., there exists a bounded statistic the loss function w , Proof.


is not universal,

~ which is a u.e.m.r, for its mean with respect to

but which is not a u.e.m.v.

Since the function

~4 , in which W

loss function that is not


is not strictly convex, there exists an interval (&,$) C

coincides with a linear function.

ot>O is sufficiently small.


If % =(%1,%-~,%~

is a u.e.z., then

+/,co,#e=o'~ ee[o ] Hence follows that %3 = O any ~

~ ~4 .

, i/.., =-~LZ,

i.e., all the u.e.z, have the form

Let I be a u.e.m.v, for its mean.

(~1,-%,1, O)



EoT =(I* i.e.,

II = Iz"

any I~ , ~

Hence I will be a u.e.m.v, for its mean if and only if ~ = ( ~,, ~,, ~5) for

~ ~~

In considering the above-mentioned loss function w ,

that the condition of optimality of the statistic ~

in the class ~

it is easy to see

will be written in the


Let ~ =(~,~'~, 0h 9 Then this condition of optimality will take the form

02 If [~ , z' and ~

are such that

then our statistic

~ =(~,~ ~z,O~

n ~i ~


z and

will be a u.e.m.r, for its mean with respect to w ,


it is not a u.e.m.v. w

Uniqueness of Optimal Estimates Let us note that the u.e.m.v.

~ constructed in the proof of Theorem 7 is a complete

sufficient statistic, and therefore the statistic


I ~}

is both a u.e.m.v, and a A

u.e.m.r, for E 0f.

Thus for the loss function mentioned in Theorem 7 both

~ and ~ were

u.e.m.r, for E 0 ~ (3~, i.e., the optimal estimate was not unique in the class ~



fore it is of interest to ascertain the conditions of uniqueness of optimal estimates.



Let the set of bounded u.e.z. ~i~ be dense in the metric L t ( P e ~ , @ ~ ~) ,

in the set ~ ,

and let w

be a twice continuously differentiable loss function that is

strictly convex in the first argument for any fixed value of the second argument. u.e.m.r, will be unique* in the class ~ Proof. l)


Let us assume the contrary.

the function

Then the

Let ~ and I

be two u.e.m.r.; then for any ~


~ I + ( ~ - ~ I ~ will be an unbiased estimate of the parametric function

and we have


By virtue of the strict convexity of the function w , I(~

almost certainly with respect to the measure

~e "

this equation holds only if ~ ( ~ = This completes the proof of the

theorem. Together with Theorem 7 we have also proved the following. THEOREM 9. such that E e

There exists a family =Ee

4, and


{ Re ~ 8 ~ ~) } and two statistics


and i~( ~ ~ ~

4 are u.e.m.r, with respect to the loss function men-

tioned in Theorem 7. Let us note that the uniqueness of an optimal unbiased estimate for the case of a quadratic loss function has been proved in [13]. w

Optimal Subalgebras Bahadur [9] has shown that if there exists a bounded nontrivial u.e.m.v., then there

exists also a nontrivial ~ - a l g e b r a


that has the following property:

Any statistic with

finite variance that is measurable with respect to q~ is a u.e.m.v, for its mean. A suba!gebra ~ w

c U~

is said to be optimal with respect to a loss function

estimate with finite w - r i s k

that is measurable with respect to ~ w

~vif any

is a u.e.m.r, for its

mean. THEOREM i0. w(~-


tion w ( ~ = O Proof.

Let the set


be dense in ~

in the metric

L~(Pe] , e E|

, and let

be a twice continuously differentiable loss function that satisfies the condiI=O




= ~'

By virtue of Theorem 1 and Remark 2 we have

the indicator function

IA of the set A



Let ~ E--~w .

will be a u.e.m.ro with respect to W .


By virtue

of Lemma 2,

E e { W' ( iA - Pe[A'):I ~} = o, *The uniqueness is understood in the sense that two u.e.m.r, coincide with 1 for any @ ~ .




I$w'{ ~ - Pe(A~]dPe + I w'(- Pe (Al)/. d.P8 = o, A


But ~ is a u.e.z., i.e.,



From the last two equations it follows that

[w'(i - Pe(A~I - w'(-P e (Al]] I/" dPe = o. By virtue of our assumption concerning W ,

it hence follows that

, ,,,,[ These equations signify that A ~ .

This completes the proof of the theorem. LITERATURE CITED

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. i0. ii. 12. 13.


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