Understanding and Attributing Climate Change - IPCC

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... Z. Chen, M. Marquis,. K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
9 Understanding and Attributing Climate Change Coordinating Lead Authors: Gabriele C. Hegerl (USA, Germany), Francis W. Zwiers (Canada)

Lead Authors: Pascale Braconnot (France), Nathan P. Gillett (UK), Yong Luo (China), Jose A. Marengo Orsini (Brazil, Peru), Neville Nicholls (Australia), Joyce E. Penner (USA), Peter A. Stott (UK)

Contributing Authors: M. Allen (UK), C. Ammann (USA), N. Andronova (USA), R.A. Betts (UK), A. Clement (USA), W.D. Collins (USA), S. Crooks (UK), T.L. Delworth (USA), C. Forest (USA), P. Forster (UK), H. Goosse (Belgium), J.M. Gregory (UK), D. Harvey (Canada), G.S. Jones (UK), F. Joos (Switzerland), J. Kenyon (USA), J. Kettleborough (UK), V. Kharin (Canada), R. Knutti (Switzerland), F.H. Lambert (UK), M. Lavine (USA), T.C.K. Lee (Canada), D. Levinson (USA), V. Masson-Delmotte (France), T. Nozawa (Japan), B. Otto-Bliesner (USA), D. Pierce (USA), S. Power (Australia), D. Rind (USA), L. Rotstayn (Australia), B. D. Santer (USA), C. Senior (UK), D. Sexton (UK), S. Stark (UK), D.A. Stone (UK), S. Tett (UK), P. Thorne (UK), R. van Dorland (The Netherlands), M. Wang (USA), B. Wielicki (USA), T. Wong (USA), L. Xu (USA, China), X. Zhang (Canada), E. Zorita (Germany, Spain)

Review Editors: David J. Karoly (USA, Australia), Laban Ogallo (Kenya), Serge Planton (France)

This chapter should be cited as: Hegerl, G.C., F. W. Zwiers, P. Braconnot, N.P. Gillett, Y. Luo, J.A. Marengo Orsini, N. Nicholls, J.E. Penner and P.A. Stott, 2007: Understanding and Attributing Climate Change. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

Understanding and Attributing Climate Change

Chapter 9

Table of Contents Executive Summary

.................................................... 665

9.1 Introduction ......................................................... 667 9.1.1 What are Climate Change and Climate Variability? .............................................. 667 9.1.2 What are Climate Change Detection and Attribution? ................................................... 667 9.1.3 The Basis from which We Begin .......................... 669

9.2 Radiative Forcing and Climate Response ............................................................... 670 9.2.1 Radiative Forcing Estimates Used to Simulate Climate Change .................................... 671 9.2.2 Spatial and Temporal Patterns of the Response to Different Forcings and their Uncertainties ....... 674 9.2.3 Implications for Understanding 20th-Century Climate Change ................................................... 678 9.2.4 Summary ............................................................. 678

9.3 Understanding Pre-Industrial Climate Change ................................................... 679 9.3.1 Why Consider Pre-Industrial Climate Change? .............................................................. 679 9.3.2 What can be Learned from the Last Glacial Maximum and the Mid-Holocene? ...................... 679 9.3.3 What can be Learned from the Past 1,000 Years? ........................................................ 680 9.3.4 Summary ............................................................. 683

9.4 Understanding of Air Temperature Change During the Industrial Era .............. 683 9.4.1 Global-Scale Surface Temperature Change ........ 683 9.4.2 Continental and Sub-continental Surface Temperature Change ........................................... 693 9.4.3 Surface Temperature Extremes ........................... 698 9.4.4 Free Atmosphere Temperature ............................ 699 9.4.5 Summary ............................................................. 704

9.5 Understanding of Change in Other Variables during the Industrial Era............. 705 9.5.1 Ocean Climate Change ....................................... 705 9.5.2 Sea Level ............................................................. 707 9.5.3 Atmospheric Circulation Changes ....................... 709 9.5.4 Precipitation......................................................... 712 9.5.5 Cryosphere Changes ........................................... 716 9.5.6 Summary ............................................................. 717


9.6 Observational Constraints on Climate Sensitivity ............................................. 718 9.6.1 Methods to Estimate Climate Sensitivity ............. 718 9.6.2 Estimates of Climate Sensitivity Based on Instrumental Observations .................................. 719 9.6.3 Estimates of Climate Sensitivity Based on Palaeoclimatic Data ............................................. 724 9.6.4 Summary of Observational Constraints for Climate Sensitivity ............................................... 725

9.7 Combining Evidence of Anthropogenic Climate Change ................................................... 727 Frequently Asked Questions FAQ 9.1: Can Individual Extreme Events be Explained by Greenhouse Warming? ..................................... 696 FAQ 9.2: Can the Warming of the 20th Century be Explained by Natural Variability? ......................... 702

References........................................................................ 733 Appendix 9.A: Methods Used to Detect Externally Forced Signals .......................................... 744 Supplementary Material The following supplementary material is available on CD-ROM and in on-line versions of this report. Appendix 9.B: Methods Used to Estimate Climate Sensitivity and Aerosol Forcing Appendix 9.C: Notes and technical details on Figures displayed in Chapter 9 Appendix 9.D: Additional Figures and Tables References for Appendices 9.B to 9.D

Chapter 9

Understanding and Attributing Climate Change

Executive Summary Evidence of the effect of external influences on the climate system has continued to accumulate since the Third Assessment Report (TAR). The evidence now available is substantially stronger and is based on analyses of widespread temperature increases throughout the climate system and changes in other climate variables. Human-induced warming of the climate system is widespread. Anthropogenic warming of the climate system can be detected in temperature observations taken at the surface, in the troposphere and in the oceans. Multi-signal detection and attribution analyses, which quantify the contributions of different natural and anthropogenic forcings to observed changes, show that greenhouse gas forcing alone during the past half century would likely have resulted in greater than the observed warming if there had not been an offsetting cooling effect from aerosol and other forcings. It is extremely unlikely (50%)

More likely than not (>50%)


Very likely



Chapter 9 Understanding and Attributing Climate Change


732 Arctic


Anthropogenic forcing has contributed to widespread glacier retreat during the 20th century

Global land areas


Anthropogenic forcing has contributed to reductions in NH sea ice extent during the latter half of the 20th century


Increased risk of drought due to anthropogenic forcing during latter half 20th century

Precipitation, Drought, Runoff


Table 9.4 (continued)



More likely than not (>50%)


Observed changes are qualitatively consistent with theoretical expectations and temperature detection. Anthropogenic contribution to volume change difficult to estimate. Few detection and attribution studies, but retreat in vast majority of glaciers consistent with expected reaction to widespread warming (Section

The observed change is qualitatively consistent with model-simulated changes for most models and expectation of sea ice melting under arctic warming. Sea ice extent change detected in one study. The model used has some deficiencies in arctic sea ice annual cycle and extent. The conclusion is supported by physical expectations and simulations with another climate model. Change in SH sea ice probably within range explained by internal variability (Section

One detection study has identified an anthropogenic fingerprint in a global Palmer Drought Severity Index data set with high significance, but the simulated response to anthropogenic and natural forcing combined is weaker than observed, and the model appears to have less inter-decadal variability than observed. Studies of some regions indicate that droughts in those regions are linked either to SST changes that, in some instances, may be linked to anthropogenic aerosol forcing (e.g., Sahel) or to a circulation response to anthropogenic forcing (e.g., southwest Australia). Models, observations and forcing all contribute uncertainty (Section

Factors contributing to likelihood assessment

Understanding and Attributing Climate Change Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Understanding and Attributing Climate Change

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Appendix 9.A: Methods Used to Detect Externally Forced Signals This appendix very briefly reviews the statistical methods that have been used in most recent detection and attribution work. Standard ‘frequentist’ methods (methods based on the relative frequency concept of probability) are most often used, but there is also increasing use of Bayesian methods of statistical inference. The following sections briefly describe the optimal fingerprinting technique followed by a short discussion on the differences between the standard and Bayesian approaches to statistical inferences that are relevant to detection and attribution. 9.A.1

Optimal Fingerprinting

Optimal fingerprinting is generalised multivariate regression adapted to the detection of climate change and the attribution of change to externally forced climate change signals (Hasselmann, 1979, 1997; Allen and Tett, 1999). The regression model has the form y = Xa +u, where vector y is a filtered version of the observed record, matrix X contains the estimated response patterns to the external forcings (signals) that are under investigation, a is a vector of scaling factors that adjusts the amplitudes of those patterns and u represents internal climate variability. Vector u is usually assumed to be a Gaussian random vector with covariance matrix C. Vector a is estimated with â = (XT C-1X)-1XT C-1y, which is equivalent to (XT X)-1XT ỹ, where matrix X and vector ỹ represent the signal patterns and observations after normalisation by the climate’s internal variability. This normalisation, standard in linear regression, is used in most detection and attribution approaches to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (see, e.g., Hasselmann, 1979; Allen and Tett, 1999; Mitchell et al., 2001). The matrix X typically contains signals that are estimated with either an AOGCM, an AGCM (see Sexton et al., 2001, 2003) or a simplified climate model such as an EBM. Because AOGCMs simulate natural internal variability as well as the response to specified anomalous external forcing, AOGCMsimulated climate signals are typically estimated by averaging across an ensemble of simulations (for a discussion of optimal ensemble size and composition, see Sexton et al., 2003). If an observed response is to be attributed to anthropogenic influence, X should at a minimum contain separate natural and anthropogenic responses. In order to relax the assumption that the relative magnitudes of the responses to individual forcings are correctly simulated, X may contain separate responses to all the main forcings, including greenhouse gases, sulphate aerosol, solar irradiance changes and volcanic aerosol. The vector a accounts for possible errors in the amplitude of the external forcing and the amplitude of the climate model’s response by scaling the signal patterns to best match the observations. Fitting the regression model requires an estimate of the covariance matrix C (i.e., the internal variability), which 744

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is usually obtained from unforced variation simulated by AOGCMs (e.g., from long control simulations) because the instrumental record is too short to provide a reliable estimate and may be affected by external forcing. Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models may not simulate natural internal climate variability accurately, particularly at small spatial scales, and thus a residual consistency test (Allen and Tett, 1999) is typically used to assess the model-simulated variability at the scales that are retained in the analysis. To avoid bias (Hegerl et al., 1996, 1997), uncertainty in the estimate of the vector of scaling factors a is usually assessed with a second, statistically independent estimate of the covariance matrix C which is ordinarily obtained from an additional, independent sample of simulated unforced variation. Signal estimates are obtained by averaging across an ensemble of forced climate change simulations, but contain remnants of the climate’s natural internal variability because the ensembles are finite. When ensembles are small or signals weak, these remnants may bias ordinary least-squares estimates of a downward. This is avoided by estimating a with the total least-squares algorithm (Allen and Stott 2003). 9.A.2 Methods of Inference Detection and attribution questions are assessed through a combination of physical reasoning (to determine, for example, by assessing consistency of possible responses, whether other mechanisms of change not included in the climate model could plausibly explain the observed change) and by evaluating specific hypotheses about the scaling factors contained in a. Most studies evaluate these hypotheses using standard frequentist methods (Hasselmann, 1979, 1997; Hegerl et al., 1997; Allen and Tett, 1999). Several recent studies have also used Bayesian methods (Hasselmann, 1998; Leroy, 1998; Min et al., 2004, 2005; Lee et al., 2005, 2006; Schnur and Hasselmann, 2005; Min and Hense, 2006a,b). In the standard approach, detection of a postulated climate change signal occurs when its amplitude in observations is shown to be significantly different from zero (i.e., when the null hypothesis HD : a = 0 where 0 is a vector of zeros, is rejected) with departure from zero in the physically plausible direction. Subsequently, the second attribution requirement (consistency with a combination of external forcings and natural internal variability) is assessed with the ‘attribution consistency test’ (Hasselmann, 1997; see also Allen and Tett, 1999) that evaluates the null hypothesis HA : a = 1 where 1 denotes a vector of units. This test does not constitute a complete attribution assessment, but contributes important evidence to such assessments (see Mitchell et al., 2001). Attribution studies usually also test whether the response to a key forcing, such as greenhouse gas increases, is distinguishable from that to other forcings, usually based on the results of multiple regression (see above) using the most important forcings simultaneously in X. If the response to a key forcing (e.g., due to greenhouse gas increases) is detected by rejecting the hypothesis that its amplitude aGHG = 0 in such a multiple regression, this provides strong attribution information

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because it demonstrates that the observed climate change is ‘not consistent with alternative, physically plausible explanations of recent climate change that exclude important elements of the given combination of forcings’ (Mitchell et al., 2001). Bayesian approaches are of interest because they can be used to integrate information from multiple lines of evidence, and can incorporate independent prior information into the analysis. Essentially two approaches (described below) have been taken to date. In both cases, inferences are based on a posterior distribution that blends evidence from the observations with the independent prior information, which may include information on the uncertainty of external forcing estimates, climate models and their responses to forcing. In this way, all information that enters into the analysis is declared explicitly. Schnur and Hasselmann (2005) approach the problem by developing a filtering technique that optimises the impact of the data on the prior distribution in a manner similar to the way in which optimal fingerprints maximise the ratio of the anthropogenic signal to natural variability noise in the conventional approach. The optimal filter in the Bayesian approach depends on the properties of both the natural climate variability and model errors. Inferences are made by comparing evidence, as measured by Bayes Factors (Kass and Raftery, 1995), for competing hypotheses. Other studies using similar approaches include Min et al. (2004) and Min and Hense (2006a,b). In contrast, Berliner et al. (2000) and Lee et al. (2005) use Bayesian methods only to make inferences about the estimate of a that is obtained from conventional optimal fingerprinting.