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Apr 23, 2013 ... a member of the Shariah Committee for HSBC Amanah Malaysia, HSBC. Amanah (Takaful) Malaysia as well as a registered Shariah Advisor ...
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UnDerstanDing shariah stanDarDs on mUDarabah Date : 23 april 2013 (tuesday) Venue : best Western Premier Dua sentral hotel, Kuala lumpur Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has issued Shariah Parameters on Mudarabah as part of a continuous effort to strengthen the Shariah and regulatory framework of Islamic Finance in Malaysia. The Shariah parameter was issued to all Islamic fi nancial institutions under the jurisdiction of BNM. This new guideline will provide guidance to Islamic fi nancial institutions in offering Mudarabah and Mudarabah related products whilst satisfying Shariah and regulatory requirements.

UnDerstanDing shariah stanDarDs on mUDarabah this shariah parameter also aims to serve as a guideline to enhance risk management capabilities and corporate governance practices in managing mudarabah exposures undertaken by islamic financial institutions. it also serves as guiding principles for islamic financial institutions’ compliance based assessment tool in developing islamic financial products and services based on mudarabah.

obJectiVes Participants would learn about: • Understanding the concept and features of Mudarabah • Practical guidance in developing Islamic fi nancial products and services based on Mudarabah • Standards on the features of Mudarabah contracts applicable in Islamic fi nancial transactions • Adhering to regulatory and Shariah requirements Who shoUlD attenD This programme is designed for those who wish to gain an in-depth, comprehensive and practical understanding on the standards: • Bankers • Shariah Advisers and Shariah Offi cers • Risk Offi cers • Compliance Product Development Offi cers • Academicians coUrse oUtline mudarabah: concept and features • Mudarabah – Meaning and Salient features • Similarities and Differences between Mudarabah and Musharakah • Restricted Mudarabah and Unrestricted Mudarabah • Principles and Conditions of Mudarabah application of mudarabah in islamic finance contracts • Mudarabah Deposits • Mudarabah Investment Accounts • Mudarabah Project Financing • Mudarabah Sukuk • Mudarabah Structured Products Policies and key regulatory provisions • Shariah Parameter on Mudarabah issued by BNM • Key considerations and optional features in drafting Mudarabah contract • Exit strategies and mechanisms (extension, redemption and termination of Mudarabah) • Risk profi le of Mudarabah contracts • Identifying, monitoring, controlling and mitigating risk arising from Mudarabah mudarabah and the allocation of profits • Valuation and distribution of profi ts • Detecting and providing best estimates of losses • Determining prudent levels of provisions for exposures in Mudarabah

this one-day briefing will provide a comprehensive understanding of the mudarabah contract highlighting the mechanics of its use, its major applications and the risks for islamic financial institutions.

facilitator Dr. rUsni hassan Dr. Rusni Hassan is an Associate Professor, Deputy Dean as well as a member of the Board of Management at the Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). She is also a member of the Shariah Advisory Council at Bank Negara Malaysia and the Secretary for the Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance Malaysia (ASAS). Previously, she was on the Research Committee for Review of Islamic Banking Laws, a committee appointed by Bank Negara Malaysia, and an examiner for the Financial Planner Association of Malaysia. She was also a member of the Shariah Committee for HSBC Amanah Malaysia, HSBC Amanah (Takaful) Malaysia as well as a registered Shariah Advisor with the Securities Commission. Dr. Rusni graduated with LLB (Honours) and LLB (Shariah) (First Class), Master of Comparative Laws (MCL) and Ph.D. in Law. Her area of specialization includes Islamic Banking and Finance, Islamic Documentations, Islamic Capital Market and Takaful. She has spoken extensively in seminars, workshops, conferences and training on various Islamic Finance issues. Her publication includes books, articles of journals and Shariah Law Reports.

Understanding Shariah Standards on Mudarabah


23 April 2013 (Tuesday) | Best Western Premier Dua Sentral Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

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Participant 1 Full name as per I/C (Dato' / Datin / Dr / Mr / Mrs / Ms):

Programme Fee

Designation: o Vegetarian Meal

Membership No.:

| * Participant's Classification: o Member


| RM 850

* Organisations which are members of the following Associations:

o Non-member

1. Association of Islamic Banks in Malaysia (AIBIM)

Membership No.:

2. Malaysia Takaful Association (MTA)

Email: | * Participant's Classification: o Member

3. Malaysian Investment Banks Association (MIBA)

o Non-member

4. Malaysian Insurance & Takaful Brokers Association (MITBA)

Participant 3 Full name as per I/C (Dato' / Datin / Dr / Mr / Mrs / Ms):

Designation: o Vegetarian Meal

| RM 700

Non-member Email:

Participant 2 Full name as per I/C (Dato' / Datin / Dr / Mr / Mrs / Ms):

o Vegetarian Meal


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Enquiry & Registration Contact : Izaham

Email: | * Participant's Classification: o Member


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TERMS & CONDITIONS PROGRAMME fee Fee is payable to: MIA-MPDC Fee includes course materials, lunch and 2 tea breaks per day. Admittance will only be permitted upon receipt of full payment. Registration made by fax must be followed immediately by payment. CANCELLATION / TRANSFER Upon registering, participant(s) are considered successfully enrolled in the event. Should participant(s) decide to cancel/transfer their enrollment; a cancellation/transfer fee will be levied. Written cancellations/transfer notice received: • Five (5) working days before the event, a refund (less administrative charge of 20%) will be made. • For no-show on the day of the event, no refund will be entertained. You can substitute an alternate participant(s) if you wish to avoid cancellation/transfer charges. Any difference in fees will be charged accordingly. Cancelled/transferred unpaid registrations will also be liable for full payment of the registration fee. • Partial cancellation is not allowed.

PARTICIPANT'S CLASSIFICATION* Please select the participant classification carefully as it determines the fee payable. No alteration will be allowed after the registration is accepted. Terms and conditions apply. Certificate of Attendance and CPE HOURS All participants will be presented with a Certificate of Attendance upon full attendance and personal completion of the programme. For MIA members, the CPE hours will be credited into the Membership System within 2 weeks of the programme. DATA PROTECTION Personal Data is gathered in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (Act 709). DISCLAIMER Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) reserve the right to change the speaker(s), date(s) and to cancel the programme should circumstances beyond its control arises. MIA also reserve the right to make alternative arrangements without prior notice should it be necessary to do so. Upon signing the registration form, you are deemed to have read and accepted the terms and conditions.