approach for increasing data rate over wireless channels is to employ coding techniques appropriate for multiple transmit antennas, namely space-time coding.
paper, we pay attention to medium-range (10 km) UWA communication based ... Doppler frequency shift is estimated by using cyclic prefix and compensated by.
Underwater acoustic channels are band-limited and reverberant, posing many obstacles to ... underwater acoustic communications still face many techni-.
was 2 ms. Using binary phase shift keying (BPSK), one bit of information (1 or 0) is encoded on each symbol, and has two
energy back to a probe source location despite the complexity of the propagation channel. A probe source pulse is transm
UNDERWATER ACOUSTIC SENSOR NETWORKS. A Thesis ... at the Georgia Institute of Technology, I wish to express my deepest gratitude for excellent ..... slurry of antibiotics, estrogen-type hormones and insecticides to monitor streams,.
Oct 17, 2011 - The underwater acoustic communication channel is recognised as one of ..... In particular, Fisher and Simmons in the late 70's found the effect.
The need for underwater wireless communications exists in applications ...
Underwater acoustic communications are a rapidly growing growing field of
is a brief description by Vigny (1979) of the mating call recorded in an aquarium. ... under four conditions: at the center of a pond (see below), in a glass-walled.