Margaret USED TO make her own ice cream. ... membuat es krim sendiri.) ... Ada
cara lain untuk membuet penenyeen, ka/imat negatip dan jawaban .... things
were home-made then-jam, cakes, butter-all these things were made at home.
Police" said Martin* and his son did many things that were wrong: they left Brindilla without telling anyone; they travelled by themselves; they didn't take any water; they travelled at the hottest time of the day. But the worst mistake they made was to leave their car-they didn't stay with their car, but started to walk back towards Brindilla Station. They weren't wearing hats, and so they soon got sunstroke. They also carried a very heavy bag of food, and this was unnecessary, because they became very thirsty and couldn't eat the food anyway. Police said when you travel in the desert it is essential to tell someone when and where you're going, to carry water and, if your car breaks down, to stay with it. Then you can be found more easily. * Police said (biasanya The police said) dan Martin (biasanya Mr Martin) adalah contoh bahasa surst keber.
1. 2.
3. 4.
Look Look Look Look
at paragraph at paragraph at paragraph at paragraph
three. three. three. four.
Write down three things they should have done. Write down four things they shouldn't have done. Write down one thing they needn't have done. Write down three things people should do when they travel in the desert.
REMEMBERING THE GOOD OLD DAYS ( = Mengenangkan masa laluldahulu) USED TO + INFINITIVE 1. Positive Statements Margaret and Bert are talking about the time when they were young ... Remember-I USED TO live [YOSta L1V] on a farm ( dahulu tinggal di tanah pertanian.) And I USED TO work in a post office. BERT: They tell Chris and Iwan about those days ... MARGARET:
We USED TO have a picnic every Sunday. Margaret USED TO make her own ice cream. ( membuat es krim sendiri.)
Masih ingat-Saya
= Margaret dahulu biese
Kita memskei bentuk USE0 TO + IN FIN ITIVEkalau kita berbicara tentang kebiasaan atau kegiatan kita sehari-hari pada masa lalu-yaitu hal-hal yang biasa kita kerjakan pada waktu lampau tetapi sekarang tidak kit» kerjakan lagi. Bentuknya sama untuk semua orang: he used to live ... ; I used to work ... dsb. Catatan: (a) Bentuk itu dipakai untuk mese lempeu SAJA. (b) Ucapan used [YOST] pada used to tidak sama dengan ucapan bentuk lampau kata kerja use, yang diucapkan: [YOZD].
2. Questions, negatives and short answers CHRIS: Did you use to fish a lot then, Dad?
BERT: Yes, I did.
MARGARET: We didn't use to have T.V. then. BERT: No, we didn't. Pertanyaan. kalimat negatip dan jawaban singkat dibentuk dengan menggunakan kata kerja pembantu 010/01 DN'T, seperti pada the Simple Past Tense. Perhatikan. kita menuliskan use, dan tidak used: Did you use to listen to the radio more before you had T.V.? Ada cara lain untuk membuet penenyeen, ka/imat negatip dan jawaban sinqket. tetapi bentuk ini
67 kurang biasa dipakai: dalam hal ini kita tidak memakai kata did, tetapi hanya mengubah susunan katanya-
Used you to work in the" town? (Short
answers: No, I usedn't to or Yes, I used to.)
I usedn't to have T.V. [VOsant]
• (in
the town = in that town, yaitu in thet small town in the country. 'Di kots' biasanya = in town)
3. Question tags IWAN: Vou used to ride a lot, didn't you? (ride = ride a horse)
BERT: Yes, I did.
Question tag tersebut paling biasa dipakai, tetapi question tag berikut ini kadang-kadang juga
dipakai. IWAN: Vou used to ride a lot, usedn't you?
BERT: Yes, I used to.
4, Short forms (a) With "be" and other special verbs
BERT: Margaret isn't shy now, but she used to be (= she used to be shy).
MARGARET: Yes. and Bert isn't a good tennis-player now, but he used to be.
MARGARET: I can't run very fast now, but I used to be able to.
(b) With other verbs BERT: I don't like fishing now, but I used to (= I used to like fishing).
MARGARET: Yes, and I don't make ice cream now, but I used to.
Contoh-eontoh tersebut menunjukkan pemakaian yang biasa dari bentuk used to untuk
membandingkan sesuatu hal yang pernah kita lakukan pada masa lampau dengan kebiasaan kita sekarang. Perhatikanlah: kalau used to [VOStU] dipakai dalam bentuk singkat, kta to diueapkan sepenuhnya sebagai [til], dan tidak [tal. 5. The passive MARGARET: The mail used to be delivered once a week then. Bentuk pasip itu terdiri dari USED TO + BE + PAST PARTICIPLE. Berikut ini beberapa eontoh lagi: Ice used to BE deliverED to our house. The lessons used to BE senT from Sydney. Two men used to BE employED on the Horses used to BE ridDEN a lot.
6. Beberapa kata/ungkapan waktu lagi yang sering dipakai untuk berbieara tentang masalalu Once (= dulu pernah) Once upon a time (= sekali peristiwa, pada suatu ketika) (Ungkapan ini biasanya dipakai pada permulaan dongeng atau eerita lama) In the (good) old days (= tempo dulu. masa lalu) bOy } When we were young/When I was a { girl/When I was little (= Waktu saya keeil)
As kids we ... (= Sebagai anak-anak, kami. , .)
Those were the days (= Itu di masa lalu)
In the broadcast you will hear two songs. Here are some of the English words: THOSE WERE THE DAYS Once upon a time there was a Those were the days, my friend tavern We thought they'd never end, * forever and a day = Where we used to raise a glass or We'd sing and dance forever and always (bahasa sastra) a dav" ; . two. Remember how we laughed away We'd live the life we choose, the hours, We'd fight and never lose, Think of all the great things we For we were young and sure to would do. have our way. (Kata-kllts dikutip dengsn izin ds,;: Essex Music of Australia Pty. Ltd.)
REMEMBER THE DAYS OF THE OLD SCHOOL YARD "Remember the days of the old school yard ... When we had imaginings We used to laugh a lot. and we had all kinds of things Oh-don't you remember the days of the old school and we laughed and needed love?" yard? "Yes. I do ... Oh-and I remember you."
BE READY FOR THESE WORDS AND PHRASES IN THE BROADCAST the old days [dhiY_OUL(D) DEll] the good old days [dha GUD_OUL(D) DEll] a sulky [SALki] = kereta kuda correspondence lessons [koraSPONdans-lesanz] = pelajaran dengan surat-menyurat electricity [elikTRISati] = listrik a water supply from the town [WOta-saplai fram dha TAUN] = persediaan air dari kota a tractor [TR.iEKta] = trsktor a kerosene lamp [KERasin L.iEMP] = lampu minyak a rider [RAlda] = penunggang/pengendara
once [WANS] as kids [az KIDl] onceuponatime [WANS_aPON_aTAtM] when I was little [ waz L1Tal] those were the days [DHOUl wa dha DEll]
It reminds me of sth. [at raMAINDl mly_av ...] = Itu mengingatkan saya kepada sesuatu . . . Vou used to ride out from the town tothefarm [yu VOSta RAID...autfram dha TAUN ta dha FAM] = Saudara dulu biasa menung.1lang kuda dari kote ke tanah pertanian/ladang they used to go riding [dhei VUSta GOU RAiding] = mereka dahulu biasa menunggang kuda
PART 11:
PERBENDAHARAAN KATA TAMBAHAN You had kids of your own [yu hood KIDl_av yar/yor_OUN] = Saudara mempunyai dnak sendiri
the Aboriginal people [dhly...aebaRIJanal PTpal] = penduduk pribumi (Aborijin) Australia a European [yuraPTYan] = orang Eropa bark [BAK] = kulit kayu a grandfather [GR.iENfiidha] = kakek
hunt [HANT] = berburu move around [MOV_aRAUND] hidup berpindah-pindah nowadays [NAUwadeiz] = dewasa ini home-made [HOUM MEID] = buatan sendiri permanent [P8manant] = tetap
THE GOOD OLD DAYS In the broadcast Margaret and Bert talked about the days when they were young. They lived in the country and everything was different then. When Margaret was little not many people had cars and her parents used to go totown by sulky. She used to have correspondence lessons. (There is a special school in Sydney that sends lessons to children in the country. The lessons are sent and returned by mail.) Margaret used to make her own ice cream and her mother used to make her own bread. In fact. many things were home-made then-jam, cakes, butter-all these things were made at home. Later in the broadcast Margaret and Bert were visited by an old Aboriginal man they used to know. He told them about his grandfather, who used to live the old life of the Aboriginal people: his grandfather used to hunt and fish and move around the country looking for food. Before the Europeans came to Australia the Aboriginal people didn't build houses like the ones in Australia today. Their houses were made of bark, because they didn't need permanent houses.
EXERCISES A. Lihat/ah bacaan /agi "The Good Old Days", dan kemudian jawab/ah pertanyaan berikul.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
How did Margaret's parents go to town when she was little? (They ....) Did Margaret use to have correspondence lessons? (Short answer) Write down three things that used to be made at home when Margaret was young. Who visited Margaret and Bert? (An .... ) What were most Aboriginal houses made of in the old days? (They ....) Why were their houses made of bark? (Because ....)
B. Kerjakan/ah /atihan berikut sesuai dengan contoh: Example: I used to smoke. 1. They used to live in the country. 2. She used to go out a lot.
Answer: I used to smoke, but I don't now. 3. He used to smoke. 4. We used to visit them a lot.
BEBERAPA LAG/ PEMAKA/AN KATA LIKE Masih ingat? . . . . I like coffee. He likes tea. Da/am contoh tersebut kata like ada/ah kata /