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Apr 23, 2012 - UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office - Situation Update. 1 ... The political and security situa
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UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office - Situation Update1 No. 2 Sahel Nutrition and Mali+3 Crises rd

23 April 2012

Highlights  The Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos has appointed David Gressly, UNICEF West & Central Africa Regional Director as the Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Sahel.  Of the 110 surge staff needed to reinforce emergency response capacity, 45 have already been recruited and the search is underway to fill a further 55 positions. Sahel nutrition crisis  An estimated one million children under 5 will suffer from severe acute malnutrition (SAM), or up to 1.5 million in the worst case scenario, and approximately 3 million children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM).  The number of health centres with facilities for the treatment of severe acute malnutrition across the Sahel has been scaled up from 3,100 in 2011 to just over 4000.  Fundraising efforts for the Sahel nutrition crisis continue, and as of 18 April, of the US$ 119.5 million requested by UNICEF for 2012, 44.8 million (38 per cent) has been received.  Further orders have been placed for Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) in Chad, Mali and Niger and will be made in other countries as funds become available to ensure sufficient supplies are available for activities until the year-end. Mali+3 crisis  After rebels took the northern cities of Gao, Kidal and Timbuktu, the number of internally displaced within Mali is estimated at well over 100,000. More than 161,000 have taken refuge in neighbouring countries - Mauritania (56,167) Burkina Faso (46,354), Niger (29,040) and Algeria (30,000).  Malian authorities agreed to hold official meetings with the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) rebel group that has unilaterally declared independence of Azawad (northern Mali). Junta transfer power to civilians; interim president, Dioncounda Traore took office on 12 April and Cheick Modibo Diarra was appointed as interim PM on 17 April.  UNICEF launched an appeal on 5 April for US$ 18.8 million to meet the immediate needs of children and women displaced by the conflict as well as host communities. As of 18 April, US$ 1.4 million (7 per cent) has been received.  UNICEF is responding to the needs of IDPs in Mali, refugees/ host communities in Mauritania, Niger and Burkina Faso and returning nationals in Niger, in collaboration with UNHCR. Situation overview Across the Sahel region, it is now estimated that at least one million children (under five years) are threatened with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and approximately 3 million children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). This severe food and nutrition crisis has been compounded by the complex emergency unfolding in Mali. Armed conflict in Mali has provoked mass displacement both internally and across borders into neighbouring counties of which children and women are most affected. UNICEF has identified key gaps in programming sections and is now in the process of identifying priority actions and support needed. The response to the crisis in Mali is being implemented into the overall Sahel integrated response plans for affected countries. The political and security situation within and around Mali continues to evolve at an extremely rapid pace. There is also a risk for greater insecurity in the Sahel and potential spill over into Mali from Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and Boko Haram in Nigeria.


The regional updates on the nutrition crisis across the Sahel and political crisis and conflict in Mali will be merged into one from this point on.


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Following the military coup on 22 March, the northern rebellion, in a very swift advance, was able to take control of the sizeable northern cities of Gao, Kidal and Timbuktu between 30 March and 1 April. On 8 April, President Amadou Toumani Toure formally resigned as part of a deal with coup leaders to end the crisis. The resignation paved the way for the coup leaders to step aside and the parliamentary speaker to take over, returning the country to civilian rule. Under the agreement, the Malian parliamentary speaker, Dioncounda Traore, took office on 12 April as interim president and will govern with a transitional administration until elections are held. Mr Traore has 40 days to organise this poll, the deal stipulates. Cheick Modibo Diarra was appointed as interim PM on 17 April. ECOWAS has lifted sanctions it imposed after the coup and an amnesty has been agreed for the coup leaders. Humanitarian needs In Mali, the official number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) is estimated at more than 100,000, however, this has been difficult to confirm given the situation in the north. Ruptures in basic social services across the north will have a widespread negative impact on the entire population – most notably children. In the north, insecurity prevails and access is difficult. Almost all organisations’ humanitarian activities have been scaled-down or left the area as a result of the conflict. UNICEF has some partners still operating and is working on solutions to expand its coverage. The deteriorating security situation has contributed significantly to the increase in the number of people, mainly children and women fleeing Mali. More than 161,000 people have taken refuge in Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger and Algeria. In Mauritania, 56,167 Malian refugees are temporarily residing in Mbera camp. Burkina Faso has recorded 46,354 refugees. In Niger, 26,650 refugees have 2 fled Mali, in addition to 2,390 Nigerians who recently returned. Algeria has not reported on the refugee situation since 19 March, the number still stands at 30,000 Malian refugees in the country 3 since the conflict began . The major, persistent humanitarian needs concern the lack of a potable water supply, food and shelter, the prevention of epidemic diseases as well as ensuring a protective environment for vulnerable children and women. The majority of the host communities are also the most affected by the Sahel food security and nutrition crisis. UNICEF response actions to date This will be detailed in the eight Country Office specific SitReps to be released later this week. Resource mobilization In an effort to raise visibility about the alarming situation of children in the Sahel and to mobilize funds, UNICEF together with its family of National Committees, launched ‘Sound the Alarm - One million children at risk in the Sahel’ on 3 April to coincide with the visit of the UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake to Chad. Mr. Lake has called for an urgent escalation in humanitarian efforts in the Sahel to prevent the deaths of more than one million children who are at risk of death from SAM. The social media mobilization campaign has been extremely successful in its first 2 weeks, with more than 140 countries active on Twitter and Facebook and raising more than 8 million for the nutrition crisis in 4 the Sahel . Supply Second phase of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) orders have been completed for Chad (10,648 cartons), Mali (10,648 cartons), and Niger (43,229 cartons) for the treatment of SAM; planning is underway for remaining countries and for 2013 replenishment. Across the Sahel, 132,000 cartons of RUTF for the treatment of SAM are already in stock and an additional 178,000 cartons are ordered to cover humanitarian needs up to end June. Sales orders for health supplies have been placed although we have significant funding gaps for the placing of WASH supplies.


UNHCR, 18 April 2012 (http://data.unhcr.org/MaliSituation/regional.php) OCHA 12 April 2012 (http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20sp%C3%A9cial%20crise%20au%20Mali%20%2 0-%209%20-%20FINAL.pdf) 4 UNICEF,18 April 2012 (http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/sahel_62137.html) 3


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Human resources Out of the 110 surge staff to be deployed to the region to support scale-up of activities, 45 are already on the ground or recruited. Urgent funding is needed to ensure rapid recruitment of 10 staff. To better support the IDP and refugee response, additional surge support is urgently being identified by the Mali CO as well as in Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Niger. In Mali, the need for more Child Protection and Education capacity within their office has been highlighted as requiring immediate support to address protection issues, such as child recruitment, sex and gender-based violence and unaccompanied and separated children. Funding Fundraising efforts for the Sahel nutrition crisis continue, and as of 18 April 2012, of the US$ 119.5 million requested by UNICEF for 2012, 44.8 million (38 per cent) has been received. UNICEF is requesting US$ 18.8 million to meet the immediate needs of children and women affected by the Mali crisis over the coming six months. As of 18 April, of the US$ 18.8 million requested by UNICEF until 30 September 2012, 1.4 million (7 per cent) has been received. In order to cover immediate gaps, UNICEF has used other internal funds and loans in addition to funding received. Funds received have been instrumental in ensuring coverage of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (Plumpy'nut) for the treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition among all affected children across the eight countries. Contributions for WASH, Health, Child Protection and Education related activities are now urgently needed to enable UNICEF to implement a scaled-up integrated response. UNICEF wish to acknowledge the contributions received from Canada, Estonia, the European Commission, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United Nations Central Emergency Fund (CERF), the United States, and the following Committees to UNICEF: Finland, France, Japan, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States. Table 1: Sahel Funding as of 18 April 2012 Nutrition Crisis Country/ Region Burkina Faso

Total needs for 2012 (HAU)

Funds received

Mali+3 Crisis

Gap vs. total needs

% funded vs HAU*




















Immediate needs (IND)

Funds received

Gap vs immediate needs

% funded vs IND*





















































*HAU : Humanitarian Action Update (6 February 2012 - to be revised in June 2012) and IND: Immediate Needs Document (5 April 2012) **These are total contributions (programmable amounts are 5-7% less)

For more information, please contact: Manuel Fontaine Grant Leaity Regional Director a.i. Regional Chief of Emergency UNICEF WCARO UNICEF WCARO Tel: + 221 33 869 76 55 Tel: +221 33 869 5852 Email: [email protected] Mobile: +221 77 569 1923 E-mail: [email protected]


Martin Dawes Regional Chief of Communication UNICEF WCARO Tel: +221 33 869 5842 Mobile: +221 775 69 19 26 Email: [email protected]