Unified Steel Girder Design Specification. 2-1. Unified Straight and Curved. Steel
Girder Design Specifications. Introduction. Unified Steel Specifications. Straight.
Unified Straight and Curved Steel Girder Design Specifications
Introduction Unified Steel Specifications Straight Curved One Spec!
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Unified Steel Girder Design ü Fundamentals ü Design Checks ü Examples
Fundamentals ü Primary-Strength Flexural & Shear Effects ü Lateral Flange Effects ü Differential Deflection Effects ü Torsion Effects ü Lateral Force Effects ü Second-Order Effects ü Cross Frame Forces
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
6.10.8 Flexural Resistance - Composite I FLB and LTB Flexure & Sections B a s i c F oinr m o f Negative All FLB & LTB Eqs Noncomposite I Sections - (cont’d) F n or M
Fm a x or M M max max
Fy r L − Lp b Fnc = Cb 1 − 1 − RhFy c Lr − L p
Anchor point 1
Fnc =RbRhFyc
Fyr Fnc = 1 − 1 − R Fyc h
λ f − λpf λrf − λpf
Rb RhFy c ≤ RbR hFy c
R bR hFyc
Anchor point 2 F r or M Mr r
Fnc = Fcr ≤ RbRhFyc
Lb r t
(inelastic buckling) nonslender
C bR b π 2 E
(elastic buckling) L p oλ r pλ p f
L r λo rr λ rf
L b or b
fc /
2 tf c
Post Web Buckling Strength f bu ≤ φ f F yf ⇒ f bu ≤ φ f R b R h F yf Rb R h Buckled Web Sheds Stress to the Compression Flange Reducing Flange Yielding Moment
Tension Flange
Rb =
Moment First Yield with Buckled Web ≤ 1.0 M y = Fy S
2 Dc awc − λ rw ≤ 1.0 1200 + 300 awc tw
Rb = 1 −
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Fundamentals ü Primary Flexural & Shear Effects ü Lateral Flange Effects ü Differential Deflection Effects ü Torsion Effects ü Lateral Force Effects ü Second-Order Effects ü Cross Frame Forces
Fundamentals ü Primary Flexural & Shear Effects ü Lateral Flange Effects ü Differential Deflection Effects ü Torsion Effects ü Lateral Force Effects ü Second-Order Effects ü Cross Frame Forces
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Differential Load/Deflection Effects
• Outside girder carries more load • Vertical Deflection is not equal between adjacent girders => Torsional Effects on Girders, Lateral Flange Bending, and Affects fitup during construction
Fundamentals ü Primary Flexural & Shear Effects ü Lateral Flange Effects ü Differential Deflection Effects ü Torsion Effects ü Lateral Force Effects ü Second-Order Effects ü Cross Frame Forces
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Torsion Effects
ü Deformations
ü Stresses
Torsion Deformations ü Twisting
ü Warping
=> Affect fit-up during construction
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
6.7.2 Dead Load Camber l
Contract documents should state: • Intended erected position: • Webs vertical or plumb, or • Webs out-of-plumb
6.7.2 Dead Load Camber, cont’d l
Contract documents should state: • Condition for intended position: • No-load, • Steel dead load, or • Full dead load
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Torsion Stresses • St. Venant • Warping l ta era L
g din n e eB g n Fla
Normal Stresses
XX Shear Stresses
Fundamentals ü Primary Flexural & Shear Effects ü Lateral Flange Effects ü Differential Deflection Effects ü Torsion Effects ü Lateral Force Effects ü Second-Order Effects ü Cross Frame Forces
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Lateral Force Effects
f bu ± ? f l ≤ F r
f bu Bending stress due to vertical loads
flange lateral bending stress due to wind, skew, or curvature
“One-Third” Rule 1.2
Fyf – fl / 3 (Hall and Yoo 1998)
0.856Fyf – fl / 3
fbu / Fyf
Flange Plastic Strength 0.6 0.4
0.7Fyf – fl / 3
AISC/AASHTO BeamColumn Interaction Curves
0 0
f l / F yf
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
=> Lateral Force Effects & “One-Third” Rule
1 f l ≤ φ f Fnc 3 1 + f l ≤ φ f F yt 3
f bu + f bu
f bu Bending stress due to vertical loads
flange lateral bending stress due to wind, skew, or curvature
f bu +
1 f l ≤ Fr 3
Mu +
1 f l S x ≤ M r Strength Limit State – Compact Straight 3
f bu + f l ≤ Fr
f bu +
Continuously Braced Flanges
Discretely Braced Flanges
Implementation of “One-Third” Rule
1 f l ≤ Fr 2
f bu ≤ F r
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Strength Limit State, Constructibility-Compression
1 ⇒1 3 1 1 Service Limit State ⇒ 3 2 Constructibility Yielding
ALL L.S., Continuously Braced Flanges, f l = 0
f bu +
1 f l ≤ Fr 3
Mu +
1 f l S x ≤ M r Strength Limit State – Compact Straight 3
f bu + f l ≤ Fr
f bu +
Continuously Braced Flanges
Discretely Braced Flanges
Implementation of “One-Third” Rule
1 f l ≤ Fr 2
f bu ≤ F r
Strength Limit State, Constructibility-Compression
1 ⇒1 3 1 1 Service Limit State ⇒ 3 2 Constructibility Yielding
ALL L.S., Continuously Braced Flanges, f l = 0
f bu +
1 f l ≤ Fr 3
Mu +
1 f l S x ≤ M r Strength Limit State – Compact Straight 3
f bu + f l ≤ Fr
f bu +
Continuously Braced Flanges
Discretely Braced Flanges
Implementation of “One-Third” Rule
1 f l ≤ Fr 2
f bu ≤ F r
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Strength Limit State, Constructibility-Compression
1 ⇒1 3 1 1 Service Limit State ⇒ 3 2 Constructibility Yielding
ALL L.S., Continuously Braced Flanges, f l = 0
f bu +
1 f l ≤ Fr 3
Mu +
1 f l S x ≤ M r Strength Limit State – Compact Straight 3
f bu + f l ≤ Fr
f bu +
Continuously Braced Flanges
Discretely Braced Flanges
Implementation of “One-Third” Rule
1 f l ≤ Fr 2
f bu ≤ F r
Strength Limit State, Constructibility-Compression
1 ⇒1 3 1 1 Service Limit State ⇒ 3 2 Constructibility Yielding
ALL L.S., Continuously Braced Flanges, f l = 0
f bu +
1 f l ≤ Fr 3
Mu +
1 f l S x ≤ M r Strength Limit State – Compact Straight 3
f bu + f l ≤ Fr
f bu +
Continuously Braced Flanges
Discretely Braced Flanges
Implementation of “One-Third” Rule
1 f l ≤ Fr 2
f bu ≤ F r
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Strength Limit State, Constructibility-Compression
1 ⇒1 3 1 1 Service Limit State ⇒ 3 2 Constructibility Yielding
ALL L.S., Continuously Braced Flanges, f l = 0
Fundamentals ü Primary Flexural & Shear Effects ü Lateral Flange Effects ü Differential Deflection Effects ü Torsion Effects ü Lateral Force Effects ü Second-Order Effects ü Cross Frame Forces (Primary Members)
Second-Order Effects (Art. l
Lb > 1. 2L p
Cb Rb fbu Fyc
Second-order compression-flange lateral bending stresses may be approximated by amplifying first-order value:
0.85 f ≥ f l1 fl = f bu l1 1 − F cr
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Fcr =
Cb Rbπ 2 E L b rt
Fundamentals ü Primary Flexural & Shear Effects ü Lateral Flange Effects ü Differential Deflection Effects ü Torsion Effects ü Lateral Force Effects ü Second-Order Effects ü Cross Frame Forces (Primary Members)
Unified Curved Steel Girder Design ü Fundamentals ü Design Checks ü Examples
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Design Checks
ü Constructibility ü Service Limit State ü Fatigue Limit State ü Strength Limit State Constructibility - Flexure lDiscretely
braced compression flanges 1 f bu + f l ≤ φ f Fnc ( FLB or LTB , max = R h F yc ) 3 f bu + fl ≤ φ f Rh Fyc fbu ≤ φ f Fcrw
⇒ Fcrw =
Discretely braced tension flanges
0.9 Ek D tw
( Dc D )2
( Rb = 1 .0 )
fbu + f l ≤ φ f Rh Fyt l
Continuously braced flanges fbu ≤ φ f Rh Fyf
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Design Checks
ü Constructibility ü Service Limit State ü Fatigue Limit State ü Strength Limit State Service Limit State Permanent Deformations l
f f ≤ 0 .95 Rh Fyf
f c ≤ Fcrw M − only
f f f + l ≤ 0.95 Rh F yf 2
ff +
f c ≤ Fcrw
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
ff +
fl ≤ 0.80 Rh Fyf 2 fl ≤ 0.80 Rh Fyf 2
Design Checks
ü Constructibility ü Service Limit State ü Fatigue Limit State ü Strength Limit State
6.10.5 Fatigue & Fracture Limit State Fatigue stress ranges due to major-axis plus lateral bending shall be investigated
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Design Checks
ü Constructibility ü Service Limit State ü Fatigue Limit State ü Strength Limit State
6.10.7 Flexural Resistance Composite Sections in Positive Flexure
l Noncompact Sections • Compact sections are not permitted for horizontally curved girders. • Compression flanges
f b u ≤ φ f R b R h F yc • Tension flanges
fbu +
1 f l ≤ φ f R h F yt 3
• Ductility Requirements - Concrete Crushing Prior to Plastification of Steel Section
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
6.10.8 Flexural Resistance Composite Sections in Negative Flexure and Noncomposite Sections • Discretely braced compression flanges f bu +
1 f l ≤ φ f Fnc ( FLB or LTB , max = Rb Rh F yc ) 3
Discretely braced tension flanges f bu +
1 f l ≤ φ f Rh Fyt 3
• Continuously braced flanges f bu ≤ φ f Rh Fyf
Additional Provisions for “STRAIGHT” Girder Design
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Additional Provisions for “STRAIGHT” Girder Design ü Compact Sections in Positive Flexure - Appendix A ü Moment Redistribution - Appendix B
Appendix A -- Flexural Resistance Composite Sections in Negative Flexure & Noncomposite Sections w/ Compact or Noncompact Webs l
Discretely braced compression flanges Mu +
1 f l S xc ≤ φ f M nc 3
Discretely braced tension flanges Mu +
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
1 f l S xt ≤ φ f R pt M 3
Additional Provisions for Straight Girder Design ü Compact Sections in Positive Flexure - Appendix A ü Moment Redistribution - Appendix B
Appendix B - Moment Redistribution from InteriorPier Sections in Continuous-Span Bridges l
Replaces traditional 10 percent redistribution rule
Service II load combination and Strength Limit State
Refined and simplified methods
d fine e R
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
Unified Steel Girder Design ü Fundamentals ü Design Checks ü Examples
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
NCHRP 12-52
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification
SUMMARY Unified Steel Specifications Straight Curved One Spec! Enough Said!
Unified Steel Girder Design Specification