Edexcel Level 2 BTEC Extended Certificate in Business. Unit 1 Assignment –
Business Purposes. Assignment Title: Exploring business purposes. Context.
Edexcel Level 2 BTEC Extended Certificate in Business
Unit 1 Assignment – Business Purposes
Assignment Title: Exploring business purposes Context The aim of this unit is to enable you to understand the nature of business organisations and the business environment in which they operate. You will do this by looking at the range of organisations that exist locally, regionally and nationally and by considering the business framework in which they operate. Task Overview You are an Education Officer at Nottingham City Council and your line manager has asked you to prepare a series of documents for use in local schools and colleges. You will use information which you have obtained from secondary research about a range of different business organisations locally and nationally. You can include images, diagrams and charts in the documentation you prepare in order that they are appropriate to the students who will be using them aged 14-16.
Date of issue:
Date of submission:
Learning outcomes On completion of this unit, you should: 1. Understand the purpose and ownership of business 2. Understand the business context in which organisations operate
Refer to the assignment task sheet and the criteria tick sheet to ensure that you meet the standards for pass, merit and distinction for Unit 1. There are FIVE tasks to complete for this unit.
Edexcel Level 2 BTEC Extended Certificate in Business
Unit 1 Assignment – Business Purposes
Assignment Task Sheet Task 1
Assessment criteria
The purpose and ownership of business Date task set: Deadline: a) Create a leaflet which identifies the purpose of the following four business organisations: Cadbury’s, Sainsbury’s, Redhill Leisure Centre and The Princes Trust.
b) For each of the four businesses above, add to your leaflet, a description of the different types of business ownership, linking this to the size and scale of each business. You may wish to use the following table to help you complete this part of the task:
Type of ownership
Scale of operation
Cadbury’s Sainsbury’s Redhill Leisure Centre The Princes Trust
c) For Redhill Leisure Centre and Sainsbury’s only, add a section into your leaflet which contrasts the ownership and purposes of the two businesses. You need to highlight the differences between the businesses in terms of what type of ownership they have, how this affects the business and its stakeholders, and any differences in the purpose of the business., i.e. Who does the business aim to please? Who runs the business? Why was it set up in the first place? How is it funded? Who keeps any profits? What the aims/objectives of each business are? Useful information: • •
Purpose: supply of goods and services e.g. at a profit, free, at cost, for sale below cost Ownership: sole trader; partnership; limited companies (private [ltd], public
Edexcel Level 2 BTEC Extended Certificate in Business
Unit 1 Assignment – Business Purposes [plc]); charity; voluntary organisations; co-operatives; government • Size: small; medium; large • Scale: local; regional; national; European and global organisations. 2
The purpose and ownership of business Date task set: Deadline: For Sainsbury’s, produce a case study to evaluate how the business has responded to changes in the business environment. Consider the following external influences known as PESTLE factors: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental.
Use the following table to help you – ensure your evaluation is detailed. Use a range of sources to gather information from, such as news paper articles and company websites. At the end of your case study, ensure you consider whether you think Sainsbury’s has responded well or badly to the changes and justify your reasons.
e.g. the impact of the change in government in May 2010 from Labour to a Conservative/ Liberal coalition
e.g. the recent global recession, the impact on consumer spending
e.g. changes in consumer tastes/ habits
e.g. advances in technology, increasing popularity of online shopping etc.
e.g. changes to laws such as legal age limits, consumer rights etc.
e.g. the increased consumer awareness of being environmentally friendly, less packaging, using local/ethical suppliers etc.
The purpose and ownership of business Date task set: Deadline: a) Create a poster to explain how businesses are classified using local and national examples. Use the table below to help you with this task. Add relevant pictures/images to your poster to help explain each sector. Local Primary sector: Examples
What is the primary sector? What are the key features?
Edexcel Level 2 BTEC Extended Certificate in Business
Unit 1 Assignment – Business Purposes Secondary sector:
What is the secondary sector? What are the key features?
Tertiary sector:
What is the tertiary sector? What are the key features?
Examples b) Produce an information sheet to compare areas of growth or decline in the primary, secondary and tertiary classifications of business activities. You may wish to refer to news articles to help discuss areas of growth or decline.
Useful information: Classification: primary (e.g. farming, forestry, fishing, extraction/mining); secondary (e.g. manufacturing, engineering, construction); tertiary (e.g. private service industries, local and national public services, voluntary/not-for-profit services). 4
The business context in which organisations operate Date task set: Deadline: Create a powerpoint presentation to outline the role of government in creating the business climate. Your presentation title is: ‘The role of government in creating the business climate’. a) Research and write up the first section of your powerpoint and use the title ‘The role of local government’. For example, the government will use incentives to business such as cutting the business rates of tax or through regional development policies. Use the following links (plus your own internet research) to find out what Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County council do to develop business and the economy locally: • •
http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=83 http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/home/business-economy.htm
Make a list of all of the schemes each council uses to encourage/support
Edexcel Level 2 BTEC Extended Certificate in Business
Unit 1 Assignment – Business Purposes business and the economy locally and include in your presentation. b) Research and write up the second section of your powerpoint; use the title ‘The role of central government’. For this section, you will investigate how the Prime Minister and his cabinet MPs help develop a climate for business to grow in the UK. You will need to search the internet to find out as much information as you can. The following links may be useful: • •
http://www.bis.gov.uk/ http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/media/409088/pfg_coalition.pdf
c) Print off your completed presentation in handout format – ensure your name is on your work. Your presentation should include a minimum of 6 slides and can include images/pictures if they are relevant. All information should be referenced, i.e. you must state where the information came from in your presentation and give web addresses or titles of textbooks/info sheets used. Useful information: Role of government: European; national; local; growth, full employment; inflation/deflation; surpluses; competitiveness; equality. 5
The business context in which organisations operate Date task set: Deadline: Produce a report to explain the characteristics of the local business environment. For this task, you should consider the structure of the local business environment by looking at the range and types of business and their impact on and significance to the local economy. In your report, discuss the following points: •
The types of businesses found in the East Midlands in terms of the sector they operate in (primary, secondary, tertiary). E.g. historically, Nottingham was known for textiles and lace production but now the pharmaceuticals industry is one of the growing sectors of employment in Nottingham. High profile and/or international businesses in Nottingham e.g. Boots, Capital One, Experian, Games Workshop, Paul Smith, Pendragon - what benefits/drawbacks do they bring to the local economy? Local trends in the East Midlands for employment, income and growth – see the National Statistics online for data. How does the East Midlands compare to other regions in Britain? Do you think businesses would want to locate their business here? What sectors are growing and which are in decline and why?
Edexcel Level 2 BTEC Extended Certificate in Business
Unit 1 Assignment – Business Purposes • Relative growth or decline of primary, secondary and tertiary sector businesses in the region – newspaper articles would be useful to help you find out about this. If you can find out statistics that’d be great!
Useful websites for Unit 1 Cadbury’s - http://www.cadbury.com/Pages/Home.aspx J. Sainsbury’s - http://www.j-sainsbury.co.uk Redhill Leisure Centre - http://www.gedling.gov.uk/index/leisure/ls-leisurecentres/ls-lc-re.htm The Princes Trust - http://www.princes-trust.org.uk/default.aspx http://www.j-sainsbury.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk www.bized.ac.uk www.timesonline.co.uk www.tt100.biz www.tutor2u.net www.bized.co.uk A business education resource site www.thetimes100.co.uk The Times 100 case studies http://www.thisisbusiness-eastmidlands.co.uk/home This is Business - East Midland’s
Edexcel Level 2 BTEC Extended Certificate in Business
Unit 1 Assignment – Business Purposes
Criteria Mark Sheet Pass P1 P2
P3 P4 P5
Met identify the purpose of four different business organisations describe the different types of business ownership, linking this to the size and scale of four different organisations explain how businesses are classified using local and national examples outline the role of government in creating the business climate explain the characteristics of the local business environment.
Merit M1 contrast the ownership and purposes of two different business organisations M2 compare areas of growth or decline in the primary, secondary and tertiary classifications of business activities. Distinction D1 evaluate how business organisation has responded to changes in the business environment.
Comment TASK 1A TASK 1B