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"Review of The American People: Census 2000, edited by Farley Reynolds and John. Haaga. .... Phone: (650) 723-1761; E-ma
HEILI PALS, PH.D . Assistant Professor Department of Sociology University of Central Florida

CURRICULUM VITAE 407.823.2418 (office) 650.387.0872 (cell) [email protected]

4000 Central Florida Blvd., Orlando, FL 32816 AREAS OF RESEARCH SPECIALIZATION Social Psychology, Attainment, Deviance, Life Course, Transitional Societies, Adolescence, Stratification, Comparative Research, Quantitative Research. AREAS OF TEACHING SPECIALIZATION Research & Advanced Statistical Methods, Stratification, Social Psychology, Attainment, Deviance, Life Course, Transitional Societies, Adolescence, Population Dynamics, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Comparative Research. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Assistant Professor, Sociology Department, University of Central Florida. Since Dec 2008 Post-doctoral Research Associate, Social Deviance Laboratory (Prof. Howard Kaplan), Sociology Department, Texas A&M University. Sept 2006-Dec 2008. Graduate Instructor & Research Assistant, Sociology Department, Stanford University. 2002-2006 Research Assistant, Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society. 2002-2006 EDUCATION Stanford University. Ph.D. in Sociology. Sept 2006. Dissertation: “The Impacts of Adolescent Noncompliance on Career Paths in Transitional Societies.” Committee: Nancy B. Tuma (advisor), Morris Zelditch, and Daniel McFarland. Stanford University. M.A. in Sociology. June 2000. University of Tartu, Estonia. B.A. Cum Laude in Sociology. June 1998. Thesis: “Problems of Interpretation of the Interaction Effect in Analysis of Variance and Log-linear Analysis.” PUBLICATIONS Books D. Sunshine Hillygus, Norman H. Nie, Kenneth Prewitt, and Heili Pals. 2006. “The Hard Count: The Political and Social Challenges of Census Mobilization.” New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Peer-Reviewed Articles McFarland, Daniel, and Heili Pals. 2005. “Motives and Contexts of Identity Change: A Case for Network Effects.” Social Psychology Quarterly 68(4): 289-315. Pals, Heili, and Nancy B. Tuma. 2004. “Entrepreneurial Activities in Post-Soviet Societies: Impacts of Social Psychological Characteristics.” International Journal of Sociology 34(2): 11-39.

Book Chapter Titma, Mikk, and Heili Pals. 1999. “Kutseala Kui Kutsegruppi Kujudav Alus” (“Shaping Occupational Groups”). Pp. 50-80 in Kolmekümneaastaste Põlvkonna Sotsiaalne Portree (The Social Portrait of a Generation in Their Thirties), edited by Mikk Titma. Tallinn: Teaduste Akadeemia. Book Review Pals, Heili. 2007. "Review of The American People: Census 2000, edited by Farley Reynolds and John Haaga." Social Forces 86(2): 863-865. WORK IN PROGRESS Articles Heili Pals and Howard B. Kaplan. “Externalization and the Incongruity in Person/Environment Affluence in Explaining the Continuity of Negative Self-feelings.” Howard B. Kaplan and Heili Pals. “Long-term Effects of Adolescent Negative Self-Feelings on Adult Deviance Moderated by Neighborhood Affluence and Mediated by Low Expectations.” Heili Pals and Howard B. Kaplan. “Long-Term Effects of Neighborhood Poverty and Crime on Negative Self-Feelings.” Heili Pals and Howard B. Kaplan. “Using Contextual Data in the Studies of Deviance: A Comparison of Self-Report, Interviewer Collected, and Census Data.” Heili Pals and Nancy B. Tuma. “Impacts of Adolescent Noncompliance on Occupational Attainment in Post-Soviet Societies.” Heili Pals and Nancy B. Tuma. “Adolescent Noncompliance in School and Adult Work Careers: Evidence from Five Post-Soviet Societies.” Heili Pals and Nancy B. Tuma. “Adolescent Noncompliance and Career Paths: A Comparison of PostSoviet Societies.” Books Howard B. Kaplan and Heili Pals. “Deviant Adaptations / Adapting to Deviance: A Multigenerational Longitudinal Study.” Expected in 2008/09 as part of the Longitudinal Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Series. Springer. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Expected in Aug 2009 “Internal Locus of Control: The Booster or the Hindrance in the Development of Self-Feelings.” Co-authored with Howard B. Kaplan. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Aug 2008 “Long-term effects of adolescent negative self-feelings on adult deviance moderated by neighborhood affluence and mediated by low expectations.” Co-authored with Howard B. Kaplan. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Aug 2008 “Externalization and the Incongruity in Person/Environment Affluence in Explaining the Continuity of Negative Self-feelings.” Co-authored with Howard B. Kaplan.

Heili Pals


ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility Spring Meeting, Florence, Italy, 2008 “Adolescent Noncompliance and Career Paths: A Comparison of Post-Soviet Societies.” Co-authored with Nancy B. Tuma. 2nd International Conf. on Sociology, Athens Institute for Education & Research, Athens, Greece, 2008 “Adolescent Noncompliance in School and Adult Work Careers: Evidence from Five Post-Soviet Societies.” Co-authored with Nancy B. Tuma. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 2008 “Long-term Effects of Neighborhood Poverty and Crime on Negative Self-Feelings.” Co-authored with Howard B. Kaplan. Invited discussant at the Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting, session “Improving the Educational Experiences of At-Risk Children and Youth.” New York, NY, 2007 European Research Network on Transitions in Youth; Nuremberg, Germany 2004 “The Varying Role of Agency in the Transition from School to Work: Do Nonconformists Succeed in Transitional Societies?” Co-authored with Nancy B. Tuma. European Research Network on Transitions in Youth; Funchal, Portugal 2003 “Entrepreneurial Activities among Young Adults in Post-Soviet Societies: Impacts of Social Psychological Characteristics.” Co-authored with Nancy B. Tuma. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia 2003 “The Relational Basis of Self-Conception: How Network Relations and Positions Influence SelfDiscrepancies.” Co-authored with Daniel McFarland. International Sociology Association World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, Australia 2002 “Entrepreneurial Entry in Post-Soviet Societies: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Social Psychological Characteristics.” Co-authored with Nancy B. Tuma. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois 2002 “Mobilization, Information and Ideology: Impacts on Cooperation Rates in Census 2000.” Co-authored with Norman H. Nie, Kenneth Prewitt, and Markus Prior. ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility, Berkeley, California 2001 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California 2001 “Do Social-Psychological Characteristics Matter in Being an Entrepreneur In Transitional Post-Soviet Countries?” Co-authored with Nancy Tuma. HONORS, AWARDS, AND SCHOLARSHIPS James W. Lyons Award for Service, Stanford University, 2006 Graduate Service Recognition Award, Stanford University, 2006 G. J. Lieberman Fellowship, Stanford University, 2004-2005 Sanford Dornbusch Award in Social Psychology, 2004 Centennial Teaching Award, Stanford University, 2004 Center on Adolescence Fellowship, Stanford University, 2001-2002 Stanford Graduate Fellowship, Department of Sociology, 1999-2000

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TEACHING EXPERIENCE Advanced Data Analysis, University of Central Florida, Spring 2009 Doctoral level statistics course covering data preparation; univariate and bivariate analysis; linear regression analysis; and binary, ordered, and multinominal logistic analysis. Students work on their own secondary data to write the data analysis part of a quantitative research paper suitable for a publication in a sociological peer-reviewed journal. Population, University of Central Florida, Spring 2009 Upper level undergraduate course on the sociology of population. International perspective of the analysis of population processes and problems. Discussions on the social, economic, and political consequences of population characteristics and change. Invited Lectures, “Sociology of Life Course”, Tartu University, Estonia, Oct. 4-9, 2007. A 16-hour intensive course for master and doctoral students discussing different life course theories, newer empirical literature, and relevant methodologies. Invited Lecture, “Empirical Research in Sociology”, Blinn College, College Station, TX, Feb 1, 2007. Instructor, Soc108/208: Population and Society, Stanford University, Spring 2006 Analysis of population processes from sociological and dynamic viewpoint. Introduction of population analysis tools to understand the social, economic, and political consequences of population characteristics and change. Instructor, Soc381A: Computer Assisted Data Analysis, Stanford University, Fall 2002, Fall 2003 This course provides an introduction to sociological methodology and statistical analysis. Lecture series for doctoral students in the social sciences, preparing them for quantitative research and future methodology courses. Teaching Assistantships at Stanford University Soc383 Sociological Methodology III, Winter 2004, Prof. Nancy Brandon Tuma. Soc108/208 Population and Society, Spring 2003, Prof. Nancy Brandon Tuma. Soc129/249 The Urban Underclass, Spring 2003, Prof. Michael Rosenfeld. Soc126/226 Introduction to Social Networks, Winter 2003, Prof. Noah Mark. Soc382 Sociological Methodology II, Winter 2001, Prof. Nancy Brandon Tuma. Soc281a Computer Assisted Data Analysis, Fall 2000, Lecturer Coye Cheshire. Workshops at Stanford University Co-Instructor, Interdisciplinary Graduate Workshop on Youth and Community Development, 2003-2004 Coordinator, Center on Adolescence Faculty Seminars, 2002-2003 Completed the ASA Conference on Teaching and Learning, Aug 13, 2004 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Research Assistant, Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society, 2002-2006 - Head RA in 2005-2006, managing 5 research projects and a multidisciplinary team of RAs. - Census Project, Faculty Satisfaction Survey, Time Use Study, Education Project. - Worked with summer high school interns to prepare them for research and college. Primary Research Assistant, Paths of a Generation Project, 1999-2003 - Focused on different aspects of stratification in post-communist countries, studied young adults' early entrepreneurial activity in forming market societies. Presented at academic conferences. - Prepared data for various teaching purposes, managed the use and distribution of data.

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Co-Coordinator, Positive Youth Development Pre-Conference at the Society for Research on Adolescence Ninth Biennial Meeting, New Orleans, April 2002 - Selected and invited prominent speakers in the field of youth development. Sociological Consultant, Building Rehabilitation Project, CarlBro, Denmark. Oct 1997- April 1999 - Conducted, analyzed, and interpreted resident surveys on attitudes and cooperation in renovation projects in multi-apartment buildings in Estonia. Coordinated the communication between local governments in Estonia, CarlBro, and Ministry of Building and Housing in Denmark. Sociological Research Lead, Education, Science & Innovation fair ‘Innovaatika’, Tartu University., Estonia, 1996-1998. - Conducted and interpreted surveys, supervised survey team, prepared the first computer-based collection of interviews in Estonia, and performed statistical data analysis using SPSS. QUANTITATIVE METHODS BACKGROUND Workshops: Structural Equation Modeling, Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Texas A&M Summer Workshops for Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences, June, 2007 Workshop: Mapping Texas Communities: GIS and Community Analysis, Houston, TX, March, 2007 Courses at Stanford University: Introduction to Data Analysis; Linear Models; Categorical Outcomes and Event History; Structural Equations; Log-linear Analysis; Frontiers of Quantitative Research Data analysis software skills: SPSS, STATA, MPlus, AMOS, Excel, SAS, R, ArcGIS. ACADEMIC SERVICE Reviewer for the Journal of Family Issues, 2009-current Reviewer for the Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2007-current Invited member of Population Review's Scientific Review Board, 2006-current Member of Methods of Analysis Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), 2004-2006 Elected Co-Chair of the Association of Sociology Graduate Students, 2004-2005 Elected Co-chair of the Social Committee of the Association of Sociology Graduate Students, 2001-2002 Head Community Associate, Stanford University 2004-2006 Co-founder and Elected President of Estonian Student Association at Stanford, 2002-2006 Graduate Service Recognition Awards, Selection Committee, May 2002 Member of Graduate Student Programming Board, 2001-2002 Graduate Student Information Center, Fall 2000 Co-Founder, Union of the Student of Sociology in Estonia “SÜLEM”, 1998 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Sociological Association (sections on Aging and the Life Course; Crime, Law, & Deviance; Methodology; Social Psychology; Sociology of Population) Population Association of America ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility European Research Network on Transitions in Youth Society for the Study of Social Problems

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REFERENCES Professor Howard B. Kaplan Regents Professor, Distinguished Professor, and Mary Thomas Marshall Professor of Liberal Arts Director, Laboratory for Studies of Social Deviance Department of Sociology, Texas A&M University Phone: (979) 845-2411; E-mail: [email protected] Professor Nancy B. Tuma Department of Sociology, Stanford University Phone: (650) 723-4461; E-mail: [email protected] Professor Daniel A. McFarland School of Education, Stanford University Phone: (650) 723-1761; E-mail: [email protected] Professor Norman Nie Director, Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society, Stanford University Research Professor, Department of Political Science, Stanford University Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Chicago Phone: (650) 723-7353; E-mail: [email protected]