University of Oregon NRHH Constitution - Google Sites

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early alumni status application that has been approved by the Pacific Affiliate of. College and ... media, i.e. Facebook
University of Oregon NRHH Constitution Article I. Name The name of this chapter shall be the University of Oregon’s National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) of the NACURH Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH) incorporated. Article II. Purpose The purpose of this organization shall be to provide recognition for students, faculty, and staff who have provided outstanding service and/or exceptional leadership within the residence halls at the University of Oregon. It shall also be the function of the University of Oregon’s National Residence Hall Honorary to promote civic engagement and service to the community around them while representing the four pillars of NRHH within the residence halls, the four pillars being leadership, academics, recognition, and service. Article III. Membership A. There shall be four types of membership: Active, Alumni, Early Alumni, and Honorary. 1. Active members shall be defined as residents of the residence halls at the University of Oregon who have been selected by the Selection Committee. 2. Alumni members shall be defined as members who were formerly active members that no longer live in the residence halls at the University of Oregon, or who are former members who are now a part of the University of Oregon community. 3. Early alumni members shall be defined as a member who is currently living in the residence halls but is not longer able to meet chapter expectations and has submitted an early alumni status application that has been approved by the Pacific Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (PACURH) Associate Director of NRHH and Recognition. The number of early alumni members shall not exceed ten percent of the membership cap in a given academic year. 4. Honorary membership shall be defined as those who do not live in the residence halls but have made an outstanding contribution and devotion to the residence halls or those who have not fulfilled the requirement of living one full year in the halls. It shall be a form of recognition extended to a faculty member, a staff member, or a student. 5. Once a member has been inducted into NRHH then they are a member of NRHH for life. B. Qualifications for active membership 1. Shall have resided in the residence hall continuously during the entire academic year of selection, including at the time of selection. 2. Shall have resided in the residence halls for at least two terms prior to the time of selection. 3. Shall have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5 at the time of selection and maintain a GPA of 2.7 quarterly. a. If an active member’s quarterly GPA falls below a 2.7 GPA, the active member must receive a 2.7 GPA or higher the following term to continue to be an active member the University of Oregon’s NRHH. 4. Shall have demonstrated outstanding service or exceptional leadership in the residence halls at the University of Oregon.

5. Shall have demonstrated that their service or leadership would continue after selection. 6. Shall be a student in good academic and judicial standing with the University of Oregon. C. Requirements 1. Must attend NRHH weekly meetings. In the event that a member misses two consecutive meetings without a reasonable excuse, that member will be placed on probation. After the third (not necessarily consecutive) unexcused absence, the member will no longer be an active member. 2. Must submit one Of The Month (OTM) award nomination per month. In the event that a member does not complete two consecutive OTM nominations, the member will be removed from active membership. This will start the first full year of membership and end on the last full month of the University of Oregon school year. D. Membership Capacity The general membership of a chapter may include up to, but not more than, 1% of the total residence hall population that year, or 42 members, whichever is larger. The total 1% membership cap only includes active membership. Article IV. Selection of Members A. Nominations 1. Nominations from Professional Staff members, Student Staff members, NRHH active members, of University Housing, will occur prior to applications being sent to residents. 2. Students will receive a notice of their nomination with the required application attached. Information concerning NRHH and due dates on the application will be included in this notification as well. B. Selection 1. Selection will be decided upon by the Executive Board of NRHH through consensus. 2. The President will coordinate application submission. C. Selection Standards 1. Selection will be based on applications reflecting the four following criteria: academic integrity (GPA), recognition, leadership experience, and commitment to the residence halls. D. Induction 1. Induction shall take place after selection of members is conducted. 2. The President or Head shall organize and conduct Induction. Article V. Executive Board Structure A. Officer Responsibilities 1. President a. Shall facilitate, or delegate facilitation of, weekly meetings. b. Shall update and maintain the online page and other electronic forms of social media, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, and FormSpring. c. Shall plan initiation ceremony for incoming member of NRHH and shall help facilitate the elections of officers for the next academic year. d. Shall create weekly agenda for each weekly meeting and shall provide copies to each attending member of NRHH. e. Shall meet weekly with the advisor of NRHH. 2. National Communications Coordinator

a. Shall attend RHA meetings as a representative of NRHH. b. Shall attend conferences (PACURH, No Frills, NACURH). c. Act as a liaison to university Housing and other NRHH chapters. 3. Record Keeping Coordinator a. Shall take minutes at each weekly meeting and keep record of attendance for each meeting. b. Shall post minutes on the UO NRHH website after every meeting. c. Shall sit in as acting President in the event that the President is not able to make it to a meeting. 4. Financial Manager a. Shall keep track of all finances and propose a budget to NRHH general council at the beginning of the academic year. b. Shall coordinate funding requests to outside bodies and funding requests for NRHH events and activities. 5. Service Coordinator a. Shall coordinate information for community service initiatives. b. Shall coordinate at least one community service program sponsored by NRHH per term. c. Shall promote NRHH service programs through marketing initiatives. 6. Recognition Coordinator a. Shall keep records of all Of The Month award submissions received from members and facilitate submission to the NACURH, Inc. database. b. Shall assure that all NRHH members uphold the expectation of 1 OTM submission per month during the academic year. c. Shall head the Recruitment Committee with the following expectations: i. Shall create and send out applications to those nominated. ii. Shall receive applications and review with the Recruitment committee all applications. iii. Shall send letters of acceptance to new NRHH members. 7. Leadership Coordinator a. Shall work on recruitment and publicity for new members. b. Shall offer current members information on resources and opportunities to be leaders within their community. 8. Scholastics Coordinator a. Shall reach out to faculty to increase academic programming within the residence halls. b. Shall provide at least 1 academic system-wide program, per term, that includes faculty member presence and promotion of academic programs. 9. Advisor a. The University of Oregon Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary shall be advised by a member of University Housing and shall be an ex-officio member of the NRHH and all its committees without vote. b. The advisor will attend all meetings of the chapter. c. The advisor will meet with the Executive Board members when needed. B. Election and Terms of Office 1. Officers shall be chosen after initiation occurs during the spring term prior to the academic year of active membership. 2. Elections shall be conducted by the President of NRHH, or facilitated by an individual designated by the advisor of NRHH.

3. The term of office will begin immediately after election and end at the close of the academic year. 4. Selection of officers will be by majority vote of all members present. 5. In the event that only one member is up for election for a certain office, a consensus will be asked of all members present. If there is no dissent, that member may fill the office. 6. At the last meeting of the academic year, a new President will be elected. All members currently running for election for this office must meet all requirements for membership and be returning to the residence halls in the next academic year. C. Meetings 1. Meetings will be held weekly or at the discretion of the President. a. All discretionary meetings must be notified to all members of NRHH at least one week prior. 2. The agenda for each weekly meeting shall be set by the President and copies shall be made for all individuals in attendance. Article VI. National Dues A. The chapter will be responsible for paying the $25 yearly dues to the national NRHH office after the first regular meeting of each academic year. B. The yearly dues will come out of the Recognition Fund of the NRHH budget. Article VII. Finances A. The Financial Manager will give an NRHH budget update at each meeting. B. Any and all use of funding for NRHH must be approved by a majority vote at a regular meeting. Article VIII. Enactment and Amendments A. Enactment of the Constitution 1. After proposal of the Constitution, it is then open for amendments and approval or disapproval. 2. If there is approval of the Constitution, it will immediately take effect. B. Amendments to the Constitution 1. Any amendments can be made to the Constitution by a majority vote. 2. If there is approval of an amendment, it will immediately take effect. Article XI. Committees A. Committees shall be created as the need for them is determined by chapter officers.

Parliamentary Procedures A. NRHH meetings shall be facilitated using Robert's Rules of Order.