Jun 26, 2012... of South Alabama. Sincerely,. John W. Steadman, PE, Ph.D. ... John T. Crist. 9.
Richard Cullum. 10. ... Yulia Fedko. 11. Ronald Jones. Others.
University of South Alabama Alabama Epsilon 2011-2012
Exemplary Character Academic Excellence Since 1990
307 University Blvd., EGCB108 MOBILE, ALABAMA 36688-0002 TELEPHONE: (251) 460-6140 FAX: (251) 461-6343
June 26, 2012 Tau Beta Pi Awards Committee C/o Mr. Curt Gomulinski PO Box 2697 Knoxville, TN 37901 Dear Award Committee Members: I am writing to support the selection of the Alabama Epsilon chapter of Tau Beta Pi for a chapter award. We are extremely proud of our TBP chapter and its record of outstanding service and achievements. The South Alabama TBP chapter has a significant impact on the College, the University, the Profession, and the Community. I continue to be amazed that the TPB leadership has been able to get nearly all of the eligible students to join and, more importantly, get the majority to be active in university and community service. As Dean of Engineering, I can speak directly to the impact of their activities on the College and University. When recruiting students I always talk about Tau Beta Pi members as a resource for freshman and sophomores. Many of the members serve as “Supplemental Instructors” for lower division engineering courses, holding weekly sessions to assist students to be successful, or as Peer Leaders for the freshman engineering seminar. There is no doubt in my mind that these programs have a positive effect on retention in the College of Engineering. They also sponsor an excellent seminar program raising awareness of graduate studies and helping our better students prepare for graduate school. The college of engineering is actively engaged in improving STEM education in our K-12 schools. Tau Bates have mentored local students in a variety of outreach activities: Best Robotics, MathCounts, and the Mobile Regional Science and Engineering Fair. This year, at my request, they assisted the Gulf Coast Exploreum with programs to teach middle school science teachers about engineering computer tools that can be used in the classroom. The College of Engineering hosts a summer science camp sponsored by Exxon Mobile and the Bernard Harris Foundation. This spring TBP members were key contributors as we hosted a “reunion” for the middle school students who had attended the camp last summer. The Awards and Recognition Luncheon is a highlight of our academic year at the University of South Alabama. It attracts students, faculty, staff, alumni, and supporters of the College and provides an opportunity to recognize outstanding students, faculty, and the companies that support our students. The TBP members serve a very special role by serving as hosts for the
incoming freshman students and their parents. They provide tours of the engineering facilities before the luncheon and sit with the new students at the luncheon, making them feel welcome and serving as great role models. The Chapter has very successfully used scholarship dollars resulting from Chapter Project Awards and Secretary's Commendations to recognize the outstanding sophomore. We have at least a dozen other engineering student organizations, such as ASCE, IEEE, ASME, AIChE, NSBE, SWE and others. While some of those are active in a social sense, participating in meetings, tailgating at football games and similar events, it is TBP that sets the standard for excellence in educational support, community involvement, and service to the college of engineering. We simply would not be as successful as a college without our TBP chapter. While I have concentrated on the great benefit of Alabama Epsilon to the college and university, I should also note that these experiences have also had a huge benefit for the students. Recent graduates who were active in TBP demonstrate excellent leadership, organizational and project management skills that are directly attributable to their TBP experience. This year’s president, Quan Tran, who was especially effective in providing leadership for the society and the college, was selected as the College of Engineering Student of the Year. The Alabama Epsilon Chapter is truly outstanding and one of the very best assets of the College of Engineering at the University of South Alabama. Sincerely,
John W. Steadman, PE, Ph.D. Dean
Alabama Epsilon Chapter Projects College Projects Project Number a. College of Engineering Awards Luncheon 1 b. Order of the Engineer 2 c. Graduate School Seminar 3 d. Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review Books 4 e. Freshman Seminar Panels 5 f. Engineering Open House – EG101 6 g. Engineering Scholars reception 7 h. Engineering Futures 8 i. Resume Workshop 9 j. Dean’s Council 10 a. High School Recruitment Calls 11 k. Incoming Freshman Presentation and Tour 12 Pre-College Programs b. BEST Robotics c. World of Opportunity d. E-Week Engineering Open House e. Science and Engineering Fair f. Math Counts (District / State) g. Engaging Youth in Engineering h. Bernard Harris reunion
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Community Projects a. Habitat for Humanity b. Electronics Recycling
20 21
Recognition a. Professor of the Year Award b. Outstanding Sophomore Scholarship c. Initiate Letter from Dean d. Initiation Publicity Member Activities a. Member T-shirts b. Facebook c. Website d. National Convention e. District Conference f. Bent Polishing g. Graduation Stoles (Fall and Spring) h. Paintball Chapter Survey
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 1
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Old Project
Project name: College of Engineering Awards Luncheon
Date(s) of Project: 5-4-12
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 33 Electees: 0 _____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 4 hours Participating: 2 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The College of Engineering Recognition & Awards Luncheon is organized annually to recognize students, faculty, engineering professionals, and college donors. Personnel in the Engineering Dean’s Office organize the Luncheon. Scholarship award winners are recognized along with company representatives and individual contributors to the scholarship funds. University administrators, including the Senior Vice President, and the College's Industry Advisory Board attend. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The luncheon is an opportunity to promote the study of engineering and the university to high school students, who have been awarded scholarships to attend the university. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No Tau Bates served as greeters for the guests and are also table hosts for the scholarship students and their families. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Over $1500, funded by the College of Engineering V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The Luncheon was well attended. Almost all of the Tau Bates who attended were recognized as outstanding students and many received scholarships. Several incoming freshman commented that they really enjoyed talking about ‘college life.’ VII. Index of Exhibits:
Engineering Awards Luncheon Participation List Members 1. Celine Aguila 2. Shabab Alam 3. Karthik Anne 4. William Beck 5. Jordan Blechert 6. Joseph Bordeleau 7. Ray Cayula 8. John T. Crist 9. Richard Cullum 10. Michael Davis 11. Sarah Decker 12. James Douglass 13. John French 14. Drew Harrison 15. Greg Hickman 16. Brian Hollingsworth 17. Whitley Ledkins 18. Daniel Martin 19. Michael McConnell 20. Chad Mossak 21. Derrick Nelson 22. Jedediah Oliphant 23. Lloyd Oubre 24. Andrew Pappas 25. Sean Ramsey 26. Joshua Richardson 27. Alex Scruggs 28. Ryan Stonecypher 29. Misbahuddin Syed 30. Daniel Terry 31. Trent Thomas 32. Quan Tran 33. Justin Walton
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 2 New Project
Old Project
Project name: Order of the Engineer Ceremony
Date(s) of Project: 12-17-11 5-12-12
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project: Members: Spring: 2 Fall: 1 Spring: Drew Harrison and Jed Oliphant Electees: 0 Fall: Michael Blair______________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 hour Participating: 4 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The Order of the Engineer ceremony was held in conjunction with graduation at the University of South Alabama. Tau Bates helped set up for the ceremony, greeted the guests, and served refreshments following the ceremony. The Order of the Engineer was established in the United States to foster a spirit of pride, individual integrity and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and practice, and to present to the public a visible symbol (ring) identifying the engineer. It parallels the Canadian Order of the Iron Ring. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The objectives of the Order of the Engineer align with the exemplary character requirement for membership in Tau Beta Pi. Tau Bates must exhibit integrity of character, which includes honor and high standards of truth and justice. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: One Tau Beta Pi member required for guest greeting and two required for setup/cleanup. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Graduating seniors, MS candidates and professional engineers in the community participated in the ceremony. Families and friends were also invited. Over 250 people attended in December, and over 400 people attended in May. VII. Index of Exhibits:
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 3
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Project name: Graduate School Seminar
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: 10-11-2011
Profession/ Engineering
Number of persons who participated in this project.
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
Members: 6 Electees: 5 Others: 9
Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 hours Participation: 1 hours DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I.
General Description: The seminar was organized to interest undergraduates in attending Graduate School. Four engineering professors, in the four departments, volunteered to speak at the seminar and talk about their graduate school experiences and why it’s important to attend.
Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: This project promotes the importance of attending graduate school.
Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No Flyers were distributed throughout the college. Faculty announced the seminar in senior courses. An announcement was also displaced on the college’s electronic message board.
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None V.
Special Problems: None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The Graduate School Seminar was very beneficial in helping undergraduate students get more information about Graduate School. VII. Index of Exhibits:
Graduate School Seminar Participation List Members
1. Quan Tran 2. Joseph Bordeleau 3. James Douglass 4. Raymond Cayula 5. Joseph Oubre 6. Tommy Trieu 7. Jesse Walton 8. Justin Walton 9. Chad Mossak 10. Yulia Fedko 11. Ronald Jones
12. Crystal Fowler 13. J. Regi Allen III 14. Greg Hosford 15. Thiago Cavelcaut 16. Phong Le 17. Sokon Ngam 18. Rafe Watson 19. Scott Klein 20. Sarah Nayla
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 4 New Project
Old Project
Project name: Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review Books
Date(s) of Project: Yearlong
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project. Members: 2 Quan Tran and Sally Steadman (Advisor) _____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1.5 hours Participating: 0 _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The College of Engineering requires students to take the FE exam in order to graduate. Tau Beta Pi promotes and sells the NCEES sample exam books to help students better prepare for the FE exam. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: This is a fundraising program for the chapter and increases the visibility of the college, chapter, and profession. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No The chapter learned about the opportunity to purchase NCEES sample exam booklets at a discounted price at the national conference. The Dean's office provided funding to purchase the books and once the purchase cost has been recovered, Tau Beta Pi receives the proceeds from the sales of the books. Advertising was done to the students, faculty, and at the FE review sessions. The Dean's office is providing support by collecting money and distributing the books. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None V. Special Problems: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: We have spent $9,747 for 360 study books (at a discount of $3001). A total of 213 books have been sold for $6,390. We sell the books at a discounted rate of $30 to assist students in purchasing a valuable resource for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam.
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 5
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Project name: Freshman Seminar (EG101) Peer Panel
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: Aug 29 – Sept 2, 2011
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
Participants in project: See attached list
Members: 9 Electees: 3 Others: 9
Average hours spent on this project: Organizing: 3
Participating: 2
DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The EG101 class (Orientation to Engineering Study) introduces first-year engineering students to resources on campus and issues they need to be aware of to succeed at the University of South Alabama. In addition to identifying campus resources, EG101 instructs students on how to get internships, on the ethical codes of engineering, and gives them hands-on experience with the various components of teams and design engineering. The Peer Panel, a lecture given by three to four upper-class engineering students, presents insights and experiences of successful students to each one of the classes. The panelists present their own experiences and answer general questions posed by the class. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The purpose of the peer panel is to increase the scholarship and involvement of first-year engineering students by providing role models (panelists). First-year students get excited about the possible directions of their undergraduate career and learn how to obtain their goals. The panel also encourages participation in engineering societies for the advancement of the individual and the college. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No This project was done in conjunction with the EG101 class sections. Dr. Sally Steadman, advisor, organized the panels. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Personnel: Three to four panelists were required for each class period. The total number of panelists requested was 36; however, some panelists sat on multiple panels and the peer assistant for each section filled in where there were empty seats on a panel. V. Special Problems: None.
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The EG101 Faculty feel that the Peer Panel is one of the most effective methods of making firstyear students aware of the problems, challenges, and exciting aspects of undergraduate engineering studies, as well as providing them with valuable insights on work experience and life outside the engineering curriculum. The panels ran smoothly and successfully. VII. Index of Exhibits: List of Participants Example Panel Questions
List of Participants Tau Beta Pi members 1. Richard Cullum 2. Sarah Decker 3. Chad Mossack 4. Daniel Terry 5. Jed Oliphant 6. Daniel Martin 7. Jake Walker 8. Celine Aguila 9. Derrick Nelson 10. J.T. Crist 11. Quan Tran 12. Christopher Perry
Non Tau Beta Pi 1. Jacqueline Gayton 2. Tom Nguyen 3. Mark Norris 4. Mike Watson 5. Jeffery Mizell 6. Ryan Tobin 7. Sarah Naylor 8. Michael Pruett 9. T.J. Motes
Freshman Seminar Example Panel Questions
• Academics o Did you have a declared major your freshman year? o Did you change your major? o Do you have a double major or a minor? How much extra time does it entail? o Have you changed your advisor? o Have you ever dropped/withdrawn from a class? o Do you have a study group? o How do you prepare for an exam? o If you are a senior, what is your senior design project? o When is your expected graduation date and how long have you been here? o What do you like most about the College of Engineering?
• Time Management o o o o o
Do you have and use a planner? What type of planner do you use? How many hours per week do you study? Have you ever missed an exam/final? Have you needed a University excuse? Have you missed school because you were sick and how did you deal with that?
• College Life o o o o o o
Have you lived in the dorms? How was it? How do you feel about off campus living? Eating and exercise habits? Do you belong to a student society? What activities outside of school do you participate in? What is there to do in Mobile?
• Miscellaneous o How are you funding your education (money management)? Do you have scholarships? Do you work during school, if so, how many hours? o Have you had an internship or co-op How did you find out about the opportunity? o Did you experience any big surprises at college, anything you didn’t expect? o Do you have a resume? o Have you interviewed for a job? •
What one piece of advice do you have for freshmen?
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 6
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Old Project
Project name: Engineering Open House
Date(s) of Project: 09-10-2011
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 5
Electees: 0
Quan Tran, Chad Mossak, Richard Cullen, Sarah Decker, Daniel Terry _____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 hours Participating: 15 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: Annual Open House for freshman engineering students interested in learning about student organizations. A table decorated with TBΠ signs was staffed with persons to hand out TBΠ bookmarks and answer questions regarding the honors society. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The purpose of this program was to broaden knowledge of TBΠ on campus and increase visibility of the society to the student body. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No The open house was sponsored by the engineering student council. The Open House is coordinated by the Dean's Office. Tau Bates served as information specialists regarding TBΠ. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Two volunteers are required for the various tasks. TBΠ Bookmarks were given away along with flyers about Tau Beta Pi. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The table session was very successful. The students and prospective Tau Bates learned about our organization and the requirements of membership.
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 7 New Project
Old Project
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report Project name: Engineering Scholar Reception
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Date(s) of Project: Feb 16, 2012
Profession/ Engineering
Number of persons who participated in this project. Quan Tran, Sally Steadman (advisor)
Chapter/ Social
Members: 2
Education: Prof Development
Electees: 0
Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 0.5 hours Participation: 1.0 hours
DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The President of the Tau Beta Pi chapter, Quan Tran, attended a reception for engineering students who performed well during the fall 2011 school year. The reception was hosted by the College of Engineering. The students in attendance (about 20) ranged from freshman to juniors. Quan congratulated the students on behalf of Tau Beta Pi and discussed the benefits of Tau Beta Pi to the students. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: This event served to promote Tau Beta Pi in two ways. One, it associated Tau Beta Pi as the premiere honor society for the College of Engineering. Two, Quan was able to promote Tau Beta Pi to high performing freshmen and sophomores who are very likely to be eligible for membership one day. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? College of Engineering
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: n/a V. Special Problems: none VI.
Overall Evaluation/Results: The event went well. The Alabama Epsilon Chapter of Tau Beta Pi was able to promote the society directly to a group of students who are likely to be eligible for membership in the upcoming semesters.
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 8
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Old Project
Project name: Engineering Futures (Analytical Problem Solving)
Date(s) of Project: 4-3-2012
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 3 Electees: 0 Nonmembers: 17 _____________________________________________________________________________ Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 3 hours Participating: 3 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The Engineering Futures Program provide engineering students training in the "soft skills" necessary for success in the workplace. The knowledge gained through the program and through participation in volunteer team activities provide students with skills not taught in school. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The Futures Program enhances students technical effectiveness through interpersonal skills and teamwork development. III. Organization & Administration: AL E hosted the Analytical Problem Solving session in the Engineering Building on campus. Cheryl Cheng facilitated the session. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The Engineering Dean’s Office provided lunch for Cheryl and the chapter members who took her to lunch. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The session was successful. Ms. Cheng spoke to students from both sections of the EG 101 (Freshman Engineering) class. Students became involved with and excited about the group activities that Ms. Cheng asked them to participate in. They seemed to enjoy the presentation and get a better appreciation of working in groups. VII. Index of Exhibits: Participants List
Engineering Futures Participation List Members 1. Daniel Terry 2. Quan Tran 3. Jed Oliphant
Nonmembers 1. Amin Al Attas 2. Nasser Alamoudi 3. Naif Alboainain 4. Dhaifallah Almutairi 5. Mohammed Alqarni 6. Abdullah Alwasel 7. D’Angelo Cabbil 8. Chinaza Ezeobi 9. Jacob Fliehr 10. Brittanie French 11. Travon Jones 12. Turner Little 13. Andrew Money 14. Christopher Nelson 15. Markida Pointer 16. Joshua Yeend 17. Unknown EG101 student (from other section)
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 9 New Project
Old Project
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report Project name: Interviewing/ Resume Seminar
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Date(s) of Project: Feb 9th
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 11 Electees:
Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 5 hours
Participation: 2 hours
DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The Alabama Epsilon Chapter of Tau Beta Pi hosted a “How to interview/ resume tips seminar” a week before the University Career Fair to help Engineering Students prepare for the fair. The event was open to all students and was heavily promoted engineering students using fliers, Facebook, and University email. A representative from University of South Alabama was in attendance to answer student questions about resumes and interviews. In addition, the AL-E chapter was able to obtain representatives from Hargrove Engineers and Associates, Southern Company, and Chevron to answer questions about what employers look for. Food and beverages were available to all attendees. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: This event provided professional development for the Tau Bates in attendance. In addition, since this event was open to all students, the event also served to promote Tau Beta Pi's reputation. III. Organization & Administration: In University of South Alabama Career Services
conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: $100 dollars for pizza and drinks V. Special Problems: n/a VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The event went extremely well with over 29 students in attendance ( 29 signed the sign in sheet but many slipped in the room after the event started). The students were engaged and asked questions for the entire 2 hour period. The AL-E chapter also made connections with the employers in attendance and this seminar may be held annually from now on before the spring career fair.
Interviewing Resume Seminar Participation List
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 10 New Project
Old Project
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report Project name: Engineering Student Council Meetings
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Date(s) of Project: 8/25/11, 9/22/11, 12/1/11, 2/2/12, 4/12/12
Profession/ Engineering
Number of persons who participated in this project. Quan Tran
Chapter/ Social
Members: 1
Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 hours
Education: Prof Development
Electees: 0
Participation: 7 hours
DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The Tau Beta Pi president of the Alabama Epsilon Chapter, Quan Tran, represented the organization at various Engineering Student Council Group Meetings throughout the year. The council advised the Dean of the College of Engineering on various decisions affecting all engineering students. The council also planned events and ways to increase student involvement. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: These meetings benefited the chapter in many ways. It allowed the Alabama Epsilon president to network with the presidents of other campus organizations and to learn about new campus wide initiatives. The presence of the Alabama Epsilon president at the meetings also promoted Tau Beta Pi to the College of Engineering and other organization presidents. The attendance of Tau Beta Pi at this event helped the organization be universally recognized as the premier engineering honor society. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No The event was done in conjunction with the College of Engineering and Engineering Student Council. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No Cost V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: It was a productive event. The Tau Beta Pi president was able to market Tau Beta Pi to other society presidents. Tau Beta Pi was also announced as an attendee, further marketing the society. The Alabama Epsilon president was also updated on the current campus involvement initiatives on campus.
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 11 New Project
Old Project
Project name: High School Recruitment Calls
Date(s) of Project: May 2012
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 21 Electees: 0 _____________________________________________________________________________ Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 hours Participating: 2 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The Engineering Dean’s office asks the chapter to call high school seniors who have been awarded scholarships, but have not yet accepted, in an effort to help recruit these students to study engineering at The University of South Alabama. Tau Bates volunteered to contact these scholarship recipients and talk with them about the engineering program at South Alabama. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The project was initiated to attract high school graduates to the Engineering College at South Alabama. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No List of scholarship winners was obtained from the Admissions office and assigned to Tau Bates. A script was generated to use in the calls. (See attached script) IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The project was a huge success. As of mid April, 188 high school seniors had been offered scholarships to the University of South Alabama, in the college of engineering, and 56 of these students had not accepted the scholarship. After Tau Beta Pi members made calls to each of these students, 30 additional high school seniors (55 % of the non-acceptances) accepted the awarded scholarships and are due to start at USA in the fall. VII. Index of Exhibits: Calling Script
High School Recruitment Calls Participation List Members 1. Celine Aguila 2. Chad Mosack 3. Christopher Perry 4. Craig Parker 5. Daniel Martin 6. Drew Harrison 7. Drew Pappas 8. Jared Watson 9. Jed Oliphant 10. Joey Bordeleau 11. Jordan Blechert 12. Joshua Richardson 13. Michael Blair 14. Quan Tran 15. Richard Cullen 16. Ronnie Jones 17. Ryan Stonecypher 18. Sara Decker 19. Trent Thomas 20. Whitley Ledkins 21. William Beck
SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS CALLING SCRIPT Hello, may I speak to _____________________ This is ______________________. I am from the University of South Alabama, College of Engineering and I am calling because you have received a scholarship to attend the university. I am a student at South and a member of the engineering honor society, Tau Beta Pi, which recognizes junior and senior students for distinguished scholarship and exemplary character. I would like to congratulate you on this wonderful achievement. You (and your parents) are invited to join us at our annual Awards Luncheon on May 4. I hope that you are planning to attend. Members of Tau Beta Pi will be giving tours of the college, beginning at 10:30; you will also be able to talk to us about South and our experiences in the college. To RSVP call Ronda at 460-6140. If you haven’t already accepted your scholarship, you need to do so immediately so you can sign up for an Orientation Session this summer. At this session you will be able to register for your courses; the sooner you attend a session the more choices you will have for courses. Do you have any questions about the college of engineering? If they don't have any questions, you can get the ball rolling by talking about: Why you selected South Organizations that you are involved with Internships / coop positions that you have held Undergraduate research that you are doing …
Can I tell you anything about the University or about studying engineering? I am a student in _____________.
Would you like to visit USA? You can set up an individual visit: Call Engineering at 251-4606140.
I enjoyed talking with you and hope to see you on campus next fall, and as a new member of Tau Beta Pi three years from now.
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 12
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Old Project
Project name: Incoming Freshman Tours and Luncheon
Date(s) of Project: 5-4-12
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project:
Members: 13
_____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 hour Participating : 2 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: College Tour for high school students who have been offered a scholarship to attend the University of South Alabama. After the tour, the students and parents attended a luncheon and sat with Tau Bates and professors. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The purpose was to assist the college in recruiting incoming freshmen to the college, make them feel welcome, and expose them to an engineering education. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No High school students who have been awarded scholarships to attend the university were invited to an Awards Luncheon and to tours of the college prior to the Luncheon. The Tau Bates gave a guided tour of the facilities and each of the departments of the College of Engineering. Capstone Senior Design Projects were showcased and various labs were presented. The Tau Bates were also available to give advice or answer questions that the incoming freshman or their parents might have had during the luncheon. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The luncheon was funded by the college. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Everyone had positive comments and seemed excited about attending the university.
Participation List
1. Drew Pappas 2. Michael McConnell 3. Chad Mossak 4. Richard Cullum 5. Sean Ramsey 6. Quan Tran 7. Brian Hollingsworth 8. Syed Misbahuddin 9. J. T. Crist 10. Joey Bordeleau 11. Whitley Ledkins 12. Drew Harrison 13. Lloyd Oubre
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 13
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Project name: BEST Robotic Competition
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: 10-28-2011
Profession/ Engineering
Number of persons who participated in this project.
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
Members: 0 Electees: 6
Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: hours
Participation: hours
General Description: BEST is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization whose mission is to inspire students to pursue careers in engineering, science, and technology through participation in a sports-like, science and engineering-based robotics competition. Tau Bates served as judges for the poster board competition and the oral reports from each competing school at the regional competition.
Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: Following TBP’s K-12 initiative, this project was performed to foster interest in engineering by hands on learning.
Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None V.
Special Problems: None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Students were inspired by our determination and knowledge to consider careers in engineering. VII. Index of Exhibits: None
BEST Robotic Competition Participation List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Bordeleau, Joseph C. Fedko, Yulia Y. Jones, Ronald F. Martin, Daniel B. Oubre IV, Joseph L. Richardson, Joshua T.
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 14
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report Project name: World of Opportunity
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
New Project
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: 09-28-2011 – 09-29-2011
Profession/ Engineering
Number of persons who participated in this project. Quan Tran
Chapter/ Social
Members: 1
Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1.5 hours
Education: Prof Development
Electees: 0
Participation: 1.5 hours
General Description: World of Opportunity is an event use to create awareness about career options among students and educators while addressing workforce needs in the region.
Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The purpose of World of Opportunity is to demonstrate various career paths to middle school student. Members of TBΠ was there to represent the engineering profession.
Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None V.
Special Problems: None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: At the end of the day many 8th grade students experienced a hands-on career expo encouraging students to stay in school by demonstrating the various career paths available to them. VII. Index of Exhibits: None
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 15
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Old Project
Project name: E-Week Engineering Open House
Date(s) of Project: 02-23-2012
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 2
Electees: 3
_____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 4 hours Participating: 3 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: Annual Open House for local middle school students. Tours and demonstrations are given to 550 middle school students from schools in two local counties. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The purpose of this program is to advance the engineering profession by providing tour guides and demonstrators to further the interest in engineering fields. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No E-Week is sponsored by the engineering student council. The Open House is conducted during E-Week and is coordinated by the Dean's Office. Tau Bates served as tour guides and also assist faculty with the individual demonstrations. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Forty volunteers are required for the various tasks. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The tours and demonstrations were all very successful. The students learned about different fields of engineering.
EWeek Engineering Open House Participation List Members 1. Celine Aguila 2. Jordan Bleckert
Electees 1. Aaron Thigpen 2. Daniel O’Keefe 3. William Beck
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 16 New Project
Old Project
Project name: Mobile Regional Science & Engineering Fair
Date(s) of Project: 3-30-2012
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project. Members: 5 Sean Ramsey, Basil Farah, Michael Hempowicz, Ryan Stonecypher, Daniel Martin _____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 hours Participating: 4 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: Members volunteered their time to help regional middle school and high school students set up their projects to be judged. Members participated in the judging of the projects and interviewing of the students. Winning projects, as recognized by the judges, were awarded with a scholarship to the University of South Alabama. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: This project promotes the sciences, higher education, and introduces TBΠ as an honorary organization to local middle and high school students. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Judging criteria was defined and critiques were made.
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost, requires approximately 4 hours from each participating student. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The Science Fair was a good learning experience for all of the students (middle / high school and university) who participated. It was very rewarding to meet and interview local middle school and high school students and see their growing interest in science and engineering. VII. Index of Exhibits: None
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 17 New Project
Old Project
Project name: MathCounts (District & State Competition)
Date(s) of Project: 2-11-2012 3-10-2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ The number of persons who participated in this project: Members: 5 Electees: 0 Participants: Raymond Cayula, Quan Tran, John French, Jared Watson, Jed Oliphant _____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project: Participating: 4 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Mathcounts competition is sponsored by the National Society of Professional Engineers to interest middle school students in the engineering profession. Student teams competed against one another by taking math tests. The TBΠ members who volunteered served as graders for the MathCounts tests at both the Regional and the State Competition. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The purpose of this project is to promote higher education, aid in the advancement of extracurricular education, and to inform potential engineering students of the College of Engineering at the University of South Alabama. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No The competition was organized by the Mobile Chapter of the Alabama Society of Professional Engineering, and TBΠ volunteers served as graders. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: This experience was great for both TBΠ members and the MathCounts students. VII. Index of Exhibits: None
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 18
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Project name: Engaging Youth in Engineering (EYE)
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: 2011-2012
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
Number of persons who participated in this project. Michael Blair
Members: 0
Electees: 1
Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1.5 hours
Participation: 1.5 hours
General Description: EYE is a “workforce and economic development initiative to bring relevance to the K-12 mathematics and science curriculum and to inspire, engage, and prepare elementary and middle school students to take the coursework needed to support the growing demand for highly skilled and technology-savvy workers for the aerospace, shipbuilding and other industries located in the Mobile area.” The science lab at each school was set up in three stations where students tested different "buildings" they constructed several days earlier from different consistencies of sand, water, and glue. Demonstrations were also developed to illustrate wind energy. Students were asked to build a windmill out of a milk box, wooden dowels, pop sickle sticks, rope, and index cards. The rope was tied to the wooden dowel and a plastic cup was attached to the end of the rope. The windmills were evaluated by determining which one would lift the most coins in the cup.
Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: Following TBP’s K-12 initiative, this project was performed to foster interest in engineering by hands on learning. Middle school students were exposed to engineering concepts and were given encouragement to succeed as a college student.
Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No Alabama Power sponsors monthly activities for the local EYE’s program. Volunteers were solicited through email.
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None
Special Problems: None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The students showed great interest in the demonstrations. They asked questions when concepts were not understood. VII. Index of Exhibits: None
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 19 New Project
Old Project
Project name: Exxon/Mobil Bernard Harris Summer Camp Reunion Date(s) of Project: 04/14/2012 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
________________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project. Members: 3 Non-members: 1 Celine Aguila, Daniel Martin, Daniel O’Keefe ________________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 0 hours Participating: 6 hours ________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The Gulf Coast Exploreum and Science Museum requested that the College of Engineering assist in running a reunion day for the Exxon/Mobil Bernard Harris Summer Camp. Volunteers acted as counselors for the day, which consisted of monitoring small groups of middle school children to ensure none wandered away from the group. Volunteers were also encouraged to use their engineering knowledge to assist their campers in the various activities throughout the day. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The purpose of this project was to give time, talent, and intuition back to the community. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no financial or personnel requirements for this project. V. Special Problems: There were no special problems encountered during the project VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Volunteers monitored groups of five to seven children throughout the day. In addition, two volunteers joined the children in a catapult design competition as “expert” designers for the children to test themselves against. There are no incomplete tasks associated with this project.
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 20
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report Project name: Habitat for Humanity
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
New Project
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: 10-08-2011 / 3-10-2012
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 5 Electees: 12
Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 4 hours
Participation: 4 hours
General Description: The chapter joins Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Alabama (HFHSWA) in building homes for low-income families. Our chapter provided general construction labor for the roofing and weatherization for the framing structure of the home (go-bolts, hurricane strapping, etc).
Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: This program provides service to a family in the community – ensuring affordable housing for a low-income family. This brings honor to our chapter, profession, and to ΤΒΠ and increases the awareness of ΤΒΠ as an organization within the community. It also creates opportunity for the new initiates to work alongside one another and learn more about each other.
Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No Alabama Epsilon has a 7-year history with the local Habitat for Humanity organization. The Habitat for Humanity office provided available dates and guidelines for volunteering. A date was selected by the chapter and coordinated with the building site. Members and electees were encouraged to volunteer.
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Tools and safety equipment were provided by HFHSWA V.
Special Problems: None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Many of the students were not aware of the existence of Habitat for Humanity and enjoyed being part of helping the community. The students expressed their interested in returning again to help. VII. Index of Exhibits: Fall Photo
Habitat for Humanity Participation List Fall 1. Quan Tran 2. Joseph Stringfellow 3. Brenner Sweat 4. Joseph Bordeleau 5. Ryan Tobin 6. James Douglass 7. Raymond Cayula 8. John French 9. Jedediah Oliphant 10. Joseph Oubre 11. Nicholas Hoffman 12. Jonathan Fayard 13. Craig Parker 14. Michael Blair 15. Tommy Trieu 16. Jesse Walton 17. Justin Walton
Spring 1. Basil Farah 2. William Beck 3. Christoph Rieck 4. Mark Wingard
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 21 New Project
Old Project
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report Project name: Electronics Recycling
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Date(s) of Project: 10-25-2011
Profession/ Engineering
Number of persons who participated in this project.
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
Members: 1 Electees: 6
Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 hour
Participation: 3.5 hours
DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: Tau Beta Pi Initiates and members were invited to help out the community at an electronics recycling event that was sponsored by the organization Keep Mobile Beautiful. The initiates and members assisted the recycling effort by organizing the electronics and by directing traffic. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: This event allowed current members and new members to help out the community in its effort to recycle old electronic components rather than simply throwing them in the landfill. The event also served to market Tau Beta Pi to the local community as active volunteer group. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No The event was done in conjunction with the organization Keep Mobile Beautiful. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No Cost V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: It was a successful event. The current and new members all had great time rummaging through electronics that were 10, 20, and some even 30 years old. The members also networked with one another and other volunteers in the community as they organized the electronics side by side with one another. The event also served to market Tau Beta Pi to the local community as active volunteer group. VII. Exhibits
List of Participants Photo
Electronics Recycling Participation List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Quan Tran Brenner Sweat Jedediah Oliphant Nicholas Hoffman Jonathan Fayard James Douglass Raymond Cayula
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 22
The Tau Beta Pi Association
New Project
Chapter Project Report
Old Project
Project name: Professor of the Year
Date(s) of Project: Dec 2011
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 14
_____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 hour Participating: 1 hour _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: Since 2002, the chapter has annually selected a Professor of the Year. The award is made to an engineering faculty member who has gone above and beyond in order to help students become outstanding engineers. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The award recognizes outstanding scholarship by the faculty as well as service to the student body. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No Members in each department nominate a faculty member from their department and advocate to the chapter for the faculty nominee. All Tau Bates vote on the selection. An engraved name plate is added to the Professor of the Year Plaque, which is displayed in the lobby of the engineering building. A certificate was presented to the professor during the fall faculty meeting, on December 15th, and formal recognition was given at the College of Engineering Awards Luncheon May 4th. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: None V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Mechanical Engineering professor Dr. Joseph Richardson was selected as the Professor of the Year for 2011. VII.
Index of Exhibits:
Outstanding Faculty Member Participation List 1. Quan Tran 2. Jesse Walton 3. Justin Walton 4. Misbah Syed 5. Chad Mossak 6. Michael Blair 7. Raymond Cayula 8. Joseph Bordeleau 9. Daniel Martin 10. Richard Cullem 11. Michael Mcconnell 12. Lloyd Oubre 13. Whitley Ledkins 14. Tommy Treiu
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 23
The Tau Beta Pi Association
New Project
Chapter Project Report
Old Project
Project name: Outstanding Sophomore Scholarship
Date(s) of Project: April 2012
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 4
Electees: 0
Joshua Richardson, Joseph Bordeleau, Dr. Christy West, Dr. Thomas Thomas _____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 4 hours
Participating: 2 hours
DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: Our chapter has received a National Project Award for the seventh consecutive year, and hence a $500 scholarship was awarded to the USA College of Engineering. This was matched by the Dean's office, for an award of $1000. The chapter awards the scholarship to a sophomore student with outstanding scholarship and integrity. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: Through publicity for the scholarship, the chapter aims to increase visibility of Tau Beta Pi among sophomore students. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No Criteria established for the scholarship: Academic achievement Involvement in civic and extracurricular activities Career goals Applicants were also asked to provide up to two faculty recommendations. Signs were posted around the college, information was posted on the message board, and emails were sent to all sophomore engineering students. A committee of Tau Beta Pi members and advisors reviewed the applications and unanimously selected the recipient. The scholarship winner is recognized at the College of Engineering Awards Luncheon. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: $500 - national organization and $500 - College of Engineering V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: We had an applicant pool of three candidates, and expect these students to be candidates for membership next fall. The scholarship was awarded to Clarissa Hernandez, Chemical Engineering. VII. Index of Exhibits: Application, Flyer
Application for the Tau Beta Pi Outstanding Sophomore Scholarship University of South Alabama 2012-2013 The Tau Beta Pi Outstanding Sophomore scholarship is a scholarship awarded to a full-time sophomore student (to be Junior in the Fall) majoring in engineering. The scholarship provides $1,000 per year. The recipient must be currently enrolled and must maintain a 3.0 GPA overall. Name
Address _____________________________________________________________________ City
County of Residence Telephone Number High School Name __________________________________________________________________________ University Grade Point Average
Class Level __________________________
Jag No. _________________________ Major
List student or civic groups you belong to and leadership positions you hold within those groups. Describe other ways you are involved in campus life, civic, or professional activities. Attach a separate sheet, if necessary.
I authorize the Admissions and/or the Registration and Records Offices to release information to the scholarship committee. If selected for a scholarship, I authorize Tau Beta Pi to use this information for publicity related to the scholarship program. Signature ___________________________________________________________________ Include 1) Up to 2 letters of recommendation from USA Engineering faculty 2) Brief narrative describing why you chose engineering as a career and the contributions you plan to make to the community after graduation. Complete and return this application by April 2, 2012: Dean’s Office • College of Engineering • EGCB 108 • Mobile, AL 36688 (251) 460-6140 phone • (251) 460-6343 fax
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 24
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Old Project
Project name: Dean’s Letter to Initiate Families
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Date(s) of Project:
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Fall, Spring
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 1
Sally Steadman (Advisor) _____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 hour Participating: 0 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The Dean prepared a letter of congratulations, which was sent to the families of the new initiates, prior to initiation. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: This promotes Tau Beta Pi and encourages students to accept membership. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Personnel: Provide initiate information to Dean. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Many of South’s students are first generation or commuter students and don’t necessarily know the value of belonging to an honor society. This letter helps promote Tau Beta Pi to the families, so they are supportive of the candidate joining the organization. Most of South’s students work while attending school; thus paying the initiation fee is difficult for many of these students. The letter encourages families to help with the initiation fee. VII. Index of Exhibits: Sample Letter
Sample Letter
November 4, 2011
To the parents of Michael J. Blair, Michael has been invited to join Tau Beta Pi. This is a very important recognition of his accomplishments as a student in the College of Engineering at the University of South Alabama. On behalf of all the members of the faculty, I extend to you and Michael sincere congratulations. Tau Beta Pi is the second oldest Greek-letter honor society in America; the oldest is Phi Beta Kappa. Both societies are well known and respected throughout the United States. The latter is restricted to students in the liberal arts, while Tau Beta Pi offers recognition for superior scholarship and exemplary character to engineering students and professionals. Tau Beta Pi was established at the University of South Alabama in 1990 and is a major student organization in this college. The Alabama Epsilon Chapter is an honor society that pays tribute to outstanding students and provides a vehicle for these students to assume leadership roles in the college and be of distinctive service. The members of Tau Beta Pi participate in activities that benefit the university community and add to the liberal education of engineering students. Each chapter selects service projects of interest to the members. Past chapters have assisted with the Engineering Open House and other pre-college activities and hosted seminars for engineering students. The chapter honors an outstanding faculty member with a Professor of the Year Award. Members are recognized at graduation by wearing the Tau Beta Pi stole. In order to support the operation of the local chapter and the national organization, Alabama Epsilon must charge an initiation fee of $65. As a member myself for many years, I heartily endorse membership in Tau Beta Pi. I hope Michael will give his invitation very serious consideration. I know the returns on the initiation fee will be more than worthwhile. Sincerely,
John W. Steadman, P. E. Ph.D. Dean
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 25
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Old Project
Project name: Initiation Publicity
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
Date(s) of Project: Fall, Spring
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project. Members: 2 Quan Tran, Sally Steadman (Advisor) _____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 4 hour Participating: 0 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: Photos are taken at Initiation by the university photographer. An article recognizing the new initiates is submitted to area newspapers: Mobile Press Register – Mobile Region, Mobile Press Register –Baldwin County Region, and Biloxi-Gulfport SunHerald. A mass email was sent to all engineering students announcing the recent initiation and honoring the recent inductees. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The newpaper article recognizes each initiate’s academic achievements and publicizes the honor to the community, peers, friends and families, and faculty. The email provides peer recognition for the initiates. This increases the visibility of Tau Beta Pi on campus and in the community. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Personnel: Compose article and include new initiates’ names; identify photographs. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: This publicity is a great way of congratulating the initiates in a very public way. They feel honored by the effort and by the recognition from their friends. This also promotes pride and involvement in Tau Beta Pi. VII. Index of Exhibits: Sample Press Release, Email, Photo contact sheet
Sample Press Release
NEWS RELEASE THE TAU BETA PI ASSOCIATON The Engineering Honor Society ALABAMA EPSILON CHAPTER The University of South Alabama Mobile AL 36688 April 9, 2012 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Sally Steadman, Advisor 251-460-6174
USA Engineering Students Inducted Into Tau Beta Pi Recent inductees into Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honor society, at the University of South Alabama include Drew Harrison, mechanical engineering junior from Baldwin County, and Brian Hollingsworth, chemical engineering junior from Loxley. Members of the USA chapter volunteer in K-12 education activities such as the Best Robotics competition and Engaging Youth in Engineering. They also assist with Habitat for Humanity projects. Founded at Lehigh University in 1885, Tau Beta Pi is the nation’s largest engineering society and represents the highest honor to be obtained by an engineering student. Membership is awarded on the basis of high scholarship and exemplary character.
Sample Email Sent to all engineering students (11/14/2011)
Please offer your sincere congratulations to the students listed below for their initiation into the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society on November 11th, 2011. Initiation into Tau Beta Pi is a honor reserved for engineering students in the top 1/8th of the junior class, top 1/5th of the senior class, or top 1/5th of the graduate class. In addition, Tau Beta Pi initiates must meet exemplary character requirements, and be elected by the current members of the collegiate chapter for membership. Again, if you run into following students in hallway, please offer your congratulations. Noel E. Berry Michael J. Blair Joseph C. Bordeleau Raymond J. Cayula James M. Douglass Jonathan T. Fayard Yulia Y. Fedko John D. French Aaron J. Gaffney Nicholas D. Hoffman Ronald F. Jones Daniel B. Martin Jedediah G. Oliphant Joseph L. Oubre IV Andrew N. Pappas Joshua T. Richardson Karmagna R. Soni Joseph M. Stringfellow W. Brenner Sweat Ryan Tobin Pragadesh Varadharajan Jake E. Walker Jovana Zivkovic Colvin Thank you, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Check us out on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TBPsouthalabama
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 26
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Old Project
Project name: Tau Beta Pi T-shirts
Date(s) of Project: 12-08-2012
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 63
_____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 6 hours Participating: 4 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: Justin Walton volunteered to design a variety of T-shirts for the Tau Beta Pi chapter to vote on which one would be used for the year 2012. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: This project promotes the name of Tau Beta Pi and gives awareness to the significance of such honor. The organization of this project also promoted teamwork between the chapter members. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Funding for the tshirts is available from the Student Government Association. Total cost for the tshirts was $455.00 V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Everyone seemed to be pleased with the design of the shirt and the manner in which the design was chosen. The T-shirt adequately promotes the name and significance of Tau Beta Pi.
VII. Index of Exhibits: Design
Participants 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Aguila, Ma Victoria Y. Alam, Shabab F. Allen, Richard J. Anne, Karthik Blechert, Jordan C. Boni, John C. Chudal, Romendra Crist, John T. Cullum, Richard L. Decker, Sarah E. Dickinson, David C. Hempowicz, Michael L. Hickman, Gregory J. Johnson, Eric A. Kim, Sungmin Kinard, Kellen M. Ledkins, Whitley E. Leon, Eddy D. Lindsey, Fabiola Lucas, Iryna Mangum, James McConnell, Michael P. Misbahuddin, Syed Mossak, Chad M. Nelson, Derrick C. Park, Jin Man Parker, Craig E. Perry, Christopher B. Ramsey, Sean M. Roy, Jeffrey G. Scruggs, Alexander M. Stonecypher, Ryan T. Blair, Michael J. Pappas, Andrew N. Jones, Ronald F. Stringfellow, Joseph M. Zivkovic Colvin, Jovana Douglass, James M. Richardson, Joshua T. Oliphant, Jedediah G.
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
Hoffman, Nicholas D. Tobin, Ryan Oubre IV, Joseph L. Berry, Noel E. Gaffney, Aaron J. Martin, Daniel B. Bordeleau, Joseph C. Sweat, W. Brenner Fayard, Jonathan T. Walker, Jake E. French, John D. Cayula, Raymond J. Varadharajan, Pragadesh Soni, Karmagna R. Fedko, Yulia Y. Terry, Daniel R. Thomas, Trent D. Tran, Quan T. Trieu, Tommy N. Waddell, Kevin D. Walton, Jesse M. Walton, Justin H. Williams, Blakeley S.
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 27
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report Project name: Facebook Development
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
New Project
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: 8/20/2011-5/12/2012
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
Number of persons who participated in this project. Quan Tran
Members: 1 Electees: 0
Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 hours
Participation: 20 hours
DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The Alabama Epsilon Chapter of Tau Beta Pi created a new facebook site where upcoming Tau Beta Pi events could be announced and pictures of each of the new inductees could be posted next to the bent. The Facebook was checked periodically to reply to messages inquiring about Tau Beta Pi and update pictures of the initiation reception. The facebook currently has 70 followers. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: Increases Tau Beta Pi's visibility on social media. In addition, it provides the new inductees with easy access to the initiation reception and professional pictures with the bent. It also serves to remind members of upcoming events. III.
Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: none V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The facebook site currently has 70 followers and many members have tagged themselves in the posted photos. Uploaded albums show initiation receptions, conference pictures, and volunteering projects. This promotes Tau Beta Pi's image as a fun and active society VII. Index
of Exhibits: www.facebook.com/TBPsouthalabama
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 28
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Project name: Website Development
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: 1-3-2012 – 3-18-2012
Profession/ Engineering
Number of persons who participated in this project. Justin Walton Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 1 hours
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
Participation: 20 hours
General Description: TBP’s website was out-of-date and uninformative. The chapter decided that it was necessary to update the website's status and include pictures of other projects to add appeal to the chapter.
Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Having an up-to-date website provides the chance to show people outside of the organization some of the community service and team building activities in which TBP is involved. This promotes interest in the chapter and the entire organization.
Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No Last year, TBP worked with IEEE to coordinate setting up of the website. Without help from outside organizations, TBP would not be able to utilize the internet so effectively.
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The fee for the website hosting is $15 payable to the IEEE Student Chapter (which purchased the hosting service). V.
Special Problems: None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The new website is up-to-date and informative. People outside of the organization can now see, rather than just hear, about the great projects in which TBP is involved. VII. Index of Exhibits: http://www.usacoe.org/tbp/
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 29
The Tau Beta Pi Association
New Project
Chapter Project Report Project name: National Convention
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Members who participated in this project. Quan Tran, Jed Oliphant, Celine Aguila
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: October 26-30, 2012
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Members: 1
Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 4 hours
Education: Prof Development
Electees: 2
Participating: 96 hours
DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: We arranged for lodging, meals, and transportation for the convention, through TBΠ. We were able to participate in the regional meetings, as well as the general meetings, and many of the educational and progressive sessions. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The purpose was to learn more about TBΠ, its principles and practices, conduct business for TBΠ, and to meet members from other chapters. The new initiates gained ideas from the national conference for our chapter, and were encouraged to serve as future chapter officers. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No We requested funding from the Student Government Association to attend the National Conference. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The total cost for three members to attend the Conference was $2,312.90. SGA awarded $1500 toward convention costs. The remaining funding was obtained from the Mechanical Engineering Department, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, the College of Engineering, and Tau Beta Pi. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The two new initiates who went to the National Conference enjoyed the experience greatly. They found learning more about TBΠ, interacting with members from other chapters, to be a fun and enlightening experience. The participants were able to learn a lot about TBΠ, and were able to more easily interact with their brother and sister institutions in our regional district. This experience also proved to be effective in fostering an atmosphere of continued interest in the two initiates. Both were elected officers for the 2012-13 chapter. VII.
Index of Exhibits: Photo
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 30 New Project
Old Project
Project name: 2012 District Conference
Date(s) of Project: 04-22-12 to 04-25-12
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience: Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Members who participated in this project:
Members: 3
Student: Quan Tran, Michael Blair, Daniel Martin _____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project: Organizing: 2 hours Participating: 24 hours _____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The members of ALE attended District Conference in Lexington Kentucky. District 6 Conference was held in Lexington on April 23rd through 25th. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The purpose of these conferences was to learn more about the operations of TBΠ, meet members from other chapters, bring ideas from other chapters to our chapter, and to foster an interest in officer roles for participants. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The total cost to attend the District 6 Conference was about $500. This covered the gas to drive from Mobile to Lexington, lodging for one night, and meals. The costs were reimbursed by Tau Beta Pi. V. Special Problems: There were no problems on this trip. Everything went as planed. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The participants enjoyed the experience greatly. They found learning more about TBΠ operations and interacting with members from other chapters to be a fun and enlightening experience. This experience also proved to be effective in fostering an atmosphere of continued interest for the participants.
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 31
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Project name: Bent Polishing
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: 10-18-11 to 11-3-11 3-2- 11 to 3-20-11 University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Number of persons who participated in this project.
Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 4 hours
Chapter/ Social
Members: Electees:
Education: Prof Development
1 30
Participation: 1 hours
DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: New Initiate project to polish the large ΤΒΠ brass bent in front of the College of Engineering. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The purpose of this program is to instill a sense of pride in the initiates by keeping our public emblem in good condition. This brings honor to our chapter, profession, and to ΤΒΠ. We also want to increase the visibility of ΤΒΠ as an organization within the College of Engineering. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No Initiates were scheduled to polish the bent in front of the engineering building on a weekly schedule, both fall and spring terms. The chapter advisor provided necessary supplies. Electees, as well as members, were invited by email to help polish the bent. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Brasso, Never-Dull, and Polishing cloths V. Special Problems: The humidity along the Gulf Coast makes it necessary to polish the bent regularly to keep it looking shiny. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: Each time the bent is polished, people comment on the appearance. VII. Index of Exhibits:
Bent Polishing Participation List Fall Members 1. Misbahuddin Syed
Electees 1. Blair, Michael J. 2. Pappas, Andrew N. 3. Jones, Ronald F. 4. Stringfellow, Joseph M. 5. Zivkovic Colvin, Jovana 6. Douglass, James M. 7. Richardson, Joshua T. 8. Oliphant, Jedediah G. 9. Hoffman, Nicholas D. 10. Tobin, Ryan 11. Oubre IV, Joseph L. 12. Berry, Noel E. 13. Rinehart, Robert R. 14. Gaffney, Aaron J. 15. Martin, Daniel B. 16. Sweat, W. Brenner 17. Fayard, Jonathan T. 18. Walker, Jake E. 19. French, John D. 20. Cayula, Raymond J. 21. Varadharajan, Pragadesh 22. Soni, Karmagna R. 23.Fedko, Yulia Y.
Spring Members 1. Misbahuddin Syed
Electees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Harrison, Drew A. Raja Tajul Hasnan, Raja Jul Haziq Hollingsworth, Brian E. Wingard, Mark M. O'Keefe, Daniel B. Rieck, Christoph Wallace, Landon F.
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
Chapter:Alabama Epsilon Project number: 32 New Project
Old Project
Project name: TBΠ Graduation Stoles
Date(s) of Project: Fall 2011 and Spring 2012
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
_____________________________________________________________________________ Fall Spring Number of persons who participated in this project. Members 3 23 Electees: 0 0 _____________________________________________________________________________ Average hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 hours Participating 3 hours ____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: TBΠ graduation stoles are either loaned or sold to graduating members. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: The program increases the awareness of TBΠ in the engineering college, community, university, and the profession and provides recognition for the outstanding students in TBΠ. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group? Yes No We arranged for the purchase of stoles for the event. We sent out emails making members aware of them. We numbered them and made arrangements for checking out and in of the stoles through the Dean's Office. We also sent follow-up emails to remind people to return the stoles. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Stoles were purchased for $18 each (prior to the price increase). An $18 deposit is required to check out a stole; the deposit is returned when the stole is returned in its original condition. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: The stoles were worn by all students participating in graduation ceremonies. VII. Index of Exhibits:
Graduation Stoles Participation List Fall 2011: 1. Hempowicz, Michael L. 2. Kinard, Kellen M. 3. Nelson, Derrick C.
Spring 2012: 1. Alam, Shabab F. 2. Anne, Karthik 3. Blair, Michael J. 4. Crist, John T. 5. Cullum, Richard L. 6. Decker, Sarah E. 7. Favre, Thomas A. 8. Fedko, Yulia Y. 9. Johnson, Eric A. 10. Ledkins, Whitley E. 11. McConnell, Michael P. 12. Misbahuddin, Syed 13. Mossak, Chad M. 14. O'Keefe, Daniel B. 15. Pappas, Andrew N. 16. Parker, Craig E. 17. Stonecypher, Ryan T. 18. Thomas, Trent D. 19. Tran, Quan T. 20. Trieu, Tommy N. 21. Waddell, Kevin D. 22. Walker, Jake E. 23. Walton, Jesse M.
Chapter: Alabama Epsilon Project number: 33
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter Project Report
New Project
Project name: Paintball Social
Target Audience:
Community/ Liberal Culture
Old Project
Date(s) of Project: 10-22-2011
University/ College
Profession/ Engineering
Chapter/ Social
Education: Prof Development
Number of persons who participated in this project.
Members: 4 Electees: 2
Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 2 hours
Participation: 3 hours
DESCRIPTION OR INDEX TO ATTACHED DESCRIPTION I. General Description: The current Tau Bates and the new initiates were invited to come out to play paintball and get to know each other better. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBΠ: This event offered members and initiates an opportunity to network and get to know each other in most extreme of environments while having a large amount of fun. III. Organization & Administration: In conjunction with another group?
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Each member/initiate paid their own way. V. Special Problems: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results: It was a fun event. Other engineering students heard about the event and also joined in. The end result was a private party of 10 that played paintball together for 3 hours. The 4 Tau Bates and 2 initiates developed friendships by the end of the game. VII. Index
of Exhibits: Photo
Participation List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Quan Tran Sean Ramsey Jordan Blechert Chad Mossak John French Raymond Cayula