Unleashed Student Leader Contract 2013-2014

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B. It is expected student leaders be highly committed to developing their passion for the art of ... They are required to attend all Unleashed & BHS Dance related.
Unleashed Student Leader Contract 2013-2014 Section 1: General Expectations A. Student leaders are first and foremost students of Burbank High School. The director holds the student leaders to the highest of expectations pertaining to abidance towards school rules and policies. Student leaders report to the director, and while their input is welcome and valued, the director makes all of the final decisions, and it is expected that the student leaders will maintain positive demeanors and relations at all times. B. It is expected student leaders be highly committed to developing their passion for the art of dance. They are required to attend all Unleashed & BHS Dance related activities and events. They are honest, respectful, humble, responsible, synergetic, proactive, punctual, patient, always dressed and prepared for class and rehearsals, and willing to make sacrifices for others. They are leaders by example, role models for others to follow, and positive ambassadors for the entire BHS Dance Program. C. The application process for selecting student leaders is held every spring. To apply for a student leader position, a candidate is expected to:  Attend a student leader information session  Be an active member of Unleashed  Be a Junior or Senior at BHS  Maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher  Possess a clean discipline record with zero school suspensions in the year of application to the position D. Student leaders will be subject to periodic behavior checks by the director and their leadership roles may be relinquished at any time during the year if expectations outlined in their contracts are not met. Section 2: Application Process A. Based on the pool of candidates, the director selects 2-5 student leaders for Unleashed through an application process that has three phases. Phase One requires each candidate to submit a typed personal statement. Phase Two schedules each candidate for a formal interview with the director and a panel of 1-2 professional educators. Phase Three involves individual reviews pertaining to each candidate’s academic standing, behavior, and attendance records as well as consideration for the caliber of his/her dance skills and how these skills can be applied towards the success of Unleashed. B. Following the application process, the director individually meets with each candidate to share whether or not he/she has been selected as a student leader. The director then spends the summer designing specific roles for the student leaders based on their individual strengths and the general needs of the dance


team. If a student leader accepts his/her role, then he/she meets with the director beginning in late July to discuss his/her responsibilities for the upcoming school year. Section 3: Roles and Responsibilities General At the director’s request, all student leaders may be responsible for, but not limited to the following general tasks: 

Attending planning meetings during lunch or outside-of-school hours

Designing mini lesson plans or choreography studies for the team

Leading daily warm-ups for the team

Helping to clean routines for the team

Contributing to ideas for the team

Organizing team activities and events

Helping to plan rehearsal schedules for the team

Completing team-related tasks & assignments outside-of-school hours

Ensuring positive relations and communications among the team

Establishing relationships with community donors

Assisting the BHS Dance teachers in other program courses (if schedules allow)

Specific Student leaders will also be given more specific tasks and responsibilities, designed by the director, to maximize their leadership and interpersonal skills. For the 2013-2014 school year, student leaders will be responsible for various aspects of the Fall Contemporary Showcase. They will be mentored by the director who will then delegate responsibilities to each student leader based on, but not limited to, the following roles: 

Student Leaders of the Fall Contemporary Showcase with an emphasis on Stage Management

Student Leaders of the Fall Contemporary Showcase with an emphasis on Production Management

Student Leaders of the Fall Contemporary Showcase with an emphasis on Choreography


Section 4: Student leaders of the Fall Contemporary Showcase with an emphasis on stage management A student leader with an emphasis on stage management is expected to collaborate with the director and fellow student leaders to produce a high-quality, professional, and entertaining dance performance. He/she understands that his/her top priority is to be a stage manager, and his/her grade for this performance will be based on his/her cooperation in:             

Attending all planning sessions for the showcase Helping brainstorm a theme & set a vision for the showcase Designing the order of the routines in the showcase Ensuring that all routines fulfill the vision for the showcase and are completed on time Leading the tech and dress rehearsals Managing the entrances and exits for the showcase Cueing the lights and sound for the routines Contributing to the choreography for the opening & closing number Speaking during the showcase to welcome and/or thank people Being familiar with the setup of the stage Facilitating communications between the choreographers and lighting designer from a stage perspective Communicating with the house managers from the stage Reviewing and editing the choreography descriptions to present to the director

A student leader with an emphasis on stage management will not be in any large group routines; however, he/she may choose to audition for a medium group routine, small group routine, or a special act routine so long as it does not interfere with his/her responsibilities outlined in this contract for this role. Section 5: Student leaders of the Fall Contemporary Showcase with an emphasis on production management A student leader with an emphasis on production management is expected to collaborate with the director and fellow student leaders to produce a high-quality, professional, and entertaining dance performance. He/she understands that his/her top priority is to be a production manager, and his/her grade for this performance will be based on his/her cooperation in:  

Attending all planning sessions for the showcase Helping brainstorm a theme & set a vision for the showcase


          

Ensuring that all routines fulfill the vision for the showcase and are completed on time Assisting the choreographers in designs for stage, lights, and costumes Communicating with the stage managers from the house Designing and creating a lobby display Assisting in any matters regarding VIP or General seating Being familiar with the setup of the house Monitoring the traffic and flow in the house Contributing to choreography for the opening number Speaking during the showcase to welcome and/or thank people Collecting and organizing the choreography descriptions to present to the stage managers Facilitating communications between the choreographers and lighting designer

A student leader with an emphasis on production management will not be in any large group routines; however, he/she may choose to audition for a medium group routine, small group routine, or a special act routine so long as it does not interfere with the responsibilities outlined in this contract for this role. Section 6: Student leaders of the Fall Contemporary Showcase with an emphasis on Choreography A student leader with an emphasis on choreography is expected to collaborate with the coach and fellow student leaders to produce a high-quality, professional, and entertaining dance performance. He/she understands that his/her top priority is to be a choreographer and his/her grade for this performance will be based on his/her cooperation in:    

Attending all planning sessions for the showcase Helping brainstorm a theme & set a vision for the showcase Communicating with the stage and house managers regarding the nature of his/her routine Choreographing one large group routine of 15 dancers that is a maximum of 3 minutes and 30 seconds and a minimum of 2 minutes, one medium group routine of 8-14 dancers that is a maximum of 2 minutes and 30 seconds and a minimum of 2 minutes, and one small group routine of 3-7 dancers that is a maximum of 2 minutes and 30 seconds and a minimum 1 minute and 30 seconds Submitting written choreography proposals to the director for all routines prior to holding auditions


        

Holding an in-class audition for his/her large group routine during Dance Production Rehearsing his/her large group routine during Dance Production on allotted days Coordinating outside-of-school audition and rehearsal schedules with the director for his/her medium and small group routines Preparing written choreography descriptions to be included in the program Organizing costumes and lighting designs for each routine Meeting with the director to determine casts for each routine Contributing to the choreography for the opening & closing number Ensuring his/her casts are prepared and on stage during all rehearsals and performances Speaking during the showcase to welcome and/or thank people

A student leader with an emphasis on choreography will not be his/her own large group routine; however, he/she may be in either his/her medium group or small group routine. He/she may also be in a special act routine so long as being in these routines does not interfere with the responsibilities outlined in this contract for this role. Section 7: Director’s Responsibility for the Fall Contemporary Showcase It is the director’s responsibility for the Fall Contemporary Showcase to be a mentor to the student leaders by:           

Maintaining positive and productive collaborations between the student leaders Facilitating communications between all parties involved in the showcase Organizing and hosting the planning meetings for the showcase Handling all discipline and/or behavior issues Managing the publicity for the showcase Coordinate the parent support group’s responsibilities for the showcase Supervising rehearsals Providing resources and advice to the student leaders Encouraging the values of teamwork, respect, patience, and compassion Listening to the student leaders and helping them navigate their way through the creative process behind designing a production Maintaining a safe, welcoming, and healthy learning environment at all times

Section 8: Amendments: If any responsibilities are changed or added, student leaders and parents will be made aware through discussions that may take place in person, over the phone, or in writing. Amendments will be made in this contract to improve for the future, and the director will be responsible for updating this document and sending new copies to all parties.


Parent/Student Leader/Director Contract Agreement 2013-2014 Student Leader’s Name (printed): ___________________________________________ Parent(s) Name (printed): _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: I/We, the parent(s) of the above named, have read the Unleashed Student Leader Contract and understand all the expectations, processes, roles, and responsibilities. I/We understand the director has the final authority in my/our daughter’s/son’s status as a student leader. I/We understand that this contract is separate from the Unleashed Dance Team Contract and that my/our daughter/son is held to higher standards than teammates who are not in a leadership position.

Signed: _________________________________

Date: _________________

Student Leader: As a student leader of Unleashed, I have fully read this contract and understand what is expected of me to remain in a leadership position. I will keep myself knowledgeable and informed of all expectations, processes, roles, and responsibilities, and I realize the consequences of my poor behavior or inappropriate actions may result in my leadership position being relinquished and/or removal from the dance team. I will do all I can to uphold the honor and the tradition of Unleashed as well as the Burbank High School Dance Program. I respect my director, team members, dance teachers, guest choreographers, high school, and all persons associated with BHS at all times. I understand I am being held to a higher standard than my teammates who are not in this leadership position.

Signed: ________________________________

Date: __________________

Director: As the director of Unleashed, I pledge to be an excellent mentor as outlined in this contract. I will keep parents informed of problems before they become serious, treat all student leaders as fairly as possible, be reasonable in the expectations for the student leaders’ roles, maintain communication with parents, and always keep in mind that academics and health need to be highly considered within the framework of my expectations.

Signed: ________________________________


Date: ________________