unramified abelian extensions of galois covers - UCI Math

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UNRAMIFIED ABELIAN EXTENSIONS OF GALOIS COVERS. Michael D. Fried. ∗ and Helmut Völklein, U of Florida. Abstract: We consider a ramified Galois ...
UNRAMIFIED ABELIAN EXTENSIONS OF GALOIS COVERS Michael D. Fried∗ and Helmut V¨ olklein, U of Florida

ˆ → P1 of the Riemann sphere P1 , with monodromy Abstract: We consider a ramified Galois cover ϕ : X x x 1 ˆ is an group G. The monodromy group over Px of the maximal unramified abelian exponent n cover of X ˆ Denote the set of linear equivalence ˜ of G by the group (Z/nZ)2g , where g is the genus of X. extension n G ˆ by Pick (X) ˆ = Pick . This is equipped with a natural G action. We show classes of divisors of degree k on X ˜ → G is determined by the element of H 1 (G, Pic0 ) representing that the equivalence class of the extension n G 1 Pic (§2.2). From this we give an effective criterion (involving the Schur multiplier of G) to decide when this ˆ group extension splits for all n (§4.2). In particular we easily produce examples from this of cases where X has G invariant divisor classes of degree 1, but no G invariant divisor of degree 1 (§5.1). ˜ → G naturally factors into a sequence n G ˜ → H → G where H is the smallest quotient The extension n G ˜ ˜ of n G giving a frattini cover (§1.1) that fits between n G and G. Extension of the main result of §4.2 would ˜ such that M → G splits. We note that the sequence including consider all maximal quotients M of n G such an M factors through H, and by example we demonstrate that such maximal quotients M may not be unique (§5.2). ˆ → P1 of the Riemann sphere P1 , with INTRODUCTION: We consider a ramified Galois cover ϕ : X x x ˆ monodromy group G. Choose an integer n > 1. Let Xn be the maximal unramified abelian exponent n ˆ The monodromy group Vn of this cover is isomorphic to (Z/nZ)2g , where g is the genus of X. ˆ cover of X. 1 ˆ Composing with ϕ we get a Galois cover Xn → Px , whose monodromy group is an extension of G by Vn : (∗)

˜ → G. Vn → n G

Our main goal is to study this group extension. We introduce the notion of “unramified cover” for groups in §1.2. This we use to give a purely group-theoretic construction of the extension (*). To illustrate the analogy between our group-theoretic notion of “unramified cover” and the (already established) notion of “frattini cover,” we recall the basic theory of frattini covers. We give a fairly general situation in Lemma ˜ This 1.2 that implies that the universal exponent n frattini cover with abelian kernel is a quotient of n G. lemma isn’t crucial for the rest of the paper, but it is included for future reference and for motivation for ˜ in §5.2. the consideration of maximal quotients of n G

AMS Subject classification: 12F05, 14H40, 14D20, 14E20, Keywords: Extensions of C(x); Riemann’s existence theorem; Jacobian varieties and theta functions; modular representations. ∗ Supported by NSF grant DMS–8702150


ˆ into its Jacobian, which we identify with the group Pic0 of For the main story of the paper we embed X ˆ divisor classes of degree 0 of X. (As is well known this embedding is not canonical, but requires a choice ˆ n as the inverse image of this embedded curve of divisor class of degree 1). This yields a realization of X 0 0 under the map Pic → Pic , by u → nu. This leads to an identification of the kernel Vn from (*) with the group of n-division points of Pic0 , compatible with the natural G module structure on these (abelian) groups. We call this G module Vn the Hurwitz module (since its dimension is given by the Riemann-Hurwitz formula). In §3.1, using the classical duality theory of abelian varieties, we show that this module is self-dual ˆ (this isn’t obvious from the group-theoretic definition in §1.2). Denote the group of all divisor classes of X, with natural G-action, by Pic. Theorem 2.3 shows how the equivalence class of the group extension (*) is determined by the element of the cohomology group H 1 (G, Pic0 ) that defines the G module extension of Pic over Pic0 . In particular, the extension (*) splits for all n if and only if there is a G-invariant divisor class of degree 1 (Corollary 2.5). It is easy to see that there can be a G-invariant divisor of degree 1 only if the group G is metacyclic (§3.2). But, the question of when there is a G-invariant divisor class of degree 1 is much more intricate. Using the self-duality of the Hurwitz module, we give a fairly explicit answer to this question in the Main Theorem of §4.2. Roughly speaking, it says that the splitting of all unramified abelian extensions of G is determined by the Schur multiplier of G (i.e., by the central extensions). This is a sufficiently practical result for us to ˜ illustrate it by examples in §5.1. A natural extension of this topic would be to consider quotients M of n G that factor through G, and for which M → G is split. In §5.2 we note that if M is a maximal such quotient, ˜ (as in §1.1). We conclude the paper then it actually factors through the minimal frattini quotient H of n G with examples that show that such an M is not “the” maximal (i.e., unique) quotient with this splitting property. Acknowledgements: Conversations with Walter Feit, Roger Howe and John Thompson had a great deal to do with the first author’s interest in developing this subject. An appreciable debt is owed to Armand Brumer who had independently understood some of the points of §2 and discussed this with the first author—who may be a little remiss in making precise this debt. Sybilla Beckman [Be] has independently considered the foundational exact sequence (*).


§1. GROUP-THEORETIC PRELIMINARIES Let G be a finite group with generators σ1 , . . . , σr satisfying σ1 · · · σr = 1. Let Fr be the free group on the ¯r and let π : Fr → G be the homomorphism that sends σ ¯i to σi . Let Γ be a class of finite generators σ ¯1 , . . . , σ groups closed under isomorphisms, direct products and subgroups. §1.1. FRATTINI COVERS: A frattini cover of G is a finite group H together with a surjective homomorphism f : H → G whose kernel lies in the frattini subgroup of H. Equivalently, f is surjective, but does not remain surjective when restricted to any proper subgroup of H. We call f a frattini Γ-cover if the kernel of f belongs to Γ. Clearly, each frattini Γ-cover of G is equivalent to one of the form f : Fr /N → G with f induced by π (where N is a normal subgroup of Fr contained in ker(π) ). Call such an f a standard frattini Γ-cover, and consider the system of all homomorphisms α : Q1 → Q2 , where fi : Qi → G is a standard frattini Γ-cover, i = 1, 2, and f2 ◦ α = f1 . It is readily checked that this is an inverse system; the projective limit of this inverse system is called the universal frattini Γ-cover of G. We denote this profinite group by ufcΓ (G). It is easy to extend the notion of frattini cover to the category of profinite groups and to consider the obvious universal property of ufcΓ (G) [FrJ; §20.7]. These universal frattini covers were first considered in [EF] and [CKK]. ˜ (resp., p G) ˜ for ufcΓ (G) and call it If Γ is the class of all finite groups (resp., of all finite p-groups) we write G  is a projective the universal frattini cover of G (resp., the universal p-frattini cover of G). It is known that G  → G is a free pro-p-group [FrJ; §20.7]. profinite group. Thus the kernel of p G If Γ is the class of all finite abelian groups whose exponent divides n, we write ufcn (G) for ufcΓ (G) and call it the universal exponent n abelian frattini cover of G. The frattini covering property implies that ufcn (G) is generated by r elements (as a topological group). Since the kernel of the map ufcn (G) → G is of index |G|, it is also finitely generated (as a topological group); but this kernel is abelian and has exponent dividing n, hence is a finite group. Thus ufcn (G) is actually a finite extension of G. This has been studied in [Ga] and [GS] in the case that n is a prime. §1.2. UNRAMIFIED COVERS: Continue the earlier notation where σ1 , . . . , σr are generators of G satisfying σ1 · · · σr = 1. Define an unramified cover of G relative to σ1 , . . . , σr to be a finite group H together with a homomorphism f : H → G such that H = τ1 , . . . , τr  with τ1 · · · τr = 1, f (τi ) = σi and ord(τi ) = ord(σi ), i = 1, . . . , r. Call such an f an unramified Γ-cover if the kernel of f belongs to Γ. (Usually we drop the phrase “relative to σ1 , . . . , σr ” when we have fixed the set {σ1 , . . . , σr } of generators of G). We proceed as in §1.1. Again, each unramified Γ-cover of G is equivalent to one of the form Fr /N → G, and these unramified Γ-covers Fr /N → G again form an inverse system (which is clear from the next paragraph). The projective limit of this inverse system is now called the universal unramified Γ-cover of G (relative to σ1 , . . . , σr ). We denote it by uucΓ (G; σ1 , . . . , σr ), or for short, uucΓ (G). Again one would have to extend the notion of unramified cover to the category of profinite groups in order to state the (obvious) universal property of uucΓ (G). Let N0 be the normal subgroup of Fr generated by σ ¯1 · · · σ ¯r

ord(σi ) σ ¯i , i = 1, . . . , r.

and by

Clearly, a finite group extension f : H → G is an unramified cover if and only if the map Fr /N0 → G (induced by π) factors through f . This implies that the universal unramified cover uuc(G) (by which we mean uucΓ (G), with Γ the class of all finite groups) is the profinite completion of Fr /N0 . If Γ is the class of all finite abelian groups (resp., finite abelian p-groups), we write uucab (G) (resp., uuc(p) (G) ) for uucΓ (G) and call it the universal unramified abelian cover (resp., universal unramified abelian p-cover) of G. Let R = ker(π), let R be the commutator subgroup of R and let N be the subgroup of Fr generated by R and by N0 . Then uucab (G) is the profinite completion of Fr /N .


If Γ is the class of all finite abelian groups whose exponent divides n, we write uucn (G) for uucΓ (G), and call it the universal abelian unramified exponent n cover of G. Let Nn be the subgroup of Fr generated by R , Rn and N0 . Then clearly uucn (G) ∼ = Fr /Nn , a finite group. ˆ → P1x with monodromy Reminder 1.1: Riemann’s existence theorem: There is a Galois cover ϕ : X group isomorphic to G and with σ1 , . . . , σr a description of its branch cycles [Gr]. Of course, G is also ˆ over C(x), but the isomorphism isn’t canonical. Now consider any isomorphic to the Galois group of C(X) ¯ ˆ ¯ → P1x is Galois, with monodromy group H. We can choose cover X → X such that the induced cover δ : X a description τ1 , . . . , τs of the branch cycles of δ such that the induced homomorphism f : H → G takes τi to σi , i = 1, . . . , r, and such that there are points x1 , . . . , xs on P1x with the following properties: The branch points of ϕ (resp., δ) are among x1 , . . . , xr (resp., x1 , . . . , xs ); and the ramification index of ϕ (resp., ¯ → X ˆ is unramified in the topological sense δ) at xi is the order of σi (resp., τi ). Thus, if the cover X ¯ ˆ (equivalently, the extension C(X)/C(X) is unramified in the field-theoretic sense) then f : H → G is an unramified cover in the sense defined above. Note that we may choose an isomorphism of H with the Galois ¯ ˆ group of C(X)/C(x), similarly as the above isomorphism G ∼ Furthermore, in this case, = G(C(X)/C(x)). f : H → G corresponds to the restriction map between these Galois groups. Conversely, given an unramified ¯ →X ˆ → P1 as above, and the same cover f : H → G, Riemann’s existence theorem produces a cover X x ¯ is unramified over C(X). ˆ argument shows that C(X) ˆ is Galois over C(x) with Galois group isomorphic It follows that the maximal unramified Γ-extension of C(X) to uucΓ (G). Thus the kernel of the map uuc(G) → G is isomorphic to the algebraic fundamental group of ¯ [Gr]. In particular, the kernel of the map uucn (G) → G is isomorphic (Z/nZ)2g , where g is the genus C(X) ˆ of X, given by the Riemann-Hurwitz formula: 2(|G| + g − 1) = |G|


(1 − (ord(σi ))−1 ).


The next lemma is not essential for the remainder of the paper, but it does describe a situation that comes up in practice that will be used for examples in subsequent papers. Consider an r-tuple (ρ1 , . . . , ρr ) of elements from a group G such that the entries generate G and the product in order of the entries is 1. Then the r-tuple (ρ1 , ..., ρr )Qi = (ρ1 , . . . , ρi−1 , ρi+1 , ρ−1 i+1 ρi ρi+1 , . . . , ρr ), i = 1, . . . , r − 1 also has these same properties. The set of r-tuples given by iterations of the operations {Q1 , . . . , Qr−1 } is called an orbit of (ρ1 , . . . , ρr ) under the action of the Hurwitz monodromy group Hr . It is so named for there being such a combinatorial group and for the significance of this particular action to the production of moduli spaces (cf. [Fr] and [Ma]). But its use in the next lemma will be quite elementary. Lemma 1.2: Suppose r is even. Assume also that the orbit of (σ1 , . . . , σr ) under the action of Hr contains an element that is conjugate under G (or, more generally, under an automorphism of G) to an r-tuple (ρ1 , . . . , ρr ) with ρ2i−1 = ρ−1 2i , i = 1, . . . , r/2. Then for all positive integers n prime to lcm(ord(σ1 ), . . . , ord(σr )), the frattini cover ufcn (G) → G is unramified relative to σ1 , . . . , σr . Proof: Set H = ufcn (G) and let f : H → G be the canonical map. We must show that σ1 , . . . , σr lift to generators τ1 , . . . , τr of H with this property: 1.1) τ1 · · · τr = 1 and ord(τi )= ord(σi ), i = 1, . . . , r. Property 1.1) is preserved if we replace σ1 , . . . , σr by the image of this collection under an operation from Hr . Therefore, from the statement about the action of Hr , we may assume σ1 = ρ1 , . . . , σr = ρr . Now choose τ2i to be any element of H mapping to σ2i , i = 1, . . . , r/2. The kernel of f is of exponent n and n is prime to the order of σ2i . Therefore, if we replace τ2i by a suitable power we may assume that ord(τ2i ) = ord(σ2i ). −1 Setting τ2i−1 = τ2i guarantees 1.1), and f (τi ) = σi for all i. Finally, since f is a frattini cover, the latter condition implies H = τ1 , . . . , τr  . 4

Remark: Generalization of the condition on the ρi ’s. For example, one could replace the hypothesis of Lemma 1.2 by the condition that there is a partitioning of the elements ρ1 , . . . , ρr such that the elements in each block of the partition have product equal to 1 and each of them in the block is equal to a power of a single element in the block. Another possibility, if G can be generated by two elements, say, ρ1 and ρ2 , would be to prescribe how the other ρi ’s are represented as words in ρ1 and ρ2 , etc. §2. UNRAMIFIED COVERS AND THE JACOBIAN ˆ → P1x be a Again we fix a finite group G with generators σ1 , . . . , σr satisfying σ1 · · · σr = 1. Let ϕ : X Galois cover with monodromy group G and σ1 , . . . , σr a description of its branch cycles. We let g denote the ˆ As in Remark 1.1, choose an isomorphism of G with the group Aut(X, ˆ ϕ) of automorphisms of genus of X. ˆ ϕ). the cover ϕ. Through this isomorphism, we identify G from now on with Aut(X, §2.1. HURWITZ MODULES AND SEQUENCES DEFINED BY Pic: This subsection exhibits ˆ and the group extension relations between the Jacobian of X 2.1)

Vn → uucn (G) → G.

Here n > 1 is an integer and Vn is the kernel of the map uucn (G) → G. View Vn as a G module in the natural way: an element g  ∈ uucn (G) acts by conjugation on Vn , and since Vn is abelian this action is dependent only on the image of g  in G. Call Vn the Hurwitz module (corresponding to n; for the data given by G and σ1 , . . . , σr ). Further, we call extension 2.1) the Hurwitz extension when all other data has been named so as to make this unambiguous. Let Pic (resp., Pick ) denote the set of linear equivalence classes ˆ (for any integer k). The abelian groups Pic and Pic0 are of divisors (resp., of divisors of degree k) on X naturally G modules. ˆ So, Pic0 becomes an abelian variety of dimension g on which G acts Identify Pic0 with the Jacobian of X. by complex-analytic automorphisms. Then each Pick carries a natural structure of complex manifold (as ˆ is canonically, G-equivariantly, embedded in principal homogeneous space for Pic0 ). If g > 0 the curve X 1 ˆ Pic by mapping a point p ∈ X to the divisor class of the point. Let Π denote the group of “affine” transformations u → σ(u) + w of Pic with σ ∈ G and w ∈ Pic. View G as a subgroup of Π in the natural way to see that Π is the semi-direct product of T and G where T is the normal subgroup of translations Tw : u → u + w. We denote this semidirect product by T ×s G. Pick ˆ ⊂ Pic0 . Then the subgroup Gw = (Tw )−1 GTw some w ∈ Pic1 and let C denote the translated curve T−w (X) 0 0 of Π leaves C invariant. Let Pic (n) = {u ∈ Pic | nu = 0} be the group of n-division points of Pic0 , and consider Tn = {Tu : u ∈ Pic0 (n)}. The inverse image Cn of C under the isogeny μn : Pic0 → Pic0 , given by u → nu, is an unramified Galois cover of C with Tn as its group of deck transformations (i.e., automorphisms that commute with the map to C). It is a classical result that the curve Cn is connected [Se;]. Since Tn ∼ = (Z/nZ)2g , the cover Cn → C (induced by μn ) is the maximal unramified exponent n abelian cover of C. The action of multiplication by n on elements of Pic commutes with the action of G. Therefore it induces a group homomorphism νn : Π → Π which is the identity on G and sends each Tw ∈ T to Tnw . Then ker(νn ) = Tn ; and the group Hn = νn−1 (Gw ) is an extension of G by Tn through the map fn : Hn → G, h → Tw νn (h)(Tw )−1 . Lemma 2.1: The map fn : Hn → G is a universal unramified exponent n abelian cover. Proof: The composition of maps

μn Tw ˆ Cn −→C −→ X

ˆ with Tn as its group of deck transformations. Since Tn ⊆ Hn , the cover gives a cover δn : Cn → X ϕn : Cn → Cn /Hn factors through δn by some cover : δn ˆ  Cn −→ X −→Cn /Hn .


ˆ ). from the above it is clear that this homomorphism is exactly Now δn induces a surjection Hn → Aut(X, ˆ the map fn : Hn → G. Thus G = Aut(X, ). This means that the cover is equivalent to our original cover ˆ → P1 . Since δn is the maximal unramified abelian exponent n-cover of X, ˆ the claim follows using ϕ:X x Reminder 1.1. Corollary 2.2: The Hurwitz module Vn is isomorphic to the module Pic0 (n) of n-division points of Pic0 (with natural G action). ˆ IN H 2 (G, (Z/nZ)2g ): Our main result shows how the group extension 2.1) §2.2. THE IMAGE OF [X] is determined by the G module extension of Pic over Pic0 . In particular, Pic splits over Pic0 as a G module (equivalently, Pic1 is isomorphic to Pic0 as a G-variety) if and only if the group extension 2.1) splits for all n. In §4 we characterize when this occurs in terms of pure group theory. To formulate the result, consider the exact sequences μn


0 → Pic0 (n) → Pic0 −→Pic0 → 0; and


deg 0 → Pic0 → Pic−→Z → 0

ˆ of G modules. Extension 2.3) defines an element of H 1 (G, Pic0 ) ∼ = Ext1G (Z, Pic0 ), which we denote by [X]. 1 It is represented by the cocycle σ → w − σ(w) with w ∈ Pic as above. ˆ under the connecting map H 1 (G, Pic0 ) → H 2 (G, Pic0 (n)) that Theorem 2.3: Let α be the image of [X] arises in the long cohomology sequence associated to 2.2), and let f

Pic0 (n) → H −→G be a group extension in the equivalence class defined by α. Then the map f : H → G is a universal unramified exponent n abelian cover of G. For the proof we need an elementary fact about group cohomology which is easily deduced from [N; p. 235]. We state this as a separate lemma about an exact sequence 2.4)

0→N →M →K→0

of G modules. Lemma 2.4: In sequence 2.4) let


N ×s G → M ×s G−→K ×s G be the induced sequence of semi-direct products. Let c be a 1-cocycle of G in K; it defines the complement D = {(c(σ), σ) | σ ∈ G} of K in the semi-direct product K×sG. Let ψ : ν −1 (D) → G be the restriction of pr◦ν, where pr : K×sG → G is the canonical projection. Then the element of H 2 (G, N ) that corresponds to the class of the group extension ψ

N → ν −1 (D)−→G is the image of the class of c under the connecting map H 1 (G, K) → H 2 (G, N ) that arises in the long cohomology sequence associated to 2.4). Proof of Theorem 2.3: Identify Pic canonically with T through the G-equivariant isomorphism that sends ˆ is identified with the class of the cocycle σ → T −1 σT σ −1 . This cocycle u to Tu . Then the element −[X] w w defines Gw = Tw−1 GTw = {(Tw−1 σTw σ −1 , σ) | σ ∈ G} 6

as a complement to T 0 = {Tu : u ∈ Pic0 } in the semi-direct product T 0 ×s G. Thus by Lemma 2.4, the ˆ in H 2 (G, Pic0 (n)) is identified with the element of H 2 (G, Tn ) corresponding to the class image −α of −[X] of the group extension fn Tn → Hn −→G from Lemma 2.1. Replace the inclusion map Tn → Hn in this sequence by the map Tu → Tu−1 to obtain a group extension in the equivalence class corresponding to α. But by Lemma 2.1, the map fn : Hn → G in this group extension is a universal unramified exponent n abelian cover of G. Hence the claim. Corollary 2.5: The following are equivalent: a) b) c) d) e) f)

Pic splits over Pic0 as a G module; G has a fixed point on Pic1 ; the group extension 2.1) splits for all n; 2.1) splits for all n = pk with k = 1, 2, . . . and p a prime divisor of |G|; each (finite) unramified abelian cover of G is a split extension of G; and The universal unramified abelian cover uucab (G) → G is a split extension of G. Proof: a) and b) are trivially equivalent, and they imply c) by Theorem 2.3. Also c) and d) are clearly equivalent by Zassenhaus’ Theorem [Hu; §18.1]. Furthermore it is immediate that f) implies e) and e) implies c). We now show that b) implies f). Assume b). Choose w ∈ Pic1 to be a fixed point of G to see that Gw = G and therefore Hn = Tn ×s G. From Lemma 2.1 conclude the following: if we arrange the groups Hn naturally in an inverse system (with maps Hn → Hm , for m a divisor of n, given by νn/m ), then uucab (G) is isomorphic to the projective limit of this inverse system; and in the present situation, the natural splittings G → Hn glue together to yield a splitting of the projective limit. This proves (f). It remains to prove that c) implies a). First we show that H 1 (G, Pic0 ) is a finitely generated abelian group. (Since the order of each element divides the order of |G|, it is in fact a finite group.) By Abel’s theorem, we know there is an exact sequence of abelian groups 2.5)

0 → Λ → C g → Pic0 → 0

where Λ is a lattice (= free abelian group of rank 2g) in C g . The action of G can be lifted to a linear action on C g leaving Λ invariant, so that 2.5) becomes an exact sequence of G modules. The associated long cohomology sequence yields H 1 (G, Pic0 ) ∼ = H 2 (G, Λ), since H i (G, C g ) = 0 for all i > 0 [HS, §16.7]. But since 2 Λ is finitely generated, so is H (G, Λ) a finitely generated abelian group, and therefore so is H 1 (G, Pic0 ). ˆ is in the kernel of the connecting map H 1 (G, Pic0 ) → Now assume c). Then by Theorem 2.3, the element [X] 0 2 ˆ H (G, Pic (n)) for all n. Hence [X] is in the image of the map H 1 (G, Pic0 ) → H 1 (G, Pic0 ) induced by μn . ˆ is an infinitely divisible element of the But this induced map is just multiplication by n. Therefore [X] 0 1 ˆ finitely generated abelian group H (G, Pic ). This forces [X] = 0, which proves a).

i) ii) iii) iv) v)

Remarks: Extension of Corollary 2.5: We have 3 such remarks. a) Replacing P1x by a general curve. In the above it is irrelevant that ϕ is a cover of P1x . We could replace P1x by any curve Y , with the appropriate redefinition of uucn (G) and uucab (G). b) A result for each prime p. The proof of the Corollary can be refined to show that for each prime p the following are equivalent: ˆ is prime to p; the order of [X] G fixes a point of Picm for some m prime to p; the group extension 2.1) splits for all n = pk with k = 1, 2, . . .; each (finite) unramified abelian p-extension of G splits; and the universal unramified abelian p-cover uuc(p) (G) → G is a split extension of G.


ˆ under the isomorphism c) Explicit identification of the extension involving Λ. Let β be the image of X 0 1 2 H (G, Pic ) → H (G, Λ) occurring in the proof of 2.5, and let ¯→G Λ→G ¯ is isomorphic to the group Fr /N considered in §1.2. In be a group extension in the class of β. Then G particular, its profinite completion is uucab (G). The proof is similar to that of Theorem 2.3, working with the sequence 2.5) instead of 2.2). §3. SELFDUALITY AND G-INVARIANT DIVISOR CLASSES Here we hardly touch the details for displaying the module structure of Vn . But from the last section we know that the “frattini module” ker(ufcn (G) → G) is a quotient of Vn under the hypothesis of Lemma 1.2. §3.1. SELFDUALITY OF Vn : Our main observation is that Vn is G-dual to itself. This will be an essential ingredient in the proof of Theorem 4.3 below. Proposition 3.1: The Hurwitz module Vn is selfdual as a Z/nZ[G] module. ˆ with Proof: As at the beginning of §2.1 consider the curve C ⊂ Pic0 equal to the translated curve T−w (X) w any point in Pic1 . Taking g − 1 times the sum of C with itself (as a subset of the group Pic0 ) yields a divisor—actually an irreducible subvariety of codimension 1 of Pic0 . This is a translate of the classical Θ divisor as considered in [L,1; Ch. VI, Thm. 3]. Also Θ is fixed by the group Tw−1 GTw . Thus for each σ ∈ G there is a translation Tv (v ∈ Pic0 ) such that σ(Θ) = Tv (Θ). Now consider the sequence 2.5) of G modules. To each divisor on Pic0 there is associated a Riemann form on (C g , Λ) [L,2; Ch. VI]. Also, the Riemann form E associated to any translate of Θ (e.g., to Tv (Θ)) is the same as the one associated to Θ [L,2; Ch. VI, Lemma 5.1]. It follows that G leaves the Riemann form E invariant. By [L,1; Ch. VI, Th. 3] and [L,2; Ch. VI, Thm. 5.3] the Riemann form E has all of its elementary divisors equal to 1. This means that the restriction of E to Λ is an alternating Z-valued form B such that the matrix describing B relative to any basis of Λ has determinant 1. By the above, B is invariant under G: 3.1)

B( 1 , 2 ) = B(σ( 1 ), σ( 2 ))

for each 1 , 2 ∈ Λ and σ ∈ G. Indeed, as further explanation, the value of the left side of 3.1) can be regarded as an oriented count of the number of points of intersection of the natural parallelogram in C g with sides given by the vectors 1 and 2 with the pullback of Θ to C g (this has an infinite number of components) [Gu; p. 136]. Similarly for the right side with 1 and 2 replaced by σ( 1 ) and σ( 2 ). But it is clear from the natural action of σ on all of the objects that the left side is also equal to the oriented intersection of the parallelogram given by σ( 1 ) and σ( 2 ) with σ(Θ). Since this last is just a translate of Θ, the result derives from the invariance of this number under translation by the Θ divisor. Thus 3.1) shows that B induces a G-invariant Z/nZ-valued form on Λ/nΛ that can be described by a matrix of determinant 1. This means that Λ/nΛ is selfdual as a Z/nZ[G] module. But Λ/nΛ ∼ = n−1 Λ/Λ ∼ = 0 ∼ Pic (n) = Vn by Corollary 2.2. §3.2. METACYCLIC GROUPS AND G-INVARIANT DIVISORS: In this subsection, we complete a part of the characterization for satisfaction of the equivalent conditions of Corollary 2.5. That is, the first step in characterizing the existence of G-invariant divisor classes in Pic1 is to clarify the existence of G-invariant divisors. Let Div (resp., Divk ) denote the group (resp., set) of divisors (resp., divisors of degree ˆ k) on X. 8

ˆ of degree k if and only if k is a multiple of d = Lemma 3.2: There exists a G-invariant divisor on X gcd([G : σ1 ], . . . , [G : σr ] . ˆ Proof: A divisor D ∈ Divk is G-invariant if and only if for each G-orbit  O on X all points from the orbit occur with the same coefficient nO in D. In this case, k = deg(D) = nO O , where O is the length of the ˆ are all regular orbits except those lying over the branch points of ϕ, and orbit O. But the orbits of G on X the points lying over a branchpoint with branch cycle σi form an orbit of length [G : σi ]. This proves the “only if” part of the lemma. The “if” part follows by forming a divisor of degree k which is in the group generated by the divisors lying over the branch points of ϕ. Remark: It follows that there is always a G-invariant divisor of degree 2(g − 1): by the Riemann-Hurwitz formula we have r  2(g − 1) = −2|G| + [G : σi ](ord(σi ) − 1) i=1

hence d divides 2(g − 1). ˆ divides d, and thus the extension uucn (G) → G splits for all n that are Corollary 3.3: The order of [X] prime to d. ˆ = 0. This proves the first Proof: By Lemma 3.2, G has a fixed point on Picd . This implies that d · [X] assertion. Since H 2 (G, Pic0 (n)) has exponent dividing n, the second assertion follows from Theorem 2.3. Corollary 3.4: There is a G-invariant divisor of degree 1 if and only if each Sylow subgroup of G is contained in some σi . This can only happen if G is metacyclic (i.e., an extension of a cyclic group by a cyclic group). Proof: The first assertion follows from Lemma 3.2. A group with all Sylow subgroups cyclic must be metacyclic [Hu; Ch. 4, Th. 3.11]. This gives the second assertion. §4. G-INVARIANT DIVISOR CLASSES OF DEGREE 1 From Corollary 3.4 one may expect that the condition that there is a G-invariant divisor class of degree 1 will also severely restrict the structure of G. This is indeed so, but the answer is not as simple as for the G-invariant divisors. The natural approach is to look at the following diagram of G modules with exact rows and commutative squares


0 −→ P ⏐ ⏐  0 −→ P

−→ Div ⏐0 ⏐  −→ Div

where P is the group of principal divisors.


−→ Pic ⏐0 ⏐  −→ Pic

−→ 0 −→ 0

§4.1. RESULTS ON H k (Div), k = 0, 1: The two long exact cohomology sequences associated to the rows of 4.1) fit into another diagram with the same properties: 0

0 0 0 1 −→ H 0⏐(P) −→ H 0 (Div ⏐ ) −→ H (Pic ⏐ ) −→ H (P) ⏐ ⏐ ⏐   


−→ H 0 (P) −→



H 0 (Div)


H 0 (Pic)

−→ H 1 (P)

0 0 1 2 −→ H 1 (Div ⏐ ) −→ H (Pic ⏐ ) −→ H ⏐(P) −→ . . . ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ...   




H 1 (Pic)

−→ H 2 (P) −→ . . .

Since the group G is fixed we have for convenience written H 0 (P) instead of H 0 (G, P), etc. We will continue to do so for the remainder of this section. Furthermore, d will always be as defined in Lemma 3.2. First we identify a few terms in diagram 4.2). Note that the 0 in 4.2 b) is justified by Part a) of our next lemma. Lemma 4.1: The following hold for diagram 4.2): a) H 1 (Div) = 0; b) H 1 (Div0 ) is cyclic of order d, and it is generated by the class of the cocycle σ → D − σ(D), for any D ∈ Div1 ; and c) the connecting map in the long cohomology sequence associated to the exact sequence of G modules 4.3)

ˆ ∗→P→0 1 → C ∗ → C(X)

yields an isomorphism H i (P) → H i+1 (C ∗ ), i = 1, 2. Proof of a): As a G module, Div is isomorphic to the direct sum of certain induced modules IndG H (Z), one ˆ for each orbit of G on X, where Z is the trivial module and H takes on the values {1}, σ1 , . . . , σr . But ∼ 1 ∼ by Shapiro’s Lemma, H 1 (G, IndG H (Z)) = H (H, Z) = Hom(H, Z) = 0. Proof of b): Apply a) to the exact cohomology sequence derived from the exact sequence of G modules deg

0 → Div0 → Div−→Z → 0. The result is the exact sequence H 0 (Div) → Z → H 1 (Div0 ) → 0. The image of the first map is the subgroup of Z generated by d (given in Lemma 3.2). This the first assertion of b). The second assertion follows from the definition of the connecting map. ˆ ∗ ) = 0, i = 1, 2, 3. Proof of c): This follows from Tsen’s theorem that H i (G, C(X) Remark: When G has trivial Schur multiplier group. From c) of Lemma 4.1, if G has trivial Schur multiplier H 2 (G, C ∗ ), then the map H 0 (Div) → H 0 (Pic) is surjective. In this case, the existence of a G-fixed point on Pic1 implies the existence of a G-fixed point on Div1 . Corollary 3.4 in turn implies that G is metacyclic.


Lemma 4.2: The index I = [H 0 (Div0 ) : H 0 (P)] is a multiple of the order of each finite abelian group U with the property that the projection U × G → G is an unramified cover (relative to σ1 , . . . , σr as in §1.2). Proof: Denote the commutator subgroup of G by G . For each U with the above property, the abelian group U × G/G is generated by elements σ ¯1 , . . . , σ ¯r with σ ¯1 + · · · + σ ¯r = 0 and ei σ ¯i = 0 with ei = ord(σi ), i = 1, . . . , r. Thus U × G/G is a quotient of S = (Z/e1 Z ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z/er Z)/(1, . . . , 1). Therefore |U ||G/G | divides |S|. Thus the claim will follow from the following statement: |S| = I|G/G |.


From 4.3) we get the exact sequence C(x)∗ → H 0 (P) → H 1 (C ∗ ) → 0 upon application of Tsen’s theorem ˆ is C(x). Since and the observation that the fixed field of G in C(X) H 1 (C ∗ ) = Hom(G, C ∗ ) ∼ = G/G , the index J of the image of C(x)∗ in H 0 (Div0 ) equals I|G/G |. Therefore 4.4) is equivalent to showing that |S| = J, which consumes the remainder of the proof. ˆ let DO ∈ Div be the divisor that is the sum of all points in O. We know that For each G-orbit O on X 0 H (Div) consists of the divisors   D= mO DO with mO |O| = 0 ˆ The image of C(x)∗ is the subgroup H of H 0 (Div0 ) defined (mO ∈ Z, summation over all G-orbits O on X). by the property that for each O, mO is a multiple of eO = |G|/|O| (= the ramification index of any point in the orbit O). Clearly, there are orbits O1 , . . . , Ot with eOi = ei (= ord(σi )) for i = 1, . . . , t, and eO = 1 for all other orbits. Thus the subgroup H is the kernel of the map ψ : H 0 (Div0 ) → Z/e1 Z ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z/et Z that sends

mO DO to (mO1 , . . . , mOt ). In particular, J is the cardinality of the image of ψ which is clearly

|O |  |Ot |

1 { α1 , . . . , αt ∈ Z/e1 Z ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z/et Z

α ¯1 + · · · + α ¯t = 0 d d

where α ¯ i denotes the image of αi in Z/¯ e and def

e¯ =

|G| = lcm(e1 , . . . , et ). d

Note: e¯ is the exponent of Z/e1 Z ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z/et Z. Since  |O |  |G| |Ot | |G| 1 ,..., = gcd ,..., = 1, d d e1 d et d


conclude that the image of ψ has the same cardinality as S (namely, e1 · · · et /¯ e). This proves |S| = J, and thereby the lemma. Remark: There exists a group U such that actual equality holds in Lemma 4.2, but we do not need this. §4.2. G-INVARIANT DIVISOR CLASSES IMPLY CYCLIC SCHUR MULTIPLIERS: Finally we can now give a precise answer to the question of when the equivalent conditions of Corollary 2.5 hold. ˆ The integer d of iv) is given in Lemma 3.2. It is the minimal positive degree of a G-invariant divisor on X. 11

Theorem 4.3: The following are equivalent: i) ii) iii) iv)

every (finite) unramified abelian extension of G splits; the canonical map H 1 (P) → H 1 (Div0 ) is an isomorphism; the canonical map H 1 (P) → H 1 (Div0 ) is surjective; and the Schur multiplier group of G is cyclic of order d and each (finite) unramified central extension of G splits. Proof: Trivially ii) implies iii). Condition iii) implies that the map H 1 (Div0 ) → H 1 (Pic0 ) is zero. But ˆ Hence iii) implies [X] ˆ = 0, under this map, the class of the cocycle from Lemma 4.1 b) is mapped to [X]. which gives i) by Corollary 2.5. Since the kernel of the map H 0 (Pic0 ) → H 1 (P) is isomorphic to H 0 (Div0 )/H 0 (P), which is finite by Lemma 4.2, it is finite. By Lemma 4.1 c) the image of this map is isomorphic to a subgroup of the Schur multiplier group of G, and it too is therefore finite. Hence H 0 (Pic0 ) is finite and H 0 (Pic0 ) ⊂ Pic0 (n) for some positive integer n. Take duals with respect to Z/nZ of these G modules. By Proposition 3.1 it follows that H 0 (Pic0 ) is also a G module quotient of Pic0 (n). Corollary 2.2 identifies Pic0 (n) with Vn , hence H 0 (Pic0 ) is also a Gmodule quotient of Vn . For the following considerations, let K be a submodule of Vn with Vn /K ∼ = H 0 (Pic0 ). s Now assume i). This implies that sequence 2.1) splits, i.e., the projection Vn × G → G is an unramified cover (rel. σ1 , ..., σr ). Dividing out by K it follows that H 0 (Pic0 ) has the property of the group U of Lemma 4.2. Thus [H 0 (Div0 ) : H 0 (P)] ≥ |H 0 (Pic0 )|, which means that the image of H 0 (Div0 ) in H 0 (Pic0 ) exhausts all of H 0 (Pic0 ). Again from the long cohomology sequence it follows that the map H 1 (P) → H 1 (Div0 ) is injective. This map, however, is also surjective: the generator of H 1 (Div0 ) given in Lemma 4.1 b) maps to ˆ in H 1 (Pic0 ), and [X] ˆ = 0 by Corollary 2.5 (since we are assuming i) ). [X] So we have deduced ii). From the identifications in Lemma 4.1) this also gives the first part of iv). But the second part of iv) holds trivially under hypothesis i). Thus we have shown that i) implies iv). It remains to show that iv) implies ii). As above we see that iv) implies that the map H 1 (P) → H 1 (Div0 ) is injective. But iv) and Lemma 4.1 imply that these two groups are cyclic of the same order. Therefore the map is an isomorphism: ii) holds.


§5. EXAMPLES Theorem 4.3 says roughly that the splitting of all unramified abelian extensions of G is already determined by the central extensions. Since a lot is known about central extensions this yields an effective criterion for verifying the validity of i) .

5.1a) b) c) d)

§5.1. CASES OF COVERS WHERE ALL HURWITZ SEQUENCES SPLIT: For an explicit example, consider G = PSL2 (p) for a prime p > 3. Then G is simple. It also has Schur multiplier group equal to Z/2 and all of the Sylow subgroups of G except the Sylow 2-subgroups are cyclic [Hu; Chap. V, 25.7]. Furthermore each Sylow 2-subgroup has a cyclic subgroup of index 2. Thus we may choose the σi ’s such that d = 2 and the first condition in iv) of Theorem 4.3 holds. Assume additionally that exactly one σi is a 2-element (i.e., has order a power of 2) and the others have odd order. (Since G is generated by its elements of odd order, each element of G is a product of elements of odd order. It is easy from this to get such σi ’s, explicitly if so desired.) In the next paragraph we show that the second condition in iv) of Theorem 4.3 holds. Therefore i) follows. Suppose that H is a nonsplit central extension of G = PSL2 (p) with p > 3. Then the commutator subgroup H  of H is perfect and it is a nonsplit central extension of G. From the above comments about the Schur multiplier group of G, H  ∼ = SL2 (p). We want to show that H cannot be generated by elements τ1 , . . . , τr with τ1 · · · τr = 1, such that exactly one of them, say τ1 , is a 2-element = 1 and the others have odd order, and additionally, the order 2m of τ1 equals the order of the image of τ1 in PSL2 (p). We may assume that the center of H is a 2-group. This forces τ2 , . . . , τr to lie in H  . Hence also τ1 = (τ2 · · · τr )−1 ∈ H  and so H = H ∼ = SL2 (p). Raising τ1 to the power 2m−1 would now yield a non-central involution in SL2 (p). But SL2 (p) has no non-central involution, which yields the desired contradiction. The above example includes the case of the genus zero Galois cover of P1x with group A5 ∼ = SL2 (5). Namely for the branch cycles σ1 = (1 2)(3 4), σ2 = (1 2 3 4 5), σ3 = (1 5 3). In this case it is trivially clear that G fixes a point of Pic1 since this consists of just one point. In general, the first statement in iv) will hold rarely since “d is too large.”Consider that for every Sylow p-subgroup P of G, the minimal index in P of a cyclic subgroup divides d. This implies, for example, that the only simple groups for which iv) can hold are among the groups PSL2 (p) (p a prime), A6 and A7 . Remark 5.1: As in Part b) of the Remark after Corollary 2.5, we may develop a refined version for each prime p of the above equivalences. The same ideas show that for each prime p the following are equivalent: each (finite) unramified abelian p-extension of G splits: the map H 1 (P) → H 1 (Div0 ) is an isomorphism on the p-torsion subgroups: the map from b) is surjective on the p-torsion subgroups; and the p-torsion subgroup of the Schur multiplier of G is cyclic of order the p-part of d, and each (finite) unramified central p-extension of G splits. In the special case (d, p) = 1 the equivalence of 5.1 b) and c) boils down to a well known result in group theory: If G has a cyclic Sylow p-subgroup, then the Schur multiplier of G has no p-torsion [CuR; Proposition 11.46].

§5.2. MAXIMAL SPLIT QUOTIENTS IN THE HURWITZ SEQUENCE: Consider again the ˜ → G. In §4.2 we have characterized the Galois covers Hurwitz sequence (*) from the introduction: Vn → n G 1 ˆ X → Px with monodromy group G for which the Hurwitz sequence splits for each positive integer n. Here we consider the set of submodules W of Vn which are minimal with the following property: ˜ 5.2) the induced map n G/W → G is a split extension of G. Denote this set of submodules by WG,n . Its elements are in one-one correspondence with the set of equivaˆ → P1x , where Y → X ˆ is lence classes of Galois covers Y → P1x maximal with respect to factoring as Y → X unramified with abelian monodromy group V of exponent dividing n and the monodromy group of Y → P1x splits over V (cf. Reminder 1.1). 13

˜ Consider the quotients H of n G ˜ for Let P hi be the intersection of Vn with the frattini subgroup of n G. ˜ ˜ ˜ which n G → H is a frattini cover (§1.1) factoring through n G → G. The minimal such H is n G/Φ. ˜ → n G/W ˜ Proposition 5.2: Each W ∈ WG,n is contained in Φ (i.e., the natural map n G is a frattini cover). ˜ ˜ → M is a frattini cover, we let S be a subgroup of n G ˜ that maps Proof: Set M = n G/W . To show that n G ˜ ˜ surjectively to M . We have to show this forces S = n G. Since W is abelian, and n G = W S, it is clear that ˜ Denote the quotient n G/(W ˜ W ∩ S is a normal subgroup of n G. ∩ S) by M  . Then M  → M has a splitting   given by the image of S in M . Clearly therefore M → G splits, and thus the minimality of W implies that ˜ = W S = S, as desired. W = W ∩ S, hence n G The remainder of the paper gives a cohomological criterion for WG,n to consist of more than one element. Then it will give an example where G = A8 , n = 2 and WG,n has cardinality at least 2. First, however, we give a criterion for a given group extension of G with abelian kernel to be an unramified extension relative to suitable generators of G. Recall that a p -element of G is an element of order relatively prime to p (for some prime p). Lemma 5.3: Let H → G be a surjective homomorphism of finite groups, with kernel V an elementary abelian p-group for some prime p. View V as a Z/pZ[G] module. Assume this module has no non-zero quotient with trivial G-action. Then, if G is generated by its p elements, the same is true for H. Further, there exist p generators σ1 , . . . , σr of G with σ1 . . . σr = 1 and the map H → G is unramified relative to these generators. Proof: Let N be the subgroup of H generated by its p -elements. Then, N is a normal subgroup of H. So, the commutator group [N, V ] = g −1 v −1 gv : g ∈ N, v ∈ V  lies in N ∩ V . This implies N acts trivially in the quotient V /(N ∩ V ). If G is generated by its p -elements, then N maps surjectively to G. Therefore, G acts trivially in V /(N ∩ V ). By hypothesis, this implies V /(N ∩ V ) = 0. That is, V ⊂ N and thus H = N . This proves H has p generators. Now we get the desired generators of G. Let τ1 , . . . , τs be p generators of H. Take r = 2s, σ2i−1 = τi , and σ2i = (τi )−1 , where τi is the image of τi in G, i = 1, . . . , s. Note: For Frattini covers the conclusion that H has p generators follows even if V has a Z/p quotient with trivial G action. The more serious question is this. Let (C1 , . . . , Cr ) be p conjugacy classes of G. Denote their unique lifts to conjugacy classes of H of the same order also by (C1 , . . . , Cr ). Suppose σ ∈ C generates G and satisfies σ1 . . . σr = 1. When do such generators lift to H to give H unramified relative to these ˜ → G is universal for being able to lift any product-one generators? Note also, the Hurwitz sequence p G ˜ → G. So, the question is how generators σ of G. That is, H → G lifts σ if and only if it is a quotient of p G to characterize this situation. Proposition 5.4: Let G be a finite group generated by its p -elements, for some prime p. Let V be a Z/p[G] module having submodules U1 and U2 with the following properties: 5.3a) b) c) d)

the trivial module Z/pZ is not a quotient of V ; there exists α = 0 in H 2 (G, V ); U1 ∩ U2 = 0; and under the natural map H 2 (G, V ) → H 2 (G, V /Ui ), α goes to 0, i = 1, 2.. Then G has generators σ1 , . . . , σr with σ1 , . . . , σr = 1 such that there are at least two elements in the set WG,p of minimal submodules of Vp with split quotients (associated to the Hurwitz sequence relative to σ1 , . . . , σr ).


Proof: Suppose V → H → G is an extension corresponding to α as given in 5.3 b). Let σ1 , . . . , σr be f ˜ −→G generators of G provided by Lemma 5.3. If Vp → p G is the associated Hurwitz sequence, then f factors ν ˜ −→H → G. Set Ui = ν −1 (Ui ) for i = 1, 2. If WG,p would consist of a unique element W , then as p G   ˜ W ⊂ U1 ∩ U2 by 5.3 d), hence the induced map p G/(U 1 ∩ U2 ) → G is a split extension. But by 5.3 c), this extension is equivalent to the extension H → G, which is non-split by 5.3.b). Hence the claim. Example 5.5: WG,2 consists of at least two elements when G = A8 . We are fortunate that Benson in [Bn] has given a convenient list from which we were able to find an example where the hypotheses of Proposition 5.4 are satisfied. In [Bn] there is a description of the Loewy layers of the projective indecomposable module corresponding to the irreducible module of A8 of dimension 6. We will denote this irreducible module by 6, and the trivial module by 1. ([Bn] explains Loewy structure, but we refer the reader to [A; Chap. II] for the appropriate results from the theory of modular representations.) It is helpful to display (just) the first 3 layers of the Loewy structures for the projective indecomposable modules for 1 and 6 (respectively): 1 6

5.4a) 1


14 1

201 1

202 41



6 5.4b)

1 1

41 6

42 6

14 6

The numbers indicate irreducible modules of the corresponding dimensions. Subscripts indicate that there are two such modules of the same dimension. Finally, while the Loewy structure captures some of the possibilities for submodules and quotient modules of the principal indecomposables, it does not do so unambiguously. For example, it is clear that there is a (unique) quotient module V of the principle indecomposable for 6 with a 2-layer Loewy structure consisting of a head with 6 and 2nd layer 41 + 42 . On the other hand, it isn’t clear from the principal indecomposable for 1 whether there exists a module with a 3-layer Loewy structure with the respective irreducibles 1, 6 and 4i . We show that the module V of the last paragraph satisfies the hypotheses of Prop. 5.4. That is V has 6 at the top, and Ui = 4i , i = 1, 2. Recall, as at the beginning of §2.2, that for any Z/2Z[G] module M , H 1 (M ) = 0 is equivalent to the existence of a nonsplit extension N of M that fits in an exact sequence 0 → M → N → 1 → 0. We give the remainder of the example in two parts corresponding to the information we need about the exact cohomology sequence applied to the exact sequence 5.5)

0 → V → V /U1 ⊕ V /U2 → 6 → 0.

Part 1: H 1 (66) = 0 and H 1 (V /Ui ) = 0, i = 1, 2. From Benson’s diagram a quotient of the principal indecomposable for 1 has a module with two Loewy layers, 1 and 6, respectively. This shows that H 1 (66) = 0. The module V /U1 , for example, has Loewy layers 6 and 42 . There are two possibilities for the Loewy layers for a module L that is a non-split extension of 1 over V /U1 : either there are three Loewy layers given by 1, 6 and 42 ; or there are two Loewy layers with 1 and 6 on top and 42 in the second layer. Lemma 4.4.1 of [Be] shows that the former doesn’t happen, while the latter would imply that L has a submodule L1 whose two Loewy layers are 1 and 42 respectively. But then L1 would be a quotient of the principal indecomposable for 1. But a look at 5.4 a) shows that this doesn’t happen. Part 2: Conclusion of the example. Apply Part 1 to the exact sequence of cohomology obtained from 5.5): 0 → H 1 (66) → H 2 (V ) → H 2 (V /U1 ) ⊕ H 2 (V /U2 ) is exact. Now choose any nonzero α ∈ H 1 (66) regarded as an element of H 2 (V ). Clearly α satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 5.4. 15

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Mike Fried and Helmut V¨ olklein Department of Mathematics 201 Walker Hall University of Florida Gainesville, Fl 32611 and Mike Fried Department of Mathematics UC Irvine Irvine, California 32611