LQAS is a sampling and analysis methodology for ... It requires a small sample size and provides ... used for the calculation are more stable (Feres and. Mancero ...
Where is Honduras located? Area: 112,492 km2 Population (2014): 7,962 million GNI: $2,270 HDI: 0.606 medium Poverty headcount: 62.8% Departments: 18 Municipalities: 365
World Vision Honduras since 1974 National Summary
National Intervention Map WVH FY16
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Where is Nueva Frontera Located?
Nueva Frontera OC OC Summary Departments
G:1,173 B:1,285
• Lowest quantile HDI according to UNDP
Child Well-Being Targets • Children report an increase level of wellbeing • Increase in children protected from disease and infection • Increase in children well nourished • Increase in children who can read by age 11 (WVI 2015)
WVH M&E Process Survey Creation • Based on indicators • Smartphone collection form
Field Work • Train personnel & volunteers • Collect Data
Data • • • •
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GIS • Spatial Analysis • Maps • Reports
LQAS: Lot Quality Assurance Sampling • LQAS is a sampling and analysis methodology for rapid population based surveys. • It requires a small sample size and provides information on whether sub-areas or “lots” are performing. Surveys include a “Yes” and “No” answer. • Samples from each lot can be aggregated to provide coverage estimates for the entire study area.
LQAS: Lot Quality Assurance Sampling • Let’s assume the program has 5 sub-areas (A, B, C, D, E). • Nineteen households are randomly selected from each sub-area, for a total of 95 interviews.
• Based on targets for program performance, each sub-area is either flagged “acceptable” or “not acceptable” and a point estimate is determined for the entire program area.
Nueva Frontera Effect Monitoring using LQAS Sample: 76 families 19 Surveys per Sector (4 Sectors)
Main requirements: • Random families with children under 5 years old • Sponsored children Interventions: • Diarrheas • Pulmonary Infections • Child Protection • Values • Nutrition • Income
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What is GIS? A Geographic Information System is a mapping technology allowing users to collect/create, edit, analyze, report, graph and map information with a geographic coordinate. It allows the analysis of different types of layers of information. A GIS includes: • Hardware • Software • Data
• People • Procedures • Networks
Unsatisfied Basic Needs The method focused on unsatisfied needs such as: • Access to a household/home which assures a minimal standard of livelihood • Access to a basic services which assures a adequate sanitary service • Access to a basic education • Economical capacity to achieve minimal levels of consumption. (Feres and Mancero, 2001)
Unsatisfied Basic Needs Method • According to Feres and Mancero 2001, is arbitrary linking poverty with UBN. • The method only allows to distinguish households with critical shortages from those who do not. • Likewise, the method does not allow to define the poverty level of a family having UBNs. The UBN method is more related to "long term" poverty as the variables used for the calculation are more stable (Feres and Mancero, 2001).
Census Variables Basic Needs Access to a House
Dimensions House Quality
Wall, floor, roof materials used for the construction of the house
a) Number of the persons in the house b) Number of rooms in the house
Availability Access to Basic Sanitary Service
Access to Education
Economical Capacity (CEPAL / PNUD 1989)
Census Variables
Type of sewage disposal systems
Source of water in the household a) Access to basic services that guarantee minimum sanitary conditions b) Sewage disposal system
Attendance of school age children a) Age of the home members to an educational establishment b) Attendance to an educational establishment
Probability of insufficient household income
a) b) c) d)
Age of the home members Last educational level attained Number of persons at the household Employed condition
Unsatisfied Basic Needs Proposal Basic Needs
Census Variables
Relative Weight
Material used for the household floor Access to a House
House condition
Material used for the household wall Material used for the household roof
Energy used for cooking
Overcrowding Availability
3 persons per room Source of water in the household
Access to Basic Sanitary Service
Type of sewage disposal systems
Sewage disposal system
Access to Education
Attendance of school age children to an educational establishment
Attendance to an educational establishment for children 6 to 15 years old
Economical Capacity
Probability of insufficient household income
Distance to the source of water
Second grade or less for the household head 4 persons or more per employed member
25% 25%
Access to a House (with certain elements or requirements) Weight
Floor Material
• Ceramic floor • Cement slab or granite floor
Cement floor
Mud brick
Rustic Wood
1 0.5 0
Wall Material
Roof Material
• Brick • Block
• Mud • Wood
• Electric stove • Gas stove
• Concrete • Galvanized sheet • Zinc sheet •
• Tin • Daub wall
Cooking Energy
Clay tile
• Straw or Similar • Waste material
Improved mud stove
Traditional mud stove
Mud or stone oven
No mud stove
No overcrowding
Access to Basic Sanitary Service Weight
Water Source
Distance to water source
Sewage disposal system • Toilet connected to sewer
• Pipeline inside the house • Pipeline reaching the yard o house property • Bottle wáter
• Toilet drains in river
• Washing sink or open faucets • Protected well in the household, yard or house property • Protected Public well
• 0 to 30 minutes, walking from the household, yard or plot • Water reaches the household, yard or plot through pipeline
• Open well in the household • Open well • Water truck
• From 30 to 60 minutes walking • Common pit latrine from the house
• Waterhole, river, creek, stream • Pond, lake, reservoir • Rain water
• More tan 60 minute walking from house
• Latrine with septic tank
• No basic sanitary service or latrine
Access to Education
Access to Education
Attendance to an educational establishment for children 6 to 15 years old
No Attendance to an educational establishment for children 6 to 15 years old
Economic Capacity
Weight 2 1
Household income
Third grade or greater for the household head 3 or less persons per employed member Second grade or less for the household head
4 persons or more per employed member
Indicator of Deprivation To each variable a deprivation indicator is showing the distance between the indicator of achievement and the standard set * - X X Pij = i ij Xi*
where Pij is the deprivation indicator i for the home j, Xij is the indicator of achievement in the variable i for the home j, and Xi* is the standard set (Feres y Mancero, 2001).
Unsatisfied Basic Needs Index • For each dimension an index is obtained , such as a "Housing Quality“ index which is then averaged with the "Overcrowding" index to calculate the Access to a house Index (Feres and Mancero, 2001)
• By having the index of each dimension a relative weight is assigned equal for each dimension (Alkire and Santos, 2010) and the sum of the dimensions results in the Unsatisfied Basic Needs Index.
Interpolation: IDW Method Inverse distance weighted (IDW) An interpolation technique that estimates cell values in a raster from a set of sample points that have been weighted so that the farther a sampled point is from the cell being evaluated, the less weight it has in the calculation of the cell's value. (ESRI, 2016)
House Quality
Access to Education
Sanitary Service
Economical Capacity
Proposal for Unsatisfied Basic Needs Index CV= (Pi + Pa + Te + Ec + Ha) / 5
SS = (PrA + Da + EE) / 3
CE = (EjF + In) /2
UBN = 0.25CV + 0.25SS + 0.25Em + 0.25CE where: UBN: UBN Index CV: Housing access Pi: Floor Material Pa: Wall Material Te: Roof Material Ec: Cooking Energy Ha: Overcrowding
Ss: Access to Basic Sanitary Service PrA: Water Source Da: Distance to Water Source EE: Sewer System Em: Schooling of Children Ejf: Schooling of Family Head In: Income
Unsatisfied Basic Need Index
Presenting results to Community Leaders
Combination of Results Poverty Line and Unsatisfied Basic Needs UBN PL
Household in Chronic Poverty Situation (Total)
Recent households in Poverty (impoverished) (Short-term)
Household with Inertial Lack (Structural)
Households in Social Integration (CEPAL/DGEC, 1988c)
Conclusions • 41% of the monitored households have no UBN. They fall in the category of Households in Social Integration. This geography is a coffee and gold extraction area. • 42% have at least one UBN. They are classified as Households with Inertial Lack (Structural) • 17% have more than one UBN. They are classified as Households in Chronic Poverty Situation (Total). • 28% of the children from 6 to 14 years old do not attend school and 41% of these children have insufficient economic capacity in their households. • 45% of the monitored households meet their basic housing needs to ensure a minimum standard of habitability for a house and access to basic services that ensure an adequate level of health. Of those families 22% have insufficient economic capacity and fall into the category of households in recent poverty.
Conclusions • 29% are households with 3 persons or less per employed member. From these households, 12% do not have a home which assures a minimal standard of livelihood. • 15% of the children in the surveyed households have had diarrhea in the last two weeks. • Of these children, 41% didn’t receive a correct treatment. Of the children who did not received treatment, 57% belong to households where the head has had schooling up through second grade or less, 71% are households of 4 persons or more, per employed member and 57% have insufficient economic capacity. • 67% of the children in the surveyed households had respiratory tract infection with symptoms such as difficulty breathing. Of these children, 24% did not received treatment. 100% of these households have 4 persons or more, per employed household member, and 67% belong to households where the head of the family has had schooling up through second grade or less and the family has insufficient economic capacity.
Bibliography (Altimir, Oscar 1979). La Dimensión de la Pobreza en América Latina. Cuadernos de la CEPAL, Naciones Unidas. (Alkire & Santos, 2010) . Acute Multidimensional Poverty: A New Index for Developing Countries. Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI). Julio 2010. www.ophi.org.uk (APHIA II Evaluation/ USAID, 2011). Outcome, Monitoring and Evaluation Using LQAS. http://www.cpc.unc.edu/measure/resources/training/materials/outcome-monitoring-and-evaluation-using-lqas (Hicks, N., 2000). An Analysis of the Index of Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI) of Argentina with Suggestions for Improvements. World Bank. http://repositorio.cepal.org/handle/11362/27 (CEPAL y PNUD 1989). Ecuador. Mapa de Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas. Naciones Unidas, CEPAL (División de Estadística y Proyecciones) PNUD/RLA/86/004 (CEPAL y Dirección General de Estadística y Censos del Uruguay 1988):“Bosquejo Metodológico del Mapa de la Distribución de Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas en el Uruguay”, LC/MVD/R.6/Rev.1. (ESRI, 2015). How IDW Works. ESRI ArcGIS Resources. http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//009z00000075000000 (Feres, J. & Mancero, X.,2001). El método de las Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas (NBI) y sus aplicaciones en América Latina. División Estadística y Proyecciones Económicas CEPAL. http://repositorio.cepal.org/handle/11362/4784
(WVI 2015). Child Well Being Report. World Vision International, Evidence and Learning. http://ow.ly/Qc67w
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