The measure of dissimilarity is not defined as the dual of a ..... Learning database Test database. Round. Not round. 66. 69. Long. Not long. 100. 93. Small. 118.
May 31, 2009 - Prior to sensor network deployment, a large pool of P keys and their ..... Jason Lester H. : System Architecture for Wireless Sensor Network.
Aug 5, 2010 - membrane from a recipient cornea (descemetorhexis). ... keratoplasty using descemetorhexis and organ cultured donor corneal tissue (Melles.
Oct 10, 2013 - factor Cph1 to induce the mating response, white cells recruit a different downstream .... competence but may also allow escape from the native immune system ... the presence or absence of doxycycline and then spread at an.
Jan 1, 1988 - dynamique dans un environnement combine de souffle et d'bclats. La rbponse des panneaux met en evidence les differences intrinseques de.
1 Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg (UMR 7516), Strasbourg, France. 2 Istituto ... gence between Africa and Eurasia is absorbed along the Atlas Mountains at the upper crustal ...... Tool software [Wessel and Smith 1998]. References.
Apr 18, 2012 - Henry R Sturman. 1. Prologue .... One starts with a setup of a formal deductive system. ... tion rules R. Consequently, it is appropriate to write.
Mar 7, 2004 - perfect knowledge of the system results in inversion errors and .... avoid systematics as those induced by mirror deformation from solar heat- .... 12 telescope/quest web/quest instrument.htm.
Nov 8, 2017 - snippet comparison, frequent pattern finding, or search log analysis. The goal ... we are going to use Google [3] which is a web search engine owned by Google .... using two measures of correlation: Pearson and Spearman.
penetration into two CeCoin, crystals (bottom right image) at 1.88 K. Bright areas correspond to high magnetic flux density, dark areas represent low flux density.
Magneto-optical imaging of exotic superconductors Cornelis Jacominus Van Der Beek, J´erˆome Losco, Marcin Konczykowski, Patrick Pari, Takasada Shibauchi, Hiroaki Shishido, Yuji Matsuda
To cite this version: Cornelis Jacominus Van Der Beek, J´erˆome Losco, Marcin Konczykowski, Patrick Pari, Takasada Shibauchi, et al.. Magneto-optical imaging of exotic superconductors. Institute of Physics. 25th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics LT25, Aug 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 150, pp.012052, 2009, J. Phys.:Conf. Series. .
HAL Id: hal-00288512 Submitted on 17 Jun 2008
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