Dre to the maior restructure ofthe Board in 200 elections to ...... The Soal ot my .....
of6.l|d3*. Bb4pkvlalbye. Ls. bE(d]r.sllle.h!\.l@bdql. Mrlbofl*dt|gbfuidfud dtu.
2 0 0 2
Tributeto Mr DonaldJ Diamond
Boardof Adminisiration
ResearchGrants,Publications, Presentations
Institde Stafr
Repoir ofthe Dircctor of Research Fellow Lionsvision Research
8 t0
Fellows,Donors,Membersof the Institute
FinancialStatements NationalVisionResearchInstiiute Go\€mors Fund LionsVislonResearchFund
t9 20 )1 23 25
Schultz, Laubman, Schultz Endowment Fund How to Supportthe lnnitute
Formof Bequest
CHAIRMAN'S REPORTFOR 2OO2 It is with great pleasurethat I Boardof Administration present the thirtieth annual Dre to the maiorrestructureofthe Boardin 200 electionsto r€portofthe NVRIfor 2002. the Boardwere heldin ate 2001.Ther€were no elec onsheld The rcmained unchanged n 2OO2 andthusBoardmembership The year 2002 was a year of Boardmet three timesduringthe year: transitionwith the establishment 'T}]e NVtu Boad honed a dinner eany in 2002 for Professor of Professorfuul l'lartin as the ln honourof hisretirementl'lanyfnendsandco leagues Augusteyn D rector of Research and at the InnnLte\rcrc prc.ent wtro c€lebratedhisachielements exiensi\€refurtishmentof the laboratories. With a new lYembers' in 2002 Achievements direciionin researchandnew naf Barls,\VRI roLrdatol l4e-$e'and Goverrorsi1(e there were signilicantchangesin l'4drrarer Collegeof Behavioura was awardedby the Australiasian 1976 infrastructureto be mad,A. Optometriststhe Presiden{sawardfor servicesto behavioural ln l"larch2002. are soundwith the additionof optometry The stateofthe NVRIfinances new NH&|4RCfundingand other comPetitive David Cockbum OAM, FoundationChairmanof the NVRI considerable Ufe membeiwas awardedthe I Lloyd Boafdand Foundation grdntshavingbeen brDughtin by ProtessorlYartrn. Hewitt lYedalby the Optomeiric ResearchFoundatonat the the InstitutedePendson manyPeoplefor continued Southern RegionalCongressMay 2002, recognisingan fu always, practrtronerwho has fnancialand moralsupporLThe MembersandGolemors are a exemplaryand innovativePrlvate profession of th€ the development contdbuted to vital part of the Insiitute. The Victorian Lions Foundation andgeneroussuPportto the Institute Damien Smith AM, NVRI member since 1978,becamethe continuesto glvesignilicant ofthe World Councilof OPtometryfor a two-yerrterm. Fund Dr Ulrike Prcsident for the LionsvsionResearch andis responsible Fellc^EhiP Grilnert now holdsthe LionsvisionResearch BrienHoldenOAM, past membero{ the NVRI Boa.dand receiveda SpecialRe.ognltonAward l4edal The InnitLte devotesthe whole of its rcsourcesto r€search DresentGc^/emoi for his contributionsto Optometry and 6y ARVO increasing our knowledgeof fundamentalmechankmsof vislon Ophthamologin l"1ay 2002. ofvision.Wrth a new thatunderliedisorders andthe processes memberof NVRIsince1980,was aPPointed groupestablshedln our InstitLteI look l'1f lan Blunnsh, andvigorous.esearch dent of the OAA in November2002. forward to the beginningof another very excitingand NationalPr€s Susan Kalfi
A TRIBUTE TO DONATD I DIAivtOND NVRIBoardmember1978- 2003 we rcPortthe deadron April 9, Wth greatsadness 2003 of Mr DonaldI Diamond.Mr Diamond servedasa Boardllember fiDm |978to 2m3 It was in 1976,that Don first becameNolved lnstitute. with the NationaVislonResearch
- 0e.04.2003 o4.03.1e27
Research Lons becamea oartnerin the Nationalvision Boardin was appointedtothe Dlamond lnstitde.Don 1978.He s€rvedasa memberofthe Boardfor the next25 yearsuntilhisdeath.Durng hislongtenure and on the Boardhe was party to manysuccesses he helpedus throughdifliculttimes. He ensur€d rl-at tne cuppon ol I ons Intenatonalgrew in scopeand significance.Llonshave long had a speclalcommitmentto the Pr€servaiionof sight ever since Heen Keller exhorted Lionsto be "knights ofthe b nd".
He proposedthat Lions establisha Vision Research F!nd. Hisideawasthatthisfundwould be a permanentcapitaLendowmentthe eamings from whlch would provlde the dollar for dollar' Don DiamondwastrLreto that commtment He was a low his fe grant He kfight of the blind. lt was throlgh his lmagnationhis matchingofihe Stat€ PersLraded Aus!^alia suPPort that spirit and the tlme he so generouslyga!€ to the worthy of their community Lionsthat the ideawas and that 't that AustraliasvlsionR€searchInstitutesurvl\€d 'ts research institute communit/ national vision shouldhaveits own and is now asgood as 't 6. early shouldbe wellfunded. )€a.s on February29 The Boardand the membersof the lnstitute pay tribute to ResearchFundwasestablished The LionsvLsion lnstitute. h could now Don Diamond. for the 1979. Thk was a watershed todayas a appointa full tlme Director The tund continues PoulMann ot Mr E cee9 ton the Eulagye€odby Professot p€nnanentand mportant sourceof lncomefor the lnstituteto support seniorresearchstaff
Appointed Members
Mrs SusanF Kaltr BAppScLOSC
Mr Donald J Diamond
Dr Rodney Dwatkins
P'a,ppsc LOk FVCO
DepuyAaftrcn Mr RodneyJ rackson BAppScLOSCFVCO
ProfessorJohnA McKenzie SScPhD Universin/ of Melbaurne
Co-opted l'lembers Ex offico Ylembers
1.lr Eric R Black oAM Lians Inten otianol Hanorc| y Trcosurer
Mr craham O Hill Mppsc LOS.FVCO
+n Rn.rrrl
President VicrorianCollegeaf Optonetly PhDWales ProfessorNevilleA McBrien BScHons iBDO YCOpio^1fAAO Dreoot.vaa,:an Cot)e4e of
Mrs Heather J lohnston
Head,Deponmeftaf Apbnetryand Aptometry, VisionSciences, University ofMelbourne Professor Paul R Martin PhDSydn€y
Finance Commlttee
SFKalfrChoumon RDWatk ns NA l"lcBrien PRl"1a.dn
NA lYcBri€n Choirmon SFKalfl PRlt4artln ExemaVisionScient st
E.icR Black NA l4cBrien Pl'4Hoch HJlohnston PRMartn
There s no doubtthat 2002has beena busyandexcitingi€ar for the NVRl.Ths wasthe first year of operaiionundef the new slreamlinedBoardstructureand changed constitution.These changes ha\€enabedthe NVRI to benefit from the larger adminisffiive support structure of the Colege. The new Board hasworked !€ry efectiveyar]d th s hasenabledthe new resea(h
teamledby ProfersorPaull'4artinto getestabishedveryqu cklyin theirnewenvironment h s pleasing to ,eethe addedvitalrtyto the who e lYelboumeOptomety researchcompex that Professor Matn and his €search team has already contnbded to are excrting limesfor the signfcantyin 2002and2003.These NVRI.I amconfdentwe will seemalorresearchadvances by the NVRIr€seanhteamspecifically andfromtheif interacrionwiih the researchgrolps of the Departmentof Optometa andVison in f4elboumeandthe c inicaresearch ann ofthe College. Sclences NevilleA I'lcBrien Victanan Dircctar, Callry af Optanetry
in 2002 Research GrantsReceived
Abstrads2002 Conference
NationalHeilth andfledicalResearch pathwal, in Thestructureand functron ofthe thi'i geniculocortical primat€s. Rojectgfftto PRMartin,AE S€fton, U Cdr'€rt $l 0,0m
EM,Hashemi-Nezhad, M,Solomon, SG,l'lorris,BJand Blessing, l',lartln,PR (2002).G€neticandelecrroplDAiologi€al characterisation of colour visionphenotypesin marmoseB Poceed;nss (calllthrixiacchud. of de,au'uoldnNelrosoence So.iev,l3,al7.
ce Distnbutian af neurotionsnitter rccepbtsan idennfied populauans in the primotereono. Projectgant to U Grilnert PRf'lartin $ | 35,000 VictorianUonsFoundation Research Felow salarysupportfor Uonsvision Council AustnlianResearch in 0h€pnmotels'rdlsystem Colaurinfamottonprocessing Prcjectsrantto PRMartinandB Dr€her$60,000(2002)
Publications 2002 P (2002). Forte,J,Peirce, JW andLennie, Vision BinocularinteSranonof partialt oc€ludedsurfaces. 42, IZZS 1735. Reseorch, Forte,l,tu rce,IW Kmft,J1,1, KnuskoptI ed Lennie,Pem2). Residual €y€-movements in macaque andtheir effectson visual |9,3 |-38. r€sponses of neurons.\4suolNeu/osoence, s, Fletchei ELandWessb,H. (2002). Gnlnert,U,Haverkamp, Synapticdistributionof ionotropicglutamatereceptorsin th€ inner plexiformlayerof th€ primateretina../ounolof Neurologa 447,138-l5l. Compdrdtive Krauskopf I andFofte,lD(2002). InAuence of chromancit),onVernierandstereoacuity./ournol ofvisiotl,2,645-652. PRandGninerlU.(2002). Lin,B,l'4artin, Expressionanddistributionof ionotropicglutamatereceptor subunit!on paruol ganglioncellsin the prinat€ retina.Visuol Ne!rcsc,ence, | 9,453-465 AJRRiltigeriL andLee,BA.e002). SdomorSG,l'1a,tin,PRvvhite, r€tinaof Moduladon sensidvit), of tadion cellsin p€ripheral V6bnReeo'Cn, 4Z 2893-2898. macaque. soomon,SG,\4fiite,AIRandMartin,PR(2002). Extra-classical receptivefield prop€rtiesof parvocellular, magnoc€llular andkoniocellular c€llsin the primatelateril ZZ,334349. Jaunotof Neuros.ience, L-Nicola,A andSte\€ns, A (2002). Auslsteyn,RC,lt4umane, Chapercneactiyityin th€ fens.AinicalondE pennenltl Optanetry,85,7, 83-90. RC.(2002) lobling,Al andAugusteyn, What caos€ssteroidcata.actl A reviewof steroid-induced posterior subcapsular cataftdst Oini@landExper,nenl!l Optom€tr/,85,61.
Hashemi-Nezhad, 14,t'1orris, Bland Bessing, Ef4,Solomon,5G, lYartin,PR(2002).Effectof sp€ctrals€parationof cone piSmentson r€d-8reenopponentresponsesin the primate AusrnlionOphholmicontlvisua! fateralgenidlate nucleus. PE.(2002). GriinertU,Lin,B andl"lross, Gluramarereceptorsin th€ midg€tpathwayof the primate of theAostnl/ionNeuroscience 5ociety,| 3, 36. rerina.Proceedings Blessing, El4,Wh'te, AJR Hashemi-Nezhad, lvl,Solomon,SG, responseof DreherB andl'4artin,PR (2002).Spatio-chromatic blueon cellsin the primat€lat€nl Seniculatenu€leus. of theA|,sL.dlian Neurosc,ence soc,ety,| 3, 2 |9. Prcceedingi JusuiPR,Lee,SCSandGriinert U. (2002). ught andelectronmicroscopicanalysisof a difilrsecone ofde bipolarcell type (DB6)i" primateretina"Proceediass Alsto,on Ne!rcs.ience Society, | 3.220. Lee,SCS. JlsufPRandGrnnertU (2tlc2). Coneconne€tions of the diff$e bipolarcelltype DB6in macaque Ophth,alm: ondvs.Mlftien.f,sMeejiry monlcyr€rjna"Austolidn B.(2002). l'lartin,PR,Solomon,SG,Clarke,ECandszmajda, flodulation of neurometricdetectionProbabilityby ocr.cla5sicalr€ceptiveffeld stimulationin the primatelateml of lheAurt/ol;o"Neu.o5(;en(e 8enicularenucleus.Pruceedngs 13,37. Society Szmajda, BA,lusuf,PF,Gninert U andl'lartin,PR (2002). Mosaicpropeniesof midtettardion cellsin the r€tim of a New AusDo,ion World primate.the marmdet callidrix iacchus. Opltumk or,tlvisnlkien esMeettng. E,Tso,D andReld, WandeLl, B,Dacey,Dl',l,l'lartln,PRCallaway, RC.(2002). Primatecolorvision.Sociery for Neuroscience PogromNo.509. Abstrocts,
Lectures Given2002 PRManin lnvitednnvosiun presentstioa Fedeationof Americansocieties 240) Biofogy,Vetmon'USA.lune for Experimentaf 2002 UsA./un h'n€dh@r'eSUI.IYcollegeof Opto.netr,NewYo.k presentotrbn, AmericanNeuroscienceSociety lmted sympos,um Meeriry Athnda,L6A.Nw 2042 lnvitedLectde,Salkfnstitut€, Sa Diego,USA.Nov2A02 presentlrtioa Austrilian OpthalmicandVision lnvitedSymposiun scienc€smeeting,SldneJa Dec2002
U Griinen lnitpd EnposiunpresentttiooF€d€Etionof American M.em2). Eprelsion or A,,Fan&2., Koleskj, D andT)anms, loci€tiesfor ExperimenblBioldgy,vemonrUn.lun 2002 Jobling th€ ETStnnscriFion hctor,E|.f3,in the r€tinalpiSm€nt kNitedled)re,lohnAnin SchoalofMedicolReseorh,Australian Visron SderL'e, 43,353G3537. NotionalUniveEi\,Conbeno. epith€lium. /rasoloti'€OphthoLnologlr' Sep2402
INSTITUTESTAFF Directorof Research
Paul R Martin, PhDUsyd
Anal L^r^, BSc,URepublicutug)ay
LionsVsionResearch Fellow
Technical Offlcer
Andrew I Jobling,BSc(Hont PhD (to l'1arch3 , 2002) Ulrike Gr0nert, PhD Fr€rkfurt
Research Felow Jason Forte, PhD UWA
Dean I'latin, BAppScRMII
PostGraduatePhDstudents Daniela lbl€ski BSc(HontMonash Esther M BlessinS,BSc(Hons) USyd Patricia R rusul BSc(Adv) (Hont UJyd Sammy CS Lee,Bltledsc(HontUSyd Brett A Szmaida BSc(Hont Usyd
Research Assistant
William Dobbie, Bl"ledsc(HontUSJd
Heatherl rohnston
of Reseorch PROFESSORPAUL R MARTIN - Drrector
In the followng pageswe introduceourselves. We givea summaryof our recentactiviiiesand olr plansfor researchin our new rEsearch honreat the NationalVsionResearch lnstitLte. We look forward to an activeand producti\€ assocat on with the Innitute,in assocat on wrth at the Co lege our new fiends andcolleagues of Optometry and ihe Department of Optometry and Vsion Sclencesof the Universrty of f4ebourne.
/ NotondlVs,oaRes.d(h r.suur. Mat Enta.ceof he V,c|at;an Co/hge of Optom€t4
2//,,) Paul R Martin
Research Overview The longtenn goalofour research is improvedknowledge of how the e)€ andbrainwork togeiherto gi\€ the senseof sight the Thisknowedgeformsthe rationalbaslsfor understanding andvisualdysfunciion, and basisof humanvisualperformance for the treatmentof v suald sorders. Our r€searchprojects at the NVR1addresstwo broad themesrthe basisof colour vision,and the synaptc circuitryof the retina. Colour vision and colour pathways in the visual system. Colourisoneofthe mostimportantattributes of objectsin the visibe word, bd the sensory processes at the basisof colour vkion are poorlyunderstood. Colourvison disturbances are aho a featureof the early stagesof vislal diseasessuch as glaucoma and retinlts pr8mentosa. In anatomical studies, we studythe connecrions in the eyeandbrainn ofnervecells(neurcnes) order to trace the pathwaystaken by colourspecilicsignals.
Frcmteft AnoLon, DeanM.th, Pftfest P.utMat1t.,Esth{ Btessihe, D, U|lc Ca:n?r Bt"- \motdo, Pou,{ol^ut. r the taba@'o1
In functionalstudies,we measurecolourspeciiic responsesin brain neurones to discover how coloursignals ar€combinedwith visualsignals the form and motion of ibout objectsin the wodd,
n- ,,i6r, I .rp or.d lro.,r edle oI ll,e I o..5(.; L . . a . rr . ! . o o J f r.rr .rr hep 1.r d.5:. b.i:. resrs fcr d i{ro! ! .r' ! i.rii .i :. .1. 5 i.a .rp ole c! Ji.e ,Lrn. .: iI i.. r. .rr frr..o' oi Jr. r !!r !y,le.l Synaptic
of the retina.
,lf .i.ir olr. b N.!.ne! Lonn.Li..ii. i.d.F.n.J :rrn!nfo. oi -,nri .c.i.. 5 ' . : r r ! D e l - - . i i . I 5 . o . r . r ! r . ni o r t r r c . e r 5 L r i i i r . L , . i s so f iar el .e! cliiL.'fi:s.rr n'.r.r .l fid. 5 oIlh. n., rolr srsl.r 'll,e .i r.! . res i r .i Tf,! el ir th . i/. re! Lhe br.. .,1 rh. l.t 5 rr lcii !/slenr l. r1La,,.e! otfi.:.r (! o. ir. lhc br! ! o'
r , ^ / €e : ! , d t L . e f . e t l , r , . l ! , . . I r . ! . n . i . J,e e:fr Lo l!.o!e th. r.! ihnt !o!., r ihe pcj to1.: ci rho ip.. i, :..1 ...P1. no..L es rh.r i 3x nofi].. .aL, ot r.f !!.r l. o..r:
t l tl:
UTRIKE GRUNERI- pnDFronkfun LlonsVrslon Reseorch Fellow, NHMRCSenior Reseorch Associote Distribr,tion of neurotransmitter identilied cell populations in the pnmateretrna
In our Sydneylabor"tories we nudiedgluiamate receptorsin the inner retina-Togetherwith graduatenudentsloseph Macri and Bin Linwe foundrhat diferenttypesof bipoiarcels are associated with speciJic typesofglutamaiereceptors(Figure2). Furthermor€we found that glLtamatergcsynapsesform a re ativet smallproportion ofthe tota synapticinputto primate ganglion cells.
(NHMRCPAect Gront) Gldramate receptors mediate most of the excitatory neurotGnsmissionin the central nervoussynem ncludingthe retlna.Thereare a numberof difrerent types of gutamate receptom and each Vpe has propertes. distinctpharmacologica andphysiologica In colabontionwiih Prof H.W:issleand Dr SilkeHalerkamp at the l"lax-Panck Innitute for Brain Researchn FranHurt, Germanywe showedthat in primate/€tina d flerent cell types arc invovedwith differentsLibtypes ofglutamatercceptorsand that these subtypes are ocated postsynaptically to g utamatergicneurones(photoreceptorsand bipolarcells). For the outer retna we found underneaththe synaptic (conepedicles) terminals of conephotoreceptors a aminated disLibdion of dendnticprocesses of bipoaf and honzontalcells. Superimposed werethreestrataofglltamatereceptoraggEgates (Figurel).Ihus gldamatereleasedfiom cone pediclesprcbaby acts not only through direct s./napticcontactbut alsothrough diffusionto rhe appropriatercceptors.
Fienre 2, At@ remih.t af. flot nideet bipolar.en.nE e.}]emr. dtuing @ Lhebft is the dansv,Jaionaf he oxahtetuindlphotogrcphed an tE dg\L lle phdo an ttP o@ EnhoE epesent .luste ofslurom're deproa (cruR2l3).
Publications Griinert,U and lYartin,PR (1991).Rod bipolarcellsin dre macaqu€monk€yretina:lmmunoreactivity and connectivi+ | |,2742-2758. Joumalof Neuroscience, Grnnear,U and Wassle,H. (1993).lmmunog/tochemical localisationof glycine receptors in the mammalianretina. \eLrology335.5?l-517. JoumJofComparatNe Gnjnert, U, lYartn, PR and Wessle, H. (1994). lmmunocFochemical analysisof bipolar c€lls in the macaqu€ monlcy r€tina.loumd of ComparativeNeurology348,607-627.
f""r FlSuE f. tre qa,pr. .mpld of dl€ @e ped,c/eS