Assuming independence is not sufficient; chi-squared and related tests are shown not to be robust to the ..... behaviour and time of day are independent. If one.
mide chloropicrin (trichloronitromethane) (MC-33) on populations of nematodes in the succeeding tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. 'Leila') crop.
redistribution in vertical columns extending from the surface to the ... TETransgeo by drawing data from the various INFO tables, then ..... Periodic chemical analyses of the irrigation water also provide data on the solute concentrations of water.
(NPTII) and B-glucuronidase (GUS), which were in common with clones C3 ..... Scorza, R., Callahan, A. M., Levy, L., Dansteegt, V., and Ravelonandro,. M. 1998.
establish appropriate instrument conditions and precursor ion .... TR-9 which could not be recovered by any of the extractants used. ... under field conditions needs to be achieved in order to discern the existence of ... B (10 mM ammonium formate) t
Camp, C.R., Sadler, E.J. (1994) Center pivot irrigation system for site-specific water and nutrient management. ASAE Paper No. 94-1586, St. Joseph, MI, ASAE.
tributions of monovalent ions in the soil solution as a function of distance from ...... results that have been obtained thus far, Figure 11 shows calculated pressure.
slower velocity, which trades increasing depth for longer operating ... Strategies optimized assuming the next rainfall is imminent can fail if the next rain occurs four or six weeks later. ... existed, irrigation expanded using high-capacity wells.
Sampling Statistics and Detection or Estimation of. Diverse ... progressively slower increase in the fraction of samples with insects as insect population.
to Light Reflected From Different Colored Soil Surfaces. P. G. Hunt,* M. J. ... 40 and 5%, respectively, of that in direct sunlight. Blue light (400-. 500 nm) ... trient solution. All plants within the same experiment received the same amount of wate
IPA 1:10 v/v in paraffin oil on a cork under This is a maximum number because the .... 0.08 0.19. 0.32 + 0.09. Response to IPA; ... initial activity level (no. bees) : E.
Japanese and PNG genotypes of Varroa jacobsoni using Ssi I and Xho I .... the basis of honey bees' resistance to this parasitc. It also opens taxonomic issues.
The grain sample test duration is an input variable for the custom software ..... ered a match (meaning they emanated from the same source location), their.
May 23, 2016 - bUSDA-Agricultural Research Service, North Central Soil Conservation Research Laboratory, North Iowa Ave., .... Starter fertilizer for both corn and soybean was app- ...... Research Technician Soils, for careful maintenance.
nonpoint pollution of surface water and the fourth highest population of swine of groundwater by ... ed in 1990 on a watershed located on the farmsteads, poultry facilities, and swine. Cape Fear ... K.C. Stone is an agricultural engineer, P.G. Hunt at 145 metric tons ... Reprinted from the Joumal of Soil and Water Conservation.