Up In a Tree - SHINE! Middle School Ministry

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Mar 2, 2014 ... (716) 631-2636 x262 • [email protected] • shine.ms ... Take Some ... What's one thing that's blocking you from taking that step?

This wEeK

March 2, 2014 up in a tree


For the next few weeks, we’ll be talking about the stories of people whose lives were flipped upside down because of God. Today we’ll start with Zacchaeus. BOTTOM LINE: Jesus wants to love you, not judge you.

Take Some

Hey parents! Get these conversation starters and lots more at SHINE.MS!


lEt’S tALK aBOUT it... !

from last week

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• Have you thought any more about what we talked about last week? • Was there a moment this week when you saw God make something beautiful out of something broken?

your story

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• What’s something silly that you’re afraid of, or that you were afraid of as a little kid? • Have you ever been judged by other people? What was that like? • When do you feel like God might be judging you?


• Why do you think people might feel like they need to change their behavior before they go to Jesus? What do you think Jesus would think about that? • Why do you think Zacchaeus was so impacted by his interaction with Jesus? • Jesus climbed a tree so he could be near Jesus, but not have to get too close to Him. What are some ways people do that today? • What’s one small step you need to take to move toward Jesus? • What’s one thing that’s blocking you from taking that step? • Is there anything you can do this week to take one step closer to Jesus?



How, exactly, do you “spend time with God?” You might want to start by talking to Him in prayer. Then read something from the Bible, let it really sink in, and then act on it.


Middle School Ministry

(716) 631-2636 x262 • [email protected] • shine.ms

Pic of the Week

MONDAY: Luke 19:1:10 TUESDAY: John 3:16-17 WEDNESDAY: I John 4:9-11


THURSDAY: Mark 2:17 FRIDAY: Luke 15:1-7

This week, everyone in @lindsaymorano’s small group wins. Because this video made us laugh.

Is this your pic? Come to the Cafe today to claim any one item for free! Want your photo chosen as the Pic of the Week? Follow SHINE! at @shinedotms, Instagram some cool pics at SHINE! (and during the week, too), tag #shinedotms, and make sure SHINE! can view your photos! We’ll choose our favorite!