Actual Operator Decisions. Items that need to be continually monitored: Fault Correlation Reporting system must encompass: ⢠how accurate is RTF for each OA/ ...
Update on Decision Support Tools Operations Management IPT update
Real Time Operations • CAP Tool • Fault Correlation
Next Steps for Steering Committee • Bus Fault Correlation • Action Tracker for CAP • Fault Correlation Reporting Analyzer • Integrated T&D Top Down Display
Machine Learning and CAP tool results for June 9-11, 2008 heat wave
Summary: 10 of 33 OA’s were RED (10% worst) in CAP 2 of 33 OA’s were GREEN (10% best) in CAP Random would have given 3 red and 3 green 6 SwitchChecks identified 3M transformer cooled 3Q transformer replaced on OOE2 6B PVL error and load pocket problem identified
Since Heat Wave 1 08067-12-26 ML BQ 2 in 5 OA’s were 10% worst FS
Cumulative OA’s
ROC Heat Wave 1 Summer 2008 BQ ODDS
Feeder Percentile
Cumulative OA’s
Since Heat Wave 1 08067-12-26 ML BQ MartaRank
Feeder Percentile
Feeder Percentile
V9922 switch check. Pressure below min. T=130 deg
Rego Park 6-09 6-10
3Q83 OOE2 Replaced Xfmr in v9922 on 6-11 6-11
PVL problem
Load problem
CAP LIC 080527
78 0 0
TLV VS326 LIC 080527 Open switch OA
% load kva
Transformer Overloaded and Switchcheck issued to close Nearby Open Switch
Switch Closed on V558
Hipot Performance
Reg Hipot Performance 2008
Mod Hipots have been the problem
Bus Fault Correlation
Fault Correlation Reporting System Items that need to be continually monitored: • • • • •
Automated inputs from FMS, Rapid Restore, PI, PQNode Events and Microprocessor Relays Manual Inputs including from Rapid Restore and STAR System Protective Devices Recommended Decisions Actual Operator Decisions
Fault Correlation Reporting system must encompass: • how accurate is RTF for each OA/CIOA • how quickly are operational information and recommended decisions posted • how quickly do relay targets get reported • how many times are recommended decisions followed • how many times are OA/CIOA feeders successfully restored
Fault Correlation Reporting System RTF Structure/Visible Fault Structure Match – Y/N RTF Structure/Damage Structure Match – Y/N Variance- OA/CIOA Time to RTF/Inrush/Subcycle Posting Time RTF Fault Impedance/Damage Fault Impedance – Percentage (RTF Fault Impedance-Visible Fault Impedance)/Visible Fault Impedance (RTF Fault Impedance-Damage Fault Impedance/Damage Fault Impedance Visible Fault Impedance/Total Feeder Impedance (RTF Fault Impedance-Visible Fault Impedance)/Total Feeder Impedance Visible Fault Impedance/Total Feeder Impedance Target Phase/RTF Phases Match – Y/N Inrush-Feeder MVA>32 – Y/N Percentage RTF Structure/Visible Fault Structure Match Percentage RTF Structure/Damage Structure Match Average Variance -OA/CIOA Time to RTF/Inrush/Subcycle Posting Time Average RTF Impedance/Visible Fault Impedance-Percentage Average RTF Fault Impedance/Damage Fault Impedance-Percentage Average - (RTF Fault Impedance-Visible Fault Impedance)/Visible Fault Impedance Average -(RTF Fault Impedance-Damage Fault Impedance)/Damage Fault Impedance Average - Visible Fault Impedance/Total Feeder Impedance Average - Target Phase matches RTF Phase
This chart demonstrates that for the same 75 events where there was no more than an 18 second variation between the RTF timestamp and the PI breaker status change timestamp, the variation between the FMS/Rapid restore timestamp and the RTF timestamp varied from over 43 seconds to over 7 minutes. This is the type of detailed analysis which is needed to continuously improve the Fault correlation application.
Fault Impedances versus Total Feeder Impedances determine trends associated with location of feeder faults relative to substation for closing the feedback loop to produce more accurate RTF predictions Variance – CIOA/OA Time-Target Posting Time Variance – CIOA/OA Time – Damage Time Variance – CIOA/OA Time – Visible Fault Time Variance – CIOA/OA Time – Recommended Action Posting Time These metrics are designed to track the performance of the manual inputs which lead up the recommended decisions and ultimately full fault correlation and are designed to focus the operators on areas of improvement in utilizing the system. Recommended Action Matches FMS/Rapid Restore Action – Y/N Recommended Action Time vs. Actual Action Time These metrics are designed to track the design of the fault correlation decision matrix versus actual operator action and should point out areas for improvements in the matrix and ultimately the areas for improvements with individual operators.
Top Down Display An Integrated High Level Overview of the Transmission and Distribution Systems
Display Attributes • • • • • • • •
Integrates Transmission and Distribution High Level Display Event Driven Zoom In and Drill Down Capability 3D Rendering Animation Color Coding Icon Representation
High Level Trouble Indicator
Top Down Display
Heat Mapping
Integrates Transmission and Distribution • • • • • •
Present anomalies for subsystems: Transmission stations Area Substations Unit Stations Auto Loops Networks ATS Systems
Event Driven
• • • • •
Would provide high level indications: Load Shedding Voltage Reduction Low Voltage Transmission feeder and transformer overloads Area Station Feeder and transformer overloads
Event Driven • Transmission feeder, breaker and transformer trip outs • Area station trip outs of transformers, buses and feeders • Network contingencies • Auto-loop interruptions • Network Transformer Overloads
Zoom In/Drill Down Capability • Poke on event indication and bring up subsystem that provides operational detail. • All anomalies registering within a subsystem not represented preventing Display from being overloaded. • Only the more critical listed events would be included
3D Rendering • Present a geographical 3D representation of the Con Edison service Territory (i.e. Google) with Zoom in. Also provide switching to a 2D view for more clarity. • Drill down to sub-systems would be available from both the 3D and 2D modalities
Animation/Color Coding • Animation is essential to present events in easy to recognize formats. • Animation together with color coding conveys both specific area experiencing an anomaly and severity.
Icon Representation • Develop specific Icons for represented systems • Icons would be animated and color coded • Icons would be the poke points for sub-system drill down