upper cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the bey ...

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indicate a Coniacian-Santonian age. The Radotruncana calcarata TRZ, Globotruncana falsostuarti PRZ and Gans- serina gansseri IZ have been recognized ...
Journal of Foraminiferal Research, v. 36, no. 3, p. 241–261, July 2006



The Upper Cretaceous sequence of the Korkuteli area (Western Taurides) comprises two formations. The Bey Dag˘ları Formation lies at the base and can be divided into two parts. A 600-m-thick neritic lower part is capped with thin, massive, hemipelagic limestones. The Akdag˘ Formation disconformably overlies different stratigraphic levels of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation along a prominent erosional surface and consists of thin-bedded, cherty, pelagic, clayey limestones. Paleogene marls form the base of the Tertiary sequence and disconformably overlie different stratigraphic levels of the Upper Cretaceous succession. This study identifies from thin sections and analyzes the Late Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera. Identification of forty-five species belonging to the genera Contusotruncana, Dicarinella, Gansserina, Globotruncana, Globotruncanella, Globotruncanita, Marginotruncana and Radotruncana has led to the recognition of five biostratigraphic zones, in ascending order: Dicarinella concavata Interval Zone (IZ), Dicarinella asymetrica Total Range Zone (TRZ), Radotruncana calcarata TRZ, Globotruncana falsostuarti Partial Range Zone (PRZ) and Gansserina gansseri IZ, from the Senonian succession of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon. The Dicarinella concavata IZ and Dicarinella asymetrica TRZ have been identified from the massive hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation and indicate a Coniacian-Santonian age. The Radotruncana calcarata TRZ, Globotruncana falsostuarti PRZ and Gansserina gansseri IZ have been recognized from the pelagic limestones of the Akdag˘ Formation and suggest a late Campanian-early Maastrichtian age. The identified planktonic foraminiferal biozones indicate that the Bey Dag˘ları carbonate platform drowned after the late Turonian; the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-early Maastrichtian) pelagic succession includes two stratigraphic gaps in the Korkuteli area corresponding to lower-middle Campanian and upper Maastrichtian. Slight drowning of the platform after the late Turonian may have been related to the regional extension which affected peri-Mediterranean alpine belts. The regional hiatuses in the pelagic succession are also ascribed to the tectonic events, as the Late Cretaceous is a time of great tectonic activity in this critical area of Tethys. Eustatic sea-level changes may have had a secondary effect on the Upper Cretaceous carbonate succession of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon.

The great abundance and wide distribution of planktonic foraminifera in marine sediments and their rapid evolution during Mesozoic time make them a powerful biostratigraphic tool for global biostratigraphy and precise regional and interregional correlation. They are especially useful when intercalibrated with other important groups like nannoplankton and ammonites. The biostratigraphic importance of Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera became more widely realized after the papers of Viennot (1930) and Thalmann (1934; Caron, 1985), and there was an enormous increase in the recognition of their importance during the 1940’s and 1950’s (Pessagno, 1962). Middle and Late Cretaceous biostratigraphic zonations were revised and reconciled by the European Working Group on Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera (Robaszynski & Caron, coordinators, 1979; Robaszynski and others, 1984) and by Caron (1985) to reduce the complexity caused by the multitude of previously established taxa. Robaszynski & Caron (1995) and Robaszynski (coordinator, 1998) calibrated the planktonic foraminiferal biozones with the time scale of Gradstein and others (1994). The study of planktonic foraminifera from thin sections of indurated carbonate rocks has had a rich history (e.g., de Lapparent, 1918; Renz, 1936; Vogler, 1941; Bolli, 1945; Postuma, 1971). More recent papers containing illustrations of planktonic foraminifera in thin section are by Wonders (1979), Fleury (1980), Weidich (1987), Sliter (1989), Sliter and Leckie (1993), Premoli Silva and Sliter (1994), Simmons and others (1996), Sliter (1999), Robaszynski and others (2000) and Premoli Silva and Verga (2004). ¨ zkan (1985), Farinacci and Yeniay (1986), O ¨ zkan and O ¨ ¨ Ko¨ylu¨og˘lu (1988), Ozkan-Altıner and Ozcan (1999), Yakar ¨ zer (2002) are studies of (1993), Sarı (1999) and Sarı and O specimens from Turkey, containing illustrations of thin sections of planktonic foraminifera. Many studies over nearly four decades have been carried out on the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon. Although pelagic limestones have a wide geographic distribution throughout the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon, the planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous pelagic limestones has been the subject of only a few detailed studies, including ¨ zkan and Ko¨ylu¨og˘lu (1988), Farinacci and Yeniay (1986), O ¨ zer (2002). These studies have Sarı (1999) and Sarı and O shown that the Upper Cretaceous pelagic sequence is characterized by important sedimentary gaps. The lithostratigraphic and microfacies characteristics of the neritic and pelagic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları and Akdag˘ formations were documented in detail elsewhere ¨ zer, 2001; Sarı and O ¨ zer, 2002; Sarı (Sarı, 1999; Sarı and O

* Email: [email protected]




FIGURE 1. Simplified geological map showing the main tectonic belts of the western Taurides (after Poisson and others, 1983). a) Tertiary-Quaternary formations, b) Bey Dag˘ları autochthon, c) Antalya nappes, d) Lycian nappes, e) Section locations of previous researchers. Also shown are the locations of the study area and 32 stratigraphic sections, which were sampled for previous studies: 1. Demre C ¸ ayı, 2. Salır, 3. Go¨kc¸ebelen, 4. Kofu Tepe, 5. Gedikbas¸ı, 6. Cehennem Tepe, 7. Zu¨mru¨tova, 8. Tekkeko¨y, 9. Kocapınar, 10. Bu¨yu¨kso¨yle, 11. Gilevgi, 12. I˙meciksusuz, 13. Taraklı Tepe, 14. Mullakdere, 15. Ku¨c¸u¨k Tepe, 16. Bozcalar, 17. Kargalıko¨y, 18. Koca Ko¨pru¨, 19. Katran Dag˘, 20. Kızılo¨ru¨, 21. Yalım Tepe, 22. Bademag˘acı, 23. Demirci Dere, 24. Kızılag˘ac¸, 25. Koparan Tepe, 26. Demirli, 27. Kapu Bog˘azı, 28. Ergenliburun, 29. Susuzko¨y, 30. Aladag˘, 31. Kuzko¨y, 32. Eren Dag˘ı. See Figure 8 for correlation of the sections.

and others, 2004). The purpose of this paper is to present the biostratigraphic zonation of the planktonic foraminifera examined in thin section from the Late Cretaceous (Coniacian-early Maastrichtian) of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthonous unit. Documentation of the planktonic foraminiferal biozonation is important because the history of pelagic sedimentation in the Late Cretaceous provides a critical record of platform drowning, tectonic events, fluctuations in sea level and erosional events. Four stratigraphic sections were studied after detailed geological mapping to establish the planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Korkuteli area, which corresponds to the middle part of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon (Figs. 1, 2). MATERIALS AND METHODS One hundred sixty-eight closely spaced samples were collected from four stratigraphic sections, which were measured from southwest of Korkuteli (Fig. 2). The samples were taken from the massive hemipelagic lime-

stones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation and thin- to mediumbedded, clayey, pelagic limestones of the Akdag˘ Formation. Because it was very difficult to disaggregate the limestones and process them with normal washing, thin sections were prepared to analyze the planktonic foraminifera. The position of apertures and the presence of supplementary and accessory structures that are used to distinguish genera are not identifiable in thin section (Caron, 1985). However, most of the diagnostic criteria, including the size and shape of the test; thickness of the wall; size, shape, number and arrangement of chambers; form and position of the aperture; and ornamentation such as ridges, spines, and position and number of peripheral thickenings or keels, can be recognized in axial and subaxial sections (passing through or parallel to the axis of coiling; Sliter, 1989; Fig. 3). A large number of specimens was encountered in the thin sections, but most of them were of no use for identification because of partial or oblique cuts through the tests. Hence, axially oriented forms were picked to identify most taxa with a high degree of confidence. The atlases of the European Working Group on Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera by Robaszynski and Caron (coordinators, 1979) and Robaszynski and others (1984), and the studies of Caron (1985) and Premoli Silva and Sliter (1994) are the bases of the identifications in this study. In addition, ¨ zkan and Postuma (1971), Wonders (1979), Fleury (1980), O Ko¨ylu¨og˘lu (1988), Sliter (1989), Robaszynski and others (2000) and Premoli Silva and Verga (2004) are useful references as they include illustrations of thin sections of planktonic foraminifera. REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Bey Dag˘ları autochthon, which is approximately 150 km long, is oriented NE-SW and extends from Kas¸ to Isparta (Fig. 1). The autochthon represents a segment of a Mesozoic Tethyan platform on which carbonate accumulation persisted from the Triassic to the early Miocene. This segment was overthrust by the Antalya nappes in the east and by the Lycian nappes in the northwest, and is ¨ zgu¨l, 1976; partially exposed in the Go¨cek window (O Poisson, 1977; Farinacci and Ko¨ylu¨og˘lu, 1982; Naz and others, 1992; Robertson, 1993; Fig. 1). During the Mesozoic, the autochthonous unit was part of a larger crustal fragment of the African paleomargin which can be traced in the Taurides and Zagrides to the east, and the Hellenides, Dinarides and Apennines to the west (S¸engo¨r and Yılmaz, 1981; Farinacci and Ko¨ylu¨og˘lu, 1982; Poisson and others, ¨ zgu¨l, 1984; Robertson and Dixon, 1984; Robertson 1983; O and Woodcock, 1984; Farinacci and Yeniay, 1986; Robertson, 1993, 1998; Robertson and others, 2003). The Bey Dag˘ları autochthon was affected by different tectonic regimes during the Late Cretaceous, a time of intense tectonic movements in this critical area of the eastern Mediterranean. Late Cretaceous tectonic activities are thought to be responsible for the drowning of carbonate platforms, opening of small oceanic basins and collision of different tectonic units. Many studies have shown that the Upper Cretaceous sequences are characterized by breaks in deposition and important facies variations in both neritic



FIGURE 2. Geological map of the Korkuteli area.

FIGURE 3. Principal sections through a planktonic foraminiferal test. a) Axial section: section passing through the axis of coiling. b) Subaxial section: section passing parallel to the axis of coiling but not passing through the proloculus. c) Transverse section: section passing perpendicular to the axis of coiling. d) Oblique section: section passing neither parallel nor perpendicular to the axis of coiling.



and pelagic carbonates (Poisson, 1977; Gutnic and others, 1979; Farinacci and Ko¨ylu¨og˘lu, 1982; Farinacci and ¨ zkan and Ko¨ylu¨og˘lu, 1988; Naz and others, Yeniay, 1986; O ¨ zer, 2001, 2002; Sarı and others, 2004). 1992; Sarı and O LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY The Upper Cretaceous sequence of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon comprises two formations in the Korkuteli area. The Cenomanian-Santonian Bey Dag˘ları Formation lies at the base and is disconformably overlain along an erosional surface by the upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian Akdag˘ Formation. Paleogene pelagic marls form the base of the Tertiary sequence and disconformably overlie different stratigraphic levels of the two Upper Cretaceous formations. Bey Dag˘ları Formation can be divided into two parts, as follows. Neritic limestones of Cenomanian-late Turonian age are approximately 600 m thick and constitute most of the sequence. The uppermost part of the neritic limestones is characterized by a 20-m-thick rudistid level, which is dominated by the rudist bivalve Vaccinites praegiganteus (Toucas, 1904). A late Turonian age (mean age: 89.11– 90.10) was indicated by 87Sr/86Sr values of well-preserved, low-Mg calcite from the shells of V. praegiganteus (Sarı and others, 2004). The neritic limestones are capped with massive hemipelagic limestones, which form the upper part of the formation. The hemipelagic limestones are massive, cream-colored and fractured, and contain sparse planktonic foraminifera and abundant spheroidals. The neritic and hemipelagic limestones are similar in appearance and cannot be differentiated from each other in the field. The maximum thickness of the hemipelagic level was measured from the northwest of Kargalıko¨y as about 14 m (Fig. 4). The limestones, in which the planktonic foraminifera first appear, are arguably considered the transitional zone between the neritic and hemipelagic facies. Rudist fragments, echinoids, bryozoans, rare bivalves and abundant spheroidals accompany the foraminiferal assemblage, which indicates a late Turonian-Santonian age according to the zonal scheme of Robaszynski and Caron (1995). As the hemipelagic limestones overlie the late Turonian rudistid neritic limestones, the oldest age assignable to the hemipelagic limestones is Coniacian. Two planktonic foraminiferal biozones have been established for the hemipelagic limestones: the Dicarinella concavata Interval Zone and Dicarinella asymetrica Total Range Zone (Fig. 4). The upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian Akdag˘ Formation disconformably overlies different stratigraphic levels of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation along a prominent surface (? hardground). The surface is characterized by iron oxidation, silicification and bioturbation, indicative of a later period of low rates of sedimentation due to relative starvation (Rosales and others, 1994). The Akdag˘ Formation is composed of thin- to medium-bedded (8–10 cm), planktonic foraminifera-bearing, cream-colored, chertyclayey limestones (‘scaglia’ of Italian authors). The formation has a 75-m maximum thickness that varies laterally. These limestones are distinctly bedded, particularly at the base of the formation. They include brown iron

oxide spots that gradually disappear upward. The middle and upper parts of the formation lack this strong bedding because of the fractured nature of the limestones, especially at the C ¸ akmak Kertig˘i locality. Brown and gray chert nodules, sometimes coated with white chalk, are abundant in these levels. These nodules are irregular in shape, and their diameters range from 3–20 cm up to 120 cm near the Savran Ekinlig˘i locality (Fig. 5). The limestones of the Akdag˘ Formation are a planktonic foraminifera-bearing biomicrite texture. Examination of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna of the pelagic limestones of the Akdag˘ Formation has yielded three biozones, in ascending order, Radotruncana calcarata Total Range Zone, Globotruncana falsostuarti Partial Range Zone and Gansserina gansseri Interval Zone (Fig. 5). The presence of two erosional surfaces in the Upper Cretaceous pelagic sequence of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon is obvious. During post-Santonian regression, hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation were partially or totally eroded and a prominent erosional surface was formed. Latest Campanian pelagic limestones disconformably overlie the pre-upper Turonian and uppermost Turonian-lowermost Coniacian neritic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation in sections 3 and 4 (Figs. 6–7, respectively). A second erosional phase occurred after the early Maastrichtian. Blocks and large pebbles of the Akdag˘ Formation are observed at the base of the Paleogene at the Bozcalar dere locality (Fig. 6, section 3). At the Meydandu¨z Tepe locality, the Paleogene disconformably overlies the hemipelagic limestones (Fig. 2). A rather extreme case is encountered at the Savran Ekinlig˘i locality, where the Paleogene lies directly on the neritic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation (Fig. 2). PLANKTONIC FORAMINIFERAL BIOZONES Examination of forty-five species belonging to eight genera has resulted in the recognition of five planktonic foraminiferal biozones in the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-lower Maastrichtian) sequence of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon. Two of the zones are interval zones (IZ), the Dicarinella concavata IZ and Gansserina gansseri IZ, between a first appearance datum (FAD) and a last appearance datum (LAD). Two zones are total range zones (TRZ), the Dicarinella asymetrica TRZ and Radotruncana calcarata TRZ, defined by the first and last appearance (total range) of the nominate taxon. One is a partial range zone (PRZ), the Globotruncana falsostuarti PRZ, between the LAD of Radotruncana calcarata (Cushman) and FAD of Gansserina gansseri (Bolli). The range of the nominate taxon (G. falsostuarti) exceeds the lower and upper limits of the zone. The biozones identified in this study are briefly described below in ascending order: Dicarinella concavata Interval Zone (pro-parte) The Dicarinella concavata IZ, of Coniacian-early Santonian age, has been described by many authors, including Robaszynski and others (1984), Caron (1985), Sliter (1989), Robaszynski and Caron (1995), Robaszynski (coordinator, 1998), Premoli Silva and Sliter (1994), Robaszynski and others (2000) and Premoli Silva and Verga (2004). The zone



FIGURE 4. Vertical distribution of planktonic foraminiferal species at section 1 in the northeastern part of the study area. See Figure 2 for location of the section.

is defined as the interval from the first appearance datum (FAD) of Dicarinella concavata (Sigal) to the FAD of D. asymetrica (Brotzen). In this study, the appearance of the globotruncanids, together with Dicarinella concavata in the transition zone between the neritic and hemipelagic limestones, are accepted as the beginning of the zone in a local sense. The lower limit of this zone corresponds to the TuronianConiacian boundary, because these hemipelagic limestones grade into the upper Turonian rudistid neritic limestones towards the base (Fig. 4). The planktonic foraminiferal assemblage accompanying Dicarinella concavata is rather poor in diversity. It contains Marginotruncana coronata (Bolli), M. pseudolinneiana

Pessagno – Globotruncana linneiana (d’Orbigny) group, and Hedbergella sp. Besides abundant spheroidals, a few benthonic foraminifera (Rotalina sp. and Goupillaudina sp.), bryozoans, bivalves and rudist fragments are also encountered (Fig. 4). The Dicarinella concavata IZ is the oldest zone identified in the present study and corresponds to the lower part of the hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation. It ranges from sample 31 to sample 27 and represent a 5-mthick interval (Fig. 4). Dicarinella asymetrica Total Range Zone This zone (Fig. 4) is characterized by the FAD and LAD of the nominate taxon, and corresponds to the middle-late



FIGURE 5. Vertical distribution of planktonic foraminiferal species at section 2 in the northeastern part of the study area. See Figure 2 for location of the section and Figure 4 for explanation.



FIGURE 6. Vertical distribution of planktonic foraminiferal species at section 3 in the southwestern part of the study area. See Figure 2 for location of the section and Figure 4 for explanation.

Santonian (Robaszynski and others, 1984; Caron, 1985; Sliter, 1989; Robaszynski and Caron, 1995; Robaszynski, coordinator, 1998; Premoli Silva and Sliter, 1994; Robaszynski and others, 2000; Premoli Silva and Verga, 2004). The foraminiferal assemblage consists of Archaeoglobigerina blowi Pessagno, A. cretacea (d’Orbigny), Contusotruncana fornicata (Plummer), Dicarinella asymetrica, D. canaliculata (Reuss), D. concavata, Marginotruncana coronata, M. marginata (Reuss) - Globotruncana bulloides Vogler group, M. pseudolinneiana – G. linneiana group, M. schneegansi (Sigal), M. sigali (Reichel), M. sinuosa Porthault, M. undulata (Lehmann), Rugoglobigerina rugosa (Plummer), Whiteinella baltica Douglas and Rankin and Hedbergella sp. Abundant spheroidals, rare bivalves, rare benthonic foraminifera (Rotalina sp., Goupillaudina sp,

miliolids) and rudist fragments also occur. Contusotruncana fornicata makes its first appearance in this zone. Dicarinella asymetrica, D. concavata and many Coniacian-Santonian planktonic foraminifera became extinct by the end of this zone (Figs. 4–7). Dicarinella asymetrica TRZ is the last zone of the hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation. It ranges from sample 27 to sample 17 and forms the uppermost 9 m of the massive limestones (Fig. 4). Radotruncana calcarata Total Range Zone The Radotruncana calcarata TRZ (Fig. 5) is defined as the interval from the FAD to the LAD of the nominate taxon, and corresponds to the early late Campanian (Robaszynski, coordinator, 1998; Premoli Silva and Sliter,



FIGURE 7. Vertical distribution of planktonic foraminiferal species at section 4 in the southwestern part of the study area. See Figure 2 for location of the section and Figure 4 for explanation.

1994; Robaszynski and others, 2000; Premoli Silva and Verga, 2004). In the Korkuteli sequence, the beginning of the Campanian is marked by a distinct faunal turnover of the planktonic foraminifera. Many Coniacian-Santonian species became extinct at the boundary, and many new singleand double-keeled species appeared by the beginning of the Campanian. However, some species such as Contusotruncana fornicata cross the Santonian-Campanian boundary. The predominant species of the zone are Archaeoglobigerina blowi, A. cretacea, C. fornicata, C. patelliformis (Gandolfi), Globotruncana arca (Cushman), G. arca-orientalis, G. bulloides, G. falsostuarti, G. (?) insignis Gandolfi, G. linneiana, G. mariei Banner and Blow, G. orientalis El Naggar, G. rosetta (Carsey), G. pseudoconica Solakius, G. ventricosa White, Globotruncanita conica (White) - G. atlantica (Caron) group, G. elevata (Brotzen), G. stuarti-

formis (Dalbiez), Radotruncana calcarata and R. subspinosa (Pessagno) – R. calcarata group. All of the taxa in the assemblage, with the exception of C. fornicata, make their first appearance in this zone. The extinction of Radotruncana calcarata had long been used to draw the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary (Robaszynski and others, 1984; Caron, 1985; Almogi-Labin and others, 1986; Sliter, 1989). However, Robaszynski and Caron (1995) noted that an accurate calibration had not been published. They also stated that R. calcarata disappeared before the base of the Nostoceras (Nostoceras) hyatti Zone (ammonite zone dating of uppermost Campanian), so the R. calcarata zone might be a little older. As noted by Premoli Silva and Sliter (1994), the CampanianMaastrichtian boundary was equated to the chron 32N/ chron 31R boundary and shifted to 71.3 Ma by Lommerzheim and Hambach (1992) and Gradstein and others



FIGURE 8. Upper Cretaceous stratigraphic gaps from the previous works carried out in the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon and correlation of these gaps to the present study. (See Fig. 1 for the locations of the sections).

(1994). That means the Radotruncana calcarata TRZ does not correspond to the uppermost part of the Campanian; moreover, the Globotruncanella havanensis and Globotruncana aegyptiaca Zones, and even the lower part of the Gansserina gansseri Zone, are all late Campanian in age as well. This placement was accepted by subsequent biostratigraphic studies (Robaszynski and others, 2000; Premoli Silva and Verga, 2004). This is the first zone of the Campanian in the study area where the lower and middle Campanian were not deposited or eroded. The Globotruncanita elevata IZ and Globotruncana ventricosa IZ are absent in all measured stratigraphic sections. The Radotruncana calcarata TRZ corresponds to the base of the Akdag˘ Formation. It ranges from sample 109 to sample 143, and represents a 42-m-thick interval (Fig. 5). Globotruncana falsostuarti Partial Range Zone The Globotruncana falsostuarti PRZ represents the stratigraphic interval that includes G. falsostuarti between the LAD of Radotruncana calcarata and FAD of Gansserina gansseri, and corresponds to the middle late Campanian (Robaszynski, coordinator, 1998). Robaszynski and others (1984 and 2000) used this zone, whereas Caron (1985), Sliter (1989), Robaszynski and Caron (1995), Robaszynski (coordinator, 1998), Premoli Silva and Sliter (1994) and Premoli Silva and Verga (2004) used the Globotruncanella havanensis and Globotruncana aegyptiaca zones. Because of the rather sporadic occurences of Globotruncanella havanensis (Voorwijk) and Globotruncana aegyptiaca Nakkady, the G. falsostuarti PRZ is used in this study. Gansserina wiedenmayeri (Gandolfi), Globotruncana aegyptiaca, G. dupeublei Caron and others, G. esnehensis Nakkady, G. falsostuarti, Globotruncanita pettersi (Gandolfi) and G. stuarti (de Lapparent) make their first appearance in this zone. Other characteristic taxa include Contusotruncana fornicata, G. arca, G. bulloides, G. (?) insignis, G. linneiana, G. mariei, G. orientalis, G. pseudoconica, G. rosetta, G. ventricosa, Globotruncanita conica - G. atlantica group, G. stuartiformis and Radotruncana sub-

spinosa – R. calcarata group. Globotruncana falsostuarti sporadically occurs in the limestones of the Akdag˘ Formation. This zone corresponds to the middle parts of the Akdag˘ Formation. It ranges from sample 144 to sample 52, and represents a 25-m-thick interval (Fig. 5). Gansserina gansseri Interval Zone (pro-parte) The Gansserina gansseri IZ has been defined by many authors (Robaszynski and others, 1984; Caron, 1985; Sliter, 1989; Robaszynski and Caron, 1995; Robaszynski coordinator, 1998; Premoli Silva and Sliter, 1994; Robaszynski and others, 2000; Premoli Silva and Verga, 2004) as an interval between the FAD of the nominate species and the FAD of Abathomphalus mayaroensis (Bolli). In this study, the upper limit of the zone is characterized by the disappearance of the nominate species together with all Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera near the end of the early Maastrichtian. The Gansserina gansseri IZ is only partly represented due to the truncation of the Upper Cretaceous pelagic carbonates. The upper part of the G. gansseri IZ and Abathomphalus mayaroensis TRZ (upper Maastrichtian) are absent in all measured stratigraphic sections in the Korkuteli area. The predominant planktonic foraminifera are Archaeoglobigerina blowi, A. cretacea, Contusotruncana fornicata, C. patelliformis, C. plicata (White), Gansserina wiedenmayeri, Globotruncana aegyptiaca, G. arca, G. bulloides, G. dupeublei, G. esnehensis, G. falsostuarti, G. (?) insignis, G. linneiana, G. mariei, G. orientalis, G. pseudoconica, G. rosetta, G. ventricosa, Globotruncanita pettersi, G. stuarti, G. stuartiformis, Radotruncana subspinosa – R. calcarata group and Rugoglobigerina rugosa. In addition, C. contusa (Cushman), C. plummerae (Gandolfi), C. walfischensis (Todd), G. gansseri, Globotruncanella havanensis, G. angulata (Tilev), G. conica - G. atlantica group and Gublerina sp. first occur in this zone. The presence of C. fornicata, G. arca, G. bulloides, G. linneiana, G. mariei, G. orientalis, G. ventricosa



and R. subspinosa – R. calcarata group in the G. gansseri IZ indicates that the upper part of the G. gansseri IZ is absent in all measured stratigraphic sections. Thus, the youngest Late Cretaceous limestones cannot be younger than the early Maastrichtian. This is the youngest zone and corresponds to the early Maastrichtian in the studied interval. It ranges from sample 223 to sample 243, and forms a 13.5-m-thick interval (Fig. 7). TAXONOMIC REMARKS Planktonic foraminifera observed in the hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation (Dicarinella concavata IZ and D. asymetrica TRZ) are generally scarce and have low diversity. By contrast, the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from the Akdag˘ Formation (Radotruncana calcarata TRZ, Globotruncana falsostuarti PRZ and Gansserina gansseri IZ) are diverse. The specimens are large, thick-walled and complex morphotypes (Kselection) which dominate in open oceans, mainly during the onset of high stands of sea level (Robaszynski and Caron, 1995). Forty-five planktonic foraminiferal species belonging to eight genera have been identified from the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-early Maastrichtian) sequence of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthonous unit. Two dimensional, axial views of some species have similar features and cannot be separated from each other in thin section. These species have been grouped together into the four groups: the Globotruncanita conica-G. atlantica group, the Marginotruncana marginata-Globotruncana bulloides group, the M. pseudolinneiana-G. linneiana group and the Radotruncana subspinosa-R. calcarata group. All of the species are illustrated in three plates (pl. 1–3). Primary or nominate species and secondary, stratigraphically important species are described below. The species are discussed and figured in the order of genera in alphabetical order. Genus Contusotruncana KORCHAGIN, 1982 Contusotruncana contusa (CUSHMAN, 1926) Pl. 1, Fig. 2 Pulvinulina arca CUSHMAN var. contusa CUSHMAN, 1926, p. 23, no type figure. Rosita contusa (CUSHMAN).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 246–248, pl. 35, figs. 6, 9; pl. 36, figs. 1, 2; pl. 37, figs. 1–3. ˇ LU, 1988, ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OG Rosita contusa (CUSHMAN).- O p. 384, pl. 4, figs. 3, 4. Contusotruncana contusa (CUSHMAN).- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 17, fig. 6; pl. 23, fig. 8. Description: Test very high trochospiral; profile asymmetrical due to strong convexity of spiral side; umbilical side flat to concave; two closely-spaced keels but the umbilical keel is generally less developed or absent on the last chambers; keel band strongly tilted towards the umbilical side and especially perpendicular to the coiling axis; chamber surface on the spiral side undulated, sutures raised; adumbilical ridges poorly developed. Remarks: Contusotruncana contusa differs from C. patelliformis in having a more strongly convex spiral side, in a more undulating chamber surface on the spiral side, and in a larger size. It differs from C. plicata in having a larger number of whorls, a much larger size and raised sutures. It also differs from C. walfischensis in its large size, undulating but not inflated chamber surface on the spiral side and

raised sutures. The species also differs from Globotruncanita conica – G. atlantica group in having two closely spaced keels and in a more undulating chamber surface on the spiral side. Occurrence: This form occurs rarely in the uppermost part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found in the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Genus Dicarinella PORTHAULT, 1970 Dicarinella asymetrica (SIGAL, 1952) Pl. 1, Fig. 8 Globotruncana asymetrica SIGAL, 1952, p. 34–35, fig. 35. Dicarinella asymetrica (SIGAL).- CARON, 1985, p. 43, figs. 17 (3–4). Dicarinella asymetrica (SIGAL).- SLITER, 1989, p. 11, pl. 3, fig. 1. Dicarinella asymetrica (SIGAL).- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 12, fig. 11. Description: Test low to flat trochospiral, spiral side slightly convex to flat, umbilical side strongly convex; two closely spaced distinct keels on the edge of the spiral side; well-developed periumbilical ridges on umbilical side; umbilicus wide and deep; early chambers globular, final chambers generally trapezoidal and umbilical margin angular. Remarks: It differs from Dicarinella concavata in having an angular chamber profile on the umbilical side and in the presence of a generally well-developed periumbilical ridge throughout the last whorl. Occurrence: This form is common in the upper part of the hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation. It is restricted to the Dicarinella asymetrica TRZ. Dicarinella concavata (BROTZEN, 1934) Pl. 1, Fig. 10 Rotalia concavata BROTZEN, 1934, p. 66, pl. 3, fig. b. Dicarinella concavata (BROTZEN).- CARON, 1985, p. 45, figs. 17 (7–8). Dicarinella concavata (BROTZEN).- SLITER, 1989, p. 11, pl. 2, fig. 11. Dicarinella concavata (BROTZEN).- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 12, fig. 1. Description: Test low to flat trochospiral; spiral side flat, slightly convex to slightly concave; umbilical side strongly convex; two closely spaced keels on the edge of the spiral side, keels distinct on the last chambers and indistinct on the first chambers of the last whorl and probably in the inner whorls; early chambers globular; chambers hemispherical and chamber surface sometimes pustulose on umbilical side; adumbilical ridge generally absent but sometimes slightly developed. Remarks: It differs from Dicarinella asymetrica in having hemispherical chambers and in not having well-developed periumbilical ridges on the umbilical side, at least on the first chambers of the last whorl. Occurrence: This form occurs commonly throughout the hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation. It is found in the Dicarinella concavata IZ and D. asymetrica TRZ. Genus Gansserina CARON, GONZALES DONOSO, ROBASZYNSKI and WONDERS, 1984 Gansserina gansseri (BOLLI, 1951) Pl. 1, Fig. 12 Globotruncana gansseri BOLLI, 1951, p. 196–197, pl. 35, figs. 1–3. Gansserina gansseri (BOLLI).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 294, 296, pl. 52, figs. 1–5; pl. 53, figs. 1–5. Gansserina gansseri (BOLLI).- SLITER, 1989, p. 11, pl. 3, fig. 7. Gansserina gansseri (BOLLI).- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 20, figs. 5,7. Description: Test very low trochospiral; profile strongly asymmetrical due to a very slightly concave, sometimes convex to flat spiral side and strongly convex umbilical side; staircase aspect on the spiral side results from imbricated chambers that sometimes developed; single keel throughout; chamber profile hemispherical; sutures on the spiral side raised; chamber surface smooth but sometimes slightly inflated; chamber surface of the umbilical side inflated and pustulose, last chamber surface less pustulose or smooth; adumbilical ridges absent.



Remarks: It differs from Gansserina wiedenmayeri in its single keel throughout the last whorl. It differs from Globotruncanita angulata and G. pettersi in not having an adumbilical ridge and in having a more pustulose chamber surface on the umbilical side. Occurrence: This form is common in the uppermost part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found in the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Gansserina wiedenmayeri (GANDOLFI, 1955) Pl. 1, Fig. 13 Globotruncana (Globotruncana) wiedenmayeri wiedenmayeri GANDOLFI, 1955, p. 7, figs. 4a–c. Gansserina wiedenmayeri (GANDOLFI).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 298, pl. 54, figs. 1–6. ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OGansserina wiedenmayeri (GANDOLFI).- O ˇ LU, 1988, p. 384, pl. 2, fig. 9. G Description: Test very low to flat trochospiral; profile distinctly asymmetrical due to a flat, slightly convex to slightly concave spiral side and a convex umbilical side; last chamber sometimes highly developed; two keels very closely spaced, but sometimes umbilical keel less-developed or absent on the last chamber; chamber surface on the spiral side flat to slightly inflated, sutures raised; chamber surface on the umbilical side pustulose; adumbilical ridges absent. Remarks: Gansserina wiedenmayeri differs from G. gansseri in having closely spaced double keels. It differs from Globotruncana aegyptiaca in its flatter chamber surface on the spiral side and in the absence of adumbilical ridges. It is also distinguished from G. ventricosa by having two very closely spaced keels and by the absence of adumbilical ridges. Occurrence: This form occurs rarely in the uppermost part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found in the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Genus Globotruncana CUSHMAN, 1927 Globotruncana aegyptiaca NAKKADY, 1950 Pl. 1, Fig. 14 Globotruncana aegyptiaca NAKKADY, 1950, p. 690, pl. 90, fig. 20. Globotruncana aegyptiaca NAKKADY.- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 178, 180, pl. 2, figs. 1–6; pl. 3, figs. 1–4. ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OGlobotruncana aegyptiaca NAKKADY.- O ˇ LU, 1988, p. 383, pl. 1, figs. 1–3. G Globotruncana aegyptiaca NAKKADY.- SLITER, 1989, p. 13, pl. 3, figs. 8,9. Globotruncana aegyptiaca NAKKADY.- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 15, fig. 10. Description: Test low trochospiral; profile asymmetrical, spiral side flat to slightly convex with localized inflation of the chambers, umbilical side moderately to strongly convex; two keels on all chambers, umbilical keel sometimes less well developed; keel band very narrow to wide. Sutures on the spiral side raised and beaded; surface of the early chambers of the last whorl on the umbilical side pustulose; adumbilical ridges moderately developed, sometimes absent on the last chamber. Remarks: Globotruncana aegyptiaca differs from Gansserina wiedenmayeri in having a less pustulose chamber surface and adumbilical ridges on the umbilical side, and inflated chamber surface on the spiral side. It differs from G. rosetta in the more inflated chamber surface on the spiral side, more flattened spiral side, more globular chambers on the umbilical side, and wider peripheral band and narrower umbilicus. It also differs from G. ventricosa in having an inflated chamber surface on the spiral side and globular chamber on the umbilical side. Occurrence: This form occurs rarely in the upper part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found in the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Globotruncana arca (CUSHMAN, 1926) Pl. 1, Fig. 15 Pulvinulina arca CUSHMAN, 1926, p. 23, pl. 3, figs. 1a–c. Globotruncana arca (CUSHMAN).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 182, 184, pl. 1, figs. 2–3; pl. 4, figs. 1–3. ˇ LU, ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OG Globotruncana arca (CUSHMAN).- O 1988, p. 381, pl. 1, figs. 4, 6.

Description: Test moderately high trochospiral; profile nearly symmetrical, moderately convex on both spiral and umbilical sides, but spiral side especially more convex; two distinct keels separated by a large peripheral band, equally developed and parallel throughout the last whorl; keel band tilted towards the umbilical side. Sutures on the spiral side raised and beaded; adumbilical ridges well developed; umbilicus wide and deep. Remarks: Globotruncana arca differs from G. mariei in its two generally widely spaced and well-marked keels. It differs from G. rosetta in generally having a more convex spiral side and in the presence of two widely spaced distinct keels on all chambers. The species differs from G. falsostuarti in the presence of two widely separated keels throughout the last whorl. It differs from G. orientalis in the presence of two widely spaced keels on all chambers. It is also distinguished from Contusotruncana fornicata by having less elongated and less undulating chambers on the spiral side. Occurrence: This form occurs abundantly throughout the Akdag˘ Formation, from the R. calcarata TRZ to the lower part of the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Globotruncana dupeublei CARON, GONZALES DONOSO, ROBASZYNSKI and WONDERS, 1984 Pl. 2, Fig. 2 Globotruncana dupeublei CARON and others, 1984, p. 188,190 pl. 1, figs. 1,5; pl. 7, figs. 1,2; pl. 8, figs. 1–3. Globotruncana dupeublei CARON and others.- ALMOGI-LABIN and others, 1986, p. 861, pl. 5, figs. 1–3. Globotruncana dupeublei CARON and others.- CHUNGKHAM and CARON, 1996, p. 510, pl. 2, figs. 1–2. Description: Test moderately high trochospiral; profile symmetrical or asymmetrical due to higher convexity of the umbilical side; one beaded peripheral keel throughout the last whorl; sutures on the spiral side raised; adumbilical ridges generally well developed; umbilicus deep and wide. Remarks: Robaszynski and others (1984) proposed Globotruncana dupeublei as a new species, because the holotype of G. falsostuarti is a double-keeled form whereas the specimen figured as G. falsostuarti by Dupeuble (1969) is a single-keeled form with a strongly convex umbilical side, slightly convex spiral side and lobate outline with petaloid chambers. According to Robaszynski and others (1984), by its phylogenetic links it is a Globotruncana, although it is single-keeled in the last whorl. It differs from G. orientalis and G. falsostuarti in having one keel. It differs from G. esnehensis in having a more convex umbilical side and a generally larger size. It is also distinguished from G. ? insignis in having more chambers in the last whorl and a generally larger size. Occurrence: This form occurs rarely in the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found in the G. falsostuarti PRZ and in the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Globotruncana esnehensis NAKKADY, 1950 Pl. 2, Fig. 3 Globotruncana arca (CUSHMAN) var. esnehensis NAKKADY, 1950, p. 690, pl. 90, figs. 23–26. Globotruncana esnehensis NAKKADY.- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, 192, 301, pl. 9, figs. 1–4. ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OGlobotruncana esnehensis NAKKADY.- O ˇ LU, 1988, p. 384, pl. 1, figs. 9,10. G Description: Test moderately high trochospiral; profile sometimes symmetrical but generally asymmetrical with more convex spiral side and very slightly convex umbilical side; one keel throughout the last whorl; sutures raised on the spiral side; adumbilical ridges generally well developed. Remarks: Globotruncana esnehensis differs from G. dupeublei and others in higher convexity of the spiral side and a generally smaller size with often less numerous chambers. It differs from G. ? insignis in its more convex spiral side and from Globotruncanita conica - G. atlantica group in its less spiroconvex profile. Occurrence: This form is quite common in the uppermost part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found from the upper part of the Globotruncana falsostuarti PRZ to the Gansserina gansseri IZ.



PLATE I INNEIANA (d’ORBIGNY); axial section; sample 231; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 211- Globotruncana Globotruncana llinneiana (d’ORBIGNY); axial section; sample 231; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 2Contusotruncana Contusotruncana contusa contusa (CUSHMAN); (CUSHMAN); axial axial section; section; sample sample 238; 238; Gansserina Gansserina gansseri gansseri interval interval zone; zone; latest latest Campanian-early Campanian-early Maastrichtian. Maastrichtian. 33Contusotruncana Contusotruncana fornicata fornicata (PLUMMER); (PLUMMER); subaxial subaxial (nearly (nearly axial) axial) section; section; sample sample 53; 53; Gansserina Gansserina gansseri gansseri interval interval zone; zone; latest latest CampanianCampanianearly interval zone; early Maastrichtian. Maastrichtian. 44- Contusotruncana Contusotruncana patelliformis patelliformis (GANDOLFI); (GANDOLFI); subaxial subaxial (nearly (nearly axial) axial) section; section; sample sample 237; 237; Gansserina Gansserina gansseri gansseri interval zone; latest latest Campanian-early Campanian-early Maastrichtian. Maastrichtian. 55- Contusotruncana Contusotruncana plicata plicata (WHITE); (WHITE); subaxial subaxial (nearly (nearly axial) axial) section; section; sample sample 197; 197; Gansserina Gansserina gansseri gansseri interval interval



Globotruncana falsostuarti SIGAL, 1952 Pl. 2, Fig. 4 Globotruncana falsostuarti SIGAL, 1952, p. 43, tf. 46. Globotruncana falsostuarti SIGAL.- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 194, pl. 10, figs. 1–3. ˇ LU, ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OG Globotruncana falsostuarti SIGAL.- O 1988, p. 383, pl. 2, fig. 1. Description: Test moderately high trochospiral; profile symmetrical to asymmetrical because of a higher convexity of either side; two keels, but umbilical keel less developed and generally absent towards the end of the last whorl; keels typically closer in the middle of each chamber; keel band tilted towards the umbilical side; sutures on the spiral side raised; adumbilical ridges well developed. Remarks: Globotruncana falsostuarti differs from G. arca and G. orientalis in having closely spaced double keels on the first chambers of the last whorl and a single keel throughout the last chambers of the last whorl. It differs from G. rosetta in having closely spaced keels and a generally more convex spiral side and less convex umbilical side. It differs from G. esnehensis and G. dupeublei in having double keels and from Globotruncanita stuarti in having a double-keeled profile. Occurrence: This form is not common in the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found rarely in the uppermost part of the Globotruncana falsostuarti PRZ and is relatively common in the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Globotruncana rosetta (CARSEY, 1926) Pl. 2, Fig. 9 Globigerina rosetta CARSEY, 1926, p. 44, pl. 5, figs. 3a–b. Globotruncana rosetta (CARSEY).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 210, 301, pl. 18, figs. 1–5. ˇ LU, ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OG Globotruncana rosetta (CARSEY).- O 1988, p. 381, pl. 2, figs. 5,6. Description: Test generally low trochospiral; profile rarely symmetrical to asymmetrical due to higher convexity of umbilical side; spiral side flat to slightly convex; two closely spaced keels, generally a single keel on the last chambers; sutures on the spiral side raised; chamber surface on the umbilical side smooth; adumbilical ridges generally well developed. Remarks: Globotruncana rosetta differs from G. ? insignis in having double keels. It differs from G. mariei in having closely spaced keels or a single keel on final chambers, and in having a less convex spiral side and more convex umbilical side. It is distinguished from G. orientalis by its less convex spiral side, and more convex umbilical side. Occurrence: This form is common in the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found from the Radotruncana calcarata TRZ to the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Globotruncana ventricosa WHITE, 1928 Pl. 2, Fig. 10 Globotruncana canaliculata (REUSS) var. ventricosa WHITE, 1928, p. 284, pl. 38, figs. 3a–c. Globotruncana ventricosa WHITE.- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 214, 216, pl. 20, figs. 1–3; pl. 21, figs. 1–4. ˇ LU, ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OG Globotruncana ventricosa WHITE.- O 1988, p. 381, pl. 2, fig. 7. Globotruncana ventricosa WHITE.- SLITER, 1989, p. 13, pl. 3, figs. 5,6.

Globotruncana ventricosa WHITE.- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 15, figs. 2,4,6. Description: Test very low to flat trochospiral; profile asymmetrical due to higher convexity of umbilical side; spiral side flat to slightly convex; equally developed, generally two widely spaced keels throughout; chambers triangular in outline; sutures on the spiral side raised; adumbilical ridges generally developed on all chambers except last ones. Remarks: Globotruncana ventricosa differs from G. aegyptiaca in having widely spaced keels and in the absence of localized inflation of the chambers on the spiral side. It differs from G. linneiana in its much more convex umbilical side. It also differs from G. rosetta in having more widely spaced keels which are present throughout, and in having a slower increase in chamber size. The species is distinguished from Dicarinella asymetrica by its more widely spaced keels, and in not having globular chambers in earlier whorls. Occurrence: This form occurs abundantly in the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found from the Radotruncana calcarata TRZ to the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Genus Globotruncanita REISS, 1957 Globotruncanita angulata (TILEV, 1951) Pl. 2, Fig. 12 Globotruncana lugeoni TILEV var. angulata TILEV, 1951, p. 46–50, fig. 13, pl. 3, fig. 1. Globotruncanita angulata (TILEV).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 220, pl. 23, figs. 1–5. ˇ LU, ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OG Globotruncanita angulata (TILEV).- O 1988, p. 383, pl. 2, fig. 10. Description: Test very low to flat trochospiral; profile asymmetrical; spiral side flat to slightly convex, umbilical side distinctly convex; one peripheral keel throughout; peripheral angle of about 90u; sutures on spiral side raised; adumbilical ridges generally well developed; umbilicus wide and deep. Remarks: Globotruncanita angulata differs from G. pettersi in having a right-angled periphery rather than an acute angle, and in having a less conical profile on the umbilical side. It differs from Gansserina gansseri in having well-developed adumbilical ridges, and by its less pustulose umbilical chamber surface. Occurrence: This form occurs rarely in the uppermost part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It is only found in the Gasserina gansseri IZ. Globotruncanita conica (WHITE) - Globotruncanita atlantica (CARON) group Pl. 2, Fig. 13 ˇ LU, ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OG Globotruncanita conica (WHITE).- O 1988, p. 384, pl. 3, figs. 1,2. Globotruncanita conica / atlantica.- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 2000, pl. 20, fig. 8. Description: Test high trochospiral; profile asymmetrical with strongly convex spiral side and very slightly convex to especially flat umbilical side; one peripheral keel throughout; sutures on the spiral side raised; adumbilical ridges moderately developed.

r zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 6- Contusotruncana cf. plummerae (GANDOLFI); axial section; sample 2; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 7- Contusotruncana walfischensis (TODD); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 235; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 8- Dicarinella asymetrica (SIGAL); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 17; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middle-late Santonian. 9- Dicarinella canaliculata (REUSS); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 93; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middle-late Santonian. 10- Dicarinella concavata (BROTZEN); subaxial section; sample 24; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middle-late Santonian. 11- Dicarinella cf. primitiva (DALBIEZ); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 95; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middle-late Santonian. 12- Gansserina gansseri (BOLLI); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 243; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 13- Gansserina wiedenmayeri (GANDOLFI); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 239; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 14- Globotruncana aegyptiaca NAKKADY; subaxial section; sample 224; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 15- Globotruncana arca (CUSHMAN); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 235; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian.16- Globotruncana arca-orientalis axial section; sample 117; Radotruncana calcarata total range zone; early late Campanian.






Remarks: The species having a highly convex spiral side, flat or slightly convex umbilical side and one peripheral keel are grouped as ‘Globotruncanita conica-G. atlantica group’ because G. conica and G. atlantica have the same features in two-dimensional view and cannot be separated in thin section. The species differs from Globotruncana esnehensis in its more convex spiral side and large number of chambers. It differs from G. pseudoconica in always having one keel throughout. It is also separated from G. stuarti by its asymmetrical profile with strongly convex spiral side and generally flat umbilical side, and less well-marked adumbilical ridges. Occurrence: This form is common in the uppermost part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It occurs in the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Globotruncanita elevata (BROTZEN, 1934) Pl. 2, Fig. 14 Rotalia elevata BROTZEN, 1934, p. 66, pl. 3, fig. c. Globotruncanita elevata (BROTZEN).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 228, 230, pl. 27, figs. 1–3; pl. 28, figs. 1–3. ˇ LU, ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OG Globotruncanita elevata (BROTZEN).- O 1988, p. 381, pl. 3, figs. 3,4. Globotruncanita elevata (BROTZEN).- SLITER, 1989, p. 15, pl. 3, figs. 3,4. Globotruncanita elevata (BROTZEN).- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 18, figs. 5,7. Description: Test very low trochospiral; profile asymmetrical due to flat to slightly concave spiral side and strongly convex umbilical side; early whorls slightly convex, forming central cone on the spiral side; last whorl slightly convex to generally concave; highly developed last chamber generally with right to obtuse peripheral angle; one keel throughout but sometimes weak double keel on the first chambers of the last whorl; sutures on the spiral side raised; adumbilical ridges developed on all chambers except last one. Remarks: Globotruncanita elevata differs from Globotruncana ? insignis in having a prominent central cone on the spiral side, welldeveloped last chamber and more highly vaulted umbilical side. It is distinguished from G. angulata and G. pettersi by its pronounced central cone and highly developed last chamber with right to obtuse peripheral angle. Globotruncanita angulata and G. pettersi also differ from G. elevata in having a smaller, narrower umbilicus. It differs from G. stuartiformis in its planoconvex profile, larger umbilicus, and generally concave chamber surface on the spiral side. Occurrence: This form occurs very abundantly in the lowermost part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It is abundant in the lower part of the Radotruncana calcarata TRZ and represented by only one specimen in the lower part of the Globotruncana falsostuarti PRZ (Fig.4, sample 36). Globotruncanita pettersi (GANDOLFI, 1955)

Globotruncanita pettersi (GANDOLFI).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 232, pl. 29, figs. 1–5. ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OGlobotruncanita pettersi (GANDOLFI).- O ˇ LU, 1988, p. 383, pl. 3, figs. 5,6. G Description: Test very low trochospiral; profile asymmetrical due to slightly convex to flat spiral side and strongly convex umbilical side; one peripheral keel throughout; acute peripheral angle; sutures on the spiral side raised; adumbilical ridges less developed; umbilicus wide and deep. Remarks: Globotruncanita pettersi differs from Globotruncana ? insignis and G. stuartiformis in having an almost flat spiral side and in its more rapidly developed last chamber. It differs from G. angulata in its more conical profile of the umbilical side and in more tightly coiled spire. It is distinguished from G. elevata by not having a central cone on the spiral side, by its more conical profile on the umbilical side, and its acute peripheral angle. The species also differs from Gansserina gansseri in its more conical profile on the umbilical side and in having adumbilical ridges. Occurrence: This form is common in the uppermost part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found in the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Globotruncanita stuarti (de LAPPARENT, 1918) Pl. 3, Fig. 1 Rosalina stuarti de LAPPARENT, 1918, p. 11, tf. 4, lower 3 figs. Globotruncanita stuarti (de LAPPARENT).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 234, pl. 22, figs. 1–3; pl. 30, figs. 1–3; pl. 31, figs. 1–3. ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OGlobotruncanita stuarti (de LAPPARENT).- O ˇ LU, 1988, p. 383, pl. 3, figs. 7,8. G Globotruncanita stuarti (de LAPPARENT).- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 18, figs. 2,10. Description: Test moderately high trochospiral; profile symmetrical to asymmetrical due to higher convexity of umbilical side; single keel throughout; sutures on the spiral side raised; adumbilical ridges developed on all chambers; umbilicus wide and deep. Remarks: Globotruncanita stuarti differs from G. conica - G. atlantica group in having a biconvex profile, in its more convex umbilical side and more well-marked adumbilical ridges. It differs from Globotruncana dupeublei in its biconvex profile and more convex spiral side. It differs from G. elevata in its biconvex test and in the absence of a central cone on the spiral side. It also differs from G. stuartiformis in its more convex spiral side and its less rapid increase of the last chamber. Occurrence: This form occurs abundantly in the upper part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It is common in the G. falsostuarti PRZ and abundant in the Gansserina gansseri IZ. Genus Marginotruncana HOFKER 1956 Marginotruncana coronata (BOLLI, 1945)

Pl. 2, Fig. 15

Pl. 3, Fig. 3

Globotruncana (Globotruncana) rosetta (CARSEY) subsp. pettersi GANDOLFI, 1955, p. 68, pl. 6, figs. 3a–c, 4a–c.

Globotruncana lapparenti BROTZEN subsp. coronata BOLLI, 1945, p. 233, fig. 1/21, pl. 9, fig. 14.

r 1- Globotruncana bulloides VOGLER; subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 121; Radotruncana calcarata total range zone; early late Campanian. 2- Globotruncana dupeublei CARON and others; subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 185; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanianearly Maastrichtian. 3- Globotruncana esnehensis NAKKADY; sample 195; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 4- Globotruncana falsostuarti SIGAL; subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 229; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanianearly Maastrichtian. 5- Globotruncana (?) insignis GANDOLFI; subaxial section; sample 233; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanianearly Maastrichtian. 6- Globotruncana mariei BANNER & BLOW; subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 234; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 7- Globotruncana orientalis EL NAGGAR; axial section; sample 120; Radotruncana calcarata total range zone; early late Campanian. 8- Globotruncana pseudoconica SOLAKIUS; axial section; sample 17; Radotruncana calcarata total range zone; early late Campanian. 9- Globotruncana rosetta (CARSEY); subaxial section; sample 237; Gansserina gasseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 10Globotruncana ventricosa WHITE; subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 239; Gansserina gasseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 11- Globotruncanella havanensis (VOORWIJK); axial section; sample 242; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 12-Globotruncanita angulata (TILEV); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 240; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanianearly Maastrichtian. 13- gr. Globotruncanita conica-Globotruncanita atlantica; axial section; sample 233; Gansserina gasseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 14- Globotruncanita elevata (BROTZEN); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 115; Radotruncana calcarata total range zone; early late Campanian. 15- Globotruncanita pettersi (GANDOLFI); subaxial section; sample 235; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian.






Marginotruncana coronata (BOLLI).- ROBASZYNSKI and CARON (coord.)., 1979, p. 103–106, pl. 62, figs. 1,2. Marginotruncana coronata (BOLLI).- ALMOGI-LABIN and others, 1986, p. 856, pl. 2, figs. 5–8, pl. 11, figs. 7–9. Marginotruncana coronata (BOLLI).- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 14, fig. 9. Description: Test low trochospire, profile almost symmetrical. Two narrowly spaced keels separated by a narrow peripheral band. Outline of the chambers of the last whorl typically compressed. Remarks: Marginotruncana coronata differs from M. pseudolinneiana – Globotruncana linneiana group by its narrow peripheral band and compressed profile. Occurrence: This form occurs abundantly in the hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation. It is found in the upper part of the Dicarinella concavata IZ and throughout the D. asymetrica TRZ. Genus Radotruncana EL-NAGGAR 1971 Radotruncana calcarata (CUSHMAN, 1927) Pl. 3, Fig. 10 Globotruncana calcarata CUSHMAN, 1927, p. 115, pl. 23, fig. 10a–b. Globotruncanita calcarata (CUSHMAN).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 1984, p. 224, pl. 22, fig. 4; pl. 25, figs. 1–3. ¨ ZKAN and KO ¨ YLU ¨ OGlobotruncanita calcarata (CUSHMAN).- O ˇ LU, 1988, p. 382, pl. 2, figs. 11,12. G Globotruncanita calcarata (CUSHMAN).- SLITER, 1989, p. 13, pl. 3, fig. 2. Radotruncana calcarata (CUSHMAN).- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 18, figs. 8,9. Description: Test low to flat trochospiral; profile asymmetrical with flat to slightly convex spiral side and convex umbilical side; in some specimens early whorls on the spiral side generally strongly convex and later ones convex to concave; one peripheral keel throughout forming tubulospinate extensions; acute peripheral angle especially on the early chambers of the last whorl; height of the chambers generally doubling at the end of the last whorl; adumbilical ridges more or less developed. Remarks: Radotruncana calcarata is an important species for recognizing the lowermost part of the late Campanian. It can be easily recognized by its tubulospines; nonetheless, these tubulospines cannot be observed in many of the thin sections because of randomly oriented cuts. Instead, only small tubulospine-like extensions are encountered. It differs from all other Globotruncanita species in having tubulospines. In the absence of tubulospines, it is distinguishable by its very acute peripheral angle on the early chambers of the last whorl, generally highly developed last chamber and small tubulospine-like extensions. Without observation of tubulospines the species cannot be separated from R. subspinosa. Globotruncanita calcarata and G. subspinosa have been referred to genus Radotruncana, which was validated by Loeblich and Tapan (1988) and has been widely recognized by the scientific community. Occurrence: This form occurs abundantly in the lowermost part of the Akdag˘ Formation. It is restricted to the Radotruncana calcarata TRZ.

Radotruncana subspinosa (PESSAGNO)- Radotruncana calcarata (CUSHMAN) group Pl. 3, Fig. 11 Globotruncanita subspinosa (PESSAGNO).- ROBASZYNSKI and others, 2000, pl. 19, fig. 7; pl. 22, fig. 15; pl. 24, fig. 2. Radotruncana subspinosa (PESSAGNO) – R. calcarata (CUSFMAN) (transitional form).- PREMOLI SILVA and SLITER, 1994, pl. 18, fig. 1. Description: Test low to flat trochospiral; profile asymmetrical with slightly convex to flat spiral side and strongly convex umbilical side; single distinct keel throughout; chambers generally elongated near periphery; sutures on the spiral side raised; adumbilical ridges developed on all chambers. Remarks: The only criteria to separate Radotruncana calcarata from R. subspinosa in thin section is the presence of tubulospines. Otherwise, the two species cannot be distinguished. Hence, the species having elongated chambers near the periphery or a tubulospine-like peripheral keel are grouped as ‘R. subspinosa-R. calcarata group’. The species differs from Globotruncanita elevata and G. stuartiformis in having elongated chambers near the periphery, in the more distinct tubulospine-like peripheral keel, and in its polygonal-like outline. Occurrence: This form occurs rarely throughout the Akdag˘ Formation. It is found from the Radotruncana calcarata TRZ to the Gansserina gansseri IZ.

PALEOTECTONIC AND PALEOGEOGRAPHIC INFERENCES OF HIATUSES Carbonate platforms of the Tethyan ocean passed through the entire geodynamic spectrum of the Wilson cycle (rifting, drifting, transtension, transpression and collision). Hence, tectonics is a primary control on their evolution, with eustatic sea-level oscillations being only a secondary control (Bosellini, 1989). The easternmost Mediterranean area was represented by many carbonate platforms surrounded by small Neotethyan oceanic basins during Late Cretaceous time. The evolution of these carbonate platforms and the overlying pelagic deposits was dominantly controlled by tectonic events such as rifting, spreading and collision (Poisson, 1977; Gutnic and others, 1979; S¸engo¨r and Yılmaz, 1981; Poisson and others, ¨ zgu¨l, 1984; Robertson and Dixon, 1984; Robertson 1983; O and Woodcock, 1984; Robertson, 1993, 1998; Robertson and others, 2003). The platform persisted under shallow waters until the end of the late Turonian in the Korkuteli part of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon. Then in the Coniacian-Santonian, the platform subsided and was capped with massive, hemipelagic limestones. Turonian-lower Senonian regional extension, which affected the peri-Mediterranean alpine

r 1- Globotruncanita stuarti (de LAPPARENT); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 232; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanianearly Maastrichtian. 2- Globotruncanita stuartiformis (DALBIEZ); subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 241; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 3- Marginotruncana coronata (BOLLI); axial section; sample 94; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middlelate Santonian. 4- gr. Marginotruncana marginata-Globotruncana bulloides; subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 94; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middle-late Santonian. 5- gr. Marginotruncana pseudolinneiana-Globotruncana linneiana; axial section; sample 106; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middle-late Santonian. 6- Marginotruncana cf. schneegansi (SIGAL); subaxial section; sample 109; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middle-late Santonian. 7- Marginotruncana cf. sigali (REICHEL); oblique section passing through the proloculus; sample 23; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middle-late Santonian. 8- Marginotruncana sinuosa PORTHAULT; axial section; sample 105; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middle-late Santonian. 9- Marginotruncana undulata (LEHMANN); subaxial section; sample 109; Dicarinella asymetrica total range zone; middle-late Santonian. 10- Radotruncana calcarata (CUSHMAN); subaxial section; sample 115; Radotruncana calcarata total range zone; early late Campanian. 11- gr. Radotruncana subspinosa-Radotruncana calcarata; subaxial (nearly axial) section; sample 230;Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian. 12- Rugoglobigerina rugosa (PLUMMER); axial section; sample 237; Gansserina gansseri interval zone; latest Campanian-early Maastrichtian.



FIGURE 9. Lithostratigraphic column of the Upper Cretaceous sequence of the Korkuteli area, plotted against the planktonic foraminiferal biozonation of Robaszynski (coordinator, 1998), time scale of Gradstein and others (1994) and sea-level curve of Haq and others (1987). Note the two hiatuses corresponding to the lower-middle Campanian and Upper Maastrichtian.



belts, was thought to be responsible for platform drowning events after the Cenomanian throughout the Western Taurides (Poisson and others, 1983; Robertson, 1993). The hiatuses in the Bey Dag˘ ları autochthon are diachronous. Local and widespread regional hiatuses were detected in the pelagic sequence of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon in a few previous biostratigraphic studies (Fig. 8 ). These hiatuses correspond to the ?late Turonianmiddle Campanian in Katran Dag˘ (Bignot and Poisson, 1974), the interval between lower and upper Senonian throughout the middle and northern part of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon (Poisson, 1977), lower-middle Senonian throughout the Taurus shelf (Farinacci and Ko¨ylu¨og˘lu, 1982), lower Turonian-upper Coniacian throughout the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon (Farinacci and Yeniay, 1986) and Turonian-Campanian and upper Maastrichtian¨ zkan and Tertiary in the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon (O Ko¨ylu¨og˘lu, 1988). Detailed geological mapping and measured stratigraphic sections show that the hiatuses in the Korkuteli part of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthonous unit occur in the lower-middle Campanian and upper Maastrichtian. The hiatuses represent breaks in the stratigraphic sequence caused by erosion, dissolution, or nondeposition. The major control for the early-middle Campanian and late Maastrichtian hiatuses may have been regional tectonics. The Maastrichtian was the closure time for the Arabo-African and Eurasiatic plates in this area of Tethys (Farinacci and Yeniay, 1986). It was also the time of the onset of collision (Poisson and others, 1983) and the initial stages of emplacement of the Antalya complex in the Katran Dag˘ area (Robertson, 1993). The variations in relative sea level given in Figure 9 are the result of changing paleoceanographic conditions and may have accompanied the tectonic effect as a secondary control on the Upper Cretaceous sequence of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon.

morphotypes, which dominate in open oceans. Examination of planktonic foraminifera has led to the recognition of three biozones: Radotruncana calcarata TRZ, Globotruncana falsostuarti PRZ and Gansserina gansseri IZ, which indicate a late Campanian-early Maastrichtian age. 4. Two major sedimentary gaps have been detected in Upper Cretaceous pelagic sequence. The lower-middle Campanian and upper Maastrichtian are absent in all measured stratigraphic sections. 5. The presence of Contusotruncana fornicata, Globotruncana arca, G. bulloides, G. linneiana, G. mariei, G. orientalis, G. ventricosa and Radotruncana subspinosa – R. calcarata group in the Gansserina gansseri IZ indicates that the upper part of the Gansserina gansseri IZ is absent in all measured stratigraphic sections. Thus, the youngest Late Cretaceous limestones cannot be younger than early Maastrichtian. 6. Drowning of the platform after the late Turonian produced a hemipelagic environment that would persist until the end of the Santonian. This drowning event is likely linked to regional crustal extension, which may have been the driving force for subsidence of the carbonate platform after Cenomanian times. 7. The lower-middle Campanian and upper Maastrichtian hiatuses in the pelagic sequence are ascribed to the regional tectonics, as the easternmost Mediterranean area was subjected to important tectonic events during the late Cretaceous. The Upper Maastrichtian hiatus may have been related to compressional tectonics, as the Maastrichtian was the time of closure for the Arabo-African and Eurasiatic plates and of the initial stages of emplacement of the Antalya complex in this particularly critical area of the Tethys. Eustatic sea-level changes may have had a secondary effect on the Upper Cretaceous carbonate succession of the Bey Dag˘ları autochthon.


A part of the fieldwork was financially supported by Dokuz Eylul University Research Foundation project ¨ zer, Akif Sarı and Murat Yıldız no. 0922.97.01.32. Sacit O are gratefully acknowledged for their help during the intense field work. Reviewers Michele Caron and Dan Georgescu, Associate Editor Mark Leckie and Editor Laurel S. Collins are thanked for their constructive criticisms of the manuscript.

Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages of the hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation and the pelagic limestones of the Akdag˘ Formation have been analyzed in detail and the following conclusions have been drawn: 1. Forty-five planktonic foraminiferal species belonging to eight genera have yielded five biozones. They are, in ascending order: Dicarinella concavata IZ, Dicarinella asymetrica TRZ, Radotruncana calcarata TRZ, Globotruncana falsostuarti PRZ and Gansserina gansseri IZ. 2. Massive hemipelagic limestones form the upper part of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation and overlie the neritic limestones of a drowned Cenomanian-Turonian carbonate platform. Planktonic foraminifera assemblages accompanied by abundant spheroidals indicate the Dicarinella concavata IZ and Dicarinella asymetrica TRZ, which suggest a Coniacian-Santonian age. 3. Pelagic ‘scaglia’ limestones of the Akdag˘ Formation disconformably overlie different stratigraphic levels of the Bey Dag˘ları Formation along a prominent erosional surface. Planktonic foraminifera assemblages are very diverse, consisting of large, thick-walled and complex


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