Dec 7, 2011 ... 7th sem. CSE. B.Tech. 3rd sem CSE. B.Tech. 7th sem. IT. B.Tech. 3rd sem IT. B.
Tech. 5th sem. CSE. B.Tech. 1st sem CSE. B.Tech. 5th sem. IT.
AR-9020. B.Tech. Ist year ('B' semester). Basic Electrical and Electronics
Engineering. S.No. Roll Number. Marks (out of 60). 1. 111201. 10. 2. 111202. 43.
health systems in chronic disease management, prevention and cost reduction in ... field of wireless communications in healthcare were presented, providing tele- health and ...... The 5th Regional Health Authority (5th RHA), a beneficiary of the proj
(e) On what factors does the Manning's rugosity'corefficient ... Displaying UPTU B.Tech Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machi
UPTU B.Tech NonConventional Energy Resources EOE081 Sem 8_2014-15.pdf. UPTU B.Tech NonConventional Energy Resources EOE0
Abstract: - Mobile telemedicine is one of the advanced technologies of the 21st century. It can be used to provide auxiliary medical service and has therefore been used in emergency ..... [2] Y. B. Choi, J. S. Krause, H. Seo, K. E. Capitan. andK.
The disadvantages of using wired networks include costs (both labor and capital) ... Wireless communication systems in underground mines and tunnels are.
In the center is the design of a new physical layer for 5G systems using .... development of adaptive, flexible, and efficient radio access technologies.
2 Initiatives on European Level to Deal with Challenges of ...... via the internet, the mobile phones, the wireless communications from home to health ...... makes Android suitable for storing healthcare information since it can allow a more.
In hostile environments such as in scientific facilities where ionising radiation is a ..... 6.14 Case 2 simulation results showing 100 trials of two different noise ..... facilities for performing simple remote radiation measurements and visual ....
May 1, 1996 - The main advantage of the staggered multicast approach is that it exploits ... for data transfer using TCP over a wireless network in the presence of active hando s. ..... The main disadvantages of our approach are as follows.
UPTU B.Tech Wireless & Mobile Communication EEC801 Sem ...
UPTU B.Tech Wireless & Mobile Communication EEC801 Sem 8_2014-15.pdf. UPTU B.Tech Wireless & Mobile Communicatio
Printed Pages : I
llltll tffil ill1,lllll lllil illr lll lill
(f'ollowing Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in yourAnswer Book)
Roll No.
[Total Marks : 100
Attempt all questions. 5x4=20 Attempt any four parts : (a) Explain the term Evolution of mobile radio
(c) (d)
communication fundamentals. A transmitter has a power output of 150 watt at a carrier frequency of 32.5 MHz. It is connected to an antenna with gain of 12 dBi. The receiving antenna is 10 km away and has gain of 5 dBi. Calculate the power delivered to the receiver, assuming free space propagation. Assume also that there are no losses or rnismatches in the system. Define the Erewster angle. Calculate the Brewster angi.e for a sine wave imping on the gtound having a permittivity of tr=4. Explain the term neultipath measurement using relevant diagram.
I Contd.'.
Explain the outdoor models given below (, Durkin's Model (ii) Okumura Modetr.
: 5x4=2& (a) Draw the block diagram of survey of
Attempt any four parts
equalization and explain it.
Derive the impulse response model of multipath channel.
What is the basic mechanism of vocoder and explain any two types of vocoders. Explain the different type of equalization techniques used in wireless communication with support of mathematics and block
(e) Explain the different type of techniques used
in wireless
Attempt any two
(a) What are the different
methods used for improving coverage and capacity in cellular system ? Describe all the method in detail with support of figures. Define frequency reuse concept. And explain
the different type of channel assignment strategies and hand-off strategies in communication system. 13180U
I Contd...
Given a systena with a total bandwidth of 30 MEIz which uses two 25 kEIz simplex channels to provide fuli dupl6x voice channels and controL channels. Assuming that system uses a nine celL reuse pattern and L MI{z of the total bandwidth is allocated for controtr
channel : (1) Calculate the total, available channeL
(rii) (rv)
Determine the number of,controL channels Determine the number of, voice channels per cells. Discuss the strategies for distribution of control and voice channels in each cell,.
Attempt any two parts of the 10x2=20 following : (a) Describe the Forward CDMA channeL and reverse CDMA channel using proper block diagram. (b)
Explain the GSM architecture aud frame structure in mobile radio communiction using system in detail. A FDD cellular communication systenn uses a
total of 945 radio channels available for hanr[ing traffic. The total area of entire systern is 2450 sqkm with the 7 sqkm as the area of a cell : (r) Calculate the system capacity if the cluster size is 7. (u) Calculate the system capacity if the cluster size is 4. r318011
I Contd...
r 5
Attempt any two parts
(a) Why Next Generation Networks
O) (c)
are important ? Explain the Next Generation Network in detail. Explain Mobile Adhoc Network in wireless communication and discuss any two applications.