independently of the UQ Union, administered by a Management Committee. Each member of. the Management Committee is elect
University of Queensland Medical Society Inc.
Position Description University of Queensland Surgical Interest Group (UQSIG) Workshops Officer 2017
About the UQMS The University of Queensland Medical Society, established in 1936, represents over 2200 medical students and is one of the largest and most successful student organisations in Australia. The UQMS is a student-‐run, not for profit, incorporated association that operates independently of the UQ Union, administered by a Management Committee. Each member of the Management Committee is elected for one calendar year and oversees the administration of the Society, receiving crucial support from dozens of volunteer social and community convenors, academic representatives, subcommittee members, and overseeing officers.
About the UQMS Management Committee The Management Committee is the core operational body of the UQMS. It facilitates the day-‐ to-‐day functioning of all aspects of the society, including the running of academic and social events, communication, sponsorship, subgroup support and advocacy. It is comprised of ten appointed members as well as the five elected members of the Executive Committee. All members serve a one-‐year term, and share responsibility for the ongoing operation of the society.
Subcommittees and the UQMS
The UQMS Management Committee is elected in accordance with the Rules of the Association at the Annual General Meeting each year. The Committee establishes subcommittees, academic representatives and event convenors subordinate to the Committee to assist it in its function and duties. In the case of UQSIG, it will operate as a subcommittee of UQMS, and consists of six positions: the chair, workshops officer, seminars officer, functions officer, logistics officer, and immediate past chair. The subcommittee is part of the UQSIG Portfolio, reporting to the UQSIG Chair. The subcommittee will also work closely with representatives from the Management Committee, SoM and other key stakeholders. The UQSIG subcommittee will comply with any and all instructions regarding its function as directed by the Management Committee, through the UQSIG Chair. Additionally, it is expected that the UQSIG representatives will adhere to the responsibilities as determined by the Management Committee, including those within this position description document.
University of Queensland
Medical Society
Position Description UQSIG Workshops Officer
About the Surgical Interest Group UQSIG is an engaging and innovative student-‐run group dedicated to promoting the profession of surgery at the University of Queensland. UQSIG is devoted to furthering and enhancing the surgical knowledge and skills of the students of the University of Queensland through educational skills workshops, inspiring seminars and outstanding networking functions. Vision “UQSIG hopes to empower, enrich and inspire the medical student community with current knowledge and skills from the profession of surgery.” Mission UQSIG mission objectives are to: • Promote the profession of Surgery and its related areas • Foster interest in Surgery as a practice and a career • Inform students about pathways into the profession • Develop essential surgical knowledge and skills • Encourage participation in surgical research • Facilitate networking between like-‐minded students and practicing surgeons Values UQSIG hope to leave behind a lasting legacy of world-‐class excellence, inspiring innovation and true fellowship befitting the University of Queensland. With every endeavour and in all activity, UQSIG will strive to undertake them with the following core values as foundational and guiding principles. • World-‐Class Excellence – uncompromising in upholding the high standards of the profession of surgery and the University of Queensland • Innovation -‐ embracing continual improvement to maximise efficiency, effectiveness and reach • Integrity -‐ adopting professional values of honesty, good faith, and ethical and legal practice • Sustainability -‐ mindful of our impact on the environment and taking responsibility for our actions for future generations
About the Role
As an elected UQMS Education representative, the UQSIG Workshops Officer is required to work under & conform to the rules, policies and guidelines of the UQMS and always in conjunction with the Management Committee and other UQSIG Representatives. As a key representative of the UQMS and student body to the Academic and Administrative staff within the School as well as external bodies, the Workshops Officer must act in an appropriate fashion not to undermine the credibility, integrity or reputation of the UQMS. They must always exhibit professional behaviour and standards and must exhibit effective leadership, problem-‐solving skills and follow protocol in all their actions. They require excellent organisation skills, especially with regard to planning and coordinating workshops. They also require strong communication skills for liaising with students, SoM staff and external bodies. The ability to work in a team environment is essential. Although overseeing the workshops portfolio, the subcommittee works closely as a unit and it is expected that members contribute in all of UQSIG’s endeavours. It is also imperative that the Workshops Officer works with the other subcommittee representatives to develop new events and initiatives, as well as helping academic representatives on the development of curricula.
University of Queensland
Medical Society
Position Description UQSIG Workshops Officer
Responsibilities 1. UQSIG Subcommittee: Follow direction from the UQSIG chair in order to coordinate the work of UQSIG. This includes assisting in the organisation of all events. 2. Events/Projects: The Workshops Officer in conjunction with the UQSIG Chair will be responsible for running all the UQSIG workshops. The officer will also be required to aid in new events and initiatives that are not included in the below list: a. Basic and Advanced Surgical Skills Workshops b. Trauma, Critical Care and Anaesthesia Workshop c. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Workshop d. Surgical Skills Competitions 3. Attend UQSIG meetings: Attended by UQSIG subcommittee to discuss progress of group. 4. Representation/Advocacy: Represent the UQSIG subcommittee in conjunction with the Academic Vice President Internal, at: a. UQMS Focus Groups b. Meetings with key stakeholders in the School of Medicine (academics, administrative staff, committees etc.) c. Meetings with external groups such as Royal Australasian College of Surgeons d. Sourcing equipment and supplies to add to the UQSIG inventory wherever possible (sutures, instruments, models, etc.) 5. Progress: The Workshops Officer will be expected to report on progress to UQSIG Chair and Academic Vice President Internal as required.
Process for Nomination
1. You must be a UQMS member in order to apply. If you are unsure, email
[email protected] to check your membership. 2. Potential candidates are strongly recommended to contact the following people to discuss the role: a. The previous position holder Billy Kim (
[email protected]) b. The current chair Ariel Ho (
[email protected]) 3. Fill out Form 2 found on the website ( with an optional 100-‐word candidate statement 4. Submit your completed form and statement to the Electoral Officer (
[email protected]) before the close of nominations on Sunday 26th February at 6:30pm. 5. Please refer to the Elections Information Guide found on the Elections Website for more information (
Please be reminded that nominations open on Tuesday 14th of February at 6.30 pm AEST, and close on Sunday 26th February at 6.30 pm AEST.
General Enquires For more information, please contact UQMS Secretary Claire Barnes at
[email protected] For election specific enquiries, please contact the OGM Electoral Officer Rupert Kenny at
[email protected] University of Queensland Medical Society Level 3, Health Sciences Building RBWH, Herston QLD Australia 4006 Office Hours: Mon and Thurs 9:30am-‐ 5:00 pm Telephone: (+61) 7 3365 5261 Fax: (+61) 7 3365 5595