Mar 20, 2013 - Ventilation corridors and green in the city. Dr. U. Reuter. Stuttgart ... Green Slopes (Stuttgart â Wes
Urban Climate in Stuttgart Ventilation corridors and green in the city
ECCA Inspiration Book Session Date: 20 March 2013 Venue: Hamburg, Germany
Dr. U. Reuter Stuttgart Slide 1
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Stuttgart area
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Section of Urban Climatology The activity of the urban climatology in Stuttgart has a long tradition. In the year 1938 the municipal council decided to employ a meteorologist, to investigate the special urban climate of Stuttgart and the connection to town planning. Since that time urban climate is a very important factor for town planning in Stuttgart.
The global climate change increases the importance of Urban Climatology.
Slide 4
Annual days with thermal stress (1971-2000)
6% of the area with more then 30 days/year with thermal stress
Annual days with thermal stress (2071-2100)
57% of the area with more then 30 days/year with thermal stress
Slide 5
Regional planning-related climate atlas on the basis of a GIS
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Urban climate and planning – examples - Ventilation
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Ventilation zone „STEP“ (Area „Unterer Grund“, Stuttgart – Vaihingen)
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Ventilation zone „STEP“ (Area „Unterer Grund“, Stuttgart – Vaihingen)
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Ventilation zone (Area „Schelmenäcker“, Stuttgart – Feuerbach)
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Ventilation zone (Area „Schelmenäcker“, Stuttgart – Feuerbach)
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Green Slopes (Stuttgart – West)
Source: LHS Stuttgart (Amt 61), M. Storck Slide 13
Frame plan half altidude
very high environmental quality high environmental quality Source: Stadt Stuttgart, Amt für Stadtplanung und Stadterneuerung
can be developed carefully Slide 14
Dense development in Stuttgart - West
Source: LHS Stuttgart, Ute Schmidt-Contag
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Green roofs
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Green rails
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„Wilhelmsplatz“ (S-Bad Cannstatt) „Karlsplatz“ (S - City)
„Marienplatz“ (S - South)
Slide 18
Climate Planning Pass Stuttgart Management for Sustainable Building Recommendations for Planning
Slide 19
Climate change – challenge facing urban climatology
Thank you for your attention!
[email protected] Slide 20