Urban Dictionary - Tulsa Chamber

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a guide to get you through discussions about planning and development. TIF- Tax Increment Financing is a public financing method that is used for funding ...
TIF- Tax Increment Financing is a public financing method that is used for funding redevelopment, infrastructure or other community improvement projects. dedicates tax increments within a certain defined district to finance the debt that is issued to pay for the project. TIF is often designed to channel funding toward improvements in distressed, underdeveloped, or underutilized parts of a jurisdiction where development might otherwise not occur. TMAPC- The Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission is a joint City-County cooperative planning commission authorized by Oklahoma Statutes. The TMAPC is a recommending body for all zoning requests initiated within the Tulsa city limits and all of the unincorporated areas of Tulsa County. Traffic Calming- Techniques intended to reduce the negative impacts of motor vehicles on neighborhoods by reducing vehicle speeds and by providing safe spaces for pedestrians and cyclists. Transit Oriented Development- Mixed-use, higher density development centered around transit stations. The goal of TOD planning is to create a development pattern that supports the use of mass transit and reduces dependence on the automobile. Urban sprawl- Low-density, single-use development spreading out from an urban core in a haphazard manner that results in increased dependency on the automobile and inefficient use of infrastructure. Zoning- A set of laws that restrict and define the type of land uses and development that can occur on each parcel of land in a community. Zoning typically divides a community into districts that group compatible uses together and exclude incompatible uses. Zoning is a tool that is used to implement a land use plan.

a guide to get you through discussions about planning and development

Brownfield Site- Vacant land that is environmentally contaminated as a result of past development, typically past industrial development. Productive re-use of Brownfield sites often requires costly environmental clean-up Built Environment- This refers to human-made surroundings. These are material, spatial and cultural products of our labor that combine physical elements (shelter, buildings, neighborhoods) and energy for living, working and playing. Comprehensive planning- The adopted official statement/plan of a local government that sets forth goals, policies, and strategies to direct physical, social, and economic development within the local community. Form-based code- A form-based code is a method of regulating development that places primary emphasis on the physical form of the built environment with the end goal of producing a specific type of “place.” The base principle of form-based coding is that design is more important than use. Where conventional zoning controls land use and focuses on separating land uses, form-based coding focuses on form as it relates to streetscape and adjacent uses. INCOG- The Indian Nations Council of Governments is a voluntary association of local and tribal governments in the Tulsa metro area. INCOG provides planning and coordination services to assist in creating solutions to local and regional challenges in areas such as land use, transportation, community and economic development, environmental quality, public safety and services for older adults. Infill- Development on relatively small vacant or underutilized sites in urbanized areas, making use of existing infrastructure and community facilities. Infill development in the urban core of a metropolitan area is one means of reducing urban sprawl. Infrastructure- Roads, bridges, utilities, rail lines and similar physical facilities that support and service urban development. More broadly

defined, the term can also include the schools, libraries, fire stations and other community facilities that support neighborhoods. Inter-modal- Transportation movement involving more than one mode of transportation (freight rail, water, air) in the interchange of equipment/products. Land Use Plan- A guide for the location and intensity of future development in a community. A land use plan typically separates uses that are incompatible with each other (such as residential and industrial uses), while bringing together land uses that can be complementary (such as residential and small-scale retail uses). A land use plan also locates uses in proximity to supportive infrastructure, such as placing industrial development along rail lines. Zoning is one means of implementing a land use plan. Mixed-Use Development- The combination of two or more land uses – typically retail and residential – in a single development project. Optimal mixed-use development promotes pedestrian activity and the creation of vibrant urban. Multi-modal- A connected transportation system that supports cars, bicycles, pedestrians and public transit. PUD- Planned Unit Development is a method of land regulation that promotes large scale, unified development through realistic programs that seek to better the physical, social and economic deficiencies in the land area or cityscape. Small Area Plan- A small area plan is any plan that addresses the issues of a portion of the city. Small area plans cover a specific geography that often has a cohesive set of characteristics. The advantage of a small area plan is its ability to engage issues and people on a close-up, personal scale.