Urban morphology and climate change Which ...

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Nov 30, 2011 - Source of pictures: Arch+; Google; Windturmhäuser Daniel Emmel, Katharina .... What is the structural secret of the triumphal march of Cities?
Urban Morphology and climate change

Source: IPCC

Which morphology can survive?

Lecture at the Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo (UBA), Buenos Aires 30.11.2011 Gerhard Curdes Prof. em. Institute Urban Design and Regional Planning Faculty of Architecture, RWTH-Aachen-University, Germany


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Situation Climate change as an innovation machine Cities as a main problem The energetically transformation of cities Urban density and transport-energy Compact or dispersed urban structures? Energetically upgrading of the building stock Experiences in history and hot climates - what is transferable? 9. Holistic strategy 10. Buenos Aires 11. Summary

Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011


1. Situation There is more energy in the Atmosphere - That means more extreme events

Heavy rain Genoa 4.11.011 Bangkok October-November 011 Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011


Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Years without raine – Drought in Africa

•Bildquellen: Google, Spiegel, Stern, Wikipedia, Hamburger Abendblatt, Tagesschau, Kai Greiser, Euronews

More snow, dryness, melting glaciers, heat waves and fire

More Snow and Ice

Aletsch glacier 1975,1991,2002 Wiki Heat wave. Burning forests in Russia 2010 s_BM_Bayern_Space__1176978p


Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

More Storms - Hurricanes

Rhine area 2011 RP Online 011

Rock-Festíval Hasselt, 8-011 - 4 Tote

Upper Austria 2005 (de.academic.ru/.../83/Sturmschaden)

Storm damage in Schladming

Hasselt 8-011

Ansbach 2005 (Himmliche Dächer)

Kyrill 8./19. January 2007 GraeberDW18866p


8./19. Januar y2007 (Wiki)

Kyrill 8./19. January 2007 wiwo.de/finanzen/orkan-kyrill


2. Climate change as an innovation machine Look to the opportunities • Climate change may put an innovation machine in motion • Overcoming mental borders: new technologies, technical and social experiment fields • Acceleration of knowledge • Europe as exporter of innovations • Solar self-sufficiency makes independent of external energy suppliers: There will be more money in the country. The national prosperity grows • Create an economy of life that is fit for the post-oil era • And: If the climate forecasts are wrong, we have to do the same! anyhow the same! Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011



3. Cities as the main problem cities cover only about one percent of the Earth's

surface. • They consume 75 percent of the world's energy, and they produce 80 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions •There is no doubt that the cities have the greatest impact on global climate change… • Because the problems are centralized (in cities), they are easier to manage, since climate protection measures will have their greatest impact here. • The world's metropolitan areas are thus in a unique position to pave the way for environmentally friendly lifestyles and economies and to generate solutions that could serve as a model for the other regions”. Source: Sustainable Infrastructure. Munich edition. Path toward a carbon-free future. Siemens AG. 2009, p.4

Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

• “Large


Vision 1: World Future Council 2009 • Work against “Climate change must begin in the cities”... • ..cities need to develop…a plan on how they can solve their energy needs..to 100 percent from renewable energy sources. This is not an utopia. • In principle, cities are able to produce on time so much energy from solar and wind power or biomass…not only...for themselves, but even too for their suburbs.” Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011


Vision 2: Jeremy Rifkin 2011 “Five columns for a new energy age:

1. Switch to renewable energies 2. Reconstruction of buildings worldwide in to micro power plants 3. Hydrogen and other storage opportunities in each building 4. Internet technology: Conversion of the power grid to a smart grid, in which millions of people can feed themselves generated green electricity 5. (The whole) transportation fleet …using renewable energy from millions of buildings.. from a decentralized power grid”. Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate2011 change Source: Jeremy Rifkin: Die dritte Industrielle Revolution. Campus.

FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Action fields of CO2 reduction (Munich) • Heating 46% • Energy production (power plants) 40% • 12% private transport • 2.8% of commercial traffic Greatest leverage: • Thermal insulation of buildings • Combined heat and power production • Energy-saving electrical appliances and lighting systems • A renewable and low-CO2 power generation. (Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: München – Wege in eine CO2-freie Zukunft / Siemens 09 S. 6)

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It is possible, to reach a carbon-free future in cities But it needs a strong comprehensive strategy over all fields Each city should develop a regional strategy for carbonneutrality in 2050 and produce their own electricity

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Transformation of the electricity production 2050/2030 in Germany



4. The energetically transformation of cities Technological Revolution

• The energy sector takes a third industrial revolution • New solutions for decentralized energy generation and storage are in preparation • The energetically transformation of cities could begin fast in such fields, where the solutions are already mature • In other cases wait 5-10 years for better solutions Examples of recent developments: Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011


New Storage Technologies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Liquid Batteries: Redox-flow batteries can provide up to 2,000 households (Fraunhofer Institute) Compressed air storage power plants High-temperature heat storage Superconducting magnetic energy storage Fuel cells, electrolytic hydrogen production Combined Renewable Energy Power Plants (Fraunhofer Institute) Pumped storage power plants Building-integrated latent and sorption storage Building related ground storages Use of car batteries as storage networks Urban heat islands as heat ressource1

1) Under the cities there are enormous latent heat sources. There would be in Cologne the heating needs of all residential buildings with heat from the groundwater for 2-10 years. Press release KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Nr. 156 - 22.12.2010

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New Energy Technologies 1. Colored solar screen printing (Fraunhofer) 2. Colored solar cells (Grätzel cells) whose colors are matched to buildings and which can be produced particularly for low cost 3. Vertical and horizontal wind rotors for houses 4. Mini power stations in the basement "decentralized power": 100,000 home-power plants VW engines provide heat and electricity and give electricity into the grid at peak time 5. Energy fences, energy facades, power sun blinds 6. Linear wind and solar energy along motorways and train-lines 7. Solar trees, solar forests, solar avenues 8. New insulation technologies, vacuum insulation Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

The vertical gradient of the temperature in Cologne

The ground water has a temperature of about +5oC or +41oF than the surrounding This difference could be used for cooling in summer and heating in winter The energy of a vertical section of about 20m is sufficient for 2-20 years for the whole building stock of housing Source: Ke Zhu, Philipp Blum, Grant Ferguson, Klaus-Dieter Balke, and Peter Bayer: The geothermal potential of urban heat islands. Environmental Research Letters, 5 (2010), 044002 http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/5/4/044002

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The geothermal potential of urban heat islands


Planning-task: Wind-energy

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Planning-task: Solar-energy

Parabolrinnenkraftwerk in Kramer Junction, Kalifornien (Quelle: Kramer Junction Operating Company).

Source: Google

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Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Local + regional solutions Solarpark Edertal 2

edilportale.com-Mosul Solon Andromeda

Vertikal rotor RS Windenergy


Clear Power


Vertical windturbin (Venturbine enaiec)



New solar architecture


Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Opto-electronics Technology and Incubation Centre Wales

Energy and sustainable features include the 1,000m² photovoltaic wall (Europe's largest copper indium diselenide PV installation) with an installed rating of 84kW and an anticipated saving of around 22t of CO2 per annum


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Building integrated photovoltaic

sapagroup.com EL-52-PV_inVer_gr_1

Niederländischen Energieforschungszentrum. http___www.swissolar

20 •sonnenschutz-aus-photovoltaik-glas-127570 archiexpo.de

www.ee-news.ch b402a9d6fde46ea1f6cadd51fafe6a2500631128

www.etagreen.com gr0510

Arch. Disch

•Realization: 2000 Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Solar-settlement Freiburg, Germany


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Solar facades + Solar roofs

•Null-Energiehaus Freiburg http___www.energienetz

•Gewerbebau Bubendorf, Schweiz


Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Solar register Aachen Qualification of roofs for solar-electricity

Very good Good Possible Not possible

The internet program of the city of Aachen shows the quality of roofs for solar panels 23

Compact cities needs 7 times less transport-energy than extended cities Gigajules per capita/year •Houston: 75 •Hamburg: 15 •Vienna: 10 •Hong Kong: 5

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5. Urban density and transportenergy


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Density and gasoline consumption per person



6. Compact ore dispersed urban structures? • • •

• •

The surface of buildings is the medium of temperature exchange. Compact buildings and compact arrangements reduce this exchange. We find dense building arrangements and narrow streets in Northern Europe, Southern Europe, in North African, Arab and Asia cities and in north and south America. These similarities go back to the same physical process: the inertia of the building mass to preserve the desired internal temperature. In all hemispheres buildings should preserve an internal temperature of about 20-230.

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Surface to volume ratio All forms have the same volume, but different surfaces •http://www.isr.tu-berlin.de/downloads/publikationen/graue_reihe/Graue_Reihe-Heft_%2028-energetische_stadtplanung.pdf

A/V = Area to volume ratio Cubes with different size. Bigger volumes have a lower A/V ratio: 5 m = 0,6 15 m 0,24


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Building types with S/V 0,3 are 3-times more efficient than types with 0,9


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Surface to volume ratio of building types (S/V)

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Surface-volume ratio of selected buildings • • • •

• • •

Secret of compactness: The surface-volume ratio Building form is an important “energetic code” for the relationship between building and atmosphere The larger the volume of a body, the better is the A/V ratio. Comparison of 9 types of houses: 150sqm floor space, identical floor-height. Roman and Arab courtyard houses = 300sqm On the top: The three-windows-house, Rhine area High-rise buildings have a good ratio, caused by the building mass The comparison shows that the best type on rank 1 is 2,2 times better than the one family house on rank 8


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Table 1 Surface / Volume ratio of 9 building types AV – Wert / Surface/Volume ratio

Haustyp / Building type

Gesamtfläche/ Total floor area

Rang / Rank


Deutsches Dreifensterhaus / German three windows house ~1875




Etage im Hochhaus /




Deutsches Reihenmittelhaus / German




Holländisches Schmalhaus /




Römisches Atriumhaus /




Irakisches Atriumhaus /




Syrisches Atriumhaus (Flachdach) /




Deutsches Reihenendhaus /




Einfamilienhaus /Single-family house



Floor in highrise building middle row house Netherlands small house 1600 Roman atrium house 100 B.C. Iraqi atrium house ~ 1800 Syrian atrium house ~ 1800 German row end house

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Table 2 Building types and their surface / volume ratio


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Building types

Table 3 Examples of bulding types


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Surface-volume ratio of block structures in Aachen

Table 4 Cross-section of blocks in the city of Aachen


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Table 5 Surface/volume rank of blocks


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Corresponding morphologies

•Aachen Kronenberg 1965-70 Rank 9

•Aachen building block Rehm-quarter 1875, Rank 1



7. Energetically upgrading of the building stock • • • • • • • • • • •

Determination of an energy strategy for each district Geothermal potential Solar potential Wind Potential Biomass potential CHP potential (Combined heat and power station) Waste heat potential Priority: simple postwar buildings first The architecturally sensitive buildings in about 5-10 years, when the technologies are better developed Principle: Renewal whole blocks of buildings and town quarters to have scale benefits Without embedding in a local and regional strategy, the effect is to low

Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Conversion of existing buildings by location and building types

Energy Conversion strategy for Aachen to building types and location 1) Buildings with designed facades: Bricks, Natural Stone, Stucco facades, Monument protection 2) Simple Buildings

Typ1: Aachen Frankenberger Viertel since 1875

•Frankenberger Viertel

No outside changes, insulation of windows, roofs, Combined heat and power stations, Solarthermy, Geothermy, Soil + District heating Outside insulation, functional modernization, architectonical upgrading

Typ 2: Hanbruch since 1960

Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Reduction from 10 to only 2 building types:

7. Experiences in history and in hot climates What is transferable? •

What can we learn from past and from cities in hot climates?

Which morphology is fit for hot climates?

Compact or disperse?

It is helpful to look in regions with hot climate and to the past of low energy cities Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011



Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Morphology of oriental cities Design characteristics:

Fez, Morokko

(Google Earth)

Kasbah, Algiers

(Google Earth)

compactness shaded streets shaded small courts short roads angled streets rotated orientation few windows white colors + roofs


Shibam, Yemen


New row houses Riyadh, S.A.

(Google Earth)

White roofs - Shibam, Yemen

Climatic Elements of oriental cities

The court house

Wind-cooling-systems Courthouse structure


Source of pictures: Arch+; Google; Windturmhäuser Daniel Emmel, Katharina Gruhn, Power-House TU Darmstadt; Zentral-asiennet; Deutsches Architektur-Forum:Dubai Windtürme + Wolkenkratzer


Planning-example for hot climate Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Carbon neutral Masdar City. Abu Dhabi (Foster,2007)

Masdar 2 Masdar, Abu Dhabi Architect Foster London, 2007 Masdar Development, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Energetic Calculation: Transsolar, Stuttgart

Design elements: • compact morphology • cooling zones (green, water) • air channels • shaded streets • courtyard houses • green courts • wind towers • solar plant • geothermal energy • sewage cycle • electric public transport


Well known principles from the past: • • • • • • • • • • •

Compact morphology Pedestrian city with mixed uses High privacy beside the public space Streets running from east to west and not through Streets are divided into sections of up to 75 meters (roughness!) Street wide (H/W=2.00) = Shaded streets Wind towers as barriers and for cooling at the end of streets Controlled building high: little roughness Walled city against sandstorm 100% renewable energy Strong design control

Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

What can we learn from Masdar?


Morphology of medieval European Cities


Aachen / Aix la Chapelle

Köln / Cologne

Stuttgart / Stoccardo


Frankfurt / Francoforte


Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Morphology of medieval European Cities Design characteristics: • • • • • • • Aachen 1805

Aachen, Jacob-Street 1805

• • •

compactness small plots narrow roads hierarchy of space gabled houses back gardens reserve land behind buildings wind protecting hills + walls equal height of roofs vertical air movement through towers

Source: Urkataster Aachen Topographia Suevia, Wikisource

Laugingen, Bavaria

Zierenberg, Hesse

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Examples for historical compactness High densities! Main difference to the oriental examples: Broader streets Street orientation of facades Many windows Florence


Gardens and backspaces (Lübeck) Inside the courts: reduced light and wind Construction works as a mass storage Source: Google-Earth



The European city is a cultural heritage







Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

You can´t change them just for the climate





What is the structural secret of the triumphal march of Cities?

Cities are machines of spatial connection Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Density and mixed uses are important

Radials and rings are the organizers of the urban fabric Aachen: 1805/1822/1910/1925/1955/1987 Source: Curdes, 1995


Organizational power of a mature morphology

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Aachen: Building structure 1945 – 1950

Five years after destruction – the urban character was nearly reconstructed

Source: Curdes 1997,P. 40 49

Don´t forget what cities are: Dense nets of relations, dense packages of uses, dense neighborhoods of public and private spaces

A machine of connections!

Paris Source: Doxiadis 1968


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Advantages of compact structures in comparison to dispersed structures: • • • • • •

less heating + cooling energy less urban area shorter distances lower costs for transport lower maintenance costs mixed uses + density = urban mix

Disadvantages: • cooling problems in summer • little wind • sensitive against noise from neighbors and streets

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Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Structural conclusion • We have to re-think the city energetically completely new • With the tremendous population decline in Europe and the growth in South America the existing settlement-system will change • The compact city is culturally important, energetically less costly and is therefore more likely to survive than the edge • Therefore, the model for the future will be the compact, the energetically self-sufficient and sustainable city, the city of short distances, which manages the energy conversion and preserves its character and history • For most cities, even for the growing and shrinking cities, this is the appropriate model • But the fundamental problem must be solved: the urban heat!


Quelle: OECD 2010: Cities and Climate Change. ISBN 978-92-64-09137-5 PDF

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8. The problem of urban heat


South drift of cities 2070-2100 (OECD)

Rome in Africa!

London in south France!

•Source: Gemeinsame Pressekonferenz des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD), Umweltbundesamtes (UBA), Technischen Hilfswerks (THW) und Bundesamtes für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) am 15. Februar 2011 in Berlin •Gefahren durch extreme Niederschläge werden ab Mitte des Jahrhunderts •deutlich zunehmen Rede von Dr. Paul Becker Vizepräsident des Deutschen Wetterdienstes


Differences of temperature between City and Periphery

•As bigger the city, as bigger the difference in temperature •Example: Cologne is 8oC / 46.4o F warmer than the surrounding


Examples of extreme heat 1. Heat wave Europe 2003 City temp 40o C/104o F. Appr. 50.000-70.000 additional deaths

2. Heat wave and burning in Russia 2010 App. 188.500 ha, 700 fires, City temp 37-44oC/98.6o-111oF 55

Source: Scinexx, Nasa, Wikipedia

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Urban heat: Temperature of surfaces Asphalt

Black tiles

Concrete Grass


Source: A. Synnefa, M. Santamouris and I. Livada: A comparative study of the thermal Performance of reflective coatings for the urban environment

Temp. of Materials: 48-240

Temp. of tiles: 70-350

Requirement for a future of compact morphologies: The cooling of cities

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Source: Städtebauliche Klimafibel Abb. 2/4 http://www.staedtebauliche-klimafibel.de/index-2.htm

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Urban Heat Island Factors which influence heat islands: • weather • geographic location • time of day and season • city form • city functions Source: James A. Voogt: Urban heat islands. November 2004

Characteristic of a heat island ▪ ~ +3 K (ore more) to surrounding area ▪ convection of warm air creates a local depression, cooler air flows to the city from the open land ▪ the wind inside is influenced by streets and by the roughness of the surface of the city ▪ urban dust leads to more rain and clouds ▪ lower air humidity compared to the environ ▪ cooling factors are shadows, wind, green areas and water surfaces ▪ In hot climate zones some factors are partly contrary

Source: Nasa/GHCC-Project Atlanta - http://www.ghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/urban/urban_heat_island.html


14 Cooling strategies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Opening of dense morphologies (perforated cities) green block interiors and shady trees more water and green spaces for cooling, air corridors shading of roads, square and roofs (trees, solar sails, sun following solar umbrellas) transportation of the heat in streets into storages transformation of the heat on streets into electricity green roofs and green walls reflecting materials to reduce heat (Albedo for roads, walls, roofs) mechanical local wind systems water-cooling of roofs and streets cooling + heating via ground tubes or sewage tunnels climate-neutral electrical heating and cooling thermal insulation of buildings air exchange between warm and cool rooms Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

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Examples for cooling solutions Source: http://heatisland2009.lbl.gov/docs/221620-moriyama-doc.pdf

Change of morphology: Osaka grid modell:30% green area

Shaded street + solar energy Source: Kratschne: Urban climate strategies 2010

Eco-roof + white color Source: ReducIng Urban Heat Islands Figure 6: Portland Eco-Roof

Green Avenue Source: Kuttler, Uni Duisburg-Bäume gegen den Klimawandel


Planning-task green-cooling

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Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011


Planning-task green-roofs

•Albedo (Reflexion-) Strategy •USA has a rich scientific discussion and commercial scene for cooling strategies

•White Roofs Sacramento(Source: EPA) •White Roofs California (Source: Google) •White Roofs in Muscat, Oman (Source: Google)

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White roofs-(Albedo)-Policy USA, Oman


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Source: Google

Maximum albedo: White facades and roofs Santorini, Greece


Quelle: PPP Hitzestress im Stadtquartier. Helmut Mayer, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Meteorologisches Institut

• Arcades Hamburg • Public space (Israel) • Pedestrain street (Israel) • Open for ventilation •


Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

Shadow for public spaces

Development of society housing needs

Production of renewable energy

Cooling strategies Costs Financing Implementation planning

Urban structure Urban transformation

Comprehensive holistic strategy Transport and communikation

Steering group Experts Research

Local + regional governance

Energetical and functional transformation of the old building stock

Mitigation for catastophs readjustment of infrastructure

Gerhard Curdes : Urban Morphology and climate change - FADU Buenos Aires 30.11.2011

9. Comprehensive climate strategy for cities



•The City has “energetically“ an efficient morphology •The topography, the sea and the river are positive climate factors • If the peak temperature is not over 30o C/86o F, it would be passable to live here during the 21. century • If temperature goes higher for a long time, you will have similar tasks like European and Mediterranean cities: cooling, cooling, cooling • Than all the solutions have to be developed like albedo, areas for wind-circulation, shadow • A carbon-neutral energy-production + carbon-neutral life style is always necessary !

Vulnerability to floods Source: Vulnerability to floods in the metropolitan region of Buenos Aires under future climate change. IACC Working Paper No. 26 April 2006

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10. Buenos Aires


Urban climate and the morphology of Buenos Aires Left above: Great homogenous structure of similar blocs with similar height Missing: Broad Radials, only one Ring street Green channels for fresh + cool air from outside Right above: Block with little free inner space Few trees, app. 80100% built-up area Few trees in streets

Left below: Low hierarchy of streets Little green + parks Few streets with trees

Right below: Area Av. Avellaneda/ Concordia

Many roofs are suitable for solar panels, white color and for green roofs

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If there will be more heat, the city gets a problem!


Berlin : 2 Rings

Paris : 3 Rings

Buenos Aires : 2 Rings

Few radials and rings in Buenos Aires Decentralization: Structural ideal is a spatial coincidence of Ring-street + Radial-street + Metro-radial + Metro-ring Such concentration of regional access is the best position for a secondary center and for decentralization. London: 2 Rings

Cologne : 5 Rings!

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Maturity of the Radial-Ring-System of Cities


Metropolitan Areas Million Inhabitants Source: Wikipedia

BerlinBrandenburg 4.3 Buenos Aires 11 – 13 Ring system underdeveloped

Ruhr Area 5,1

London 13.9

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Maturity of urban rapid transit networks


Example: Ruhr Area 1968 – 5,1 Mio. inhabitants Rapid-Transit + Center-Development on Rail-Crossings

Concentration of Housing Concentration of Housing and Working

Source: Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen (Hrsg.): Entwicklungsprogramm Ruhr 1968-1973. Düsseldorf 1968 - Concept: Gerhard Curdes

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• Buenos Aires has a an energy efficient morphology • If there will be more heat, mitigation is necessary • The urban body has not enough parks and green air channels • The network of rapid transit could be better developed • The network of main streets could be better developed • If decentralization is necessary, produce high quality urban nodes of street- and rail-crossings in neighborhood to existing older settlements for working, housing and living – and for mixed social groups • The population of such a node should have not less than 300.000

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Conclusions for Buenos Aires

The end of the oil area requires a change of some city structures: • From dispersed to compact cities - short distances and transport without fuel • We need a new (old) idea of the town • Dispersed morphologies will have a chance, if we solve the problems of energy efficiency, transport and missing infrastructure • Compact morphologies will have a real chance, if we solve the cooling problem • Cities will have a chance if fundamental technological innovations take place during the next 30 years • Megacities like Buenos Aires can preserve their compact structures, if they develop a good ring-radial-system of rapid transit and main streets - and if they produce enough energy from renewable micro and macro power plants - and if they solve the coming problem of cooling However the solution will look like, it will have consequences for form and image of cities

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