Urban planning and design methods for sustainable ... - SUE-MoT

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concept develop, design development and constructions phase. After analyzing ... is related to urban planning, but it focuses more on the physical design of places and deals the ..... http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/publications/p01350aa.pdf/.
Urban planning and design methods for sustainable development Fareea Shahreen, Angioletta Voghera Politecnico di Torino, Italy Urban planning and design for sustainable development is the process of shaping the physical setting for life to deal with the three-dimensional spaces in cities, towns and villages which concerns the environmental, social and economical factors. In contemporary context many cities and urban residents will be directly affected by many of the impacts of environmental changes, which include increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, heat waves, flooding from sea-level rise, water shortages and other effects. On the other side, in the big cities of Europe, migration is increasing greatly for the need of work, study purpose, treatment facility and the result is economical crisis, urban sprawl, high density, transport problem, increase energy use and pollution. e sustainable debate was not only dominated by environmental issues and economic concerns, but also included the social issues. Social sustainability refers to the personal and societal assets, rules and processes, physical boundaries of places etc. For concern of these themes, the argument of the paper is ‘what are planners methods in the urban planning and design for sustainable develpoment ?’. e objectives are: (1) analysis of the sustainable changes in urban areas (2) analysis of the methods for urban planning and design in the context of these changes. is paper develops arguments in two phases. Firstly we analyze sustainable changes from urban planning and designing viewpoints. Secondly, we analyze different phases of urban development such as data analysis, site survey, initial concept develop, design development and constructions phase. After analyzing different phases of urban developments, we propose methods that will guide to develop urban projects, concerns with current urban changes, the environment-economic-social structure of an area. e method would set within a theoretical framework. If we did not concern about urban planning and design for these sustainable development then planners practice doesn’t relate to the practical situations. For achieving a successful urban planning and design, we have to emphasis on the sustainable development of well–functioning environments.

Keywords: development, methods, sustainable, urban planning, urban design

1. Introduction: Urban design is the process of shaping the physical setting for life to deal with the threedimensional space in cities, towns and villages, and its objective relies in accordance with the vision of the future that they represent. Urban design involves coordinated and self-conscious actions in designing new cities and other human settlements or redesigning existing ones and/or their precincts in response to the needs of their inhabitants (Jon Lang, 2005).It is founded upon the social, environmental, political, aesthetic and economic importance of design in the public realm, serving the public interest and to provide opportunities and cultural dimensions. It focuses on the intersections between architecture, landscape design and planning. Urban design is related to urban planning, but it focuses more on the physical design of places and deals the more fine-tuned scale and more detail design approaches. Urban planning is concerned with conceptual, scientific, and design approaches of land use planning (J.E. Rodiek, 2008). e simplest definition of urban planning is that it is the organization of all elements of a city/town planning or other urban environment, using different tools (land use plan, the operational plan or strategic plan, structural plan all are the parts of urban planning). e land use plan is identified two major ways in which a municipality may shape its pattern of land use – by zoning and regulations. Zoning regulations are usually passed by local authorities. Zoning regulates should decide the use of land in areas for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other land use. In the same way, the structure plan is a high-level plan that shows the arrangement of land-use types and identifies public infrastructure, such as streets, schools, rail, reservoirs and natural features. e strategy plan is a policy document that describes in words and images a vision for developing a neighborhood, town, city or region. e operational plan is the implementation planning system purpose and general statement of program actions regarding ordinances, planning process and plan or implementation revisions and changes. In urban planning and design for sustainability is an important issue in the 21st Century. Better urban planning and design of cities is a closely related challenge for sustainable development. is includes not just the design of public spaces, streets, neighborhood and homes, but the configuration of and greenway systems, regions growth patterns, transportation network, water and sewerage systems and even industrial process. Design systems requires thinking about how they relate to all other elements of a given community, combining physical planning(related to land use, infrastructure and the design of places) with public policy frameworks(includes tax regulation and economic incentives) that can support such changes. e paper is analysis the contemporary changes and problems arise in urban area and propose the urban planning and design methods for sustainable urban built project development. e main theme of the paper is to find out the urban planning and design methods for sustainable development.

2. Purpose of the methods: In contemporary context many cities and urban residents will be directly affected by many of the impacts of environmental changes, which include increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, heat waves, flooding from sea-level rise, water shortages and other effects. On the other side, in the big cities of Europe, migration is increasing greatly for the need of work, study purpose, treatment facility. e result is in territorial sectors are the various demands for land in and around cities are becoming increasingly acute. e rapid, visible and conflicting changes in land use which are shaping landscapes in cities and around them as never before. is

expansion is occurring in a scattered way throughout Europe's countryside (urban sprawl) and high density in inner side of cities. Also the transport problem, increase energy use and pollution. e sustainability debate was not only dominated by environmental issues and economic concerns, but also included the social issues. Social sustainability refers to the personal and societal assets, rules and processes, physical boundaries of places etc. In the perspective of urban project functions are not always well balance, that’s why it creates higher density cities. e writing of design theorists implies that the traditional methods are simple for the growing complexity of the world. For concern of these themes, the argument of the paper is “what are the planners’ methods in the urban planning and design for sustainable development?”. e paper explores ways in which urban planning and design method can be adapted to achieve measuring and evaluating large-scale urban projects in terms of the contribution for sustainable development. e objectives are: (1) Analysis of the sustainable changes in urban areas (2) Proposed methods for urban planning and design in the context of these changes, which are adapt by the review of many urban planner , theoretical policies, professional experience and personal experience from professional practice.

3. Sustainability-definition e concept of sustainability has been introduced to combine concern for the well-being of the planet with continuous growth and human development. ough there is much debate as to what the word actually suggests, we can view the definition offered by the World Commission on Environment and Development: "Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." In its original context, this definition was stated solely from the human point of view. In order to include the idea of essential value, the meaning must be expanded to allow all parts of nature to meet their own needs - now and in the future. Designing for sustainable development requires awareness of the full short and long-term consequences of any transformation of the environment, social and economy. Finally we find the, urban planning and design for sustainability is the process of shaping the physical setting for life to deal with the threedimensional spaces in cities, towns and villages which concerns the environmental, social and economical factors. In cities it is also important for landscape. Landscape planning prescribes alternative spatial configurations of land uses, which is widely understood as a key factor in planning for sustainability (Ahern, 2005).

3.1. Environmental sustainability: e average global temperatures rose by modest but significant amounts during the twentieth century; such changes are small by comparison with some of the very warring future scenarios. e 1990s was the warmest decade on record (since the 1860s, when full records began). In the last 30 years there has also been a reduction in snow and ice cover in the Northern Hemisphere of about 10 percent and a retreat of mountain glaciers in non-polar regions over the last 100 years. Also the average sea level rose by between 0.1 and 0.2 meters and rainfall increased over continental northern latitudes during the twentieth century, with a decrease in rainfall for sub tropical zone. Over mid- to high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere in the second half of the last century there was a significant increase of

cloud cover and heavy rainfall event. In cities, these impacts will negatively impact water, sewage, and energy distribution and transportation systems. ey will damage buildings, urban trees and green spaces. ey will increase illness and deaths in vulnerable populations. (Reference: Adrian Pitts, Planning and design strategies for Sustainability and profit, page-13, 2004). Our territorial planning, landscape and infrastructure are not designed for the new climate. Several features of modern cities interact with the changing climate to exacerbate the risks and increase vulnerability to climate change. ese include:  Asphalt, concrete and other hard surfaces in the city absorb radiation from the sun, causing the urban heat island effect, which exacerbates heat waves and puts pressure on electricity generation and distribution systems.  Hard surfaces also prevent absorption of rainfall, creating runoff that carries pollution to lakes and streams and can overwhelm storm water systems, leading to sewer backups and flooding during heavy precipitation events.  Combined sewers that carry both storm water and sewage are common in many city centers. Protracted or intense precipitation leads to overflows in these sewer systems, washing untreated pollutants into local water bodies.  e concentration of people in urban centers puts pressure on vegetation and green spaces that could reduce heat, storm water runoff, pollution and social pressures.  Far-flung supply lines combined with just-in-time shipping practices can result in shortages of needed goods when transportation is disrupted by extreme weather.  Centralized power sources, longer distribution lines, and an increasingly interconnected grid increases vulnerability to blackouts when electricity demands are high – during heat waves, for example – and when storms occur. e impact of blackouts has also grown as homes and businesses have become more dependent on electronic control and communication systems.  e concentration of people in large cities creates a large demand for water and can strain local water supplies, making them more susceptible to water shortages in drought conditions.  Urban sprawl and competition for building sites has led to construction in locations such as floodplains or steep slopes that are vulnerable to extreme weather.  Low-income city dwellers in substandard and poorly insulated buildings that increase the risks from heat waves and other extreme weather. Homeless people have almost no protection from these events. (Jennifer Penney, Ireen Wieditz,2007) It is essential for future development; a clear relationship is established between urban design and local climate at macro/regional level as well as at the local micro-climatic level. On the basis of understanding the climate change to improve the design processes the planner use proper materials, skill, technologies and tools. In urban design the issues concerns are: • Site layout, exposure and orientation. • Form size and layout of new structure and open spaces. • Relationship and effect on surrounding building, open space, topography and landscape. • Use of passive and active design features matched to the climate. • Choice the use of material, construction, service system.

3.2. Economical sustainability: During the last decades, the cities are accelerated extremely. Urban areas rather than states are the nexus of the movement of people, ideas, investment, communications and technology. Migration and its repercussions is an important element in cities. Migration is targeted to cities rather than countries. In the cities of Europe, migration is increasing greatly for the need of work, study purpose, treatment facility and the result is economical crisis, urban sprawl, high density, transport problem, increase energy use and

pollution. Urban mixed use function projects improves access to employment, and enhances job opportunities. e policy questions raised by this trend of economical sustainability are regarded as critical to the future well-being of our societies. When start an urban projects it is essential that create design according to budget. Cost estimation is the practical sector for develop an urban project. rough financial outline a project is decided that how much it could be proceed, decide labor cost, material cost, construction cost and so on. With out a cost calculation a project cannot run. Developers also try to find their job and analysis the market value for a project. Good urban design can sometimes cost more upfront, but it also offers significant benefits to the community. Benefits may spill over to a whole city, and this matters increasingly in an age in which the quality of an urban area is an important part of its comparative advantage. Well-designed urban areas have greater potential to be focal points for interaction, enterprise and innovation. 3.3. Social sustainability: Social sustainability refers to the personal and societal assets, rules and processes that empower individuals and communities to participate in the long term and fair achievement of adequate and economically achievable standards of life based on self-expressed needs. At a more practical level, social sustainability stems from improvements in thematic areas of the social realm of individuals and societies, ranging from capacity building and skills development to environmental and spatial inequalities. Sustainable communities are places where people want to live and work, now and in the future. ey meet the diverse needs of existing and future residents, are sensitive to their environment, and contribute to a high quality of life. ey are safe and inclusive, well planned, built and run, and offer equality of opportunity and good services for all. Most of the work has focused on the ‘compact city’ versus ‘urban sprawl’ debate. Several studies claim that higher density of compact cities can enhance public transport systems, improve access to facilities and services and reduce social segregation (Burton, 2000). Compact cities may also entail shorter travel to work and fewer car journeys, which in turn reduce pollution, congestion and noise levels. From a sociological perspective, density is also able to impact on social interactions amongst city dwellers with uncertain results on the social sustainability of urban areas. Some authors argue that higher density can facilitate social interactions (Talen, 1999) whilst others contend that social ties and the sense of community may lower in high density areas (Freeman, 2001).

4. What is an Urban design methods? Definition of method includes a number of key words such as procedure, systematic or orderly arrangement together with the idea of a clearly defined goal as an end product. e Pocket Oxford Dictionary described the definition of method as, ‘way of doing something, systematic procedure’. e online dictionary Die.net defines methods as, ‘a way of doing something, especially a systematic one; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps)’. Urban design method is an iterative process, cyclical in nature, use for procedures, achieve objective and implementation of plan. Urban projects methods is a way that it guide a project – how to deal. When a project start the methods has guide a designer how to start a project, how to fix a goal, analysis and develop concepts for a particular project. en the next step of planner is to draw the project, evaluate the drawing and talk with client. Sometimes conflict in designer with client, design with budget, people interest, political situations, etc. en reviews the plans many times before

implementation and when the project is start to imply in a site. May be the plan was change in future, but the planner had carry on the project in that way.

4.2 Urban design methods for sustainability: In this paper we had discussed the urban built project sustainable development methods on the cities, fringes areas and neighborhoods. Because now-a-days urban projects of cities faces these sustainable changes rather than the villages. Urban design develop methods is indicate that type of development which doesn’t damage the physical environment and which contributes to the city’s ability to sustain its social and economic structures. erefore the aim of the paper to establish a methods through some urban planners practical methods, authors review and our personal experience. e methods are develop by some stapes, in the following we discuss about the details of these steps: 4.2.1. Step-1: Objective: Urban design is the visual motif of the city, or a particular part of the city, to achieve a high quality of life for the public. Livability is the goal of urban design. e goal and objective of urban design are social progress that recognizes the need of everyone, facilitating the restructuring and enhancement of the local economy, prudent use of natural resources and protection of the environment, increase the facilities, development the built structure in urban area. It also includes objectives and character of the area, continuity and enclosure, quality of the public realm, ease of movement, legibility, adaptability, diversity. Urban planning and design for sustainable development basic objective is that, to deal with needs for present situation also compromise the future changes and needs. Development should not be confused with growth. ink about what planner want to achieve, the urban environment we are working with, and the community that lives there. e urban projects for sustainability had four objectives. ese are: - e urban projects are functionally well adjusted with the local environment. - It also structurally sounds that for safety and future extension or modification. - e project development policy always concern with the sustainable changes. - Concern for public interest - e project should have aesthetic quality. From the starting of an urban design, some basic things need to introduce such as project programmes or schedule of uses and building floor space for a specific site. e ideal situation for the planner and the developer is to control design development that is already design and planning guidance available for a given site. is advice appears in a number of different places: it can be found in the local plan or in the master plan which may also include planning briefs, design briefs, planning frameworks, specific site guidance (topography, zoning, infrastructures, and community facilities), city centre action plans, planning act etc. When producing site development guidance a realistic look is important, for example the designer need to have a solid idea of the cost of achieving development and the land value. e title of the project is important as it gives clear ideas about the design requirements for any given site. ese whole negotiation development control process was done between the developer and local authority.

4.2.2. Step -2:Survey: It is essential to understand and examine the site properly. ere are three main aspects of city analysis. e first concern is the legibility of the urban structure, that is, the way in which people perceive, understand and react to the environment. It concerns those qualities of a place which give it an immediate identity, one which is quickly perceived or grasped by its users to identify the important public and religious buildings, land mark, district. e second aspect of townscape analysis concerns the permeability of the environment, that is, the choice it presents to the user (like street, paths, edges, and parks, square). e third aspect, the visual analysis includes studies of urban space, the treatment of facades, pavement, roofline, street sculpture and an analysis of the complexity of visual detail which distinguishes one place from another. For the sustainable changes we understand, “what urban environment we will work with?” and survey the size and characteristics of the urban environment. e surveys for sustainable changes are:  Understanding Place - Sustainable design development begins with an intimate understanding of place. If we are sensitive to the nuances of place, we can inhabit without destroying it. Understanding place helps determine design practices such as solar orientation of a building on the site, preservation of the natural environment, etc.  Connecting with Nature - Whether the design site is a building in the inner city or in a more natural setting, connecting with nature brings the designed environment back to life. Effective design helps inform us of our place within nature.  Understanding Natural Processes - In nature there is not waste. e byproduct of one organism becomes the food for another. In other words, natural systems are made of closed loops. By working with living processes, we respect the needs of all species. Engaging processes that regenerate rather than deplete, we become more alive. Making natural cycles and processes visible bring the designed environment back to life.  Understanding Environmental, social and economical Impact - e design attempts to have an understanding of the sustainable impact of the design by evaluating the site, the embodied energy and toxicity of the materials, the energy efficiency of design, construction techniques, zoning policy and social need.  Embracing Co-creative Design Processes - Sustainable designers are finding it is important to listen to every voice. Collaboration with systems consultants, engineers and other experts happens early in the design process, instead of an afterthought. Designers are also listening to the voices of local communities. Design for all user (neighborhood residents or office employers) are becoming a standard practice.  Understanding People – e project must take into consideration the wide range of cultures, races, religions and habits of the people who are going to be using and inhabiting the built environment. is requires sensitivity and empathy on the needs of the people and the community. 4.2.3. Step -3:Analysis: When we would start the analysis we clear the steps are as following: ■ Why we are analysis – what’s our purpose? Do we want information about specific parts of the urban site? If so, which ones? Or do we want the specific informative data? ■ What information do we want – and how much? Do other council units want to use it for other projects? Are there any local issues, like long-running zoning, transportation, migration or others? ■ Who do we want to collect these information? from council and the community?

It all depends on our purpose. When we choose our consultation method, we’ll be consulting with people according of the age, ethnicity, literacy levels, and so on of the community. Asking people, in telephone, questionnaire, or face-to-face surveys, these three open-ended questions: - What do you like about (place)? - What don’t you like about (place)? - What would you like to change about (place)? For a particular site we should analysis the sustainable data as following:

Environmental sustainability Economical sustainability - average temperatures rise per -market analysis for economic year, for designing the shading status position for developing a and ventilation process project - average sea level rise and rainfall per year, for find out the flood area and design in safe zone and height

Social sustainability - government policy -zoning -building law -‘compact city’ versus ‘urban sprawl’

We also analysis some general topics, such as: • Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and reats (SWOT): SWOT analysis is a useful technique for the collection and structuring the data. e SWOT analysis can assist clearer definition of the design and point the way to design solutions. e major theme in sustainable changes is people realm, environmental change, economical sector (for budget allocation) and government policy. As for example, we find through data collection that the site orientation and climate are very fluctuate situation. So it is guide and aware us, when we develop design. • Trend, forecast and scenario: e analysis of trends, forecast and scenario, making predictions about the future. e plan was then based upon those predictions. It was found from experience that predictions and forecasts about the future can be wildly out when based on such calculations. e major events such as a change in political attitudes; a stock market crash and many other possible future events can be built into a series of different scenarios. ese scenarios can be fed back into the forecasts, which in turn result in a set of different trends for any topic analyzed. As for example migration, we collect the data for particular city that how many people migrate in every year and why, so it could help us to calculate the users rates. For prepare an urban project is a long time process .Sometimes the present data are not appropriate for future, when the project is complete. If we prepare proposal with the concern of present and future data then the project would fulfill the users need. • Constraints and possibilities: e constraints map contains information, for example, on the location and design of any approved projects such as road widening, sites with planning approvals, land use or building height restrictions, buildings designated as of historic interest, together with any important features of the land or its servicing. e possibilities map includes items such as areas ripe for development, possible linkages with adjacent areas in the city, features which are special to the area, groups of buildings of outstanding architectural significance, with a change of use, positions where development would enhance the appearance of the built environment and areas where landscape intervention would be advantageous. • Sieve mapping: Analyzing constraints and possibilities can be expressed graphically as a series of sieve maps.

4.2.4. Step-4: Draw plan and design statement: Drawing is an important element for achieve the destination. If drawing is incomplete or contradictory, builder cannot rely on the quality of the built outcomes. For large, complex and sensitive sites, design statements are needed to help applicants to explain their approach. For all situation some steps of drawing are required, these are: Site and area diagram o Constraints-limits to development o Opportunity- scope for development o How development will integrate with the town or village and enhance character o How the site layout of access, buildings, space and parking make the best use of the site and o work well. How sitting, scale and massing relates to the area o Reasons for its appearance (elevation, ground surface) o How the design is sustainable (energy efficient, long lasting, accessible to all, safe and easy o to maintenance). 4.2.5. Step-5: Evaluation of plan: Moderate to large-scale urban design projects are aimed at improving social, economic and infrastructure conditions rather than focusing on the single objective of physical urban renewal. For that, projects aimed at regenerating inner cities are planned as a series of interrelated actions in which the increase of employment levels is interlinked with sustainable improvement in general. For this type of project the issue of methods needs to be considered from an economic and social perspective. Such as, * Economic evaluation of urban design: e most important tool used to carry out an economic evaluation of urban design projects is cost–benefit analysis. * Environmental impact assessment: Assessment the impact on the physical environment, quality of air, water, soil, cultural heritage conservation areas, animal environment, landscape, climate. * Identification of impacts: Identify the impact on local economy, local environment, aesthetic and cultural values, Infrastructure. Evaluation occurs at many levels ranging from meeting technical demands to the ability to gain public acceptance. It is the phase in which the preliminary plans generated in the synthesis phase are compared to the original goals and problem definitions. e evaluation are categories two way: a) How well the solution fit the problem. b) How readily the proposals can be implemented. e problems are constantly changing. Developing solution for problems which are in a state of flux is like shooting at a moving target. Problem changes in time as citizen participation has gained important. 4.2.6.Step-6: Alternative of plan: When generating methodology, there should be scope for alternative design solutions. is part emerge design concepts which reflect an understanding of the constraints of the problem and propose optimum solution. In this phase, the data gathered and the analysis of the problem must be translated into proposal for action. In these phase, there may be a number of concepts proposed. ere is usually more than one way to solve a particular set of problems. Alternative plan is approach the old problem in new way. It analysis and present data in different way .

Sometimes the conversation of client and consultant are conflict in one plan. So it is important the alternatives plans that present possible action in given situation.

4.2.7. Step-7: Presentation: Design as a process based on conversation and perception. In essence this means how designers come to understand problems and get ideas about solutions through a process that is conversation-like. Presentation is the tools available for expressing urban design ideas. It discusses, in particular, the style of report writing, effective public speaking, the use of drawings, three-dimensional material and the computer in the presentation of the urban design project. Presentation tools depend on the project, its document, skill and audience. 4.2.8. Step-8: Choice of plan: After survey, analysis, review of plan, series of meetings with the client, planner, consultant and others, the discussion address to consider a plan for implementation. All urban designs are ultimately shaped not only by design ideas but also they should consider- e sustainable changes concern in plan which consider the needs for future - Public and private sector marketing decisions and sources of financing. After choice the plan there are two important steps towards implementation, these are: o Framing the permission: Planning permissions are one of the most sensitive tools available for controlling the quality of design. e plan was grant by the authority with legal law for building and zoning conditions. After all the process was completed there was a question that the design are maintain the law of the country. Different country had different law and building act. Zoning system are also particular (like- residential, commercial, etc) or should be mixed use, it depend on the area and their use. o Keeping involve after planning permission: After permission, the planning is to start practical works, and can be watered down and subcontracted, and the vision lost. In that time the planner job is to keep track on this. 4.2.9. Step-9: Implementation: When we start to implement a project in a particular site, we need some documents• Site layout requirements: ese may include, among other things, minimum setbacks (minimum distance from structure to front, side, or rear lot line), maximum percentage of site that may be covered by structure, placement of driveways or curb cuts, parking requirements, screening requirements and limits on the size or placement of signs. • Requirements for structural characteristic: ese may include maximum height of structure, maximum number of stories, and maximum floor area of structure. e last is often cast in terms of floor area ratio (FAR), which indicates a maximum permissible ratio of floor area to site area. • Uses to which structures may be put: Zoning ordinance will generally specify which uses are permitted and which are not in a particular area. Like residential area, commercial area, etc zones are different from one to another for functional structure. • Procedural matters: A common arrangement is that the building is the permit application. e ordinance will generally also specify an appeals procedure by which an applicant can apply for relief.

Project management is the important factor to the setting-up of the project, implementation at the construction stage of the process. Project management was used as a powerful way of controlling communities and to convince them towards a clearly established goal. e key to successful project management is to actually follow the project planning , monitoring with the current situation and keep track of how the project is progressing. Projects management is an important part of project control and keeping the project plan up-to-date. Planning is a continuous process that begins with a vision and establishes goals, objectives, policies and recommendations to achieve that vision. Planning must recognize existing conditions to the extent that they affect the future. e results of the implementation process to achieve that vision are evaluated, and the goals, objectives, policies and recommendations are modified and readopted. e planner often receives a range of requests for changes, many of which need careful scrutiny. Reviewing the scheme on site as it is built, preferably with the developer, is most valuable for picking up critical aspects of detail. In practical situation there was lack of project monitoring system, so the project was completed but not a successful design. So for design methods and review systems is very important in practice of urban design.

Figure: Propose design method

5. Conclusion: e whole paper describes the methods for urban build project for sustainable development that will help to asses for future urban project development. We summarize the paper in the way that, we have followed the method step by step. First we fixed an objective, secondly survey and analysis of the site and data. en draw plans, improve plan, consults with client, evaluation of the plan, alternative solution of plan and choice a plan. In these drawing process plans may be change several times .When we are do these we must aware of the zoning, law , regulation and permission from the local authority of planning. Other sectors are public interest, budgets are important. All urban designs are ultimately shaped not only by design ideas but also by public and private sector marketing decisions and sources of financing. en the implementation step,

which take a long time- sometimes year after year. So in implementation level we were monitoring the process from site analysis to implementation, because in respect of the time the starting conditions of site are different from the project implementation time. Sustainable issues, functions, cultural dimensions are change due to time. So after certain time to time it is required to analysis the project. e implementation of more sustainable practices now is essential so that we can enjoy a great quality of life today while ensuring that future generations will also have the resources they will need.

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Assessment Methods, Metrics and Tools (July 2007) Jennifer Penney, Ireen Wieditz, (2007),Cities Preparing for Climate Change Graeme McIndoe, Dr Ralph Chapman, Chris McDonald, Professor Gordon Holden, Associate Professor Philippa Howden-Chapman, Anna Bray Sharpin, (June 2005), e Value of Urban Design, e economic, environmental and social benefits of urban design, Alexander R. Cuthbert, (2007) Urban design: requiem for an era – review and critique of the last 50 years, Helen Briassoulis, (May 2005) Land-use policy and planning, theorizing, and modeling: lost in translation, found in complexity, William McDonough & Partners,(2000), Design for Sustainability Web link: http://www.necsc.us/docs/ORNL_Design_Final.pdf http://www.wellington.govt.nz/haveyoursay/meetings/committee/Strategy_and_Policy/ 2005/16Feb0915/pdf/05_UDprotocol.pdf http://www.markham.ca/Markham/Departments/Planning/ http://www.urbandesignaustralia.com.au/images/Docs/Papers/DaleDicksonGOODURBAN %20DESIGN.pdf http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/design-protocol-action-pack-mar05/html/ page2.html http://www.resalliance.org/files/1172764197_urbanresilienceresearchprospectusv7feb07.pdf http://www.mcgill.ca/urbandesign/what/ http://www.isf.uts.edu.au/publications/SDGURA.pdf http://www.arch.hku.hk/research/BEER/sustain.htm#1.1 http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/publications/p01350aa.pdf/ Sustainable_Urban_Development_Program.pdf