This paper explores the urban planning framework with particular reference to ...... perekonomian masyarakat di dalam Kawasan Sunda Kelapa dan sekitarnya ..... Sebagai contoh saat seseorang melewati Jalan Kauman dimana tempat KH ...
Urban Planning Policies and Strategies for Revitalization: An Overview and Comparison of Experiences from Developed and Developing Regions KOLABORASI:
Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Valeria Schneider Neil Whittingham Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Internasional: 6th Seminar on Urban Policies Environmental Land Management for Local and Regional Development Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Resistencia, Argentina 12-14 Juni 2014
This paper explores the urban planning framework with particular reference to using approaches and strategies for revitalization as a key tool for intervention in derelict areas, especially when local government has a low budget for managing urban growth. From an international development perspective, south-south, southnorth and north-south information exchanges can help inform better policy making. As such, an overview of the effectiveness of planning policies can act as a starting point and so, through international comparison, this paper seeks a greater understanding of the reasons for the failure of certain policies and strategies within the field of planning within developing countries through comparison with the application of similar policies a developed country, i.e. the experience of Preston in the UK. In particular, in addressing the findings, the paper attempts to answer the following questions: Is revitalisation a common approach within developed and developing regions? What are the reasons for successful implementation? Are international planning programmes applied in developing countries a successful approach? What are the implications of the application of externally designed programmes, such as informal settlement improvement programmes through international bank loans, with little consideration for local circumstances? This paper focuses urban revitalisation, and attempts to initiate a dialogue for discovering the best urban management practices currently being applied within metropolitan areas, by comparing the experiences of Jakarta (Indonesia) and Greater Resistencia (Argentina) with recent experience in Preston (UK).
Introduction This paper relates to previous research undertaken in the United Kingdom, combined with more recent information as part of the Network Project ‘Policy Review of Revitalization metropolitan areas: A comparative view of experiences in countries of this network’ approved by the Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación by Resolution 4426/14. When compared with Greater Resistencia, Jakarta is a densely populated city, however this study has a focus upon the experiences of developing regions within the project network and the city of Preston, United Kingdom as an example of developed region; in the context of such different histories, cultures and religions, the paper seeks a greater understanding of the challenges faced. At first, comparison between such different regions can seem quite arbitrary, given their dissimilarities. However, despite there being fundamental differences between the cities, planners and policy makers are faced with a number of common issues. For example, the question of urban growth and its control, either by restricting urban sprawl or by encouraging more development within city centres, and the fairness behind such approaches, are common themes. Revitalisation policies tend to address urban growth within builtup cores by enhancing historical areas and derelict areas and neighborhoods. Meanwhile, urban expansion tends to be related to either suburban growth in developed regions or informal
settlements in developing countries. Within the last forty years, city councils in all three regions have needed to address urban issues with ever tighter budgets and so they do experience similar problems, particularly in relation to planning issues. Both Jakarta and Gran Resistencia have a long tradition of plans conceived at different scales that have either failed to achieve expected results or not been implemented at all. Meanwhile, programs such as ‘KAMPUNG’ (Indonesia) or ProMeBa (Argentina) have, however, both aimed to organize informal settlements and have accomplished a great deal using loans from international agencies, such as the World Bank and the IADB (Schneider, 1999). In considering informal settlements and matters related to poverty relief, it is clear that both cities have similar problems that need to be tackled. In considering revitalization programmes, this paper will explore some of the questions that arise: Are those programmes suitable for the needs of developing country cities?; Are these policies sustainable? It is worth noting that certain programmes that have contributed to strengthening and consolidating suburban areas by bringing informal settlements into ‘formal city life’ have, in fact, been run on loans secured fifty years ago. Clearly, plans and projects depend on the use of appropriate methodologies in the context of the financial and human resources available. A key challenge, then, is discussion over, and coordination of, suitable policies according to the particular realities faced by the respective populations of the cities.
Background Urban sprawl and planning trends Urban growth is a general phenomenon with over half of the global population now living in urban situations. Whilst rapid urban growth has been a challenge worldwide, urbanisation has become much more acute in less developed regions. Many cities are growing to join other nearby cities to form ‘mega-urbanregions’ containing, on average, 19 million people; whilst this phenomenon is a new trend for urban growth throughout the world, it has become commonplace. Extended metropolitan development tends to produce an amorphous and amoebic-like spatial form, without set national boundaries, that can stretch 75km to 100km from the urban core. Such a territory comprises the central city, developments within the transportation corridors, satellite towns and other housing projects in the peri-urban fringe; along with outer zones, a city emerges as a single economically integrated 'mega-urban region or extended metropolitan region'. The ASEAN region, for example, composed of Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia, is experiencing the symptoms of mega-urbanisation, with growth beyond the city and metropolitan boundaries. Metropolitan regional growth tends to sprawl along major expressways and railroad lines radiating out from the urban cores, and leapfrogs in all directions, putting down new towns, industrial estates, housing projects and even golf courses in areas that had hitherto been agricultural and rural.
Back in the 1960s, most developing country governments showed little or no interest in spatial matters, however the relentless growth of national populations and the tendency for people to concentrate in ever larger cities have generated much more concern over the patterns of human settlements (Renaud, 1981). Urban areas are growing at a very fast rate in the developing world compared to the developed world and the neglect of urban issues has given rise to significant social and environmental problems. The scale of urbanization, with its current implications for the meeting the needs of those with relatively low levels of income, is unprecedented. Cities in developing countries are frequently unable to provide the basic infrastructure and services needed and 30-60% of people in many of the larger cities are living in squatter settlements. Urbanization, when it is well managed, however, is an important facilitator of sustained economic improvement and can thereby be a potential ally in the promotion of broad-based social welfare gains. As such, the challenge for both national government and municipal authorities will be how urbanization is managed, and how approaches can cope with the negative impacts on human health and well-being and economic performance. Generally, the state has been seen as having the role of protecting the poor from being further disadvantaged by the machinations of the market, through addressing at least some of the inequalities in income and wealth (Rakodi, 1993). The question emerges, however, of whether governments have the skills and capacities to intervene in the urban development process in a way that can
produce better outcomes and resolve problems created by market failure.
Overall Objectives -
To review the performance of urban policies and practices among developed and developing regions
To look at the experiences in revitalizing metropolitan areas of developed and developing regions
Methodology This research has been developed through various stages: 1. Literature review and an analysis framed around urban planning policies and experiences in implementing current policies and practices at a wide range of scales 2. A general overview of approaches to revitalization, with particular reference to the chosen examples, and comparison to experience in the UK. The research has also used information gathered from a number of sources, such as: − Information produced by researchers at the Institute of Urban Planning and Regional- FAU–UNNE (Argentina), from Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik-Universidad
Muhammadiyah de Jakarta (Indonesia), from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine / University of Liverpool (United Kingdom) and from urban managers of Resistencia City Council. − Data collection and revision of bibliography. − Selection and analysis of reference cases, regulations and processes developed to address similar problems. − Analytical stage, i.e. the processing, systematization and analysis of relevant information. − Conclusions and final recommendations
Revitalization Approaches As Purwantiasning (2014) noted, revitalization has been regarded as activities or efforts to revitalize an area within a city, or part of a city, and return it back to its previous vitality. An area needs to be revitalized when it has suffered both socially and economically, as well as it having encountered degradation to the local infrastructure and utilities. The process of revitalization, then, includes improvement to physical, economic and social aspects, and sound approaches must be able to recognize, exploit and support the potential of the environment of an area or region, including its unique location, history, meaning, identity and image and local wisdom. The activity of building or revitalization of an area can be implemented, then, through various aspects, either
physical or non-physical. Physical aspects can include the form of a building itself and the infrastructure within it, and non-physical aspects can relate to social, economic and cultural aspects of the communities that live in areas in and around the historical sites in question. Some of the important aspects to revitalization are expanded upon briefly below. Physical intervention Physical intervention is an initial revitalization activity that can be implemented in stages to cover the improvement and enhancement of the quality and physical condition of buildings, the green line, the transportation system, signage and open spaces within historical sites. As the image of an area is related to the visual condition of its historical sites, physical intervention will be needed to attract visitors. The issue of environment, particularly sustainability, has become an important consideration and so physical interventions ought to show concern for the environmental context. Economic rehabilitation Revitalization that has been initiated through a process of rejuvenation of urban artefacts should support an overall process of economic rehabilitation. The improvement and enhancement of physical areas in the short term should accommodate either informal or formal economic activities (local economic development) and these economic activities should enhance the value of an urban area. In the context of revitalization, mixed use
functions should be delivered within historical sites that can support economic and social activities (new functions or new vitality) within the area.
Social revitalization An indication of successful revitalization could be the environment itself; as such, the environment of a historical area should be a livable place for the community in and around it and it should become an interesting place for people to visit. Revitalization should not necessarily have the making of a beautiful place as a target; instead, revitalization should aim to bring forward the identity of a city in a way that can bring about positive impacts for the quality of life of the community in social and/or economic terms (Purwantiasning, 2014).
Discussion Results Planning Trends in Greater Resistencia and Jakarta Planning experience in Argentina and Indonesia shows that extensive attempts have been made to address urban growth, however they have either been unsuccessful or not even implemented. There seems to have been a greater degree of success for programmes supported by the assistance of donors, such as the Kampung Improvement Programme in Jakarta or the Improvement Neighbourhood programme in Resistencia, however
these programmes lack coordination with appropriate frameworks of political support and legislation. In those cases where plans have been produced, there have been significant shortcomings and a failure to meet aims and objectives, possibly as a result of institutional inability during implementation and a low level of political commitment. On the other hand, programmes seem to have had more success on the ground, mainly because of greater pressure from donors in comparison to that of the government, with governments able to more easily avoid donor regulation over loan systems.
The roles of urban planning and management are the design and making of plans, and policy formulation and management (implementation and operation) and must include efforts to make them more effective. 139
In unpredictable, rapidly changing, messy and complex contexts, a single blueprint is unlikely to be either desirable or feasible, however urban growth is a key issue of concern for decision making. Recently, following greater efforts towards sustainability at the global level, rather than the promotion of urban sprawl, urban managers have begun to conceive policies for the revitalization and renewal of built-up cores and the intensification of land uses. The purpose of this paper is to look at those experiences and assess their performance. Recent Experience in Jakarta Purwantiasning (2014) highlighted that revitalization in Indonesia could be perceived as activity to preserve cultural heritage without development involving any developmental changes; for example, revitalization activity in Indonesia can be seen in the revitalization of Prambanan Temple in Central Java. Due to the impact of natural disaster in 2006, i.e. the earthquake, the revitalization activity for the Prambanan Temple was aimed at restoration of its authentic cultural heritage. As well as the technical efforts involved in the strengthening of its structure, archaeological aspects were also taken into consideration to ensure preservation of its cultural and historical heritage. In implementing for revitalization, consideration need not only be related to the buildings themselves, but also to the surrounding area and environment, with links made possible through holistic approaches to urban planning (Purwantiasning, 2014).
Purwantiasning has been developing comparative studies of degraded areas located in Clarke Quay and Boat Quay (Singapore), Albert Dock (Liverpool, England) and Sunda Kelapa Port (Jakarta, Indonesia) using methodologies to analyze successful rehabilitation of areas with high historical value. 141
The experience of revitalization in Jakarta is related to conservation of important buildings. Nowadays, Sunda Kelapa is known for its tourism with numerous attractions delivered within the area. The Sunda Kelapa area has several places of interest such as Menara Syahbandar (harbour tower), Museum Bahari (Maritime Museum), Sunda Kelapa Port Area, Galangan VOC (VOC Dock) and the Masjid Luar Batang (Mosque). These old buildings have been designated as listed old buildings within the Jakarta Old Town Area and they are in a relatively poor condition; physically these buildings need to be revitalized. Several proposals have been submitted to government from either an NGO concerned with historical sites or the private sector though, as yet, no significant action has been implemented.
Figure 1: Large plaza in front of Fatahillah Museum within the Jakarta Old Town Area provided by the local government of Jakarta for local and international tourists (Source: Private documentation, 2011)
The local government of Jakarta has been encouraged to enhance the quality of the Jakarta Old Town Area by making it a comfortable place for tourism. One solution has been to create a pedestrian area within the Jakarta Old Town Area, for example, through the provision of a large plaza in front of Fatahillah Museum, formerly known as the Stadhuis (Government Office). Furthermore, there are now pedestrian routes from this plaza to other interesting places within Jakarta Old Town. Tourists can now reach all the attractive places within the area on foot from Farahillah Museum. There are several reasons why local government had been encouraged to enhance the quality of the environment of the Jakarta Old Town Area which can be listed as follows: 1. Poor image of the area following years of neglect; 2. Lack of vitality within the area, which has acted to discourage business investment; 3. Lack of infrastructure and facilities within the area; 4. Poor and uncontrolled traffic conditions; 5. Significant degradation to the quality of the environment; 6. Lack of integrated regulations between local and central government
Figure 2: The process of revitalization of the Jakarta Old Town Area, particularly the area of the Fatahillah Museum and its surrounding area. The pedestrianization concept has been applied within this area to enhance an area previously neglected with a lack of utilities. (Source: Local Government of Jakarta, 2006)
Local Government has, therefore, been willing to develop the Jakarta Old Town Area by: 1. Strengthening existing activities within the area and encouraging the development of new business and economy activities; 2. Implementing a conservation and revitalization concept in the development of the Jakarta Old Town area;
3. Enhancing the infrastructure and facilities in the area in developing and preserving of the Jakarta Old Town environment; 4. Encouraging a variety of social, art and culture activities within the area; 5. Revitalizing the function of the area as a residential place with many activities for the community by adopting the concept of LIVING IN THE CITY; 6. Developing a Public-Private partnership through the authority and legal systems as well as the system for urban management
To conclude, the local government of Jakarta has delivered a strategy to tackle the problems within the Jakarta Old Town Area by: 1. Initiating creative community and creative economy industry; 2. Implementing a concept of adaptive re-use; 3. Implementing a concept of function infill/ new activities within public spaces; 4. Implementing improvement to heritage facades.
Recent Experience in Greater Resistencia Municipalities have shown renewed interest in absorbing urban growth by increasing the density of central districts that already have infrastructure and full services. This has been the case for the City of Greater Resistencia (Argentina), which is an urban conglomeration of 385,726 inhabitants (National Census, 2010). Resistencia was founded on the 2nd of February 1878 with the arrival of a group of Italian inmigrants; following the Triple Alliance War with Brasil and Paraguay, the Argentinian government decided to consolidate the northern region of the country in order to prevent any expansion of those other countries over the area. It is located in a flood plain which has led to successive flooding catastrophes and for this reason the city is surrounded by an area of flood protection with strong internal control. Through the design and operation of a Flood Emergency Plan, local government sought to address the growth within these limits to an appropriate level. As such, since 2001, the Municipality of Resistencia has taken the initiative of implementing a policy to promote growth in the height of buildings and the inclusion of complete infrastructure in central districts through Ordinance 5403 / 01- High Density (Schneider, 2014). The compact city model is characterized by buildings of height concentrated to medium to high-density within a greatly compacted built-up core (Falcon, 2007). Whilst it is a sustainable model, it has also been linked to a decreased quality of city life
due to the lack of private space. As such, the compact city model should be complemented by an increased supply and availability of greenfields, as well as support from increased services and infrastructure (Perez and Schneider, 2011). In Greater Resistencia, however, there are insufficient existing green open spaces in the central districts. Until the riverine areas reserved by Resolution 1111/98 are formally incorporated, it is necessary to review the provision of spaces for recreation purposes offered by developers in different types of tower developments. Since the implementation of Ordinance 5403 / 01- High Density, a total of 700 buildings have been built in Greater Resistencia by a partnership between construction entrepreneurs, landlords and owners of the flats. Most of these were designed as residential properties, although a minority of them have been built for business purposes. Building construction has increased by 80 percent over the past eight years, and in less than a decade the number of buildings in Greater Resistencia has almost doubled. The reasons for this phenomenon are, in part, due to the implementation of the regulations being considered, coupled with central government incentives for the construction industry and federal operatives coinciding with a period in which savers focused on bricks and mortar as one of the safest investment prospects. According to information obtained by Klees (2013), between 2002 and 2009, the city received the equivalent of a cash injection for property investment of U$S17,916,666; the amount spent on the
construction of 40 buildings completed during that period (Schneider, 2014). Since the local government decided to promote the intensification of land use in the built-up core of Resistencia, the policy has still not had an influence on the social displacement of low income households; a large majority of society (62% of the total number of inhabitants of Greater Resistencia) continue to reside in underserviced areas and on plots that are prone to flooding. This situation is linked to the context for the city where, since the early twentieth century, the first serious floods were recorded (the year 1905 to be precise). Over the decades, there has been further serious flooding and, following the catastrophic floods of 1982 and 1983 that flooded 70% of the urban area and affected 30% of the population, the government decided to take concerted action to protect the city, its citizens and their properties. In such a context, it is, therefore, less likely for the upper classes to easily give up the privileged lifestyles afforded by life in the protected city centre, and so residency in the urban core is still made up of a high proportion of middle and high class owner-occupiers (Schneider, 2014). The urban renewal process and the pedestrianization of Main Street, Resistencia Given the lack of consideration for the physical environment and social issues, and the lack of adequate planning, the city has experienced a great deal of urban sprawl. Nowadays, images of the city look very different from those of twenty years ago as a result of the implementation of Ordinance 5403/01,
complemented by Ordinance 8775/07 Medium Density. The business of constructing towers has enabled the central area to be renovated and promoted a partnership between private entrepreneurs, composed of real estate, shareholders and landlords, working together in the formation of a trust to support the construction of towers. This process has been encouraged by the local government along with the promotion of the revitalization of commercial areas and their transformation through the use of a pedestrian strategy. With comprehensive intervention for Main street, Resistencia, the City Council has developed a pedestrian promenade of 400 metres in length characterized by its amplitude (width) of open views, facilitated by the removal of ‘visual contamination’ from excessive advertising canopies and bus shelters and the renewal of infrastructure and installation of underground wiring. The established design solutions include, for example, improved pavement circulation, better drainage, the creation of leisure spaces with street furniture ideal for social meetings, the redesign of shops to improve access for ambulances and fire engines, and the provision of traffic lights to cater for blind people. As noted in the Datachaco Newspaper in March of 2014, the centre has
“a nice place for meeting, walking, shopping, cultural, social and political events". become
There are numerous reasons why the local government wanted to enhance the quality of the environment of the Main Street of Resistencia, as follows: 1. Poor image of the area and significant degradation of environment quality; 2. Excessive overhead wires and advertising canopies which threatened citizens; 3. Deteriorated infrastructure, such as drainage pipelines and storm drains, and a general lack facilities within the area; 4. Traffic congestion that interfered with shopping activities and threatened citizens as they walked by; 5. Noise and contamination from smog.
Figure 3: Pedestrianization of Main Street in Resistencia city (Source: Scornik, C. et al. (2011) ‘Los Servicios Comerciales en la Región Metropolitana Gran Corrientes - Gran Resistencia’. IV Seminario Sobre Políticas Urbanas, Gestión Territorial y Ambiental para el Desarrollo Local. IPUR – FAU (UNNE), Resistencia, 03 y 04 de junio de 2011)
As a result of the Pedestrian Revitalization strategy, the local government has: 1. Strengthened existing commercial activities within the area and enhanced both the environment and the economy. Commerce remains the major income for Resistencia; 2. Implemented a revitalization concept that has developed the Main Street area of Greater Resistencia; 3. Improved facilities, amenities and infrastructure contributing to an enhanced environment and making the city livable and an attractive place for tourism and cultural/social life; 4. Encouraged a variety of social, art and culture activities within the area. An assessment of revitalization strategies, applied through regulations of the local government of Resistencia, can be summarized as follows: 1. Intensification of land use within the built-up core, where infrastructure and services have been completed, through promotion of a partnership between public and private developers to fuel the economy; 2. Implementation of an urban renewal concept in key areas of the city that has enhanced the environment and improved social and tourism activities;
3. Implementation of a concept of protection of greenfield areas, especially those associated with wetlands, with improvement, re-use and infilling, and the introduction of new activities within public spaces.
Figure 4: Pedestrianization strategy applied to Main Street, Resistencia by the City Council to enhance the economy and the environmental quality of the area and to establish a range of social and cultural activities. (Source:image 1:; image 2:; image 3:
Planning Trends in the United Kingdom As a reference point for comparison, the experience in Jakarta and Resistencia can be seen in relation to experience in planning and revitalization within the UK. Clearly, the social and economic histories of cities within the UK are different to those in the global south and the type and magnitude of current urban challenges are, in many respects, poles apart. Rapid urbanization in England occurred much earlier in the nineteenth century, with numerous philanthropists beginning to provide social housing and parks within towns and cities to alleviate the suffering of the poor living in slum housing with poor sanitation. Along with the growth of the public health movement and increased political pressure at the local level, municipal authorities increasingly sought to ensure adequate infrastructure and housing for those who had migrated to work in the factories of towns and cities. Following numerous pieces of legislation, the UK is now recognized as having one of the first, state level, planning systems in the world. A major landmark for planning in the UK came with the Town and Country Planning Act of 1947; established in a period of post-WWII optimism, the Act required local authorities to prepare development plans for areas under their jurisdiction and required developers to acquire planning permission from local authorities for the development of land. The 1947 Act and subsequent Acts and amendments, such as the General Development Procedure Order and the General Permitted Development Order, have acted as a basis for a system which, by and large, many consider to have
been successful in controlling development in the interest of the general public.
Successive governments have, however, sought to use the planning system as a ‘political football’, with shifting emphases from, for example, regeneration of dilapidated housing to the protection of green belts to the provision of enticements for business and industry. 154
Unsurprisingly, the interventions of the planning system have not been immune to neo-liberal policies favouring private developers. Since the attack on the public sector by Thatcher government, local municipal authorities have been unable to provide adequate levels of council housing, for example, and despite previous concerns about widespread slum housing in the UK having been consigned to history, home ownership has now gone beyond the reach of many young families. As such, debate over the release of land for new, affordable housing has become central to local planning within the UK. Furthermore, with regional strategic planning having fallen out of favour with right wing national governments, cash-strapped municipal authorities are encouraged and/or forced to compete in attracting business and retail development to areas within their jurisdiction. Despite the onslaught of neo-liberal policy in recent years, local authorities in the UK do still have a statutory duty to prepare local development plans in such a way that is mindful of public health and the conservation of the environment. Furthermore, the ground-breaking Climate Change Act of 2008, brought in during the previous labour administration, has committed the UK government to working towards a low-carbon economy and so, nowadays, the UK planning system is seen as playing a central role in working towards sustainable development. For example, despite the huge role played in facilitating the growth in the number of cars around towns and cities, often to the detriment of public health and the environment, local authorities nowadays
seek to encourage the use of public transport, walking and cycling. In a sense, there is a convergence of policy perspectives in many cities throughout the world as a balance is sought between helping to facilitate economic development, tourism and preservation of natural and built heritage, along with broader considerations over health and sustainable development. Livable, healthy cities are seen as a priority for both residents and business investors alike and, within these globalised times, there are many comparable aspects to the priorities of civic leaders within cities within the UK and cities such as Resistencia and Jakarta as they seek to revitalize their local economies. As such, whilst socio-economic environments within the UK are very different to developing country contexts, there can be valuable lessons in undertaking international comparison of the work of local authority planning departments whilst they aim to act, with ever tighter budgets, in the public interest.
Recent Experience in Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom As planning in the UK continues to evolve, the National Planning Policy Framework outlines that local plans have to meet strategic needs by taking into account market signals and local circumstances so that judgements can be made in relation to demand. A local plan is now expected to account positively for infrastructure and development for a planning horizon of 15 years with the aim of meeting development needs, unless a significant
and demonstrable adverse effect is evident; objective assessment of local plans against the National Planning Policy Framework aims to show how strategic needs would be met, in addition to showing how plans are realistic, flexible, viable and deliverable.
Figure 5: For many years, Preston has been a key administrative, cultural and retail centre for Lancashire. The retail primacy of the city within the regional economy has been maintained through new retail development, improvements to the public realm and conservation of listed buildings. (Source: Private Documentation, 2015)
For Preston, the existing adopted local plans are the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and the Preston Local Plan. The city, which is known as the ´Guild City´, lies in the north west of England and has been a cultural and economic centre for the
County of Lancashire for centuries. From the early days of the Industrial Revolution, Preston grew to have many thousands employed in its mills and factories. In more recent years, Preston has been a key administrative centre for the County of Lancashire and its development plans have helped it retain its role atop of the retail hierarchy for the county through striking a balance between encouraging investment and conservation of its built heritage. Winckley Square Enhancement Framework A proactive approach to regeneration of historic areas, such as the Flag Market and Winckley Square, has been taken by Preston City Council by simultaneously acknowledging their historic value and the contribution that they make to the city centre economy. Any further locally developed plans, such as neighbourhood plans and special design guides, have to be in conformity with both The National Planning Policy Framework and local strategic plans and it is expected that they are developed through engagement with local communities to elicit a collective vision. One such example of a recently developed local plan for the city is the Winckley Square Enhancement Framework. Winckley Square is considered the finest example of planned development from the Georgian area within the north west of England and has many of the seven hundred listed buildings that are located within Preston. In addition, the area forms part of one of the thirteen conservation areas incorporated within the strategic city development plan. Although the Winckley Square area has been somewhat disused
and relatively forgotten, its commercial streets dating from the eighteenth century and its neo-classical townhouses have considerable potential for regeneration. As conservation is, nowadays, considered to involve effective management of change, the Winckley Square Enhancement Framework is a plan that has, in compliance with national planning guidelines, been developed with a vision of the revitalisation of this valued heritage setting to enable a mix of workspace, residential dwellings and leisure opportunities befitting the twenty-first century. The aim is to enable Winckley Square to be a thriving quarter for retail, business, culture and leisure, recognised throughout the north of England, with an enlivened atmosphere both day and night. Following the failure of the politically contentious Tithebarn regeneration project, the Winckley Square Enhancement Framework takes a more realistic, modest, incremental approach based on the development of a shared vision. The Winckley Square area was recognised for its regeneration potential, with its distinctive relationship between its gardens and buildings, and a focus was made on the area as it already had an established commercial and business base. In addition, given its location, Winckley Square is an integral part of the city centre with strong links between the public and private sectors. Initially, a number of issues were identified related to the vitality and viability of the area for investment. The lack of investment in the gardens and in the public realm in general was seen as detrimental to environmental quality of the area. There was perceived to be a
need for more investment for better traffic management and lighting. It was considered a challenge to adapt the historical buildings to enable them to meet modern needs for leisure and offices by, for example, facilitating disabled access and the establishment of more modern systems of information technology. Parking was considered an issue, especially the lack of opportunity for parking directly in front of the business premises. Also, the ‘to let’ and ‘for sale’ boards placed upon properties were seen as having a negative visual impact upon the amenity value of the conservation area. A partnership approach was taken to help respond to these issues and help create a revitalised Winckley Square. As such, the Winckley Square Enhancement Framework was developed through a partnership approach between Preston City Council, Lancashire County Council, Winckley Square Community Interest Company and engagement with local owners and occupiers. Building upon the previous success within the area, it was decided to have further traffic management measures, targeted improvements to a number of the buildings, improvements to the gardens and the public realm, and activities related to promotion and marketing of the area. So far, through the development of a strong partnership with private sector, and by using a set timetable for the implementation of key actions, the approach taken for the Winckley Square conservation area has been successful in securing funding to support delivery. For example, funds from the National Lottery have been granted to help with the ongoing works, and a number of shopfronts within
the Cannon Street part of the conservation area have been identified for a scheme to enhance their heritage value, whilst enhancing their appeal for shoppers and visitors.
Figure 6: The Winckley Square Conservation Area has been identified by Preston City Council as having significant potential for regeneration. Through a partnership approach with the community and the private sector, the Council has adopted a planning enhancement framework with a vision of coordinated effort to encourage investment and growth to the area for both business and leisure. Actions for meeting the vision include improvements to the public realm, traffic management measures, targeting improvements to shopfronts, and promotional activities. (Source: Promotional material courtesy of Preston City Council, 2014)
Furthermore, to improve the access, legibility and landscape in the gardens, further funding has been received from the ´Parks for People´ restoration fund, with a further partnership having been developed between the Winckley Square Community Interest Company, the Historic Garden Society, and the Civic Trust. 162
Overall, the development planning for Winckley Square is proving to be a successful approach; projects are not only fitting successfully with the Winckley Square Enhancement Framework and the strategic local plans, they are working well alongside other regeneration projects for the city centre. In terms of landscape design, the Moor Park conservation area has also received two million pounds as part of the ´Parks for People´ project to provide, for example, a new events arena, a refurbished observatory, landscaping and the development of a regional skate park. Preston City Council is also investing heavily in the regeneration and relocation of the central market area and enhancing its listed market canopy in order to strengthen the city centre appeal and enliven the area into the evening. As a growth centre for the north of England, that has allocated lots of land for new housing, these revitalization approaches are both well informed, wellcoordinated and well timed.
Conclusions An assessment of planning practices in both of the developing country contexts has shown there to be similar performance. There seemed to be a lack of political will and human resources in key areas for the design and implementation of the structure plan that should have framed, and been used as reference for, the coordination of other operational programmes and approaches. Whilst programmes of international agencies may seem to offer
better solutions for bringing informal settlements into ‘formal city life’ by consolidating suburban areas with services and infrastructures, they have, in fact, in certain ways, been consolidating areas of the expanding cities with low-middle density development. Furthermore, whilst such programmes have tended to make shanty towns livable and healthy places for the poorest to live, these tailored plans have been made by foreign experts, and have tended to engage national, provincial and local governments into endless loan programmes aimed at consolidating sprawl; a general phenomenon of current cities at the global scale.
Revitalization approaches, on the other hand, in the three examples analyzed, seem to have achieved short term results on the ground in meeting set goals by encouraging city councils to form partnerships between public and private sector. 164
These approaches could be viewed as a positive way to tackle city demands by balancing the pressure for growth with policies aimed at reusing amenities and historical buildings within the built up core of the city, and enhancing their environmental conditions. These policies have tended to be more sustainable in encouraging local governments that have, in general, to deal with tight budgets to form partnerships with different stakeholders from both the private and public sector rather than getting involved in long term loan programmes. The Resistencia experience has shown that both programmes implemented by the central government and the revitalization approaches implemented by the local government seem to have been successful; these successes could be associated with the scale of the plans, the complexity of issues tackled, and the links made between medium and short term goals. The approach taken in the UK example appears to be a modest, incremental and pragmatic method of revitalisation involving a variety of active citizens. Whilst developed economies may have fewer immediate, pressing concerns, the cutbacks to public sector funding and changes to planning legislation have ensured that development planning ought to engage with the community in the development of a shared vision. Despite increasing policy drives at the international level to address social and environmental priorities, economic development remains a central concern amongst civic leaders and, from such a perspective, partnership approaches to inner city revitalization look set to be the approach chosen in the near future
for many cities across the world. However, by way of offering words of caution, given the limited development resources available, civic leaders need to remain mindful that policy choices can divert vital investment from other major needs. As such, further thought needs to be given to whether certain development plans benefit some people more than others or even benefit a few people at the expense of many more (Pieterse, 2008; Escobar, 2010).
Prospek Bertahannya Kawasan Sunda Kelapa sebagai Kawasan Wisata KOLABORASI: Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Halida Agustini Dipublikasikan dalam Republika Online: Jumat, 02 Desember 2016
Ketika mendengar kata Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta, pastinya sudah tidak asing di telinga warga Jakarta dan sekitarnya, karena kawasan ini merupakan salah satu kawasan yang sedang digalakkan oleh pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta sebagai salah satu kawasan wisata bersejarah. Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta yang dikenal banyak orang biasanya hanya sekitar Museum Fatahillah dan sekitarnya, yang memang saat ini sudah cukup berhasil dengan kegiatan revitalisasinya. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan banyaknya pengunjung yang datang berkunjung di Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta ini setiap harinya, terutama di hari libur, entah hanya untuk duduk-duduk santai menikmati suasana yang ada, bersepeda dengan sepeda sewaan yang disediakan di sana ataupun menikmati santapan kuliner yang beraneka ragam di kawasan tersebut. Fenomena ini tentunya sangat memberikan dampak yang luar biasa baik dampak positif maupun negatif. Dampak positif dapat dilihat dengan banyaknya keperdulian masyarakat mengenai sejarah dan dampak negatifnya tentunya dapat dilihat dari akibat banyaknya kegiatan komersial yang informal sehingga menimbulkan masalah baru bagi pemerintah daerah DKI Jakarta untuk menertibkannya. Menyelami daerah kawasan tua Jakarta, tentunya tidak hanya keberadaan Museum Fatahillah dan sekitarnya, karena bila dilihat dari istilah kawasan, maka Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta tidak hanya meliputi kawasan Museum Fatahillah saja, namun lebih luas cakupannya sampai ke kawasan Sunda Kelapa baik pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa maupun kawasan permukiman Luar Batang.
Kawasan Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta yang merupakan bagian dari Kawasan Jakarta Kota Tua telah ditetapkan sebagai salah satu kawasan konservasi di Jakarta. Sunda Kelapa merupakan nama awal dari Jakarta, dikenal sebagai kawasan pelabuhan di Jakarta. Sunda Kelapa dapat dikatakan sebagai tempat yang sangat penting karena kawasan ini adalah jantung kota Jakarta yang secara ekonomi segala aktifitasnya terpusat di kawasan ini. Jika ditelaah lebih dalam, Kawasan Sunda Kelapa memiliki potensi yang luar biasa untuk menjadi kawasan wisata. Keberadaan banyaknya bangunan kolonial yang khas dan merupakan daerah bahari menjadikan kawasan ini memiliki potensi sebagai Kawasan Wisata Bahari. Sebagai bekas pusat pemerintahan zaman Belanda, Sunda Kelapa memiliki banyak bangunan tua khas kolonial, yang saat ini banyak sekali terbengkalai dengan kondisi yang memprihatinkan baik runtuh karena tuanya usia bangunan tersebut maupun terselubung oleh semak belukar tebal yang dapat merusak konstruksi bangunan tersebut. Namun, setelah melakukan beberapa eksplorasi ke lapangan secara langsung, banyak sekali permasalahan yang ada pada Kawasan Sunda Kelapa ini yang patut menjadi prioritas utama bagi pemerintah daerah DKI Jakarta.
Gambar 1: Sketsa Usulan Disain Penataan Kawasan Sunda Kelapa Sumber: Dokumentasi Pribadi, 2015
Sebuah kawasan bersejarah tentunya tidak akan berkembang dan bertahan jika tidak dikelola dan dilestarikan secara berkelanjutan. Hal ini yang menjadi “PR” bagi pemerintah daerah DKI Jakarta yang tentunya harus digarisbawahi juga menjadi tanggung jawab bersama baik masyarakat, pihak swasta maupun semua pihak yang berkepentingan dengan keberlanjutannya sebuah kawasan bersejarah. Sebagai salah satu kawasan yang memiliki potensi sebagai kawasan wisata, Kawasan Sunda Kelapa dapat direvitalisasi tentunya dengan menekankan pada beberapa hal yang dianggap menjadi tonggak keberhasilannya sebagai kawasan wisata terutama kawasan wisata bahari. Beberapa permasalahan yang dapat ditelusuri diantaranya adalah Kawasan Sunda Kelapa
ini dikenal dengan kawasan yang berpolusi, macet, tidak aman dan kumuh, belum adanya penghubung antara satu titik daerah wisata ke daerah wisata lainnya, minimnya sarana bagi para pejalan kaki sehingga menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan dan ketidakamanan bagi pengunjung kawasan ini, kurangnya petunjuk wisata kawasan yang tentunya sangat penting bagi para wisatawan khususnya wisatawan asing yang ingin mengeksplor kawasan Sunda Kelapa secara mandiri tanpa perlu pemandu wisata.
Gambar 2: Sketsa Usulan Disain Penataan Kawasan Sunda Kelapa (Sumber: Dokumentasi Pribadi, 2015)
Kawasan Sunda Kelapa dapat menjadi kawasan wisata bahari yang menarik bila mendapatkan perhatian khusus dalam pengembangan kawasannya. 172
Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengembangannya diantaranya adalah dengan menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas pendukung bagi para wisatawan baik domestik maupun asing yaitu dari mulai pusat informasi, papan-papan pemandu informasi, jalur pejalan kaki yang aman dan nyaman sehingga wisatawan dapat berjalan kaki dari satu titik wisata ke titik wisata lain dengan nyaman dan aman tanpa perlu khawatir tertabrak kendaraankendaraan besar seperti kontainer yang berlalu lalang di sepanjang jalan kawasan Sunda Kelapa. Selain itu beberapa hal lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah dengan memberikan suatu area pendukung seperti area parkir dan sirkulasi yang aman dan nyaman bagi pengunjung, daerah terbuka hijau sebagai pendukung untuk kegiatan berwisata dan juga fasilitas-fasilitas pendukung yang dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup dan perekonomian masyarakat di dalam Kawasan Sunda Kelapa dan sekitarnya seperti menyediakan fasilitas wisata kuliner tradisional Jakarta ataupun wisata kuliner bahari yang dapat menjadikan kekhasan pada Kawasan Sunda Kelapa.
Sebuah kawasan wisata yang baik akan menjadikan sebuah kota berkembang dan terkelola dengan baik dan berkelanjutan. Dengan keberhasilan sebuah kawasan seperti Kawasan Wisata Sunda Kelapa yang memiliki potensi sangat baik dapat menjadikannya identitas kota Jakarta dan menjadi citra kota Jakarta yang positif di mata Indonesia maupun dunia. Dengan keberhasilan ini tentunya akan berdampak pada berbagai aspek diantaranya dapat meningkatkan ekonomi baik masyarakan, daerah maupun Negara, serta dapat meningkatkan sektor pariwisata dan budaya.
Sakralitas Kampung Naga: Antara Isolasi dan Preservasi KOLABORASI Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Tri Kusumawati Dipublikasikan dalam Republika Online: Senin, 15 Februari 2016
Menyelami sebuah permukiman adat merupakan keunikan tersendiri bagi kami para arsitek. Banyak hal yang dapat dipelajari dari kehidupan tradisional sebuah masyarakat dengan berbagai karakteristik yang khas dan unik baik kehidupan masyarakatnya, adat istiadat, perilaku maupun pola tata ruang dan pola permukimannya. Salah satu permukiman tradisional yang masih kental memegang kemurnian adat istiadatnya adalah Kampung Naga. Kampung Naga merupakan permukiman tradisional yang berlokasi di Desa Neglasari, Kecamatan Salawu, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Provinsi Jawa Barat, dengan luas kawasan sekitar 1,5 hektar dengan statusnya masih merupakan tanah adat. Permukiman Kampung Naga tidak dapat diperluas lagi karena sudah merupakan ketentuan adat desa bahwa luasannya tidak dapat dikembangkan lagi. Oleh karenanya, banyak penduduk Kampung Naga yang akhirnya keluar dari permukiman tersebut dan menetap di luar lingkungan Kampung Naga. Bagi masyarakat yang keluar dari kawasan Kampung Naga dan menetap di luar area disebut sebagai masyarakat Sanaga. Masyarakat Sanaga pada prinsipnya tetap memegang teguh adat dan tradisi Kampung Naga dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Mereka tetap melaksanakan semua ketentuan leluhur dalam kehidupan bermasyarakatnya, yang membedakan hanyalah lokasi tempat tinggal dan bentuk pola ruang hunian serta bentuk rumah yang beradaptasi dengan lingkungan barunya.
Kampung Naga dapat dikatakan sebagai satu-satunya kampung adat yang berlokasi di dekat keramaian kota, mengingat lokasi kampung adat lainnya di Indonesia sangatlah terisolasi seperti Wae Rebo yang dikenal sebagai Kampung di Atas Awan karena lokasinya di puncak gunung, ataupun Desa Adat Suku Baduy di Desa Kanekes, Banten. Lokasi Kampung Naga ini, menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi masyarakatnya dalam menjaga tradisi dan adat istiadat yang telah diwariskan para leluhur dari satu generasi ke generasi lainnya. Perbedaan karakteristik Kampung Naga dengan kampung-kampung lainnya di sekitar wilayah Kampung Naga menjadikan kawasan ini menarik untuk diselami keberadaannya.
Gambar 1: Tipologi Rumah Tradisional di Kampung Naga Sumber: (Dokumentasi Pribadi, 2015)
Gambar 2: Kondisi social budaya masyarakat di Kampung Naga (Sumber: Dokumentasi Pribadi, 2015)
Pelestarian budaya leluhur dengan mempertahankan adat istiadat sangat diperlukan dalam menjaga agat tradisi dan budaya suatu kelompok masyarakat tertentu tidak punah. Masyarakat Kampung Naga berusaha untuk mempertahankan tradisi dan adat istiadat tersebut sebagai bentuk upaya mereka dalam melestarikan kebudayaanya. Bagi masyarakat Kampung Naga, usaha
pelestarian tersebut tentunya menjadi suatu tantangan tersendiri, karena kondisi geografis permukiman ini yang mudah dicapai oleh pengunjung dan juga karena ditetapkannya Kampung Naga sebagai Desa Wisata oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Disadari atau tidak, banyaknya pengunjung yang datang ke Kampung Naga ini baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung pastinya membawa dampak baik positif maupun negatif pada Kampung Naga. Budaya luar yang dibawa tersebut sedikit banyak tentunya akan mempengaruhi masyarakat Kampung Naga, namun karena kuatnya aturan adat istiadat dan tradisi yang dipegang sejak dahulu, maka masyarakat Kampung Naga berusaha untuk selalu mempertahankan tradisi mereka supaya tidak mudah terpengaruh budaya luar. Banyaknya aturan adat yang ditetapkan dan diterapkan pada kehidupan masyarakat Kampung Naga sehari-harinya bersifat mengikat dan tidak dapat dibantah oleh siapapun. Aturan-aturan tersebut berupa larangan atau pamali yang merupakan sesuatu yang bersifat tabu dan tidak boleh dilanggar. Pelanggar akan mendapatkan hukuman adat yang sudah ditetapkan oleh leluhur terdahulu. Pamali atau larangan inilah yang menjadi benteng pertahanan masyarakat Kampung Naga dalam membatasi masuknya pengaruh budaya dari luar baik yang dibawa oleh pengunjung yang datang ke Kampung Naga maupun oleh warga adat yang sudah lama meninggalkan Kampung Naga yang tinggal di sekitar Kampung Naga.
Yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah, apakah Kampung Naga yang menjaga kemurnian adat istiadat dan tradisi budayanya ini termasuk kawasan yang terisolasi ataukah kawasan yang termasuk dalam preservasi? Hal ini tentunya harus dipahami lebih dalam tentang makna isolasi dan preservasi. Ketika berbicara tentang isolasi, maka yang ada di dalam benak tentunya adalah sesuatu kawasan yang tertutup dari berbagai pengaruh maupun segala sesuatu yang tidak sesuai ataupun tidak seimbang dengan kehidupan masyarakat di dalam kawasan tersebut. Isolasi juga dapat dimaknai sebagai sesuatu yang dipisahkan atau diasingkan dari segala sesuatu yang memiliki pengaruh negatif baginya. Isolasi yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat dapat dibedakan dalam dua aspek yaitu isolasi budaya dan isolasi sosial, dimana keduanya saling terkait satu sama lainnya. Kawasan yang terisolasi biasanya memiliki lokasi yang terpencil, minim sumber daya alam dalam artian sumber daya alam yang dimanfaatkan adalah sumber daya alam yang ada di sekitar kawasan permukimannya, rawan bencana karena biasanya berada di suatu daerah terpencil seperti lereng atau puncak gunung, memiliki keterlambatan perkembangan baik masyarakatnya maupun wilayahnya dibandingkan dengan wilayah lainnya. Sementara itu mengapa sebuah kawasan dapat menjadi terisolasi? Hal ini terjadi karena adanya faktor eksternal dan internal pada masyarakatnya baik dari mulai karena adanya kepatuhan terhadap adat istiadat, tradisi budaya maupun perilaku masyarakatnya sendiri yang tidak ingin berkembang sampai dengan faktor alam yang menjadikannya kawasan tersebut sebagai kawasan terisolasi.
Sementara itu jika melihat makna dari preservasi yang berarti melestarikan, tentunya hal ini hanya dikaitkan dengan kegiatan dalam mempertahankan sesuatu agar tetap lestari. Unsur-unsur yang dilestarikan tentunya berbeda-beda pada setiap kawasan adat, hal ini tergantung dari adat istiadat dan tradisi budaya masyarakatnya maupun perilaku masyarakatnya. Pada suatu kawasan yang ditetapkan sebagai sebuah kawasan preservasi, tentunya tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya adaptasi dan adopsi terhadap suatu pengaruh budaya luar terutama pengaruh perkembangan teknologi yang dapat mempermudah dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari.
Menelaah kehidupan masyarakat Kampung Naga dan juga keberhasilannya sebagai Desa Wisata, maka dapat dilihat bahwa sedikit banyak walaupun masyarakat tetap menjaga nilai-nilai leluhur tetap ada pengaruh luar yang mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakatnya.
Bila di Kampung Naga tadinya sangat menolak masuknya teknologi, namun pada akhirnya teknologi seperti penggunaaan energi listrik sudah mulai dikenal dan digunakan di Kampung Naga, hal ini terlihat adanya beberapa unit rumah yang menggunakan energi batere aki sebagai energi listriknya. Selain itu masyarakat juga mulai mengenai teknologi media televisi walaupun masih terbatas pada televisi bergambar hitam putih, namun hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa kehidupan masyarakat Kampung Naga terbuka dengan pengaruh perkembangan teknologi. Beberapa hal inilah yang dapat menjelaskan bahwa Kampung Naga ini termasuk dalam kategori Desa Adat yang dilestarikan bukan diisolasikan.
Kota Pusaka dan Pemikiran Kembali tentang Historical Attachment dalam Persepsi Masyarakat Studi Kasus: Parakan, Temanggung KOLABORASI Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional: Seminar Heritage Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia (IPLBI) 03-04 Mei 2017 Gedung Negara, Cirebon
Artikel ini merupakan hasil pengamatan tentang studi kasus terpilih yaitu Parakan, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah. Parakan yang sejak tahun 2015 yang lalu telah ditetapkan sebagai satu dari beberapa kota di Indonesia sebagai Kota Pusaka, saat ini manjadi salah satu kota penting di Jawa Tengah karena keberadaan sejarah maupun peninggalan bersejarahnya. Penunjukkan Parakan sebagai Kota Pusaka merupakan salah satu bentuk kepedulian Pemerintah Daerah maupun Pusat pada peninggalan sejarah masa kolonial. Seringkali program ini hanyalah bentuk pendekatan topdown daripada bottom-up, yang justru sudah seharusnya kepentingan masyarakatpun juga harus diperhatikan. Tulisan ini akan mengangkat bagaimana tanggapan dan persepsi masyarakat tentang penetapan Kota Pusaka Parakan khususnya bagi kehidupan masa mendatang. Pengamatan ini merupakan langkah awal dimulainya penelitian dengan metode eksploratif dengan wawancara beberapa responden yang dianggap penting di masyarakat, dan penulisan dilakukan dengan pendekatan naratif deskriptif menggunakan metode intepretasi. Kata-kunci: kota pusaka, Parakan, kelekatan sejarah, persepsi
Pendahuluan Penetapan sebuah kawasan menjadi kawasan bersejarah, merupakan salah satu usaha pemerintah baik Pemerintah Daerah maupun Pemerintah Pusat dalam melestarikan peninggalan bersejarah di Indonesia. Kota Parakan sebagai salah satu
Kecamatan di Kabupaten Temanggung, merupakan kota kecil yang kemungkinan besar tidak dikenal semua orang di Indonesia, sampai pada akhirnya pada tahun 2015, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum RI melalui Piagam Komitmen Penataan Pelestarian Kota Pusata 2015, menetapkan Parakan sebagai salah satu Kota Pusaka di Indonesia. Dalam berita online, 16 Desember 2015, Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olahraga, Woro Andiyani menyatakan bahwa keberadaan situs-situs bersejarah di Temanggung, khususnya Parakan, menjadi latar belakang penetapan kota Parakan sebagai Kota Pusaka. Kota Parakan yang terkenal dengan sejarah KH Subkhi yaitu Kyai Bambu Runcing, pahlawan yang memperkenalkan senjata Bambu Runcing, juga memiliki banyak bangunan peninggalan kolonial yang dianggap bersejarah. Bangunan-bangunan tersebut diantaranya adalah Stasiun Lama, Klenteng Hok Teng Tong, Gerbang Pasar Legi, Komplek Pecinan, Candi Setapan, Gunung Candi, Jembalan Lama Kali Galeh, Rumah Dinas PT KAI, Kawedanan, Rumah KH Subkhi, Makam KH Subkhi, Langgar Wali, Kawasan Kauman, Makan Kyai Parak, Masjid Al Barokah Bambu Runcing, Kantor Kecamatan Parakan dan rumah-rumah peninggalan etnis Tionghoa. Salah satu yang membuat istimewa dari Kota Parakan sebagai Kota Pusaka adalah keberadaan rumah-rumah peninggalan etnis Tionghoa yang dianggap sangat istimewa secara arsitektural. Hal ini dikarenakan bentuk fisik bangunannya yang masih asli, berusia lebih dari dua abad.
Parakan sebagai Kota Pusaka akan dikembangkan untuk keperluan pengembangan kota sebagai tempat wisata dan kota pendidikan. Aset kota pusaka akan diinvetarisir oleh pihak yang berwenang yaitu melalui FGD yang digelar oleh Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga, pihak swasta seperti pihak konsultan dan perwakilan dari warga/ masyarakat Parakan. Aset kota pusaka tersebut meliputi sejarah Parakan, alam serta pusakapusaka budaya dari mulai makanan khas Parakan, seni budaya Parakan, bangunan-bangunan bersejarah peninggalan colonial sampai dengan rumah-rumah etnis Tionghoa. Dengan kegiatan pengembangan kota Parakan ini diharapkan akan memberikan dampak positif khususnya untuk masyarakat lokal yaitu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakatnya. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas mengenai kota Parakan yang layak ditetapkan menjadi Kota Pusaka sebagai sebuah historical attachment terutama bagi masyarakatnya maupun bagi pengunjung dalam hal ini wisatawan baik domestik maupun internasional yang memiliki kepentingan sebagai wisatawan maupun peneliti. Tulisan ini juga akan menguraikan hasil pengamatan baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, dengan metode eksplorasi dan eksplanatori, dengan wawancara pada masyarakat yang dianggap penting untuk menggali persepsi masyarakat tentang kehadiran kota pusaka sebagai kelekatan sejarah.
Teori Tentang Persepsi Mahmud (1990) dalam Mulyadi (2014), menekankan bahwa teori persepsi termasuk dalam teori psikologis perilaku, karena persepsi merupakan faktor psikologis yang memiliki peranan penting dalam mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang. Setiap individu akan memiliki persepsi yang berbeda-beda yang dipengaruhi oleh interpretasi yang berbeda pada setiap individu atau kelompok. Sementara Canter (1977) dalam Herliana (2016) menjelaskan bahwa persepsi adalah suatu proses menjadi sadar terhadap stimulus yang ada di lingkungan kita, dengan kata lain, persepsi dapat diuraikan sebagai proses mendapatkan atau menerima informasi dari lingkungan sekitar kita. Informasi yang didapatkan ini akan berbeda-beda antara satu orang dengan orang yang lain, karena hal ini terkait dengan panca indera masing-masing orang. Reaksi yang ditimbulkan dari setiap orang juga akan berbeda-beda tergantung dari kondisi lingkungan dan kondisi panca indera masing-masing individu. Menurut Herliana (2016) persepsi seringkali dikaitkan dengan persepsi visual, namun indera tidak hanya indera penglihatan yang menangkap stimulus yang ada. Dengan penjelasan tersebut, jelas bahwa stimulus dapat muncul dengan bereaksi terhadap seluruh indera manusia secara keseluruhan. Jika dikaitkan dengan ilmu arsitektur yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam aspek lingkungan, persepsi juga berhubungan dengan
masalah penginterpretasian stimulis dari lingkungan yang dipengaruhi oleh proses belajar dan pengolahan masa lalu (Luthans, 1991 dalam Mulyadi, 2014). Di dalam persepsi menurut Luthans meliputi suatu intensi yang terdiri dari kegiatan seleksi, penyusunan dan penafsiran. Persepsi dari setiap individu dapat dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan, merasai dan memahami informasi yang didapatkan setiap individu melalui penginderaan, hal ini dijelaskan oleh Rapoport (1977). Kegiatan mengumpulkan, merasai dan memahami informasi ini dapat melalui pengalaman ruang individual. Pada tulisan ini yang merupakan pengamatan di lapangan, ditunjang dengan persepsi masyarakat terhadap penetapan sebuah kota pusaka umumnya dan kota Parakan khususnya. Dengan menggali persepsi masyarakat ini, diharapkan dapat membantu memberikan wacana mengenai sejauh mana sebuah kota penting dan dapat ditetapkan sebagai Kota Pusaka. Persepsi yang berbedabeda dari masyarakat dapat memunculkan suatu pemikiran bahwa sebuah Kota Pusaka ditetapkan atas alasan-alasan tertentu.
Teori Historical Attachment Teori attachment atau kelekatan pertama kalinya diangkat dalam ilmu psikologi yang berkaitan dengan perilaku manusia. Pertama kalinya teori ini dihantarkan oleh psikolog Inggris John Bowlby pada tahun 1958 yang dilengkapi oleh Mary Ainsworth pada tahun 1969 (Mc Cartney dan Dearing, 2002). Dalam teori attachment,
Ainsworth menjelaskan bahwa keadaan kelekatan merupakan suatu ikatan emosional yang kuat yang dikembangkan seseorang melalui interaksinya dengan sesuatu baik benda hidup maupun benda mati yang memiliki arti khusus dalam kehidupannya. Kelekatan ini dapat juga diartikan sebagai sebuah ikatan emosional yang terjadi di masa lampau dan akan selalu diingat sampai masa kini dan mungkin di masa mendatang. Ikatan emosional yang terbentuk dari seorang individu ini juga bersifat spesifik, dapat mengikat seseorang dalam suatu kedekatan yang bersifat kekal sepanjang waktu. Sementara itu, Durkin (1995) menekankan bahwa kelekatan ini merupakan suatu hubungan yang didukung oleh tingkah laku lekat (attachment behavior) yang dirancang untuk memelihara kelekatan tersebut. Jika dikaitkan dengan suatu tempat, maka kelekatan akan suatu tempat menjadi bermakna ketika seorang individu dapat merasakan suasana dan pengalaman ruang berdasarkan ingatan maupun interpretasi masing-masing individu. Sebuah “place” atau tempat dapat menjadi penting dan bermakna bila terjadi kelekatan antara seorang individu dengan tempat atau ruang yang dirasakannya. Pengalaman akan ruang ini tentu saja berbeda antara satu individu dengan individu lainnya, dari generasi satu dengan generasi lainnya, tingkat kelekatan satu orang dengan orang lainnya. Seperti yang disampaikan oleh Altman (1992) dalam Dewiyanti (2013) bahwa “place” dibentuk oleh hubungan antara rona fisik lingkungan, aktifitas individu maupun kelompok, serta makna yang terbentuk olehnya. Ada beberapa istilah yang
dijabarkan oleh Altman yaitu place attachment, place identity dan sense of place yang menjelaskan tentang hubungan kelekatan antara seseorang dengan suatu tempat dan lingkungannya. Konsep ini digunakan untuk mempelajari tingkat kelekatan antara seseorang dengan tempat, kelekatan emosional serta maknanya yang dikaitkan dengan persepsi seseorang melalui penginderaannya.
Jika dikaitkan dengan kata sejarah, maka kelekatan seseorang terhadap sesuatu obyek baik benda mati maupun hidup yang berkaitan dengan sejarah maupun memori dapat diperlihatkan dengan kehadiran obyek tersebut. Seseorang dapat memberikan persepsinya dengan interpretasi masing-masing akan suatu obyek terutama yang berkaitan dengan sejarah sesuai dengan kelekatan emosional seseorang.
Dari uraian di atas, jelas dapat dipahami terdapat hubungan yang sangat erat antara teori kelekatan atau attachment dengan teori tentang persepsi. Dengan menggunakan kedua teori dan konsep tersebut, maka dalam tulisan ini akan dipaparkan bagaimana seseorang memberikan suatu persepsi berdasarkan interpretasi masing-masing mengenai tingkat kelekatan seseorang terhadap suatu hal yang berkaitan dengan sejarah.
Parakan Sebagai Kota Pusaka Parakan merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia yang terletak di lereng antara dua gunung yang terbelah oleh jalan, yaitu Gunung Sindoro dan Gunung Sumbing. Kota Parakan dilintasi oleh jalur dari Wonosobo ke Yogyakarta dan Semarang, serta jalur Pantura ke Jakarta. Kota Parakan terkenal sebagai Kota Bambu Runcing, karena kota ini merupakan tempat dimana senjata Bambu Runcing pertama kalinya diperkenalkan oleh KH Subkhi yang dikenal sebagai Jenderal Bambu Runcing. Parakan juga dikenal sebagai tempat kelahiran tokoh perjuangan nasional Mohamad Roem yang dikenal dalam perundingan Roem-Roijen. Asal kata Parakan sendiri dari kata Parak atau Perek yaitu nama seorang Kyai yaitu Kyai Parak, dimana Kyai Parak pertama berasal dari Yaman dan Kyai Parak kedua merupakan pelarian Mataram ketika Amangkurat II memerintah pada jalan kolonial Belanda. Parakan
menjadi terkenal di mata Belanda, ketika menjadi tempat pelarian tentara Pangeran Diponegoro, sehingga pada akhirnya Belanda menjadikan Parakan sebagai pusat candu agar generasi mudanya rusak dan sulit untuk menentang Belanda.
Gambar 1. Peta kuno wilayah Kabupaten Temanggung, dimana di bagian paling atas kanan merupakan Kecamatan Parakan (Sumber:, diakses 22 Maret 2017)
Dalam Undang-undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 tentang Cagar Budaya, disebutkan bahwa Cagar Budaya adalah warisan budaya bersifat kebendaan berupa Benda Cagar Budaya, Bangunan Cagar Budaya, Struktur Cagar Budaya, Situs Cagar Budaya dan Kawasan Cagar Budaya di darat dan/atau di air yang perlu
dilestarikan keberadaannya karena memiliki nilai penting bagi sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, agama, dan/atau kebudayaan melalui proses penetapan. Sementara itu dalam Undang-undang yang sama diuraikan juga definisi tentang apa itu Benda Cagar Budaya. Benda Cagar Budaya adalah benda alam dan/atau benda buatan manusia, baik bergerak maupun tidak bergerak, berupa kesatuan atau kelompok, atau bagian-bagiannya, atau sisa-sisanya yang memiliki hubungan erat dengan kebudayaan dan sejarah perkembangan manusia.
Gambar 3. Peta wilayah Kecamatan Parakan, Kabupaten Temanggung yang telah ditetapkan sebagai Kota Pusaka dengan jaringan jalannya Sumber: Kantor Kecamatan Parakan, 2017
Berdasarkan acuan di atas, Kota Parakan ditetapkan sebagai Kota Pusaka dengan melalui proses penetapan karena alasan pelestarian keberadaannya. Hal ini dikarenakan kota Parakan memiliki nilai penting khususnya dalam hal sejarah, agama dan kebudayaan. Penetapan kota Parakan sebagai Kota Pusaka merupakan salah satu Program Penataan dan Pelestarian Kota Pusaka (P3KP) yang diselenggarakan dan dirintis oleh Direktorat Jenderal Penataan Ruang, saat ini program ini menjadi wewenang dan tanggung jawab Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang RI. Selain itu, proses penataan dan pelestarian Kota Parakan sebagai Kota Pusata dilakukan sesuai prosedur dan aturan dari Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat RI, yaitu dengan membentuk Tim Kota Pusaka Daerah (TKPD) yang membuat Rencana Aksi Kota Pusata (RAKP). Prosedur pengusulan Kota Parakan sebagai Kota Pusaka dilakukan oleh organisasi Nata Parakan Luwes (NPL) bersama dua perwakilan dari instansi pemerintah kabupaten yaitu Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (Bappeda) dan Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga (Disbudparpora). Organisasi Nata Parakan Luwes itu sendiri merupakan kelompok masyarakat yang terdiri dari akademisi, pemangku kepentingan terkait baik dari masyarakat maupun dari instansi, dimana kemudian beberapa orang ditunjuk menjadi Tim TKPD. Tim TKPD inilah yang bertanggung jawab dalam pembuatan RAKP dalam rangka pengusulan penetapan kota pusaka Parakan.
Gambar 2. Peta wilayah Kecamatan Parakan, Kabupaten Temanggung yang telah ditetapkan sebagai Kota Pusaka (Sumber: Kantor Kecamatan Parakan, 2017)
Pada gambar 4a dan 4b, serta 5a dan 5b terlihat bagaimana sejarah ditorehkan dalam sebuah saksi bisu bangunan bersejarah. Kedua bangunan bersejarah di atas dapat menjadi bukti peninggalan kolonial saat itu. Gambar 4a dan 4b menunjukkan peninggalan bangunan stasiun Parakan yang dari masa kolonial sampai saat ini masih memiliki keaslian bentuk yang memperlihatkan sisa-sisa gaya kolonialisme. Sangat disayangkan bangunan ini sudah lama terbengkalai karena minimnya infrastruktur dan juga menurunkan kualitas bangunan sehingga membutuhkan biaya pemeliharaan yang tidak sedikit. Diharapkan dengan program yang diselenggarakan pemerintah dalam melestarikan bangunanbangunan tua bersejarah dapat mengangkat nilai bangunan ini kembali. Sementara pada gambar 4a dan 4b yang merupakan bekas kantor Kawedanan Parakan, saat ini masih berfungsi dengan baik karena difungsikan kembali sebagai Museum Bambu Runcing Parakan. Dengan kehadiran Museum Bambu Runcing ini diharapkan masyarakat lokal khususnya dan masyarakat Indonesia umumnya dapat lebih mengenal Parakan sebagai Kota Bambu Runcing. Gambar 6a dan 6b memperlihatkan sosok pahlawan nasional yang tidak semua rakyat Indonesia mengenalnya. Beliau adalah KH Subkhi, yang dikenal sebagai Kyai Bambu Runcing, merupakan putra dari salah satu anggota pasukan Pangeran Diponegoro. Beliau yang memperkenalkan senjata bambu runcing yang terkenal itu, untuk melawan penjajah. Keberadaannya memang
tidak terdengar di bumi Nusantara ini, namun sejarah yang ditorehkan oleh beliau layak untuk diabadikan. Dari hasil wawancara dengan beberapa masyarakat lokal di Parakan, terutama yang tinggal di kawasan Kauman Parakan, yaitu kawasan dekat dengan hunian KH Subkhi, didapatkan berbagai persepsi tentang penetapan kota Parakan sebagai Kota Pusaka. Dari 10 orang responden yang diwawancara, 6 orang diantaranya menyatakan bahwa Kota Parakan memang layak ditetapkan sebagai Kota Pusaka karena keberadaan sejarah Kyai Bambu Runcing, sementara 4 orang lainnya menganggap Kota Parakan layak ditetapkan sebagai Kota Pusaka karena keberadaan bangunan-bangunan peninggalan kolonialnya. Berikut dapat diuraikan mengenai hasil wawancara dari beberapa responden dengan persepsi dan interpretasi masing-masing: “Parakan adalah kota bersejarah di jaman Belanda dan KH Subkhi sebagai Kyai Bambu Runcing ikut berjuang mengusir penjajah dengan mencetuskan Bambu Runcing sebagai senjata yang ampuh dan bahkan pasukan Pangeran Diponegoro pernah melintasi Parakan dan menjadikannya tempat persembunyian pasukannya.” (Yan Ardiansyah, 35 tahun, Chef Kapal Pesiarsalah satu cicit dari KH Subkhi) “KH Subkhi adalah Kyai Tauhid, pemimpin syahid, sehingga Parakan sebagai kota tempat beliau tinggal sangat layak dijadikan Kota Pusaka, karena di Parakan terdapat satu pusaka
yang tidak dapat dihilangkan dari sejarah yaitu Pusaka KH Subkhi dan Bambu Runcingnya. He is Man Behind the Gun yang menentukan jalannya perang dan terbukti hanya dengan bambu runcing Belanda takut. Pusaka itu satu namun mumpuni, jadi Parakan ditetapkan sebagai Kota Pusaka hanya satu hal yang menjadikannya layak yaitu keberadaan KH Subkhi dan Bambu Runcingnya di jaman colonial.” (Afina, 30 tahun, Karyawatimasyarakat lokal yang tinggal di daerah pecinan)
“Parakan memiliki banyak tempattempat bersejarah, karena dulu Parakan merupakan pusat perdagangan pada jaman kolonial Belanda. Banyak peninggalan sejarah yang masih terawat sampai saat ini diantaranya rumah-rumah etnis Tionghoa yang layak dijadikan tujuan wisata. 198
Keberadaan bangunan-bangunan bersejarah inilah yang menyebabkan Parakan layak dijadikan Kota Pusaka, selain dapat mengembangkan aktifitas perekonomian kota juga dapat menjadikan Parakan menjadi kota wisata.” (Oka, 38 tahun, Ibu Rumah Tangga- yang tinggal di kawasan Kauman) “Terlalu banyak memori yang dipendam pada setiap peninggalan kolonial, sehingga layak untuk dilestarikan keberadaannya, penetapan Kota Parakan sebagai Kota Pusaka menjadikan masyarakat lebih perduli akan sejarah yang pernah terjadi di Parakan.” (Subkhan, 45 tahun, Pemerhati Sejarah Parakan) Di atas dapat terbaca bahwa kelekatan akan suatu sejarah menjadi sangat penting dan bermakna bagi setiap individu. Ada yang menganggap bahwa keberadaan obyek bersejarah seperti kawasan, benda cagar budaya seperti bangunan-bangunan peninggalan kolonial dapat mewakili memori sejarah masa lampau yang tidak layak untuk dihilangkan dan dilupakan, ada juga yang menganggap bahwa keberadaan seseorang di masa lampau yang dianggap bermakda dapat mewakili sejarah suatu kota dan tidak layak dilupakan. Bagaimanapun juga kelekatan akan sejarah dapat membawa dampak emosional yang berbeda-beda pada setiap individu, keberadaan bangunan-bangunan bersejarah peninggalan kolonial Belanda juga akan memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda-beda bagi masyarakatnya.
Sebagai contoh saat seseorang melewati Jalan Kauman dimana tempat KH Subkhi pernah tinggal, mungkin ada yang tidak merasakan emosi yang bermakna, namun ada juga yang dapat merasakan bagaimana dulunya KH Subkhi melewati jalanan tersebut, membawa pasukan Bambu Runcingnya dan siap membela Negara melawan Belanda. Begitu juga dengan ketika seseorang berkunjung di Stasiun Lama Parakan, mungkin saja hanya rasa takut melanda karena sudah tuanya bangunan tersebut dan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai cerita mistis bahwa bangunan tersebut berhantu, namun ada juga yang dapat merasakan bagaimana imaginasinya membawa ke jaman kolonial saat masyarakat Parakan menunggu kereta api uap yang melewatinya dengan beberapa pasukan Belanda berdiri di berbagai sudut bangunan bersejarah tersebut.
Gambar 6a dan 6b. Tidak semua rakyat Indonesia mengenal tokoh di atas, beliau adalah KH Subkhi, Kyai Bambu Runcing, Pahlawan Nasional yang juga merupakan putra salah satu anggota pasukan Pangeran Diponegoro (Sumber:, diakses 12 Maret 2017)
Kelekatan emosional inilah yang dapat dibangkitkan oleh sebuah bangunan bersejarah peninggalan jaman kolonial, sehingga masyarakat tidak hanya berpikir tentang masa kini dan masa depan, namun dapat merasakan bahwa masa kini dan masa depan tidak akan pernah ada tanpa adanya sejarah masa lampau. Suasana dan pengalaman ruang yang berbedabeda setiap orang dapat dibangkitkan melalui pelestarian bangunanbangunan bersejarah tersebut untuk kebutuhan generasi masa kini dan masa mendatang.
Kesimpulan Pelestarian bangunan bersejarah pada jaman kolonial menjadi penting karena keberadaannya sangat membantu setiap generasi dalam mengingat sejarah masa lampau. Dengan mengangkat keberadaan bangunan-bangunan bersejarah tersebut dengan menetapkannya sebagai bangunan yang layak untuk dilestarikan, maka masyarakat dapat lebih menghargai kehadirannya. Penetapan Kota Pusaka pada suatu kawasan atau kota yang memiliki sejarah yang signifikan juga dapat mengangkat tenggelamnya sejarah akan kota tersebut. Masyarakat dapat merasakan dan melihat langsung museum sejarah dalam skala makro yaitu kota. Dengan melibatkan masyarakat lokal, maka dapat digali berbagai persepsi terhadap kelayakan sebuah kota sebagai kota bersejarah. Kelekatan emosional terhadap sejarah masa lampau juga dapat digali melalui persepsi masyakarat tersebut.
Understanding the Existence of Historical Old Buildings in the PostColonial Era as Historical Attachment, Case Study: Jakarta Old Town Area KOLABORASI Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Internasional:
The 3rd Humboldt Kolleg in Indonesia Universitas Pembangunan Jaya Putri Duyung Cottage Indonesia 24-25 Juli 2017
This research is aimed at identifying the extent of which the influence of colonialism and imperialism for the existence of historical buildings in the post-colonial era within the area of Jakarta Old Town; to explore the transformation of the historical buildings within Jakarta Old Town from the colonial era to the post-colonial era. The idea of this research is based on the existence of social and cultural phenomena within the community in regard to architectural conservation for historical buildings. The community within Jakarta as a metropolitan city, generally, and within Jakarta Old Town area in particular, have a direct impact on the implementation of the concept of building conservation. By digging up information from literature, old archives and community’s perception of historical buildings within Jakarta Old Town, this research seeks to answer the research objectives. This research is a descriptive qualitative research project which conducts a narrative descriptive method to describe the case study in both physical and non-physical aspects. Another approach that has been chosen is a hermeneutics method, through using a perception and interpretation approach with the local community to answer the question of the research. Keywords: Historical Building, Postcolonial, Historical Attachment, Local Perception
Introduction Jakarta Old Town has been regarded as an area of urban heritage in Indonesia which has suffered from the impact of globalization. One of the efforts from government is to preserve and conserve all historical buildings within the area. The aim is to enhance and upgrade the quality of the historical buildings themselves. Jakarta Old Town District has many historical old buildings within it, from Masjid Luar Batang, Museum Bahari, Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, Jembatan Kota Intan, Toko Merah, Museum Bank Mandiri, Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik, Pasar Ikan, Menara Syah Bandar, Galangan VOC, Stasiun Beos Kota and Museum Fatahillah (see Figure 1). This paper will not discuss all the above historical old buildings, but will explore just one of the significant historical old buildings within Jakarta Old Town District. The significant historical building within Jakarta Old Town district chosen is Fatahillah Museum which has been known as Jakarta Historical Museum (Museum Sejarah Jakarta). Fatahillah Museum is located at Jalan Taman Fatahillah No. 1, Jakarta and had been used as The City Hall for The VOC in the colonial era (Stadhuis van Batavia). The local government of Jakarta has designated the Stadhuis as Fatahillah Museum, to preserve the existence of this historical building. By adapting to its new use as a museum, this building can be maintained continuously and it enables sustainable memory from the past for the next generation.
This article is a part of research with more than one case study, with exploration of a number of case studies to support the research in answering the question of the research. Basically, the idea of this research is based on the existence of social and cultural phenomena within community in regard to historical buildings as well as the historical area. In this case, using Jakarta Old Town District as a case study, the research explores by involved digging out of the information, from archives, documentation and local community perceptions about the existence of historical buildings as well as the historical area, and the impact of the implementation of the concept of conservation and revitalization.
Fig. 1: The Jakarta Old Town District Area (Source: Jakarta Old Town District Map, 2015)
Fig. 2: Zoning of Jakarta Old Town District (Source: Rencana Induk Kota Tua Jakarta, 2008)
Conservation and Historical Attachment Conservation and Historical Building Lots of literature has explained about what conservation and preservation are, and why buildings should be conserved and preserved. One piece of the literature has explained that, in architecture, all kinds of historical buildings could be related to the word for heritage which is in Indonesia could be determined as “warisan” or “pusaka”. Heritage can be divided into two parts, intangible (for example music tradition, and culture) and tangible (artefact, historical sites and historical buildings). Furthermore, in another literature by Susongko, it was underlined that historical buildings should be preserved and become cultural heritage if the building has certain criteria, as follows: i) Aesthetic, i.e. the buildings represents a particular architectural style ii) Complexity, which refers to the building representing a special particular architectural style and that could be preserved as a particular building type iii)Special, which refers to the uniqueness of the building type or it being the last example of building type iv) Historical, which represents the historical value of the building or that it has become a historical site of a particular historical event v) Distinctive, which represents the excellence and uniqueness of the era when the building was built, such as the tallest building
in the world, the biggest building of the world, or the longest bridge of the world. The above criteria were adjusted from the PERDA DKI Jakarta No. 9/ 1999, Article 8 (Local Government Regulation) about Pelestarian dan Pemanfaatan Lingkungan dan Bangunan Cagar Budaya – Preservation and Environmental Utilization and Culture Building Heritage (2). The designation of building heritage should fulfill these criteria below: i) History ii) Age iii)Originality iv) Specific and distinctive v) Landmark vi) Architecture Purwantiasning,, explained in her previous research that in referring to historical aspects, as well as architectural aspects, designated buildings for conservation within Jakarta Old Town Area, in particular, and within Indonesian Heritage sites, in general, can be classified into 4 different classes as follow: i) Grade A: Historical old buildings with high architectural value. These kind of buildings can not be changed, added to, destroyed or rebuilt. ii) Grade B: Historical old buildings with specific character of the form with a good structure, creating a better environment and a harmonious living space. Buildings with this classification
cannot have their main structure, main roof or facade changed. Changes can be made to the interior of the buildings, as well as some destroyed elements, however the form of the building should remain the same. iii)Grade C: Historical old buildings with so many changes because the condition is so bad; thus, buildings in this class can be changed and rebuilt again, however the changes should still follow the facade pattern of the surrounded buildings. Basically, the new building should be in keeping with the context of the old one. iv) Grade D: Buildings with this classification are all historical old buildings which can be totally changed because the building has been destroyed and cannot be protected anymore. These buildings can be rebuilt with urban planning showing concern for the environmental scale so that works will not disturb the surrounding area. Theory of Historical Attachment The term of historical attachment has been derived from the words of history and attachment, which are related to each other within this research. The theory of attachment itself was first introduced in 1958 to discuss about psychology in relation to human behavior. In 1969, this theory had been completed with Ainsworth theory which explained that attachment is related to emotional bonding and affection to something (Altman, 1992). This emotional bonding has been developed by someone through interaction with
an object either living object (human, animal or plant) or dead object (something which has particular or special meaning for someone). This attachment could be an emotional bonding which related to the past and would remain until present day or even in the future. Durkin (1995) has underlined that this attachment could be connected to the relation of something that would be supported by attachment behavior to maintain the attachment. Referring to this research, attachment could be related to the history of something, in this case is a historical old building or historical area. If the attachment is related to a place, then this attachment would become something special. Someone could feel the sense of the atmosphere or experience of space based on memory or individual interpretation. Historical old buildings or even historical areas which could be considered as places, will become an important or significant places for someone when related to history or something to do with the past, in this case for Museum Fatahillah is a reminder of the colonial era. One thing that should be underlined in this theory of attachment is that history should be related to the past and this should be proved by evidence, either old archives, documentation or oral history from someone that could describe about the past. This attachment is not just about memory of the past, but also it is important to relate to old evidence. Historical attachment between one person
to another is different, because it depends on the experience of space of someone and the perception of someone in reading or interpreting some historical archives and documentations from past. Someone could have a historical attachment, either after learning about the history of the building or the area, or after having heard about the history from someone else that has knowledge about the history of the building or the area. This attachment will show the extent to which the emotional bonding of someone to the history of the past is related to a historical old building or historical old area, particularly, in this research, to the Jakarta Old Town Area with The Museum Fatahillah located within it.
Research Methodology This research is a descriptive qualitative research which conducts a narrative descriptive method to describe the case study in both physical and non-physical aspects. Another approach that has been chosen is a hermeneutics method, by using a perception and interpretation approach with the local community to answer the question of the research.
Findings and Result Physically, the area of Museum Fatahillah is an area consisting of buildings with colonial architecture (Dutch style). The buildings and area all the way to Jalan Pinangsia have very significant character and are about hundred years old. According to the history of all the buildings, they have significant history and from past to present, the function of those buildings have been changed from time to time, following the needs of the market. The local government (PEMKOT DKI Jakarta), has been encouraged to maintain all the buildings using their budget for the sustainability of The Jakarta Old Town District which has become a very significant part of the identity of the city. One of the most significant buildings within The Jakarta Old Town District is The Museum Fatahillah, which has been known as Historical Museum of Jakarta. This building used to function as The City Hall of the Ducth in the Colonial Era. The character of the building has been maintained to remain the same, this is to remind people of the past and become a memory for present generation and future generations. On the otherhand, the area of The Museum Fatahillah has been regarded as one of the tourist destinations, for either domestic or international tourists, because this area has been designated as a historical place (Cagar Budaya) by UNESCO. This condition has made the area of The Museum Fatahillah one of the most
significant areas within The Jakarta Old Town District, and become the busiest place within the area. Certain aspects should be fulfilled to reach the criteria’s requirement criteria for historical buildings according to UNESCO. This condition has encouraged the local government (PEMKOT DKI JAKARTA) which collaborated with the local Unit Pengelolaan Kawasan to enhance the facilities and services for tourism particularly the infrastructure of the area.
Physically, the building of the Museum Fatahillah has the same typology as some government buildings (city hall) in Holland. This existence of The Museum Fatahillah, for sure, will provide the significant atmosphere of a colonial building as the building in Holland. 215
The local community, which has the direct impact of the existence of the Museum Fatahillah, will gain some positive impacts from the area as a tourist destination. The impacts will include some economic, social, cultural and political aspects. Visitors to The Museum Fatahillah are not just tourists, but also people from educational institutions such as from elementary schools, secondary schools, junior or senior high schools, or even researchers either local or international, who are interested in gaining more information about the history of The Musem Fatahillah. This condition could enhance the emotional bonding for present or future generations in relation to the historical building. For example, the present generation, who never had knowledge about the building, will have more experiences after their exploration of The Museum Fatahillah. They will feel the sense of the place and will have some kind of attachment about the building. This condition could be said to be a historical attachment. They will attach emotionally because of the history of the building. The existence of The Museum Fatahillah that had been used as a government office (city hall) and has an underground prison, will give more knowledge to the present generation about how the building was before. The present generation will feel the sense of the building and they would attach the information into their mind, and would tell to their generation and on to the future generation, and so on.
Fig. 3: The Museum Fatahillah under renovation (Source: private documentation, 2017).
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Destination TIJA (Ancol Muse Park) TMII (Indonesia Miniature Park) Ragunan Zoo National Monument National Museum Satria Mandala Museum Fatahillah Museum Textile Museum CeramicMuseum Maritime Museum Wayang/ Puppet Museum Juang 45 Museum Sunda Kelapa Port
Year 2005
2.060.065 586.250 24.268 59.247
2.963.087 663.364 371.104 1.340.003
3.392.223 706.757 157.906 48.591
3.329.186 924.445 104.739 77.525
3.545.212 2.112.217 165.907 53.769
3.580.024 1.253.364 375.710 63.797
724.082 43.107 76.716 6.327 164.606
Fig. 4: Information about museum’s visitors which showing that the Museum Fatahillah is the most significant museum within area Jakarta Old Town (Source: Dinas Pariwisata Jakarta, 2010
17.904 34.112
Fig. 5: The area of the Museum Fatahillah (Source: Jakarta Old Town Guidelines, 2007
Furthermore, historical attachment would give emotional impact to each person, differently, because the existence of historical buildings will give different experiences to individuals. For example when someone has explored The Museum Fatahillah, this person would feel the emotional meaning about the building,
maybe this person would feel how it was for all indonesian people who have lived in the underground prison, whether the Dutch people were working on the upper level of the building of Stadhuis.
This emotional attachment could be gained by the existence of the historical old building which has been left from the colonial era, that would make people particularly the local community, think not just about the present day but also about the future. People would understand, that there will not be a future without the existence of history of the past. This condition could not be separated from the conservation and preservation initiative that should be delivered by the government, either locally or centrally to fulfill the needs of the present and the future generations.
Conclusion and Future Work The need to conserve and preserve historical old buildings has become a significant agenda for local and central government, because the existence of historical old buildings helps each
generation to be reminded of all the history of the past. By presenting the existence of historical old buildings within historical areas and designating historical buildings as conserved buildings, the community will understand and appreciate their existence. This condition will gain and enhance the emotional attachment of people about the existence of historical buildings through their history, thus the historical attachment of each person could be reached. Furthermore, the research will be developed by exploring the relation between historical attachment and the process of designation of a conservation area and the extent to which historical attachment has a role in the designation of a conservation area. Acknowledgement This research is based on several years of research which has now been incorporated, from 2016 to 2019, as part of a dissertation for a doctoral program. This research is a first year research project and the publication in the international conference has been funded by Universitas Indonesia under PITTA (Publikasi Internasional Terindeks untuk Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa UI) program
The Role of Historical Attachment in the Designation of Conservation Areas in Indonesia in the Post-Colonial Era KOLABORASI Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Internasional: International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage and Urban History DAKAM-Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center 13-14 Oktober 2017 Istanbul, Turkey
This research aims to define the extent to which historical attachment has played a role in the designation of conservation areas in post-colonial Indonesia. It conducts a case study of an area that has been designated as a historical city in Central Java, known as Parakan in Temanggung District. The research applies a qualitative method, using a narrative descriptive approach to describe the process of designation of a historical area in Parakan, Temanggung and interviewing some relevant respondents who have strong attachments to the history of the city. Keywords: Historical Attachment, Designation, Conservation Area, Post-Colonial
Introduction One of the major issues in city centres generally and capital cities in particular is the existence of abandoned and unoccupied historical buildings and historical areas. Their existence interferes with the performance and the image of the city, although some become assets, as we know that historical buildings and historical areas are among the most significant heritage sites shaping the identity of a particular city. To address this issue, governments have been encouraged to preserve and conserve these old historical buildings and areas, not just to remind people of the past but also to educate future generations about history. As stated by Purwantiasning (2013), certain criteria are required to designate
an area within a city as a conservation area. In particular, a conservation area should be designated by choosing an area which has local wisdom (Purwantiasning, 2013).
According to the literature, conservation can be defined as a concept that aims to manage a place or historical area, as well as historical objects such as buildings or monuments, by applying a particular treatment, and to preserve the values of such historical objects. The special and significant character of these historical objects (areas, buildings, monuments) should then become part of the identity of the city.
This research is based on previous studies related to conservation, and particularly architectural conservation. The researcher will try to uncover the phenomenon of historical attachment from individuals who are connected to historical buildings and areas as well as their experiences in space and time. Madgin (2013) argues that individuals’ emotional values and sense of place (place attachment) play an important role in the designation of conservation areas. This research will develop Madgin’s argument and examine these phenomena in relation to the conducted case study.
What is Historical Attachment? The discussion of historical attachment will start by examining the etymology of the words “historical” and “attachment”. The word “historical” comes from “history”, which is related to chronological events from the past and requires evidence, which could be in the form of archives, documents and oral history from people who were alive in the period of interest. On the other hand, the word “attachment” comes from “attach” in the context of human behaviour. Attachment behaviour is connected to emotional bonding and affection towards something (a particular object). Ainsworth’s theory of attachment explains that this kind of attachment develops through interaction with an object, either living or inanimate (Altman, 1992), which has a particular or special meaning for the individual. Furthermore, according to Durkin (1995), this attachment is usually supported and
maintained by attachment behaviour. In this study, attachment will be related to the past and will be used as a method to designate something particular as a significant object for conservation. This historical attachment will involve emotional bonding from the past that persists until the present day or even into the future. Referring to previous research, attachment could be related to the history of an object: in this case, an old, historical building or area. If the attachment is related to a place, then it becomes something special. Individuals could feel a sense of the atmosphere or experience of the space based on memory or individual interpretation. Historical buildings, or even historical areas that could be considered as places, will become important or significant when related to history or to the past. One thing that should be underlined in this theory of attachment is that such links to the past must be supported by evidence from, for example, archives, documentation or oral history from someone who can describe the past. This attachment is not just about memory of the past, as it is important to relate it to evidence. Historical attachment between one person and another is different, because it depends on people’s perceptions and experiences when reading or interpreting historical archives and documentation. Someone could have a historical attachment either after learning about the history of the building or the area or after hearing about the history from another person who has knowledge about the history of the site. This attachment will show the extent to which an individual’s emotional bonding to the history of the past is related to a
historical building or area, in particular (Purwantiasning et al., 2017).
Designation of Conservation Areaa According to the 1977 Civic Amenities Act, an area of conservation is defined as an area with (Purwantiasning et al., 2004): 1) Specific architectural character and interest; 2) Specific historical interest; 3) Eligible character to be improved and enhanced; 4) Eligible appearance to be preserved; 5) Eligible appearance to be enhanced. Referring to Undang-Undang Tengang Cagar Budaya No. 11 Cagar Budaya Tahun 2010, Cagar Budaya or cultural heritage can be defined as immaterial cultural heritage in the form of cultural objects, heritage buildings, heritage structures, world heritage and cultural districts on land that needs to be preserved because it has important value for history, science, education, religion and/or culture through a setting process (Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia, 2010). Furthermore, according to Catanese and Snyder (1984), there are certain elements that encourage the preservation of history in the urban areas. These include, among others (Purwantiasning et al., 2004):
• The need to protect our heritage, in the sense that when remnants of the past are not protected, natural change processes will alter or even eliminate them. These remnants of the past are also seen to have educational value. • The need to ensure variety in urban buildings, because preserving the past will prevent cities from becoming monotonous and homogenous places where every building looks the same. The preservation of buildings from different periods will ensure variation. This will contribute to the particular identity and character of the historical site, known as genius loci. • Economically, historical buildings are also considered to increase in value if maintained properly and are therefore a good investment for a historical city. In order to be designated as a conservation area, an area should have a significant character which has special value. The act of designating an area as a conservation area is aimed to strengthen its image and influence on the surrounding area, which is very meaningful to improve the quality and the image of the environment. The designation of a conservation area is not generally an appropriate means of protecting the wider landscape, but has become an effective way to protect an open area whose character and appearance are related to its historic value, such as the material, the design form of the building, the pattern of the building mass, the spatial elements or the style of the building.
Referring to this research, the designation of a conservation area is not only related to the requirement of the local regulations, but is also connected to the needs of the local community. This is because the local community is the most significant object that will be affected by the direct impact of the activity of designation of the conservation area. Such designation will be relevant to the setting of the surrounding area as well as to the local community, which should be encouraged to participate in the process of designation of a conservation area. This activity should describe how the places – particularly historical sites – could be experienced by local people who live and work there as well as by visitors, who will have a direct impact on the area. This impact should be related to the contribution to the area, particularly to its setting and appearance and the quality of life of the local community.
Post-Colonial Era The term “post-colonial” has been used by historians since World War II to refer to all aspects related to the period after independence (freedom from colonial rule). Since the 1970s, the term “post-colonial” is not only used by historians but also in wider discussions of any cultural impacts from the colonization process, which refers to the cultural interaction between natives and invaders. Furthermore, this terminology has been used more generally to discuss anything related to the impact of European
colonizers on the politics, literature, language and cultural experiences of local communities (Ashcroft, 2007). This term could be defined in simple terms as the period after colonial rule, but from a different perspective, it could be defined as a critique of colonial ideology, of the colonial dominance and indeed of Western culture. The theory of post-colonialism could be used to describe the transformation of culture in Indonesia, encompassing all aspects related to art, such as architecture. It can be used to describe the transformation from the colonial and imperialist era to the postcolonial era. This approach is related to the perspectives and experience of individuals who criticize this transformation. The post-colonial era could be considered as a historical representation of all things related to the events in the past between natives (Indonesia) and invaders (European).
Research Methodology This research is a descriptive qualitative study which applies a narrative descriptive method to describe the case study from both a physical and a non-physical perspective. Another approach that has been chosen is a hermeneutic method, which uses a perception and interpretation method with the local community to answer the research question.
Case Study: Parakan, Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia Parakan is located in the middle of Java Island, between two mountains: Sumbing and Sindoro. Parakan, as a suburban area of Indonesia with rice and tobacco fields, has been regarded as a rich area since the 18th century. These types of field are the most significant natural resources in Parakan. Parakan has been chosen as a case study because this city has a significant history. This area has been inhabited since the 18th century and was once the most significant rice warehouse in Java. Since the end of the 18th century, tobacco has been grown as a commercial plant in this area and the local community has played a role in trading. As a result, Parakan became a commercial centre in North Kedu and the centre of trading activity. After the Diponegoro War, Parakan become the densest Chinese settlement in Central Java and grew rapidly to become a city. Parakan has been regarded as a city with three cultures: the Javanese community, which consists of the native community and “pendherek” (followers of Pangeran Diponegoro); the Chinese community who came to Parakan many years ago; and the governing people from Holland. But after the Java War (18251830), Parakan was inhabited by the native community and more Chinese people who wanted to live there (Murtiyoso, 2016).
The roles of the local community remained the same until the 20th century. There are three significant roles in the community: the native community, who work as farmers and carpenters; “pendherek” or followers who work as religious leaders (kyai), landlords and rice traders; and the Chinese community, who work as traders, especially tobacco traders.
Over time, Parakan has experienced significant physical and economic decline compared with surrounding cities. Its local government has been encouraged to restore it to its former glory through tourism by promoting its historical and cultural values. One of the most significant activities from the local community in collaboration with local government has been to propose Parakan as a heritage city, and the memorandum of understanding to this effect was declared and signed on 10th December 2015 by Bupati Temanggung and the Minister of Pekerjaan, Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat.
Gambar 5-2: Bagan Keletakan Parakan di Jawa Figure 1. Location of Parakan in Central Java Tengah Source: Murtiyoso (2016) Sumber: Sutrisno, 2016
Parakan terletak di simpang tiga yang mengara
di selatan, sebagai pusat kekuasaan politik; pantai ut
pelabuhan, serta terakhir ke arah barat, pegunungan D
bersemayam. Ketiga tujuan 232 ini ada dalam jarak perja
Parakan sekaligus menjadi simpul penampung hasil bu
dasawarsa 1880an. Nama ini berubah menjadi Jalan Kelenteng, karena ada kelenteng di ujung timur jalan ini. Terakhir namanya Jalan Bamburuncing.
Gambar 5-6: Jejaring jalan perkotaan Parakan Sumber Sutrisno Murtiyoso, 2016 Figure 2.
Map of Parakan Source: Murtiyoso (2016)
Sesudah ditetapkan menjadi jalur militer, maka jalur jalan paling selatan
menjadi paling penting, apalagi kawedanan dan pasar ada disini juga. Inilah urat nadi perdagangan Parakan sampai sekarang. Pada awalnya disebut Pecinan Kidul atau Jalan Raya, lalu di jaman penjajahan Jepang menjadi Jalan Wonosobo dan di masa Orde Baru diubah lagi menjadi Jalan Diponegoro. Jalur silang selatan utara semuanya berupa jalan kecil, walaupun fungsinya sebagai penghubung antar kampung sangat penting. Jalur melintas Jalan Diponegoro menuju Jalan Bamburuncing. Lintasan ini menghubungkan Jalan Sebokarang dan jalan menuju Ngemplak. Jalur kecil lainnya mulai dari sisi timur Kademangan, melintas Jalan Gambiran menuju Desa Ngempon. Di bagian barat, jalur terpenting adalah penghubung Desa Klewogan dengan Coyudan dengan melintasi Jalan Kyai Haji Subuki
Figure 3. Map of Parakan in the Colonial Period (19th - 20th century) Source: KITLV Collection (2015)
Jalur timur ke barat yang pertama ada di jalur tengah, dari Parakan lurus ke
arah barat, menyilang jalur selatan-utara dan terus melalui kompleks bekas Kadipaten,
Figure 4. Administrative Map of Parakan in the Colonial Period (19th - 20th century) Source: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Temanggung (2015)
Figure 5a and 5b. Condition of the Railway Station in Parakan in the Colonial and Post-Colonial Periods Source:, accessed 12th March 2017
The designation of Parakan as a heritage city is not based solely on the existence of historical buildings within the area as tangible heritage sites, but also on the value of its tradition and culture as forms of intangible heritage. One valuable artefact that has existed since the colonial era is the bamboo runcing: a traditional weapon used by Indonesian soldiers in the colonial era. It has become a significant object in the history and culture of Parakan, which was known as the City of the Bamboo Runcing. The local community is very proud of the bamboo runcing and its history. It was introduced to Indonesian soldiers by the religionist K.H. Subkhi and became the traditional weapon of Indonesia. This historical aspect has led to emotional bonding and affection for this hero as a pioneer of the Bamboo Runcing. All members of the community of Parakan, whether native Indonesians, the Chinese community or “pendherek” or followers of Pangeran Diponegoro and their great-grand-children, have this historical attachment. The process of designation of Parakan as a conservation area involved not only local government and the general community, but also members of the native community, the Chinese community, “pendherek” and academics. This designation came about not only because Parakan has a significant character and performance, but also because of its significant historical attachment with its community, especially in relation to the colonial era. The community of Parakan still has this attachment to the present day, and hopefully it will be sustained in the future for the next generation. This will help Parakan to become a
sustainable historical and heritage city for Indonesia generally and Central Java in particular. The above discussion has demonstrated that the role of historical attachment of the community, particularly Parakan’s people, is very significant and extremely important in the process of decision-making for the designation of a conservation area. This attachment should be maintained not just for the present day, but also for the future and for the next generation.
Figure 6a and 6b. The religionist and pioneer of the Bamboo Runcing, K.H. Subkhi, Kyai Bambu Runcing, National Hero of Indonesia and son of one of the soldiers of Pangeran Diponegoro Source:, accessed 12th March 2017
Conclusion This research has discussed the importance of the role of historical attachment in the designation of conservation areas. Attachment to a place/area or building which represents a particular period in history will have a significant role in decision-making, particularly with regard to conservation issues. Individuals’ emotional values are important considerations in the decision-making process, particularly in this case pertaining to the designation of a conservation area.
The significance of a historical site will affect individuals’ perceptions or interpretations, leading to strong place attachments. These individual historical attachments will confer authenticity on an area or object that deserves to be conserved.
Acknowledgement This research is based on several years of research which has now been incorporated, from 2016 to 2019, as part of a dissertation for a doctoral program. This research is a first year research project and its publication in the international conference has been funded by Universitas Indonesia under PITTA (Publikasi Internasional Terindeks untuk Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa UI) program.
An Application of Smart Building Concept for Historical Building Using Automatic Control System Case Study: Fatahillah Museum KOLABORASI Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Saeful Bahri Aditya Wicaksono Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Internasional: International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage and Urban History DAKAM-Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center 13-14 Oktober 2017 Istanbul, Turkey
An activity of conservation for historical old building has become an important issue nowadays in Indonesia, particularly in Jakarta. One of the concept is by implementing the concept of smart building into historical old building using a concept which could maintain economically and financially. Some historical old buildings within Jakarta have been revitalized with new function which is known as adaptive reused concept. Although this concept has been regarded not effectively implemented to reduce energy consumption. To solve this problem, this research will deliver an alternative solution by introducing the application of smart building concept within historical old building using automatic control system. This system will cover the air conditioning and lighting system within the building. This research will conduct a comparatively method from some precedent studies and will use an inductive approach. At the final phase, this research will provide a solution design by simulating the using of automatic control system within historical old building. Keywords: smart building, historical building, automatic control system
Introduction Jakarta Old Town has been regarded as one of urban heritage in Indonesia which had the impact from globalization. One of the effort from government to preserve and conserve all historical buildings within area is by applying the concept of smart building. The application of this concept is one of the initiative program from government to enhance and upgrade the quality of the historical building itself. One of the significant historical building within Jakarta Old Town district is Fatahillah Museum which has been known as Jakarta Historical Museum (Museum Sejarah Jakarta). Fatahillah Museum is located at Jalan Taman Fatahillah No. 1, Jakarta and had been used as City Hall for VOC in colonial era (Stadhuis van Batavia). Local government of Jakarta has designated the building of Stadhuis as Fatahillah Museum, to preserve the existence of this historical building. By adapting new use as museum, this building could be maintained continuously and has sustainable memory from past for the next generation. Although, this building has a degradation of utility from time to time. To solve this problem, this research will provide an alternative solution in enhancing and upgrading the quality of Fatahillah Museum. By applying a concept of smart building for Fatahillah Museum, this building could be more comfort and safe for the visitors. And for sure, this will impact to the increasing of the visitors to the building. The main problem of Fatahillah Museum is the need of lighting either
natural lighting or artificial lighting and the air conditioning within the building. This condition could spoil the artefacts, the paintings, the sculptures and everything in the museum. The using of both aspect (lighting and air-conditioning) could be controlled by using automatic control system. This research will provide the suitable control system for lighting and air-conditioning system. By using this control system, the energy consumption could be minimalize as well, thus could reduce the maintenance cost for Fatahillah Museum particularly and historical building generally.
Smart Building Concept There are some definitions about smart building refer to some experts, according to Cardin (1983), smart building is a building which has been completed with building service control system automatically. Referring to The Intelligent Building Institution Washington (1998), smart building could be defined as a building which integrating some system to manage all resources effectively in a central coordination to maximize technical performance, investment, and to minimize operational cost and flexibility. Yang and Peng (2001) has defined a smart building as a building which has a capability to learn (learning ability) and to adapt the performance with the users as well as the environment. Sinopoli (2010) has determined the systems of smart building which is involving intelligent component installation and integrated one to another. Those systems are as follow: HVAC Control, Lighting Control, Audio Visual, Video Distribution, Access Control, Data
Network, Voice Network, Surveillance and Fire Alarm.
According to Roestanto (2003), there are some aspects that should be considered in applying a concept of smart building. Those aspects are lighting, air conditioning, safety and fire alarm, communication, transportation, mechanical (plumbing, etc), electrical.
There are some differences between smart building concept and green building concept, even though both concept is delivering some building innovation which is showing a modern technology building. According to Innovation Norway Program, there are some common aspects between green building concept and smart building concept, those aspects could be shown as follow: Air condition ing lighting building physics aspect
Safety and fire alarm Communication
electrical mechanical
Control System Figure 1. Aspects in Smart Building Concept (Source: Roestanto W.D, 2003)
Figure 2. The Commonality between Smart Building Concept and Green Building Concept (Source: Innovation Norway Program, has been accessed on 20th March 2017)
Historical Building Hidayati (2009) has explained that, in architecture, all kind of historical building could be related to the word of heritage which is in Indonesia could be determined as “warisan” or “pusaka”. Heritage could be divided into two part, intangible (for example music, tradition, and culture) and tangible (artefact, historical sites and historical buildings).
Susongko (1986) has underlined that historical building should be preserved and become a cultural heritage if the building has some criteria as follow: 1. Aesthetic, which represent particular architectural style 2. Complexity, which represent the building with special particular architectural style but could be preserved as a particular building type 3. Special, which represent the unique of building type or as the last example of building type 4. Historical, which represent the historical value of the building or become a historical site of particular historical event 5. Distinctive, which represent the excellence and unique of the era when the building was built, such as the tallest building in the world, the biggest building of the world, or the longest bridge of the world. The above criteria has been adjusted from the PERDA DKI Jakarta No. 9/ 1999, article 8 (Local Government Regulation) about Pelestarian dan Pemanfaatan Lingkungan dan Bangunan Cagar Budaya – Preservation and Environmental Utilization and Culture Building Heritage. The designation of building heritage should fulfill this below criteria: 1. History 2. Age 3. Originality
4. Specific and distinctive 5. Landmark 6. Architecture Bahri (2015) in his previous research has explained that referring to historical aspects, as well as architectural aspects, designated buildings for conservation within Jakarta Old Town Area, in particular, and within Indonesian Heritage sites, in general, can be classified into 4 different classes as follows: Grade A: Historical old buildings with high architectural value. These kind of buildings can not be changed, added to, destroyed or rebuilt. Grade B: Historical old buildings with specific character of the form with a good structure, creating a better environment and a harmonious living space. Buildings with this classification cannot have their main structure, main roof or facade changed. Changes can be made to the interior of the buildings, as well as some destroyed elements, however the form of the building should remain the same. Grade C: Historical old buildings with so many changes because the condition is so bad; thus, buildings in this class can be changed and rebuilt again, however the changes should still follow the
facade pattern of the surrounded buildings. Basically, the new building should be in keeping with the context of the old one. Grade D: Buildings with this classification are all historical old buildings which can be totally changed because the building has been destroyed and cannot be protected anymore. These buildings can be rebuilt with urban planning showing concern for the environmental scale so that works will not disturb the surrounding area.
Automatic Control System An activity of conservation for historical old building has become an important issue nowadays in Indonesia, particularly in Jakarta. One of the concept is by implementing the concept of smart building into historical old building using a concept which could reduce the energy consumption and maintenance cost. The main problem for the building is lack of utility, this research will provide how to maintain energy by using automatic control system thus it could reduce the energy consumption. Roestanto (2003) has explained that energy manager will provide its capability for user to configure some energy system. To manage the using of lighting or air conditioning for example, it will need a lighting control which could manage the lighting as minimum as it is. Generally, Laela (2000) has explained that lighting control will include switcher, dinner, sensor, and
programmer. Switcher will be used to turn off and turn on the light, dimmer to control the intensity of light. Sensor will be used as a detector which is working based on user activities or could control the power of the light in the room thus the light could be turn on and turn off automatically. And the last one is programmer which will be used to control lighting in complex way, not just on or off but could control in particular condition. There are some lighting sensors that will be discussed in this paper, as follow: 1. Passive Infra Red (PIR) System This system will manage the lighting using infra red control from human. The light will be on during people inside the room. The existence of the people within the room will be detected by this system. According to Otomo and Wildian (2013), this system will turn on the light automatically soon as there is a person inside the room, and will turn off the light automatically as well in while after the person leaving the room.
Figure 3. Diagram of Block Detector to detect the existence of an object Source: Scientific Journal: Control System for Lighting, Galoeh Otomo and Wildian, 2013
2. Lux Sensor System This system will be used to control the intensity of the lighting in the room whether it is too dark or too light. By using this sensor, the need of the lighting could be control depend on the activity within the room. Usually, the sensor will use module sensor of lighting intensity BH1750 which is having digital lighting which produce digital signal to control the light. By using this module, it will be not necessary to use complicated formulation, because BH1750 has been regarded as an accurate tool. 3. Motion Sensor System This system usually has been plugged into ceiling with 1,25-4,00-meter high. This sensor has been used to control the movement of the user in the room which has been known as motion sensor. The light will be automatically on and off if there is particular movement in the room.
Figure 4. Motion Sensor Tool Source: Nur Laela, 2015
Findings and Discussion The case study has been conducted is Fatahillah Museum which is located in the area of Jakarta Old Town. The existence of this museum is become a landmark within area, because of its historical of Dutch era. This building is used to be a City Hall in Dutch era, and finally to keep the building, local government has reused the building as a museum, historical museum of Jakarta. The maintenance of this building is very high and the building is lack of utility as well. Regarding to this condition, researcher is trying to provide an alternative solution to solve this problem. There will be two steps in this research, first one is by identifying the existing condition of the building referring to the need of the light, and the second one is by providing the plan of the implementation of automatic control system within the building. This paper will cover the first step of the research. This follow figure has shown that, the intensity of the lighting which going inside the building through the windows is quite low. All the windows are facing north-south, which is very ideal in architectural way. For the previous function as an office, the lighting of this building is ideal (about 20-100 lux), but for museum, it does not meet the standard (about 50-500 lux).
Figure 5. The existing condition of lighting intensity in the building Source: analysis, 2017
By using lux meter, it could be identified that mostly of the room have been shown a lack of lighting intensity (has been shown in red color, see figure 8). This condition will become a start point to examine how to fulfil the minimum standard of the lighting for museum. Researcher will use three systems to apply the automatic control system to solve this problem. Those systems are lux sensor, infrared sensor and motion sensor.
Figure 6. the layout of infra red sensor and motion sensor in the room Source: Analysis, 2017
Usually, each room has a particular area which is significantly has many visitors, and will need more lighting to accommodate the vision of the visitors. For this reason, researcher will plan to put some motion sensor which could detect the motion of the visitors easily. To support this system, researcher plan to put lux sensor as well on the windows which could control the intensity of the lighting particularly from natural lighting.
Figure 7. the layout of existing plan of Fatahillah Museum (first floor and second floor) Source: analysis, 2017
Figure 8. the result of lighting assessment within Fatahillah Museum (first floor and second floor), which show the intensity of the lighting in each room of the building. Source: analysis, 2017
Conclusion As one of the efforts to maintain the historical old buildings within the Jakarta Old Town Area, the local government has been encouraged to deliver a concept of adaptive reuse with new functions for old buildings. To support this initiative, the researcher has proposed an implementation to adopt a smart building concept for historical old building. One of the case study is by implementing this concept for Fatahillah Museum within Jakarta Old Town Area. As a museum, Fatahillah Museum is not feasible to fulfil the standard of museum, either for the lighting use or the temperature condition within building. The intensity of lighting for this building is very low and not fulfil the standard of lighting for museum.
By identifying the intensity of the lighting, researcher could provide the minimum standard of lighting for Fatahillah Museum. And by using automatic control system for the building, the using of lighting energy could be reduce significantly. As a previous study mentioned before, the energy use for lighting could be reduce about 30-60% by using this automatic control system. In the next phase of this research, researcher will provide the simulation of the application the automatic control system within the building of Fatahillah Museum.
Acknowledgement This research is based on multi years research which has been started from 2017 to 2018 as part of a program of Penelitian Produk Terapan. This research is a first year research and has been funded by Kopertis Wilayah III Jakarta, Kementrian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Indonesia. Number 01/E/KPT/2017, dated 06th January 2017.
Mengelola Yang Terbengkalai Menjadi Fungsional Studi Preseden: Proyek Urban Splash Di Inggris Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Dipublikasikan dalam Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional:
Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur NALARs Volume 16 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017 Halaman 63-70
Saat ini, perkembangan bangunan-bangunan baru di Jakarta berkembang sangat cepat. Kondisi ini membawa dampak negatif bagi beberapa titik di kawasan ibukota Jakarta, terutama di kawasan Kota Lama Jakarta yang dikenal sebagai kawasan bersejarah di Kota Jakarta. Beberapa bangunan tua di dalam kawasan ini dikenal telah terbengkalai puluhan tahun, dan ini menjadi beban bagi kota Jakarta sebagai kota metropolitan. Bangunan-bangunan tua tersebut telah diabaikan dan terbengkalai hingga puluhan tahun karena tidak difungsikan sebagaimana mestinya, hal ini dikarenakan bangunan-bangunan tua tersebut sudah tidak layak pakai karena utilitas dan infrastruktur yang tidak memadai. Mengacu pada kondisi di atas, sudah selayaknya dipikirkan tentang bagaimana memelihara bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah tersebut, apakah harus dimusnahkan atau dijaga kelestariannya. Keduanya tentunya harus dipertimbangkan secara baik-baik dan menguntungkan serta bermanfaat bagi semua pihak, khususnya bagi pemilik bangunan, dengan menjaga bangunan tua bersejarah tersebut tanpa harus mencari sumber pendanaan dari sumber lain. Tulisan ini akan mengeksplor dan memberikan solusi terbaik bagi permasalahan ini dan mencari alternatif solusi bagaimana metode yang tepat untuk memelihara bangunan tua bersejarah di Jakarta. Dengan metode yang tepat diharapkan keberadaan bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah di Jakarta dapat menjadi identitas bagi kota Jakarta dan menjadi peran yang
penting dalam perkembangan kota yang seharusnya terbentuk dari peradaban sejarah. Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian program hibah Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi yang telah dimulai sejak tahun 2012 dengan tiga fokus penelitian dan pengamatan yang berbeda tentang konservasi dan revitalisasi. Penelitian ini merupakan skema akhir dari roadmap penelitian kami dan akan memberikan sebuah jawaban solusi mengenai berbagai permasalahan yang muncul dari tiga penelitian sebelumnya. Kata Kunci: metode, terbengkalai, fungsional, bangunan tua bersejarah, kawasan kota lama Jakarta Recently, the development of new buildings in Jakarta is increasing rapidly. This condition has a negative impact for some spots within Jakarta, particularly within Jakarta Old Town which is well known as a historical area in Jakarta. Some old buildings within this area have been neglected for years and this become a burden for Jakarta as a metropolitan city. Those historical old buildings have been abandoned because they could not been functioned anymore, they have lack of utilities and infrastructures. Referring to the above condition, there should be a methodology to maintain those historical old buildings, either to keep it or to demolish it all. The maintenance should benefit all parties, particularly the owner of the buildings could maintain the
buildings without searching other funding's source. This paper will explore and present what is the best solution for this matter, and what is the appropriate methodology to maintain all those historical old buildings, thus could be existed within Jakarta Old Town area. Historical area could become an identity of the city and would become important role in urban development, which formed from a historical civilization. This paper is a part of research study undertaken from Competition Research Grant Programme - The Minister of Higher Education that has been started from 2012 with 3 different focus and point of view about conservation and revitalization. This research is a final scheme from the roadmap, and will present an answer about many problems occurred in those 3 previous researches. Keywords: methodology, abandoned, functional, historical old buildings, Jakarta Old Town area
Pendahuluan Mengamati perkembangan kota Jakarta dengan berbagai dinamika pembangunannya, menjadi sangat tidak berimbang ketika pada satu bagian kota terabaikan tanpa ada pihak yang peduli akan keberadaannya. Kehadiran bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah di kota metropolitan khususnya kota Jakarta ini, bukanlah tanpa
sengaja atau muncul begitu saja tanpa ada proses. Sosok bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah di kota Jakarta merupakan saksi bisu akan sejarah kota Jakarta dari masa kolonial sampai saat ini. Saksi-saksi bisu itu lambat laun akan punah jika tidak dipertahankan keberadaannya dan dikelola dengan sepenuh hati. Ada satu pepatah mengatakan bahwa sebuah Negara yang hebat adalah Negara yang menghargai sejarahnya. Tidak akan pernah ada masa kini jika tidak ada masa lampau, dan tidak akan pernah ada masa depan jika tidak ada masa kini. Hal ini tentunya harus menjadi titik awal kepedulian pemerintah local maupun pusat, bahwa keberadaan bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah itu layak untuk dipertahankan. Bagaimana mempertahankannya, hal itulah yang menjadi tugas dan tanggung jawab kita bersama dalam mencari solusi yang tepat. Permasalahan utama mengapa bangunan tua bersejarah itu diabaikan atau terbengkalai adalah karena minimnya fasiltas dari bangunan itu sendiri sehingga sudah tidak layak huni, dan tingginya biaya pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan, sehingga pemilik bangunan baik swasta maupun pemerintah dirasa tidak mampu lagi untuk mempertahankannya. Tulisan ini merupakan suatu bentuk pemikiran berupa kajian tentang bagaimana solusi yang tepat dalam mengelola sebuah bangunan tua bersejarah. Diharapkan dengan adanya hasil kajian ini maka akan menjadi sumbangsih kepada pemerintah lokal maupun pusat untuk dapat menerapkannya khususnya di kota Jakarta.
Yang Terbengkalai Bangunan tua bersejarah yang masih berdiri tegak dan kokoh menjadi terbengkalai karena memiliki banyak alasan, diantaranya adalah karena sudah tidak berfungsinya bangunan sesuai dengan kebutuhan penghuni, minimnya sistem utilitas bangunan yang mewadahi segala kebutuhan dan fungsi sebuah bangunan, minimnya infrastruktur pendukung bangunan tersebut serta membengkaknya biaya pengelolaan bangunan. Dengan alasanalasan tersebut maka membiarkannya terbengkalai menjadi alternatif satu-satunya bagi pemilik bangunan. Semakin lama bangunan terbengkalai maka bangunan akan menganggu wajah kota dan tidak berharga lagi sehingga menurunkan kualitas dan identitas sebuah kota.
Sementara di lain pihak, keberadaan sebuah bangunan tua/ kawasan tua bersejarah seharusnya menjadi aikon bersejarah dan identitas sebuah kota. Hal inilah yang seharusnya menjadi latar belakang dan mendorong pemerintah lokal maupun pusat untuk mulai peduli mempertimbangkan solusi dalam memecahkan masalah tersebut.
Foto 1: Gedung PT PPI tampak luar Sumber: Dokumentasi Pribadi, 2015
bangunan tua bersejarah
yang terbengkalai terutama di kawasan kota lama Jakarta membuat kota Jakarta menjadi kehilangan identitasnya sebagai kota metropolitan. Sudah seharusnya keberadaan bangunan tua bersejarah ini justru menjadi aset Negara karena di dalamnya tersimpan berbagai nilai sejarah dan budaya yang wajib dilestarikan. Pada foto 1 dan foto 2 diperlihatkan beberapa kondisi bangunan tua bersejarah di
Kawasan Kota Lama
Jakarta yang sudah lama terbengkalai, bahkan kondisinya sudah sangat rusak parah.
Foto 2: Lantai 3 Gedung PT PPI, yang sudah tidak beratap Sumber: Dokumentasi Pribadi, 2015
Fungsi Baru Sebuah Bangunan Tua Salah satu metode pengelolaan bangunan tua bersejarah yang telah diterapkan banyak Negara terutama di Eropa dan Inggris adalah dengan mengadopsi fungsi baru ke dalam sebuah bangunan tua. Fungsi baru tersebut tidak hanya dimasukkan dalam bangunan tua tanpa ada pertimbangan satu dan lainnya. Semua keputusan dalam pengalihfungsian sebuah bangunan tua dilakukan dengan berbagai pertimbangan terutama yang meliputi aspek sosial, ekonomi, budaya terutama yang berkaitan dengan aspek masyarakat. Studi kelayakan harus dilaksanakan dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut.
Saat ini banyak bangunan tua bersejarah difungsikan kembali sebagai bangunan komersil, dikarenakan nilai ekonomi yang akan diangkat menjadi tinggi sehingga dapat menjadi subsidi bagi pemeliharaan bangunan tua tersebut. Namun tetap saja aspek ekonomi bukan menjadi sesuatu yang utama, para pihak terkait harus memperhatikan masalah sosial dan budaya terutama dampaknya bagi masyarakat sekitarnya. Dengan menerapkan sebuah fungsi baru pada bangunan tua bersejarah, hal ini harus berdampak positif bagi kehidupan masyarakat sekitar. Nilai dan aspek budaya juga tidak dapat dihilangkan begitu saja, karena sebuah bangunan tua bersejarah memiliki nilai-nilai sejarah dan budaya yang tinggi sehingga harus tetap dilestarikan. Salah satu tujuan pengalihfungsian bangunan tua bersejarah adalah untuk menemukan penggunaan yang lebih layak secara ekonomi agar tidak terbengkalai dan tetap terawat. Hal ini juga berkaitan dengan manajemen dari bangunan tua bersejarah sehingga tetap terpelihara, dengan menggunakan biaya yang diperoleh dari masuknya uang sewa pada setiap bangunan yang sudah dialihfungsikan. Pada hakekatnya konsep alihfungsi ini dipilih sebagai sebuah usaha konservasi karena melihat fungsi bangunan tua yang lama, rasanya sudah tidak tepat lagi bila tetap dipertahankan (Purwantiasning, 2015). Konsep pengalihfungsian bangunan tua bersejarah ini kemudian dikenal dengan beberapa istilah. Di Eropa dan Inggris, mereka menyebutnya dengan istilah “building conversion” sementara itu
di Amerika dan Asia lebih mengenalnya dengan istilah “adaptive reuse”. Secara umum konsep adaptive reuse dilakukan sebagai alternatif untuk melindungi dan menjaga bangunan tua bersejarah dengan langkah mengalihkan fungsi lama menjadi fungsi baru yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat sekitar maupun kawasan itu sendiri. Konsep ini umumnya digambarkan sebagai proses yang secara struktural, bangunan dengan fungsi lama dikembangkan menjadi fungsi baru yang dapat mewadahi kebutuhan dan meningkatkan ekonomi (Sofiana, 2015). Konsep ini tidak hanya sekedar mengembalikan tampilan fisik arsitektur semata melainkan berusaha menghormati dan menghargai nilai sejarah yang tersirat di dalamnya, langgam arsitekturnya dengan mengalihkan fungsi baru yang lebih tepat dan bermanfaat. Di dalam pelaksanaannya, konsep ini mengalami beberapa kendala yang berbeda tergantung persepsi para pemegang kekuasaan dalam pengelolaan bangunan tua bersejarah maupun kawasan tersebut. Kendala tersebut seperti adanya sikap tidak tanggap para perencana yang berasumsi bahwasanya bangunan tua adalah penghalang bagi kemajuan ekonomi karena banyaknya bangunan tua yang diabaikan dan menjadi usang. Bangunanbangunan tersebut dianggap telah ketinggalan jaman dan tidak mampu mewujudkan tuntutan fungsi masa kini. Sementara itu Sofiana (2015) dalam bukunya menjelaskan bahwa ada dua fungsi utama dari aplikasi konsep adaptive reuse ini, yaitu:
1. Menjadikan kawasan atau bangunan sebagai sumber sejarah dan budaya dengan tetap mempertahankan nilai- nilai sejarah yang tersirat di dalamnya 2. Meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat setempat dengan adanya fungsi baru dari kawasan atau bangunan tersebut. Contoh keberhasilan penerapan konsep ini dapat dilihat di sepanjang sungai Singapura yaitu pada kawasan Boat Quay dan Clarke Quay yang menyulap wajah bangunan-bangunan gudang menjadi bangunan komersial. Deretan kafe, restoran dan bar mendominasi kawasan Boat Quay dan Clarke Quay dan sampai saat ini, kawasan tersebut menjadi pusat destinasi turis baik domestik dan internasional, bahkan menjadi salah satu aset negara Singapura dalam menaikkan pendapatan negaranya. Beberapa foto di bawah ini memperlihatkan beberapa bangunan di kawasan Boat Quay dan Clarke Quay yang berubah wajah dan fungsi. Selain pada kawasan ini, kawasan Far East Square yang terletak di kawasan China Town juga merupakan kawasan komersial terbesar di Singapura yang merupakan hasil penerapan konsep adaptive reuse. Pengalihfungsian konsep hunian saja, dirubah menjadi konsep hunian dan komersial pada bagian bawahnya, sehingga konsep yang dikenal di Indonesia sebagai konsep rumah toko, juga diterapkan di Singapura.
Foto 3: Kawasan Far East Sqare di Singapura dari hunian tua di China Town berubah menjadi kafe, restoran dan bar sumber: dokumentasi pribadi, 2016
Foto 4: Kawasan China Town di Singapura dari hunian tua di China Town berubah menjadi toko-toko sumber: dokumentasi pribadi, 2016
Studi Preseden Ketika mendiskripsikan sebuah negara, tentunya tidak dapat disamakan antara satu negara dengan negara lainnya. Berbeda budaya, berbeda kondisi fisik manusianya, berbeda kondisi sosial masyarakatnya dan juga berbeda kondisi ekonominya, tentu akan lebih memberikan perbedaan yang signifikan antara satu negara dengan negara lainnya. Bahkan di dalam satu negara dengan kondisi fisik dan budaya masyarakat yang memiliki kesamaan, juga tetap memiliki perbedaan antara satu daerah dengan daerah lainnya. Seperti di negara maju kebanyakan, semua orang berpikir bagaimana dapat meningkatkan segala aspek dalam hal perekonomian. Segala aspek ditinjau dari segi dan nilai ekonomi yang tinggi, karena hal ini tentunya juga berkaitan dengan demand yang ada di masyarakat. Salah satu negara maju yang akan menjadi studi preseden di sini adalah Inggris. Negara Inggris dengan banyak kota dari ujung selatan ke utara juga memiliki keunikan tersendiri sesuai dengan lokalitas daerah masing-masing. Keunikan kota London tentunya berbeda dengan kota Liverpool atau bahkan kota Edinburg. Pemerintah Inggris yang selama ini sangat perduli dengan segala hal yang berkaitan dengan sejarah, juga sangat memperhatikan keberlangsungan keberadaan bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah yang tersebar di seluruh negeri Inggris. Dengan menetapkan beberapa kota sebagai kota pertama yang dilibatkan dalam proyek konservasi bangunan, negara Inggris dapat dikatakan sebagai
negara yang berhasil dalam melestarikan bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarahnya. Kota-kota di Inggris yang menjadi proyek percontohan pertama dalam penerapan konservasi adalah kota Bath, Chester, Chichester, Oxford dan saat ini sudah lebih dari 8000 kawasan yang ditetapkan sebagai area konservasi di Inggris. Penetapan ini berdasarkan dari keberadaan bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah, memiliki karakter arsitektur yang khusus dan juga ruang arsitektural yang bersejarah. Pemerintah Inggris baik pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah local bekerjasama dengan pihak-pihak swasta dalam hal pengelolaan bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah ini. Pihak swasta tersebut meliputi inventor maupun perencana. Dengan pembiayaan yang sudah dianggarkan dari Pemerintah Pusat ke Pemerintah Lokal, tidak dapat mencukupi kebutuhan untuk pengelolaan bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah tersebut, oleh karenanya Pemerintah Pusat memberikan keleluasaan dalam hal kerjasama dengan pihak swasta oleh Pemerintah Lokal. Beberapa kota di Inggris menggandeng beberapa konsultan perencanaan kota yang dianggap mampu dalam hal pengelolaan bangunanbangunan tua bersejarah ini. Selain itu pemerintah local juga menggandeng pengembang sebagai investor dalam hal ini pengembang yang dapat bekerjasama dengan konsultan perencana. Salah satu konsultan perencana kota yang juga merupakan pengembang adalah Urban Splash yang ditunjuk pemerinta local untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas kota dalam pengelolaan bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah.
Bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah memiliki tingkatan dalam hal ini tingkatan dan kategori dalam hal penerapan konsep konservasi. Tidak semua bangunan dapat dikonservasikan secara total, hal ini tergantung dari kategori setiap bangunan tua bersejarah tersebut. Tingkatan dan kategori bangunan tua bersejarah tersebut meliputi Grade A, Grade B, Grade C dan Grade D dengan tingkatan berbeda pada masing-masing kategori. Urban Splash berusaha untuk menerapkan konsep tersebut pada setiap bangunanbangunan tua yang ditetapkan untuk dikonservasi.
Urban Splash yang merupakan konsultan regenerasi fokus pada regenerasi bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah, mencoba memberikan alternative solusi bagi bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah yang sudah lama kosong, terabaikan, tidak digunakan selayak fungsinya yang dikarenakan sudah tidak berfungsinya infrastruktur bangunan maupun utilitas bangunannya. Beberapa proyek bangunan tua yang dikelolanya pertama kali adalah bangunan-bangunan tua yang ada di Liverpool dan Manchester, dengan memberikan atmosfer baru dan tampilan baru, maka diharapkan bangunan-bangunan tua tersebut seperti memiliki nafas baru, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas bangunan itu sendiri maupun kualitas lingkungan sekitarnya. Dalam
Foto 5 dan 6: Tea Factory Ropewalks, Liverpool merupakan bangunan bekas pabrik teh yang ada di kota Liverpool yang sudah lama terbengkalai. Gambar 5/ kiri merupakan bangunan pabrik teh sebelum dikonversikan. Gambar 6/ kanan merupakan gambar pabrik teh yang sudah dikonversikan menjadi bangunan kantor sewa Sumber:
penanganan Urban Splash, bangunan-bangunan tua tersebut dialihfungsikan menjadi fungsi baru yang lebih meningkat secara nilai ekonomi maupun secara nilai fisik. Melihat meningkatnya kebutuhan akan hunian dan juga kantor sewa, maka kebanyakan bangunan-bangunan tua yang sudah terabaikan tersebut dikonversikan menjadi wujud dan fungsi baru sebagai hunian maupun kantor sewa.
Gambar 7 dan 8: Tea Factory Ropewalks, Liverpool, suasana sebelum bangunan tua ini terbengkalai dan menjadi dialihfungsikan oleh Urban Splash. Suasana pabrik teh saat masih beroperasi Sumber:
Selanjutkan akan dibahas beberapa proyek bangunan tua bersejarah yang dikelola oleh Urban Splash dalam metode peningkatan kualitas nilai ekonomi maupun nilai fisiknya.
Tea Factory Ropewalks Liverpool Tea Factory merupakan bangunan bekas pabrik teh yang berlokasi di Kota Liverpool. Sudah lama terbengkalainya bangunan ini tentunya merusak wajah kota Liverpool. Dengan kebijakan pemerintah local Liverpool, maka Urban Splash berusaha memberikan ajuan berupa pengelolaan bangunan untuk dijadikan kantor sewa. Bersamaan dengan proyek sebelumnya di Bold Street, maka proyek di Ropewalks ini juga menjadikan pusat kota Liverpool lebih hidup dan marak lagi. Tingginya angka permintaan akan kantor sewa, retail dan juga hunian di Liverpool membuat para pengembang tidak tinggal diam untuk terus berinvestasi mengelola bangunan-bangunan tua yang ada di Liverpool. Dengan dialihfungsikannya bangunan pabrik teh ini menjadi fungsi baru, dapat dikatakan bahwa bangunan ini dapat mengakomodasi ruang kantor sewa, retail di lantai atas, restaurant, bar, kafe pada lantai dasar dan basement.
Gambar 9, 10, 11 dan 12: Tea Factory Ropewalks, Liverpool yang sudah dialihfungsikan menjadi kantor sewa, retail dan restaurant, kafe, bar, terlihat suasana/ atmosfer yang menyenangkan dengan pengalaman arsitektur ruang yang nyaman Sumber:
Concert Square Liverpool
Concert Square merupakan suatu area dengan kompleks bangunan bekas hunian vertikal yang berlokasi di Jantung Kota Liverpool. Sudah lama terbengkalainya bangunan ini tentunya merusak wajah kota Liverpool. Pengembangan bangunan Concert Square ini merupakan kinerja pertama dari Urban Splash yang dianggap berhasil. Selain menjadi jantung kota Liverpool, Concert Square saat ini menjadi pusat aktifitas malam masyarakat Liverpool.
Gambar 13 dan 14: Concert Square, Liverpool merupakan bangunan bekas hunian vertical yang sudah lama tidak dihuni dan terbengkalai karena minimnya infrastruktur dan utilitas bangunan yang sudah tidak layak digunakan lagi, sebelah kiri adalah gambar saat bangunan belum dikelola oleh Urban Splash dan gambar kanan adalah saat bangunan sudah direvitalisasikan dengan kombinasi antara fungsi lama hunian dan fungsi baru restaurant dan kafe Sumber:
Gambar 15, 16, 17 dan 18: Concert Square, Fleet Street, Liverpool, suasana setelah bangunan tua ini dialihfungsikan oleh Urban Splash. Suasana dan atmosfer yang baru meningkatkan nilai ekonomi dan fisik bangunan yang tadinya using menjadi berkesan modern Sumber:
Demand yang begitu tinggi akan kehidupan malam di Liverpool nampaknya membuahkan hasil dengan dialihfungsikannya bangunan ini dengan mengkombinasikan fungsi lama yaitu hunian dengan fungsi baru yaitu restaurant, kafe dan bars. Concert Square mengakomodasi 18 unit apartemen, bar, restaurant, kafe dan galeri. Concert Square mendapatkan award dari RIBA pada tahun 1996 dan menjadi area yang terkenal sebagai awal regenerasi area jantung kota Liverpool sebagai area konservasi.
Gambar 19 dan 20: Concert Square, Fleet Street, Liverpool, suasana dari luar bangunan yang memperlihatkan tampilan yang segar dan seperti mendapatkan nafas baru Sumber:
Matchworks Liverpool
Matchworks di Speke Road Liverpool merupakan suatu area dengan kompleks bangunan bekas pabrik korek api yang berlokasi pinggiran Kota Liverpool. Sudah lama terbengkalainya bangunan ini tentunya merusak wajah kota Liverpool. Urban Splash mencoba untuk mentransformasikan area Speke Garston ini dari kompleks pabrik korek api menjadi kawasan bisnis yang baru dengan kantor sewa dan studi serta galeri. Matchworks merupakan dua kombinasi bangunan dimana bangunan pertama dikonversikan pada tahun 2001 yaitu bangunan dengan tower air yang menjadi ikon bangunan ini. Dan pada tahun 2007 Urban Splash menyelesaikan konversi bangunan ini yang semula merupakan gudang menjadi kantor sewa. Pada lantai dasar dikonversikan menjadi berbagai macam ruang workshop, studio, galeri dan ruang industry pencahayaan.
Gambar 21 dan 22: Matchworks, Liverpool merupakan bangunan bekas pabrik korek api terkenal pada jamannya yaitu Bryant and May Match yang sudah lama tidak dihuni dan terbengkalai karena minimnya infrastruktur dan utilitas bangunan yang sudah tidak layak digunakan lagi, sebelah kiri adalah gambar saat bangunan belum dikelola oleh Urban Splash dan gambar kanan adalah saat bangunan sudah direvitalisasikan dengan fungsi baru kantor sewa dan studio serta galeri Sumber:
Gambar 23, 24, 25 dan 26: Matchworks, Liverpool merupakan bangunan bekas pabrik korek api terkenal pada jamannya yaitu Bryant and May Match yang sudah lama tidak dihuni dan terbengkalai karena minimnya infrastruktur dan utilitas bangunan yang sudah tidak layak digunakan lagi, sebelah kiri adalah gambar saat bangunan belum dikelola oleh Urban Splash dan gambar kanan adalah saat bangunan sudah direvitalisasikan dengan fungsi baru kantor sewa dan studio serta galeri Sumber:
Gambar 27 dan 28: Matchworks berlokasi di Speke Road, Liverpool, suasana dari luar bangunan yang memperlihatkan tampilan yang megah, elegan dan bernuansa modern, lepas dan hilang dari kesan usang dan kesan sebuah bekas pabrik Sumber:
Kesimpulan Dengan adanya tiga studi kasus yang telah dipaparkan sebelumnya, dapat menjadi bahan acuan dan pertimbangan dalam menerapkan manajemen dan pembiayaan bagi kegiatan konservasi bangunan-bangunan tua yang ada di Indonesia. Di Indonesia umumnya, dan Jakarta khususnya, belum ada sebuah institusi yang mengatur soal pembiayaan maupun manajemen konservasi bangunan tua. Hal ini tentu saja menjadikan halangan bagi keberhasilan kegiatan konservasi bangunan tua di Jakarta khususnya. Dari studi kasus tersebut di atas, dapat digunakan sebagai model percontohan bagaimana membiayai dan memelihara bangunan tua terlebih yang ada di Jakarta khususnya dan Indonesia umumnya. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa pengelolaan bangunan tua bersejarah memerlukan biaya yang tidak sedikit, hal inilah yang menjadi kendala bagi pemerintah pusat khususnya pemerintah daerah dengan anggaran terbatas yang digulirkan oleh pemerintah pusat. Sebuah kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan peningkatan kualitas bangunan dan lingkungan yang pada akhirnya berimbas pada peningkatan kualitas sebuah kota, tentunya membutuhkan dukungan dari berbagai pihak terutama dari pemerintah baik lokal maupun pusat. Dengan banyaknya usulan mengenai model konversi bangunan tua yang dapat diaplikasikan di beberapa kota
yang memiliki karakter bersejarah, setidaknya pemerintah lokal lebih perduli dengan keadaan tersebut. Perlu adanya koordinasi antara pemerintah pusat dengan pemerintah lokal atau daerah dalam hal distribusi dan anggaran biaya pemeliharaan bangunan tua. Pola-pola pembiayaan dan pemeliharaan bangunan tua yang dipaparkan sebelumnya dapat digunakan dan diterapkan oleh pemerintah pusat maupun daerah di Jakarta khususnya dan Indonesia umumnya. Dengan adanya pilot project konversi bangunan tua khususnya bangunan tua bersejarah di kawasan kota lama Jakarta, maka diharapkan peningkatan kualitas bangunan tersebut dapat memberikan nilai tersendiri bagi daerah maupun pusat. Kemampuan bangunan tua yang sudah dikonversi dalam menghasilkan dana dapat digunakan setidaknya untuk membiayai dan memelihara bangunan yang sudah dikonversi itu sendiri. Atau jika memang memadai, dapat menggunakan konsep pola pembiayaan yang diterapkan di Inggris misalnya, yaitu dengan menggunakan dana dari hasil penyewaan ruang pada bangunan yang dikonversi atau dari pajak yang dibayarkan oleh pemilik bangunan yang sudah dikonversi untuk membiayai bangunan tua lainnya. Pembiayaan yang merupakan subsidi silang ini dapat digunakan sebagai biaya awal dalam mengkonversikan bangunan tua lainnya, sehingga pemerintah daerah dan pusat tidak perlu mengganggarkan dana khusus dari RAPB daerah maupun RAPB pusat.
Selain itu pola pembiayaan dan pemeliharaan bangunan tua juga dapat diperoleh dari dana hibah dari UNESCO misalnya. Untuk itu pemerintah daerah harus lebih proaktif dalam membuat proposal dan mencari dana hibah tersebut.
Metode pengelolaan bangunan tua bersejarah yang dapat diadopsi dan diadaptasi dari beberapa studi preseden yang dijabarkan sebelumnya adalah dengan metode adaptive reuse atau pengalihfungsian sebuah bangunan tua yang sudah lama terabaikan akibat minimnya infrastruktur dan tidak layaknya utilitas bangunan sebagaimana mestinya. Dengan kerjasama antara pemerintah daerah dengan investor maka kegiatan pengelolaan bangunan tua bersejarah
ini dapat dilaksanakan sesuai dengan agenda pemerintah dalam hal pelestarian bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah. Studi preseden yang dipaparkan sebelumnya memperlihatkan bahwa kesemuanya menggunakan metode konversi fungsi atau adaptive reuse atau pengalihfungsian bangunan menjadi fungsi baru, hal ini dirasakan sebagai metode yang paling tepat untuk pengelolaan bangunan tua bersejarah. Alih fungsi baru seperti apakah, itu yang harus dicermati karena semuanya harus menggunakan studi kelayakan dan tergantung dari permintaan pasar.
Sebagai contoh di Inggris, demand akan kebutuhan unit hunian, kantor sewa dan tempat hiburan sangat tinggi, sehingga alih fungsi banyak diperuntukkan bagi ketiga fungsi tersebut. Fungsi apa yang cocok diadaptasi dan diadopsi untuk bangunan tua di Jakarta, hal ini harus dicermati dengan melakukan studi kelayakan, sehingga kegiatan alih fungsi sebagai usaha dalam pengelolaan bangunan tua bersejarah menjadi signifikan hasilnya. Ucapan Terimakasih Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan sumber dana yang dibiayai oleh Kopertis Wilayah III dengan surat Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Tahun Anggaran 2016 nomor 0581/E3/2016 Tanggal 24 Februari 2016