urban regeneration approach of heritage buffer zone ...

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Master in Urban Design program at Universiti Teknologi. Malaysia. .... Additionally, graphic presentation such ... Adobe Photoshop and 3D-max advance.

Master Candidate and 2 Associate Professor

Department of Landscape Architecture, FAB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

ABSTRACT This paper discusses on the process of urban design project based on planning and urban conservation of Master in Urban Design program at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The study area is situated at Kampung Jawa in Melaka which is a heritage buffer zone and vitality area that connects to a historical core zone and other adjacent buffer zones. In late 1850s, Kampung Jawa was a vital commercial center with variety of entertainments and cultural activities. Physical development as tangible heritage and social cultural integrity as intangible activities are the key components to delineate the liveliness of this place. Currently, competitive agglomeration of peripheral new commercials has caused a significant decline to Kampung Jawa economy which turned it to a dying and dull place. To revitalise the place, this studio conducted a design methodology constituted of initial understanding on site historical background, literature review study, field visit to verify site issues and interview with locals. The design process continued with design rationales, solutions and recommendation to interpret an urban regeneration strategy to the place. As a result, the design process enabled students to understand urban conservation theories, urban design technique and application on how to regenerate a poor urban place while maintaining its identity of place as a traditional shopping district. 1. INTRODUCTION Kampung Jawa is located in a buffer zone and situated near to Melaka River. The project study area inclusive important streets located adjacent to this heritage buffer zone which are Jalan Bunga Raya, Jalan Kee Ann, and Jalan Munsyi Abdullah. Another streets positioned at the boarder of core zone are Jalan Kampung Hulu and Jalan Kampung Pantai. All of the streets are linking both physically and visually connected to the main access to Kampung Jawa. In the late 18th century, Kampung Jawa begun as a fisherman village and later turned into a popular

traditional shopping district constituted of bazaar, vendor, hawkers, municipal market, street activities, night market, old bus station and cinema. The perceptive on identity of place can be recognized by senses, experiences, and physical environment (Lynch, 1960; Relph, 1976). For Kampung Jawa, the uniqueness of this place renown as traditional shopping center to get cheap-price merchandises comprise of varieties household utensils, textiles, bridal accessories, handicrafts, hawker foods and street vendor activities (Melaka Municipal Council, 2006). Llewelyn (2000) also believed to understand and recognise the local characteristic is regard to history and morphology of the past uses, nature landscape and buildings. Instead of vivacity commercial activities, Kampung Jawa‟s landscape comprised of local architecture including townhouse (shophouses), residential dwellings, and the Madrasah Al-Hidayah which is an old Malay mosque located near to Melaka River. At present, Kampung Jawa is facing economic decline because of the commercial competition. Due to factor of closing municipal market, the local traditional business especially bazaar and vendor activities are affected and declined. Additionally, after fire tragedy, the local inhabitants had turned it into slum residential. However, Gadlini (2005) explicated a sustainable liveable city can be accomplished through urban regeneration. Regeneration strategy is imposed through social-economic revitalization, cultural conservation, local heritage resources enhancement, and rehabilitation in alleviating against the grey field destructions. This approach may turn Kampung Jawa to a sustainable development. The aim of study is to prepare urban regeneration project using urban design methodology and techniques. Spirit of place is being use as attribute to indicate design implications for further design process. As mentioned by Karaman (2001), the identifiable spirit of place or the site essence is an imperative discourse and practices in urban design. In other words, a „spirit of

place‟ or „genus loci‟ is a good attempt to study about the nature of site precisely (Moughtin, et al., 1999). Hence, this paper explains the urban design studio pedagogical and methodology process to reveal the regeneration approach executed in Kampung Jawa. 2. REGENERATE KAMPUNG JAWA’S IDENTITY The term of regeneration defined as an inclusive aims and action to resolve urban dilapidated and declining area through enhancing economic fabrics, physical constraint, social, environmental condition and rehabilitation (Roberts, 2000; Peter, 2000; Portas, 2004 & Galdini, 2005). Galdini (2005) also emphasized the urban regeneration strategy contributed to the reconstruction of urban identity and heritage preservation. Additionally Peter (2000) stated that urban generation principle should base on sustainability aim. This means that the intimate influences of urban regeneration is a comprehensive process to reach a sustainable development. The goal of regeneration process is to ensure communities participation mainly to increase people living qualities (Galdini, 2005; & Ciftci et al., 2010). In another perspective, Wansborough and Mageean (2000) disputed cultural led to regeneration as an integral part of regeneration process. They also revealed the integration of traditional commercial, cultural and mix used development can revive the economic strategy in regeneration program. Despite the cultural vitality enables to rejuvenate the physical development, architecture and historical conservation, social- economic revitalization and create local identity to the urban area (Wansborough & Mageean, 2000; Galdini, 2005 & Ciftci, et al., 2010.). As summary, the urban regeneration concept at Kampung Jawa is to recover its physical environment, intangible heritage and urban living quality. The interpretation of cultural identity renewal is important to regenerate traditional commercial, cultural activities, livelihoods, and create places that allow meaningful activities in Kampung Jawa. In sum, public participation is leading to the sustainable achievement through regeneration development.

3. URBAN DESIGN METHODOLOGY Urban design studio prescribed as a systematic process deal with design theories and technical methods to attain design solution (Moughtin, et al., 1999). Hence, the research methods are integrated of site inventory and literature study to examine the abating of physical

conditions and socio-economic factor in Kampung Jawa. Literally, this urban design project is completed in within a semester and committed by individual study and group project. This project is started from January to May 2011, which took five months to be completed. During urban design studio learning process, studio master was leading each studio meeting on urban design theories input, group discussions, brainstorming, critique sessions and presentations. Initially, literature study helped to increase the proficiency perceptive and understanding of urban regeneration approach to revive Kampung Jawa in the deteriorated condition. The field survey included site inventory and observation, and interview survey. Three site visits were conducted to collect data on physical structure, building use, land values, streetscape, visual characteristics, circulation, accessibility and pedestrian count to examine the site issues. As Llewelyn (2000) mentioned site characteristic assessment is a decisive to comprehend urban regeneration project. Concurrently, those key urban design techniques integrate contextual studies and site issues implications to prepare initial conceptual design. The design process of Kampong Jawa‟s urban regeneration project was conducted in three stages: site preparation, data collection and analysis, and design implementation—view Fig. 1. These stages were performed in four design techniques: literature review, site survey, design rationale, design development, feasibility study and design guideline and report (Table 1). The design process has contributed vital findings to the urban regeneration master plan that encapsulate with design guidelines. Table 1: Urban design studio methods Design Method Literature review

Functions General understanding about urban conservations and urban regeneration approach. Background study is vital to clarify the history of Kampung Jawa. The insights of secondary data and literature references are initiative to outline preliminary idea of studio project.

Fig. 1: Urban design studio stages and design process flow chart.

Site survey

Design rationales

Design developme nt

Feasibility study Design guideline and report

Three site visits had been undertaken: first to familiarize site milieu, observation survey to investigate physical site conditions base on site issues, visual assessment, pedestrian and traffic survey are conducted to appraisal townscapes and physical characteristic of Kampung Jawa. Finally, interview surveys technique used to obtain more perceptual and opinions from stakeholder and local community regarding to site issues and responsive to new developments. The qualitative and quantitative data are analysed and translated into mapping which refer to the categorised of site issues. All of the particular findings for site potentials and constraints are used to synthesize design rationales. Design concept is developed and translates into master plan layout. Additionally, graphic presentation such as elevations, sections, sketches, and 3D images are prepared to illustrate the overview and impression of design idea. Computer aided tools such as AutoCad, Adobe Photoshop and 3D-max advance to produce outstanding character illustrations. The feasibility study is designated to ensure the design proposal is able to get economic returns and the design proposal is benefit to deliverable. All the design guidelines are undertaken and recommended to design proposal. The report writing is comprised all the project descriptions and design suggestions present in the illustrations and diagrammatic format.

4. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Through the field study and analysis, there are seven main issues faced by Kampong Jawa community which were: (1) dying genus loci resulted to the lost of liveliness activities and commercials competition from adjacent area; (2) segregation from major development of historic core zone of Melaka city; (3) low land value; (4) impermeable vehicular access; (5) incompatible building use; (6) poor streetscape, unmanaged building conditions, unattractive and dirty environment; and (7) the regeneration accomplishment will affect locals displacement. These factors resulted negative impacts to the urban village including abandoned sites, poor building conditions, neglected and displeasing spaces, slum residential site, derelict commercial building, land conversion disputation, and land compensation. Nevertheless, from the site inventory and interview, it was found that the residents would accept any new changes as along Kampung Jawa identity is remained traditional shopping is preserved.

4.1 DESIGN CONCEPT Kampung Jawa regeneration development goal is to revitalize its identity of place and thus protect the local culture of its people into a lively living community. The design idea “Theatre of Life” meant to bring back liveliness In Kampung Jawa by reconciling spaces for people activities. Provision of spaces for people to participate in live-theatrical experiences can contribute in restoring and prolonging identity of place in Kampung Jawa. This concept symbolizes that most convivial and lively activities generated via culture-social and economic activities. Collectively, the design rationales are used as guidance tool to elaborate conceptual theme and support the master plan planning. 4.2 MASTER PLAN The master plan proposal (refer to Fig. 2) focuses on regeneration of five aspects: (1) physical and visual connection, (2) genus loci enhancement, (3) to improve imbalance development, (4) reconnected open spaces and (5) adaptive reuse existing shophouses. Firstly, makes use the opportunity to strengthen visual and physical linkages to reconnect Kampung Jawa to the important commercial street at Jalan Bunga Raya and open up a new gateway to historic core zone at Jalan Kampung Hulu. In fact, enhance the visual quality at riverfront to control building height, proportional, skylines, and development scale to prevent visual obstructed. The restoration of genus loci in Kampung Jawa is a vital regeneration attainment. Emphasize on street activities, pedestrian environment, and riverfront activities are to preserve and maintain the local identity and the distinctiveness characters. Thus, these formal and informal activities capable to boost up the “stage of life” by interacting between local people, physical development, uses, meanings, and the sense of place to Kampung Jawa. Economic revitalization constituent is to imbalance developments overcome by compatible land use and commercial stimulation such as mix use development and traditional shopping bazaar intense to revive local economic. Moreover, land use improvements and residential rehabilitation heightens to quality of life and better living condition for local communities.

Fig. 2: Master plan design layout (left) and aerial of new commercials frontage are facing to the riverfront in Kampung Jawa (right).

Reconnecting these isolated opens spaces and pocket areas incorporate landscape composition to create meaningful and multifunction recreational and gathering places. The tendency of linking these open spaces enables more cultural activities, street activities and event celebration help to prolong the identity to Kampung Jawa. Ultimately, adaptive reuse of vacant buildings introduced to conserve and retain architectural integrity in order to generate economic vitality. Those design essences are integrated into master plan and detail areas design (refer to Table 2). The detail areas such as pedestrian mall, green open spaces, street activity, leisure riverfront, handicrafts gallery, commercial used, and mix use developments cooperatively to support urban regeneration approach and design guidelines.

Detail area Pedestrian mall

Green Pocket spaces Hawker centre & fruit stall Gallery

Bazaar Riverfront

Mixed use development

Table 2: Detail areas Functions Pedestrian mall creates attractive pedestrian environment for shopping and outdoor activities. This pedestrian mall is linked with drama square, vendor corner, and memorial wall. Pocket spaces provide green amenities for local neighbourhood and outdoor recreation. Hawker centres and fruit stalls convivial to street activities and ambience at Jalan Kee Ann. Gallery located at riverfront is essential to attract tourist, increase local income and contributed to preserve local heritage and culture. The bazaar functions as traditional shopping centre for locals and visitors to get varieties merchandises. The outdoor cafes and restaurants situated by riverfront plaza created activities nodes and manifested panoramic riverfront view. Mixed use development is to improve the quality of life and local inhabitants. The commercial used and amenities such as basement parking is to support local needs.

5. CONCLUSION In conclusion, urban design regeneration strategy fosters Kampung Jawa to achieve equilibrium and a sustainable development in conserving the significance identity. Inasmuch, the design proposal of urban regeneration and rationales collectively in giving a new perspective towards protecting local cultural and restores its heritage characteristics. In this study, urban design methodology executes a cyclical processes begin with site study, data collection and design implementation stage to gain urban design skills and urban conservation pedagogical. Undoubtedly, the accumulative in literature review research, site study, interview methods have established an encouraging learning experience as well as research technique for urban design studio exercises. In

other words, the narrative of studio learning outcomes and constantly process greatly carry out on design intuitions, adaptation of theoretical knowledge, increase critical thinking and similarly to generate the sensitivity towards urban design solutions. On the other hand, this studio progression is distinguished to other former urban studio method. Whereby the studio nurturing learning method inclusive: site familiarization for first site visit, site issues verification and discussion, design rationale determinations for design decision, and feasibility study for economic reality. As result, the appreciation to this urban studio is inspired by the learning entity viable to design methods, technique application and design solutions. REFERENCES 1. Galdini, R. (2005). Urban Regeneration Process: The Case of Genoa, an Example of Integrated Urban Development Approach. 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association "Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society" Vrije Universiteit. Amsterdam. 2. Melaka Municipal Council (MBMB), “Rancangan Tempatan Melaka Tengah 2006-2015”, 2006, Melaka Municipal Council (MBMB). 3. Moughtin, J.C. et al. (1999). Urban design: method and techniques. Architectural Press. 4. Relph, E. (1976). Place and Pacelessness. Pion Limited, London. 5. Roberts, & Peter, B. (2000). ‘The evolution, definition and purpose of urban regeneration' in Peter Roberts and Hugh Sykes (eds.) Urban Regeneration. A handbook. London: Sage. 6. Peter, B. (2000). Urban Regeneration In Britain: Progress, Principles And Prospects International Symposium on Regeneration of City Downtown: Lessons from the Sustainability and Private Sector Initiatives of the EU, Tokyo, Japan. 7. Wansborough, M. and Mageean, A. (2000). The Role of Urban Design in Cultural Regeneration. Journal of Urban Design, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p181-197. Lee Yoke Lai received Dip in Architecture (2003) from Polytechnic Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, and B.A Hons. in Landscape Architecture (2008) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She is a Tutor in Department of Landscape Architecture. She is currently further her studies in Master in Urban Design, UTM. Ismail Said received PhD (2006) in architecture from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He is an Associate Professor and Head Department of Department of Landscape Architecture, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. His current research interests are vernacular architecture and children‟s environment.