Aug 31, 2013 ... 24.08.2013 the extended 2nd round of counselling for allotment of vacant ... who
desire to surrender / relinquish the allotted PG seat of 1st /2nd DPG ... vacancy
position available and the merit list of waitlisted candidates for ...
UNIVERSITY OF DELHI FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 6th Floor, V.P.C.I. Building, Delhi - 110 007 Phone: 011-2766 2764, Fax: 011-2766 2763 E-mail –
[email protected]
26th August 2013
No.: FMDS/247/PG/5583
NOTIFICATION It is notified for all concerned that in pursuance to the notification of the Medical Council of India dated 24.08.2013 the extended 2nd round of counselling for allotment of vacant PG (Degree/Diploma) seats under 50% Delhi University Quota (including transfer of seats from 50% All India Quota) will be conducted on 29th and 31st August 2013 as per details given below:a. 27th August, 2013 (i) The candidates who desire to surrender / relinquish the allotted PG seat of 1 st /2nd DPG counselling may do so latest by 12:00 Noon. (ii) vacancy position available and the merit list of waitlisted candidates for the extended 2nd Round of DPG counselling will be uploaded in the Faculty website on 27.08.2013 latest by 06:00 PM. b. 29th August, 2013 (i) The counselling shall be conducted at 09:00 AM onwards as per procedure given in the Bulletin of Information-2013 viz Common Merit followed by ST, SC and OBC including PwD. The vacant seat if any, reserved for ST category will be converted to SC category and the same will be filled up by SC candidates strictly according to merit. Thereafter, the vacant seat if any, of SC category and OBC will be converted to Common merit (Clause 5.1 of BOI -2013) to be filled in the counselling to be held on 31.08.2013 (Saturday). (ii) The vacancy position will be uploaded by 09:00 PM. c.
30th August, 2013 i. Since the vacant seats if any, of SC category and OBC have been converted to Common merit on 29.8.2013, the converted seat / resultant seat if any, shall be filled up by operating Common Merit List only. ii. The candidates who desire to surrender / relinquish the PG seat allotted on 29.08.2013 or in the 1st /2nd counselling may do so on or before 30th August 2013 latest by 12:00 Noon. iii. The available vacant seat and the waitlisted common merit list will be displayed by 06:00 PM on 30.08.2013.
31st August, 2013 (Saturday) i. The counselling shall be conducted at 09:00 AM onwards as per procedure given in the Bulletin of Information-2013 only by operating Common Merit. ii. The candidates are required to complete the admission process and to join the allotted seat/Institution on 31.08.2013. iii. The candidates are advised to download the prescribed proforma of the surety bond and get it ready in all respect except the discipline (PG seat) and the Institution, which can be filled up once the seat and Institution is allotted. iv. The admission will close on 31.08.2013 (Saturday). No extension of time will be permitted to students beyond 31.08.2013.
Note: - The extended 2nd round of counselling will be in the basement of Paintal Memorial Golden Jubilee Auditorium, V.P. Chest Institute, University of Delhi (North Campus), Delhi-110007.
-Sd(H. H. Baa) Deputy Registrar (Medical) E-mail:-
[email protected] [email protected]