Washington, DC 20002. 202-546-0474.
. Please bill my personal credit card: [ ]Visa [ ] Maste
Please join
U. S. Senator Ben Cardin For Golf in Charlotte Tuesday, September 4, 2012 7:30 am TPC Piper Glen 4300 Piper Glen Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28277 Each Golfer: $1500
To RSVP, Please contact Fran Katz Watson or Courtney Ryan at (202) 546-0474 or
[email protected]
Paid for by Cardin-Maryland Victory 2012, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Ben Cardin for Senate, Inc. and the Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland. The first $2,500 of each contribution from a person and the first $5,000 from a multicandidate committee will be allocated to Ben Cardin for Senate, Inc. The next $10,000 of each contribution from a person and the next $5,000 from a multicandidate committee will be allocated to the Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland. The next $5,000 from a person or multicandidate committee will be allocated to LEGPAC. Contributions to Cardin-Maryland Victory 2012 are not tax deductible.
Cardin-Maryland Victory 2012
[ ] Yes, I will attend the September 4th event. Enclosed is my contribution of: $__________
[ ] No, I cannot attend but here is my contribution of: $__________
Please make checks payable to:
Cardin-Maryland Victory 2012 236 Massachusetts Ave NE, Ste 602 Washington, DC 20002
[email protected] Please bill my personal credit card:
[ ]Visa
[ ] Mastercard
Card Number:
[ ] AmEx
Name as it appears on the card: Signature: Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.
Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Employer: Occupation: Home Phone: Fax:
Office Phone: Email:
Paid for by Cardin-Maryland Victory 2012, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Ben Cardin for Senate, Inc. and the Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland. The first $2,500 of each contribution from a person and the first $5,000 from a multicandidate committee will be allocated to Ben Cardin for Senate, Inc. The next $10,000 of each contribution from a person and the next $5,000 from a multicandidate committee will be allocated to the Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland. The next $5,000 from a person or multicandidate committee will be allocated to LEGPAC. Contributions to Cardin-Maryland Victory 2012 are not tax deductible.