use and integration of ict in higher education teaching

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Communication and Information Technology involves several changes in education as faculty ´new roles and a new curriculum design (Kools et al, 2002).


ORELLANA, N1.; GONZALEZ-GOMEZ, J.P2.; SOBRECASES, M1. & SAEZ, A.1 Educational Technology Unit (UTE-UV) University of Valencia, Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 30, 46010 Valencia, Spain. 2University of Alicante, Spain.

Communication and Information Technology involves several changes in education as faculty ´new roles and a new curriculum design (Kools et al, 2002). In this way, faculty need to work in the new curriculums, as well as the integration of ICT use in that curriculum (Lam et al., 2004). Several researches argue the need of a new concept of Pedagogy in relation to ICT (Simons, 2003), as Pedagogy involves knowledge and skill for using ICT in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process. Lam et al. (2004) point out three new roles for a teacher: guide, educational designer and assessor. This new concept means a change in the pedagogical philosophy: going from teacher-centred teaching to student-centred one. In this paper, our objective is to analyse the relationship between ICT use in teaching and pedagogical philosophy of the faculty. Besides, we pay attention to personal-professional use (research and management) in order to distinguish between faculty who have a lack of basic knowledge for ICT integration and ones who have knowledge but do not integrate them. The study is based on a survey design, using a questionnaire which could be filled in paper or on web. The questionnaire is structured in several sections: pedagogical philosophy, computing equipment, knowledge, use, attended training, training needs, attitudes and obstacles. Specifically, we focus on the section about use of different technological resources for this study. We analyze this ICT use, taking into account personal-professional level (without students) and classroom level (with students) and pedagogical philosophy of faculty. The sample refers to faculty from two universities located in Comunidad Valenciana. The sampling was stratified depending on: gender, specialized area and professional standing, with 95% level of confidence and 3% assumed error. Results point out an important difference between personal-professional use and teaching use and ICT curricular integration. On the other hand, the level of ICT use is higher in basic applications (word processor, databases, simple presentation, Internet as information source and e-mail) than in ones which require design and programming on teachers’ side. Besides, this last aspect means a higher level of ICT competency (Almerich, et al. 2003). The relationship between ICT use in teaching and pedagogical philosophy does not so clear, perhaps due to the limited definition of profiles about educational models. It is important to bear in mind the European Convergence Process (COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, 2002), in which the universities are immersed and whose objective is to highlight the importance of integrating e-learning in Higher Education and, particularly, regarding curricular development. In face of the results and the European Convergence Process, we think that university faculty’s training needs to be done, giving them the support and adequate training to facilitate this change of faculty’s role in the Information and Communication Society (Lam et al. 2004). Acknowledgements This work was founded through Project GV04-B-293 from the PVCiT Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Deporte. Generalitat Valenciana. Spain. (Regional Program R+D) References Almerich, G., Suárez. J.M., Orellana, N., Gargallo, B., Belloch, C., Bo, R., Sáez, A., Aliaga, F., Gastaldo, I., Díaz, I., Roig, R. y González, E. (2003). Teachers’ competencies in primary and secondary education. En Méndez-Vilas, A., Mesa, J. A. y Mesa, J. (Eds.): Advances in technology-based education: towards a knowledge based society. Vol. 2, 1045-1049. Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Extremadura. Badajoz. COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (2002). Proposal for a DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL adopting a multi-annual programme (2004-2006) for the effective integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education and training systems in Europe (eLearning Programme)

Kools, Q.H., Neut, A.C. van der & Smeets, E.F.L. (2002). ICT in het hoger onderwijs: stand van zaken. Verslag van een literatuurstudie. Nijmegen, the Netherlands: ITS Lam, I., Groep, J. Van de, Admiraal, W., Akkerman, S. Buijs, I. & Horts, S. ter (2004). ILAB. Dutch national report. University of Utrecht: IVLOS-Centre for ICT in education. Simons, P.R.J. (2003). Eindelijk aandacht voor de didactiek van e-learning! HRD Thema 4 (3), pp. 18-26.