User Guide Kinectomatics v1.0
Contents Overview ....................................................................................... 1 System Requirements ................................................................... 1 Getting Started .............................................................................. 2 Installing KinectTM Drivers .......................................................... 2 Opening Kinectomatics .............................................................. 3 Home Screen ............................................................................. 3 Navigation .................................................................................. 4 Resizing or Closing the Application ........................................... 4 Tracking Page ............................................................................... 5 Navigation Section ..................................................................... 5 Content Section ......................................................................... 6 Tracking Area ......................................................................... 6 Display Area ........................................................................... 7 Body Area .............................................................................. 9 Image Area .......................................................................... 10 Collect Area ......................................................................... 10 Data Area ............................................................................. 12 Status Section ......................................................................... 13 Best Practice ............................................................................... 13 Environment ............................................................................ 13 Kinect ....................................................................................... 13
Participants .............................................................................. 14 Experimental Paradigm ........................................................... 14 Change Global Coordinate System ..................................... 14 Subject Data ........................................................................ 15 Collection Frequency ........................................................... 15
Overview Kinectomatics is a plug-and-play application designed to allow users to capture and export skeletal data from the Microsoft KinectTM using the 2.0 SDK. Users are provided access to 3D kinematic data from 26 anatomical landmarks for up to 6 people without the hassle of instrumentation. The application exports raw, unfiltered data to CSV files providing users with the flexibility to analyze data by whatever means best suit the scope of the project. This guide is designed to explain the layout and features of the application along with considerations for best practice.
System Requirements In order to make use of Kinectomatics users are required to have access to a Kinect for Xbox One, available online through the Microsoft Store. Additionally, in order to connect the KinectTM to a computer users will also need the Kinect Adapter for Windows which features a male USB 3.0 adapter and power cord. Note that when using the KinectTM with a computer the device must be plugged into a wall outlet since it cannot draw power from the USB adapter; unlike when it is plugged into the Xbox One. In order to interface with the KinectTM the Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 is required. In addition, users should have a Windows device that meets the following requirements:
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Operating System Windows 8 or 8.1 Windows 10 Hardware Configuration 64 bit (x64) architecture 3.1 GHz (or faster) physical dual-core processor (2 logical cores per physical) 4 GB RAM (we recommend at least 8 GB) USB 3.0 host controller (must be dedicated, not a hub) DirectX 11 capable graphics adapter Our tests have found that a laptop with 1.8 GHz CPU and 8 GB of RAM only allow one person to be tracked (with only joints displayed). If more people need to be tracked or bones need to be displayed the program may become unresponsive.
Getting Started Installing KinectTM Drivers Once you have access to the KinectTM, Kinect for Windows Power Adapter, and a suitable Windows PC you are ready to begin using Kinectomatics. Again, be sure to install the Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0. It is found on Microsoft’s website. To ensure that your computer can recognize the Kinect, first connect the Kinect to the power adapter which should be plugged into a standard wall
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outlet. Next, plug the USB adapter into one of your computers dedicated USB 3.0 ports. The first time the KinectTM is plugged into your device it will recognize the device and begin installing the requisite drivers. Once these drivers are installed you will be able to simply plug the KinectTM in when using the application.
Opening Kinectomatics After installing the drivers, start the Kinectomatics application. If you are unsure of where the application is located click on the start menu and search typing Kinectomatics. To place a shortcut in a more accessible location right click on the application logo and select Pin to Start or Pin to Taskbar. Otherwise, click on the logo to start the application.
Home Screen Once the application is open you will be brought to the home screen. There you will find three tiles: Tracking, Manual, and Troubleshooting. The Tracking page allows users to display, capture, and export 3D kinematics from the KinectTM and will be discussed in detail in Chapter 4. The Manual page contains the Kinectomatics 1.0 Manual (this document) allowing users to easily access the document for reference. Additionally, the manual can be found on Humotus’s 3 | Page
website ( and on the Kinectomatics page on the Microsoft Windows Store where it can be downloaded as a PDF. The Troubleshooting page contains answers to common questions you may have when you begin using or encounter difficulties with Kinectomatics. If the topics covered on this page are not sufficient to answer your question or concern or do not fix the problem, please send an email to
[email protected] or
[email protected].
Navigation Navigating between pages in Kinectomatics is straightforward. From the home screen, click on the tile for the page that you would like to visit. If you would like to
Back Button
leave that page and return to the home screen click on the back button (shown right) located at the top left corner of the application page.
Resizing or Closing the Application If you would like to change the size of the application window you can do so in a similar manner to any other application. The window can stretched vertically, horizontally, or both by hovering your cursor over an edge of the window until a double arrow appears. Once this symbol appears you may stretch the window to the size that fits your needs.
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Additionally, you may use shortcuts to resize the window to full screen or half screen by pressing the Windows key and up arrow or the Windows key and left/right arrows respectively. To minimize the window you can click on the – symbol found in the top right corner of the window or press the Windows key and the down arrow. If the window is maximized simply press the down arrow twice. To close the application you can click on the X symbol found in the top right corner of the window or press Alt+F4.
Tracking Page This page will allow the user to track up to 6 bodies and their marker location data in 3D. In this section we will cover what each option does and where it’s located. The Tracking Page is split into three horizontal areas: Navigation, Content, and Status from top to bottom
Navigation Section This is the top section of the Tracking Page. If desired, the user can go back to the Home Screen by clicking on the back arrow.
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Content Section This is the middle section of the Tracking Page. The Content Section contains all of the available options and is where users will spend most of their time when collecting data.
Tracking Area The Tracking area is located in the top right corner of the Content Section and is denoted by Tracking. This area lets the user decide what markers to track. Markers There are up to 26 markers available to be tracked. Markers that are selected will be used for all individuals being tracked. Bones indicated by a line will be drawn when two consecutive markers are being tracked and the Bones option is check in the Display area. *It is important to note that the more markers selected when tracking multiple bodies may reduce tracking performance (i.e. reduce the sampling rate). If this happens, we recommend unchecking Bones in the Display area. More information on this can be found in the Troubleshooting Guide under Low Sampling Frequency.
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Template Template is an option that allows users to save settings for a recording. Thus, each time the same setup is wanted (marker selection, Metric Units, Floor GCS, and trial
duration) all the user has to do it click on that template and the settings will be updated automatically. This allows users who would like to collect different skeletal layouts to save their options and quickly load them as needed.
Display Area The Display area is located below the Tracking area. This area allows the image source (i.e. infrared or color) to be changed and displays Bones and/or Joints. Skeleton colors can be changed in this area as well. Color When Color is checked the application will display a color image in the middle of the Content Region if the Kinect is connected and properly setup. Infrared When Infrared is checked the application will display an infrared image in the middle of the Content Region if the Kinect is properly connected.
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Bones When two markers are consecutive on the skeletal chain (e.g. elbow and shoulder) and the Bones option is checked a line will be displayed over the Kinect’s image source. This indicates the 2D location (X and Y) of that given segment or bone. Joints While Joints is checked circles will indicate the 2D location of the currently Marker set. Body Colors This button will bring up a new option pane in the middle of the Content Section. It allows the user to change colors of either the bones or joints for each body separately.
Joints or Bones Selection The color for Joints and or Bones can be changed to fit the user’s needs (e.g. providing greater contrast when displaying the color image source). Joint is selected by default when choosing a color. You may switch between Joints and Bones by clicking on either a joint (circle) or bone (line) and choosing the desired color. This changes the color for all bones or joints.
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Switch Colors Switching Colors is done by selecting the body (Body 1-6) and choosing whether you want to change the joint or bone color. After all color changes have been made, click on the
Done button. If body colors were changed but aren’t desired, click on Body Colors button and no changes will be made. Users can always revert back to the default colors by clicking on Default button under the body selection list when Body Colors pane is open.
Exiting Body Colors Upon completion you may exit the Body Colors option pane by clicking on the Done button (saves changes) or Body
Colors button (ignore changes).
Body Area This area is located left of the image source in the Content Section. Body area allows users to select one or more body(s) to be tracked and Reset body data. Body Selection Up to six bodies may be tracked at once. The Bodies selected will appear purple. If a person is being tracked and walks out of view, that body won’t be tracked again unless the Reset button is clicked.
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Reset Button When the Reset button is pressed it clears all bodies that have been previously tracked. Allowing for six new bodies to be tracked.
Image Area The image area is located in the center of the Content Section. When the Kinect is plugged in and application is running a color or infrared image can be chosen (Infrared is particularly useful for identifying sources of ambient or infrared light that may negatively impact tracking performance). A feature of the image is that it will indicate the joint and bone location for selected Markers when bodies are being tracked. Also, recording mode can be entered by double clicking the image. This renders the image full-screen and moves the Collect area items to the Status section.
Collect Area The Collect area is located to the right of the image source. This area sets trial duration, trial number, file name, and subject anthropometrics. Subject Number Subject Number will be the first part of the file name designated for the recording and is used to indicate what subject the file is for. If multiple users are being tracked this the joint data for all bodies being tracked will be located in the same file. 10 | P a g e
Trial Number Trial Number is the second part of the file name designated by the recording. Only numeric data can be enter in this field. This field updates automatically but be overwritten if necessary. Duration Duration sets how long the trial or recording should be and can only be tracked for 10 minutes. Additional Button The Additional Button will bring up the Subject Info pane that may be used to input more information about the subject such as: trial condition; weight; height; age; and sex. You may keep this up during recording if desired. The Subject Info pane may be closed by clicking the Additional button or
Done button in the Subject Info Panel. Record Button When all desired information has been entered and settings are selected, this button will begin recording data. During recording, the Kinect should not move and must remain connected. If the Kinect is disconnected during the trial all data will be deleted and trial number will be remain the same. 11 | P a g e
Data Area This area is located on the right side of the Content section. The Data area contains options that allow output format to be customized. Metric Units Metric Units changes the unit of the output data contained in the file. Three options exists: meter; centimeter; and millimeter. Floor GCS The Floor GCS option rotates and translates the global coordinate system using the floor plane. The coordinate system will be translated to the floor and the Z- and X-axis will be coplanar with the floor plane. This accounts for camera pitch (tilt up and down) and roll (tilt left and right). Users should still stand directly in front of the camera when this option is selected. *When Floor GCS is turned on the Kinect should not be moved. Moving the Kinect will cause the original floor plane to be lost and data collection to be halted. In order for the Kinect to see the ground a clear and clutter free space is necessary. Also, make sure the Kinect is placed 2 – 6 feet above the ground.
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Status Section This section is the bottom portion of the application. It indicates if the Kinect is “Connected” or “Disconnected”. The Collect Area items get shifted into the Status Section while in full-screen mode. Upon leaving the full-screen mode will move the items back into the Collect Area automatically.
Best Practice Before and during a trial, the user should prepare the surrounding environment, Kinect, and plan the desired task prior to recording. This section will give basic tips to ensure data is collected accurately.
Environment Only items of interest should be in view of the Kinect. Cluttered environments may lead to inconsistent tracking and inaccurate data. Keep in mind that if a person is obscured by an object the Kinect will infer marker location making the data analysis less reliable and likely inaccurate.
Kinect The Kinect should be set up anywhere from 2 – 6 feet (.6 - 1.8 m) above the ground with a downward tilt. (We recommend 5 – 6 feet. This ensures that bodies are in full-view and provide an 13 | P a g e
accurate reading of the floor plane, necessary when Floor GCS is turned on.) The Kinect should not move during recording. Moving the Kinect will render recorded data invalid. Thus, data corresponding to the current trial will be deleted and the trial number will remain the same. The Kinect’s effective range to recognize bodies is between 0.5 and 4.5 meters. Thus, this parameter is important to keep in mind when selecting a collection space.
Participants Participants shouldn’t wear bagging or loose fitting clothing during recording. This could lead to limbs being obstructed which will make Marker location inferred or making joint placement inaccurate. It is important to note that if one subject gets in front of another, the person obscured will no longer be tracked as the same body (i.e. it might switch from 1 to 3 if two people are being tracked).
Experimental Paradigm This will go over some tips to setup up a proper experiment when utilizing the Kinect.
Change Global Coordinate System The Kinect GCS is determined by the orientation of the KinectTM camera. Users can change the GCS by turning the Floor GCS on. 14 | P a g e
Subject Data Keep in mind that there is a Subject Info pane. This may be displayed by clicking on the Additional button.
Collection Frequency This application should allow most devices to capture at least one participants with a sampling rate of 29 Hz or greater. Lower rates may be increased by only having Joints checked in the Display area. If issues persist switch the image source to infrared. See Troubleshooting Guide under Low Sampling Frequency for more details.
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