Using Web Accessibility Patterns for Web Application Development

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Design of accessible Web applications is a complex challenge. The presented ... Model-driven software development is well established within the industry, but ...
Using Web Accessibility Patterns for Web Application Development Sabina Jeschke University of Stuttgart, Institute of Information Technology Services Allmandring 30a, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany +49 (0) 711 - 685 63900

[email protected]

Olivier Pfeiffer

Helmut Vieritz

Technische Universität Berlin, University of Stuttgart Center for Multimedia Center of Information Technologies in Education and Research Allmandring 30a, 70550 Stuttgart, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, Germany Germany +49 (0) 711 - 685 63900 +49 (0) 30 314 24603

[email protected]

[email protected]


[8, 10, 7, 9] – are the exception.

Design of accessible Web applications is a complex challenge. The presented concept demonstrates the potential of model-based and user-centered development. Based on Web accessibility patterns, a suitable solution is discussed which can be used to simplify the development process. Using an established approach from Web engineering, the use of patterns is demonstrated.

To meet the efforts of accessibility all content-related information must be semantically encoded. The requirements of accessibility can be integrated into the design process. This includes support for the analysis and integration of the required features in the meta-model and supporting design tools. At first glance, accessibility is mainly a quality of the user interface (UI). However, it influences the structure and functionality of the application including the underlying data model. Experts accentuate that accessibility requires less extra effort when respected from the beginning of the design process. Hence, it is necessary to start the conception process with the design of the UI. This so-called user-oriented approach adapts the structure and functionality of the application to the requirements of the UI.

Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 User Interfaces [User-centered design]

General Terms Design, Standardization, Languages.

Keywords Accessibility, Model-Driven Development, Pattern.

Different levels of workflow are distinguished in the task analysis (see fig. 1). Usually tasks are modeled as use cases, e.g. in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The presented concept is based on the paradigm that the workflow of a user on the level of tasks, activities, and actions is independent of the user’s specific physical or sensory impairments and can even be considered to be technology-independent levels of workflow. Thus, an analysis and modeling of the workflow is an appropriate starting point for the design of new and accessible Web applications, making it possible to model the design of the UI without having to take the requirements of accessibility into account on the one hand and taking the risk of having serious design flaws already in this early stage.

1. Introduction Computer-based applications can adapt their presentation of information to the particular needs of each user and offer new approaches for distributing and communicating information even for people with impairments (notions like impairments, disability, participation etc. are related to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health of the WHO.). Thus, a broad support of accessible media is possible on a new level of quality. Here, Accessibility means the unlimited use of Web applications for all people – a participation in the Web independent of individual impairments. Otherwise, the development of accessible desktop or Web-based applications is still a complex process. Until today, most applications are not accessible although guidelines and recommendations have existed for some years. Model-driven software development is well established within the industry, but its potential for the development of accessible applications is rarely discussed. Publications targeting this topic – e.g. the work of the Dante project [2] or the BeLearning project Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. SAC’09, March 8-12, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-166-8/09/03…$5.00.

Figure 1. Levels of workflow


of external UML tools is possible. See sec. 4 for more details.

The paper is structured as follows. In sec. 2 two Web engineering approaches are introduced. The Dante projects aims to provide screen readers with additional information about navigation. UWE (UML-based Web Engineering) is the underlying process of the concept presented here. Patterns – especially Web Accessibility Patterns – are described in sec. 3 and even the current accessibility guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). In sec. 4, the necessary extensions to integrate the requirements of accessibility into modeling are discussed.

3. Web Accessibility Pattern Different guidelines already address the accessibility of applications. The most adequate for use with Web applications are the recommendations of the W3C [18]. The current versions include guidelines for user agents, authoring tools and Web content. These are three different recommendations, which need to be applied together to be fully effective. The guidelines are namely the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) and the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UUAG) – all currently in their first version. For modern Web 2.0 platforms integrating the creation of content by users themselves, both the WCAG also ATAG are relevant and should be adhered too. In their current version the WCAG are designed to generate static pages using HTML and CSS and thus fail to fully address all current requirements of the Web. Similarly, many directives cannot be validated as precise criteria are missing. The main innovations of the to-be WCAG 2.0 are, therefore, the technology-independent formulation and the indication of precise criteria for validation. Presumably the WCAG 2.0 will be set to recommendation status in 2008. Their technology-independent formulation requires further additions to HTML, CSS, PDF, Flash, etc., by the responsible institutions (W3C, Adobe, et al.). The new approach increases the complexity of the overall requirements as further directives will have to be considered. This is not a shortcoming of the WCAG 2.0, but a direct result of the increasing technological complexity of the Web.

2. Related Work The Dante approach allows semantic annotation of Web pages to explicitly provide knowledge about structure and to support screen readers to facilitate the audio presentation of the content. The identified objects are annotated with terms from the Web Authoring for Accessibility ontology. Currently, such annotations are done manually and do not address the problem of dynamic content. In combination with the Web Site Design Method (WSDM) [1] it is possible to fully automate the generation of semantical annotations used for Dante [15]. It is approximated that 85% of the annotations can be provided that way. Some work about Web Accessibility Pattern was done in the thesis of Ihmig [5].

Table 1. Web Accessibility Patterns Overview, Orientation, Navigation


Metadata Documents Relations Site Map Bread Crumb Main Navigation Utility Navigation Document Navigation Access Keys Sequence

Text Layout / Headings Links / Abbreviations Changing Language Forms /Tables /Lists /Scaling Colors / Contrast Images / Graphics Audio / Video Math. / Chemical Symbols Musical Symbols

The basic approaches to solving the specific challenges of accessibility are the same in both versions of the WCAG. The general methods of resolution are independent of the technology used and often quite intuitive. The concept of patterns has proven appropriate for the presentation of a general solution in the context of a specific problem. The idea of a pattern language was proposed by Christopher Alexander in the 1970s. He has used design pattern to sketch successful design solutions in modern urban architecture. In the 1980s, this new literary form was picked up to describe design experience in software engineering and later for HCI devices design (Human-computer Interaction). Today they are often called pattern since they are now widely used in other fields then design too. They describe recurring problems in a specific context, giving them a name and describing a generally adequate solution. Thus, typical problems of accessibility can also be described as patterns. However, until now they have not been widely applied in research for Web accessibility.

Figure 2. UWE Meta-Model [11] The UWE (UML-based Web Engineering) meta-model [12, 11, 13] (see fig. 2) extends UML’s meta-model MOF (Meta Object Facility) with an appropriate profile for Web engineering. The profile includes stereotypes and conditions for well-formed notation. The extension of UML is conservative as it preserves the existing UML 2 MOF. UWE describes a notation for models as well as a method for modeling a Web application. It supports four different dimensions of development – development phases (analysis, conception, and implementation), aspects (structure and behavior), levels (content, presentation, and navigation), and adaptability. Adaptability is an important quality of Web applications. UWE can model the dynamic adaptation of the application to user behavior and context. A number of tools exist to support the development process and an IDE is under development. Since the extension of UML is conservative, the use


The developed patterns presented here are specific to hypermedia and are therefore denoted as Web Accessibility Pattern. Patterns are well suited for the understanding of the requirements of accessibility, since they do not comprise an abstract description of the requirements, but rather put them in a precise context. They are designed such that the solution results from the specific problem. The patterns can be divided into two categories (see tab. 1) – patterns for overview, orientation and navigation and patterns for content. The first category is discussed in detail since these patterns are covered by the presented concept.

Document Navigation: Skip links provide shortcuts to skip unnecessary functions or information. The problem can be summarized as follows: A two-dimensional layout can support users with sight in gaining a quick overview of the document. Assistive Technologies (AT) in contrast processes documents serialized – both in presentation as well as in control. As a result, two-dimensional layouts can cause long (and undesirable) delays before the desired content is displayed. Using Tab-key navigation a screen reader would possibly activate first the complete, extensive navigation before the actual content is presented or focused.

3.1 Web Accessibility Patterns concerning: Overview, Orientation and Navigation

A best practice is to integrate “shortcuts” in the hypermedia to access certain content directly. These shortcuts are placed at the beginning of the document in the form of explicit links and are thus easily and quickly accessible for alternative input devices. An HTML code for example might look as follows:

Figure 3 shows an overview of these accessibility requirements.

Content Main Navigation Utiliy Navigation ...

Remark: Recently it is often advised to use headings instead of skip links since there is a broad support by screen readers to navigate with headings [16]. Even, in the WCAG 2.0 both approaches are included. Here, skip links are preferred because the use of headings for meta content as navigation doesn’t match the ideas of the Semantic Web. Otherwise, heading navigation is not broadly supported by common browsers when they are used by physically challenged people. These people need as well a quick navigation through the content of a document. Thus, this workaround doesn’t match the idea of a technology independent pattern. Access Keys: Working with software applications Hotkeys (Shortcuts) is a great help since they simplify repetitive activities. In the context of accessible Web applications they are called Access keys. This inherently easy to solve problem is confounded by the absence of any general, application and system independent standards. Similarly, the operating modes of browser are not uniform. According to the Web Accessibility Technical Services (WATS) [18] all shortcuts with Latin letters are already occupied – in the English speaking world alone. In an international context, it is still more confusing. Only the number buttons remain available. In addition, the occupancy of Access keys usually is not shown. Currently this means that the use of Access keys is partially discouraged. Until today, there is no international standardization approach for an Access key-space in HTML documents like the standards of Apple or Microsoft for their system platforms.

Figure 3. HTML-related accessibility requirements Metadata are structured information – in textual notation – about documents, content etc., e.g. the name or author of a document. They support quick orientation and users often decide by meta data if the content is interesting or not. Important meta data are names, titles, timestamps, copyright and the names of the authors. These attributes will be compiled into the HTML documents as meta elements in the head area – for example: ...

Document Relations describe the overlaying structure of documents. One key quality of hypermedia is the possibility to link information and parts of documents. The declaration of document relations serves for better orientation and describes the context of documents and information. Site maps and tables of content give an overview about the complete application. The generated HTML could be as follows:

For visualization of Access keys different methods are possible: • Underlining in the text • Explicit indication in the text • Separate listing • Notification at focus or Mouse-over Bread Crumbs: In hierarchical document trees an indication of the current path supports users in orientation. The user is intuitively supplied with additional information about the current location, status etc. The use of breadcrumbs extends the main navigation



usability causes inconvenience as the user is presented with the wrong information or functionality. Poor accessibility means, however, that the information is not visible or available to the user. Thus, accessibility integrates aspects of usability, but the impact is more severe, as pattern set for specific users are often required for correct use – e.g., skip links and metadata.

with low additional consumption of space in the layout of the document. Instone [6] mentions three different types of breadcrumbs: location breadcrumbs, path breadcrumbs and attribute breadcrumbs. Location breadcrumbs present the current position in a hierarchical document tree, path breadcrumbs show the navigation history whereas attribute breadcrumbs are used with product categories et al. Further types of breadcrumbs are possible.

Currently our work is focused on the integration of overview, orientation, and navigation patterns. The second category is related to content, which is often generated by authors at runtime. This is part of future work.

Main Navigation: Regarding Accessibility main navigation provides the following functionality [3]: overview over the application and its components, guidance through the application and simplified, more direct access to documents, parts of sites or functionalities. The lack of any HTML markup elements for persistent navigation in Web sites complicates development. Appropriate elements and attributes are included in the to-be recommendations of the W3C – Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) and XHTML 2. Without these elements the use of lists in

4. Extending UWE for Accessibility UWE’s capabilities – the consistent support of the established UML standard and especially the use of UML activity diagrams – designate the UWE approach as a starting point to facilitate the development of accessible Web applications. Activity diagrams are well suited to integrate a user-centered development approach based on the analysis and modeling of workflow processes. In addition, UWE is even compliant to the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA).

HTML is advisable including a clear identification of the current position. Lists can be nested to represent hierarchical navigation structures.

The ATAG note that an authoring tool for accessible content should be accessible itself. This requirement is also outlined in the presented approach. The modeling notations and the UI of the tools have to be accessible. UML as a graphical notation language is difficult to access for the visually impaired requiring an alternative form of representation. A one-to-one mapping of graphical models into tactile illustrations is not possible because haptic sense can capture neither the details nor structural relationships. For this purpose, the Object Management Group (OMG) has developed the Human-Usable Textual Notation (HUTN) [14]. HUTN was designed to present UML diagrams in a short text form. The already existing XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) was developed to support the exchange of machine data based on MOF. XMI is not well suited to be read by human. HUTN fills this gap and is compliant to XMI. Thus, it is possible to integrate HUTN seamlessly into the UWE design process. With the use of HUTN the models themselves can be presented in an accessible mode. Details of integration are part of further research. The concept is presented with examples for a lecture management tool. UWE modeling starts by gathering requirements.

Site Map: is a table of contents providing an overview of all existing pages of a Web application. It complements the offer of navigation and improves clarity and guidance. It helps the user to find documents when the structure of the navigation is not obvious to him. Like navigation it must be easily accessible. The requirements are the same as for Main Navigation. Various levels of the hierarchy must be clearly marked. In HTML, nested lists are recommended. Utility Navigation: The utility navigation offers supplementary functionality. These include for example a site map, help, contact, legal, search function or glossary. In current weblinks to these functionalities are often available from all pages and besides the main navigation. Hong [4] recommends that the links are included at the top-right corner of each document. Additionally, – to support accessibility – the functionalities can be easy activated with skip links and keyboard. The recommendations for the pattern Main Navigation are valid here as well. Sequence: The correct sequence of elements in a document (Web site etc.) is content-relevant information and should not be changed by layout. Additionally, the sequence of repetitive elements in sites is always the same. Basic elements such as a link to the main page, navigation structures etc. are always in the same layout and presented in the same place providing a better overview and fast orientation. A recommended sequence [5] is as follows: 1. skip links, 2. breadcrumbs, 3. content, 4. main navigation and 5. utility navigation. Web Accessibility Patterns concerning Content: These patterns relate to the access to the content of documents, including any interactive components. Since they are not yet included in the presented concept these patterns are only mentioned here (see Table 1). Some of these patterns are discussed in detail in [5]. Supporting accessibility improves general usability as well. Nevertheless, both terms are not identical. The difference becomes more pronounced when examining their negations. Poor

Figure 4. Use case diagram for the lecture management tool


are presented as edges (associations). Context is modeled with objects, constraints etc. A detailed task model serves to support modeling of data, navigation, and abstract presentation.

Use case diagrams describe functionalities. Additionally, hypertext-related use cases are modeled and signed with UWEspecific stereotypes. Icons are available in all models to identify the stereotypes. In fig. 4 a small rectangle icon is used to mark hypertext-specific use cases. The lecturer can create, edit, and delete lectures whereas the student can search and attend lectures. Since the lecturer inherits the use cases of the student he/she can search and attend lectures (e.g. for testing purposes). In UWE, process models – notated as activity diagrams – can complete the requirements modeling for non-trivial use cases with functionality more then navigation. A process structure model allows the modeling of data beyond the navigation and conceptual model. A class diagram serves for notation. If the process model is detailed sufficiently, it may be transformed directly and executed. Thus, a quick evaluation of modeling can be supported. The concept presented here extends the UWE process with an extended task model. Task modeling is the appropriate starting point to integrate the requirements of all users from the beginning (see sec. 1). Pre-modeling activities like Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) serve to identify the use cases and details of workflow and to analyze the mental models of the to-be users. Tasks are independent from personal, contextual or technical restrictions (see fig. 1). They are separated into activities and actions, which can be considered as being atomic. On the other side, they are still independent from physical operations to avoid dependency on UI technology like mouse, keyboard, or screen reader etc. These actions can be separated into five basic action classes – input, edit, select, execute, and inform (see fig. 5).

Figure 6. Activity diagram for use case create Lecture Part of current research is the evaluation of Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) as modeling language for the task model. BPMN as a notation language focuses on business process analysis and planning and finds wider use in this field than UML. BPMN is more intuitive and its use would open the modeling process to other developer groups. UML activity diagrams and BPMN are both equally powerful. The OMG is responsible for the development and standardization of both notations. The activity chart shown in fig. 6 would look similar in BPMN.

Figure 5. Elementary actions for task modeling Some sub-classifications are possible to facilitate further modeling (not yet used): start/go, stop/exit, create/delete, duplicate, toggle, monitor etc. The use of workflow patterns [17] facilitates the modeling of activities. The task model includes actions, their relations, and context (resources). Fig. 6 shows an example of a task model by grouping a use case as a set of actions. The actions are signed according to the corresponding stereotype for the five basic classes. The stereotype system serves to signify application actions. The relations between the actions

Figure 7. Conceptual model for the lecture management tool The integration of BPMN would simplify the notation of task models. The UWE conceptual model describes the data, which the application manages (see fig. 7). The specification of content and users is modeled with a class diagram. Content and user related


extended with the attributes title, description, keywords, company, author, copyright, and robots. Additional metadata is conceivable, corresponding to the proposals of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). The integration of default values and generalized parameters facilitates modeling bigger applications.

data are separated. This supports the integration of adaptability into the design process. A UML class diagram is used to model the navigation structure in UWE (see fig. 8). Based on this conceptual model the development of the navigation model is supported by a semiautomatic transformation. The nodes of the model represent the available information and the edges possibilities to change nodes. Since nodes do not always represent pages edges are not always links to be activated by the user. The navigation model includes process nodes, which serve as entry points to supported workflow processes.

The UWE Navigation Model includes information to realize the pattern Document Relations. These are attributes of nodes of the navigation package. Nodes with set isLandmark or isHome attribute are added as link elements in the head area of the HTML documents. In addition, attributes from the Presentation Model must be known for title attributes in the link element. The pattern Main Navigation will be implemented in HTML as a nested list of li elements. Therefore, the same data as for Document Relations is used. The integration into layout is specified in the UWE Presentation Model. The Pattern Utility Navigation includes links to auxiliary functionalities, which are accessible from all pages. Such nodes have the attribute isLandmark in the UWE Navigation Model. Additionally, the attribute includesUtilityFunction is introduced for presentation classes in the Presentation Model, which must be set manually. This attribute differentiates between elements of the main and those of the utility navigation. The modeling of the presentation of the utility navigation is done through the Presentation Model.

Figure 8. Navigation model for lecture management tool

The pattern Skip Links requires information from the UWE Presentation Model. The presentation classes, which are direct sub-elements of the Page class are compiled into HTML with anchors and directly linked from the beginning of the HTML page. In addition, a hasSkipLink attribute is added for presentation classes in order to handle Skip Links in complex layouts. This attribute can be set in presentation model to enforce a direct link to the related page component.

The UWE process also supports the abstract modeling of the UI (see fig. 9). Only the structure of UI components is mapped and details such as colors, fonts, positions etc. are omitted. A class diagram is used for notation. UWE supports the concept Page for notation of a single Web site. Presentation classes can be grouped hierarchically in a page.

The information for the pattern Site Map can be gained from the Navigation and Presentation Model. Beginning with the isHome node navigation routes between nodes associated with Pages are weighted. An edge to an isLandmark node gets a higher weight. The navigation path with the highest weight – the shortest outgoing from the main page – is included in the hierarchical Site map structure. The Site map is notated in the presentation model as an independent navigation node and implemented in HTML as a nested list. Three basic types of Breadcrumb pattern have been categorized (see sec. 1). Without adaptation, only the Location Breadcrumb can be modeled. It follows the path in the Site map and can be generated automatically from it. The other breadcrumbs can be generated when the modeling of adaptation in UWE can be used. That is part of further work. For the pattern Access keys an additional attribute is required in the Navigation and Presentation Model. Nodes or presentation classes are extended with an additional hasKey attribute. The corresponding HTML elements are marked up with the accesskey attribute. As discussed, the challenges for user agents must be solved too finding a standard for HTML documents.

Figure 9. Abstract UI model: Example for Home

4.1 Integration of Web Accessibility Patterns We now discuss the use of the presented Web Accessibility Patterns to model accessible UI components. As already mentioned in Sect. 3, the patterns serve for navigation, guidance, and overview. The UWE constructs used are described in the UWE meta-model and Profile [13].

The pattern Sequence is realized by integrating the different pattern generated in the previous steps according the sequence (see sec. 3). Tab. 2 shows the additional attributes require to support our approach. All patterns of sec. 1 are included assuring

The recommended information about documents in the pattern Metadata is anchored in the Presentation Model of the UWE process. Therefore, the Page class of the presentation package is


[4] D. Hong. Utility Navigation. erns2/webpatterns/pattern.php?id=25, Accessed: 04/29/2008.

a broad support of accessibility in navigation, guidance and overview. Table 2. Additional attributes in UWE meta-model Attribute name

Class name

[5] S. Ihmig. Web Accessibility Patterns. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik, 2007.


author Page string company Page string copyright Page string description Page string keywords Page string robots Page string title Page string includesUtilityFunction presentation classes boolean hasSkipLink presentation classes boolean hasKey presentation classes char hasKey Node char

[6] K. Instone. Breadcrumbs., Accessed: 08/22/2008, 2003. [7] S. Jeschke and H. Vieritz. BeLearning: Using Mental Models to Develop Accessible eLearning Applications (ICTA/UTIC 2007). Conference Proceedings of First International Conference on Information and Communication Technology & Accessibility, Hammamet, Tunesia, April 2007. [8] S. Jeschke and H. Vieritz. Accessibility and Model-Based Web Application Development for eLearning-Environments. CISSE 2006 – Second International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (Online-Conference), Springer, December 2006.

5. Conclusion

[9] S. Jeschke, O. Pfeiffer, and H. Vieritz. Developing Accessible Applications with User-Centered Architecture. 2008 International Conference on Computer and Information Science (IEEE), Portland/Oregon, May 2008.

In summary, the presented Web Accessibility Patterns can be included in the modeling process. Thus, combined with a usercentered approach and task modeling, model-driven Web development has the potential to facilitate the development of accessible Web applications. The extra effort is small and does not demand additional, specialized knowledge about the requirements of accessibility from the developer. The advantage of the approach is in the close interaction with the UWE modeling process. What can be modeled and generated with UWE can be modeled and generated accessibly in the fields of navigation, guidance, and overview using our approach. The presented concept facilitates the development of accessible applications since a model developer does not need a detailed experience of accessibility. The approach combines the advantages of modeldriven development with the support of accessible UIs. The design process will be also accessible for all participants and allows the early evaluation of the declared models. The project’s ongoing work is the integration of pattern for accessible Web content. Not all mentioned Web Accessibility Patterns are easy to support. However, the basic idea can be extended to other fields. Part of future work is the implementation and evaluation of the concept and further integration of applications dealing with the presentation of complex information such as knowledge. Also, patterns for dynamically generated content are under consideration. With Web 2.0, new forms of content generation are getting more and more importance. Dynamic generated content causes new accessibility problems which are focused by the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Recommendation of the WAI (WAI-ARIA) [16].

[10] S. Jeschke, O. Pfeiffer, and H. Vieritz. BeLearning: Using Mental Models to Design Accessible eLearning Applications. FIE 2007 – The 2007 Frontiers in Education Conference (IEEE), Milwaukee/Wisconsin, October 2007. [11] A. Knapp, N. Koch, M. Wirsing, and G. Zhang. UWE – Ein Ansatz zur modellgetriebenen Entwicklung von Webanwendungen. i-com, 3:5–12, 2007. [12] N. Koch and A. Kraus. The Expressive Power of UML-based Web Engineering., Accessed: 08/22/2008, June 2002. [13] C. Kroiß and N. Koch. UWE Metamodel and Profile. User Guide and Reference (2007). Technical report, Institute for Informatics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München. [14] Object Management Group (OMG). Human-Usable Textual Notation Specification (HUTN) V 1.0., Accessed: 08/22/2008, 2004. [15] P. Plessers, S. Casteleyn, Y. Yesilada, O. De Troyer, R. Stevens, S. Harper, and C. Goble. Accessibility: A Web Engineering Approach, May 2005. [16] J. Thatcher. Skip Navigation Links. (2007), Accessed: 10/26/2008. [17] Web Accessibility Initiative. Accessible Rich Internet Applications., Accessed: 10/26/2008, 2008.

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