Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006,.
p.p. 3-16, 62-93. Assignment 1. Analyze how GDP is calculated in your country.
Operational Programme for the Development of Human Resources 20072013 Priority 2 Lifelong Learning VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K Measure Improvement of the Study Quality, Increasing Internationalization Project No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-01-039 Renewal of Utena University of Applied Sciences Marketable in the Labour Market Study Programmes, Implementing the Problem-Based System (PROMOSID)
2011 Utena
The study guide is designed for the autumn semester studies of the first-year Business management students. The main aim of the study guide is to provide the student with the information on the purpose, volume of the subjects, studied during the autumn semester of the first year, intended learning outcomes of the subjects, content of lectures and practicals, self-control questions, accounting order, assessment criteria applied, recommended references and other information resources as well as to help learning how to plan the time of studies in a more efficient way and seek good learning outcomes.
1. PROBLEM-BASED TEACHING/LEARNING. ITS PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATION Problem-based learning encourages independent learning and provides students with practical skills solving complicated situations and define their knowledge gaps in the context of a special problem by themselves. Some scientists designate problem-based teaching as a method, corresponding best with modern education aims. Interaction of students and a lecturer is characteristic for the problem-based learning, distinguishing by systematic independent cognitive activity – assimilation of new knowledge and activity ways, solving practical problems. The main advantages of the programme are assimilation or improvement of top quality basic knowledge, teaching cognitive methods, early students‘ incorporation into practice, orientation towards the society, cooperation together with constant lecturers‘ assessment. The main aims of problem-based learning are as follows: 1. Attainment of knowledge, choosing the learning ways in order to enable the application of the learnt material in the professional activity later as well as to motivate students supplementing the obtained knowledge by the self-study. 2. Development of the problem solving skills, using the obtained knowledge (skills that would have some influence on the professional activity). 3. Development of self-study skills, given they would become a lifestyle. 4. Encouragement of critical thinking. Applying problem-based teaching during the studies, it is aimed at strengthening students‘ comprehension that their science is important, presenting teaching and learning methods which would be suitable for individual learning. Applying problem-based teaching the material is understood better than obtaining some superficial knowledge. During problem-based learning it is worked in small groups, tutorials take place. Problem-based learning system helps for the student to acquire necessary life-long-learning competences. The main aims of the problem-based teaching are attainment of reproduced and recycled main knowledge, skills of professional activity and self-study. Cognitive methods and scientific thinking are taught, creativity is developed. The learning way allow the student seeing into a definite situation or a problem, analyze them in various ways. Teamwork, cooperation with each other are an important learning part. The problem-based learning draws attention to understanding the whole of phenomena, the importance of available knowledge and experience, to the
meaningful context for the learner and the solution of problems in it, for an independent and active activity when studying. In the problem-based learning the following active learning methods are used: A lecture is one of oral (verbal) teaching methods, it allows to provide with a lot of information and a lot of concepts; it is efficient presenting facts and differs from the narration in volume of information, top complexity. The lecture may be defined as the main teaching form during which scientific problems are analyzed. The purpose of the lecture as a teaching form is to reveal the content of the examined topic in a coherent, comprehensive way, to encourage the interest in the subject, educate independent thinking and form scientific approaches to the reality. Suitable, definite material is chosen for the lecture, accurate generalizations and conclusions are made, using thinking developing methods. These are classic and traditional peculiarities of the lecture. Besides the classic (traditional) lecture, in the study process the following types of lectures are used: a problem-based lecture, a lecture – discussion, a panel lecture. W. Hatch, the author of the problem-based lecture, proposed to start a lecture presenting in advance prepared questions for the pupils and to organize it referring to the pupils‘ answers. At the beginning of the lecture – discussion, it is proposed for the students to ask questions from the content of the following lecture and then it is expedient to answer them using the discussion elements and gradually including new teaching material. A panel lecture is characterized by a special discussion form, where a limited enough number of speakers are participating, always there are qualified specialists of some area; they express their opinion on the issues discussed during several short lectures in turn. A seminar is a teaching form, designed for organization of the self-study and discussion of its results. Students present a topic or an issue, prepared in advance, for the whole group. The topic should be contradictory, encouraging discussions and motivating members of the group to listen to and to speak. Laboratories (demonstration of tests, illustrative laboratories, experimental laboratories) are applied for independent observation and demonstration of reality phenomena, using some certain devices and instruments for this purpose. Practicals are individual or group activity which influences learning, analyzing a definite topic and demonstration of some certain skills/competences. It might be a situation that encourages the application of learning to a real life situation. Practicals may be prepared by a lecturer or students/ a group of students. This would encourage active participants‘ accumulation of learning experience. A group of students may discuss independently or with a lecturer.
Tutorials are discussions of a students‘ group, monitored by a tutor; the discussions, aimed at a problem solving steps realization excluding self-study and independent meetings of a group. Meetings of a discussion group are intermediate meetings of a group between tutorials for sharing and evaluating newly acquired knowledge and for the definition and distribution of additional learning objectives (the 8th step of the problem-based learning cycle), if necessary. Problem-based area studies are an independent search of knowledge, necessary for solving a problem, using available information resources as articles, textbooks, monographs, internet information references, databases, etc. A problematic situation and a learning problem are the main concepts of the problem-based learning, comprehended not only as a mechanical teaching and learning total but and as a dialectal interaction and interrelationship though each of them possesses their own functional structure. A conception map is a diagram which is used to describe words, thoughts, tasks and other objects, related to or is arranged around the semantic word or the thought. It is used to create, formulate and classify ideas and present them visually. Elements are arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts and are distributed into groups, branches and fields. A common way referring to which the structure of semantic information collection is formulated may help to remember the information available. The conception map shows close interrelationship of the theory application, ideas and emotions. Brain storm. This method is handy to develop thinking skills, to generate new ideas. Its essence is the following: a lecturer, having presented a question or proposed a topic, encourages students to name as many as possible answers to the presented question or express as many as possible thoughts on the topic proposed. It is important that the lecturer or his/her appointed student would put the thoughts down on the whiteboard or on a large sheet of paper. It is necessary to abstain from evaluations when generating ideas. It is important that students should be constructive: they should not criticize but should recommend, should not digress from the topic, should speak one after another, should listen to each other actively. An interview. Students present questions, prepared in advance, to other students of the group. The interview purpose is to clarify a definite opinion or information. If not a single interview is conducted, an opportunity occurs not only to clarify respondents‘ comprehension or knowledge on the issue concerned but and to perform analysis, synthesis and assessment of opinions. With the help of the above method, the lecturer may know what topics the students would prefer to consider more widely, what topics they do not possess any information on at all etc. The interview method is applied in the end of the lecture may provide with some information on the topic urgency and awareness.
In a similar way a “three-step“ interview is executed. Having divided students into small groups of three persons, an assignment is given to ask and answer the questions in succession. Firstly, student A is asking student B. At that moment student C is writing the most important thoughts down on a sheet of paper. Then student B is giving questions to student C. Now student A is putting their thoughts down on the same sheet of paper. Finally, student C undertakes questioning student A, and student B is writing their dialogue down. This is the method including all students into an active work: the students have to listen attentively in order not to distort the information and write down the information and concentrate themselves to give and answer the questions. A discussion is a method when students are communicating between themselves: one may ask a question, the other may answer it. A lecturer is usually watching all that interaction, indirectly leading it, showing an initiative, summarizing and solving disputes. The discussion develops a competence to think critically, to encourage learning grounding own opinion on facts, definitions, and laws, teaches to discuss. Only discussing it is possible to learn listen to other, evaluate his/her arguments, clearly formulate own approach, concentrate on an important problem and not to give way to emotions. Usually it is discussed in groups of 3 to 7 persons in order everybody may show his/her worth. In small groups some definite conclusions, results are quicker targeted. Then a representative of the group presents all ideas to all audience. A discussion helps to apply obtained knowledge quickly for understanding new matters or formation of new skills. A discussion method trains eloquence. Discussing students learn to express their thoughts clearly, regularly pronounce words and combine them into sentences logically, speak grammatically and in an interesting way. In a group discussion students can try their eloquence, and listening to others speaking may better feel how to perfect their own speech. A discussion is a forum where students are learning how to express thoughts clearly and accurately, to present the same idea in a diverse manner, to criticize, assess and step-by-step approach the right decision. A discussion method especially is suitable on the cases when the definite field experts do not agree on the discussed issue. The aim of contradictory topic analyzing is not to find a right solution of an issue. Discussions possess an impact, implementing learning motives; it is grounded by cognitive curiosity, teaches to resist other person‘s logical and informative pressure, helps to assess own thinking logic, knowledge and attitudes. Conflict of opinions encourages looking for new information, changing the way of thinking and solving a dispute anew, helps to find better cognitive and moral arguments. Debates is a strict regulated consideration of problems under a limited period of time. Debates are a duel of words and thoughts. The essence of every debates is to deflect, i.e. to deny arguments of an opponent and to compensate harm, made for the arguments of own team. Besides, the debates teach that there
is no single opinion, they teach how to think and speak using arguments and logically, to explain and ground one‘s opinion by some facts, statistics, real-life examples, develop critical thinking and independence and encourages to listen to the opponent and respect a contrary opinion, to cooperate, work in a team and keep to one team line, develop a quick reaction (an ability to re-orient from one situation to another), educate speaking in front of an auditorium skills, helps to give up fear of stage, teaches speech manners, develops intellect, encourages selftrustfulness and trust in team friends. Teamwork is a problem solving structural form of a small group, assuring the use of different groups, individual responsibility, motivating positive mutual dependence. A task is given for a group that is made of 4 to 6 people and they are asked to prepare a project. Students usually share work, help each other, praise and criticize each other efforts, assess the impact of each member of the team. Common experience helps to resolve advance suspiciousness, formulate a favorable attitude. The students‘ aim is not only to answer but and to understand the problem. This method provides with an opportunity for everybody‘s maximum contribution to the total outcome of the team. Individual work is every student‘s individual performance of the assignment, designed for him/her, allowing both the lecturer‘s assessment and own student‘s check his/her own abilities. Individual work may be assigned during lectures/practicals or self-study. Individual teaching not only helps students to achieve common teaching aims but learn how to work and learn independently. Individual self-study is necessary because it helps to develop learning skills. Case analysis is a detailed analysis of the case, event, personality, situation or a problem, related to the teaching situation. The case may be real or simulated. A group analyses the case together with a tutor. The tutor may not participate in the discussion, though s/he may relate generalization of the analysis to the teaching situation and to present a feedback in the end of the period. The analysis of the same situation may be proposed for various groups and the outcomes may be compared, presenting various approaches and alternatives. The method may be used for the whole group as a source of a preliminary conclusion. A variety of possible solutions may be presented as possible ones to choose from. A role-playing method requires competences of practical idea expression and feelings, related to a definite life situation. Roles may be allotted for participants or they may allot the roles between themselves. The scenario may be prepared beforehand for the most cases. The beginning takes the majority of the time. Emerging difficulties may be related to the fact that some participants may forget their text or succession. Consistent preparation, leadership, allocation of roles and the process stand for the ground of a successful role-play realization. Stages of the process provide participants with an opportunity to
express/demonstrate practical experience and assimilate the main learning aspects. 2. STUDENT-CENTRED STUDIES. IMPORTANCE OF SELF-STUDY Problem way encourages communication between lecturers and students and accept the student as an active learning person and motivates to develop applicable skills as problem solving, critical and analytical thinking. Applying problem-based teaching the student has to work long enough independently. The lecturer coordinates, supervises and monitors the students‘ work towards the knowledge, s/he is a consultant. Well-organized student‘s self-study develops general and special competencies, has a lot of opportunities to educate creativity and responsibility. During the self-study students‘ activity, initiative, will efforts, knowledgeoriented abilities, original solving ways, rational critical thinking, etc. are educated. During the self-study thinking is becoming more active, new skills are formed. New knowledge exceeding the curriculum is acquired in the way mentioned above, it is allowed to obtain knowledge independently, it is thought in a more intensive way, self-satisfaction is being experienced as well as satisfaction of own competences, a flow of energy and a wish to know more are being felt. Self-study of the student is assessed during all the studies. 3. STUDY SUBJECTS AND PRACTICES The autumn semester starts on September 1 and ends on January 29. September 1 is the first study week day of the autumn semester, study weeks coincide with calendar weeks. The duration of the semester is 20 weeks, including 2 weeks for the training practice and 2 weeks for the examination session. During the autumn semester of the first year the students study six subjects and perform training Business Correspondence practice in Utena UAS basis. Three study subjects are general: Professional Foreign Language (English), one of optional ones – Philosophy or Sociology. The rest three subjects are of the study field – Applied Mathematics, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics and Business Correspondence. Studies of every subject are finished by the examination (further E) or the assessment of the performed work (project) (further PrW). Volume of the studied subjects during semester 1, number of work hours are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Number of hours Subject title
Number of credits
Professiona l foreign language (English) Philosophy/ Sociology Applied mathematic s Microecono mics and macroecon omics Business communica tion Practice of business communica tion
Consultation s
The subject is finished by*
*Explanation E - examination PrW - project work Defense - defense of the practice report
4. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Studies at Utena University of Applied Sciences (further Utena UAS) are executed and students‘ acquired knowledge and competences are evaluated by a ten-point criterion assessment system, confirmed by the order No. ISAK-2194 of Education and Science Minister of the Republic of Lithuania dated July 24 2008 “Concerning Confirmation of Study Results Assessment System“ (Žin., 2008, No. 86-3437), following the requirements of Statute of Utena UAS, Regulations of Studies, and other valid standard legal acts as well as the Assessment Order of Study Results. Assessment of the subject study results is performed during all the semester and the examination session. Studies of the subject are finished by the examination and the assessment of the student‘s independently done work (a project). Final assessment of the subject is the accumulation point; its composition is estimated according to the proportions, foreseen in the subject (module) descriptor. At Utena UAS various interim assessment forms of study results are applied. The assessment forms depend on the subject study area, study field and teaching/learning methods. During the examination session an exam as an assessment form of study results is being applied. During the semester interim assessment of study results is applied. Interim assessment of study results is performed evaluating assignments, performed by the students, studying the subject, or knowledge and competences, acquired having finished some certain studies of the subject part (activity during the seminars and practicals, homework, presentations, colloquiums, tests, laboratory work, assignments in writing, etc.). During the examination session all knowledge and competences, acquired by the student, studying the subject, are assessed. Students‘ knowledge and competences are assessed by marks 1 to 10, noncredit modules are passed or failed. It is considered as accounted for the subject if the final assessment is higher than 4. (Utena College Assessment Order of Study Results, 2009, Web access: ).
Table 2 Extended Assessment System Descriptor of Study Results
Threshold of a pass
Mark and a brief description of knowledge and competences 10 (excellent) Excellent, exclusive knowledge and competences
Comprehensive description of knowledge and awareness
Comprehensive description of competences
Excellent, exclusive, thorough knowledge and its application solving complex practical problems. Additional material has been studied independently. Excellent understanding and use of concepts, can analyze them in a wider context of the subject. Thinks in an original and independent way. Excellent analytic and assessment skills, insight. Excellent preparation for further studies. All study aims achieved
Excellent application of theoretical knowledge. Excellent performance of complex nonstandard tasks. Perfect, exclusive quality of performance. Excellent skills of expression and presentation. Understands the reason and the purpose of the action well.
9 (very good) Strong, good knowledge and competences
Application of theoretical knowledge is very good. Performs complex standard tasks easily. Very good quality of performance. Very good skills of expression and presentation. Understands the methods and techniques applied as well as the reasons.
Strong, good, thorough knowledge and its application solving complex practical problems. Additional material has been studied independently. Understands the studied material very well, uses concepts properly. Thinks in an original and independent way. Very good analytic, assessment and synthesis skills. Very good preparation for further studies.
Threshold of a pass
Mark and a brief Comprehensive description of description of knowledge knowledge and awareness and competences Achieved not less than 90 per cent of study results
Comprehensive description of competences
8 (good) Better than average knowledge and competences
Better than average Good application of knowledge and its knowledge. application solving Tasks of average practical problems. It was complexity and more acquainted with the difficult ones are made in obligatory material. the right way. Able to work Good quality of independently with performance. additional material. Good skills of expression Understands concepts and and presentation. principles, applies them Knows what methods, properly. techniques to apply. Good reasoning and it is based on facts. Good preparation for further studies. Achieved not less than 80 per cent of study aims 7 (average) Average knowledge and competences, there are some incidental mistakes
Average knowledge, there Knowledge is applied are some incidental following the presented mistakes. examples. Knowledge is applied for Good quality of solving practical problems. performance. It is acquainted with the Tasks of average main material. complexity are made in the Understands and uses right way. concepts and principles. Sufficient skills of Some essential parts are expression and related into a unit. presentation. Fairly good reasoning. Sufficient preparation for further studies. Achieved not less than 70 per cent of study aims 6 Lower than average Knowledge is applied (satisfactory) knowledge, there are some following the presented Knowledge mistakes. examples. and Knowledge is applied for Satisfactory quality of competences solving simple practical performance. (skills) are problems. Knows how to act
Threshold of a pass
Mark and a brief description of knowledge and competences lower than average, there are mistakes
Comprehensive description of knowledge and awareness
Comprehensive description of competences
It was acquainted with the according to some main material. analogy. Understands concepts in a Performs easy tasks in the satisfactory way, is able to right way but does not define the received understand more complex information in own words. ones. When analyzing it is Satisfactory skills of focused on several aspects expression and but fails to interrelate presentation. them. Satisfactory preparation for further studies. Achieved not less than 60 per cent of study results 5 (weak) Knowledge do not meet Minimum sufficient Knowledge minimum requirements. competences for solving and Knowledge is applied to problems following the competences solve simple practical examples. (skills) meet problems. Knows how to act minimum Simple citation of according to some requirements mastered concepts, analogy. retelling of the text. The Satisfactory skills of answer is focused on one expression and aspect. Minimum presentation. preparation for further studies. Achieved not less than half of study aims 4 Unsatisfa Knowledge does not meet Competences do not meet ctory minimum requirements minimum requirements 3 Minimum requireme 2 nts are not met 1 Less than half of study aims achieved
Universal assessments (of theory and practical skills) will provide some opportunities to examine all students‘ achieved learning outcomes of the subject. Attendance of the subject studies is obligatory for students and it is recorded. Especially important is attendance of seminars and practicals as common tasks for
the teamwork are presented during them. Having missed some practicals under some justifiable reason, it is allowed to work individually during the consultations and it is not allowed to work individually without any presentation of some justifiable reason. The student must account for all practical assignments.
5. CONTACT INFORMATION Divisions of Utena Applied Sciences University Faculty of Business and Technologies Maironis st. 18, LT-28143 Utena, Lithuania Dean Regina Bagdonavičienė +370-389-57807
[email protected] +370-610-69398 Vice Dean Rima Žarskutė
[email protected] Department of Economics Lecturer responsible for the activity of Economics Department Romualda Serbentienė
Maironis st. 18-202, Utena, Lithuania
[email protected] Academic staff
Lecturer Dalia Čepėnienė
[email protected]
Lecturer Rima Žarskutė
[email protected]
Lecturer Egidijus Gečiauskas
[email protected]
Lecturer Zita Ruzgienė
[email protected]
Doc dr. Vaida BartkutėNorkūnienė
[email protected]
Lecturer Jolanta Šinkūnaitė
[email protected]
Lecturer Ramutė Kavoliūnienė
[email protected]
Docent Vaida Steponėnienė
[email protected]
Lecturer Gerda Ivanickienė
[email protected]
APPLIED MATHEMATICS Purpose of the subject is to deepen students‘ knowledge in business mathematical calculations, to provide with essential knowledge on functions and the theory of functions limits, differential and integral calculation, linear algebra, linear programming, the theory of probabilities and mathematical statistics. The purpose of the course is to provide with base of mathematical knowledge, necessary for the studies of the specialty subjects, develop mathematics concepts and application of methods skills, necessary researching, describing and simulating simple economic phenomena. Seeking to develop students‘logic thinking, the main attention is paid to applied problems. During the course students’ general mathematical literacy, thinking logic culture and skills of creative work will be educated as well.
Subject volume – 7 credits: 32 h. for theoretical lectures, 64 h. of practicals, 16 h. for consulting, 70 h. self-study. The subject is taught during semester 1 for 16 weeks. Subject lecture: doc.
[email protected], tel. +370 621 22349
Intended learning outcomes of the subject. The student: will be able to describe simple economic situations by functions, analyze properties of functions; will be able to perform simple mathematical calculations in finance economy; will be able to apply derivatives of functions, evaluating economic indices alternation rates; will be able to find limited and common economic functions; will be able to optimize the production plan and maximize average production costs; will be able to formulate economic analysis problems of various domains as a problem of linear programming; will be able to apply linear programming methods, seeking to foresee and choose the most efficient ways and opportunities of the company activity development; will be able to generate an equation of the economic system balance, identify when the economic system is productive;
will be able to apply linear algebra methods, solving simulation examples, described in specialty subjects; will be able to make an experiment mathematical model and will estimate probabilities of events; will be able to apply probable methods gathering, processing and exploring the information; will be able to apply correlation theory elements, specifying “strength“ of random magnitudes relation; will be able to perform statistical analysis and interpret answers in the right way. Subject topics: No. 1 2
Topic titles
Theory h.
Practicals h.
Consulting h.
Selfstudy h.
Fundamentals of business mathematics Functions. Limits of functions
Differential and integral calculation
Linear algebra
Systems of linear inequalities and linear programming
Probability theory mathematical statistics
Subject assessment: Knowledge and abilities, acquired during the studies, are assessed according to the formula: 100% FA = 30% T + 10% SS + 60%E FA – final assessment, T – test,
SS – self-study, E – examination. The test is composed of theoretical and practical tasks from 1-3 topics. The test is planned to be written 8-9 week of the semester. Self-study – individual and group homework – is made of problems from 3-6 topics. Defense of the self-study is foreseen. Homework tasks and methodological guidelines are presented in virtual learning environment Moodle of Utena University of Applied Sciences: ( in the course of Applied Mathematics. You should read at the beginning of the Study Guide how to log in to the above learning environment. In order to be enabled reading lectures of Applied Mathematics and perform tasks a log in key to the course will be necessary for you. The course key will be announced during the first lecture or you will know it having written an e-mail. An examination in writing is written on the day appointed for the examination. The examination assessment influence for the final mark is 60 %. The examination is made of theoretical and practical assignments from the rest of 4-6 topics. During the studies individual and group consulting takes place; its time and place are foreseen in advance and announced in the internet page of Utena UAS. There is a possibility to be consulted in the First Class, Moodle environment, by e-mail. STUDY WEEK 1 Theory lecture 1 Topic: FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS MATHEMATICS. Descriptor: per cent, simple and composite interests, problems of capital accumulation and credit return. References: 1. 000002.pdf 2. Self-control questions: 1. Concept of the per cent. What per cent of a number do we term as: a) the 10th part of the number; b) the 100th part of the number; c) the 1000th part of the number; d) the whole part of the number. 2. Interests. We term the following as interests: a) a premium for insurance services;
b) a fee for the decreasing of the risk; c) debtor‘s charges for the use of the borrowed capital; d) real estate tax. 3. What do simple interests differ from compound interests? 4. If we put K 0 litas to the bank, and after expiration of the agreement term we took K N litas from the bank, how can we estimate what amount of money we have earned in the end of the agreement? 5. Compound interests are calculated according to the formula: a) K N
K 0 ei n
b) K N
K0 1 n i
c) K N
K0 1 i N
d) K N K 0 1 i n . 6. How do you understand “interests are estimated every quarter“. Give some examples, please. 1 STUDIJŲ SAVAITĖ Practical 1 Topic: CALCULATION OF PER CENT. Descriptor: per cent, calculation ways of per cent. Remember calculation of per cent, analyze the material, given in reference [1] and solve problems, given on p.42. Reference: 1. 2.pdf STUDY WEEK 1 Practical 2 Topic: SIMPLE AND ADDED INTERESTS. Descriptor: recalculation of interests, simple and compound interests. For calculation of interests, please, read p.p. 204-214 from the textbook [1]: Reference: 1.
STUDY WEEK 2 Practical 3 Topic: PROBLEMS OF CAPITAL ACCUMULATION AND CREDIT RETURN. Descriptor: accumulation of capital, return of credit. For calculation of interests, please, read p.p. 204-214 from the textbook [1], analyze examples and solve problems designed for the self-study. Reference: 1.
STUDY WEEK 2 Theory lecture 2 Topic: FUNCTIONS. Descriptor: definition of functions, properties of functions, domains of function definitions and values, graphs. Reference: 1. shchanka/Section_1.1-Functions_and_their_Representations/Functions_and_their_Representations.pdf Self-control questions: 1. What do we call a function? 2. What is the domain and range of the function? 3. What function is increasing? What does a graph of an increasing function look like? 4. What function is called even, odd? What way do even, odd functions graphs look like? 5. What do we term a composite function? What of the following functions are termed as composite ones: a)
b) y=
2x x4
c) y= ln(sin4x).
6. What is termed as a function period? What functions are period of the following: a) y= 2x 1 2 ; b) y=arctg x; c) y= sinx; d) y= cos 2x;
e) y= ctg ( 2x -
7. Inverse function. What cases is the function inverse to the given function on: a) for the function y x3 , x 3 y is inverse; y is inverse; 2 sin x , y arcsin x is inverse.
for the function x 2 y , x
for the function y
STUDY WEEK 2 Practical 4 Topic: DOMAIN AND RANGE OF THE FUNCTION. GRAPH OF A FUNCTION Descriptor: domain and range of the function, graph of a function. Analyze, please, theoretical material and examples, given in reference [1]. Reference: 1. STUDY WEEK 3 Theory lecture 3 Topic: FUNCTION LIMIT Descriptor: function limit, infinitely increasing functions, infinitesimals, onesided limits of a function, indeterminations. References: 1. ondirectory/LimitConstant.html 2. shchanka/Section_1.5--Continuity/Sl-sec24.pdf 3. Self-control questions: 1. What do we call a limit of the function? 2. What function is termed as an infinitely increasing function? 3. What function is termed as an unbounded function? 4. What function is called as an infinitesimal? Give some examples, please. 5. Give some examples of functions, thought up by yourselves: a) the function is even and its graph is crossing the point 2; 0 ; b) the function is vague when x = 0;
c) the function limit is number 6, when x ; d) immensely increasing function when x 0. 5. Write down properties of functions limits, please. 6. Name all indeterminations, familiar to you, and all their solving ways. 7. What is termed as one-sided limits of a function? STUDY WEEK 3 Practical 5 Topic: CALCULATIONS OF FUNCTION LIMIT INDETERMINATIONS Descriptor:
0 , 0
0 0
limit of a function, indeterminations ,
Analyze examples of calculating limits of the function, given in references [1], [2] and [3] and solve problems on p. 6 of reference [2]. References: 1. ka/Section_1.4--Calculating_Limits/Calculating_Limits.pdf 2. ka/Section_1.4--Calculating_Limits/Smith-calculating-limits.pdf 3. ka/Section_1.6--Limits_Involving_Infinity/Limits_Involving_Infinity.pdf STUDY WEEK 3 Practical 6 Topic: CALCULATIONS OF FUNCTION LIMIT INDETERMINATIONS 0 , 1 . CALCULATION OF TRIGONOMETRIC LIMITS. Descriptor:
function limit, infinitesimals, indeterminations 0
,1 .
Analyze examples of calculating limits of the function, given in references [1], [2] and [3] and solve problems on p. 6 of reference [2]. References: 1. a/Section_1.4--Calculating_Limits/Calculating_Limits.pdf
2. a/Section_1.4--Calculating_Limits/Smith-calculating-limits.pdf 3. a/Section_1.6--Limits_Involving_Infinity/Limits_Involving_Infinity.pdf STUDY WEEK 4 Theory lecture 4 Topic: CONTINUINITY OF FUNCTION. Descriptor: function continuity, properties of continuous functions, simplex limitation of a function, points of the 1st and 2nd grade discontinuity, removable (exclusive) point of discontinuity. References: 1. a/Section_1.5--Continuity/Continuity.pdf 2. ctory/Continuity.html 3. a/Section_1.5--Continuity/Sl-sec24.pdf Self-control questions: 1. What is termed as a continuous function? Draw a graph of a continuous function, please. 2. What is called as a discontinuous function? Draw a graph of a discontinuous function, please. 3. Are functions continuous in points 1; 2; -1; 1.01: x 1 a) f x x 2 1 ; b) f x ; c) f x ; x 1 x 1 x2 1 f x d) . x 1 4. What types of the points of discontinuity of a function do you know? Explain what they mean, please. 5. What functions are continuous from the given ones? If the function is discontinuous, what type of the points of discontinuity it has got? a)
STUDY WEEK 4 Practical 7 Topic: FINDING POINTS OF FUNCTION DISCONTINUINITY, DRAWING OF GRAPHS. Descriptor: function continuity, properties of continuous functions, simplex limitation of a function, points of the 1st and 2nd grade discontinuity, removable (exclusive) point of discontinuity. Analyze examples of the function continuity examination, presented in references [1] and [2]. References: 1. a/Section_1.5--Continuity/Continuity.pdf 2. ctory/Continuity.html
STUDY WEEK 4 Practical 8 Topic: FUNCTION ASYMPTOTES, FUNCTION CONCEPT IN ECONOMICS Descriptor: function vertical, horizontal and oblique asymptotes. Average production costs, demand elasticity, marginal profit, exponential development. Analyze theoretical material of finding and drawing function asymptotes in reference [1] and solve the problems presented. You can find examples of economic functions in reference [2] from p.34. Analyze the examples presented and perform the assignments for the self-study and answer the self-control questions, presented in the same place. References: 1. 2. ample_chapter/9781405111263/Soper_SampleChapter.pdf
STUDY WEEK 5 Theory lecture 5 Topic: DERIVATIVES OF FUNCTIONS Descriptor: definition of a function derivative, geometric interpretation of the derivative, the physical concept of the derivative, differentiation regulations, differential of a function. References: 1. 2. Self-control questions: 1. What is termed as a derivative of a function? 2. Write down a definition of a function derivative, please. 3. What are physical and geometrical interpretations of a function derivative? 4. According to the definition of the function derivative, prove that
x3 5.
3x 2 1 .
What way are functions sum, product and quotient derivatives estimated? 3
6. Determine, that the function f x x 2 does not possess any derivative in the point x 0 . 7. If f x x 1 , then (validate the answer): 1 a) the point x0 0; 3 exists, that f ' x0 ; 3 b) the point x0 3; 8 exists, that f ' x0 0.3 ; c) the point x0 3; 8 exists, that f ' x0 0.2 . 8. Find the points where the function f x 16 8x 2 any derivative. 9. What is termed as a differential of a function?
x 4 does not have
STUDY WEEK 5 Practical 9 Topic: DIFFERENTIATING COMPOUND FUNCTIONS. Descriptor: main differentiation regulations, derivatives of functions.
Solve problems, presented in reference [1] and 368- 454 problems of reference [2].
References: 1. 2. STUDY WEEK 5 Practical 10 Topic: DERIVATIVES OF IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS. CALCULATION OF SECOND DERIVATIVES AND HIGHER-ORDER DERIVATIVES. Descriptor: main differentiating regulations, implicit regulations, the second derivative, higher-order derivatives. Analyze theoretical material and problems, presented in references [1], [2] and [3]. References: 1. 2. 3. STUDY WEEK 6 Theory lecture 6 Topic: APPLICATION OF THE DERIVATIVE FOR A FUNCTION INVESTIGATION. Descriptor: intervals of monotony of a function, points of extreme, concave of a function, points of inflection. Reference: 1.
Self-control questions: 1. Symptoms of the function monotony. When is the function called increasing? When is the function termed as decreasing? 2. What is called as local, global extremums of the function? 3. May a global extremum be a local one? 4. Enunciate a necessary symptom of extremums, please. 5. Enunciate a sufficient symptom of local extremums.
6. Define the function which graph is as follows in several sentences:
4. 5.
What function is called as a concave up, a concave down? What is termed as a point of inflection?
STUDY WEEK 6 Practical 11 Topic: INVESTIGATING FUNCTIONS. DRAWING OF A GRAPH. Descriptor: intervals of monotony of a function, points of extreme, concave of a function, points of inflection. Analyze examples, given in reference [1]. Important! HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT No. 1. Assignments are presented in the server of Utena University of Applied Sciences at the following address:, username: aukstmat, password: StudentasUK. Requirements for the preparation and presentation of the homework may be found there as well. YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR HOMEWORK, MADE IN ORDER ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS, TO THE TEST!! References: 1. STUDY WEEK 6 Practical 12 Topic: THE DERIVATIVE OF MULTI-VARIABLE FUNCTION. Descriptor: multi-variable functions, partial derivatives of multi-variable functions. Analyze theoretical material and samples in reference [1] and solve problems, presented in reference [2]. References: 1.
2. tvs_exrcss/partl_dervtv_exrcss.html STUDY WEEK 7 Theory lecture 7 Topic: INDEFINITE INTEGRAL. Descriptor: antiderivatives, properties of indefinite integral. Reference: 1.
Self-control questions: 1. What is called by an antiderivative? 2. Enter a definition of an indefinite integral. 3. Enter properties of an indefinite integral. 4. If f x , g x are continuous functions, so witch of the following equalities are right: a)
f x
g x dx
f x g x dx
f xd g x
f x dx
f x dx
g x dx , b)
g x dx ,
f x g' x dx ,
f x dx g x
f x dx g x dx
STUDY WEEK 7 Practical 13 Topic: METHODS OF INTEGRATION: DIRECT INTEGRATION, INTEGRATION BY SUBSTITUTION, INTEGRATION BY PARTS. Descriptor: indefinite integration, integration regulations, table of elementary integrals, integration methods: direct integration, integration by substitution, integration by parts. Analyze the material and examples of problems, presented in references [1], [2] and [3]. References: 1. 2. 3.
STUDY WEEK 7 Practical 14 Topic: INTEGRATION METHODS: INTEGRATION OF RATIONAL FUNCTIONS, PARTIAL FRACTION DECOMPOSITION. Descriptor: indefinite integration, integration regulations, table of elementary integrals, integration methods: integration of rational functions, partial fraction decomposition. Analyze the material and examples of problems, presented in reference [1]. Reference: 1. STUDY WEEK 8 Theory lecture 8 Topic: DEFINITE INTEGRAL. Descriptor: definite integral, properties of the definite integral, applications of definite integral, improper integrals. References: 1. 2. x Self-control questions: 1. Enter the definition of the definite integral. 2. Enter properties of the definite integral. 3. Enter Newton-Leibniz formula. 4. Function f x is continuous in the interval [a, b], F x is one of its antiderivatives in this interval. Which of the following equalities is right? b
f x dx
F a , here f ' x
F x , b)
a b
f x dx a
F a
F b , here F ' x
f x ,
f x dx
F a , here F ' x
f x , d)
a b
f x dx
F a
F b , here f ' x
F x .
5. Applications of the definite integral for estimation of the area under a curve. Draw a schematic drawing and write the formula down. 6. Applications of the definite integral for estimation of the volume of a solid of revolution. Draw a schematic drawing and write the formula down. 7.
Write down the formula how to find the volume of the solid generated by revolving, around the y axis, the region bounded by the graph of x1
f1 y , x 2
f2 y , y
a, y
8. Write down the formula how to find the volume of the solid generated by revolving, around the x axis, the region bounded by the graph of: y1 f1 x , y2
f2 x , x
a, x b:
9. Write down an improper integral and explain how they are estimated.
STUDY WEEK 8 Practical 15 Topic: CALCULATION OF DEFINITE INTEGRAL. APPLICATION OF A DEFINITE INTEGRAL FOR ESTIMATION OF AREA UNDER A CURVE AND THE VOLUME OF A SOLID OF REVOLUTION. CALCULATION OF DEFINITE INTEGRALS. Descriptor: definite integral, Newton-Leibniz formula, application of definite integral, area under a curve, volume of a solid of revolution, improper integrals. Analyze the material and examples, solve the problems presented in reference [1]. Important! HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT No. 1. Assignments are presented in the server of Utena University of Applied Sciences at the following address:, username: aukstmat, password: StudentasUK. Requirements for the preparation and presentation of the homework may be found there as well. YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR HOMEWORK, MADE IN ORDER ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS, TO THE TEST!! Reference: 1. f
STUDY WEEK 8 Practical 16 Topic: APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES AND INTEGRALS IN ECONOMICS. Descriptor: marginal expenditures, marginal usefulness, demand elasticity, curves of indifference, excess of manufacturers and consumers, Lorenz curve and Gin index, average quantity of reserves. Analyze the material and examples, presented in reference [1] and solve the problems, given in reference [2]. References: 1. 2.
STUDY WEEK 9 Practical 17 Topic: TEST. Descriptor: fundamentals of business mathematics, functions, limit of a function, differential and integral calculation. ATTENTION! IMPORTANT!!! During the lecture a test is written. The test includes theoretical and practical assignments from the above analyzed topics. 2 theoretic questions and 4 problems will be given in the test. You may accumulate 3 points for the answers to theoretic questions, and 7 points – for the problem solving at the maximum. Pay attention to the fact that the test makes 30% of the final assessment. Coming to the test, please, bring your homework, presented in the right form according to the above requirements! STUDY WEEK 9 Theory lecture 9 Topic: LINEAR ALGEBRA: MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Descriptor: concept of a matrix, types of matrices, operations with matrices, determinants, properties of determinants. References: 1. 2. Self-control questions: 1. What is termed as a matrix? 2. What types of matrices do you know? Give some examples, please. 3. Linear operations with matrices. Define the operations and give some examples, please. 1
Which of the matrices may be multiplied by: A= 1 2
1 2
a) b) c)
1 0 1 0 3 2 1 ; C= 3 ; D= 2 1 4 . Why?
Find m and n, if: A3 4 B4 5=Cm n; A2 3 Bm n=C2 6; A2 m Bn 3=C2 3
1 2 5 9 ; B= 0 0
6. Matrices A3 4 , B4 1 , C 4 4 are given. Do their following products have any sense (reason your answer): a) BA; b) AC; c) ACB. 7. What does a matrix differ from a determinant? Do all matrices have a determinant? 8. What way do determinants of the second, third and higher order are calculated? Give some examples, please. 9. When is a determinant equal to zero? 10. Expand the determinant of 4x4 matrix, written in a common shape, by elements of the second column. 11. When does the sign of a determinant does not vary? 12. All elements of the 3x3 matrix equal to zero. Is it important to know elements of other lines, willing to estimate a determinant? Reason your answer, please 13. All elements of the 3x3 matrix equal to zero. Is it important to know elements of other columns, willing to estimate a determinant? Reason your answer, please.
STUDY WEEK 9 Practical 18 Topic: OPERATIONS WITH MATRICES. CALCULATION OF DETERMINANTS. Descriptor: operations with matrices, calculation determinants of 2x2, 3x3 matrices, calculation of determinants of the higher line, properties of determinants. In order to understand operations with matrices, please, analyze material, presented in reference [1] and solve problems, presented in the end of the Chapter “Practice problems“. Analyze examples, presented in references [2] and [3] and solve problems, available in p.p. 49-54 of reference [3]. References: 1. 2. ces3/node7.html\ 3.
STUDY WEEK 10 Theory lecture 10 Topic: LINEAR ALGEBRA: INVERSE MATRIX, BALANCE OF ECONOMIC SYSTEM, MODEL OF LEONTJEV. Descriptor: inverse matrix, properties of inverse matrix, balance of the economic system, Leontiev model. References: 1. ces3/node7.html\ 2. Self-control questions 1. What do we call an inverse matrix? 2. Enter a property of an inverse matrix. 3. Define matrixes, that do not possess an inverse matrix. 4. Does every unit matrix possess an inverse matrix? Why? 5. Does every square matrix possess an inverse matrix? Reason your answer. 6. Explain the essence of the Leontiev model. Give some examples, please. 7. What do we call a well-balanced (sustainable) production plan? 8. What is shown by a technological matrix of the economic system? 9. When is the economic system considered as efficient? STUDY WEEK 10 Practical 19 Topic: CALCULATION OF INVERSE MATRIX. ECONOMIC SYSTEM EFFICIENCY. EQUATION OF BALANCE. Descriptor: inverse matrix, properties of inverse matrix, efficiency of the economic system, balance equation, Leontiev model. Analyze examples, presented in references [1] and [2] and solve problems, available in p.p. 49-54 of reference [2]. Important! HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT No. 3. Having chosen variant according to your group list, solve assignments, designed for you. The assignments are given in virtual environment Moodle ( of Utena University of Applied Sciences, in the lecture “Matrices and Determinants“ of Chapter IV “Linear Algebra“ of the Course “Applied Mathematics“ by Docent dr.V.Bartkutė-Norkūnienė.
YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR HOMEWORK, MADE IN ORDER ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS, TO THE LAST BUT ONE LECTURE!!!! References: 1. uts/matrices3/node7.html 2. STUDY WEEK 10 Theory lecture 11 Topic: LINEAR ALGEBRA: LINEAR EQUATION AND THEIR SYSTEMS. Descriptor: linear equations, solution of linear equations, systems of linear equations, set of linear equations system solutions, solution ways of linear equations systems: Cramer‘s (determinants), inverse matrix, Gauss methods. Reference: 1.
Self-control questions 1. What is termed by a linear equation? 2. Define the solution of a linear equation. 3. What do we call as a system of linear equation? 4. What do we term as a set of Linear equations solutions? 5. What linear equations system solving is the method of determinants applied for? Enter possible cases of linear equations solution. 6. What are possible cases, solving a system of equations by Gauss method? 7. What linear equations system solving is the method of inverse matrix applied for? 8. What linear equations system solving is Gauss method applied for? What is the essence of the method?
STUDY WEEK 11 Practical 20 Topic: SOLUTION OF LINEAR EQUATION SYSTEMS BY THE METHODS OF INVERSE MATRIX, CRAMER‘S RULE (DETERMINANTS) Descriptor: set of linear equation system solutions, solution ways of linear equation systems: Cramer‘s (determinantes), inverse matrix. Analyze material and examples, presented in Chapter 1 “Linear Systems” of reference [1]. Reference: 1.
STUDY WEEK 11 Practical 21 Topic: SOLUTION OF LINEAR EQUATION SYSTEMS BY GAUSS METHOD Description: set of linear equations systems solution, solution of linear equation systems by Gauss method. Analyze examples, given in reference [1]. Reference: 1. STUDY WEEK 11 Practical 22 Topic: APPLICATION OF LINEAR EQUATION SYSTEMS SOLVING REAL LIFE PROBLEMS. Descriptor: set of linear equations systems solution, solution of linear equation systems by Gauss method. Analyze examples, presented in reference [1]. Important! HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT No. 4. Assignments are presented in the server of Utena University of Applied Sciences at the following address:, username: aukstmat, password: StudentasUK.
Requirements for the preparation and presentation of the homework may be found there as well. YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR HOMEWORK, MADE IN ORDER ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS, TO THE LAST BUT ONE LECTURE!!!! Reference: 1.
STUDY WEEK 12 Theory lecture 12 Topic: LINEAR INEQUALITIES AND THEIR SYSTEMS. Descriptor: linear inequalities, set of linear inequalities solutions, systems of linear inequalities, set of linear inequalities systems solutions. Reference: 1. ed/downloads/c09s1.pdf Self-control questions: 1. What is termed as linear inequality? 2. What is called the set of linear inequality solutions? 3. What do we term as the system of linear inequalities? 4. What do we call the set of linear inequalities system solutions? STUDY WEEK 12 Practical 23 Topic: GRAPHIC SOLUTION WAY OF LINEAR INEQUALITY SYSTEMS. Descriptor: set of linear inequalities solutions, set of linear inequalities systems solutions, graphical solution way of linear inequalities and their systems. Analyze the material and examples, presented in references [1] and [2]. Solve 132 problems, available on p. 484 of reference [2]. Reference: 1. 2. 4e/shared/downloads/c09s1.pdf
STUDY WEEK 12 Practical 24 Topic: LINEAR INEQUALITIES APPLICATION PROBLEMS. Descriptor: mathematical simulation, application of linear inequalities to solve real life problems. Analyze the material and examples, presented in reference [1]. Solve 37-42 problems p. 485, available in reference [2]. Important! HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT No. 5. Assignments are presented in the server of Utena University of Applied Sciences at the following address:, username: aukstmat, password: StudentasUK. Requirements for the preparation and presentation of the homework may be found there as well. YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR HOMEWORK, MADE IN ORDER ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS, TO THE LAST BUT ONE LECTURE!! Reference: 1. d/downloads/c09s1.pdf STUDY WEEK 13 Theory lecture 13 Topic: LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Descriptor: feasible region, objective function, straight line of level, optimal solution. References: 1. 0tutorial/LP.pdf 2. 3. XNET).PDF Self-control questions 1. Explain the transport problem mathematical simulation, please. 2. Explain the production planning mathematical simulation. 3. What do we term as the straight line of the objective function level? 4. What do we term as an optimal solving?
STUDY WEEK 13 Practical 25 Topic: GRAPHIC SOLUTION WAY OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS Descriptor: feasible region, objective function, straight line of level, optimal solution, graphic solution way of linear programming problems. Analyze the material and examples, presented in references [1] and [2]. Solve 3742 problems, available on p. 485 of reference [2]. References: 1. hical(XNET).PDF 2. xample.pdf
STUDY WEEK 13 Practical 26 Topic: LINEAR PROGRAMMING WITH MS EXCEL SOLVER PROGRAM. Descriptor: feasible region, objective function, straight line of level, optimal solution, graphic solution way of linear programming problems. Analyze opportunities of linear programming problems solving by MS Excel program in reference ([1]) and solve problems, presented on p.709 in reference [2]. Important! HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT No. 6. Assignments are presented in the server of Utena University of Applied Sciences at the following address:, username: aukstmat, password: StudentasUK. Requirements for the preparation and presentation of the homework may be found there as well. YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR HOMEWORK, MADE IN ORDER ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS, TO THE LAST BUT ONE LECTURE!! References: 1. 2.
STUDY WEEK 14 Theory lecture 14 Topic: EVENT AND ITS PROBABILITY. COMBINATORICS FORMULAS. TOTAL AND PRODUCT OF EVENTS. FULL PROBABILITY, BERNOULLI TRIALS, BINOMIAL PROBABILITY FORMULA. Descriptor: event, probability, probability properties, combinatorics, permutations, arrangements, combinations, dependant/independent events, mutually exclusive events, sum of events, product of events, full group of events, hypothesis, full probability, formula of full probability, Bayes’ rule, Bernoulli trials, Binomial probability formula. References: 1. 2. Self-control questions: 1. What do we call an event? 2. What do we term outcomes of the event? 3. Define necessary, accidental, elementary, impossible events. Give some examples, please. 4. What do we call a probability? Formulate axioms, defining a probability. 5. Write down a formula of the classic probability, explain it, please. 6. What kinds of combinatorics formulas do you know? Enter their calculation formulas. Give some examples, please. 7. Define a union of two events. Identify their properties, please. Give an example. 8. Define an intersection of two events. Identify properties. Give an example, please. 9. What events are called mutually exclusive events? Give some examples, please. 10. What events are called independent, dependent? Give some examples. 11. Define a difference of events. Identify properties, please. Give an example. 12. Write down formulas of probabilities addition for mutually exclusive events. 13. Enter probabilities multiplication rule for dependent and independent events. 14. What do we term a full group of events? 15. What do we term as hypotheses in the theory of probabilities? 16. Enter a full probability formula and explain it. 17. Write down Bayes’ rule, please. When is Bayes’ rule applied? 18. Explain what Bernoulli trials mean. 19. Enter Binomial probability formula and explain it.
STUDY WEEK 14 Practical 27 Topic: ESTIMATION OF EVENTS PROBABILITIES. Descriptor: combinatorics, permutations, arrangements, combinations, product of dependant/ independent events, sum of mutually exclusive events. Analyze the material and problems, presented in reference [1]. Reference: 1.
STUDY WEEK 14 Practical 28 Topic: FORMULA OF FULL PROBABILITY, BAYES’ RULE. BERNOULLI TRIALS, BINOMIAL PROBABILITY FORMULA. Descriptor: full probability, formula of full probability, Bayes’ rule, Bernoulli trials, Binomial probability formula. Analyze the material and examples, given in references [1] and [2] and solve problems for the self-study. References: 1.
STUDY WEEK 15 Theory lecture 15 Topic: RANDOM VARIABLES AND THEIR NUMERICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Descriptor: discreet random variables and their numerical characteristics, continuous random variables and their numerical characteristics. Reference: 1. Self-control questions: 1. Define a random variable, please. Give some examples.
2. What random variables are called discreet, continuous? Give some examples, please. 3. Enter a probability distribution of a discreet random variable and explain it. 4. Define an average of a random variable and its properties. 5. What is characterized by an average of a random variable? 6. What do we term as a random variable variance? How is it estimated? 7. What is characterized by a variance? 8. What do we call as a standard deviation of a random variable? What is its calculation formula? 9. What function do we call a distribution function of a random variable? Draw some examples of distribution functions for the cases of discreet and continuous random variables. STUDY WEEK 15 Practical 29 Topic: CALCULATION OF RANDOM VARIABLES NUMERICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Descriptor: discreet random variables and their numerical characteristics, continuous random variables and their numerical characteristics. Analyze the material and examples, presented in 2.8 paragraph and in all Chapter 3 of reference [1] and solve problems for the self-study. Important! HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT No. 7. Assignments are presented in the server of Utena University of Applied Sciences (Utena UAS) at the following address:, username: aukstmat, password: StudentasUK. Requirements for the preparation and presentation of the homework may be found there as well. YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR HOMEWORK, MADE IN ORDER ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS, TO THE LAST BUT ONE LECTURE!! Reference: 1.
STUDY WEEK 15 Theory lecture 16 Topic: ELEMENTS OF MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS. Descriptor: general set, statistical sample set, graphic imagining of the statistical sample set, numerical characteristics of the statistical sample set, correlation, linear regression. Reference: 1., user name: aukstmat, password: StudentasUK Self-control questions: 1. What do we call a general set? 2. What is termed as statistical sample set? 3. What do we call a volume of the general set or statistical sample set? 4. What do we call a distribution of statistical sample set and how it is imagined graphically? 5. List empirical numerical characteristics of the statistical sample and enter their calculation formulas. 6. What do we call a histogram? How is it generated? 7. What variables do we term as uncorrelated? 8. What is characterized as a correlation coefficient? What is its formula? What are its characteristics? 9. What is termed as a linear regression? Write the equation of linear regression down and explain it, please. STUDY WEEK 16 Practical 30 Topic: GRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF STATISTICAL SAMPLE SET, CALCULATION OF STATISTICAL SAMPLE SET NUMERICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Descriptor: statistical sample set, table of frequencies and relative frequencies, polygon of frequencies, interval frequencies table, histogram, average, variance, standard deviation. Analyze the material and examples, presented in the server of Utena UAS [1]. Perform the assignments, presented there, please. Reference: 1., user name: aukstmat, password: StudentasUK
STUDY WEEK 16 Practical 31 Topic: CALCULATION OF STATISTICAL SAMPLE SET NUMERICAL CHARACTERISTICS BY MS EXCEL PROGRAM. Descriptor: statistical sample set, table of frequencies and relative frequencies, polygon of frequencies, interval frequencies table, histogram, average, variance, standard deviation. Analyze the material and examples, presented in reference [1]. Reference: 1. STUDY WEEK 16 Practical 32 Topic: LINEAR DEPENDENCE OF TWO STATISTICAL VARIABLES. EQUATION OF REGRESSION. PROBLEM SOLVING BY MS EXCEL PROGRAMA. Descriptor: correlation coefficient, linear correlation. Analyze the material and examples, presented in reference [1] and solve the problems presented. Important! HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT No. 8. Assignments are presented in the server of Utena University of Applied Sciences at the following address:, username: aukstmat, password: StudentasUK. Requirements for the preparation and presentation of the homework may be found there as well. YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR HOMEWORK, MADE IN ORDER ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS, TO THE LAST LECTURE!!! Reference: 1.
BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Business Communication subject is designated for Business Management Professional Bachelor‘s studies students. The aim of the subject is to provide with theoretical knowledge and practical skills of Business Communication for successful participation in communication processes of business management area. During the studies of business communication the students will know kinds of communication, will analyze elements, circumstances and theoretical models of the communication process. Great attention will be paid to practicals: the students will analyze preconditions of efficient verbal and non-verbal communication dealing with customers and business partners, situations of intercultural business communication, will learn how to solve definite problems of the business management area, arising in the communication process. It will be studied how to prepare and make public speeches, to write business letters, present services/ products of the enterprise to the clients as well as principles of negotiations and public relations. Subject volume – 16 h. of lectures, 16 h. of practicals, 16 h. of consultations, 30 h. of self-study. The subject is taught in semester 1 for 16 weeks. Subject lecturer: Lecturer Ramutė Kavoliūnienė, e-mail:
[email protected] tel. +370 618 26 044. Intended learning outcomes of the subject. The student will: Define kinds of business correspondence, elements of the communication process and theoretical models. Know how to prepare and make public speeches, write business letters, prepare presentations, conferences. Be able to solve problems occurring in the communication process. Subject topics: No.
Titles of topics
Concept of communication. Communication kinds, process, models, channels and tools.
Theory h.
Practicals h.
Consultations h.
Selfstudy h.
Conception of nonverbal communication. Listening. Body language. Verbal communication. Structure of the public speech, principles of preparation and discourse. Presentation of a public speech on business topic. Organization and conduct of meetings, conferences. Public relations and contacts with the media. Negotiations in business: preparation, negotiation process, negotiation ethics. Business communication in writing: career communication (a Curriculum Vitae, a Motivation Letter), Business letters. Electronic correspondence with clients and business partners. Intercultural business correspondence. Totally:
2 16
2 30
ASSESSMENT OF SUBJECT LEARNING OUTCOMES Business communication subject is finished by the examination. As the student, having finished the studies of the subject, is to be able to participate in communication processes of business management area in writing and orally, assessment methods of the learning outcomes are used both for oral and written competences. During the studies, the student writes one test, performs two practical assignments. i.e. s/he prepares a public speech and presents it orally, performs a situation analysis. General student‘s activeness during the lectures as performance of practical assignments, presented possible solution ways of problems, participation in simulation situations and other activity is assessed. This assessment is included into a general point of practical works. Knowledge and competences acquired during all the studies of the subject are assessed according to the following formula: 100% FA = 40% AP + 60% E AP = 30% T + 70% PA FA
- final assessment
- accumulative point
- test assessment
- average of practical assignments
- examination
STUDY WEEK 1 Lecture 1. Topic: CONCEPT OF COMMUNICATION. COMMUNICATION KINDS, PROCESS, MODELS, CHANNELS AND TOOLS. Descriptor: Concept of communication, communication process, communication channels and tools, conception of business communication, verbal and non-verbal communication, survey of communication models, feedback in communication, communication interferences, preconditions of effective communication. References: 1. 2. Self-control questions: 1. How do you understand personal and business communication? 2. What communication models, channels and tools do you know? 3. What is the significance of the feedback in communication process? 4. What communication obstacles might be? How to overcome them? 5. What factors do determine efficient communication? STUDY WEEK 2 Practical 1. Topic: CONCEPT OF COMMUNICATION. COMMUNICATION KINDS, PROCESS, MODELS, CHANNELS AND TOOLS. Descriptor: Drawing of a map of concepts. References: 1. 2.
STUDY WEEK 3 Lecture 2. Topic: CONCEPTION OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION. LISTENING. BODY LANGUAGE. Descriptor: Symbols and signs in non-verbal communication, ability to listen and hear, “reading“ of the body language, significance of non-verbal communication projecting a businesslike image of the person. References: 1. 2. Self-control questions: 1. What is the significance of non-verbal signals in business communication process? 2. What communication models, channels and tools do you know? 3. What is the meaning of the feedback in the communication process? 4. What communication obstacles might be? How to overcome them? 5. What factors do determine efficient communication? STUDY WEEK 4 Practical 2. Topic: CONCEPTION OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION. LISTENING. BODY LANGUAGE. Descriptor: Observation and analysis of video material. Work in groups.
Video material for the analysis: 1. (Professor Randy Pausch gave a lecture on Time Management at the University of Virginia) 2. Self-control question: Assess non-verbal communication of the video material.
STUDY WEEK 5 Lecture: 3. Topic: VERBAL COMMUNICATION. STRUCTURE OF THE PUBLIC SPEECH, PRINCIPLES OF PREPARATION AND DISCOURSE. PRESENTATION OF A PUBLIC SPEECH ON BUSINESS TOPIC. Descriptor: Styles of verbal communication, public speeches, their preparation, discourse ways and functions, principles of composition: consistency, growth, organic whole, functionality, economy, originality, relevance, structure of the public speech, peculiarities of the public speech style. References: 1. 2. lls_development/freegate_1552-1104-88327.html Self-control questions: 1. How are public speeches classified? 2. What are the main functions of public speeches? 3. What are the ways of making public speeches? What way would you prefer? Reason your opinion, please. 4. What are principles of the public speech composition? Define them, please. 5. What does determine the success of the public speech? Reason it, please. Preparation for the practical work: prepare a public speech on business topics and prepare its presentation. STUDY WEEK 6 Practical 3. Topic: VERBAL COMMUNICATION. STRUCTURE OF THE PUBLIC SPEECH, PRINCIPLES OF PREPARATION AND DISCOURSE. PRESENTATION OF A PUBLIC SPEECH ON BUSINESS TOPIC. Descriptor: presentation and assessment of public speeches. IMPORTANT! Speeches are presented in public, they are analyzed and assessed. Their assessment is included into the assessment of practical assignments. References: 1. lls_development/freegate_1552-1104-88327.html
STUDY WEEK 7 Lecture 4. Topic: ORGANIZATION AND CONDUCT OF MEETINGS, CONFERENCES. Descriptor: Preparation for a meeting, a conference, making an agenda, effective leadership for the meeting, logic of a conference, a seminar conduct, taking minutes of the meeting, refering to visuals. References: 1. 2. Self-control questions: 1. How to prepare for a meeting, a conference? 2. What is the course of a meeting, of a conference? 3. What is written in the minutes of the meeting? 4. What does determine the success of a meeting, a conference? Reason you opinion, please. STUDY WEEK 8 Practical 4. Topic: ORGANIZATION AND CONDUCT OF MEETINGS, CONFERENCES. Descriptor: Simulation game, imitating a meeting. Taking the minutes of the meeting.
References: 1. Self-control question: Assess efficiency of your own participation in the simulation game.
STUDY WEEK 9 Lecture 5. Topic: PUBLIC RELATIONS AND CONTACTS WITH THE MEDIA. Descriptor: external and internal communication of an organization, conception of relations with the society, target audiences, tools of public relations, peculiarities of contacting the media.
References: 1. 2. 3. Self-control questions: 1. Define external and internal communication of an organization, please. 2. What are public relations? 3. What tools of public relations do you know? 4. What is the target audience? 5. What do you know communicating with journalists? STUDY WEEK 10 Practical 5. Topic: PUBLIC RELATIONS AND CONTACTS WITH THE MEDIA. Descriptor: writing a news release, simulation game, imitating an interview on a business topic.
References: 1. Self-control question: Assess efficiency of your own participation in the simulation game.
STUDY WEEK 11 Lecture 6. Topic: NEGOTIATIONS IN BUSINESS: PREPARATION, NEGOTIATION PROCESS, NEGOTIATION ETHICS. Descriptor: formation of a team, preparation for the negotiations, preconditions of effective negotiations, observation of ethical principls in the negotiations. References: 1. Self-control question: What does determine success of the negotiations? Reason your opinion, please. STUDY WEEK 12 Practical 6. Topic: NEGOTIATIONS IN BUSINESS: PREPARATION, NEGOTIATION PROCESS, NEGOTIATION ETHICS. Descriptor: Imitated negotiations. Formulation of arguments. References: 1. Self-control question: Assess the success of your own participation in the negotiations. STUDY WEEK 13 Lecture 7. Topic: BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IN WRITING: CAREER COMMUNICATION (A CURRICULUM VITAE, A MOTIVATION LETTER), BUSINESS LETTERS. ELECTRONIC CORRESPONDENCE WITH CLIENTS AND BUSINESS PARTNERS. Descriptor: Basic requirements for business correspondence in writing, Curriculum Vitae form, business letter structure, peculiarities of ecorrespondence, ethics and etiguette of communication in writing. References: 1. 2.
3. 4. Self-control questions: 1. What are the basic requirements for the communication in writing? 2. What should be written in the Curriculum Vitae? 3. What is the structure of a business letter? 4. How to make an employer interested in your motivation letter in order to receive an invitation for an interview? 5. What are ethics and etiquette requirements of business correspondence? STUDY WEEK 14 Practical 7. Topic: BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IN WRITING: CAREER COMMUNICATION (A CURRICULUM VITAE, A MOTIVATION LETTER), BUSINESS LETTERS. ELECTRONIC CORRESPONDENCE WITH CLIENTS AND BUSINESS PARTNERS. Descriptor: Individual work: writing a CV, a motivation letter, a business letter. References: 1. 2. IMPORTANT! Prepare a CV, a motivation letter and a business letter on a business topic. Their assessment is included into the assessment of practical works. STUDY WEEK 15 Lecture 8. Topic: INTERCULTURAL BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. Descriptor: conception of intercultural communication; factors, influencing intercultural differences; aspects of intercultural communication in different countries of the world. References: 1. Self-control question. What way is it possible to avoid misunderstandings arising because of cultural differences?
Homework assignment: review the material of Business Correspondence course and prepare for the summarizing test. STUDY WEEK 16 Lecture 8. Topic: INTERCULTURAL BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. Descriptor: Analysis of intercultural communication situation. IMPORTANT! During the first part of the lecture students are writing a summarizing test of Business Correspondence course. The assessment will make 30% of the accumulative point (70% is an average of practical works assessment). Self-control question: What knowledge and competences acquired during the studies of Business Correspondence subject, in your opinion, could you apply in practice? Reason your opinion, please. GOOD LUCK STUDYING BUSINESS COMMUNICATION!
MICROECONOMICS AND MACROECONOMICS Subject aim is to provide with theoretical and practical skills, necessary to study market economy operation principles, participants‘ behaviour of economy, their decisions made, economic grounding of economical activity in markets of various types, economic cyclic recurrence and development, general economics regularities, characteristic for all countries. During the course microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis skills and students‘ abilities to apply economic models analysing economic phenomena are educated.
Subject volume is 7 credits: 32 h. of lectures, 64 h. of practicals, 16 h. of consulting, 70 h. of self-study. The subject is taught in semester 1 for 16 weeks. Subject lecturer: Lecturer Jolanta Šinkūnaitė, e-mail:
[email protected] Intended learning outcomes of the subject. The student will: Explain the essence of economic changes, contradictions and controversies Define the market mechanism Identify market structures Evaluate inward opportunities of a company Estimate production efficiency and factors determining it Assess business development opportunities Analyze economic development processes. Subject topics: No.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Topic titles
Fundamentals of demand and supply analysis Theory of elasticity Consumer‘s behaviour Production. Costs of production Market structure and
Theory h.
Practicals h.
Consultancies h.
Selfstudy h. 4
6 4 8 8
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
economic efficiency National product Volatile economic activity Fiscal policy Money and system of banks Monetary policy Foreign trade Exchange rates Totally:
2 2 2 32
6 4 2 64
1 1 1 16
6 6 4 6 6 6 6 70
Subject assessment: Final assessment of the subject is calculated according to the formula: 100% FA = 25% T + 10% WP + 5% A + 60%E GV – final assessment AP – accumulative point (average of tests, paper in writing, activity during lectures/ practicals) T – tests WP – written paper A – activity during lectures/ practicals E – examination Test No.1 is composed of theoretical and practical assignments from topics 1-3. The test is planned during 4-5 week of the semester. Test No. 2 includes theoretical and practical assignments from topics 67. The test is planned during 11-12 week of the semester. The written paper is made of tasks from 4, 5 and 8-12 topics. The written paper is prepared in teams of 2-3 students. The lecturer assigns a topic for every group to prepare a written paper. The presentation and defense of the written paper are foreseen. Activity during lectures/ practicals includes demonstration of problem solution skills, reasoning the choice of the problem and situation solution and analyzing the received result. The examination is organized in writing on the assigned day. The influence of the examination evaluation for the final mark is 60 %. The examination assignments are theoretical and practical tasks are from topics 4, 5 and 8-12.
STUDY WEEK 1 Lecture 1 Topic: FUNDAMENTALS OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY ANALYSIS Descriptor: Market concept and functions in economy; demand and supply concept; government influence on the balance of market; limitations and problems of the market mechanism. Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 5-6, 9-13 Self-control questions: 1. What does the condition ceteris paribus mean in the model of demand and supply? 2. Define the law of demand. 3. What is shown by the income effect? 4. What is the effect of substitution? 5. What are possible factors of the demand variation? 6. What factors do influence the supply variation? 7. When does balance emerge in the market? 8. Explain the difference between the demand (supply) quantity alterations and demand (supply) alterations. 9. How will the market balance change if consumers ‘income has increased and the article is of top quality? 10. What way is it possible to estimate general demand of the market? 11. May alteration of the article determine variation of demand? 12. Why is it important to assure rational distribution of resources in economy? STUDY WEEK 1 Practical 1 Topic: FUNDAMENTALS OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY ANALYSIS Descriptor: Description of demand and supply factors; identification of the market balance. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 5-6, 9-13 Assignment 1. Equation Q = 15000/P and Q = – 1000 + 500P shows ice cream demand and supply of the day. How many portions of ice cream and at what price are bought? How much money is spent on ice cream? Assignment 2. Describe what factors influence demand and supply of ice cream. In the second part of the practical a discussion on factors, influencing demand and supply of various goods and services is planned.
IMPORTANT! Be active and discuss, express your opinion, share your experience with others. Activity during seminars/ practicals are evaluated, its influence on the final mark of the subject is 5%. STUDY WEEK 1 Practical 2 Topic: FUNDAMENTALS OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY ANALYSIS Descriptor: Description of demand and supply factors, identification of the market balance. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 5-6, 9-13 Assignment 1. Supply of the product is shown by the equation: Q = – 10 + 5P What income of sales will be when the market price is 5 Lt? What way the income of sales will be changed if the price will increase by 20%? Assignment 2. Describe what factors do influence on the car demand and supply? STUDY WEEK 2 Lecture 2 Topic: THEORY OF ELASTICITY Descriptor: Conception of elasticity, kinds of elasticity, estimation of elasticity. Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 27-28, 139-144 Self-control questions: 1. Define elasticity of demand. 2. Define elasticity of supply. 3. What problems do emerge estimating elasticity? 4. How do buyers and sellers react to alterations of prices? 5. Do always increase total income under increase of the price? 6. May the incline of the demand curve be identified with the value of the elasticity coefficient? 7. Define elasticity of demand in regard to income. 8. Does the purchased quantity of an article depend on the price of the other article?
STUDY WEEK 2 Practical 3 Topic: THEORY OF ELASTICITY Descriptor: Estimation of elasticity. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 27-28, 139-144 Assignment 1. Demand of the product is shown by the equation: P = 10 + 0.25Q What will income of sales be when the market price is 8 Lt? What way will the income be changed if the price decreases by 25%? What is the average elasticity of demand in this interval of prices? STUDY WEEK 2 Practical 4 Topic: THEORY OF ELASTICITY Descriptor: Estimation of elasticity. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 27-28, 139-144 Assignment 1. Vice president of the company has sent a memorandum to the leaders of the firm proposing to decrease the price of the product. He is stating that this would increase amount of sales as well as the profit. Marketing manager has pointed out that the elasticity coefficient of the product demand for the price is 0.5. Is the Vice-president‘s solution right? Comment on it. STUDY WEEK 3 Lecture 3 Topic: THEORY OF ELASTICITY Descriptor: Factors influencing elasticity of demand and supply; practical application of elasticity theory. Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 193-194 Self-control questions: 1. How is demand elasticity determined by substitution? 2. How is demand elasticity determined by the type of an article? 3. How is demand elasticity determined by the consumer‘s budget part, allocated for the acquisition of an article?
4. How is demand elasticity determined by time? 5. How is supply elasticity determined by time? 6. How is supply elasticity determined by substitution? 7. How is supply elasticity determined by goods storage possibilities? 8. How is supply elasticity determined by time? 9. What general factors do influence on elasticity of demand and supply? 10. What is the link between the demand elasticity and the total income? 11. What impact is made to the elasticity by the taxes? 12. What are advantages and disadvantages of the maximum of prices? STUDY WEEK 3 Lecture 4 Topic: CONSUMER‘S BEHAVIOUR Descriptor: Consumer‘s needs and benefit (utility), consumer‘s priorities and indifference curves, budget limitation and budget straight line, analysis of the consumer‘s balance and description by the indifference curves method, limited benefit (utility) and law of demand, income and consumption curves. Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 94-120 Self-control questions: 1. Define net efficiency. 2. Describe marginal efficiency. 3. What is the link between net and marginal efficiency? 4. What is stated by the law of decreasing marginal efficiency? 5. What is analyzed by the theory of indifference? 6. What are the consumption sets? 7. What is explained by the indifference curve? 8. What are perfect set goods? 9. What goods are called as perfect substitutes? 10. What article is defined as evil? 11. What is the budget straight line? 12. What is analysis of the consumers‘ priority, choice and demand model of goods necessary for? 13. What is shown by the curve of the price and the consumption? What is its link to the demand of the definite article? 14. Is it possible to identify the form of income and consumption curve? What is the purpose of the article?
STUDY WEEK 3 Practical 5 Topic: THEORY OF ELASTICITY Descriptor: Estimation of elasticity. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 27-28, 139-144, 193-194 Assignment 1. In the table the demand for male footwear and ties is presented. Demand for male footwear Demand for ties Price in LTL Quantity in units Price in LTL Quantity in units 120 200 4.00 2,000 100 240 2.50 3,200 96 250 2.00 4,000 80 300 1.00 8,000 1) referring to the data in the table, draw curves of male footwear and ties demand in separate graphs; 2) referring to the data of the same table, estimate the elasticity of the male footwear demand when the price is changing from 120 to 100 Lt; 3) referring to the data of the table, calculate the elasticity of the ties demand when the price is changing from 2 to 1 Lt. STUDY WEEK 4 Lecture 5 Topic: PRODUCTION. COSTS OF PRODUCTION Descriptor: Production and its factors; function of production; isoquant cartogram, production in short-time and long-time period; convertibility of production factors; marginal rate of technical change. Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 181-276 Self-control questions: 1. What are production factors? 2. Why is it important for a manufacturer to choose the best coordination of production factors and their quantities? 3. What does “a production function“ mean? 4. Define the short-time period of production. 5. Define the gross product. 6. Define the average product.
7. Define the marginal product. 8. What is stated by the law of decreasing effectiveness? 9. Define the long-time period of production. 10 What is the reason of marginal rate of technical change norm decreasing? 11. What are the differences of production for short-time and long-time periods? STUDY WEEK 4 Practical 6 Topic: CONSUMER‘S BEHAVIOUR Descriptor: Drawing of the budget straight line. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 94-120 Assignment 1. A consumer receives fixed income – 4000 litas. They are allocated for X, Y goods. X article costs 6 litas, Y – 10 litas. The consumer is choosing various combinations of goods. Describe graphically possible consumer‘s choice variants, if: a) X price has increased by 0.5 times, and Y price is not changed. b) X price remains stable and Y has increased twice. c) Prices of the both goods have increased three times. STUDY WEEK 4 Practical 7 Topic: CONSUMER‘S BEHAVIOUR Descriptor: Needs and benefit. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 94-120 Assignment 1. A consumer is trying to maximize total benefit, buying apples, fish and sausage. Now consumer‘s costs are the following as the link between the price of every unit of the article and benefit of every article unit is presented in the table. Explain the consumer‘s behaviour, seeking to maximize total benefit. Goods Marginal benefit Price Apples 15 6 Fish 30 21 Sausage 75 15
STUDY WEEK 5 Lecture 6 Part 1 of the lecture – test Part 2 of the lecture - topic: PRODUCTION. COSTS OF PRODUCTION Descriptor: Concept of economic expenses and profit; Short-time period expenses; isocosts; minimization of short-time period costs; long-time period costs; link between the short-time period costs and long-time period costs. ATTENTION!!! IMPORTANT!!! During the first part of the lecture a test, including theory and practical assignments, is written; it makes 12.5% of the final assessment. It is accounted from the theory that has been taught during theoretical lectures and self-study of references. The test is composed of theory questions, given in a summarized way, having analyzed the following theory topics: Fundamentals of demand and supply analysis, theory of elasticity, consumers‘ behaviour. The test includes 5 open and 5 closed questions. 0.5 point is given for every correct answer. There are two practical assignments and they are assessed by 2.5 points. Good luck!!! Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 181-276 Self-control questions: 1. Explain the concept of economic expenses. 2. Define explicit (outward) costs. 3. Define implicit (inward) costs. 4. Explain the concept of profit. 5. Explain the concept of income. 6. Explain the concept of expenses. 7. What is gross profit? 8. What is normal profit? 9. Name the kinds of expenses. 10. What is the main difference of the economic and the accounting attitudes towards the expenses? 11. What is the difference of the short-time period and long-time period expenses? 12. Explain the dependence between average and marginal expenses.
STUDY WEEK 5 Practical 8 Topic: PRODUCTION. COSTS OF PRODUCTION Descriptor: Estimation of expenses and profit. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 181-276 Assignment 1. John is an owner of ceramics product company. He hires one assistant whom he pays 12,000 euros per year. During the same period John pays 5,000 euros for the rent of premises, 20,000 euros for raw materials, 4,000 euros rent taxes for the company equipment. A competitor suggested John a job for which he would be paid 150,000 euros per year, annual gross income for the production made equal 72,000 euros. Estimate the explicit expenses and economic profit of the company. During the second part of the practical, a discussion about differences of the accounting and economic attitude towards the expenses is planned. IMPORTANT! Be active and discuss, express your opinion, share your experience with others. Activity during seminars/ practicals is evaluated, its influence on the final mark of the subject is 5%. STUDY WEEK 5 Practical 9 Topic: PRODUCTION. COSTS OF PRODUCTION Descriptor: Calculation of expenses and profit. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 181-276 Assignment 1. Complete the table. Quantity Fixed Variable Gross costs in units costs costs 0 10 1 50 4 65 5 78 8 90 10 120
Marginal costs
Business profit
STUDY WEEK 6 Lecture 7 Topic: MARKET STRUCTURE AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Descriptor: Structure of the market; maximization of the firm profit in the market of perfect competition. Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 277-382, 383-474 Self-control questions: 1. What are the main market structures? 2. Define perfect competition. 3. Define pure monopoly. 4. Describe monopolistic competition. 5. Define oligopoly. 6. Describe a competitive firm. 7. Does income of a separate company depend on the price under perfect competition in the market? Why? 8. What is the rule of the profit maximization? 9. What conditions do assure that a firm would keep the balance under perfect competition in the market in the long-time period? 10. What kind of the market is called monopolistic? 11. May efficient functioning of the market be possible without competition? 12. If perfect competition does not exist, why is it necessary to analyze it? 13. When the profit of the firm is the highest one? 14. Define the supply curve of the firm‘s short-time period perfect competition? STUDY WEEK 6 Practical 10 Topic: PRODUCTION. COSTS OF PRODUCTION Descriptor: Estimation of expenses and profit. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 181-276
Assignment 1. Complete the table. What volume of production would you choose under the following prices of the product: 20 Lt., 30 Lt. 50 Lt.? Quantity Fixed Variable Gross Average Average Average Marginal in units costs costs costs fixed variable gross costs costs costs costs 0 60 1 24 2 35 3 48 4 64 5 85 6 114 7 154 8 208 STUDY WEEK 6 Practical 11 Topic: PRODUCTION. COSTS OF PRODUCTION Descriptor: Estimation of expenses and profit. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 181-276 Assignment 1. In the turning-point fixed costs of the product manufacturing are 2500 Lt, average variable costs - 240 Lt, in the turning-point 30 units of production are manufactured. What is the price of the unit? What is the profit of the company, producing 93 units? Average variable costs do not depend on volume of production. STUDY WEEK 7 Lecture 8 Topic: MARKET STRUCTURE AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Descriptor: Monopolistic market; monopolistic competition; oligopoly market. Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 277-382, 383-474 Self-control questions: 1. What does cause the emergence of a single seller in the market? 2. What is usually maximized by monopolists – gross income or profit?
3. May a firm monopolist choose a pattern of the price and the product quantity? 4. What causes loss for monopolists in the short-time period? 5. What indices do permit to measure the power of monopoly? 6. What are the barriers to enter the monopolistic market? 7. What is the reason for the monopolist‘s marginal income being lower than the price? 8. Why does not the monopolist, maximizing the profit, produce when the demand is not elastic? 9. What way may the supply of the monopolistic company be defined? 10. What kinds of discrimination by prices are distinguished? 11. What are distinctive features of monopolistic competition? 12. What are essential differences between the monopolistic competition and the monopoly? 13. Define the non-price competition and its significance. 14. Why do firms compete concerning non-price indices? 15. What competitive measures are being used by monopolistic competition firms? 16. What nature of oligopoly markets is? 17. What are natural obstacles in the oligopoly market? 18. What are barriers of oligopoly market created by firms? 19. Define the stable price model. 20. What are barriers of secret agreements in the oligopoly market? 21. What does cause cartels in the oligopoly market? 22. How could you explain the prevailing firm (leader of the price) model? 23. What way is made a broken curve of demand in oligopoly? STUDY WEEK 7 Practical 12 Topic: MARKET STRUCTURE AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Descriptor: Identification of the market structures. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 277-382, 383-474 Assignment 1. Complete the table. Market structures Number Nature of and size of manufactured companies production Pure (perfect) competition
Companu impact for the price
Conditions of entering and leaving the market
Pure monopoly Monopoly competition Oligopoly Duopoly Monopsony Oligopsony Mutual monopoly In the second part of the practical in groups of 2-4 students discuss and identify the main differences between the market structures and compare them. Discussion on differences of the market structures. IMPORTANT! Be active and discuss, express your opinion, share your experience with others. Activity during seminars/ practicals is evaluated, its influence on the final mark of the subject is 5%. STUDY WEEK 7 Practical 13 Topic: MARKET STRUCTURE AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Descriptor: Market structures; maximization of the firm profit in the market of perfect competition. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 277-382, 383-474 Assignment 1. Production gross expenses of a company, operating under perfect competition conditions, are identified according to the following equation: TC = 600 + 30Q. What the company profit will be if it produced 150 units? Market price of the product is 35 Lt. STUDY WEEK 8 Lecture 9 Topic: NATIONAL PRODUCT Descriptor: Economic sectors and their structure; the main indices and national system of accounts; gross domestic product. Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 3-16
Self-control questions: 1. What are the main economic indices? 2. What is necessary to be identified seeking to estimate the economic situation? 3. What is national revenue? 4. What way are entities grouped according to NSS? 5. What is the system of closed mix economy? 6. What is GDP? 7. What way are results of economic system activity identified? 8. What way does income circulation take place? 9. What is pure (national) revenue? 10. What does the authority sector production equals to? 11. What are gross domestic expenses equal to? STUDY WEEK 8 Practical 14 Topic: MARKET STRUCTURE AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Descriptor: Monopolistic market; monopolistic competition; oligopolic market. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 277-382, 383-474 Assignment 1. Complete the table. Quantity
Variable costs
Gross costs
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 110
Average gross costs
Marginal costs
110 320 366
Marginal profit
200 175 300 135
480 445
Marginal costs
105 90
What are the firm‘s fixed costs equal to? What meanings of P and Q do show maximum profit of the firm? Is the product demand elastic or inelastic in the studied interval of the prices? Does the firm operate under circumstances of perfect competition?
STUDY WEEK 8 Practical 15 Topic: MARKET STRUCTURE AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Descriptor: Monopolistic market; monopolistic competition; oligopolic market. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignments\: Reference: 1. Nicholson W. Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Thomson/South-Western, 2005, p.p. 277-382, 383-474 Assignment 1. Let‘s say that you supervise a monopolistic competition firm which manufactured production demand curve is P = 20 – 2Q. Marginal expenses of the firm are fixed and equal 8 Lt. There are no fixed expenses. What is the marginal income curve like? What is the production volume maximizing the profit? What is the price maximizing the profit? What profit is received by the firm? STUDY WEEK 9 Lecture 10 Topic: NATIONAL PRODUCT Descriptor: Gross domestic product (GDP) and other indices; investments and their structure. Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 3-16, 62-93 Self-control questions: 1. What should be estimated calculating GDP? 2. What is nominal and real GDP? 3. What is Gross National Product and Gross Domestic Product? What are the differences between them? 4. What way is pure national product estimated? 5. What is amortization? 6. What are pure investments? 7. What is the index of prices (deflator)? What does it show? 8. What period is called as the economic growth? 9. List factors of Gross National Product increase? 10. How are investments described? 11. What role is given for investments in the economy of the country? 12. What way are gross domestic investments distributed? 13. What are direct foreign investments?
14. What is the positive impact of direct foreign investments for the economy of the country? 15. What is the negative impact of direct foreign investments for the economy of the country? STUDY WEEK 9 Practical 16 Topic: NATIONAL PRODUCT Descriptor: GDP estimation methodology. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 3-16, 62-93 Assignment 1. Analyze how GDP is calculated in your country. What are differences of the index calculation comparing with macroeconomics theory? STUDY WEEK 9 Practical 17 Topic: NATIONAL PRODUCT Descriptor: Calculation of macroeconomics indices. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 3-16, 62-93 Assignment 1. Complete the table. Year Nominal GDP (milliard LTL) Level of prices (%) Real GDP (milliard LTL)
1 99
2 131
3 340
4 355
STUDY WEEK 10 Lecture 11 Topic: VOLATILE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Descriptor: Economic development cycles; holistic demand; holistic supply, unemployment; inflation. Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 232-268, 269-303, 304-350
Self-control questions: 1. What are cycles of the economic development? 2. Why is the increase of GDP cyclic? 3. What factors do influence on inhabitants’ expenses for buying goods and services? 4. Define the holistic (general) demand. 5. What way is the holistic (general) demand calculated? 6. What is the level of prices? 7. What are alterations of the holistic (general) demand? 8. What are factors of the holistic (general) demand? 9. What does influence the alteration of investments? 10. What is the holistic (general) supply? 11. What is shown by the general balance? 12. Define the perfect competition. 13. Define imperfect competition. 14. What are factors of the holistic (general) supply? 15. What is the impact of the legal environment identification for alterations of the holistic (general) demand and supply? 16. What interaction groups of sectors are distinguished? 17. Define the labour force demand. 18. Define the supply of workforce. 19. What is total occupancy? 20. Define the open labour market. 21. Define the closed labour market. 22. What are reasons for unemployment? 23. What is the natural unemployment level? 24. Name the main categories of unemployment. 25. What measures for regulation of unemployment are used? 26. What are consequences of unemployment? 27. What are types of inflation? 28. What is the inflation link to the demand and supply of money? 29. What are positive and negative effects of inflation? 30. What is the link between the inflation level and the unemployment? STUDY WEEK 10 Practical 18 Topic: NATIONAL PRODUCT Descriptor: Calculation of macroeconomic indices. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 3-16, 62-93
Assignment 1. Complete the table and comment comparing the years. Year Nominal GDP (milliard in LTL) Level of prices (%) Real GDP (milliard of LTL)
100 200
110 131
125 340
131 434
STUDY WEEK 10 Practical 19 Topic: VOLATILE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Descriptor: Cycles of economic development; holistic demand, holistic supply. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 232-268, 269-303, 304-350 Assignment 1. Analyze what advantages and disadvantages of the economic policy are in your country. STUDY WEEK 11 Lecture 12 Topic: FISCAL POLICY Descriptor: Concept of the state budget, classification and structure, principles of the budget formation; budget deficit and state debt; purpose of fiscal policy; formation of taxes policy. Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 94-114 Self-control questions: 1. What are types of budgets? 2. How are expenses of the budget classified? 3. What indirect taxes are? 4. What is socially-oriented policy? 5. What is called fiscal policy? 6. What are aims of the fiscal policy? 7. What are spontaneous stabilizators? 8. What is called discreet fiscal policy? 9. How is the tax system defined? 10. What might be tariff of the tax? 11. What tax deductions may be applied?
12. What are the ways of charging the tax? 13. How are taxes classified? 14. What are the main principles of taxation? 15. What impact for the national product do direct expenses of the government have? 16. When does the government implement encouraging fiscal policy? What tools of encouraging fiscal policy do you know? 17. When does the government implement suppressive fiscal policy? What tools of suppressive fiscal policy do you know? 18. Why is total occupancy concept used for the implementation of fiscal policy? STUDY WEEK 11 Practical 20 Topic: VOLATILE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Descriptor: Calculation of the unemployment rates; identification of the link between the unemployment and inflation. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignments: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 232-268, 269-303, 304-350 Assignment 1. Complete the table. Year Employablep Working Unemployed Labour force opulation population (million of (million of (from 16) (million of people) people) people) 1 244 66 8 2 555 69 6 3 600 90 12 4 780 120 15 5 900 150 23
Level unemploy nt (%)
Assignment 2. GDP annual growth rate from 2007 to 2008 is from 5.3 to 4.5%, infliation is from 7 to 4.6%, unemployment is from 8 to 10%. Comment the link between the indices. STUDY WEEK 11 Practical 21 Topic: FISCAL POLICY Descriptor: Fiscal policy purpose; formation of the tax policy. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignments:
Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 94-114 During the first part of the practical in groups of 2-4 students, please, analyze how the policy of the government expenses and the policy of taxes do influence on the private sector. Discussion on the impact of the government expense policy and the policy of taxes on the private sector is planned. During the first part of the practical in groups of 2-4 students, please, make a list of the state services provided and indicate whether this service is necessary in your opinion. Discussion on whether a private company can provide the above service at a cheaper price that the state does. IMPORTANT! Be active and discuss, express your opinion, share your experience with others. Activity during seminars/ practicals is evaluated, its influence on the final mark of the subject is 5%. STUDY WEEK 12 Lecture 13 Part 1 of the lecture – test Part 2 of the lecture - topic:MONEY AND SYSTEM OF BANKS Descriptor: Concept of money; definition of the euro zone; European monetary system and monetary union; electronic money; finance markets and their stakeholders; kinds of financial asset; banks and their kinds; Central Bank and its functions. ATTENTION!!! IMPORTANT!!! During the first part of the lecture a test, including theory and practical assignments, is written; it makes 12.5% of the final assessment. It is accounted from the theory that has been taught during theoretical lectures and self-study of references. The test is composed of theory questions, given in a summarized way, having analyzed the following theory topics: Fundamentals of demand and supply analysis, theory of elasticity, consumers‘ behaviour. The test includes 5 open and 5 closed questions. 0.5 point is given for every correct answer. There are two practical assignments and they are assessed by 2.5 points. Good luck!!! References: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, 115-174 p. 337-342 p. 2. Self-control questions:
1. What is the money? 2. What are the main characteristics of money? 3. What are the main elements and functions of modern money? 4. What is the monetary base made of? 5. What is the monetary demand? 6. What is the monetary supply? 7. What way is the monetary demand related to the quantity of money? 8. What does influence on the monetary supply? 9. What are international financial institutions and their main functions? 10. What are the main trends of the International Currency Fund and the World Bank activities? 11. What is the role of banks in economy? 12. What are finance markets and their stockholders? 13. How are the banks classified according to the nature of their activity and functions? 14. Why does the government possess Central Bank? 15. What way do functions of the Central Bank and Commercial banks differ? STUDY WEEK 12 Practical 22 Topic: FISCAL POLICY Descriptor: Calculation of the average and marginal taxes norm. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignments: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 94-114 Assignment 1. Complete the table. Income 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000
Tax in litas 100 200 300 400 500 600 850 900
Average tax norm %
Marginal tax norm %
Assignment 2. Complete the table. Income 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000
Tax in litas 100
Average tax norm %
Marginal tax norm % 12 45 50 60 66
STUDY WEEK 12 Practical 23 Topic: FISCAL POLICY Descriptor: Calculation of average and marginal taxes norm. Read the indicated references and perform the assignments: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 94-114 Assignment 1. Complete the table and identify the type of the tax. Income 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000
Tax in litas
Average tax norm % 30 34 33 50 60 70
Marginal tax norm %
STUDY WEEK 13 Lecture 14 Topic: MONETARY POLICY Descriptor: Monetary or money policy, currency policy; multiplier, implementation measures of the monetary policy, encouraging and suppressive monetary policies. Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 138-140, 216-219 Self-control questions: 1. What is the main purpose of the monetary policy? 2. What is defined by the multiplier? 3. What are the main functions of the Central Bank monetary policy?
4. What measures does the government implement the monetary policy through the Central Bank? 5. What is the norm of discount? 6. What are free reserves? 7. What are surplus reserves? 8. What is the norm of the reserve? 9. What way is the amount of own reserves identified? 10. What is the link of monetary demand and supply? 11. What way would you evaluate the efficiency of the monetary policy? 12. What measures are used seeking to apply encouraging monetary policy? 13. What measures are used seeking to apply suppressive monetary policy? 14. What are advantages of the monetary policy? 15. What are the limitations of the monetary policy? 16. When is it possible to use both monetary and fiscal policies? STUDY WEEK 13 Practical 24 Topic: MONEY AND SYSTEM OF BANKS Descriptor: Concept of money; definition of the euro zone; European monetary system and monetary union; electronic money; international financial institutions; finance markets and their stakeholders; kinds of financial assets; banks and their kinds; Central Bank and its functions. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignments: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 115-174, 337-342 Assignment 1. Define the main trends of the International Currency Fund and World Bank activity and impact for the economy of countries. Assignment 2. The government has bought military munitions for 1 million litas from one private company. What amount of monetary supply is increased in the country, if the obligatory norm of obligatory reserves of banks is 10%. Reason the answer. STUDY WEEK 13 Practical 25 Topic: MONEY AND SYSTEM OF BANKS Descriptor: Central bank and its functions. During the practical, in groups of 2-4 students, a discussion on the activities of the Central Bank is planned.
IMPORTANT! Be active and discuss, express your opinion, share your experience with others. Activity during seminars/ practicals is evaluated, its influence on the final mark of the subject is 5%. STUDY WEEK 14 Lecture 15 Part 1 of the lecture – written paper Part 2 of the lecture – topic: FOREIGN TRADE Descriptor: Trade regulation measures. ATTENTION! IMPORTANT!!! During the first part of the lecture students‘ groups will present the written paper, which makes 10% of the final assessment. Success!!! Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 437-544 2. 3. Self-control questions: 1. What are the most important Lithuanian priorities in the area of foreign trade policy implementation? 2. What is the economic integration? 3. What is the international trade? 4. What indices do reflect the international trade? 5. What is the balance of payments? 6. What factors do have influence on the international trade of the world? 7. What are international trade forms? 8. What are foreign trade restriction ways? 9. What functions are performed by incoming (import) duties in the countries? 10. What are kinds of duties? 11. What way are duties classified according to the application nature? 12. What way is the duty of goods calculated? 13. What measures might be applied for taxable (declared) goods? 14. What are non-tariff barriers for foreign trade? 15. Why are export and import necessary and useful? 16. Define the protectionist trade policy of the government.
STUDY WEEK 14 Practical 26 Topic: MONEY AND SYSTEM OF BANKS Descriptor: Concept of money; definition of the euro zone; European monetary system and monetary union; electronic money; finance markets and their stakeholders; kinds of financial assets; banks and their kinds; Central Bank and its functions. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignments: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, 115-174 p.p.337-342 Assignment 1. Estimate annual amount of ordinary interests in per cent, if the amount of 5,200 litas for a five-year period is lent. 9,880 litas amount is desired to receive. Assignment 2. Calculate the amount of obligatory reserves, if deposits make 1 million litas, and the norm of reserves equals 18%. What surplus of reserves is made on this case? What may the bank do with the surplus reserves? STUDY WEEK 14 Practical 27 Topic: MONETARY POLICY Descriptor: Influence of the government monetary policy on the economic development of the country. During the practical, in groups of 2-4 students, analyze influence of the government monetary policy influence on the economic development of your country (for foreign investments, receiving credits, etc.). IMPORTANT! Be active and discuss, express your opinion, share your experience with others. Activity during seminars/ practicals is evaluated, its influence on the final mark of the subject is 5%. STUDY WEEK 15 Lecture 16 Part 1 of the lecture – a written paper Part 21 of the lecture – topic: EXCHANGE RATES Descriptor: International monetary system. ATTENTION! IMPORTANT!!! Several students‘ groups will present a written paper which makes 10% of the final assessment. Success!!! Reference:
1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 353-400 Self-control questions: 1. Define the international monetary system. 2. What are types and historic stages of the international monetary system? 3. What is the element of the golden standard system? 4. What way is the dollar standard defined? 5. What should floating exchange rates guarantee? 6. What measures do make the exchange rate mechanism? 7. What are the most important European monetary system components? STUDY WEEK 15 Practical 28 Topic: MONETARY POLICY Descriptor: Monetary or money policy; currency policy; multiplier, measures of monetary policy implementation, encouraging and suppressive monetary policies. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 138-140, 216-219 Assignment 1. Analyze the impact of the encouraging monetary policy and the impact of suppressive monetary policy for the economy of the country. STUDY WEEK 15 Practical 29 Topic: MONETARY POLICY Descriptor: Monetary or money policy; currency policy; multiplier, measures of monetary policy implementation, encouraging and suppressive monetary policies. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignments: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 138-140, 216-219 Assignment 1. Referring to the holistic demand and supply diagrams, explain what effect of the strict monetary policy would be when the horizontal holistic supply curve part is describing economic activity.
Assignment 2. According to the holistic demand and supply diagrams, explain what effect of the strict monetary policy would be when the upright holistic supply curve part is describing economic activity. Assignment 3. Referring to the holistic demand and supply diagrams, explain what effect of the strict monetary policy would be when the intermediate holistic supply curve part is describing economic activity. STUDY WEEK 16 Practical 30 Topic: FOREIGN TRADE Descriptor: Formation of EU domestic market. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 437-544 Assignment 1. Analyze what is the impact of export and import to the economy of your country. STUDY WEEK 16 Practical 31 Topic: FOREIGN TRADE Descriptor: Trade regulation measures. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. .437-544 Assignment 1. Analyze why foreign trade is necessary for your country. STUDY WEEK 16 Practical 32 Topic: EXCHANGE RATES Descriptor: International monetary system. Read the indicated reference and perform the assignment: Reference: 1. Chamberlin, G., Yueh, L. Macroeconomics. Thomson learning. London.:2006, p.p. 353-400
Assignment 1. The demand of German marks in Great Britain has increased. Describe by diagrams of demand and supply what alterations have taken place in the markets of German mark and Great Britain pound sterling. Analyze the alterations.
PHILOSOPHY Subject aim – to educate students‘ critical thinking, develop their intellectual and communication skills. Studying the subject, students will get introduced to the basic concepts, issues, topics of philosophy, the meaning of philosophy for a human beeing, his/her world outlook formation. During practicals a lot of attention will be paid to monologue (reasoning orally and in writing) and dialogue (conversations, discussions) reflection, linguistic competences: to express a thought understandably, use concepts, create a meaningful text. Subject volume – 3 credits: 16 h. of lectures, 16 h. of practicals, 16 h. of consultations, 30 h. of self-study. The subject is taught for 16 weeks in semester 1. Subject lecturer: Lecturer Zita Ruzgienė, e-mail
[email protected] tel. 8 67 31 22 40 Subject intended learning outcomes. The student: Will analyze fundamental issues of philosophy and topics, significance of philosophy for a human being, his/her world outlook formation, development of culture, science; Will analyze and interpret philosophical texts, reflecting existential issues of the human beeing, refering to own accumulated philosophical thinking experience as well as the one of mankind; Will analyze and assess theories of economics sciences and phenomena, defined by the above mentioned theories in the philosophical aspect; Will identify the problem in the existing and presented situations, will discuss various opportunities of solution, will apply problem solving ways in the professional activity; Will raise and solve problematic issues, reason own and analysis results as well as the ones of others, participating in a dialogue and in a polylogue. Subject topics: No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Titles of topics Origin and sources of philosophy Issues of social being Issue of cognition Issue of well
Theory h. 2
Practicals h. 2
Consultancies h. 2
Selfstudy h. 4
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 2 2
4 4 4
5. 6. 7. 8.
Issue of beauty Issue of belief Issue of historical meaning Issues of justice Totally:
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 2 2
4 2 2
2 16
2 16
2 16
6 30
Subject assessment: The final assessment of the subject is estimated according to the formula: 100 % FA = 50% AP + 50% PrW 100% AP = 50% T + 50%PA FA – final assessment AP – accumulative point T – average of tests APA – average of practical assignments PrW – project work Tests (T) are written during lectures, seeking to assess the student‘s assimilation and application of the taught theoretical material, if s/he possesses some skills of logic thinking. During the semester two tests are written ( in the form of open questions and/or in a test form). The first test is written during week 9 of the semester (topics 1 to 2), the second one – during week 15 (topic 3). Practical assignments (PA). The aim of practical assignments is to assess student‘s ability to perform a task according to the given condition, applying the studied theoretical knowledge, reasoning and interpreting it according to their own existential experience and following philosophical thinking experience, accumulated by the mankind. It is proposed when studying to look at the identified problem in a deeper way in a sometimes invisible foreshorten commonness. The main assessment criterion is a competence to analyze, reason, ground one‘s opinion, to participate in a dialogue, a polylogue. Project work (PrW). The aim of the paper writing is to assess student‘s ability to formulate philosophical issues, analyze, express own opinion, reason and ground it; assess a competence to form a search for information, to process and interpret it, to express the thoughts in writing. A personal philosophical essay is written the whole semester, under consulting by the lecturer. The prepared work is presented and defended during the last week of the semester. During the studies, individual and group consultations take place. There is an opportunity to be consulted in the environment of First Class and by e-mail.
STUDY WEEK 1 Lecture 1 Topic: PHILOSOPHY ORIGIN AND SOURCES Descriptor: Mythological or anthropomorphic and theoretic or philosophical interpretation of the world, assumption of philosophy, concepts of the subject and the object, issue of philosophy, philosophy subject and structure, functions of philosophy, philosophy as a thinking critical analysis, scientific and anti-scientific attitude towards the ratio of philosophy and science, philosophy role in culture. References: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Self-control questions: 6. What are assumptions of philosophical thinking origin? 7. What is philosophy? 8. What is philosophy and its purpose? 9. Why is the human being a listening creature? 10. What is the difference between a philosopher and an oracle? 11. Why Greece is called the homeland of philosophy? 12. What issues according to I. Kant should interest a philosopher first of all? 13. What does criticism as the main philosophical feature mean? 14. What is reflection? 15. What is necessary in order to develop a philosophical thought? 16. Why is an issue of the philosophy and science ratio raised? What and how does the philosophy research? 17. What is the difference of philosophical cognition and positive (scientific) cognition? 18. What is the use of philosophy to special sciences and vice versa? 19. Why is it false to identify philosophy and world outlook? STUDY WEEK 2 Practical 1 Topic: PHILOSOPHY ORIGIN AND SOURCES Descriptor: Philosophy as a way of living. How to study philosophy? Philosophical text, text interpretation, dialogue, discussion. It is possible to know the essence of philosophy only by philosophizing. Try to listen to others and to express own opinion. Assignment 1. Read the text Philosophy as a Way of Living by Karl Jaspers. Memorize or write down, underline the thoughts which seem important. When reading the text,
interpret it, i.e. observe yourself as if on the side, try to speak about it with other person. Discussing invoke own cases, present your insights. Meditate, i.e. concentrate on the appealed thought for a longer time. This way you will consolidate it. Assignment 2. Write a short essay (of 1 page): Philosophy as an Interrupted Conversation of Mankind. Assignment 3. Comment on metaphor by H. Heine: “Philosophy is as a monkey, sitting on the copper boiler and boiling its own tail in it“. STUDY WEEK 3 Lecture 2 Topic: ISSUE OF BEING Descriptor: The main issue in philosophy, search for arche, explanation of the social being concept, first of objects, objects and ideas, nature as if social being, God as if being, hierarchy of being, substance and accident, pure and world mind, issue of being in modern philosophy, oblivion of being. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Self-control questions: 1. What is the primarily meaning of the being concept in philosophy? 2. What is “theory of being“? 3. What is arche? Why did ancient Greeks look for it? 4. Why is the world and the being the same object? 5. Why are the being and the world different objects? 6. What is the significance of Pythagorean Monad explanation? 7. Why does Plato consider reality and being as ideas not as objects? 8. Why does Aristotle create a theory of form and substance and become the most famous critic of Plato? 9. Is the conception of God as being grounded? 9. What is substance? 10. What way did philosophy of maintenance modify the traditional concept of being and problem of being itself? 11. What is the real “house of being“, “asylum of being“ (M. Heidegger)?
Practical 2 Topic: ISSUE OF BEING Descriptor: Solution of life problem, search of life meaning. Differences of the issue of life meaning from other issues, interesting for a human being. What does a person do living? What does give sense of his/her existence? Issues of life meaning are caused by existential dismay. Contemplate if they decrease or increase it? May be it would be worth designing practical projects but not to contemplate of final aims? Is it possible to forget them? How should one learn by the moment - here and now? Is the shortage of meaning as an index of human life instability? Assignment 1. Read the writings Thoughts by B. Pascal and answer the following questions: 1. Who is the human being in nature at last? Is nature possible to help answering questions of life meaning for a human being? 2. Why is a person so insular? How does a person behave, having understood his/her status hopelessness and restriction of own opportunities? 3. What does a human being aspire and never succeed at that? 4. What is your interpretation of Pascal‘s thought: „Immortal silence of these endless expanses threatens me“? 5. When does a person perceive that s/he is not indispensable? What does embarrass a person? 6. What way does Pascal define paradoxes of a human situation? What is the meaning of the contemplating reed in the text by Pascal? Assignment 2. Write a short essay (volume of 1 page) trying to answer B. Pascal‘s question: “Under whose commandment and under whose leadership this place and this time have been destined for me?“ or: “As I didn‘t know where I‘m coming from just I don‘t know where I‘m going to“. STUDY WEEK 5 Lecture 3 Topic: ISSUE OF COGNITION Descriptor: Problem of cognition source, sensation and consciousness, opinions and genuine knowledge, rationalism and empiricism, dispute, search of the third way in cognition, cognition object and cognition subject. References: 1. 2. Self-control questions: 1. What is called cognition in philosophy?
2. What issue is the problem of the cognition source? 3. Where is the philosopher looking for a source of cognition? 4. Why is the philosopher to identify the source of his/her knowledge? 5. Why did the mind as a source of cognition dominate in antiquity? 6. What is rationalism? 7. What do empiricists refer to in the cognition process? 8. Whose presented rationalist thinking criticism did help the formation of modern ages naturalization? 9. What may not be identified referring to senses according to rationalists? 10. Who criticized R. Descartes‘ theory of innate ideas? 11. Whose theory is the classic fundamental of empiricism? 12. Who is the most famous representative of empiricism? 13. Who tried to connect rationalism with empiricism? Why? 14. Why did I. Kant‘s theory of cognition experience a disaster? 15. Whose theory is the antithesis of I. Kant’s theory of cognition? STUDY WEEK 6 Practical 3 Topic: ISSUE OF COGNITION Descriptor: May we know anything? If yes, what subjects we may know? How could we recognize them? I. Kant‘s question: What may I cognize? Philosophy concerns with the way we cognize and the extent of our cognition, i.e. what the nature of our cognition is and the limits of our cognition are. Kant turns the problem of cognition to a new direction: we cognize that is construed by our mind. Assignment 1. Read Criticism of Pure Mind by I. Kant and answer the following questions: 1. Why does Kant call metaphysics as “an arena of endless disputes” and criticize it? 2. What two kinds of cognition does Kant distinguish? 3. What way does Kant define analytic and synthetic assertions? 4. What is “Copernicus‘ turning-point“ in I. Kant thinking? Assignment 2. “Thoughts without content are empty, the observed without concepts are blind“ Comment the way you understand the Kant‘s aphorism.
STUDY WEEK 7 Lecture 4
Topic: ISSUE OF WELL Descriptor: Theoretic and practical philosophy, well and happiness (eudaimonia), well and temperance, well and pleasure (ethical hedonism), well and spiritual peacefulness (stoicism), Christian ethics, well and benefit (utilitarianism), I. Kant‘s category imperative, emotivism. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Self-control questions: 5. What is the fundamental concept of morality theory? 6. What is the ratio of theoretical and practical philosophy? 7. What morality theory is called eudaimonia? 8. What is considered as a virtue or virtues by Aristotle? Why does Aristotle propose the regulation of “the golden mean“? 9. What two closely related questions does every classical morality theory seek to answer? What way do hedonists try to answer these questions? 10. What problem did stoicists try to solve? What is their answer to this problem? 11. What morality theory does identify the God as the highest Well? 12. Why did Christians blame stocism? 13. What way is the main principle of utilitarians formulated? 14. What is the advantage of I. Kant ethics? What may be reproached to I. Kant? 15. What topics do prevail in contemporary ethics? STUDY WEEK 8 Practical 4 Topic: ISSUE OF WELL Descriptor: I. Kant‘s question: What must I do? Law of morals, its application and opportunity. Dialogue with I. Kant. I. Kant grounded his ethics by everyday moral consciousness and considered it as science, indicating him not how to become happy but how to become worth happiness. Assignment 1. Define the differences of I. Kant question: “What must I do?“ from the question of antiquity ethics: “What way is the best one for a human being to live“?
Assignment 2. A) Read the work Fundamentals of Metaphysic of Morals by I. Kant and contemplate if it is not a paradox that some certain actions do not possess any moral value. What thought by Kant is proved by himself? What common does a duty and the achieved result, destined by the duty action have? B) How can be explained the law of morals, formulated by I.Kant? What is the difference between the fear of consequences and the wish to be impartial by duty? What human tendencies and needs do oppose for the duty? What argument is found by I.Kant that it is necessary to comply with the duty? Assignment 3. Write a brief essay “Why must I undertake obligations?“ (volume of 1 page). STUDY WEEK 9 Lecture 5 Part 1 of lecture – TEST Part 2 of lecture - topic: ISSUE OF BEAUTY Descriptor: Beauty and well (kalokagatia), beauty and an ideal opportunity, beauty and emotions, contemplation, originality, formalist aesthetics, fundaments of art origin and existence, artistic activity, functions of art. ATTENTION!!! IMPORTANT!!! A test on theory is written during the first part of the lecture. The test includes the questions which are presented in a generalized way, having analyzed the following theoretic topics: origin of philosophy, nature of philosophy, structure, ratio of philosophy and science, role of philosophy in culture, firsts of objects, objects and ideas, problem of substance. The test is composed of 10 open questions. Every correct answer to the given questions is evaluated by 1 point. Success!!! References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Self-control questions: 1. What is the objective of art? 2. Why do some art pieces we call beautiful and others as amateurish?
3. What feature of the art work does make it beautiful? 4. Where do criteria of beauty reside in? 5. When is the ideal of beauty realized by art? 6. What are functions of art? 7. Where do criteria of beauty reside: in the assessor‘s mind or in the art work itself? 8. What way does beauty penetrate into the human soul? 9. Do beautiful art works have to educate, implement moral values? 10. What is the aim of beauty (to return into reality or to free from it)?
STUDY WEEK 10 Practical 5 Topic: ISSUE OF BEAUTY Descriptor: Concept analysis of beauty. Beauty and art, autonomy of art, dispute concerning the taste. In Plato‘s aesthetics, beauty is not separable from well, therefore Plato, establishing a model of an ideal state, proposed to control creative work by artists. Does it seem strange to you? Assignment 1. Read the dialogue by Plato “Hipijas 1“ (Plato. Dialogues) and answer why the question what is beautiful has become a problematic one. What problem was faced by Socrates and Hipijas, trying to define the concept of beauty? What did Socrates understand in the end of the conversation? Assignment 2. The concept of beauty is closely connected with the concept of art. Why do some works of art we call beautiful and others as amateurish? Some of them are called as ugly but interesting and original. Why? What feature of the art work does make it beautiful? Where do criteria of beauty reside: in the work of art or in the mind of the author? Read I. Kant‘s Criticism of Solution Power and answer the following: What does compose the autonomy of aesthetic assessment? What assessments were separated the solutions of aesthetic taste by I.Kant from? Why? Assignment 3. Do all have to be poets and create works of art? Maybe I be the poet of own life myself? Write a short essay (volume of 1 page).
Descriptor: I. Kant‘s question: What may be expected? God and Greek philosophy, evidence of God‘s existence, exegesis and hermeneutics, patristics, search for the meaning of the Holy Writ, severance of religion and philosophy perspectives, ratio of mind and belief, moral belief, belief as paradox, religious experience, religious language, belief and silence. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Self-control questions: 1. What is religion? What is its purpose? 2. What is the origin of the concept “religion“? What way does it interrelate the God and the human being? 3. What is the ratio of the Greek philosophy and the religion? 4. Who stated that our world is “the best of the best ones“? Why? 5. What is the difference of the conception of the pagan and the Christian world creation? 6. What clearly expressed attribution does Aristotle‘s cosmology have? 7. How much different are explanations of the God and his ration with the world in theology and philosophy? 8. Why did I. Kant criticized all evidences of the God existence? 9. What is the ratio of the religious culture with classic magic? 10. Why is the opinion that the religion will completely disappear not exactly accurate?? STUDY WEEK 12 Practical 6 Topic: ISSUE OF BELIEF Descriptor: Decalogue. Application of Decalogue universality in business. A person as a link to infinity, eternity, completeness. This link realized and acknowledged is his/her religion. However, a modern human being acknowledges with difficulties that the issue of the God‘s existence takes the idiosyncratic place among other issues, interesting to him/her. Decalogue is a universal set of God‘s Commandments, determining human moral principles in everyday life. Assignment 1. Contemplate what would you suggested for a leader, supervising human resources in the modern business environment. How could
you apply the Decalogue for the solution of an immoral, unethical business problem? Assignment 2. Write a short essay (volume of 1 page), answering to the following questions: Is a dialogue between the human being and the God possible? How to start it? Is this dialogue verbal?
STUDY WEEK 13 Lecture 7 Topic: ISSUE OF HISTORY MEANING Descriptor: History as a cycle, history as creation, past, present and future tenses, Romantic history, conception of educative history, alternation of economic systems, alternation of cultures, alternation of civilizations, pivotal time, history is not my foretime, morality and history, history meaning. References: 1. 2. 3.>library>History,Politics&Society 4.>...>Philosophy of beginners Self-control questions: 1. How is the word history understood? 2. Why is historical explanation so special? 3. What meanings of the term history philosophy are used? 4. What are the main three issues of the classic history philosophy? 5. What ways is it possible to depict a history scheme or a model? 6. What is influenced by the history process? 7. What way is the problem of historic meaning related to the search of life meaning? 8. What way does Christianity change the ratio between the past, the present, the future? 9. Why was history called as butchery by G. Hegel? 10. When was it started to doubt concerning omnipotence of progress? 11. What is the meaning of history? 12. When does philosophy of history start? 13. Why do some thinkers speak of history unpurposefulness? Does the history lack the meaning as well?
Practical 7 Topic: ISSUE OF HISTORY MEANING Descriptor: Person: the past, the present, the future. The main events of life, self-presentation in the present, projection in the future. Search for history and life meaning. Having acquainted with various conceptions of time, indicate who you were, are and will be in the course of history. The question: “Where did I come from?“is raised. Three most important events are indicated and they are be described. They may be events up to your birth, after your birth, but you do not remember them, you did not participate in them but somehow they are related to you, you were participating in them and even initiated them. Answer, please: Why do the above mentioned events so important to you? Would you like to get free from them? Why? The question: “Who am I now?“is raised. A short essay is written. Choose the most important possible own features. The question: “Where am I going to?“is raised. Design your future. Describe why have you chosen your future projections like those. Ground or deny the opinion of modern philosophers (Ch.Taylor, A. McIntyre, P.Ricouer) that one can give a sense for the life only having retold about it meaningfully. Contemplate if after 20 years your narration will coincide with the present. ATTENTION! A full questionnaire (made by J. Baranova) is available in the auditorium of philosophy (Room 107). STUDY WEEK 15 Lecture 8 Part 1 of lecture – TEST Part 2 of lecture - topic: ISSUE OF JUSTICE Descriptor: Ethics and political philosophy, philosophy and politics, conception of antiquity justice, politics and morals, ethics of responsibility, morals and law, origin of a law, justice and the supreme authority, legislation and entitlement, right and property, freedom without social justice, impartial justice, historical justice, human rights. ATTENTION! IMPORTANT!!! During the first part of the lecture a test on theory is written. The text includes the questions, summarizing presented after the analysis of the following topics: Where does knowledge emerge from? Dispute of rationalism and empiricism, apriorism, apriorism disaster, classic conception of truth, theory of palpability, theory of logic harmony, conception of pragmatic truth, truth and probability.
The test is composed of 20 questions with 4 answers presented (only 1 answer is true). Every right answered question is assessed by 0.5 point. Success!!! References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Self-control questions: 1. What is the link of ethics and political philosophy? What thinker‘s corpus does depict this link in a very obvious way? 2. What most common understanding of justice prevail in modern political philosophy? 3. What is the justice of process? 4. What is fundamental of justice? 5. What is the attitude of social justice conception followings towards the justice? 6. What is egalitarianism? 7. What is justice as honesty? Whose is the above mentioned attitude? 8. What is the meaning of freedom in everyday life? What is necessary for a society to be free? 9. What kind of a human being is free? 10. What is a negative and a positive freedom? 11. When approximately were human rights began analyzed in political philosophy? 12. What followings of traditional political philosophy do not agree with the liberalistic conception of human rights? 13. When did the conception of natural human rights become their theoretical grounding? STUDY WEEK 16 Practical 8 Topic: ISSUE OF JUSTICE Descriptor: Penalty, its application legitimacy, compatibility of law and individual‘s interests. Authority of the government usually is evident for us by the following three forms of expression: the police, the army and criminal law. Is it legal to impose a penalty – this is the main issue of law philosophy. The law aims at compatibility of the individual interests and the society interests. Every member of the society
knows what is required by law from him/her and what will happen if s/he violates its rules. Nevertheless, could we be certain that we will never make a crime? Assignment 1. Contemplate and answer if an individual is afraid of committing a crime? Assignment 2. Even if we had never committed a crime, could we be certain that we will never experience Jozef K. destiny? What would we do if that happened? Why does his arrest bewilder? (Kafka F. Process. Castle.Short Stories). Answer if being innocent you may feel guilty? Assignment 3. Write a short essay (volume of 1 page) having chosen one of the following topics: “What am I arrested for?“ or “What should I occupy myself in a prison?“
Subject aim. Professional foreign language course is designed for college studies of business management study programme students. Its purpose is to provide with Professional English knowledge and formulate application skills of all linguistic activity (speaking, writing, reading, listening-comprehension) kinds, necessary for successful intercultural communication. Subject volume in semester I is of 4 credits: 0 h. of lectures, 48 h. of practicals, 16 h. of consultations, 40 h. of self-study. The subject is taught for 16 weeks in semester 1. Subject lecturer: lecturer Dalia Čepėnienė, e-mail:
[email protected] Intended learning outcomes of the subject. The student: Will interpret and summarize specialty texts in English, using various information sources Will communicate in writing and orally in English, preparing information for professional activity Will define the company and its activity Will be ready for the negotiations with a foreign partner Subject topics: No.
1. 2. 3.
Topic titles
Profession and career Telephone calls Company Totally:
Theory h.
Practicals h.
Consultations h.
0 0 0 0
6 18 24 48
2 6 8 16
Selfstudy h. 8 12 20 40
Subject assessment: Final assessment of the subject is calculated according to the formula: Semester 1: 100% FA = 20%IA + 30% T + 50%PrW FA – final assessment PrW – project work TA – inter-accounts KD – test Inter-account No. 1 – a practical task – (preparation of a CV and a cover letter) from topic 1(Profession and career) is prepared during the self-study
time and is sent to the lecturer by e-mail during week 2 of semester 1. The main attention is paid to the language regularity as well as formal writing format and style. Impact of accounting No.1 for the final mark is 10%. Inter-account No.2 – oral questioning – from topic No.3. (Company) takes place during the lectures in week 8 of semester 1. The main attention is paid to assimilation of professional vocabulary and communication skills. Impact of accounting No.2 for the final mark is 10%. Project work from topic 3 (Presentation of the company) is prepared in writing and presented orally during the practicals in week 10 of semester 1. The work is prepared independently during week 10 of semester 1. Assessment of the work is as follows: 50% of the written work and 50% for the presentation. Impact of the project work for the final mark is 50%. Test No.1 is written during the practicals from topic 2 in week 16 of semester 1. Impact of the test No.1 for the final mark is 30%. During the studies individual and group consultancies take place in the indicated time and in the indicated place. There is an opportunity to be consulted in the FirstClass environment and by e-mail. At the beginning of every practical an enquiry is made for checking the assimilation of the active vocabulary. STUDY WEEK 1 Practical 1 Topic: PROFESSION AND CAREER Descriptor: Recruitment. Get acquainted with the glossary p.p. 151-152. Listen to the record, please. Read the text. Use dictionaries for the text comprehension, if necessary. Perform reading and vocabulary exercises. Learn the glossary of the topic, please. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Intermediate Business English. Coursebook.p.p.75-78; p.p.151-152. 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Intermediate Business English.Workbook.p.p.36-37. Assignment 1. Perform WB assignments 1-6.
STUDY WEEK 2 Practical 2
Topic: PROFESSION AND CAREER Descriptor: Preparation of personal documents: Curriculum Vitae (CV). Listen to audio records and perform the lexical assignments, please. Read the samples of documents presented and point similarities and differences of the documents. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.79-81 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook. p.p.36- 37 Websites: 1. 2. Assignment 1. Complete a Europass curriculum vitae (CV) for a manager‘s position. STUDY WEEK 2 Practical 3 Topic: PROFESSION AND CAREER Descriptor: Cover letter. Interview. Get acquainted with a problem-based hiring situation and give a solution. Read the samples of documents presented and indicate similarities and differences of the documents. Reference: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.82 Website: 1. Assignment 1. Write a cover letter. Europass curriculum vitae (CV) and a cover letter are prepared during the self-study and are sent to the lecturer by e-mail till September 15. Having missed the deadline, the assessment is decreased considering the period of delay without any serious reason. The main attention is paid to the language regularity as well as formal writing format and style. Impact of accounting No.1 for the final mark is 10%.
STUDY WEEK 3 Practical 4
Topic: COMPANY Descriptor: Types of companies, company structure. Get acquainted with the glossary p.147. Listen to the record, please. Read the text. Use dictionaries for the text comprehension, if necessary. Perform reading and vocabulary exercises. Learn the glossary of the topic, please. References: 1.T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.7-10; p.147 2.T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook.p.p.4-5 STUDY WEEK 4 Practical 5 Topic: COMPANY Descriptor: Organizational chart. Talking about your job. Listen to records and perform lexical assignments, please. Learn the active vocabulary. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.11-13 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook. p.p.6-7 STUDY WEEK 4 Practical 6 Topic: COMPANY Descriptor: Industrial safety problem in a company. Dilemma and decision. Get introduced to the problem-based situation and alternatives for its solution. Perform the assignments on page 14. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.14. 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook. Style Guide. p.18. Assignment 1. Using information provided online, find contact information on a company of the UK or the USA, its production, terms of sales, the most important partners. Use dictionaries for the text comprehension, if necessary. Systematize the information according to separate sub-topics. Make an active vocabulary of the topic.
STUDY WEEK 5 Practical 7
Topic: COMPANY Descriptor: Leadership. Management styles. Get acquainted with the glossary p.p.147-148. Read the text. Use dictionaries for the text comprehension, if necessary. Perform reading and vocabulary exercises. Learn the glossary of the topic, please. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook. p.p.15-18 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook.p.p.8-9 Assignment 1. Perform WB assignments 1-6. STUDY WEEK 6 Practical 8 Topic: COMPANY Descriptor: Successful leadership. Listen to the records of the topic, please. Perform listeningcomprehension and lexical exercises. Use dictionaries. Learn the glossary of the topic, please. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.19-21 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook.p.p.10-11 STUDY WEEK 6 Practical 9 Topic: COMPANY Descriptor: Dilemma and decision: appointment of a new leader in the company. Get introduced to the problem-based situation and alternatives for its solution. Perform the assignments on page 22. Reference: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook. p.22 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.Style Guide. p.18 Assignment 1. Present X company to the group mates, using the processed information, present an active vocabulary of the topic. STUDY WEEK 7 Practical 10
Topic: COMPANY ĮMONĖ Descriptor: Strategy. SWOT analysis. Get acquainted with the glossary p. 148. Listen to the record, please. Read the text. Use dictionaries for the text comprehension, if necessary. Perform reading and vocabulary exercises. Learn the glossary of the topic, please. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.23-26, p.148 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook.p.p.12-13 Assignment 1. Present production of X company of the UK or USA, describe features of the products as well as their advantages and disadvantages, using the processed information, present an active vocabulary of the topic. STUDY WEEK 8 Practical 11 Topic: COMPANY Descriptor: New markets. Short presentations. Listen to the records, please. Perform lexical exercises. Use dictionaries for the text comprehension, if necessary. Learn the glossary of the topic, please. Reference: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.27-29 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook.p.14-15 Assignment 1. Be ready for an inter-account of the glossary definitions p.p. 147-148. STUDY WEEK 8 Practical 12 Topic: COMPANY Part 1 Descriptor: Dilemma and decision. Harley‘s Angel. Part 2 - Inter-account. Part 1. Get acquainted with the problem-based situation and alternatives for its solution. Perform the tasks, given on page 30, please. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.30 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.Style Guide. p.22
Part 2. Inter-account. An inquiry in writing takes place during the practical. The main attention is paid to the assimilation of the professional lexis. The impact of the accounting for the final mark is 10%. STUDY WEEK 9 Practical 13 Topic: COMPANY Descriptor: Generalization of the topic, Review of the main vocabulary. Review the assimilated vocabulary performing assignments of language check and vocabulary check on p.p.31-32. Reference: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.31-32 STUDY WEEK 10 Practical 14 Topic: COMPANY Descriptor: Presentation of X company and its production. Part 1. Presentation of the project work. The student is to answer questions, presented by the colleagues and the lecturer. Analytical thinking, knowledge sequence and system, the competence to relate the theory to the practice, reasoning and creativity are assessed. Considering the ability to work in teams, make decisions, interpret new situations. Assessment of the work is as follows: 50% of the written work and 50% for the presentation. Impact of the project work for the final mark is 50%. STUDY WEEK 10 Practicals 15 Topic: COMPANY Descriptor: Presentation of X company and its production. Part 2. Presentation of the project work. The student is to answer questions, presented by the colleagues and the lecturer. Analytical thinking, knowledge sequence and system, the competence relate the theory to the practice, reasoning and creativity are assessed. Considering the ability to work in teams, make decisions, interpret new situations. Assessment of the work is as follows: 50% of the written work and 50% for the presentation. Impact of the project work for the final mark is 50%.
STUDY WEEK 11 Practical 16 Topic: TELEPHONE CALLS Descriptor: Pay. Telephoning Basics. Useful phrases and vocabulary. Repeat the ABC in English and be ready to spell your first name, surname, e-mail address, title of the company, its address. Get acquainted with the active vocabulary of the topic on p.p.148-149p. Listen to the records. Read the text and perform reading and vocabulary exercises. Learn the glossary of the topic. Reference: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.33-36. 2. D.G.Smith. English for Telephoning. p.p.62-64; 5-11. Website: 1. STUDY WEEK 12 Practical 17 Topic: TELEPHONE CALLS Descriptor: Preparation for the call. Exchanging and checking information. Evaluating performance. Listen to the records and perform vocabulary exercises. Be ready to spell names, titles, addresses, if necessary. Learn the glossary of the topic. Reference: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.37-39 2. D.G.Smith. English for Telephoning. p.p.12-18. Website: 1. STUDY WEEK 12 Practical 18 Topic: TELEPHONE CALLS Descriptor: Telephone etiquette. Voicemail greetings. Leaving and taking messages. Read the text. Use dictionaries, if necessary. Perform the tasks on p.40. Learn the glossary of the topic. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.40.
2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.Style Guide. p.22. 3. D.G.Smith. English for Telephoning. p.p.19-25. Website: 1. STUDY WEEK 13 Practical 19 Topic: TELEPHONE CALLS Descriptor: Development. Making and confirming arrangements. Get acquainted with the glossary on p.149. Listen to audiorecords of the topic. Read the text. Use dictionaries, if necessary. Perform reading and vocabulary exercises. Learn the active vocabulary, please. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.41-44. 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook.p.p.20-21. 3. D.G.Smith. English for Telephoning. p.p.26-33. Assignment 1. Perform the WB tasks on p.p.20-21. STUDY WEEK 14 Practical 20 Topic: TELEPHONE CALLS Descriptor: Showing cause and effect. Making and dealing with complaints. Listen to the records of the topic. Perform the exercises on p.p.148-149. Read the text and perform reading and use dictionaries, if necessary. Learn the glossary of the topic. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.45-47. 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook.p.p.22-23. 3. D.G. Smith. English for Telephoning. p.p.34-39. STUDY WEEK 14 Practical 21 Topic: TELEPHONE CALLS Descriptor: Marketing. Brands. Tips for telephone customer care. Get acquainted with the active vocabulary of the topic. Read the text. Use dictionaries, if necessary. Perform reading and vocabulary exercises. Learn the glossary of the topic.
References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.49-52. 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook.p.p.24-25. 3. D.G.Smith. English for Telephoning. p.p.34-39. STUDY WEEK 15 Practical 22 Topic: TELEPHONE CALLS Descriptor: Importance of brands. Considering alternatives. Making and reacting to proposals. Listen to the records. Read the text of the dialogue. Use dictionaries, if necessary. Learn the active vocabulary of the topic. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.53-55. 2. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Workbook.p.p.26-27. 3. D.G.Smith. English for Telephoning. p.p.40-45.
STUDY WEEK 16 Practical 23 Topic: TELEPHONE CALLS Descriptor: Review. Role-play. Reaching agreements. Test yourself. Perform lexical grammar exercises and role-play according to the given situations. Repeat the glossary of the topic 2. References: 1. T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook.p.p.57-58 2. D.G.Smith. English for Telephoning. p.p.40-46. STUDY WEEK 16 Practical 24 Topic: TELEPHONE CALLS Descriptor: Test. The test is written during the practical. Influence of the test mark for the final assessment is 30%. The list of the main references is presented to the topic of every lecture. Seeking to achieve substantial skills, it is recommended to study the following references:
Year of issue
Publication authors and titles (title of a legal standard act)
Printing house (No. of The Valstybės Žinios )
Number of copies in the library of Utena UAS
Online access
Additional References 1.
T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Skills Book. Intermediate Business English
T.Trappe, G.Tullis. Intelligent Business. Video and Video Resource Book. Intermediate Business English
M. Powell. Dynamic Presentations.
Websites Title of the website
4. Online Newspapers
5. Breaking News English
http://www.breakingnewsenglish.c om
6. Learning Resources
7. Online Dictionaries
SOCIOLOGY Subject aim. Studies of the subject introduce to the science of sociology, researching society phenomena, and its achievements. Sociology knowledge reveals what lies behind social structures, critically assesses values of the society. The subject introduces to the socialization stages of an individual, adaptation process. The knowledge is necessary for a business manager forming harmonious social relationship of employees, communicating with a society, comprehending own social status. Topics of the subject help to reveal complexity of the social life and practical significance of sociology, introduces to the reasons of the society stability, development and conflicts reasons. Studying various economic social peculiarities of the society forms and development stages are revealed. During the studies the culture structure, components are examined, cultural differences and fluctuation are analyzed. Studying sociology, it is acquainted with researches performed, it is leant to apply their results, developing an activity strategy. It is studied how to perform a research independently. Subject volume: is 3 credits: 16 h. for lectures, 16 h. of practicals, 16 h. of consultations, 30 h. of self-study. The subject is taught in semester 1 for 16 weeks. Subject lecturer: Lecturer Egidijus Gečiauskas, e-mail:
[email protected] , tel. +370 686 215 49 Intended learning outcomes of the subject. The student will: Reveal various social economic peculiarities of the society forms and development; Assess the significance of sociological data for the business processes; Form harmonious social relationship of employees. Subject topics: No.
Topic titles
Conception of sociology. Social significance of sociology. Sociological
Theory h.
Practicals h.
Consultations h.
Selfstudy h. 4
3. 4. 5. 6.
imagination and disclosure. Theories of sociology. Structural functionalism. Theory of social fluctuation. Theory of the social conflict. Structuralism. Public economic forms. Sociological concept of culture. Sociological research. Socialization. Sources of socialization. Socialization process. Personality and society. Social structure. Social status and role. Social group and the institution. Social stratification. Stratification dimensions. Totally:
2 2
2 2
2 2
4 4
2 2
2 2
2 2
4 4
Subject assessment: Final assessment of the subject is calculated according to the formula: FA = 60% AP + 40% PrW 100% AP = 60% T + 40%IT FA – final assessment AP – accumulative point T – test IT – intermediate test PrW – project work A test (of topics 1 to 4) is written during week 9 of the semester. Influence of the test for the accumulative point is 60%. It includes theoretical questions and a solution of practical assignments. An intermediate test of topics 5 to 8 is written during week 16 of the semester. Influence of the test for the accumulative point is 40%. During the test definite knowledge is checked and practical situations are analyzed. A project work is prepared during the whole semester. The student, provided with an opportunity to consult a lecturer, is writing a paper in an essay style individually, analyzing business manager‘s activity in the context of sociology. In the project work topics of the subject should be revealed. Information obtained during lectures is interpreted and adapted, adding some information, received in
an independent way. The prepared work is presented during the final week of the semester and makes 40% of the final assessment. Final assessment is estimated of two evaluations, i.e. of the accumulative point, having the influence of 60% for the final assessment, and the project work, influencing it by 40%.
STUDY WEEK 1 Lecture 1 Topic: CONCEPT OF SOCIOLOGY. SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF SOCIOLOGY. SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION AND DISCLOSURE. Descriptor: significance of sociology studies, development of sociology science, definition of sociology, object and subject of sociology science, sociological attitude towards the society, requirements for a sociologist, functions of sociology, levels of sociological analysis. Reference: 8. Chambliss F.D., Schutt K.R. Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation. Thousand Oaks [Calif.]: Pine Forge Press, 2006, p.p.112 Self-control questions: 1. What is the purpose of sociology? What is the significance of its studies? 2. What are reasons causing the origin of sociology? 3. What is the significance of the activity by O. Kont, H. Spencer, E.V. de Roberti, G. Tarde, F. Tennis, E. Diurkheim, M. Weberi for the process of sociology science? 4. What is sociology, its object and subject? 5. What is the difference between sociological and overall human attitude towards the society? 6. What is in the centre of the sociologist‘s attention? 7. Discuss cognitive, applied, forecast, planning, ideological and humanistic functions of sociology.
STUDY WEEK 2 Practical 1 Topic: CONCEPT OF SOCIOLOGY. SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF SOCIOLOGY. SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION AND DISCLOSURE. Descriptor: disclosure of sociology studies significance, demonstration of sociological imagination and disclosure competences Reveal the significance of sociology studies for the business manager‘s activity. A business manager is one of the roles existing in the society, intended for the business strategy implementation and formation of appropriate relations with business partners, society and clients. Self-orient in the role and reveal meaning of sociology studies and trends: 1. What do you expect from the society? What do you give to it? (What will you give it in the future?) 2. What does your profession give to the society? 3. What will the manager‘s profession give for you personally? 4. What country would you like to work in? Why? 5. What work environment would you like to have? How much different are the business manager‘s and the citizen‘s attitude towards human relationship? Reveal the attitude of sociology towards: 1. Migration: two aspects – of inevitability and search for better life. 2. Behavior of drivers. 3. Business situation in Lithuania. STUDY WEEK 3 Lecture 2 Topic: THEORIES OF SOCIOLOGY. STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONALISM. THEORY OF SOCIAL FLUCTUATION. THEORY OF SOCIAL CONFLICT. Descriptor: basic society problems, their solution ways, social contract, conception of liberal society, social fluctuation reasons, fundamental of social conflicts, contradictions of scientific communism and modern conflict theory by R. Darendorf, basic aim of the society research according to structuralism, contemporary modern sociological theories.
1. Chambliss F.D., Schutt K.R. Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation. Thousand Oaks [Calif.]: Pine Forge Press, 2006, p.p.2546 Self-control questions: 1. What are micro-sociological and macro-sociological theories? 2. What four main problems are encountered by the society? 3. What is solved by the social contract? 4. What are advantages and disadvantages of the liberal society? 5. What are the main causes of the social fluctuation? 6. What is the essence of scientific communism? What is the grounding of the theory? 7. What are the differences of the revolutionary – destructive and evolutionary – developing ways? 8. What symbolic public structures are researched by the structuralism theory? 9. What is the objective of the phenomenological sociology? 10. What is analyzed by the sociology of knowledge? 11. What is the recourse position of ethnometodology? STUDY WEEK 4 Practical 2 Topic: THEORIES OF SOCIOLOGY. STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONALISM THEORY OF SOCIAL FLUCTUATION. THEORY OF SOCIAL CONFLICT. STRUCTURALISM. Descriptor: surveys of theories in the aspect of public impact to the business environment Every theory explains the social life in some certain aspect. Area of the ratio with the society is relevant for a business specialist. Try to reveal some possible impact of the society to the business environment on the grounds of the theory statement on the society. STUDY WEEK 5 Lecture 3 Topic: PUBLIC ECONOMIC FORMS Descriptor: social development, conception of the public economic form, discussion on public economic forms Reference: 1. Lauder H. Education, globalization and social change. Oxford: 2006, p.p.113-124
Self-control questions: 1. What aspects may the social development be defined in? 1. What is a public economic form? 2. What way are public economic forms divided into? 3. What social-economic relationship does determine the essence of the form? STUDY WEEK 6 Practical 3 Topic: PUBLIC ECONOMIC FORMS Descriptor: analysis of public economic forms impact for the business environment What does the manager, analyzing a public economic form, have to pay the attention to? What social-economic problems may be caused by various public – economic relationship? What are possible recourses from the emerging situation?
STUDY WEEK 7 Lecture 4 Topic: SOCIOLOGICAL CONCEPT OF CULTURE. Descriptor: concept of culture, content of culture, culture and socialization Reference: 1. Lauder H. Education, globalization and social change. Oxford: 2006, p.p.203-221 Self-control questions: 1. What way does the science of sociology define the culture? 2. Define material, communicative and socio-cultural content, please. 3. What is the difference between rules and values? 4. Define the levels of intellect programming, please. 5. How does the science of sociology define culture? STUDY WEEK 8 Practical 4 Topic: SOCIOLOGICAL CONCEPT OF CULTURE. Descriptor: origin of culture, symbols, language, values, differences of cultures, fluctuation of culture Cultural level of the society is relevant for a business management specialist as it makes some impact on the business environment. Formulate a business
strategy, referring to the analysis of the origin of culture, symbols, language, values, differences of cultures, fluctuation of culture. STUDY WEEK 9 Practical 5 Topic: TEST Descriptor: includes topics 1 to 4. It is composed of theoretical questions and practical assignments. Influence of the test for the accumulative point is 60%
STUDY WEEK 10 Lecture 5 Topic: SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH. Descriptor: quantitative and qualitative research, organization of the research, analysis of documents, survey, observation, experiment, data analysis Reference: 1. Chambliss F.D., Schutt K.R. Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation. Thousand Oaks [Calif.]: Pine Forge Press, 2006, p.p.6683 Self-control questions: 1. What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative researches? 2. What are the main stages of the research? Define them, please. 3. What is the difference between the traditional and content analysis of documents? 4. What kinds of the survey are? 5. What kinds of the sociological observation are? 6. What are advantages and disadvantages of the experiment? 7. What way may the sociological research data analysis be characterized? Students perform a research, related to the society approach to business problems. The object of the research may be chosen independently and coordinated with the lecturer.
STUDY WEEK 11 Lecture 6 Topic: SOCIALIZATION. SOURCES OF SOCIALIZATION. SOCIALIZATION PROCESS. PERSONALITY AND SOCIETY Descriptor: definition, content, theories, primary and secondary socialization Reference: Chambliss F.D., Schutt K.R. Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation. Thousand Oaks [Calif.]: Pine Forge Press, 2006, p.p.816 Self-control questions: 1. What is socialization? What is its meaning for an individual and the society? 2. Discuss the content of the socialization process, please. 3. What is the formation of self-awareness? 4. What do various theories state about the personality? 5. What is the difference between the primary and the secondary socialization? 6. What kind of a person is educated by the socialization under suppression and participation in patterns? 7. What are earlysocialization, professional socialization, resocialization? 8. Define socialization institutions, please.
STUDY WEEK 12 Practical 6 Topic: SOCIALIZATION. SOURCES OF SOCIALIZATION. SOCIALIZATION PROCESS. PERSONALITY AND SOCIETY Descriptor: analysis of personality, business manager in the aspect of socialization In your opinion, what a normal human being is. Defining points: 1.Competences (physical and mental) 2.Appearance 3.Aims of life 4.Everyday activity 5.Communication 6.His/her household 7.Other Analysis of the personality
1. What is the personality? What would be the situation like if all people were personalities? 2. List four famous people and indicate the influence of their lives on the society? Discuss aspects of the secondary socialization of the business manager, please. STUDY WEEK 13 Lecture 7 Topic: SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL STATUS AND ROLE. SOCIAL GROUP AND INSTITUTION. Descriptor: concept, elements, types of the social status, characteristics of the role, concept of the social group and the social institution, group elements and group classification, division of social institutions Reference: 1. Chambliss F.D., Schutt K.R. Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation. Thousand Oaks [Calif.]: Pine Forge Press, 2006, p.p.86102 Self-control questions: 1. What is the social structure? 2. Define the types of the social status, please. 3. Referring to the five characteristics, define the social role, please. 4. Define the role in the sense of expectations, behaviour, set of roles, tension of the role, conflict of the role, please. 5. What are essential traits of the social group? 6. What way are social groups classified? 7. What are social institutions? What way are they subdivided? 8. What are functions of social institutions?
STUDY WEEK 14 Practical 7 Topic: SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL STATUS AND ROLE. SOCIAL GROUP AND INSTITUTION. Descriptor: analysis of social structure, examining its definite elements, really existing in the society.
Analysis of the social status and the role. Every student defines the indicated social status and role according to three types and five characteristics, e.g. the ones of a doctor, a sportsman, a mother, etc. Analysis of the social group. Every students defines the indicated social group referring to its classification, e.g. students, sport fans, environmentalists, etc. Analysis of the social institution. Students discuss the situation connected with social institutions. STUDY WEEK 15 Lecture 8 Topic: SOCIAL STRATIFICATION. STRATIFICATION DIMENSIONS. Descriptor: definition, dimensions, systems of social stratification, References: 1. Chambliss F.D., Schutt K.R. Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation. Thousand Oaks [Calif.]: Pine Forge Press, 2006, p.p.136-150 2. Lauder H. Education, globalization and social change. Oxford: 2006, 80104 psl. Self-control questions: 1. What is social stratification? 2. What ground is the society divided into strata (the main features) on? 3. Define the closed and the open stratification systems, please. 4. What are peculiarities of the modern society stratification? 5. What are additional features, distinguishing the stratum? 6. Define the stratification of genders, please. 7. Define the stratification according to the age, please.
STUDY WEEK 16 Practical 8 Topic: INTERMEDIATE TEST. Descriptor: includes topics 5 to 8. During the test definite knowledge is checked and practical situations are analyzed. The influence on the accumulative point is 40%.
Year of issue
Publication authors and titles (title of the legal standard act)
Publishing house (No of the Valstybės Žinios)
Number of copies in the library of Utena UAS
Online access
Basic references 1.
Chambliss F.D., Schutt K.R. Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation.
Pine Forge Press
Lauder H. Education, globalization and social change
Oxford University Press
Additional references 3.
Henn M. A short introduction to social research
Websites Titles of websites 4.
International Sociological Association
BUSINESS COMMUNICATION PRACTICE The purpose of practice is to develop abilities to find necessary information using information search systems and databases and process the information gathered by various computer programs, to prepare formal business letters, to formulate a coherent text, creating advertisements, invitations considering requirements for a regular language as well as business ethics principles. Practice duration is 3 credits: 50 h. of practicals, 6 h. of consulting, 22 h. of self-study. The subject is in semester 1. Practice supervisors: Docent Vaida Steponėnienė, e-mail:
[email protected] Lecturer Gerda Ivanickienė, e-mail:
[email protected] Practice learning outcomes. The student will: Find necessary information using information search systems and databases. Process information by various computer programs. Prepare fomal business letters. Formulate texts of business invitations, advertisements. Practice organization: The practice is performed at Utena University of Applied Sciences. For the performance of the teaching practice a computer auditorium, possessing not less than 10 computer work places for students is necessary; the work places should be facilitated with the internet access. MS OFFICE program packet should be installed into the computers. The practice is supervised by IT lecturer and by a lecturer of the Lithuanian language. Practice assessment: During the practice, fulfilling the assignments given, a practice report is being prepared. Considering the student‘s work during the practice, the practice report presented and student‘s answers to the emerging questions during the defense of the practice papers, the obtained outcomes are evaluated according to the following formula: 100%FA = 50% PR + 30%D + 10% A + 20%IW FA – final assessment PR – practice report D – presentation and defense of the practice report
A- activeness IW – individual work (individually fulfilled assignments during the selfstudy are assessed) CRITERION ASSESSMENT 1. Practice report Performance of tasks; Formalization of the report. 2. Presentation and defense of the Logical formulation and enunciation of practice report thoughts; Right and reasoned answers to the questions. 3. Individual work Performance of individual tasks in time; Performed work presentation meeting the raised requirements. A common assessment of the both lecturers is given for the practice.
The study Guide is approved by the resolution No AT-17 of 8th September 2011 of the Academic Board of Utena University od Applied Sciences.