Let TovaTids read tbe f6&owlat aeebr.nt of a Bailor, ..... Cottoo* ha* steadily
advanced, until New Eng- ..... to etata, aaye tht Albany Daily Adv., that Wash-.
'V» • - - . ' "
SB ONEIDA WHIG, M ^ WMMPW WB^Wf • • ^ ^ • • w
a- I i wish
I. UtikwiifcCmFrtHliUri 4 ftiMlita*.
weeds, between ibe aana MM I and raged wah faartul vioaanss wwui Friday, when a shower of rdia antaaea k, *R eftVrta t* ***a a baving proved waevamng k ertgasMad tr**w « suoh* of ligtaaatf. ,Th» property dsaueywi i* kaaTMoee, the i i e ha v u g tm versed lea «twaJwiaaaBi of ceoatry.
Wajio win »
******* of**** ON M i delivered I* city subtil ihert aaatp*sa*aam,« #1,7* if take* at u * ? * * ^ . , . ^
The Whig wlH be M«t te taaB subscribers * •» »•*
M M , a*yab*S *• advance, ... , . . _ ' Iand Peat Rider*an*****onUberdto**VS. u r t l id their resmatiojifirmly setablished. Sigouiaey -known in America, lor coughs, colds, sethiiaor phi his- Psrsona traveiiuft, wil: Sad thea a coavenieik, pleasant the agricultural product* of U»e aortberu and " ^ section, and by rteaily an the travelers from abroad. and rifled of whatever waa valuable, except one B y Mr. Atria Lincora, the driver of the EaV> Ob Ged ef Love! wbo duet net ic, consumption, wh'>opmg cough, sod Puliuoaaxy af- and active remedy, and thi best western States remunerate the f4XB2£r_of those worth stags, w* have the foJiowiag particubxrt reTbssnaUtkard.rvsio Misery* Tbe reason assigned for not re-opening the bouse certiacate of ckrjosite 1rom the Middlesex Bank of _Jectloosoleveiykan^ f E n reels from CertmcsMsT vebjntad.vcer An ocessioiisr dose d H h e a , even wbsa TniOessoh, ii that Mr. M. has " not succeeded in l&K*^raft o& FT K. Seynamtt A C^To? $15, and, l a Aiabama'and Mississippi, it i s estimated J ' That apseck with n Dr Saumel Mnrrill of Coacofd. N. H writes, tout ha ihe health is not much disturbed, uiirpreveht mncb Kicknaseta whkhaaiied fresa aWeaforlavafpoelasat eatiafied the Vegetable Puioionary llaUam U a vain oeaa s o l suffering. 1; aur diMarbance is felt io tbe stom- that a good negro will grow six bags of Cotton. perfecting tbt oece**aTT^rrarjgements''fbrsodoing. a deed. About 400 letters were found, (most of Batuiday. Weihaak Theeforthai prompted apart vita complete success ach in consequence of clange of d el. or too free iadal- At-five cents per pound, this w,ould amount to able medicine, h iring been used with - Of pity in a Nation's breaur,— T h * Schooner Three Sons, Cgpt Ka^rnarex, W*-wilUriot,aridertake to aay what these manory which were marked with single pottage,) in a very In ease* abich hal prenouslr resisted tba orost sp-. g a a e ru veg< table* end fratt, s t esety doaeof these Pill* 440 i o l 5 0 - d o i l a r s . - T o -reed and clothe t b e e e TbatmclU the cbaiavof aogaisb d a k . proved prescriptions.' arrived at Mount Desert, with the laportaat inwill remove a I danger.'' Aad gsidss th' naabeiicr'd mind lo lest. wet, mouldy condition, which our Postmaster is arrangements are. It appearrto be pretty.generalgro, costs from 60to 65dollars, leaving a clear — Dr.Traraao Abell of Lampeter, N. H, writes that he Namerooe ca ee of chtonic aOettions eared by (he formation that tbe Royal Mail StaaaterCulsaibi*, Which kindling still to purer fire confidently recommend* its ase in sll complaint* nf the above mod.cine sre test tied ia lbs ciicaiar* left »ith tbe profit from bis labor of about 80 dollars. drying and will despatch lo their destinetionaa soon ly onderstood however, that it is necessary aome whrle going at (he rat* of tea knots, ia th* fag, And waking streama of bounty free, chest, as eqaal, if not superior to sny other inedicioe agents, which pereoe* mterested areiuviesd t o e j a a i a e The present value ol the negro is from 350 lo as possible. one should parcase this property at such price s s 'Jb* Doth bid these ioftv walla aspire,— struck upon Black Ledge, near Seal Island Nov** wrthin hie krrowledca Prii eS7j ceiin, with falldirecUoas. 450 dollars,-and cotton lands which in 1836 This holy Chapel point to Thee. Scotia, last Moodar afternoon, with ao roach vi*» Or. Auiory Hunting, ef Frank'ln, Mass , writes that Of the saaMsgetu wbo keep the ebove remedy, may owner may see fit to ask. It is something of an It appears from all that csn be ascertained, that ' after having prescribed the usual remedies v.itnout beebaioe-t 1'HiLPa KKSTOIATIVS BITTSH* ibe isv^la- brought 30 io 30dollars per acre, now sell from Here deign to make the darkness light, objectforear hotel, and livery staUaproptietots, the stage, which w s s a coverwi wsggoa, ai rived at fence, that the vessel was driven out ef water flea relief, and havinf onmilterl wiihseveral eminent thy- s b v rem dy for/iawd re ieUU.y, is** »/ ff*itU fU.tm- 8 lo 12. T h e natural increase, of stock, ( l m e a n - - T h e a o r m be bashed, the snige be stilt,— feet. W h e n the schooner left, she was going to sie'sns. he h s s found the Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam Itut arndUUiitUmmck tft human flesh and blood,) it is always estimated Trie fierce in spirit owo Thy iniclit, tbst Trenton Falls ahould continue to be a place of that season about 1 A M^ and that while tbe dri- piece*, and it waa *eppo*rd would be a total Ins*. to have had the desiaed effect, and reeoioueods U as . Ji.O. PBcsham. wh .ie ale and retail Agent, U t c a ; B. Tbe cnartless waad'rer own Thy will. will pay tbe interest on the investment. a safe, ronveoientand etsiaciou) uidlicine. resort wkh traveler*. But while this is but ah item ve* was dMDginghorsea,*ome petaoriiook the mail She is reported to have had 180 pe-soe* oa hoard, trFrTlsnideBeetefTtrrCGridly Clioton.-, J i m s s T n r 0 r . Thomas Brn»-n, of Concord. NH^jsoit+a-^Tfa nersnd Wm Carter, Vernon Village; G. W. Booker, Here let tbe Gotpel's tlorlona soulid The consumption ofeottoo in this country (he one of whom was missing. Among them waa a i M ia a^aai asaaaaia- •MsssTTTTlH I l*a t • hdtllfaj-^ajJaaaWfn I thai sTaabtAa'aBi in tbeir boeiness, it constitutes about the whole value from tbe stage," __VTba ahipwreck'd isiad to pease restore,— • • • KT7U" lIi."aB"* ll^ll»»^TT^Vi^TTrSe»fT'*JiMf*f*l r(J- tsrt-a—STTSTTai Deaaavffie i L VHtrABder. Oris*.«v Fstts; H e o b v * present year, will not probably vary much iron* Hon. Abbot Lawrence, who paid Cape Kewdrsok ^Toe dead revive, theleei belotinci; able expectationsntiliose who have nsed it. Co, Whitesboiot D C. Bali*.Oiisksnv; MeireUa tfey- four hundred thousand bales, and thus far it has of Mr. Mo«eT property; The atrempTol his $100, to bring the news to The aeareet pert in tha' And every heart Thy power eder*. Tne rHilrtie »re nerticnlariy cauiionci) against the d*a,Romei D Lsuub, OaeMti r sale tbst destrahre farm rn the town preaeotjth* manufacture of brown and bleached All worlds i n * * courses keep; AGSJTTS IP OSKIDA OOVJttT. raaasav-tra for aaaoggling, treated Cape Cook with tbt otaaoet all of which were boxxet wiih drftew Hartlhrn. eituatad oa the road neding Tbat power wble h wean i b* aweet* waag, 0. atorra*, Uoca; A. B. Webber, Vernon ; G. W Cottoo* ha* steadily advanced, until New Engatioa i* tbe Bon Stan* taetery, sbont half a mile Bead, iodignky aad bA*Temea, detaiaing hi* veaatl, aad AJCBBICAW RAIL ROAB Iaoat.—The PiUaborgh reaignauoo. . Aad rules the raging deep. Macomber, fieooaeH; AaaPIII- land now spreads her heavy fabric* in tba CanParis Hill; t • B ef the Lnsjauc Asylum. Tba ana cenlaina 117 mere, Lee : I. C. De Angetrs, Holland Patent. J C. "I should ooswrvc that tha heat A l t o tymsbaoieas harmony narjrtBMiac haa ia a dnngeoo. The aseta base Aabrrlcan o f the with antiwj0,aays that two kaa; basaa exeefleat dwelUag boase, wtth Sekable Thar ne A Co , Tiber*fti Besith a Hoimea, Yosknlle ton Market, aid* by *U* with the Calcutta coeds, while Binder tha charge of the well Fotau thy trtgh a>*krav • . • Didet ehasa t *• abade* ef Maxaajat hare *u aatwiaej aeaBa. ThasM wrsv r*a laaBoaTAwT. (aVoren Vhotoria, it h) ahaonnesd ia reaaawae/UHpas*t^ has eld Wiaaa sad tbe aars anwi, aad, sasach, it m worth half* dose* atbi ksrt is rati biasTnajr I I » » " » •»«• -,*dlb**f»r*snd a^dentltomkniarataf tba laa a^aa»chW*st>ojn, whteh w g aacwant for 1 e aShnclk Corwra has btea atoaad, aad an lala-«*shMi* B. DfrHrtWtrfOW, « e -eaesfagsiaawbara. tbe London Court Jotarnel, haa dwsarainad to swat tbe 14a. 4 sHywa* auses. aaar 'Be raiaai *r Gossans, wber* National Bank*; aad Cnmawrea, Agricnltor* Ho. Ft. Fran kit* Bqnesw NIIW oa the dark beaarbted ksbad by a atob ia Laoaaoa, Ohiow Tawtals b a h* wiU asTsssb ibe best of aatse* asn Carriages at lbs and Mechanic*! Labor will a stiey bat baby keradi "The loyalty of htr aabjeeta ha* ) a subtiity with Have pity OncieaaGodl t of Plated, and and Farm BAJt r ewesajrsaa, te aait ha* taae* ^aVfJasl. Aad wee* Ttatat ewa rayatavloa* fair rearaaentiaBS such sa i t ham » o t had lor a r awivedaMwitaVtaM&»tb>saA wX W . Guttata*, BBf-t sfawawawswa* P*waaw> * eaaAv BOB f t lr ftM Qb'*ajrtTbych*J»wAa»r*d, A MiBniirr. lersg period. GORaXm b.a»gM. Aprtl4,ie4».-«Btf *
T o o TarlaT. T b e foliowiog kitef i» droiB on* of the aouodAND esi aod moat lutellb^ent of our heavy nveicoaoia, n K r - - —*r --• > r a i > - «»r •' A»'u- "*» •ad '«"* cxpresaas, we U-ixve, ulrfcouvictioos of a large **""•"