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Uttarakhand Open University BA 2012 Comparative Political Institutions & Good Governance.pdf. Uttarakhand Open Unive
Roll No…………. B.A. – 10 (PART-2) EXAMINATION – 2012 PS – 03 Comparative Political Institutions & Good Governance ¼rqyukRed jktuhfr] laLFkk;sa ,o lq”kklu½ Time: 3 Hours

Max Marks : 60

Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B and C.

uksV% ;g iz”ui= d] [k ,oa x rhu [k.Mksa esa foHkkftr gSa izR;sd [k.M ds funZs”kkuqlkj iz”uksa ds mRrj nsaA Section A / [k.M&d (Long Answer Questions) ¼nh?kZ mRrjh; iz”u½ Note : Answer any two questions. Each question carries 15 marks.

15 x 2 = 30

uksV% fdUgha nks iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft;sA izR;sd iz”Uk 15 vadksa dk gSA 1-

What do you understand by Comparative Politics ? Define its nature.

rqyukRed jktuhfr ls vki D;k le>rs gS \ bldh izd`fr dh O;k[;k dhft,A 2-

What are the salient features of president system of Government ? Discuss its merit and demerits.

v/;{kkRed “kklu iz.kkyh dh eq[; fo”ks’krk;sa D;k gSa \ blds xq.k&nks’kksa dh foospuk dhft;sA 3-

Describe the meaning and importance of Direct Democracy.

izR;{k iztkra= ds vFkZ vkSj egRo dks foLrkj ls crkb;sA


Page 1


American President is the most powerful person of the world. Discuss it.

vesfjdk dk jk’Vªifr fo”o dk lcls “kfDr”kkyh O;fDr gSaA bl dFku dh foospuk dhft;sA Section B / [k.M&[k (Short Answer Questions) ¼y?kq mRrjh; iz”u½ Note : Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

4 x 5 = 20

uksV% fdUgha pkj iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft;sA izR;sd iz”Uk 5 vadksa dk gSA 1-

Explain the emergency powers of Indian President.

Hkkjr ds jk’Vªifr dh ladVdkyhu “kfDr;ksa ds ckjs esa crkb;sA 2-

Write short note on Parliamentary System.

lalnh; “kklu iz.kkyh ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA 3-

Judicial Review in India.

Hkkjr esa U;k;f;d iqujkoyksduA 4-

Explain the characteristic of British Party System.

fczfV”k ny iz.kkyh dh izeq[k fo”ks’krk;sa crkb;sA 5-

Explain merit and demerit of Two Party System.

f}nyh; i}fr dh xq.k o nks’kksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 6-

Write a short note on Role of District Magistrate in Indian Administration.

Hkkjrh; ftyk iz”kklu esa ftyk dysDVj dh Hkwfedk ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA 7-

Discuss the characteristic of Beaureacy.

ukSdj”kkgh dh fo”ks’krk;sa crkb;sA 8-

Description of China President Powers.

phu ds jk’Vªifr dh “kfDRk;ksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA PS-03

Page 2

Section C / [k.M&x Objective Questions (Compulsory) oLrqfu’B iz”u ¼vfuok;Z½ Note : Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 marks.


10 x 1 = 10

lHkh iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft;sA izR;sd iz”Uk 1 vadksa dk gSA

Note : Write True/False against the following -


fuEufyf[kr ds lkeus lR;@vlR; fyf[k,A


Input-Out analysis related in the political system with David Eston. True/False

jktuhfrd O;oLFkk fo”ys’k.k esa fuos”k&fuxZr fo”ys’k.k tqMk gS MsfoM bZLVu ls 2.

Britain Constitution is unwritten

vfyf[kr lafo/kku fczVsu dk gSA 3.

Referendum is Associated with China.

lR;@vlR; True/False

lR;@vlR; True/False

tuer laxzg lEcfU/kr gS] phu ls




50 States in America.

vesfjdk esa 50 jkT; gSaA 5.



Unknown Empire known as Regional Parities.


vKkr lkezkT; {ks=h; nyksa dks dgk tkrk gSA


Page 3

Note : Choose the correct alternative :


lgh fodYi pqfu, %


The Prime minister of India. (a) Elected (c) Nominated

(b) Selected (d) Appointed

Hkkjr dk iz/kkuea=h& (a) fuokZfpr gksrk gS (c) euksuhr gksrk gS

(b) p;fur gksrk gS (d) fu;qDr gksrk gS


The one difference between the Indian & US Federal System is that: (a) The powers of the state and the centre are clearly demarcated. (b) There is written Constitution. (c) Citizens are given Fundamental Rights (d) The US Senate has equal representation from state whereas in India there is no such provision in its Rajaya Sabha.

Hkkjrh; rFkk vesfjdh la/kh; O;oLFkk esa ,d izeq[k Hksn ¼vUrj½ gS fd (a) jkT;ksa vkSj la?k ds vf/kdkj {ks= ¼{ks=kf/kdkj½ Li’V :Ik ls fu/kkZfj gSaA (b) fyf[kr lafo/kku gSA (c) ukxfjdksa ds ewykkf/kdkj fn;s x;s gSaA (d) vesfjdh lhusV esa jkT;ksa dks lkeku izfrfuf/kRo izkIr gS tcfd Hkkjr dh jkT;lHkk dks izkIr ugha gSA 8.

In a Presidential Government. (a) President is responsible to the Legislature. (b) Cabinet is collectively responsible to the lower house of the Legislature. (c) Cabinet is responsible to both houses of Legislature. (d) President is responsible to the people.

v/;{kh; ljdkj esa (a) jk’Vªifr O;oLFkkfidk ds izfr mRrjnk;h gksrk gSA (b) eaf=e.My O;oLFkkfidk ds fuEu lnu ds izfr mRrjnk;h gksrk gSA PS-03

Page 4

(c) eaf=e.My O;oLFkkfidk ds nksuka lnu ds izfr mRrjnk;h gksrk gSA (d) jk’Vªifr turk ds izfr mRrjnk;h gksrk gSA 9.

A Legislature which is weak before the cabinet and a cabinet which is weak before the head of the state characteristic the government of (a) England (b) France (c) Switzerland (d) USA

,d O;oLFkkfidk] tks eaf=e.My ds le{k nqcZy gS rFkk ,d ea=he.My tks jkT;k/;{k ds le{k nqcZy gS] fdl ns”k ds “kklu dh fof”k’Vrk gS \ (a) baxyS.M (b) Qzkal (c) fLoVtjyS.M (d) la;qDr jkT; vesfjdk 10.

The President of America is elected: (a) Direct by People (b) By state legislative assemblies (c) By Congress (d) By Electoral college.

vesfjdk ds jk’Vªifr dk fuokZpu gksrk gS& (a) izR;{k turk }kjk (b) jkT; fo/kku e.Myksa }kjk (c) dkaxzsl }kjk (d) fuokZpd e.My }kjk


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