Lattice Theory. Birkhoff (1967): . . . It is obvious from inspection of conditions P1-
P3 [the reflexivity, transi- tivity, and anti-symmetry conditions defining posets] that.
Prince and Smolensky 1993 propose a model of phonology based on .... Also
presented in this paper are data from my interviews with three Tagalog-English.
tical knowledge of quantification in natural language ... ral language is that
exemplified by all poets in All ... We consider cases where the quantifier
This paper proposes a phonological analysis of the Bengali intonational system,
... the set of Bengali intonation contours and to account for how the various.
Multi Nominis Grammaticus. Studies in Classical and Indo-European linguistics
in honor of. Alan J. Nussbaum on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday edited by.
Kie Zuraw's Introduction to Phonology, ENS EALing 2007 p. 1 ..... See
Raffelsiefen (1996, 1998) for an overview of English suffixes that place
valid throughout the entire course, but be aware of the fact that other people might .... makes them belong to the same
analysis, we will first present background on the Farsi language, overview the
syntactic structure ... Farsi is considered the official language of Iran and is used
A Google Scholar search for "interrogative verbs" brings up mostly references to
verbs of asking, verbs with interrogative affixes, or verbs used in questions.
4. 1.1.2 The L2 Initial State is UG. 13. 1.1.3 Relating the Current Study to the
Issue of the L2 Initial-state Grammar 20. 1.2 Do L2ers have Access to UG? 23.
24 Bogen. Preis des 91 ‚ Jahrganges 126,- DM. Alle für die ... v maticale au dix—
huitiäme siäcle . ... Lindeman Fredrik Otto. ... personal use of specific Clients, is
granted by Walter de Gruyter & Co. .... prets it as a 'chant de guerre', taking LÜ.