UWC Serbia Application Form 2012 - Fill Any PDF Form

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Apr 25, 2012 ... UWC School and College. Student Application Form. UWC National Committee of the Republic of Serbia. ~ SELECTIONS 2012 ~.
UWC School and College Student Application Form  


UWC National Committee of the Republic of Serbia

~ SELECTIONS 2012 ~ INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS & APPLICATION [email protected]; [email protected] Contact persons Đorđe Hinić, Selections Coordinator Marko Božović, Communications Coordinator

INTRODUCTION UWC schools, colleges and programmes deliver a challenging and transformative education experience to a diverse cross section of students, inspiring them to create a more peaceful and sustainable future. UWC has 13 schools and colleges across 5 continents all with distinctive characters but sharing the same mission, ethos and values. Although strong academic achievement is valued highly at UWC, academic achievements are put into perspective with a demanding mix of community engagement, international affairs, physical activities and creative pursuits. Our student intake is deliberately diverse and each of the schools and colleges draws together students from many different nations and backgrounds. Our bursaries, scholarships and fee structures aim to ensure a broad socio-economic mix within the student body that adds value to the student experience and the organization. UWC depends on the dedication and expertise of a network of volunteers to promote UWC and select future students. These are called national committees and they operate in more than 140 countries worldwide. Each year a national committee will receive from the UWC schools and colleges a specific number of places (which may include a scholarship, bursary/partial scholarship or fee-paying place) for which they select students to study the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. You must apply for UWC through the national committee in your country; in this case, it is the UWC National Committee of the Republic of Serbia. Please make sure you find out as much as possible about UWC before going ahead with your application. It is important that you understand the aims of the organization and the commitment involved in the programs that are offered. For more information please go to www.uwc.org

UWC School and College Student Application Form  


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA [Uslovi za podnošenje prijave] To be eligible to apply you must be between 15 and 19 years of age and meet ALL of the below conditions: [Kako bi ste mogli da se prijavite na konkurs morate imati između 15 i 19 godina starosti i ispunjavati SVE dolenavedene uslove]: •

Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia or a permanent resident status for longer than five [5] years [Posedovanje državljanstva Republike Srbije ili odobrenja za stalno nastanjenje duže od 5 godina]

Full-time or part-time attendance of 2 or 3 grade of general high school, art middle school or 4-year vocational high school, either state-owned or private, in the Republic of Serbia at the time of application [Redovno ili vanredno pohađanje 2. ili 3. razreda gimnazijskog, srednjeg umetničkog ili četvorogodišnjeg srednjeg stručnog državnog ili privatnog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji u trenutku konkurisanja]

An academic average of at least 4.00 in the previous school year in the state education system of the Republic of Serbia or its equivalent in other educational programs and systems [Vrlo dobar ili odličan uspeh - prosek ne manji od 4,00 u prethodnoj školskoj godini u zvaničnom državnom obrazovnom sistemu Republike Srbije ili ekvivalent navedenog proseka u drugim obrazovnim programima i sistemima]

Basic knowledge of written and spoken English language [Posedovanje osnovnog znanja pisanog i konverzacijskog engleskog jezika]

Inclination towards extracurricular and community engagement, as well as an ambition and desire for expanding one's horizons and interests [Sklonost za vannastavno i društveno angažovanje, kao i ambicioznost i želja za proširivanjem vidika i interesovanja]

Readiness to move to a new country and to live with students from around the world, as well as preparedness for intensive, creative, and independent work in a multicultural environment [Spremnost na odlazak u novu sredinu, za zajednički život sa učenicima iz celog sveta i za intenzivan, kreativan i samostalan rad u multikulturalnom okruženju]



NECESSARY DOCUMENTS [Potrebna dokumentacija] Your final application must include the following: [Vaša prijava mora da uključuje sledeće]: Ø

Application Form completed in the English language [Prijava popunjena na engleskom jeziku]


Two essays on separate pieces of paper written in the English language - please see page 8 of the present Application Form [Dva eseja na zadate teme napisana na engleskom jeziku - vidite stranu 8 prijave za više informacija]


Class Teacher Reference Form written in the English language or written in the Serbian language with an attached certified translation by a court-sworn translator - please see page 11 of the present Application Form [Pismo preporuke od strane razrednog starešine na engleskom jeziku ili pak na srpskom jeziku

UWC School and College Student Application Form   uz priložen prevod istog od strane zvaničnog sudskog tumača - vidite stranu 11 prijave za više informacija] Ø

General Reference Form from someone who knows you well through your extracurricular activities or hobbies written in the English language or written in the Serbian language with an attached certified translation by a court-sworn translator please see page 12 of the present Application Form [Opšte pismo preporuke koje je napisala osoba koja Vas poznaje dobro kroz vannastavne i druge aktivnosti na engleskom jeziku ili pak na srpskom jeziku uz priložen prevod istog od strane zvaničnog sudskog tumača - vidite stranu 12 prijave za više informacija]


Proof of citizenship or permanent resident status [Uverenje iz knjige državljana ili overena kopija odobrenja za stalno nastanjenje]


Copy of passport [Kopija pasoša]


High school transcripts for all previously completed grades of high school with a courtesy translation into English language [Svedočanstva za sve prethodno završene razrede srednje škole sa nezvaničnim prevodom na engleski jezik]


Diplomas, certificates, awards, and other recognitions related to academic and/or extracurricular activities from the previous 3 years of your life that you believe would help the UWC National Committee of the Republic of Serbia have a better insight into you as a person [Diplome, sertifikati, nagrade i druga priznanja vezana za školske i/ili vannastavne aktivnosti iz prethodne 3 godine Vašeg života za koje smatrate da će pomoći UWC Nacionalnom komitetu Republike Srbije da stekne jasniju sliku o Vama kao osobi];


Any additional materials, documents, recommendations, artwork, etc. that you believe would help you present yourself fully to the UWC National Committee of the Republic of Serbia [Bilo kakvi dodatni materijali, dokumenti, preporuke, umetnine, itd. za koje Vi verujete da će Vam pomoći da se adekvatno predstavite UWC Nacionalnom komitetu Republike Srbije]

THE ABOVE-MENTIONED DOCUMENTS ARE TO BE SCANNED IN A SINGLE PDF FILE. [Gorenavedene dokumente je potrebno skenirati u jedan jedinstven PDF dokument.] THIS PDF FILE WITH ALL YOUR DOCUMENTS IS TO BE SENT TO BOTH E-MAIL ADDRESSES: [email protected] AND [email protected] [Ovaj PDF fajl sa svim Vašim dokumentima treba da pošaljete na obe već navedene e-mail adrese.] INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED AND REVIEWED. [Nepotpune prijave neće biti prihvaćene i razmatrane.] THE CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS APRIL 25, 2012 AT 18:00. [Rok za predaju aplikacija je 25. APRIL 2012. GODINE u 18 časova.]


UWC School and College Student Application Form   SELECTION PROCESS Places in UWC are offered on a competitive basis. This application and the accompanying documents are carefully reviewed. From the initial list of applicants a short list is chosen for group and individual interviews with the UWC National Committee of the Republic of Serbia. Please check your e-mail accounts once a day for possible correspondence from the UWC National Committee of the Republic of Serbia.

NOMINATION PROCESS Successful candidates are nominated to specific UWC schools and colleges. The schools and colleges generally accept the nominated candidates on the recommendation of the national committee but reserve the right to make the final decision on every candidate.


An application is made to UWC and not to a particular school or college; Only one application can be made to UWC - you cannot apply through two different national committees; Applicants with disabilities who are self-sufficient in their everyday needs are encouraged to apply; All the submitted data is treated as confidential and will be disposed of once the selection process is over.


UWC School and College Student Application Form   Applicant Information (Please type or write clearly in dark ink and ensure you complete all the sections that are applicable to you)

Personal information Family name/ Surname/ Last name: First name/ given name(s): Middle name (only if noted on passport): Gender:

Male/ Female (delete as appropriate)

Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy): Nationality: Country of Birth: Country of citizenship (on which passport would you travel): Email address: Home Phone: Cell phone: Fax: Permanent Home Address Address line 1: Address line 2: City: Province/ Territory/ Region: Post code: Country: Home Phone: Fax: Courier Address (to receive posted mail, if different from home address) Address line 1: Address line 2: City: Province/ Territory/ Region: Post code: Country: Phone: Fax:


UWC School and College Student Application Form   School information Name of school: Address of school:

Telephone number of school: Email address of school: Name of Head of School: List the subjects that you currently study at school and your most recent grades or predicted grades:

Do you participate in any extra-curricular clubs or activities at school for example creative activities, sports, volunteer projects etc? Please list up to 5 areas of involvement indicating the level and time of involvement and responsibilities.

What are your plans after high school?


UWC School and College Student Application Form   Life outside school What are your favourite activities outside of school? How do you spend your leisure time? For example, creative activities, employment, sports, volunteer projects or other hobbies. Please list up to 5 areas of involvement indicating the level and time of involvement and responsibilities.

What do you consider your best qualities? 1. 2. 3. What do you consider your best accomplishments? 1. 2. 3. What language do you speak at home?

What other languages do you speak (please list the language and the level of understanding)?

How did you hear about UWC?



UWC School and College Student Application Form     Essay questions 1. Please provide a statement [on a separate piece of paper and with a limit of 300 words] explaining why you are interested in attending a UWC school/college and reflecting on UWC’s mission and values, what you might contribute to the school/college and what you would hope to gain from the experience. 2. Please provide an answer to the following question [on a separate piece of paper and with a limit of 400 words]: if you were the President of the Republic of Serbia and had the power to enact change, what is the one thing you would change in Serbia and one thing that you would treasure, and why? Applicant’s signature I have read and understood the information section at the beginning of this application form. I have discussed all aspects of the commitment involved in applying for entry to a UWC school/college with my parent(s)/guardian(s). Should the application be successful, I hereby undertake to observe the rules, regulations and guidelines of the school/college. I recognize that the school/college has the right to exclude me for violations of such rules, regulations and guidelines.

Signature of applicant:



UWC School and College Student Application Form   To be completed by the person(s) who has legal duty of care for the student Person 1 Relationship to student: Family name/ Surname/ Last name: First name/ given name(s): Permanent Home Address (if different from student’s) Address line 1: Address line 2: City: Province/ Territory: Post code: Country: Home Phone: Cell phone: Fax: Email: Person 2 (if applicable) Relationship to student: Family name/ Surname/ Last name: First name/ given name(s): Permanent Home Address (if different from student’s) Address line 1: Address line 2: City: Province/ Territory: Post code: Country: Home Phone: Cell phone: Fax: Email:


UWC School and College Student Application Form  


To be completed by the person who has legal duty of care for the student. Please give a brief description of any medical or mental health concerns, physical impairments, serious illnesses or allergies that the applicant may have had:

Please list any special dietary requirements that the applicant may have for medical, religious or ethical reasons?


I have read and understood the information section at the beginning of this application form and the application for entry to UWC made by my son/daughter/ward; we have discussed all aspects of the commitment involved and this application has my full approval. Should the application be successful, I hereby undertake for myself and for him/her to observe the rules, regulations and guidelines of the school/college. I recognize that the school/college has the right to exclude my son/daughter/ward for violations of such rules, regulations and guidelines. While my son/daughter/ward is in residence at a UWC school/college, I authorise the school /college to act ‘in loco parentis’ in decisions directly effecting his/her health and welfare when it is neither possible nor practical to contact me beforehand. Signature(s) of the person(s) who has legal duty of care over the applicant:


UWC School and College Student Application Form   Class Teacher Reference Form – to be completed by your Class Teacher at your current school Applicant name:

The above student has applied to attend a UWC school/college. UWC schools, colleges and programs deliver a challenging and transformative education experience to a diverse cross section of students, inspiring them to create a more peaceful and sustainable future. UWC has 13 schools and colleges across 5 continents all with distinctive characters but sharing the same mission, ethos and values. Although strong academic achievement is valued highly at UWC, academic achievements are put into perspective with a demanding mix of community engagement, international affairs, physical activities and creative pursuits. Our student intake is deliberately diverse and each of the schools and colleges draws together students from many different nations and backgrounds. Our bursaries, scholarships and fee structures aim to ensure a broad socio-economic mix within the student body that adds value to the student experience and the organisation. Please go to www.uwc.org for further information. Places are offered on a competitive basis. The UWC selection committee would greatly appreciate your comments on the applicant. Your frank assessment of the student would be invaluable. Please note that the reference is to be submitted on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this form. Please comment on the student’s performance and participation at school, personality and character and consider the following aspects: • • • • • • • • •

Academic motivation and interests Ability to organize self, work and time Interaction with others Maturity and balance Adaptability Initiative Communication and listening skills Ability to deal with stress Other strengths and weaknesses

Class Teacher Name: School Name: Telephone Number: Email: Signature: Date: Please return your reference to the student applicant in question for submission. If you have any questions, please contact the UWC National Committee of the Republic of Serbia at [email protected] or [email protected] Many thanks for your help.


UWC School and College Student Application Form  


General Reference Form – to be completed by someone who knows you well through your out of school activities or hobbies Applicant name:

Thank you for agreeing to write a reference for the above student who has applied to attend a UWC school/college. Please note that the reference is to be written on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this form. UWC schools, colleges and programs deliver a challenging and transformative education experience to a diverse cross section of students, inspiring them to create a more peaceful and sustainable future. UWC has 13 schools and colleges across 5 continents all with distinctive characters but sharing the same mission, ethos and values. Although strong academic achievement is valued highly at UWC, academic achievements are put into perspective with a demanding mix of community engagement, international affairs, physical activities and creative pursuits. Our student intake is deliberately diverse and each of the schools and colleges draws together students from many different nations and backgrounds. Our bursaries, scholarships and fee structures aim to ensure a broad socio-economic mix within the student body that adds value to the student experience and the organisation. Please go to www.uwc.org for further information. Places are offered on a competitive basis. The UWC selection committee would greatly appreciate your comments on the applicant. Your frank assessment of the applicant would be invaluable. Please indicate how you know the applicant and comment on his/her strengths and weaknesses, personality and character (giving examples) and consider the following aspects: • • • • • • •

Ability to organize self, work and time Interaction with others Maturity and balance Adaptability Initiative Communication and listening skills Ability to deal with stress

Evaluator Name: Connection to the applicant: Telephone Number: Email: Signature: Date: Please return your reference to the student applicant in question for submission. If you have any questions, please contact the UWC National Committee of the Republic of Serbia at [email protected] or [email protected]. Many thanks for your help.