GAS BOILERS. VKS 35 E - 93 E. VKS 35/1 E - 93/1 E. VK 35/1 - 93/1 E ...
8025 90 GB 09/96
View of appliances Content Page General view sheet Main component 04 Burner and gas section
VKS 35 E, 41 E
3 - 15
Main component 06 Boiler section
17 - 23
Main component 07 Casing
25 - 39
Main component 10 Flue gas sensor
41 - 43
Main component 12 Control panel
45 - 53
VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E
VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E
VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E
Subject to alteration
General view sheet
Subject to alteration
Main component 04
Page Burner VKS 35 E - 93 E VKS 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU VK 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU
Gas supply connection VKS 35 E, 41 E
Gas supply connection VKS 47 E - 93 E
Gas supply connection VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 47/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
10 - 11
Gas supply connection VKS 58/1 E - 93/1 E VK 58/1 E - 93/1 E
12 - 13
Gas section VKS 35 E - 93 E VKS 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU VK 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU
14 - 15
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Burner VKS 35 E - 93 E VKS 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU , VK 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Burner VKS 35 E - 93 E VKS 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU , VK 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU Pict. No.
04-1294 04-1295 04-1296 04-1297 04-1298 04-1299
burner burner burner burner burner burner
07-6604 99-0249
insulation adhesive (1 kg)
for insulation (not shown)
gas supply connections
see page 6 onwards
Type, Remarks 35 E, 35/1 E 41 E, 41/1 E 47 E, 47/1 E, 48/1 E 58 E, 58/1 E 76 E, 76/1 E 93 E, 93/1 E
with part 2
4 5 6 7
04-0248 07-0027 11-4848 98-0424
test nipple washer nut packingring
24-0515 24-0580 24-0609 24-0577
burner nozzle (D 2,80) burner nozzle (D 2,70) burner nozzle (D 2,50) burner nozzle (D 2,60)
VKS-VK 35 E, 35/1 E H VKS-VK 41 E, 41/1 E H VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E, 48/1 E H VKS-VK 58 E - 93 E, 58/1 E - 93/1 E H
24-0634 24-0571 24-0634
burner nozzle (D 1,55) burner nozzle (D 1,50) burner nozzle (D 1,55)
VKS-VK 35 E, 35/1 E B VKS-VK 41 E, 41/1 E, 47 E, 47/1 E, 48/1 E B VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E, 76 E, 76/1 E, 93 E, 93/1 E B
10-0334 09-0671 09-0686 13-0005 11-9104 45-8225 45-5439 45-8225 07-0430 29-9825 29-9826 29-9827 29-9828 29-9829 29-9830
temperature limiter ignition electrode control electrode screw screw cover plate cover plate cover plate cover plate sealing profile sealing profile sealing profile sealing profile sealing profile sealing profile
spare parts see main component 10 page 42 onwards
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
VKS-VK 35 E, 35/1 E, 41 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E, 58 E, 58/1 E, 76 E, 76/1 E, 93 E, 93/1 E VKS-VK 35 E, 35/1 E, 41 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E, 58 E, 58/1 E, 76 E, 76/1 E, 93 E, 93/1 E VKS-VK 35 E, 35/1 E VKS-VK 41 E, 41/1 E VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E, 48/1 E VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Gas supply connection VKS 35 E, 41 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Gas supply connection VKS 35 E, 41 E Pict. No.
45-8312 45-8313
distributor tube (R 3/4) distributor tube (R 3/4)
VKS 35 E VKS 41 E
gas section (Rp 3/4)
spare parts see page 14 onwards Note: The gas section is equipped for natural gas H. In case of LP-gas please replace the gas pressure governor from the old gas section, or order a new one (see page 14 onwards).
3 4 6 7 8
16-3392 19-1121 19-1122 08-5121 98-0125 19-0988
elbow (R 3/4) pipe (R 3/4x150) pipe (R 3/4x230) elbow fitting (R 3/4) packingring pipe (R 3/4x475)
9 10 11
45-8314 45-8315 05-0507
t-piece (R 3/4) double-nipple (R 3/4 x R 1/4) gas pressure monitor
Type, Remarks
VKS 35 E VKS 41 E
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Gas supply connection VKS 47 E - 93 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Gas supply connection VKS 47 E - 93 E Pict. No.
45-8319 18-3889 18-3890 45-8320
distributor tube (R 3/4) distributor tube (R 3/4) distributor tube (R 3/4) distributor tube (R 1)
VKS 47 E VKS 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E
16-3392 16-3398 49-1858 05-1050 05-1039
elbow (R 3/4) elbow (R 1) reducing fitting (Rp 3/4 x R 1) gas section (Rp 3/4) gas section (Rp 1)
VKS 47 E - 76 E VKS 93 E VKS 76 E VKS 47 E, 58 E (spare parts see page 14 onwards) VKS 76 E, 93 E (spare parts see page 14 onwards) Note: The gas sections are equipped for natural gas H. In case of LP-gas please replace the gas pressure governor from the old gas section, or order a new one (see page 14 onwards).
49-2418 49-2404 49-2419 45-8314 45-8318 45-8315 49-1858 05-0507 08-5113 08-5114 04-0248 98-0125 98-0350
pipe (R 3/4x130) pipe (R 3/4x146) pipe (R 1 x 50) t-piece (R 3/4) t-piece (R 1) double-nipple (R 3/4 x R 1/4) reducing piece (Rp 3/4 x R 1) gas pressure monitor elbow fitting (R 3/4) elbow fitting (R 1) test nipple packingring packingring
VKS 47 E, 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E VKS 47 E - 76 E VKS 93 E
3 4 4a
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Type, Remarks
VKS 93 E VKS 47 E - 76 E VKS 93 E
with parts 11, 12
VKS 47 E - 76 E VKS 93 E
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Gas supply connection VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 47/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Gas supply connection VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 47/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E Pict. No.
45-8312 45-8313 45-8319 46-1303
distributor tube (R 3/4) distributor tube (R 3/4) distributor tube (R 3/4) distributor tube (R 3/4)
VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS 47/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
gas section (Rp 3/4)
spare parts see page 14 onwards Note: The gas section is equipped for natural gas H. In case of LP-gas please replace the gas pressure governor from the old gas section, or order a new one (see page 14 onwards).
3 4
16-3392 19-1121 19-1122 49-2418 08-5121 98-0125 19-0988 45-8314 45-8315 05-0507
elbow (R 3/4) pipe (R 3/4x150) pipe (R 3/4x230) pipe (R 3/4x130) elbow fitting (R 3/4) packingring pipe (R 3/4x475) t-piece (R 3/4) double-nipple (R 3/4 x R 1/4) gas pressure monitor
5 6 7 8 9 10
Type, Remarks
VKS-VK 35/1 E, 48/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS 47/1 E with part 6 VKS-VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VKS-VK 47/1 E, 48/1 E VKS-VK 47/1 E, 48/1 E VKS-VK 47/1 E, 48/1 E
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Gas supply connection VKS 58/1 E - 93/1 E VK 58/1 E - 93/1 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Gas supply connection VKS 58/1 E - 93/1 E VK 58/1 E - 93/1 E Pict. No.
46-0992 46-0993 18-3828 46-1424
distributor tube (R 3/4) distributor tube (R 3/4)
16-3392 16-3398 49-1858 05-1039
elbow (R 3/4) elbow (R 1) reducing piece (Rp 3/4 x R 1) gas section (Rp 1)
49-2419 11-1062 17-0280 49-2506 45-8314 45-8318 45-8315 05-0507 49-1858 08-5113 08-5114 98-0125 98-0350 04-0248 08-9568
pipe (R 1 x 50) magnetic valve (Rp 1) magneto double-nipple (R 1 x R 3/4) t-piece (R 3/4) t-piece (R 1) double-nipple (R 3/4 x R 1/4) gas pressure monitor reducing fitting (Rp 3/4 x R 1) elbow fitting (R 3/4) elbow fitting (R 1) packingring packingring test nipple connection line
1b 1c 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
distributor tube (Rp 1) s-pipe (R 1)
Type, Remarks VKS-VK 58/1 E VKS-VK 76/1 E VKS-VK 93/1 E (replaced by part 1b/c) VKS-VK 93/1 E (with part 1c) only for VKS-VK 93/1 E VKS-VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E VKS-VK 93/1 E only for VKS-VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E spare parts see page 14 onwards Note: The gas section is equipped for natural gas H. In case of LP-gas please replace the gas pressure governor from the old gas section, or order a new one (see page 14 onwards).
for magnetic valve VKS-VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E VKS-VK 93/1 E
only for VKS-VK 93/1 E VKS-VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E (with parts 13,14) VKS-VK 93/1 E (with parts 13,14) VKS-VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E VKS-VK 93/1 E
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Gas section VKS 35 E - 93 E VKS 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU, VK 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU
Subject to alteration
Main component 04 Gas section VKS 35 E - 93 E VKS 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU, VK 35/1 E/EU - 93/1 E/EU Pict. No.
Type, Remarks Note: The gas sections are equipped for natural gas H. In case of LP-gas please replace the gas pressure governor from the old gas section, or order a new one.
1a 1b
2 3 4 5 6
gas section (Rp 3/4) gas section (Rp 3/4)
7 8
20-4085 49-2373 45-4373 11-1058 05-0159 05-0158 20-4086 08-9406
protection cover screw cable grommet operator gas pressure governor (H) gas pressure governor (B) protection cover connection line
gas section (Rp 1)
10 11
17-0316 25-2779
magneto plug
no longer available, replaced by part 1b VKS 35 E, 41 E, 47 E, 58 E VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 47/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
VKS 76 E, 93 E VKS-VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E with part 14
with parts 2 - 8
with parts 6, 10, 11
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 06
Page Boiler section VKS 35 E, 41 E
18 - 19
Boiler section VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
20 - 21
Boiler section VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E
22 - 23
Subject to alteration
Main component 06 Boiler section VKS 35 E, 41 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 06 Boiler section VKS 35 E, 41 E Pict. No.
1 2 3 4
06-2437 06-2438 06-2439 06-1523
end section, left-hand end section, right-hand middle section connection nipple
7 8
07-9214 07-9215 21-3351 21-3352 07-0028 11-4848
collecting tray collecting tray burner plate burner plate retaining bolt nut
9 10 11 12
06-0051 45-6166 18-3902 10-1252
de-aeration valve (R 1/8) elbow connection manometer
18 19 20 21 22 23
08-2218 06-2209 06-2210 28-0716 11-4892 07-1922 06-0058
drain cock tie rod tie rod spring-washer nut boiler foot protective housing
25 29 30
45-4699 45-5758 45-5756
drain screw pipe (Rp 1x295) support screw
06-1937 06-1938
32 33 34 35
99-0230 99-0203 99-0206 99-0324
Type, Remarks
VKS 35 E VKS 41 E VKS 35 E VKS 41 E
with part 9
VKS 35 E VKS 41 E
with parts 20, 21
boiler section,cpl. boiler section,cpl.
VKS 35 E VKS 41 E
with parts 1-4, 10, 18-23, 25
brush for gas boiler sealant (500 g) sealant applicator sealing cement
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 06 Boiler section VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 06 Boiler section VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E Pict. No.
06-1944 06-1945 06-1949
boiler section,cpl. boiler section,cpl. boiler section,cpl.
45-9900 45-9901 45-9902 06-1523 06-2209 06-2210 06-2279 28-0716 11-4888
end section, left-hand end section, right-hand middle section connection nipple tie rod tie rod tie rod spring-washer nut
08-2218 06-0058 29-9825 29-9826 29-9827 12-7962 19-1407 11-4888 45-4695
drain cock protective housing sealing profile sealing profile sealing profile screw disc nut screw
21-3351 21-3352 46-1248 99-0157
burner plate burner plate burner plate sealing compond
VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
07-9214 07-9215 46-1251
collecting tray collecting tray collecting tray
VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
23 25
45-4699 45-9545 45-9566
drain screw elbow elbow
VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E, 48/1 E
28 31 32 32a 33
06-0051 10-1252 18-3902 46-1521 45-5758
de-aeration valve (R 1/8) manometer connection connection pipe (Rp 1x295)
34 35 36 37
99-0230 99-0203 99-0206 99-0324
brush for gas boiler sealant (500 g) sealant applicator sealing cement
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
Type, Remarks VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
with parts 1 - 9, 25, 32
VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
with parts 6, 7
VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
Iron execution steel execution
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 06 Boiler section VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E, VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 06 Boiler section VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E, VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E Pict. No.
1 2 3 4
06-2464 45-4690 45-4691 06-0059
end section, left-hand middle section end section, right-hand connection nipple
06-0048 06-0049 06-0050 06-0235 11-4892 45-5269
tie rod tie rod tie rod tie rod nut spring-washer
06-0052 06-0053 07-0937 06-0160 06-0161 45-5426 06-0055 08-2218 07-0069 98-0121 49-2086 10-1252
plug (R 1 1/4) plug (R 1) collecting tray collecting tray collecting tray collecting tray threaded pin drain cock boiler foot packingring elbow pipe manometer
18 19
06-1929 06-1930 06-1931 45-2580 06-0051
boiler section,cpl. boiler section,cpl. boiler section,cpl. connection tube de-aeration valve (R 1/8)
20 21 22 23
99-0230 99-0203 99-0206 99-0324
brush for gas boiler sealant (500 g) sealant applicator sealing cement
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Type, Remarks
VKS 47 E, 47/1 E VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E
with parts 6, 7
VKS 47 E, 47/1 E VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E
VKS 47 E, 47/1 E VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E
with parts 1 - 9, 12 - 15
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 07
Page Casing VKS 35 E, 41 E
26 - 27
Casing VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
28 - 31
Casing VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E (for appliances until 03/86)
32 - 35
Casing VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E (for appliances 03/86 - ) VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E
36 - 39
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 35 E, 41 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 35 E, 41 E Pict. No.
1 2 3
07-9874 07-9875 07-0155 07-0156 07-0865 07-0866 07-5557 07-5558 20-4055
side panel side panel front panel front panel cover cover upper front panel upper front panel cap
07-2246 07-2247 49-0529 28-0706 07-0007 28-2265
lower front panel lower front panel screw washer nut ring
VKS 35 E VKS 41 E
45-8231 45-8232 45-8163 45-8164 45-8111 45-8112 45-4335 45-8249 45-8250
mounting plate mounting plate draft diverter draft diverter insulation insulation aluminium adhesive tie back panel back panel
VKS 35 E VKS 41 E VKS 35 E VKS 41 E VKS 35 E VKS 41 E for fixing of insulation (not shown) VKS 35 E VKS 41 E
14 15
46-1853 45-8155 45-8156
insulation insulation insulation
VKS 35 E VKS 41 E
16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
16-3409 45-3681 16-3410 16-3413 45-4950 11-4888 45-5731 49-2032 49-2064 45-5756 23-5740 49-2147 08-8624
support screw support support support nut hook screw disc nut support screw screw screw screw
4 5 5a 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Type, Remarks
VKS 35 E VKS 41 E VKS 35 E VKS 41 E VKS 35 E VKS 41 E
with part 5a
not shown
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E Pict. No.
07-0895 07-0896 07-2116 13-2902 07-5557 07-5558 07-5565 20-3849
cover cover cover plastic stud upper front panel upper front panel upper front panel cap
VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
with part 1a
VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
with part 3
front panel front panel front panel lower front panel lower front panel lower front panel plastic lock nut
VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
07-0155 07-0156 07-0235 07-2246 07-2247 07-5522 11-4616
6 7 7a 7b
07-9874 07-9875 12-4811 12-4810
side panel side panel plastic counter bush (top) plastic counter bush (front)
45-8231 45-8232 46-1255 46-1505 46-1506 46-1530 46-1224 46-1476 46-1477 46-1240 99-0157 46-1859 45-4335
mounting plate mounting plate mounting plate draft diverter draft diverter draft diverter ring flue gas removal flue gas removal flue gas removal sealing compond (1m) insulation aluminium adhesive tie
45-8249 45-8250 46-1258 46-1853 45-8155 45-8156 46-1239
back panel back panel back panel insulation insulation insulation insulation
1a 2
3 4
9a 10
11 12 13 14
15 16
Type, Remarks
with part 5a, 7 a-b
VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E only for VKS-VK 48/1 E VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
for fixing of insulation VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E VKS-VK 35/1 E VKS-VK 41/1 E VKS-VK 48/1 E
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E Pict. No.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31-32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38a
45-4950 16-3413 45-5731 49-2032 49-2064 45-5756 49-1421 16-3409 16-3410 49-0529 28-0706 07-0007 45-9886 13-0005 23-5740 49-0414 23-5740 12-7962 19-1407 11-4888 95-0355 28-9730
Part support support hook screw disc nut support screw disc support support screw washer nut adjusting screw screw screw screw screw screw disc nut adhesive clip for cables clip for cables
Type, Remarks
with parts 26-28
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E (for appliances until 03/86)
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E (for appliances until 03/86) Pict. No.
07-0686 07-0687 07-0688 07-0689 28-2265 28-2266 28-2267 28-2277
cover cover cover cover ring ring ring ring
VKS 47 E VKS 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E VKS 47 E VKS 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E
45-5253 45-5254 45-5257 45-5258 45-4335 45-5235 45-5236 45-5239 45-5240 11-4888 19-1325 07-0028
insulation insulation insulation insulation aluminium adhesive tie flue gas removal flue gas removal flue gas removal flue gas removal nut disc retaining bolt
VKS 47 E VKS 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E for fixing of insulation (not shown) VKS 47 E VKS 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E
07-9806 49-2147 28-8301 13-0005 28-2829 07-9804 45-5259 45-5260 45-8295 45-8296 45-8297 45-8299 07-0026 20-1819 08-6066
side panel screw magnet screw sealing profile side panel insulation insulation mounting plate mounting plate mounting plate mounting plate screw cable grommet chain
with parts 13-15
07-4193 07-4194 07-4195 07-4196 13-7237 07-1181 45-5429 45-5431 45-5432 11-4851 07-0056
front panel front panel front panel front panel plug back panel back panel back panel back panel nut hook screw
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23
24 25
26 27
Type, Remarks
with parts 13-15
VKS 47 E VKS 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E
with part 21
VKS 47 E VKS 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E
with part 24
VKS 47 E VKS 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E (for appliances until 03/86)
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E (for appliances until 03/86) Pict. No.
07-2229 07-2230 07-2231 07-2232 45-5265 07-4915 07-4916 07-4917 07-4918
support support support support insulation draft diverter draft diverter draft diverter draft diverter
VKS 47 E VKS 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E
07-5553 20-4055
upper front panel cap
with part 32
29 30
31 32
Type, Remarks
VKS 47 E VKS 58 E VKS 76 E VKS 93 E
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E (for appliances 03/86 - ) VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E, VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E (for appliances 03/86 - ) VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E, VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E Pict. No.
07-0887 07-0888 07-0889 07-0890 28-2265 28-2266 28-2267 28-2277 45-5253 45-5254 45-5257 45-5258 45-4335
cover cover cover cover ring ring ring ring insulation insulation insulation insulation aluminium adhesive tie
VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E/EU VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E/EU VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E/EU VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E/EU VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E/EU VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E/EU VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E/EU VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E/EU VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E/EU VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E/EU VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E/EU VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E/EU for fixing of insulation (not shown)
45-5235 45-5236 45-5239 45-5240 11-4888 19-1411 07-0028
flue gas removal flue gas removal flue gas removal flue gas removal nut disc retaining bolt
VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E/EU VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E/EU VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E/EU VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E/EU
07-9875 07-9874 49-2147 45-5259 45-5260 45-8295 45-8296 45-8297 45-8299 07-0026 20-1819 07-0201 07-0202 07-0203 07-0204 13-7237
side panel side panel screw insulation insulation mounting plate mounting plate mounting plate mounting plate screw cable grommet front panel front panel front panel front panel plug
07-1181 45-5429 45-5431 45-5432 11-4851 49-0842
back panel back panel back panel back panel nut screw
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16
17 18
19 20
Type, Remarks
VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E/EU VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E/EU VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E/EU VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E/EU
VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E/EU VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E/EU VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E/EU VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E/EU
VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E/EU VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E/EU VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E/EU VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E/EU
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E (for appliances 03/86 - ) VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E, VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 07 Casing VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E (for appliances 03/86 - ) VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E, VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E Pict. No.
07-5450 07-5451 07-5452 07-5453 45-5265 07-4915 07-4916 07-4917 07-4918
lower front panel lower front panel lower front panel lower front panel insulation draft diverter draft diverter draft diverter draft diverter
VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E/EU VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E/EU VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E/EU VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E/EU
07-5454 07-5455 07-5456 07-5457 20-3849 45-9833 45-9834 49-0529 28-0706 07-0007
upper front panel upper front panel upper front panel upper front panel cap support support screw washer nut
VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E/EU VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E/EU VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E/EU VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E/EU
22 23
25 26 27 28 29 30
Type, Remarks
VKS-VK 47 E, 47/1 E/EU VKS-VK 58 E, 58/1 E/EU VKS-VK 76 E, 76/1 E/EU VKS-VK 93 E, 93/1 E/EU
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 10
Page Flue gas sensor VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E, VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
Subject to alteration
42 - 43
Main component 10 Flue gas sensor VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 10 Flue gas sensor VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E Pict. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 6a 7 8
10-0334 06-0018 08-5821 08-8624 08-4491 08-4467 25-2776 09-0686 16-3483
temperature limiter screw support screw connection line connection line plug control electrode support
28-9730 28-8412
clip for cables cable tie
Type, Remarks
without part 6a
not shown
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 12
Page Control panel VKS 35 E, 41 E VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E
46 - 47
Control panel VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E (for appliances without extra-transformer until 09/90)
48 - 49
Control panel VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E (INT execution with extra-transformer 09/90 - )
50 - 51
Electronic board VRC-CB (Acc. 9690)
52 - 53
Subject to alteration
Main component 12 Control panel VKS 35 E, 41 E VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E
Subject to alteration
Main component 12 Control panel VKS 35 E, 41 E VKS 47 E, 58 E, 76 E, 93 E Pict. No.
1 2 3 4 5
12-1056 25-1124 12-0068 20-1678 10-5783 12-0065 13-0274
casing terminal strip (4 terminals) terminal strip (6 terminals) cover screw cable grommet printed circuit board
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
09-1233 09-1514 08-8624 25-2020 13-0037 10-1386 06-0018 13-7234 10-0554 25-5821 -
ignition transformer ignition wire screw fuse-holder fuse (2.0 A/250 V) over-heat limiter screw plug flame supervision device cable tree upper front panel
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
10-1534 25-1777 14-3950 10-1475 19-5116 06-0058 07-0582 25-2773 08-4462 08-4463 08-4464 -
thermometer switch knob temperature regulator inset protective housing cover link connection line connection line connection line (yellow-green) connection line (white)
connection line
95-0355 28-8412
adhesive clip for cables cable tie
Type, Remarks
not shown
with part 10
to flame supervision device (not shown) see main component 07 page 26 onwards
for appliances without electronic board to gas section to gas pressure monitor to boiler section old execution, connecting ignition transformer with burner plate, is no longer available, please order double ignition electrode article-no. 09-0671 (see main component 04) to control electrode
not shown
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 12 Control panel VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E, VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E, VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E (for appliances without extra-transformer until 09/90)
Subject to alteration
Main component 12 Control panel VKS 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E, VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VKS 47/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E, VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E (for appliances without extra-transformer until 09/90) Pict. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
12-1056 25-1124 12-0068 20-1678 10-5783 12-0065 13-0274 09-1241 09-1514 08-8624 25-2020 13-0037 10-1386 06-0018 10-0554 25-5821 -
casing terminal strip (4 terminals) terminal strip (6 terminals) cover screw cable grommet printed circuit board ignition transformer ignition wire screw fuse-holder fuse (2.0 A/250 V) over-heat limiter screw flame supervision device cable tree upper front panel
15 16 17 18 19
06-0018 10-1534 25-1777 14-3950 10-1475
screw thermometer switch knob temperature regulator
20 21 22 23 24
19-5116 06-0058 07-0582 25-2773 08-4462 08-4463 08-4464 08-4467
inset protective housing cover link connection line connection line connection line (yellow-green) connection line
28-9730 28-8412
clip for cables cable tie
Type, Remarks
not shown
with part 10
to flame supervision device (not shown) see main component 07 page 28 onwards
for appliances without electronic board to gas section to gas pressure monitor to boiler section to control electrode
not shown
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 12 Control panel VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E (INT execution with extra-transformer 09/90 - )
Subject to alteration
Main component 12 Control panel VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E, 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E (INT execution with extra-transformer 09/90 - ) Pict. No.
Control box
25-7522 25-7523 25-7524
Control panel Control panel Control panel
2a 2b 2c 3 3a 4 5 6
25-1124 12-0068 49-2226 20-1678 10-5783 12-0065 13-0328 09-1241
terminal strip (4 terminals) terminal strip (6 terminals) screw cover screw cable grommet printed circuit ignition transformer
7 8 9 10 11 12a 12b 13
09-1514 08-8624 25-2027 13-0037 10-0365 28-7429 28-7430 10-0554
ignition wire screw fuse-holder fuse (2.0 A/250 V) over-heat limiter transformer transformer flame supervision device
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
06-0018 10-1534 25-1777 14-3950 10-1713 19-5116 06-0058 07-0582
screw thermometer switch knob temperature regulator inset protective housing cover
22a 22b 23 24 25 26
25-2773 25-2764 18-8642 13-0005 20-1849 08-4462 08-4463 08-4464 08-4467
link link clamp screw cable bushing connection line connection line connection line (yellow-green) connection line
28-9730 28-8412
clip for cables cable tie
Type, Remarks VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E (with parts 2, 4-8, 9-13, 22-25) VK 58/1 E with parts 1a, 2-11, 12b, 13-18, 21-26 VK 76/1 E VK 93/1 E
VK 35/1 E, 41/1 E, 48/1 E VK 58/1 E, 76/1 E, 93/1 E
to gas section to gas pressure monitor to boiler section to control electrode
not shown
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration
Main component 12 Electronic board VRC-CB (Acc. 9690)
Subject to alteration
Main component 12 Electronic board VRC-CB (Acc. 9690) Pict. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
25-2934 25-0790 13-0037 25-1913 13-6950 07-1407 07-2323 23-5742 23-5723
panel electronic board link fuse (T 2.0/250 V) fuse (T 0,2/250 V) casing orifice cover screw screw
available as accessory 9573 (with part 14) with parts 3 - 10
11 12 13 14 15
20-1623 50-0056
quartz-clocks cover sensors single delivery not possible screw
see accessories VRC 9654/9567
Type, Remarks
see accessories VRC 692/693
H = Natural Gas B = LP Gas
Subject to alteration