Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs Leandro Loss, Servane Crave PRO-VE'09 - Thessaloniki, Greece. 7 - 9 October 2009
1 Introduction 2 Objective 3 CNOs/Strategic Alliances 4 Current Approaches for Business Models 5 Fostering Agile Business Models 6 Final Considerations 7 Next Steps
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Introduction Business Model
the way an organization is going to address the market
It is usually applied to organizations offering products and services to one or several segments of customers – Static (designed for a single organization) – Linear value chain (stable and predictable competitive landscape)
A multi perspective approach regarding BMs for CNOs
It is hard to capture the necessary shift in the new ways of working of CNOs' stakeholders, mainly regarding innovation aspects
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
To propose a ground on a new model of innovation which finds its roots in a context where resources are spread out worldwide
To provide to the customer a unique experience
These concepts are mobilized in order to create and foster an Agile Business Model for CNO's
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
CNOs / Strategic Alliances
Oliver (1990) reviewed the literature on inter-organizational relations and argues that the core idea is that organizations working together are stronger than when working only by themselves or isolated
Strategic alliances are also viewed as a form of Collaborative Networked Organization (CNOs)
Access to new/wider markets and novel knowledge, where risks and resources are shared and where skills and capacities can be complementary orchestrated (Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2006)
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Current Approaches for Business Models
Business Model: Technical Inputs: (feasibility, performance)
Measured in technical domain
• Market segment • Value proposition • Value chain • Cost and profit • Value network • Competitive strategy
Economic Outputs: (value, price, profit) Measured in social domain
(Chesbrough and Rosenbloom, 2002)
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Current Approaches for Business Models
Infrastructure Management
Product and/or Service
Customer Interface
How much? Financial Aspects
(Osterwalder, 2004)
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Current Approaches for Business Models
CNO Partnerships Product and/or Service
Infrastructure Management
CNO capabilities
CNO multi-value configuration
CNO multi-value proposition
CNO Cost structure
CNO stakeholders relationship
CNO distribution channel
CNO Revenue Model
Financial Aspects Legend: Adapted from Osterwalder (2004) proposition, and extended by Romero et al. (2006)
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Customer Interface
CNO target stakeholders
Current Approaches for Business Models - Fields of innovation & value creation
- Value Proposition - Breakthrough Anticipation - Business Analysis - SWOT Analysis
- Ecosystem Analysis
CNO Partnerships Product and/or Service
Infrastructure Management
CNO capabilities
CNO multi-value configuration
- Value & network Chain
CNO multi-value proposition
CNO Cost structure
CNO stakeholders relationship
CNO distribution channel
CNO Revenue Model
Financial Aspects Legend:
Customer Interface
CNO target stakeholders
-Pre-segmentation and Segmentation - Competitive Analysis - Market Analysis
Adapted from Osterwalder (2004) proposition, and extended by Romero et al. (2006) Empirical support (complementary approach)
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Current Approaches for Business Models
Nevertheless, the current approaches to develop business models appear to be on a different wavelength from the current market landscape: especially when looking at new market dynamics caused by globalization, rising up of services in all activity sectors as well as open innovation processes
It is argued that new dynamics for business models are required
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Fostering Agile Business Models
Product Innovation Î 1995
Æ 2000
Value Chain
Organizational, societal & sustainable innovation
Few radical innovation, Customized offers
Technological & Industrial Innovation 1
Co-Creation, Customer experience 2001 Î ….
"Client in the center"
1 5
Value network 3
Digital ecosystem PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Fostering Agile Business Models • Key features of Current BMs and Agile BMs Current BMs (as is)
Agile BMs (to be)
Finantial aspects
Finantial and social aspects
Profit / sustainability / effect of commodization
Linear value chain
Value network / Digital ecosystems
Value analysis and creation
Value creation and capture
Increased development of services / services on top of products
Customer interfaces
Customer empowerment
One to many / one to one
Many to one
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Fostering Agile Business Models
It was identified a set of levers and uncertainties for building agile business models in CNOs
The objective of this exercise is to find means to go beyond the concepts being used nowadays and to link them to a BM approach
Three perspectives: Organizational, Social, and Technological
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Fostering Agile Business Models: organizational perspective Levers
BPs in accordance with what is pointed out by the business model
ance d r o acc es n i s l de ess o c o M r ss P ness Busi th Busine wi
tion a z i gan
tion a v o In n ) Open dsourcing (crow
- Fields of innovation & value creation
- Value Proposition - Breakthrough Anticipation - Ecosystem Analysis - Business Analysis - SOWT Analysis
- Ecosystem Analysis
CNO Partnerships Product and/or Service
Infrastructure Management
CNO capabilities
CNO multi-value configuration
- Value & network Chain
CNO multi-value proposition
CNO Cost structure
CNO stakeholders relationship
CNO distribution channel
CNO Revenue Model
Financial Aspects
Customer Interface
to be more agile and in a position to better react to new business opportunities
CNO target stakeholders
-Pre-segmentation and Segmentation - Competitive Analysis - Market Analysis
blend of internal and external innovation
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Fostering Agile Business Models: organizational perspective Uncertainties
ance d r o acc es n i s l de ess o c o M r ss P ness Busi th Busine wi
tion a z i gan
tion a v o In n ) Open dsourcing (crow
- Fields of innovation & value creation
- Value Proposition - Breakthrough Anticipation - Ecosystem Analysis - Business Analysis - SOWT Analysis
- Ecosystem Analysis
CNO Partnerships Product and/or Service
Infrastructure Management
CNO capabilities
CNO multi-value configuration
- Value & network Chain
Quality and maintenanc e
CNO multi-value proposition
CNO Cost structure
CNO stakeholders relationship
CNO distribution channel
CNO Revenue Model
Financial Aspects
Customer Interface
CNO target stakeholders
-Pre-segmentation and Segmentation - Competitive Analysis - Market Analysis
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Fostering Agile Business Models: social perspective Knowledg e workers
Colle Intell ctive igenc e
ance d r o acc es n i s l de ess o c o M r ss P ness Busi th Busine wi
tion a z i gan
tion a v o In n ) Open dsourcing (crow
- Fields of innovation & value creation
CNO Partnerships Product and/or Service
Infrastructure Management
CNO capabilities
CNO multi-value configuration
- Value & network Chain
CNO multi-value proposition
CNO Cost structure
CNO stakeholders relationship
CNO distribution channel
CNO Revenue Model
Financial Aspects
User (kno empower wled ge w ment and value or co-cr kers eatio n)
- Value Proposition - Breakthrough Anticipation - Ecosystem Analysis - Business Analysis - SOWT Analysis
- Ecosystem Analysis
Soci a
Customer Interface
CNO target stakeholders
-Pre-segmentation and Segmentation - Competitive Analysis - Market Analysis
“Coopetition” PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Fostering Agile Business Models: social perspective Uncertainties
Trust Colle Intell ctive igenc e
ance d r o acc es n i s l de ess o c o M r ss P ness Busi th Busine wi
tion a z i gan
tion a v o In n ) Open dsourcing (crow
- Fields of innovation & value creation
CNO Partnerships Product and/or Service
Infrastructure Management
CNO capabilities
CNO multi-value configuration
- Value & network Chain
CNO multi-value proposition
CNO Cost structure
CNO stakeholders relationship
CNO distribution channel
CNO Revenue Model
Financial Aspects
User (kno empower wled ge w ment and value or co-cr kers eatio n)
- Value Proposition - Breakthrough Anticipation - Ecosystem Analysis - Business Analysis - SOWT Analysis
- Ecosystem Analysis
Soci a
Customer Interface
CNO target stakeholders
-Pre-segmentation and Segmentation - Competitive Analysis - Market Analysis
Lack of definition from a Value System PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Fostering Agile Business Models: technological perspective Levers
Colle Intell ctive igenc e
ance d r o acc es n i s l de ess o c o M r ss P ness Busi th Busine wi
tion a z i gan
tion a v o In n ) Open dsourcing (crow
- Fields of innovation & value creation
CNO Partnerships Product and/or Service
Infrastructure Management
CNO capabilities
CNO multi-value configuration
- Value & network Chain
CNO multi-value proposition
CNO Cost structure
Financial Aspects
(distributed) Business Process
CNO stakeholders relationship
CNO distribution channel
CNO Revenue Model
l ICT based User emp (knAnalytic owerModels ow
men ledge and w value orke t rs co-cr eatio n)
- Value Proposition - Breakthrough Anticipation - Ecosystem Analysis - Business Analysis - SOWT Analysis
- Ecosystem Analysis
Soci a
Customer Interface
CNO target stakeholders
-Pre-segmentation and Segmentation - Competitive Analysis - Market Analysis
sis y l a a an ics) t a D alyt n a (
S s) Xaa service eb P2P w , A 0, cal i (SO eb X. g lo W hno
ec T PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09
Fostering Agile Business Models: technological perspective Uncertainties
Colle Intell ctive igenc e
ance d r o acc es n i s l de ess o c o M r ss P ness Busi th Busine wi
tion a z i gan
tion a v o In n ) Open dsourcing (crow
- Fields of innovation & value creation
CNO Partnerships Product and/or Service
Infrastructure Management
CNO capabilities
CNO multi-value configuration
- Value & network Chain
CNO multi-value proposition
CNO Cost structure
Financial Aspects
ROI for SMEs
CNO stakeholders relationship
CNO distribution channel
CNO Revenue Model
User (kno empower wled ge w ment and value or co-cr kers eatio n)
- Value Proposition - Breakthrough Anticipation - Ecosystem Analysis - Business Analysis - SOWT Analysis
- Ecosystem Analysis
Costs Soc
Customer Interface
CNO target stakeholders
-Pre-segmentation and Segmentation - Competitive Analysis - Market Analysis
sis y l a a an ics) t a D alyt n a (
S s) Xaa service eb P2P w , A 0, cal i (SO eb X. g lo W hno
ec T PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09
Fostering Agile Business Models
Colle Intell ctive igenc e
ance d r o acc es n i s l de ess o c o M r ss P ness Busi th Busine wi
tion a z i gan
tion a v o In n ) Open dsourcing (crow
- Fields of innovation & value creation
CNO Partnerships Product and/or Service
Infrastructure Management
CNO capabilities
CNO multi-value configuration
- Value & network Chain
CNO multi-value proposition
CNO Cost structure
CNO stakeholders relationship
CNO distribution channel
CNO Revenue Model
Financial Aspects
User (kno empower wled ge w ment and value or co-cr kers eatio n)
- Value Proposition - Breakthrough Anticipation - Ecosystem Analysis - Business Analysis - SOWT Analysis
- Ecosystem Analysis
Soci a
Customer Interface
CNO target stakeholders
-Pre-segmentation and Segmentation - Competitive Analysis - Market Analysis
sis y l a a an ics) t a D alyt n a (
S s) Xaa service eb P2P w , A 0, cal i (SO eb X. g lo W hno
ec T PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09
Final Considerations
It was verified that despite the current models propose a solid contribution to BMs, however they missed an agile perspective that may provide dynamicity for BMs in CNOs
Based on these observations, key features of current approaches for BMs and Agile BMs were introduced
The levers and uncertainties that can affect an Agile BM were also presented
The authors aim to give insights and inspiration to further investigate the fundamentals of future business models where complexity and adaptability will prevail PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
Next Steps
Exhaustive investigation of the levers and uncertainties with a field research to further articulate and illustrate in a mock-up organization, social, and technological dimensions
This approach has been also put in practice in the domain called e-Leisure (internal research at Orange Labs)
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.
thank you Leandro Loss
[email protected] Servane Crave
[email protected]
PRO-VE'09 – Thinking Outside the Box: Agile Business Models for CNOs, October 09th, 2009.