Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Council Minutes - Los Angeles ...

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Nov 5, 2013 ... Members present: Elliot Sanders, Ron Merkin, Wayne Williams, Don Schultz,. Cindy Goodfellow, Gerald Silver, Laurence Rabe, David Rankell, ...

A meeting of the Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Elliot Sanders. Members present: Elliot Sanders, Ron Merkin, Wayne Williams, Don Schultz, Cindy Goodfellow, Gerald Silver, Laurence Rabe, David Rankell, David Bernardoni, Wendy Saunders Members Absent: Roger Ortiz, Roger Oeland, Faisal Gill, Harold Lee The Council vacancies as of November 5, 2013 are as follows: One appointment from Board of Airport Commissioners, two appointments from the Mayor’s Office, one appointment from Councilmember Blumenfeld’s Office. The minutes from the October 1, 2013 meeting were unanimously approved. 1.) STAFF REPORTS Mr. Romo stated he attended the NBAA Annual Conference in Las Vegas in October. He stated VNY did not have a booth but he did connect with the commercial users to get feedback on the 16R Runway Project. He participated in a couple of the forums at the event. He stated VNY will have a booth at the NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference in January 2014 that will be attended by Diana Sanchez and Flora Margheritis. Mr. Romo stated he was part of a tour with Councilmember Nury Martinez who took a tour of the VNY infield and then met with tenants on the field. She shared that VNY is an important asset and meets the needs of the business community but still has a responsibility to the residents around the airport. She also made a commitment that they are scoping a project to address the issues of lighting and graffiti in the Sherman Way tunnel. She is aware of the public safety standpoint and public perception standpoint and it needs to be addressed but there is no timeline yet. A.) Air Center Aviation Lease – Discussion/Action Mr. Duran Villegas, Director of Business Development at LAWA, presented the Air Center Aviation, Inc. lease (attached). Mr. Villegas, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Silver, Ms. Saunders, Mr. Merkin, Mr. Rankell, Mr. Romo, and Mr. Larry Feuerhelm of Air Center Aviation further discussed this item. Mr. Schultz introduced a motion as follows: “VNY CAC supports the BOAC in approving Air Center Aviation lease.” Mr. Williams, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Silver, and Mr. Feuerhelm discussed this item further. The motion passed with seven in favor and two abstentions. 2.) REPORT FROM CHAIR Mr. Sanders commended LAWA Airport Police and management and staff for their response to the shooting incident at LAX on October 31, 2013. Mr. Sanders stated there is no CAC meeting in December, however there a LAWA hosted Holiday Dinner on December 5, 2013. 1

Mr. Sanders recognized Mr. Merkin at the CAC Meeting after his recent health scare. Mr. Merkin thanked everyone for their kind thoughts. A. Working Group Reports – Discussion/Action Mr. Sanders stated they will begin working with the seven Committees in January 2014. The Committees are as follows: Beautification Committee, Helicopter Committee, Noise Committee, Membership Committee, Boots on the Ground, and By-Laws Committee. Mr. Rankell stated he is still working on filling the CAC vacancies. Ms. Goodfellow stated there will be a visit to Rotocraft in January or February. She will email the members for the best date. Mr. Schultz stated he would like to meet with the By-Law Committee before or in January. 3.) BOAC AGENDA ITEMS CONCERNING VNY Mr. Romo went over the BOAC items pertaining to VNY from the October 15 and November 5, 2013 Board Meetings. All the items are listed below: October 15, 2013 BOAC items: 6. Appropriation

of not to exceed $250,000 for Contract DA-4763 with URS Corporation

Americas: For on-call professional engineering design services for the Orange Line FlyAway Bus Bay Project of Los Angeles World Airports (Roger Johnson, 424-646-7557)

All items were approved. Mr. Romo stated the invitations for the CAC/LAX Area Advisory Committee Holiday Dinner will be emailed once the Controller has approved the dinner. 4.) PUBLIC COMMENT – NON-AGENDA ITEMS - Discussion No items were discussed. 5.) NEW BUSINESS No items were discussed. 6.) OLD BUSINESS A. Status of Prop Park Development – Discussion/Action Mr. Romo stated he observed one completed T-Hangar at the Prop Park. He also noticed 8-10 foundations poured with concrete footing at the north/western quadrant of the Prop Park. Mr. Sanders stated he has spoken to the pilots who have paid their deposits and signed the leases at the Prop Park. 7.) EMERGENCY ITEMS SINCE POSTING OF AGENDA – Discussion/Action No items were discussed. 8.) ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERS’ COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA ITEMS 2

Ms. Rabe stated she appreciates the Boots on the Ground events and that they are very beneficial to all the attendees. Mr. Williams stated that Northridge Hospital is looking into lifting helicopter restrictions for size, direction of landing, and number of approaches coming into the facility. He does not know why they are doing this or what the goal is. Ms. Saunders thanked all who supported the YMCA Evening of Hope Gala. Ms. Goodfellow stated she knows of a limo company that could be great for the Prop Park. She stated that Mr. Argubright could have restrictions in his lease that prevent him from having this company on his property. Mr. Schultz stated he is still asking for the City Attorney to address the CAC with what they think is the direction of the CAC. Mr. Rankell asked if it would possible to see the actual Air Center Aviation Lease. Mr. Romo stated until the lease is approved by the BOAC and City Council it is not a public document. Mr. Rankell asked if they could get a copy after it is approved. Mr. Romo stated yes. Mr. Bernardoni stated since they cannot see the contract before it is approved it might be better to state the Motion as follows: “VNY CAC is not opposed to the Air Center Aviation lease.” Mr. Williams moved to reconsider the original motion and state it as Mr. Bernardoni suggested. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Sanchez shared the flyer for the Clean-Up day on November 9, 2013. (attached)

9) ADJOURNMENT: 7:57 p.m.