Advanced Mechanics of Materials, by A. P. Boresi and R. J. Schmidt Fenster,
Sixth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. 3. Elasticity – Theory, Applications and ...
Semester: Instructor:
Class Hours: Venue: Textbooks:
VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Course: CE 301 – Advanced Mechanics of Solids I Fall 2013 Ravindra Duddu Office – 274 Jacobs Hall Telephone – (615) 343 4891 E-‐mail –
[email protected] My office hours are flexible, so please send me an email. M, W (1:10 to 2:25pm) FGH 200 1. Introduction to the Continuum Mechanics, by M. W. Lai, D. Rubin, E. Krempl, Elsevier, 2010. 2. Advanced Mechanics of Materials, by A. P. Boresi and R. J. Schmidt Fenster, Sixth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. 3. Elasticity – Theory, Applications and Numerics, by M. H. Saad, Elsevier, 2009. (The above two are available as e-‐books online through the Knovel system via Vanderbilt Library)
Tentative Syllabus 1. Introduction and Notation 1.1. The continuous media assumption 1.2. Scalars, vectors and tensors 1.3. Indicial, tensor and matrix notation 1.4. Scalar, vector and tensor products 1.5. Change of orthonormal basis (rotation of axis) 1.6. Principal values and principal directions 1.7. Cylindrical coordinates 2. Stress, strain and deformation
2.1. Traction and stress tensor 2.2. Principal values of stress tensor, volumetric and deviatoric stress 2.3. Motion and deformation, current and reference configurations 2.4. Geometric measures of deformation 2.5. Strain measures, linearized displacement gradients 2.6. Stress measures and conjugates 3. Linear and nonlinear elasticity 3.1. Linearized elasticity, material symmetry and Lamé constants 3.2. Restrictions on elastic constants 3.3. Linearized theory of elasticity 3.4. Mathematical theory of elasticity 3.5. Polar coordinates and examples problems 4. Fracture Mechanics 4.1. Introduction: mode I, II and III fracture 4.2. Energy approach to brittle fracture 4.3. Stress intensity factors 4.4. Mode I stress intensity factor solutions 4.5. Fracture process zone and the limitations of linear elastic fracture mechanics Grading Homework
Midterm I
Midterm II
Final quiz
Term paper
Homework Homework will be mostly theoretical and the students are required to turn them in neat handwriting. Alternatively, homeworks may be typed in MS Word or Latex. Submission of the homework is typically 2 weeks after it has been assigned. MATLAB programming may be a part of the assignments and students are required to email the working codes. Midterms and Final quiz The exams are usually closed book, however, 2 pages of cheat sheets can be used to write down formulas related to tensor and vector calculus. Calculators are allowed.
Term paper The students will be allowed to choose a complex theoretical or computational problem and will be required to submit upto a 5 page report proving either solutions or results. Computational problems may solved using ANSYS, ABAQUS or MATLAB. It is strongly recommended that students consult with me about their project. The term paper will be due on the last class day of the semester. Other reference books: 1. Gurtin, M.E., “An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics,” Academic Press. 2. Malvern, L. E., “Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Medium,” Prentice-‐ Hall, 1969. 3. Gonzalez, O. and Stuart, A.M., “A First Course in Continuum Mechanics,” Cambridge University Press. 4. Timoshenko. S.P. and Goodier, J.N., "Theory of Elasticity," McGraw-‐Hill Book Co. 5. Pook, L.P., “Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics for Engineers: Theory and Applications,” Computational Mechanics Inc. 6. Love, A.E.H., “A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity,” Dover 7. Sokolnikoff, I.S., “Mathematical Theory of Elasticity,” McGraw-‐Hill 8. Boresi, A.P. and Chong, K.P., “ Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics,” Elsevier 9. Filonenko-‐Borodich, M., “Theory of Elasticity,” Foreign Language Publishing House, Moscow 10. Fung, Y.C., “Foundations of Elasticity, “ Prentice-‐Hall 11. Mall, A.K. and Singh, S., “Deformation of Elastic Solids,” Prentice-‐Hall 12. Mushkelisvilli, N.I., “Some Basic Problems of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity,” Noordhoff 13. Scada, “Elasticity -‐ Theory and Applications,” Pergamon Press 14. Wang, C. , “Applied Elasticity,” McGraw-‐Hill