VBS Registration is now open!

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Hospitalized: Cassandra Boston, PARCWay– OKC. Cleo Liles, North Hills 305. Robert Hall, VA 345. Jay Harris, Springdale
P.O. Box 1324 - Fayetteville, AR 72702 E-mail: [email protected]

Corner of College and Dickson Website: www.fbcfayetteville.org

"Voice" (USPS 195-220) is published weekly except Thanksgiving week and Christmas week by First Baptist Church, College and Dickson, Fayetteville, AR 72702. Periodicals postage paid at Fayetteville, AR. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to "Voice," c/o First Baptist Church, P.O. Box 1324, Fayetteville, AR 72702-1324

Grades 3 & 4 Kitchen Chaos

Tuesday, July 10 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Cost: $8 per person Join us as we learn some basic kitchen skills & make some yummy recipes! Space is limited to 15 children Reserve your place by Monday, July 9. You can register your child by e-mailing Lisa at [email protected].

Phone: 479-442-2387 Church Staff Extension Pastor - Douglas Falknor ......................... 6212 Associate Pastor - Josh Mauldin ............. 6216 Minister of Music - Mike Paslay ............... 6219 Minister of Adults - Lance Brewer ........... 6218 Children’s Minister - Lisa Wheat ............. 6220 Student Minister - David Powell ............... 6225 Church Administrator - Kevan Kutter ...... 6217 Pastor’s Secretary - Sheila Smith ............ 6212 Pub. Secretary - Courtney Aldridge ......... 6211 Play Learn Director - Traci Burnett .......... 6222 Preschool Coordinator - Linda Dilley ....... 6223 Security - Ethan Lacey ............................ 6226

Praise Record—July 1 Sunday School Attendance .......................... 485 Morning Worship .......................................... 541 Freedom Picnic............................................. 158 Received for week ................................. $41,812 Budgeted for week................................. $34,106 Expenses for week ................................ $32,170 Received in month to date ..................... $41,812 Budgeted month to date ........................ $34,106 Expenses for month............................... $32,170 Received in 2018 ................................. $977,760 Budgeted in 2018 ............................. $1,057,296 Expenses for 2018............................... $988,547 One Heart One Treasure This week ........................................... $1,287 This year .......................................... $37,709

Hospitalized: Cassandra Boston, PARCWay– OKC Cleo Liles, North Hills 305 Robert Hall, VA 345 Jay Harris, Springdale Health & Rehab #6 ETC—July 8 Babies 1: Bob Butter, Gun & Rebecca Coaty Babies 2: David & Carolina Gonzalez Toddlers: Doug & Courtney Aldridge Twos: Micah & Jenny Stewart Threes: Charlie & Sarah Jaynes Preschool: Johnny & Kati Bullington Van Driver– July 8 Tina Lacey (479-640-3763) Mike Luttrell (871-7090)

MISSION TRIP 2018 July 27-August 4

Many supplies are still needed to help support youth camp activities in Ecuador in a few weeks. Please help us to make camp as successful as possible by donating some of these items:

- Balloons (all sizes) - Sponges (all sizes) Please return items to the bin at - Batteries (all sizes) the information desk by July 22. - Silly Spray Contact Healey Ikerd for any - 6 Boxes of Graham questions. Thank you for your Crackers support! - 3 Jars of Nutella

- 4 Packages of Marshmallows - 3 Soccer Balls - Spanish Bibles (NVI Version- $3.99 on Amazon)

Deacon of the Week July 8-14 Jeff Boogaart (530-1822) Sympathy The church extends Christian love and sympathy to Scott and Mary Martin and family on the loss of Scott’s mother, Carolyn Martin, on July 3. The church extends Christian love and sympathy to John David True on the loss of his wife, Gail, on July 5. Visitation will be Friday, July 13 at 5pm at Nelson Berna Funeral Home and her memorial service will be at 10am Saturday, July 14 in the Chapel at FBC.

First Baptist Church 20 East Dickson Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-442-2387 www.fbcfayetteville.org


9:15am 9:45 11:00 4:30pm 5:00 6:00

Serve Camp @ Glorieta (Youth) AM Worship Team Rehearsal Sunday School Morning Worship ENGAGE Rehearsal Stewardship C., CR ENGAGE Worship Women’s Prison Ministry


Serve Camp @ Glorieta (Youth) Deacon’s Meeting, N 122

10:00am 11:30 4:30pm 6:00

Serve Camp @ Glorieta (Youth) Kitchen Chaos (3-4 gr.) Betty Wright Class Luncheon, Atrium FBC Golf, Brush Creek Quilting at Women’s Prison

9:30am 10:00 6:15pm


STASH Busters, LA 173 Club 56 to Altitude Park Children’s Summer Nights Summer Club 56 JH/HS Bible Study b H.E.A.R. d Study, Chapel Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal AM Worship Team Rehearsal


Game Day, Chapel

9:00am 10:00

VBS Prayer Walk VBS Work Day

9:15am 9:45 11:00 4:00pm 4:30 5:00 6:00

AM Worship Team Rehearsal Sunday School Morning Worship Public Relations C., N 123 ENGAGE Rehearsal VBS Volunteer Meeting, MH ENGAGE Worship Women’s Prison Ministry Regular Business Meeting SNAC (Youth) @ the Brewer’s

7:00 7:30

Sign up at the Information center to help in VBS. If you cannot be there during VBS, we have lots of other places to help before the week begins.

Pray - for the children, families, and teachers

Teach – we are in need of 20 more teachers & helpers, specifically in the Preschool & Middle School.

Time – give of your time before the week of VBS to help decorate, prepare crafts, gather supplies.

Resources – we have a giving tree with a list of things we need for VBS.

Invite - unchurched children to come to VBS & offer them a ride. Flyers can be picked up in the church office.

If you can help in any of these areas, please sign up at the information center desk or contact Lisa, 442-2387, Ex. 6220.

We have flyers, postcards, & email invites available for you to invite your friends & neighbors who do not have a church home!

VBS Registration is now open!

Fitness & Fellowship When? Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00pm in Mitchell Hall Bring your own exercise mat! Donations to help cover costs are greatly appreciated. (Donations on certain nights will go to FBC or local ministries.) For questions, contact Staci Heaton at 479-220-7650

Church Work Day Saturday, July 28 8:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sign up online, in the Information Center, or in the Atrium.

We are in need of a part-time security/custodian. The position pays a fair wage and provides an apartment onsite. For more information or applications, contact Kevan Kutter, at 442-2387 ext 6217 or [email protected]

If you haven’t picked up your CD yet, see Lisa Wheat. We will give out one per family. This will help your child learn the music prior to VBS.

Monday - VBS T-shirt day Tuesday - Baseball Day Wednesday - Razorback Day Thursday - Super Fan Day Friday - Awesome Hat day VBS T-shirts Shirts will be available for pickup July 11!

VBS 2018

Serve Camp @ Glorieta Pray for our group July 4 - 10 Jeff Boogaart Jennifer Boogaart Meredith Boogaart Nicholas Gebauer Anna Hall Gunner Husnian Karly Mahan Amelia Peters David Powell Erica Powell Matthew Mahan Rebekah Person Joelle Tidwell Tori Shelton

Thursday, July 12 11:30 am - 2:00 pm North Building Chapel Join us for a great time of fellowship around the domino tables. We will start playing games at 11:30, break for a bite to eat at noon and then

Wednesday, July 11 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Cost:$13 Includes admission & lunch Waivers must be on file at Altitude before we leave. Please let us know if your child will be attending by Sunday, July 8 [email protected] or 442-2387, Ex. 6220. Parent sponsors & drivers will also be needed.

JULY 16-20 VBS Prayer Walk Saturday, July 14 - 9:00 a.m. We invite you to set aside some time to join us on our VBS Prayer Walk, committing next week to the Lord and asking Him to work in mighty ways. You will have a prayer guide to follow as you walk through the rooms where VBS will take place.

Leadership Sunday for all Sunday School Leaders

SERVE– one another August 5, 2018 Leadership Development and Training Day. 9am-2pm Jeff Ward will be our key note speaker for the day. Jeff is on staff at Watermark Church in Dallas, TX as the Director of External Focus, where he enjoys helping others understand how they can deploy their gifts, skills, and passions to bring honor to God and serve to their community. Jeff will be preaching in morning worship service as well as leading our Adult Sunday School leaders’ development sessions.