control of active and reactive power generated by the DFIG based WT. ... Variable
speed wind turbine; Doubly fed induction generator; Pitch control; Vector.
: 2009 :9 :2
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Memorial university of Newfoundland St. John’s, NL, Canada A1B3X5 1
[email protected]
ABSTRACT Variable speed wind turbines (WT) based on the Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is commercially offered and is frequently used in grid connected mode. The variable speed operation in such wind turbines is achieved by means of a four-quadrant ac-dc-ac power converter among the rotor winding and the grid while the stator is directly connected to the grid. Below rated wind speed, tracking the maximum power/torque curve realized by speed/current control mode while pitch control ensures the rated power for above rated wind speed. In this research, a maximum power control strategy is incorporated with the DFIG whereby the produced power serves as the dynamic active power reference for the DFIG. Stator flux oriented vector control is applied to decouple the control of active and reactive power generated by the DFIG based WT. Details of the control strategy and system simulation results in Simulink are presented in the paper to show the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. Keywords: Variable speed wind turbine; Doubly fed induction generator; Pitch control; Vector control; Maximum power control.
: d- and q- axis stator voltages
respectively Vdr , Vqr : d- and q- axis rotor voltages respectively. I ds , I qs : d- and q- axis stator currents respectively. I dr , I qr : d- and q- axis rotor currents respectively. ϕ ds , ϕ qs : d- and q- axis stator flux linkages respectively. Received Date: 05.02.2009 Accepted Date: 05.11.2009
ϕ dr , ϕ qr
: d- and q-axis rotor flux linkages
respectively. Rs , Rr : Stator and rotor resistances respectively. Ls , Lr : Stator and rotor inductances respectively. Lm : Mutual inductance of stator and rotor. ωm , ωs , ωr : Mechanical, synchronous and rotor speeds respectively. Pm , Ps , Qs : Mechanical, stator active and rotor reactive powers respectively.
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Tm , Te : Mechanical and electrical torques respectively.
2. INTRODUCTION A Doubly-Fed Induction Generator can realize the variable speed operation and thus maximize the output power from the wind turbine [1]. The rotor windings of the DFIG are fed to the grid via a four-quadrant ac-dc-ac power converter. This arrangement has several advantages including rotor speed variation from sub synchronous to super synchronous speed based on the wind speed, independent control of active and reactive power and reduced flicker.
Fig. 1 A typical Grid connected WT based on DFIG
Typically the rotor converter adapts the slip power (usually 25% of the generator rating), which results in reduced cost of the converter system. A typical grid connected WT based on DFIG is presented in Fig. 1. Two converters namely, Rotor side converter (RSC) and Grid side converter (GSC) are an integral part of such configuration. Scalar or vector control of the DFIG allows optimum performance of the system. The vector control
literature [3-5]. The strategies are based on the fact that below rated wind speed (BRWS), the WT will trace the maximum power/torque curve and above rated wind speed (ARWS), the output power is limited to its rated power. To trace the maximum power/torque curve, speed/current control mode is favored, while pitch regulation ensures the rated power for ARWS of the WT. The scope of the present work is limited to the development of a control strategy for operation BRWS. The proposed maximum power extraction control strategy for the DFIG based grid connected wind turbine employs the produced power as a dynamic active reference power for the DFIG in BRWS mode. A fourth order DFIG model is developed and stator flux orientation vector control scheme is adopted to decouple the control of active and reactive power production by the DFIG. The q- axis component of the rotor current is controlled to achieve the control of active power production by the DFIG while d- axis component of the rotor current is controlled to achieve the control of reactive power production. The control of the grid side converter is not of primary concern for this study as the focus of the work is the tracking of the maximum power of the wind turbine and the control of the active and reactive power produced by the stator of the DFIG. This paper is organized as follows. The second section gives a short overview of the DFIG based WT. In the third section, the characteristics of the wind turbine are depicted. The dynamic model of the DFIG and controller analysis is presented in the fourth and fifth sections respectively, and the sixth section contains the simulation results. Finally, the findings of the investigations are highlighted in the conclusions.
scheme (VCS) is favored when a fast dynamic response and accurate control is required [2]. Applying VCS allows decouple control of active and reactive power produced by the DFIG. The RSC can realize the decouple control of active and reactive power by adopting the stator flux or voltage control strategy while the GSC can realize the control of the DC link and network power factor by using the grid voltage oriented vector control strategy.
A wind turbine can be characterized by the nondimensional curve of power coefficient Cp as a function of Tip-Speed Ratio (TSR) λ, where, λ is given in terms of rotor speed, ωm (rad/s), wind speed, V (m/s), and rotor radius, R (m) as Rωm λ= (1) V
Based on the control of DFIG and WT, several control strategies have been proposed in the
Wind turbine power coefficient, Cp is dependent upon λ. If pitch angle, β is incorporated, Cp
1059 Vector Control Of A Dfig Based Wind Turbine
and β ,
C p = f ( λ , β ) . The power coefficient as a
function of λ and β can be expressed as [6]
Pmax = k pV 3 = kopt ωm 3
⎛ 116 ⎞ − 0.4β − 5 ⎟ e λi C p ( λ , β ) = 0.5176 ⎜ ⎝ λi ⎠ +0.0068λ
1 0.035 − 3 λ + 0.08β β + 1
Fig. 2 Power coefficient as a function of tipspeed ratio and pitch angle.
C p = f ( λ , β ) curves for some β values
are shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that as β increases, Cp decreases, thus reducing the power produced by the WT. The mechanical output power of the wind turbine can be expressed as Pm = 0.5 ρ AC p ( λ , β ) V 3 = K1 (ωm )
where, ρ is the air density (kg.m-3) and A is the rotor rotational area, i.e., πR2. The corresponding torque produced by the wind turbine is given by (4) which simplifies to (5) Tm =
Tm = K1 (ωm )
K1 = 0.5 ρ AC p ( λ , β )
yield (6) and the referenced wind turbine with a variation in wind speed is presented in Fig 2.
λ 3OPT
This maximum power value at various wind speed may be derived by using (1) and (4) to
In order to obtain the maximum power, the pitch angle (β) is usually held to an optimum value (typically less then 100 [4]) for BRWS and a rate limiter is often used to limit the rate of change of the pitch angle. Present concern of this paper assumes the pitch
Fig. 3 Wind turbine output power as a function of rotational speed of the turbine
4. DYNAMIC MODEL OF DFIG In order to investigate the actual behavior of the DFIG, dynamic equation needs to be considered for more realistic observation. From the point of view of the control of the machine, the dq representation of an induction machine leads to control flexibility. The dynamic behavior of the DFIG in synchronous reference frame can be represented by the Park equations provided all the rotor quantities are referred to the stator side. The stator and rotor voltages are expressed as follows: ⎧ ⎪Vds ⎪ ⎪ V ⎪⎪ qs ⎨ ⎪V ⎪ dr ⎪ ⎪V qr ⎩⎪
dϕ ds ⎫ − ωsϕ qs ⎪ dt ⎪ dϕ qs ⎪ = Rs iqs + + ωsϕ ds ⎪⎪ dt ⎬ dϕ = Rr idr + dr − (ωs − ωr )ϕqr ⎪ ⎪ dt ⎪ dϕ qr = Rr iqr + + (ωs − ωr )ϕ dr ⎪ dt ⎭⎪ = Rs ids +
The flux linkage equations of the stator and rotor can be related to their currents and are expressed as follows: J.E. QUAICOE
1060 Vector Control Of A Dfig Based Wind Turbine
⎧ϕds ⎪ ⎪ϕqs ⎨ ⎪ϕdr ⎪ϕqr ⎩
= Lss ids + Lm idr ⎫ ⎪ = Lss iqs + Lm iqr ⎪ ⎬ = Lrr idr + Lm ids ⎪ = Lrr iqr + Lm iqs ⎪⎭
where, Lss = Ls + Lm and Lrr = Lr + Lm The electromagnetic torque developed by the DFIG is related to the torque supplied by the turbine and can be expressed as d ωm Te = 1.5 p (ϕ ds iqs − ϕ qs ids ) = 2 H + Bωm + Tm dt (9) where, Tm is positive for motoring operation and negative for generator operation. Equations (7) to (9) are the set of differential equations which represent a fourth order model for describing the dynamic behavior of DFIG.
5. VECTOR CONTROL STRATEGY In order to achieve a decouple control of active and reactive power, stator flux oriented vector control scheme is adopted. Based on the previous research the following assumptions are considered: •
Stator voltage drop across resistance has been neglected as the effect of stator resistance is quite low compared to the grid voltage [5]. The DFIG is connected to a stiff grid, i.e., the frequency and
amplitude of the stator or grid voltage is assumed constant [7]. Magnetizing current of the stator is assumed to be determined by the grid [7]. The q-axis is 900 ahead of the d-axis and rotating at synchronous speed in the direction of rotation [8]. The stator flux vector is aligned with the d-axis of the stator [8].
The above assumptions lead to the following ⎪⎧Vds = 0 ⎪⎫ ⎪⎧ϕ ds = ϕ s ⎪⎫ (10) ⎨ ⎬ and ⎨ ⎬ = V V ⎪⎩ qs ⎪ s⎭ ⎩⎪ϕ qs = 0 ⎭⎪ Neglecting the stator resistance, i.e., Rs = 0 (7) becomes dϕds ⎧ ⎫ ⎪Vds = 0 = dt − ωsϕqs ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ dϕqs ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪Vqs = ωsϕ ds = Vs = dt + ωsϕ ds ⎪⎪ (11) ⎨ ⎬ ⎪V = R i + dϕ dr − (ω − ω )ϕ ⎪ r dr s r qr ⎪ dr ⎪ dt ⎪ ⎪ d ϕ ⎪V = R i + qr + (ω − ω )ϕ ⎪ qr r qr s r dr dt ⎩⎪ ⎭⎪
And (8) becomes ⎧ϕ s = Lss ids + Lm idr ⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪0 = Lss iqs + Lm iqr ⎪ ⎨ ⎬ ⎪ϕdr = Lrr idr + Lm ids ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ϕqr = Lrr iqr + Lm iqs ⎭
1061 Vector Control Of A Dfig Based Wind Turbine
Fig. 4 Block diagram of the control system
Fig. 5 Simulink model of the DFIG based wind turbine The rotor voltages are then obtained as Md. ARIFUJJAMAN M.T. IQBAL
1062 Vector Control Of A Dfig Based Wind Turbine
⎧ ⎪Vdr ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪Vqr ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩⎪
⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎬ (13) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎡⎛ Lm 2 ⎞ LmVs ⎤ ⎪ + (ωs − ωr ) ⎢⎜ Lrr − ⎥⎪ ⎟ idr + Lss ⎠ ωs Lss ⎦⎥ ⎭⎪ ⎢⎣⎝
⎛ L 2 ⎞ di = Rr idr + ⎜ Lrr − m ⎟ dr Lss ⎠ dt ⎝ ⎡ ⎛ L 2 ⎞⎤ − ⎢(ωs − ωr ) ⎜ Lrr − m ⎟ ⎥ iqr Lss ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎝ ⎣⎢ 2 ⎛ L ⎞ diqr = Rr iqr + ⎜ Lrr − m ⎟ Lss ⎠ dt ⎝
The active and reactive power produced in the stator, the rotor fluxes and voltages can be written in terms of the rotor current as [9] − Lm ⎧ ⎫ ⎪ Ps = L Vs * iqr ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ss ⎨ ⎬ 2 V V L ⎪Q = s − s m * i ⎪ dr ⎪⎩ s ωs Lss ⎪⎭ Lss (14)
Thus from (14), the q-axis current vector component, iqr can be used to regulate the active power generated by the stator of DFIG while, idr can be used to control the reactive power produced by the stator. Essentially, control of the active and reactive power is decoupled and a decoupler is not necessary. A block diagram of the control system is presented in Fig. 4.
5. SIMULATION RESULTS The system described above is simulated using Matlab-SimulinkTM blocks and the simulink model is presented in Fig 5. The stator of the DFIG is connected to a 690 V rms, 60 Hz network. The DFIG is rated at 2MW and the
Rotational speed (pu)
2 Time (sec)
Fig. 6 Variation of rotational speed with time
1063 Vector Control Of A Dfig Based Wind Turbine
4 q-axis rotor current component d-axis rotor current component
2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0
2 Time (sec)
Fig. 7 q- and d- axis rotor current component
6 Stator active power Stator reactive power
2 Power (pu)
Current (pu)
-8 0
2 Time (sec)
Fig. 8 Stator generated active and reactive power
1064 Vector Control Of A Dfig Based Wind Turbine
rotor is fed to the grid via an ac-dc (RSC) and dc-ac (GSC) converters. Built-in converters of Simulink for the RSC and GSC are considered for the simulation. The nominal DC link voltage is set to 1200V and the DC capacitance is 16mF.
through d-axis rotor current. Further development of the system including grid side converter control will be presented in a future paper.
A step increase in wind speed from 8.4 m/s to 12.0 m/s is applied after a stable condition (2 seconds). Although such a step change is not very realistic, the change can be considered as the most drastic change from the point of the control of the system. The simulation is started from 2 seconds and within 3 seconds all the quantities reach to their steady state values. The speed of the wind turbine increases (from .82 pu to 1.2 pu) due to the change in wind speed (Fig. 6) which ensures the maximum power production as found in the reference wind turbine modeling curve corresponding to this two wind speeds(Fig. 3). The corresponding power increase from 0.21 pu to 0.7 pu (Fig. 8) while reactive power remains the same. The power curve for both active and reactive power contains ripple and is mainly due to the controller parameters. An average value is considered to describe the power quantity.
As a result of the change in active power production by the DFIG, the q-axis component of the rotor current increases to 0.5 pu and remains at that value afterwards while d-axis component of the rotor current remain unchanged (Fig. 7) thus show the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
Lumped constant
Various challenges to system simulation were experienced during the simulation. Limiters and memory elements have been placed in several nodes to eliminate convergence problems. However, this limits the range of effective parameter variations. In particular, the controller parameters tuning need more attention. In further work, methods of removing such limitations will be reported.
7. CONCLUSIONS Discussion of the dynamic modeling and associated control strategy of a DFIG based wind turbine has been presented. The stator flux oriented vector control scheme is incorporated with the DFIG control to realize the fast and accurate control. Active power production by the DFIG is controlled through the q-axis rotor current while reactive power Md. ARIFUJJAMAN M.T. IQBAL
The authors would like to thank the National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Canada for providing financial support of this research Appendix
Rated power Stator voltage
2MW 690V 0.0108pu
Rs Rr
0.11pu Inertia
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M. T. IQBAL received the B.Sc.(EE) degree from the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore in 1986, the M. Sc. Nuclear Engineering degree from the Quaid-eAzam University, Islamabad in 1988 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Imperial College London in 1994. From 1988 to 1991 and from 1995 to 1999 he worked at the Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Science (, Islamabad, Pakistan as an Assistant Engineer and later as a Senior Engineer. From 1999 to 2000 he worked as an Associate Professor at, Riphah International University ( Since 2001 he is working at Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland. His teaching activities cover a range of electrical engineering topics including control systems, power electronics and renewable energy systems. His research focuses on modeling and control of renewable energy systems.
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John E. QUAICOE received the B.Sc. degree from the University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana in 1973, and the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto, Canada in 1977 and 1982 respectively. In 1982 he joined the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland, where he is presently a Professor and Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) with teaching and research activities in power electronics and related areas. His undergraduate and graduate teaching activities are in the areas of electric circuit analysis, electronic circuit analysis and design, energy systems, power electronics and power electronics systems, including modeling, analysis, control and design of power converters for various applications. Dr. Quaicoe was the recipient of the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching at Memorial University of Newfoundland for 2001 and the IEEE Canada Outstanding Educator Medal for 2002. His research activities include inverter modulation and control techniques, utility interface systems and power quality, and uninterruptible power supplies. His recent research activities focus on the development of power electronic systems and control strategies for fuel cells and wind generation systems. He is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland and Labrador.